Families Magazine - Brisbane Apr/May 2015 Family Health & Easter Holiday Fun

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Issue 9: April/May 2015 www.FamiliesMagazine.com.au


From North Lakes to Redland Bay and everywhere in between

Family Passes to Australia Zoo page 31



HOLIDAY FUN Reading food labels Baby sling advice Reading with young children Communicating with teens and more…








Issue 9 April/May 2015

Contents Welcome to our ‘Family Health and Easter Holiday Fun’ issue When I started Families Magazine – Brisbane, I wanted to create a magazine that gave local Brisbane organisations a platform to talk to Brisbane families. I hoped that, though our magazine, we could provide a space for these organisations, large and small, to share their collective wisdom, their family friendly venues and events and their stories. We print a new magazine every two months, so remember to pick up Families Magazine when you see it – it’s the only free family magazine in Brisbane written locally for Brisbane families. Every issue is packed with useful, relevant and local stories that we hope inspire you and your Brisbane family. From Baby Slings to Teenage conversations, we’ve covered a range of ages and stages in this Family Health issue. Does your new little Preppie bring home ‘readers’? Check out our article ‘What Makes a Confident Reader’ (it’s more about you than them at this age!) Do you know what a Demi-Pair is or why one would come to stay with your family? Check out pages 14-15 to find out the difference an au pair and a demi-pair and read the comments from other families about how hosting one has changed their lives! And of course Easter is coming! We’ve contacted all Brisbane’s family friendly venues and activities and compiled the best printed listing to keep you and yours happily busy over the school holidays. Remember to visit our website’s calendar for more events and our Facebook page for last minute offers. If you search Facebook/Twitter/Instagram using #familiesmagfun or #weknowbecausewego you can find even more Brisbane fun for your family (usually because we’ve been, tested it and done a review!)

Families Magazine Brisbane – for everyone in every family.



Families News

Find out what is happening in and around Brisbane



Could your baby be gifted? Reading with your children



Help your children cope with your divorce Communicating with Teenagers 14-21 Family Health Host an Au-demi pair

Sew – you can make it yourself Baby Sling Advice

22-25 Clubs, Classes & Activities Over 120 local clubs, classes, activities

and venues for children aged 0 - 17

26-29 Families Fun Circle the fun things you plan to do

with your family over the school holidays and beyond

Cover image courtesy of the Financio Family, Forest Lake. Visit our website to enter our Front Cover Competition for 2016 www.familiesmagazine.com.au/competitions

Janine - Editor

Behind every young child who believes in themselves is a parent who believed first – Matthew L Jacobson

Next issue: June/July 2015 – Deadline: 5pm Friday 1 May 2015

Focus on CHILDREN’S PARTIES & WINTER DAYS OUT Readership 75,000 every issue. Published 6 times a year. For families in Brisbane, Redlands, Logan and the Moreton Region. © Families Magazine 2015.

CONTACT US: Families Magazine – Brisbane, P O Box 1018, Brighton 4017 07 3265 5738 Editor@FamiliesMagazine.com.au

Families Magazine – Brisbane is audited by the Audited Media Association of Australia; CAB giving you assurance that our claims to distribution & readership are accurate.

www.FamiliesMagazine.com.au Printed by Inprint an Enviromentally Certified Company

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Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


Our Readers


Antoniuk Family - Brighton

Claffey Family - The Gap

Ho Family - Doolandella April/May 2015


Kelly Family - North Lakes

McDonough Family - Forest Lake

Shelton Family - Nort hgate

Financio Family - Forest Lake

McPherson Family Northgate

rm Spur Family - New Fa

Knapp Family - Fore st Lake

Pickersgill Family - Cannon Hill

Tansey Family - Brac ken


Visit our website to enter our Front Cover Competition for 2016 www.familiesmagazine.com.au/competitions 4

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

Families News

Wholesomeness Opens Bricks & Mortar Shop in Grange Wholesomeness is not only an organic wholefood delivery service, nourishing families across Brisbane and South East Queensland, but they also stock prepared meals to family owned Drakes Supa IGAs and have now opened a café and takeaway food shop at the Grange. Operating as both a pick-up point for prepared meal packages ordered online, they operate as a café, takeaway food provider and you can pick up tonight’s fully prepared dinner from the display cabinet. Wholesomeness dishes up all-day breakfasts and hearty

Professional Midwife Assistance - Before, During & After Childbirth Brand new to Brisbane, The MAMA Centre is a holistic Midwifery & Allied health professional service providing pregnancy care, education and support for Greater Brisbane women and their families. The MAMA Centre is a passionate team of professional midwives who are pregnancy and parenting specialists who partner with women and their families to support them in achieving a calm and positive birthing and transition to parenthood experience. The MAMA Midwives are able to offer Medicare rebates for antenatal and postnatal services. MAMA believes that pregnancy, labour and birth are profound events and that independent advice, continuity of care and the respect provided by midwives improves physical and emotional outcomes for mothers. They provide individual guidance and additional support to families who have chosen other primary models of care, be it public, private hospital or shared care. Families who visit the MAMA Centre have the opportunity to use the space to enjoy pregnancy yoga, mums and bubs yoga, pregnancy specific chiropractic and massage therapy. To see what they can do for you and your family contact The MAMA Centre on 3333 1732 or email infoqld@midwivesandmothers.com.au

meals such as a serve of pulled pork with poached eggs, potato hash, spinach and tomato jam from their brand new in-house menu. Their coffee is from specialty local roaster Rouge Coffee and they cater really well to kids with only healthy options available. It’s the perfect after school re-fuelling station. The menu changes daily but you’ll always be treated to a selection of acai bowls, coldpressed juices, smoothies and gourmet salad options. Check them out: www.wholesomeness.com.au

Fitness Fever Hits Oxley and Tennyson Oxley & Tennyson pre-schoolers are set for a fun-filled year with the commencement of Oxley’s Ready Steady Go Kids program. Local residents Keryn Rigg and Lynsey Vinen have opened the super fun Ready Steady Go Kids; a fun, physio designed multi-sport and exercise program for children aged 21/2 to 6 years old. They hope to use their passion for sport to teach local children new skills and build confidence for life, while encouraging positive attitudes towards exercise. Ready Steady Go Kids is specially designed to suit pre-schoolers’ developmental needs, teaching them the essentials of ten different sports in a fun, team-based environment. It allows children to try new activities, promotes self-esteem and fosters happy, healthy lifestyles. The rapidly growing business will become a hub for the Greater Oxley community, bringing children, parents, family and friends together through physical activity. Ready Steady Go Kids Offer a FREE trial class. Please call 1300 766 892. Classes are run at the Queensland Tennis Centre and the Oxley State School. For class timetable please visit www.readysteadygokids.com.au/enrol

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015



Early Identification of Giftedness


rom the moment a baby is born, parents, family members and caregivers are constantly looking for reassurance that the infant is developing ‘normally’. Such attention is usually focused upon the baby reaching developmental milestones at the expected age or within what is regarded as a reasonable timeframe. Adults generally acknowledge that there can be individual differences in development and that infants can be slightly delayed in reaching some developmental milestones without this being a cause for concern. When a baby or infant appears to be developmentally delayed by several months, attentive parents will approach a medical practitioner, paediatrician or other child development specialist to seek reassurance that this developmental delay is within the normal range of development. If their child is found to have significant delays, parents naturally want to identify a cause for this delay (if possible) and to establish ways in which they can help


to progress the child’s development. Attentive, aware and nurturing parents who arrange early identification, intervention and supports for the child who is developmentally delayed will achieve the best possible long-term outcomes for their child. What happens if the infant’s development is not ‘normal’, but in a different way? What happens if an infant’s attainment of developmental milestones does not fall within the expected age range but instead, these milestones are achieved ahead of the expected age range? Parents generally acknowledge that there can be individual differences in development and that infants can be slightly ahead in reaching some developmental milestones without this provoking comment. As with developmental delays, it is the degree of variance from the expected norm that seems to focus caregivers’ attention. Lists of the expected developmental milestones and the ages at which these are expected to be achieved are freely available. Despite what is listed, parents understand that a child’s

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2014

development is not always linear, evenly spaced and consistent with the details on a chart. Babies and infants who are achieving milestones approximately one-third ahead of the expected age should be carefully observed to see if this was just a brief growth spurt or if this is a consistent pattern of advanced development. An infant, who exhibits other behaviours such as: an unusual level of alertness, heightened awareness and perception, greater curiosity, extended concentration span and advanced play patterns, may be exhibiting behaviours that are consistent with advanced development or giftedness. Just as parents of children with developmental delays might experience, there can be discomfort, distress or denial about a child’s developmental difference. Unsure what to do, a parent may initially ignore or deny that a child appears different from most other children in any way. Parents of young children with advanced development rarely seek clarification or suggestions from parents of other young children, afraid that their comments

Education and questions may be perceived as boasting about their own child’s development. Within extended families, it may be seen as natural for a grandparent to exclaim excitedly about an infant’s behaviour or comment on what a young child can do; however this is easily dismissed as the bias of a proud grandparent rather than an informed awareness based upon their experience as a parent. Unless a child has behavioural difficulties or a concurrent area of disability (referred to as twice-exceptional), rarely do parents approach a paediatrician or other child development specialist to obtain information or advice if an infant or young child appears to be significantly advanced in attaining milestones, believing that such specialists are only available if the child is thought to have a delay or developmental disorder. Young children can show the early signs of being gifted, together with a disability, but often learning disabilities may not become apparent until a child starts school. Emeritus Professor Miraca Gross, Director of the Gifted Education Research, Resource and Information Centre (GERRIC) at the University of New South Wales, makes an important distinction about the degree of difference from the norm when she explains that every child is a gift; every child has relative strengths; however not every child is gifted because giftedness is a psychological and educational term that refers to the top ten percent of the population.

"Babies and infants who are achieving milestones approximately one-third ahead of the expected age should be carefully observed…" Giftedness is not related to the value of a child. Surely we value and treasure every child, irrespective of their intellectual abilities and developmental stage. Parents understand that children learn and progress at different rates. Gifted children are able to learn and progress more quickly than others of a similar chronological age. This process starts early, with babies and infants demonstrating their advanced abilities by attaining developmental milestones at an earlier age than other children of the same age.

The early identification of delays, disabilities and needs can inform the ways in which parents and professionals can intervene early to support children who experience developmental difficulties. Similarly, the early identification of strengths, abilities and an understanding of the level of the child’s developmental advancement can guide parents and professionals in how they can appropriately stimulate, support and plan for young children who are gifted. It is never too early for parents to gain a better understanding of their child and to learn how to provide for their child’s needs.

Michele Juratowitch, Director of Clearing Skies, provides counselling for gifted children and the parents of alert, developmentally advanced children of all ages. Michele was awarded a Churchill Fellowship. She is conducting the Stuartholme STEAM Residential for gifted girls in Years 5 & 6: https:// www.stuartholme.com/event/steamresidential/ E: michele@clearingskies.com.au W: www.clearingskies.com.au P: 3378 0888

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015



What makes a confident reader?


ave you ever seen a child who is able to read a passage of text aloud only to be stumped when it comes to explaining what they have just read? A child’s reading development is a gradual process and as parents, being there to support them every step of the way can ensure your child becomes a confident reader with a love of books.

Reading to our children has always been recommended but how we read to our children may be just as important. It’s not always easy after a long day but the next time you read to your children, think about reading a book as telling them a story. This might mean changing your voice to signify a character is speaking or

Many parents think that their bed-time story ritual is over as soon as their children are able to read by themselves. But reading doesn’t just mean saying words out loud, it means understanding what the text is trying to tell us.

3. Engage your child in the story. If your children can read, ask them to do one of the voices of the characters.

creating drama by whispering a secret. By modelling story-telling techniques, your child will understand and enjoy books more and more. And, as we know, children are quick to copy what we do so you can expect to see your child trying to read with expression and gain a greater understanding of the story in the process.

Book now for a school tour.


1. Pre-read the book first. This will help you to know when to show emotion and how, whether it be surprise, suspense, sadness etc. It also gives you time to practice different voices for different characters. 2. Read with enthusiasm. Take the mindset that you are telling a story, not just reading. Telling a story requires an element of performance; changes of voice or hand gestures are a good start, you don’t have to be an Oscar winner to hold your children’s attention.

While being able to recognise and pronounce words from what is seen on the page is an impressive feat, it does not always mean the child understands what the text is trying to say. It would be similar to reading a different language that uses the English alphabet – we can read it but we can’t understand it. One significant element which makes a confident reader is the skill of comprehension. Children who are able to comprehend what they read will start to see fantastic stories where they can escape to another world rather seeing words as text in front of them. So what can we do to support our children towards understanding what they’re reading? The answer is almost as old as a book itself.

Here are some tips to support you in modelling a love of reading to your children:

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2014

4. Check your children’s understanding of the text with questions like, ‘how do you think this character is feeling?’, ‘what do you think will happen next?’, ‘what happened to that character?’ 5. Continue to share books and stories even if they can read alone. Reading development is a journey that continues well after a child can pick up a book by themselves. Make your next book choice easier by visiting www.readtogether.com.au. Kumon Australia and New Zealand


Brisbane's upcoming

SCHOOL OPEN DAYS LIST For prospective students and parents

To promote Your 2015 School Open Day in the next issue (June/July 2015) contact our Editor. Email: Editor@FamiliesMagazine.com.au tel: 3265 5738 Please check the details of the events listed before setting off in case anything has changed since going to print.

All Hallows School (Fortitude Valley) Catholic Girls School Yr 5 - Yr 12. Sun 31 May www.ahs.qld.edu.au Anglican Church Grammar School - Churchie (East Brisbane) Anglican Boys School Reception-Yr 12. Thu 28 May 10am www.churchie.com.au Aviation High (Clayfield )Yr 7-12 Strong aviation focus. Sat 30 May 10am-1pm https://aviationhigh.eq.edu.au Brisbane Boys' College (Toowong) Prep-Yr 12 . Fri 14 Aug, Fri 28 Aug, Open Day Sun 24 May 1 - 4pm www.bbc.qld.edu.au Calvary Christian College (Carbrook Campus) Co-ed Childcare-Yr 12. Thu 7 May 5pm, Tue 16 Jun 5 pm, Fri 31 Jul 9am, Wed 2 Sep, Tue 27 Oct 5pm www. calvarycc.qld.edu.au Calvary Christian College (Springwood Campus) Prep-Yr 6. Tue 5 May 5pm, Thu 30 Jul 9am, Thu 3 Sep 9am, Thu 29 Oct 5pm www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au Cantebury College (Waterford) Indep co-ed Kindy - Yr 12. Fri 1 May 8-10am, Sat 30 May 9am-12pm www.canterbury.qld.edu.au Citipointe Christain College (Carindale) Indep Prep-Yr 12. Tue 5 May 9am www.brisbane.coc.edu.au Genesis Christian College (Bray Park) Indep co-ed School Prep-Yr 12. Tue 19 May 9–11am www.genesis.qld.edu.au Grace Lutheran College (Caboolture Campus) Co-ed Secondary College. Sun 31 May 1-4pm www.glc.qld.edu.au John Paul College (Daisy Hill) Co-ed Early Yrs-Yr 12. Tue 26 May 11.30am -2pm www.johnpaulcollege.com.au Mary MacKillop College (Nundah) Catholic Girl's Secondary School. Sun 31 May 2-4pm www.mmc.qld.edu.au Mount Alvernia College (Kedron) Catholic Girl's Secondary School. Sun 17 May 10-1pm www.mta.qld.edu.au Mount St Michael's College (Ashgrove) Catholic Girl's Secondary School. Sun 17 May 10:30-1pm www.msm.qld.edu.au Our Lady's College (Annerley) Catholic Girl's College Yr 7-Yr 12. Sat 16 May 10am-1pm www.ourladyscollege.qld.edu.au Padua College (Kedron) Catholic Boy's College Yr 5-Yr 12. Sun 17 May 11am-2pm www.padua.qld.edu.au Prince of Peace (Everton Park) Co-ed Kindy-Yr 12. Wed 27 May 8.30am www.princeofpeace.qld.edu.au San Sisto College (Carina) Secondary Girl's School. Sun 17 May 1-4pm www.sansisto.qld.edu.au Seton College (Mt Gravatt East) Catholic, co-ed secondary, focussing on students with learning needs. Tue 5 May 9am-10:30pm www.seton.qld.edu.au St John Fisher College (Bracken Ridge) Catholic Girls' Secondary School. Thu 14 May 3-6pm www.sjfc.qld.edu.au St Joseph's Nudgee College (Boondall) Catholic Boys' College Yr 5-Yr 12. Sat 30 May www.nudgee.com St Paul's School (Bald Hills) Anglican co-ed Prep-Yr 12. Fri 1 May 4.45pm, Tue 26 May 4-5.15pm www.stpauls.qld.edu.au St Thomas More College (Sunnybank) Catholic co-ed College Yr 7-Yr 12. Tue 5 May 9am & 4.15pm www.stmc.qld.edu.au West Moreton Anglican College (Ipswich) Co-ed Prep - Yr 12. Sat 23 May 10am-3pm www.wcc.qld.edu.au Westside Christian College (Goodna) Co-ed Preprep-Yr 12. Fri 1 May 5-8pm www.wcc.qld.edu.au

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015



Four ways to support your children during divorce “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about”. Angela Schwindt


arenting is one of life’s joys, but at the same time is one of life’s challenges. Parenting during separation and divorce is perhaps more of a ‘challenge’ than a ‘joy’. The breakdown of any significant relationship is one of the most difficult grief events many of us will ever experience. It is therefore no wonder that parenting during your divorce can be one of the most significant challenges you will face. The challenge of course is that children are also experiencing grief during a relationship breakdown. Depending on their age, temperament and understanding, they will of course deal with your divorce in very different ways. Divorce is a chance for a new beginning. The difficulty is that for many families, and particularly children, that new beginning is not expected, planned or chosen. A colleague far wiser than me often says to separating parents ‘Children get the parents in life they are given and not necessarily the ones that they need’. As parents we should always do our best to be the parents that our children need in any situation. This is particularly


If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few things that you can do to help your children through: • Don’t involve your children in matters between you and your former partner: Children do not need to know, and in most cases cannot even understand, the issues that would have led to the end of your marriage. There’s every chance that you don’t know either. Reassure your children that you both love them and they will continue to be a priority in your life. Seek professional assistance with your own emotions and do not impart your own feelings upon your children. • Be careful what you say about your former partner: We are all the biological products of our parents. We all understand that we are in essence half our mother and half our father, and perhaps children understand this better than anyone. By denigrating a child’s mother or father, you are at the same time slighting that child. This will cause harm to your children, and affect their capacity to grow into emotionally healthy adults. • Provide a consistent routine: There’s something to be said for all of us as human beings for a level of consistency and routine in our lives. This is so important during a separation. If children living between two households have the benefit of consistency of routine between those homes, they will have the best chance of feeling a sense of security, enabling them to enjoy all of the benefits of being a child. Your households do not need to be the same, nor do your parenting styles, but consistency with routines will promote security and reassure your children when so much is changing in their lives. • Shelter your children from conflict: Shelter your children from any arguments and disputes between you. Don’t them in the position of having to make decisions about things such as the time they will spend between you- they will feel torn and will often tell you things that they think you will want to hear to try and appease you and make you happy. They behave this way to try and show their love for you. Speak with your partner about how you might each manage difficult conversations with your children so that you are presenting your children with consistency and creating the security and boundaries that they need to grow and develop to their full potential.

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


"Reassure your children that you both love them and they will continue to be a priority in your life‌" so during divorce when our children will need so much from us and when we may ourselves be struggling to support them.

and to spend more time with their children than they may have been able to in the past.

Perhaps the most important thing to do to really help your children at this difficult time is to pause and really consider what it is that your children need from you. You know them better than anyone. The chances are that what they actually need might be different from what you want or what you hoped for or even from what you are feeling.

Divorce and separation are challenging times for all involved, but it is also an opportunity for a new beginning and sometimes positive change.

As a divorce lawyer I have met many parents who have spoken to me about how their divorce was an opportunity for them to be better parents, to be more involved

Be the best parent that you can be - the parent, (divorced or not), that your children need.

Clarissa Rayward is a Collaborative Family Lawyer & Family Mediator at Brisbane Family Law Centre www.brisbanefamilylawcentre.com.au

07 3862 1955

To find out more about the friendly team at Brisbane Family Law Centre watch their video

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015




n my role as school counsellor, I have the privilege of listening to and communicating with teenagers every day. This has given me a little bit of insight into their world and what they need and want in relation to communication. I have learnt that quite often it differs to the "don't talk to me" message they may often give off. To be honest, when young people present with different issues, most of the time they just want to be heard and accepted by you. To me this makes a lot of sense, as each of us are wired for intimacy and feel better about who we are and our place in the world when our relationships are safe, healthy and happy. The best way to connect with a teenager is to listen to them. Healthy communication can start from the minute your little one comes into the world. The foundation of good communication you lay as a baby, toddler and child will preface the kind of communication you will have with your teenager. Some of these timeless principles will

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5 Strategies for Communicating with Teenagers translate from each stage of your parenting. The key is to be fully present and available in your teenager's life as this primary relationship is the basis from which they will learn about healthy communication. I believe the best way to teach a child or teenager about communication is in how you model it in your own relationships, especially with them.

Here are 5 simple keys for modelling healthy communication to your teenager: 1. The art of connection - create space to communicate. In our fast paced, screen centered life styles we can easily loose valuable time to connect with one another. If this is the case it is important to become intentional and creative in creating space for communication and connection whether it comes naturally or not. Some suggestions include; doing activities of interest or normal every day activities together, special days out, dad/daughter & mum/son dates, play times, celebration of milestones, meals together, a daily recap conversation lying In bed, turning the TV (and other devices) off and tuning in to them through conversation, activity, fun and humour. Thus creating connection, a time to practice healthy communication skills, friendship, understanding and memories.

2. Rules of engagement Whether the communication with your teenager is good or poor, engaging them is half the battle

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

when it comes to communication. Therefore choose the most appropriate time and place to communicate, especially the important things. Some rules of engagement include; be present and avoid distractions, talk less and really listen to and affirm their feelings, when they know you are listening they will open up and communication can begin. Other really important yet simple keys are to make meaningful eye contact and have an interested and calm tone of voice and body language.

3. Stay calm - respond rather than react. Another way to engage your teenager and improve open communication is to stay calm in moments of shock and defiance. Responding with calm, neutral, mild or nonchalant body language, facial expressions and tone of voice will help to keep the window of communication open with your teenager as they are more likely to keep coming back to you if they know you will not react with panic or negative emotion. In these moments stay present, listen and respond to what they need. When you need to vent go to your spouse, a friend or a professional.

4. “Trust is built with consistency”Lincoln Chafee This quote could not be truer when it comes to teenagers. In order for trust to build in your relationship it pays to be consistent and clear in your communication. Keep rules, expectations and instructions simple, to a minimum and consistent i.e. follow through with what you say and if you can’t then reconsider saying it. Aim

Parenting to be assertive in your communication and resolving conflict, i.e. to be proactive, truthful, clear, upfront, calm, respectful, concise and rational in communicating what you want and need and allowing your teenager to do the same.

5. “If you talk to a man in a language he understands that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language that goes to his heart”Nelson Mandela. Spend time understanding your teenager and their language. Learn about their personality, gender specific communication style, love language, strengths, likes/dislikes, interests, passions and dreams. This will communicate to them that are valuable and significant. If I leave you with anything it would firstly be to talk less and listen, listen, listen. Secondly, most often your style of communication is also how your teenager will most likely learn to communicate. Therefore if you are unhappy with your teenager's way of communicating, then I encourage you to learn about, practice and model healthy ways of communication and over time you will notice a change. Author: Miss Louise Klar

"The key is to be fully present and available in your teenager's life…"

School Counsellor, Genesis Christian College

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Family Health

KEEP CALM AND HOST AN AU/DEMI PAIR If another pair of ‘adult hands’ to help you maintain the ‘calm’ at home sounds good, then perhaps you are in the market for an Au Pair or a Demi Pair? We spoke to Natasha Brown, founder of www.hostanaupair.com.au and a number of host families who shared their experiences with us…


he Au Pair industry – including Demi Pairs is growing rapidly in Australia. The cost and availability of mainstream childcare can make it inaccessible for many families. Hosting an Au/Demi Pair can be an affordable solution for families, whilst providing flexible childcare options. Tracey says ‘Our children are happier because they are cared for in their own home by someone they know.’ The labour market requirements of extended working days, casual employment and unexpected travel, often means traditional childcare options are not suitable. Shift workers, mining, defence and rural families have high representation in the Au/Demi Pair industry. These families enjoy the benefits of extra support the Au/Demi Pair provides particularly when many families are not near extended family, as well as child care options that suit the families’ individual needs. Ruth says ‘I am much happier as I no longer feel that after working a full and long week running my company that I have to spend all weekend doing household chores and get to do enjoyable things with the kids!’

"Au Pairs and Demi Pairs usually come to Australia for a cultural experience and to travel with the safety net of a family environment"

Tours available by appointment. Please contact our Enrolments Officer.

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Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

Family Health  What is an Au Pair? An Au Pair is someone who is (usually) from overseas, has a working holiday visa and provides childcare and light housework to a family. The family provides accommodation, meals and board and other incidentals which differ from family to family – such as access to a car, mobile phone, wifi. The family also provides pocket money to the au pair. Au Pairs can work from 20 – 45+ hours a week. This option is often suited to those who have smaller children not at school and who have an au pair care for their children full-time or with a mix of childcare. Pete says the best thing about hosting an au pair is ‘the opportunity to feel confident that my girls are safe and gaining a new big sister at the same time!’ An Au Pair can wake children, get them ready for their day, play with them, take them to activities, do craft and art activities, get them meals, baking, sports and anything that children get up to. Also, they can undertake light household duties and cleaning up after children. Beth says ‘I'm happy as the house is kept clean and orderly and my daughter has all her homework and chores done by the time I get home (so we get) much more quality time together.’

 What is a Demi Pair? A Demi Pair is similar to an Au Pair except that they don’t get paid. They don’t get paid because they do less hours and have less responsibility. Demi Pairs do between 15-20 hours work for the family per week in exchange for their food and accommodation. They also usually have other obligations outside the family home such as language school, other education or part-time employment. Demi Pairs may not be as flexible as Au Pairs with their availability; they are often more suited to school age children. There are instances where a family may only require Demi Pair hours but provide small pocket money so that they have some flexibility from a Demi Pair.

and to travel with the safety net of a family environment. Long term host families will attest that good Au/Demi pairs become not only lifelong friends but part of the family. Bek says ‘I love that we are inviting someone to join our family. We all learn so much about their home country, my toddlers more so. We now have extended family all over the world.’ Simon says the best thing for him about his family hosting is ‘A dinner night once a week with my wife got us talking again like we did pre-children.’

For more information and to find an Au/Demi Pair:  Demipair Brisbane have had wonderful successes with their placements and can offer a personalised service for both the students and the families. Students are now available for 12 to 24 week placements. www.demipairbrisbane.com.au  AuPair-Assist provides help, support, guidance and mediation during all stages of the process to both host families and AuPairs. www.AuPair-Assist.net  Host An Aupair Natasha Brown, author of this article, runs www.hostanaupair.com where members can use an online site to register and look for au pairs. This site is new and is free until August 2015. A full service agency is also available – fees apply – this may be particularly useful for first time host families. Natasha can be contacted on 0409 830 099 or admin@hostanaupair.com.

Lauren says ‘I am a MUCH happier wife and mother now that I don't have to be Superwoman.’

 What does a family need to provide? As a minimum, families need to provide a furnished room and three meals per day to their Au/Demi Pair. Many families offer extras such as: ensuite, study desk, free wifi, use of a car etc. It depends on what you would like the Au/Demi Pair to do for you and how comfortable you would like them to be, as well as how long you might like them to stay. Ideally, you also need to include them as part of your family; a bit like an older sister (with some responsibilities) and treat her with the same respect and openness as you would a family member. You need to consider how you might feel about someone else living in your home and how well you communicate your family’s needs and what your expectations are of the role. Au Pairs and Demi Pairs usually come to Australia for a cultural experience

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


Family Health

SEW – you can

make it yourself! The ' handmade not manufactured' design revolution happening in 2012 was different…. unlike earlier generations, craft and “handmade” were no longer economic or social imperatives but a response to a deep desire to find a real emotional connection ….a connection with how life was in simpler times. I guess in all probability the shift away from handmade had begun in the 1960s and 1970s with the growth of mass production in countries where labour was cheap, coupled with increasing prosperity and development in


orldwide there is a genuine resurgence in “doing it yourself”. How many people do you know who have chickens, want to get a beehive, long to plant vegetables, dream of building a backyard pizza oven or wish that their mothers/grandmothers had taught them to sew and knit? Is this a reaction to our fast-paced lives where we simply exchange our hard-earned money for the goods and services that we want? Is it a longing to be more connected to the processes that create our food and our clothes, a desire to be more closely involved with the products that ultimately shape our lives? These were the thoughts that were going around and around in my head in 2012 when I made a decision to start my new business –

4017 HAIR

Ministry of Handmade. You see, I had grown up in family where just about everything was handmade (and this is before handmade was trendy). My mother was a dressmaker and my father could turn his hand to anything and produce perfection every time! I had watched my parents recycle, reuse, and reinvent but mainly out of economic necessity. Handmade was second nature to me but what I saw

Is this a reaction to our fast-paced lives where we simply exchange our hard-earned money for the goods and services that we want?

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Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

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Family Health western nations. It became a sign of success to be able to just go out and buy home ware items and clothing readymade. For the first time it was cheaper to get your garments from the shops. Handmade started to not make as much sense…..you could get it faster and cheaper if you bought it, rather than making it. And with the prosperity that came with the 1980s we were on the slippery slope to larger and larger scales of mass production in third world countries, increased consumption of household goods and food (to feed our egos and show everyone how well we were doing), the inevitable drop in quality of goods and the growth of a “disposable” culture where it was OK to use something till we tired of it and then throw it away. This resulted in the slow demise of the artisan, the craftsman, the tailor and the gourmet cook. We stopped teaching our children how to sew, how to cook properly, we stopped growing our own vegetables and keeping chooks in our backyards. We stopped teaching our children how to fix a broken chair or repair a torn jacket or recycle an out of date garment into something more current. But the pendulum swings, as my mother used to say to me…… I think most of us are hard-wired to be creative in some way. Humanity has sustained itself for hundreds of thousands of years by making and doing, building and cultivating. And I guess after

in a piece of clothing from a chain store or a lampshade picked up in a home wares megastore. From seven years old to seventy, they all want to “get their craft on”! In workshops all across the country people are picking up scissors and tape measures, wool, needles, hammers and staple guns. In the workshops I run, they come to learn how to make cushions, sew their own clothes, to reupholster furniture, upcycle an op shop lampshade, make an ottoman, cover a bed head, create a quilt.

a three or four decades of just buying everything we needed (and wanted), a strong disconnect emerged. We became hungry again to “know how”….. how to sew our own clothes, how to cook, how to make furniture, how to carve wood, how to reupholster a chair. And coupled with a strong global push to eliminate waste by reusing and recycling, there is a real desire to be ethical about the materials we use and consume. Since starting Ministry of Handmade, I have discovered that there are thousands of people who want to learn handmade skills. I guess it is because they realise that in every handmade object there are elements of the maker – an investment of time, a unique choice about what materials to use, and a sense of pride, accomplishment and value that can’t be found

I like to give people permission to go slow. With a slogan slow down, explore handmade, everyone is encouraged to switch off from their everyday and lose themselves in the process of being creative and learning new skills. I jokingly say that handmade only has one speed… slow!! Over and over again, I have watched joy spread across the faces of workshop attendees as they are able to take their time and to be present and in the moment. For many people it is a real tonic to slow down and create something.

Feeling inspired to explore handmade?

Ministry of Handmade runs fun creative workshops, private lessons and special events for all ages and skill levels from their Bridgeman Downs studios. Get creative with lampshade making, upholstery, sewing, soft furnishings, and more. Julie Hillier, create@ministryofhandmade.com.au


Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


Family Health

From our Kids Technology Expert and columnist, Tyronne Curtis

State of iConsciousness

Baby slings – Carry with Care Baby slings are soft fabric carriers that are tied or attached to your body and are used to carry babies or young children. They do not have a solid back or frame like other types of baby carriers. You should take care when using slings to carry babies as there have been incidents of babies suffocating while in a sling. Babies are at risk if they are not placed in the right way in the sling because they are not yet old enough to move out of a dangerous position that can block their airway.

There are 2 positions that increase the risk of suffocation:

Recently it dawned on me how much responsibility lies with the current generation of adults to behave appropriately with the little screens in their pocket. This seemingly innocent knee-jerk relationship is changing the way we communicate, interact and live our lives - and our children see it all. Like other public health issues such as smoking or drinking where young people need guidance, they will once again look to us for the right choices. What do you think they make of the device-based-zombie state of our public transport users? Now, I’m not saying we need to ban technology, to the contrary, I want to see more of it! Just used differently, and more consciously. Luckily, there is a real shift afoot in the technological playground. Products like the Apple Watch and Google Glass promote healthy activity and are heavily focused on reconnecting people with the world around them whilst still using technology. This will eliminate the phone in palm, curved back, looking down epidemic. This next wave of communication devices will be accepted slowly, so in the meantime be aware of how you use your devices, particularly when little people are around. Implement rules for yourself like no texting and talking, check social media only once a day and try (just try) not using your phone on the train!

About the Writer: Tyronne Curtis is the founder and director of Activate Entertainment and believes technology and creativity is going to be a big part of tomorrow’s generation and wants to be a part of ensuring they are ready for it. Activate Entertainment run fun & interactive workshops & afterschool classes to help children be more active when using technology. Check out the opportunities for your children. www.activateentertainment.com.au tyronne@activateentertainment.com.au


Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

• The baby is lying in the sling with a curved back, with its chin resting on its chest

• The baby is lying with the face pressed against the fabric of the sling or the wearer’s body.

• Babies who are premature, have low birth weight or breathing difficulties are at greater risk. You should talk to a doctor before using a sling with a premature baby.

Choosing a sling • Choose a sling that comes with detailed instructions on how to use it.

• Take your baby with you when choosing a sling to ensure you choose a sling that is the right size for you and your baby.

• Ask for a demonstration on how to use the sling, according to the instructions that come with it.

• Be very careful about buying a sling that looks like a bag or pouch. These can totally cover the baby and increase the suffocation risk because you cannot see the baby and its chin may be resting on its chest without you knowing. • Follow the T.I.C.K.S rule for baby sling safety

The T.I.C.K.S rule for baby sling safety Tight - The sling should be tight with your baby positioned high and upright with head support. Any loose fabric may cause your baby to slump down, restricting its breathing. In view at all times - You should always be able to see your baby’s face by simply looking down. Ensure your baby’s face, nose and mouth remain uncovered by the sling and/or your body. Close enough to kiss - Your baby should be close enough to your chin that by tipping your head forward you can easily kiss your baby on top of its head. Keep chin off chest - Ensure your baby’s chin is up and away from its body. Your baby should never be curled so that its chin is forced onto its chest as this can restrict breathing. Regularly check your baby. Babies can be in distress without making any noise or movement. Supported back - Your baby’s back should be supported in a natural position with its tummy and chest against you. When bending over, support your baby with one hand behind its back and bend at the knees, not at the waist. Source: www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au/marketplace/product-safety/ safety-initiatives/baby-slings

Family Health


Food Labels


hen it comes to feeding ourselves and our families we’re lucky to have so many choices. Eating a wide variety of fresh food from the five food groups is optimal but the reality is that ready-made packaged products come in handy especially when life gets busy. The key to staying healthy is to make the right choices and this means understanding food labels including the nutrition information panel, health star rating and the ingredient list.  The Nutrition Information Panel The Nutrition Information Panel (NIP) shows how much energy, fat, protein, carbohydrate, sugars, and salt a product has. It must also validate any nutrient claims made on the packaging such as ‘good source of vitamin B’. By law, the NIP must give this information per 100g and per serve. Understanding how to read food labels not only helps you understand what is in the food but also empowers you to decipher the marketing messages featured on the packaging. Common nutrition claims used by manufacturers include; ‘No added sugar’ – this means the product contains no added sugar, but may still contain natural sugars, for example fruit juice. ‘Light or lite’ – this does not necessarily mean low in energy, sugar, fat or salt. For example, it may mean light in colour, lightly toasted, light in salt or light in taste. ‘Baked not fried’ – even though these products are cooked in the oven they can still can have

the same amount of fat as deep fried products so it’s important to read the label. Health star rating system The Health Star Rating is a voluntary front-ofpack labelling system rolled out in late 2014. It rates the overall nutritional profile of packaged food and assigns it a rating from ½ a star to 5 stars. It provides a quick, easy, standard way to compare similar packaged foods at a glance – the more stars, the healthier the choice. The number of health stars in the rating is calculated based on 100g or 100ml of a product. Ingredient list When reading the ingredients list it’s important to know that ingredients are listed from greatest to smallest by weight. Use this to check the first three ingredients for items high in saturated fat, salt or added sugar. Keep in mind that manufacturers often use different names to hide fat, sugar and salt. Fat: Animal fat/oil, beef fat, butter, milk solids, coconut (oil, milk, cream), copha, cream, ghee, dripping, lard, suet, palm oil, sour cream, vegetable shortening. Sugar: Dextrose, fructose, glucose, golden syrup, honey, maple syrup, rice malt syrup, sucrose, malt, maltose, lactose, brown, raw, caster and sucrose. Salt: Baking powder, celery salt, garlic salt, sea salt, sodium, sodium – ascorbate, bicarbonate, nitrate, nitrite), stock cubes, vegetable salt.

Learning how to read labels is taught as part of the PEACH (Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health) program available free for Queensland families struggling to maintain a healthy weight in their children. To find out more about the program call 1800 263 519 or www.peachqld.com.au For more information about food labelling and healthy eating options: www.eatforhealth.gov.au www.healthier.qld.gov.au www.healthstarrating.gov.au www.healthyfoodguide.com.au www.nutritionaustralia.org.au

FIRE ENGINE BIRTHDAY PARTY! THE HIRE ENGINE offers children a unique and exciting birthday party experience. Aspiring fire fighters across Brisbane and The Gold Coast will take delight in squirting the fire hose and riding in an authentic fire truck!

Also available for day care and after school care visits! CONTACT US - Office: 07 5455 6104 Kevin: 0439 090 304 Email: info@thehireengine.com.au www.thehireengine.com.au

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


Family Health

Childhood Cancer Support What would you do if your child was diagnosed with cancer? We talk to two families who have been though the unimaginable…


s parents, our biggest fear is that our children will become seriously ill. Sadly, for too many families this is a reality, and for those who live in regional & rural areas of Queensland, the added burden of having to relocate to Brisbane and find accommodation while their child has treatment can be overwhelming. Imagine leaving your home, your partner and other children, your job, your friends and support network, not knowing where you are going to live, or how long you are going to be away for. Sometimes you’ve left home so quickly, so urgently, that all you have are the clothes you got on that flight in. This is the reality for many regional & rural families with sick children who require treatment in Brisbane. Childhood Cancer Support is a not for profit organisation, based in Herston that has been providing medium to long term, oncology specific accommodation to families affected by childhood cancer since 1975. Currently, Childhood Cancer Support has 12 selfcontained apartments in Herston, which welcomes all children & their families, with all cancer types, at no cost whatsoever. Childhood Cancer Support provides a home away from home for the whole family, a place where they can all be together, during a very challenging time.


Tracey and Lucy

Tracey Rethamel from Townsville, whose 8 year old daughter Lucy was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in February 2014 knows exactly what this feels like. On the 13th February 2014, our youngest daughter Lucy was diagnosed with A.L.L (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia). Within 24 hours, we found ourselves in Brisbane, some 1,350kms away from home in Townsville (Northern QLD). Our world collapsed.

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

Our two eldest daughters remained in Townsville. At the time, we had no idea of what lay ahead for us, let alone where we were going to stay whilst in Brisbane. All that mattered at that desperate time was that we were by Lucy’s side. Thankfully, we had grandparents that were able to relocate to Townsville to care for our elder daughters. We will be forever grateful when in the following days we were made aware of the support services that Childhood Cancer Support provided families like ours. We were fortunate enough to be offered a unit within weeks. Our two bedroom unit (TDH4) soon became our 2nd home over the course of the next 9 months. We decorated it with Lucy’s artwork, filled it with special family photos and grew in love with everything about it. It became our sanctuary; our safe haven when Lucy’s neutrophils were low and where we could escape the turmoil of chemotherapy.

Family Health

"Childhood Cancer Support provides a home away from home for the whole family"

your child suffering, it is the most insidious disease there is. We will be forever grateful to Childhood Cancer Support for providing our family with a home for our stay in Brisbane. Tamsyn Keily, left her home in Yeppoon in February 2014 when her 6 year old son, Anthony, was diagnosed with Leukaemia.

Childhood Cancer Support celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2015 and plans to mark this with the purchase of a new accommodation facility closer to the new Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital. Childhood Cancer Support relies on donations and fund-raising to deliver the accommodation and subsequent support services to families just like Tracey & Tamsyn’s.

Chloe and Sophie (Lucy’s much loved elder sisters) visited us often during school term and stayed each holiday. The holiday programs offered by Childhood Cancer Support were a welcome distraction for them and provided hours of entertainment. Childhood Cancer Support became much more than an accommodation provider – lifelong friendships were formed with other residents and the staff. We miss these friends now that we are home. We became part of the Childhood Cancer Support family and regularly took part in the many extra services that they offer – taking time out to book in for a massage, attending the monthly BBQ’s and the weekly Coffee, Cake & Chat on Wednesdays were an opportunity to meet others in the same boat as us. We will miss the afternoons when all you could hear where the giggles from the kids playing in the playground, the impromptu chats with other parents – who we realised were a great comfort to us in times of need and a support that we appreciated. Lucy will miss her “day job” in the office. She became “Chief Shredder” and Gina welcomed her each day and genuinely took the time to make her feel special. Cancer sucks, without a doubt. But when it is

support like shopping, hospital or airport runs, and also offering emotional and mental support through regular Coffee, Cake & Chat, recreational programs and activities for the kids, gym facilities and more. Childhood Cancer Support not only became our home away from home, but also became our second family and the place where we have grown, learnt and bonded through this journey and gained new friendships that will last a lifetime.

To find out how you can support Childhood Cancer Support, visit their website www.ccs.org.au

Tamsyn and Anthony At the end of February 2014, our family life was turned upside down when our youngest was diagnosed with leukaemia. We were told he needed to be in Brisbane – 700 kms away from home, our friends and support network. Our family was forced to live two separate lives, my husband having to stay in Yeppoon to work, keep our home running and look after our daughter Emily, who was in Year 4 at the time, while I relocated to Brisbane with Anthony. Emily has been able to spend school holidays with us here in Brisbane and my husband visits as often as he can. During one of the hardest times we have had to face as a family, Childhood Cancer Support has not only provided us with accommodation for our entire stay in Brisbane, but also valuable support. What they have created here is a community unlike any other for all oncology families, providing practical

Lucy and Anthony

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


Brisbane Clubs & Classes Directory

Clubs, Classes & Activities

around Greater Brisbane for adults and children aged 0 - 17. If you would like a listing for your club, class or activity in our next issue’s inclusive directory, contact us now! Email: Listings@FamiliesMagazine.com.au Compiled by Regina Gleeson NS = Northside SS = Southside

CLASSES FOR ADULTS Arts Tree (SS) Arts Tree offers 2 hour art classes and two day art workshops that are exciting, fun, and jam-packed with tips and techniques used by professional practicing artists. Their tutors give you the knowledge you need to keep making masterpieces at home. 0437 146 359 www.artstree.com.au Hands On Brisbane (NS) Their arts and crafts workshops are conducted by some of Brisbane’s finest artisans to give you a hands on approach to learning your new skill. With many classes also providing the materials you need to start straight away, all you need to do is turn up and start creating! Workshops are held in Brisbane City at The Gardens Club, in the heart of the Brisbane City Botanic Garden. 07 3012 9606 www.handsonbrisbane.com Brisbane Sings (NS & SS) This site is a free community service which is building to be a comprehensive list of all singing groups in Brisbane and surrounding areas. It lists all types of singing groups including choirs, toning groups, barbershop, a cappella, sacred music, musical society, singing workshops and other singing groups - basically anywhere in this region where you can go to have a sing! www.spectrumfireworks.com.au/brissings enarjize Us (NS) is a group of like-minded people participating in a 1 hour Enjoyable Body Movement session that makes them feel alive and learn that moving their body is for fun! At these sessions you will learn; How to feel more confident in yourself, Have the enarji and "get up and go" that you deserve, Feel alive and learn that moving your body is fun, You will want to continue moving your body not just now, but forever. 0421 037 444 www.enarji.com.au Flipside Circus (NS) Leave your dramas, inhibitions and spandex at the door and avoid crowded gym rooms and repetitive workouts. Achieve fitness goals in a supportive and encouraging environment. Learn circus tricks that will amaze your friends (and yourself!) All circus activities are scalable to suit your individual goals. (07) 3352 7233 www.flipsidecircus.org.au Forum Communicators (NS & SS) Be a better speaker. Toss your speaking fears out the window and come along to Forum. You will improve your public speaking skills in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere, and even enjoy yourself. The WILL to become a confident speaker is all you need, the time to join is now. (07)3266 3521 www.forumcommunicators.asn.au Mad Dance House (NS & SS) Offering over 120 classes a week in a stack of different styles - there is a class for you at Mad Dance House. Dance classes on offer are: Hip Hop, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Popping, Locking, Tap, Hip Hop in Heels, Lyrical Hip Hop, Girly Style Street Jazz, Urban Contemporary, Commercial Jazz and fitness classes. No need to book- just rock up 10-15 mins before the start of your chosen class. 07 3210 6724 www. maddance.com.au Men’s Shed (NS & SS) An organization that is accessible to all men and whose primary activity is the provision of a safe and friendly environment where men are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace in their own time in the company of other men. A major objective is to advance the well-being and health of their male members. 1300 550 009 www.mensshed.org


Paleo To You (NS & SS) Love To Bake Paleo But Don’t Know Where To Start! Demonstrations NOW Available! Learn how to bake PALEO goodies at home that your KIDS will LOVE! In Home Single Demonstrations & 6 Week Courses Available! For information or to make a booking 0404046264 or nurturepp@gmail.com Stork, Baby and You (SS) Experienced midwife of 34 years offers private, personalised education sessions on birth & parenting in the convenience of your home. Sue will travel from Byron Bay to Redcliffe. For 3+ hours she is able to discuss topics relating to your needs & wishes. She will also lend you a couple of dvd's to look at after she leaves. Contact Sue Butler. 0411 854 443 www.antenatalclasses.com.au The Actors Workshop (SS) Supplying nationally recognised training pathways to school leavers and mature age students seeking dedicated vocational training as a Film, Television and Theatre Actor. 07 3891 1411 www.theactorsworkshop.com.au

Paediatric First Aid Courses Injury prevention and first aid instruction (NS & SS) Recommended for pregnant couples, parents, grandparents, babysitters and other carers of children, this 4.5hr programme includes an in depth injury prevention talk followed by practical paediatric first aid including CPR for babies and toddlers. Kidsafe QLD 3854 1829 www.kidsafeqld.com.au Kids First Aid (NS & SS) They offer the only first aid courses delivered exclusively by experienced paramedics, designed to teach parents and caregivers how to respond calmly and confidently to 10 of the most common first aid emergencies situations. 1300 138 133 www.kidsfirstaid.com.au St John Ambulance Queensland (NS) This course is designed to meet the first aid needs of parents, guardians and members of the public who may be entrusted with the care of babies and children up to 12 years of age. This course provides the knowledge and skills to manage everyday emergency situations. 1300 360 455 www.stjohn.org.au

CLASSES FOR CHILDREN ARTS & CRAFT & COOKING Brisbane Institute of Art (NS) These classes aim to encourage in children an appreciation of the aesthetic experience and personal symbolic language. Each term will focus on a particular media, so that during the year children will be exposed to a variety of mediums. 07 3857 5377 www.brisart.org Fox Blocks (NS) Fox Blocks is an innovative creative construction programme that uses a variety of materials such as Lego, Duplo, K’nex, and Fischertechnik, as well as everyday objects. There are 4 different age levels for children from 3.5 years to Grade 7. Each term has a different theme, and each class builds new proficiencies. 07 3855 1528 www.flyingfoxstudios.com.au

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

Miart (SS) Each child at Miart Brisbane is given guidance catered to their needs and interests as well as freedom and encouragement to express and develop their unique creativity. 0438193624 www.miart.com.au Renaissance Kids (NS & SS) Renaissance Kids offers all types of art lessons for children aged 5 years to 12 years. For students serious about improving their skills or just wanting to get a fun introduction to their creative side, Renaissance Kids is the perfect place. 0404 847 684 www.renaissancekids.com.au Tania’s Arthouse (SS) The only professional studio on the bayside that provides weekly art classes for all ages, children from Prep up to year 12 are offered fun & creative activities in a purpose built environment. All art forms and styles are catered for and welcomed. 0422 497 627 www.taniasarthouse.com ZoomArt for Kids (NS) Art classes for children in a fun and friendly environment. 6 different age levels of classes for children from 2 years to Grade 12. The ZoomArt program is designed for the intentional development of the child’s skills, observations, thinking, and experiences in the visual arts. 07 3855 1528 www.flyingfoxstudios.com.au

Cooking Classes Cutie Pies Baking School (SS) Does your little one love to be creative in the kitchen? Cutie Pies Baking School is where your child can mix, knead, roll, ice and decorate his or her own yummy creations! Have all the fun and leave the mess! 0426967055www.cutiepiesbakingschool.com Yummilicious Cookery (SS) love food, cooking and the social interaction that comes with it. Their mission is to bring children together in a safe, nurtured, fun and happy environment where they can learn about real food and cultivate the joy of cooking and mindful eating. 0421 327 187 www.yummilicious.com.au

LANGUAGE & BABY DEVELOPMENT AlphaTykes (NS & SS) They teach French, Spanish or Italian to children between 18 months and 12 years. Lessons run from 30 minutes (under 3 yrs) to 45 minutes (over 3 yrs). 1300 61 22 88 www.alphatykes.com.au Conversations On (SS) Engaging English, Japanese, Chinese, German, Spanish or French Classes. Small classes (maximum 6). They also help your baby communicate earlier and give them a bright future with baby sign language classes. 07 3871 2882 www.conversationson.com.au Flipside Circus (NS) Flipside circus offers classes for people aged 1 and up! Their Wriggles and Giggles classes introduce toddlers and parents to the world of circus through fun, interactive workshops designed to improve gross and fine motor skills, social development and physical abilities. (07) 3352 7233 www.flipsidecircus.org.au LCF Fun Languages (SS) Designed over 25 years, their methodology teaches French, Spanish, Mandarin, Italian, English and German with a fun and active approach that will get your child using the language quickly and naturally. 1300 707 288 www.lcfclubs.com.au

Brisbane Clubs & Classes Directory Sign Language Baby Sensory Hawthorne (SS) They use a combination of original and traditional songs and rhymes to develop early communication skills and you will always remember the moment your baby first uses the signs of their Say Hello song which is played at the beginning of each Baby Sensory class. 07 3399 2004 www.babysensory.com/au Deaf Services Queensland (SS) Baby Sign is designed for parents to learn basic Auslan key word signs for babies and children who are hearing or deaf, between two months and five years of age. Infants naturally use smiling, cooing, and crying and movement to communicate their needs and feelings so it is rather common for babies to use their hands to communicate long before they can speak. 07 3892 8500 www.deafservicesqld.org.au

ACTIVITY CENTRES Bounce Inc (SS) They believe everyone wants to fly though the air and bounce off the walls. So they have created Bounce Inc – a massive indoor trampoline universe packed with lots of high octane, extreme, fun things to do. 1300 000 540 www.bounceinc.com.au Chipmunks Playland & Café (NS & SS) Visit Chipmunks for unlimited play for kids aged 0 – 11 years old and relax over a coffee or lunch with friends and family at their café in one of their 3 Brisbane locations. They feature state of the art equipment and are fully air-conditioned, clean and comfortable. They also have party facilities. www.chipmunks.com.au Flipside Circus (NS) Go to Flipside Circus on Sundays to play, train and amaze! Sunday Circus is Flipside’s open space to explore the different circus apparatus they have, play with your friends, learn new tricks and amaze yourself and others with the fabulous things you can do. 9am to 12pm for Beginners and those very new to circus. (07) 3352 7233 www.flipsidecircus.org.au Inlfatable World (NS) It's all about having fun, so bring the whole family and bounce on in to Inflatable World. It's not just for the kids - we encourage the parents to have fun with their children. (07) 3266 5699 www.inflatableworldoz.com/qld Lollipop’s Playland & Café (NS &SS) Are great kids party venues for or simply giving kids a treat while parents relax over a cup of hot coffee and a treat from their quality cafe. Their indoor play centres are safe and secure where kids can have hours of fun climbing, sliding, jumping and spinning. 4 Brisbane locations. www.lollipopsplayland.com.au Rainbow City Children's Playcentre & Cafe (SS) Rainbow City offers unique services especially for children under 8 years old. Not only do they offer soft play and big play structures, but they also offer young children a place to have fun – they have their imaginative and innovative play in mind. They are fully air conditioned and offer free Wi-Fi. 07 3290 0434 www.rainbowcplaycentre. com.au Rocksports Indoor Climbing (NS &SS) Rocksports Indoor Climbing Centres offers people of all ages two superb venues to participate in the exciting sport of Indoor Climbing in a safe and friendly environment. No experience is necessary. For most people, Rocksports is a fun, social experience, though it can also be a great step to a world of adventure, or a training venue, a team building challenge, a meeting place, or a birthday party to remember, or it can change your life! (07) 3216 0462 www.rocksports.com.au Skyzone Indoor Trampoline Park (SS) Sky Zone Macgregor isn't just any indoor trampoline park. It is hundreds of trampolines, connected to form a single massive trampoline that literally allows you to jump off the walls. And if that's not enough excitement for you Sky Zone Macgregor has Skyland - a 3 storey laser tag arena that holds up to 40 players battling it out in a cloud-filled

wonderland. That's right, you read correctly. A trampoline park with laser tag! So what are you waiting for? 13 7599 www.skyzone.com.au State Library QLD (SS) The Corner is a creative play space carefully prepared for children from birth through to 8 years old and their parents and caregivers. Through art making, facilitated play, sharing stories and creative conversations children can interact with artists and each other to creatively engage in the serious business of play. With new themes every few months there’s always plenty to see and do. Each day between 10am and 12noon, join arts workers for a creative play date. Tuesday and Thursdays feature a performance by all singing, all dancing performer Tim Jackman and share rhymes, songs, stories and reading with our Rhyme Time sessions. Every Day (Mon – Sun) 10am – 3pm 07 3842 9786 www.slq.qld.gov.au/whats-on Tiddlywinks Dance & Play Café (NS) Tiddlywinks Dance and Play Cafe is a family owned and operated entertainment venue, providing a unique dance and play experience for children up to 11 years old. They also have dance programmes and party facilities. 07 3266 8484 www.tiddlywinks.com.au Velocity Park (NS) Challenge gravity, challenge your mates and challenge yourself to reach higher at North Brisbane's Velocity Park. Planning a party? Corporate Event? School Group activity? Or are your kids bouncing off the walls?? Dodgeball, Slamball, Free Bounce, Wall Climbing, Trick Foam Pit and more...There's something for everyone at Velocity Park! 07 3482 4344 www.velocitypark.com.au We Play (SS) are the best family fun centres in Australia, offering entertainment, games and activities for children of all ages, facilities for corporate events and parties for children and adults alike. Our locations offer a huge soft play structure, exciting ball and laser games, mini-golf, ride-on cars and a gourmet cafe, all in a fully airconditioned, clean and safe environment. www.weplay4fun.com.au Xtreme Indoor Trampoline Centre (SS) The ceiling really is the limit at Xtreme and with dedicated adventure zones throughout the trampoline arena. Practice your flips and tricks on their longest tramp and land in a cushion of air. Shoot to new heights on three massive Olympic trampolines. Try out their newest radical sport called ‘Jump and Bump’; use your bubble suit to bump your opponents out of the way and make it to the other side. Be quick on your feet and jump into a Dodge Ball game. Even though their trampoline arena is seriously Xtreme they also cater for Mini Jumpers who are aged between 3 and 5. 1300 586 787 www.xtremetrampoline.com.au

MUSIC Boppin’ Babies (NS &SS) Boppin’ Babies is a music therapy program for newborn babies up to 5 years. Sessions run for 30 minutes. 0430 591 532 www.boppinbabies.com.au Gymboree (NS & SS) Award winning children’s Play & Learn Gym, Music & Art classes for 0-5yrs. Designed by experts, the age-appropriate activities help develop the cognitive, physical and social skills of children as they play. The programs are also recognized for their unique approach to parent involvement—which encourages participation in and understanding of each child’s development. Free trial available. 07 3878 2468 www.gymboree.com.au The Kangagang Show (NS & SS) Original Australian children's music capturing imaginations. 100% fun and interaction - learn singing, dancing, playing Aussie bush instruments and enjoy dressing up. Available for Childcare, Schools - Prep to year 4 and all Events. They guarantee BONZA FUN! See them live on Youtube.  Carolyn on 0497 365 829 www.thekangagang.com.au facebook.com/thekangagang Kindermusik at Flying Fox Studios (NS) Music and movement classes from newborn to 7 yrs. Kindermusik classes encourage babies and

children to develop language, social, emotional, and physical skills as well—all in the context of joyful, musically rich play! 07 3855 1528 www.flyingfoxstudios.com.au Music Masters (NS) This a sequential music program developed by Christine Masters. The classes are designed, not only to foster a child’s natural musical ability, but to extend them so that their musical education is fully developed. 07 3357 9646 www.musicmasters.com.au Neighbourhood Crèche (NS) A creative environment for babies and children to learn and grow. YMM: Yoga, Massage and Music. A lovely bonding class with your 6 week - 6 month old baby. Bubs Music Class: A super fun music and movement class for kids under 2. Including instruments, puppets, bubbles, dancing, parachute games and more. Tots Music Class: Fun and educational classes for children 2-4 years focusing on rhythms, music notations, playing instruments, group activities and more. Keyboard Kids: Group classes of 4 children aged 4-6 years. Children have a great time learning to play basic keyboard, music, rhythms and singing. Creche Childminding: Occasional care for children. (receipts for CCB/CCR available) 0423032591 www.facebook.com/ NeighbourhoodCreche neighbourhoodcreche@ hotmail.com Wee Make Music (NS & SS) classes are essential early development sessions where age appropriate activities using beat, rhythm, language and movement empower a love of music and learning in babies through pre-prep age children. So much fun and so beneficial for general cognitive, musical and social development. Free visit class for all. Bulimba, New Farm, Wilston. www.weemakemusic.com.au 0434357764 Young Conservatorium (NS & SS) Operating under Open Conservatorium Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, this is the program of choice for families seeking a pedagogically sound music education. Positions are available in Early Childhood Music, Young Beginner, Developing Musician and Senior Tuition in classical /contemporary; Wind, String, Chamber, Vocal, Jazz and Symphonic Ensembles; and composition. www.griffith.edu.au/music/youngconservatorium

SPORTS & EXERCISE Australian Parkour Association (NS & SS) A philosophy and method of movement through any environment with speed and efficiency. The concept is to overcome all physical and mental obstacles in your path by using your body and mind to run, climb, jump and vault. 1800 759 015 www.brisbaneparkour.com.au Baseball Queensland (NS & SS) For boys and girls of all ages. Their club competitions fall into the following age groups: Under 8 MighTee ball, U10 Rookie Ball, Little League (U12), Baseball - U14, U16 and U18. 07 3876 2222 www.qld.baseball.com.au Brisbane Basketball (NS & SS) Basketball is a noncontact sport and provides a safe and enjoyable opportunity for players of all age groups. 07 3371 0200 www.brisbane.basketball.net.au Brisbane Martial Arts (NS & SS) Whether Taekwondo, or Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is your preferred martial arts style, if you’re in Brisbane, and looking to start martial arts training, or take your training to the next level, there’s only one place to go, the home of martial arts in Brisbane, Brisbane Martial Arts! 1300 303 583 www.brisbanemartialarts.com.au Dynamight Kids (NS & SS) Dynamight Kids teaches safety, self-defence and life skills to children aged between 3-12 years. Lessons run for 30 minutes. 1300 61 22 88 www.dynamightkids.com.au continued on page 24 

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


Brisbane Clubs & Classes Directory continued from page 23 Flipside Circus (NS) offer a wide range of classes from beginners to experienced from ages 0 - 100. There is something fun and suitable for every age and every ability. The classes are fast moving and full of action – never a moment to spare. Go and learn all the skills of the circus including tissu, static trapeze, lyra, juggling, hoops, acro balance and tumbling. (07) 3352 7233 www.flipsidecircus.org.au

SPORTS & EXERCISE Gymnastics Queensland (NS & SS) Gymnastics is one of the most fundamental and exciting of all physical activities. Basic gymnastic skills develop attributes that are perfect stepping stones for other sports, activities and life in general. 07 3036 5600 www.gymqld.org.au Gymboree (NS & SS) Award winning children’s Play & Learn Gym, Music & Art classes for 0-5yrs. Designed by experts, the age-appropriate activities help develop the cognitive, physical and social skills of children as they play. The programs are also recognized for their unique approach to parent involvement—which encourages participation in and understanding of each child’s development. Free trial available. 07 3878 2468  www.gymboree.com.au Hockey Queensland (NS & SS) Since hockey is a team sport, children who play learn the value of working with others. They figure out how to rely on teammates and understand that cooperation is key to success. 07 3399 6577 www.hockeyqld.com.au Junior Golf Queensland (NS & SS) Golf is a great game for juniors/students/children as it is a healthy game that one can play for their whole life. Apart from providing the gift of a lifetime recreation, golf has special qualities that can have powerful and lasting impacts on young people’s self-image, personal development and confidence. 07 3252 8155 www.juniorgolfqueensland.org.au Life Stream (NS & SS) Life Stream facilitates a wide range of opportunities specifically in South East Queensland for people with an intellectual disability to participate, develop skills and be active members of their communities. Life Stream believes that through participation in community activities, recreation, leisure & sport and having friendships and responsibilities, people develop all types of skills and lead healthy, active and meaningful lives. 07 3394 4399 www.lifestream.org.au Little Athletics Queensland (NS & SS) Little Athletics is a uniquely Australian sport for children 5-16 years. As the name suggests, it is based upon the sport of athletics (track & field) and the events are specially modified to suit the ages and abilities of children. A wide range of running, jumping, throwing and walking events is conducted. 07 3255 9436 www.qlaa.asn.au Netball Queensland (NS & SS) For young children interested in playing netball for the first time, there is NetSetGo! This program is for children (girls and boys) aged 5-10 and is designed for teaching the basics of netball while fostering fun and friendship in a team environment. 07 3848 6330 www.netballq.org.au PCYC (NS & SS) Gym fun, kids dance, tiny tots, cheerleading, boxercise, teen yoga karate, tumble and stunt, glee club, circuit and gymnastics is just some of the activities at PCYCs. Please contact your local club to see what is on offer for you and your children. 07 3909 9555 www.pcyc.org.au Queensland Cricket (NS & SS) These days, cricket offers some new and exciting formats for kids that won’t take up your whole weekend – it’s no longer an all-day commitment for parents on the sidelines. To get started, kids can take part in the Milo in2Cricket program which is a fun way to get a taste of the sport. As their skills develop, they can transition into Milo T20 Blast and then on to club cricket to continue a lifelong connection with the game. 07 3292 3100 www.qldcricket.com.au


include night walk, talent show, camp fire with stories and marshmallow roasting, bingo and movie night. Children stay with us for 7 nights and enjoy a healthy, happy week of outdoor fun! (07) 5486 6166 www.kiahpark.com.au

Ready Steady Go Kids is Australia's most reputable multi-sport and exercise program for pre-schoolers (aged 2.5-6 years). They have been operating since 2004 and currently run classes at Oxley, Tennyson, Bray Park and North Lakes with new classes added regularly. It is a physio-designed program teaching children the fundamentals of 10 different sports in a fun, non-competitive, teambased environment. Classes are 45 minutes covering 5 sports per term. The program has a structure that is repeated each week so children become familiar with the routine. Ready Steady Go Kids seeks to develop lifelong passion for physical activity and sport. www.readysteadygokids.com.au 1300 766 892 Skipping Queensland (SS) Skipping is a very dynamic, exciting and exhilarating sport. It helps in the development of an individual’s fitness and co-ordination, and is used by a number of other sporting codes and athletes for aerobic fitness. Competitive skipping takes the activity to the next level. www.skippingqueensland.com.au Pure Tennis (NS & SS) Their Hotshots junior tennis programs teach essential motor skills, including agility, balance and co-ordination. They provide a range of tennis based activities and fun games, that all help to develop these skills, whilst teaching children the fundamental aspects of tennis. Coaching is available for kids as young as 3 years old from beginners to elite and lessons start from $12.00 per session. Located at: Griffith University Mt Gravatt, Ferny Hills and St Hilda’s School Gold Coast.www.puretennis.com.au Tennis Queensland (NS & SS) Tennis Queensland Registration is automatically included when you join your local affiliated club as a member. This will also give you access to all the exclusive benefits that the club chooses to offer. Find a club near you. 07 3120 7900 www.tennis.com.au

Horseriding Cherbon Waters (SS) Cherbon Waters’ facilities include a new fully lit 60m x 20 indoor arena (with an undercover viewing area), riding trails, round yards, stabling area, wash bays, safe fullyelectrified paddocks. 0417 704 671 www.cherbonwaters.com.au Dalson Park Indoor Equestrian Centre (SS) Horse riding lessons are well priced and cover the use of Dalson Park ponies, tacked up by capable stable hands; the use of arenas, tack, saddles, helmet and boots if needed; and expert and encouraging instruction. The more lessons you book in a month, the more cost-effective lessons become. 0448 034 514 www.dalsonpark.com.au Heritage Riding (SS) It does not matter if you are a “first timer” or you are a current Junior Rider wanting to gain more competitive skills in Dressage or Jumping. They have a Horse/Pony and Qualified Instructor that will suit your needs, and give you a safe, fun, and enjoyable experience. 07 3206 3951 www.heritageriding.com.au Indarra Equestrian Centre (SS) provides a safe riding environment with qualified, professional staff so you can enjoy your love of horses. You can choose either group (max 4 riders) or private lessons. Indarra also hold fun filled day and overnight camps during each school holidays 0409 475 040 www.indarraequestrian.com.au Kiah Park (SS) Offers 7 day horse riding farm stays for children ages 6yrs - teens every school holidays. Includes full accommodation and each child is given their own pony/horse to love, care for and ride twice a day. Includes full accommodation, arena lessons, horse care – grooming & tacking up, trail rides and gymkhana. Fun night activities

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

Slickers Horse Riding (NS) Their lessons are conducted in either an enclosed yard or out on one of their trails depending on which the rider requires. 07 3285 1444 www.slickershorseriding.com Wattle Creek Riding School (NS) At Wattle Creek, they specialise in one on one lessons. This gives 100% of the Coach’s attention to the rider. This allows the experienced and inexperienced to work at their optimum pace. No riding experience is needed to start as they teach from the first riding lesson to the highly experienced rider. 07 3300 6422 www.wattlecreekridingschool.com.au Windsong Equestrian Park (SS) Their coaches conduct private lessons by appointment, in an all-weather surface ProRide arena. Their coaches are qualified level one instructors and are happy to cater for beginners or higher skill levels of all ages. www.windsongpark.com

Swimming Aquatic Achievers Swim Schools (NS & SS) specialize in teaching babies through to stroke correction and squads. Their innovative Solo-1 teaching program advances skills in easy, achievable progressions. The pinnacle of their SOLO-1 program is for children to swim One Kilometre unassisted. www.aquaticachievers.com.au Dipadees (NS) The have four programs for babies from 4 months to children aged 18 years. 07 3355 1550 www.dipadees.com Grace Swimming (NS) a swimming environment that is friendly and family-oriented. Situated at Grace Lutheran College, this state-of-theart swimming facility boasts experienced and renowned swimming instructors that cater for all swimming levels. 07 3204 2725 www.graceswim.org.au Genesis Aquatic Centre (NS) Located in Bray Park they offer comprehensive Learn to Swim Lessons from babies through to Squad training. Their program runs Monday to Friday, before, during and after school hours, as well as Saturday mornings. The key focus for all swimmers at Genesis Aquatic Centre is to swim technically as well as possible in all four strokes. 3882 9091 or aquatics@ genesis.qld.edu.au www.genesisaquatics.com.au Sam Riley Swim Schools (NS & SS) Their team of dedicated, qualified and experienced instructors know the importance of balancing the professionalism required to teach your child to swim, whilst maintaining an element of enjoyment, so your child has fun while learning. 07 3050 7341 www.samrileyswimschools.com Superfish Swim Schools (SS) Located in Sunnybank they have an indoor heated pool and offer Drowning Prevention Lessons from 3 months to Pre-Schoolers, offering babies 13wks to 25wks old FREE lessons, to encourage an early start. School Age Stroke Correction Lessons are available, 6 Days. Small, structured lessons. Free orientations & trial lessons are available for all new swimmers. 33233188 www.superfishswimschools.com.au The Clem Jones Centre (SS) The Learn to Swim program focuses on water safety, water confidence and the development of all strokes while also emphasising on fun and excitement for both the child and parent. They cater from 6 months to adult classes’. 07 3398 2107 www.clemjonescentre.com.au Nudgee Brothers Swim Program (NS) The organisation aims for its swimmers to reach their potential by providing a coaching program that produces excellent results at state, national and international level. They have a range of programs for different swimming groups, from beginners to advanced, from infants to older swimmers. Their program operates all year round. 07 3865 0516 www.brothersswim.nudgee.com

Brisbane Clubs & Classes Directory North Lakes Aquatic Centre (NS) Concentrates in infant water familiarization, safety and personal development. Their swim program in conjunction with the Royal Life Saving Society caters for children from 6 months all the way through to Junior Squads. Their instructors pride themselves on bringing their wealth of experience, understanding and enthusiasm. (07) 3886 2022 www.northlakesac.com.au northlakes@belgravialeisure.com.au

Brisbane Youth Theatre (NS) Brisbane Youth Theatre provides drama classes for kids from 7-17. The classes are adventurous and playful and provide an exciting and supportive environment for creating theatre and enhancing learning for your children. All children work with developing body and vocal freedom of expression and explore characterisation and script work. 0404 220 465 heidi@brisbaneyouththeatre.com.au www.brisbaneyouththeatre.com.au


Flipside Circus (NS) Performance Program Flipside Circus Trainers support students in every step of the way ensuring each student is ready as they take the steps from performing in small in-house shows to roaming performances at fetes and festivals to touring large scale performing works in major festivals! (07) 3352 7233 www.flipsidecircus.org.au

Angel Yoga 4 Kids (NS) AYK Yoga classes teach children through asanas, yoga stories, yoga songs, yoga game’s, yoga art, yoga dance, visualisation, pranayama, relaxation & meditation techniques. 0412 564 757 www.angelyoga4kids.com.au Brisbane Yoga Space (NS & SS) Yoga is an invaluable tool of fun, learning, health and growth for kids and teens. Through yoga, young people can have fun while developing health, fitness and self-confidence. 0430 158 826 www.brisbaneyogaspace.com.au Calm For Kids Relaxation Classes (NS & SS) Calm for Kids hold yoga based relaxation classes for children throughout Australia. The Calm for Kids classes consist of balance, concentration and co-ordination exercises, breathing exercises and games, peer massage, children’s relaxation and visualisations and positive affirmations. 07 3343 3285 www.calmforkids.com.au Inna Bliss Yoga Studios (SS) Their Bliss kids yoga classes are a fantastic way for your child to enjoy the many benefits of yoga in fun and friendly environment. In each class, the instructor guides the children through an interactive & themed practice of song, movement, yoga poses, creativity, story-telling and relaxation. 07 3162 2188 www.innablissyoga.com.au Ten Toes Yoga & Natural Health (NS) Childhood is a time to explore the world around and for self-discovery. Children respond well to Kids Yoga Classes because Yoga gives them a chance to explore aspects of their bodies, minds and emotions in a fun and creative way. www.tentoes.com.au

FILM, THEATRE & PERFORMING ARTS Activate Entertainment (NS)

Offers a variety of educational and fun programs in filmmaking and media arts. Learn how to produce, direct and edit ‘out of this world’ projects using iPads, GoPro’s, Green Screen and Drones. Activate Entertainment gets young people being both active and creative with new technologies. This method encourages social engagement and creative problem solving whilst developing essential skills for tomorrow’s world. Programs designed for 8 - 17yrs (Primary & Secondary). 0423762096 www.activateentertainment.com.au Brisbane Arts Theatre (NS) Their training enhances children’s performance skills and stagecraft knowledge with acting techniques, improvisation, voice (including singing – solo, chorus and harmonies) and movement training (theatre, dance and mime). 07 3369 2344 www.collegetheatrepractice.com.au

Helen O'Grady Drama Academy (NS & SS) They help children develop essential life skills and explore their creative side through developmental drama programs while providing them with the necessary life skills to prepare them for life after school. Helen O’Grady is the world’s foremost provider of developmental drama programs for children aged between 3 and 17 years of age in over 25 countries worldwide. 1300 647 239 www.helenogrady.com.au Shake and Stir Theatre Co (NS) Improve your child’s performance and communication skills, raise their self-confidence and increase their level of physical activity. 07 3358 6025 www.shakeandstir.com.au Stagecraft Acting School (NS & SS) Focus is on helping kids become happy, confident and successful people not just successful actors. They pride themselves in teaching kids the skills they need to become professional actors in the real world by making learning fun. 0417 118 006 www.actingacademy.com.au

Dance Attitude Dance Academy (NS) Attitude Dance Academy offers a safe, fun, learning environment where your child can study a variety of dance styles from highly experienced, professionally trained instructor 07 3349 0391 www.attitudedanceacademy.com.au Brisbane Academy of Dance (NS) A wide range of qualified teachers in all areas of dance. An energetic approach to teaching encourages students to achieve their personal best.(07)3356 588 www.brisbaneacademyofdance.com.au Buzz and Jump (NS) for children who love to dance. Pre school (3-5yrs) Butterfly Ballet and Little Buzz classes are a gentle introduction to dance, music and theatre. Lots of fairies, ponies and climbing rainbows to faraway places combine to improve motor skills, teamwork and confidence. Prep-year 2 Rainbow Dance and Buzz Theatre Kids, a delightful program of dance and theatre full of creative expression, lovely music, mime and the magic of imagination. Junior singing club New in 2015 for Yr 3-6. Lifting spirits through song. A beautiful way to end the school day, it's like singing in the shower for young people. Call today for place in this innovative program directed by an award winning musical theatre and opera choreographer. Based in Sandgate, 4017 Call Belynda 0409 714 324 Elite Dancers (NS) Their many different classes are structured to suit the needs of every dancer, whether you want to dance for a career or for fun and fitness. We have classes for ages 3 and above on a registered or casual basis. 0427 999 909 www.elitedancers.com.au Kick Dance (SS) Structured programs in dance run by professional teachers with excellent qualifications and extensive industry experience. Classes which facilitate enjoyment, confidence, develop students at a very high technical level and allow a ‘kick’ start into the performing arts. Classical Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Irish Dancing, Creative Movement for tiny tots. 0414 308 248 www.kickdance.com.au

Kinderballet (NS & SS) An Imaginative and creative introduction to Classical Ballet for toddler and pre-schoolers. They offer 'Mummy & Me' classes for 2 - 3 1/2 year old, 'Tots' classes for 3 1/2 - 5 year olds and 'Kiddies' classes for 4 - 5 year olds. 1300 6060949 www.kinderballet.com.au Movements Academy of Dance (NS) A well-established, friendly, family based studio that believes in teaching students to be all that they can be. They handpick their teachers who are qualified, encouraging & inspiring so that every student can have the very best dance education possible. 07 3886 4098 www.movementsdance.com.au Seriously Dance (SS) They truly believe their philosophy of respecting each student for their individuality & challenging each student to obtain personal excellence. 0416 477 703 www.seriouslydance.com

TUTORS & SCHOOL SUPPORT Kids Matters Occupational Therapy (NS & SS) They help with all sensory, learning, motor and development issues. Clinics at Yeerongpilly and Albany Creek. Helping children reach their potential. 1300 136 596 www.kidsmatters.com.au Kip McGrath Education Centre (NS & SS) See your child really improve in maths and English. Qualified teachers create individual tutoring programs for your child, using proven Kip McGrath methods of tuition. Maths, English, Reading, Spelling & Comprehension. www.kipmcgrath.com.au Kumon (NS & SS) The Kumon Method is an individualised learning method. The starting point for each Kumon student is determined individually. Students start with the level where they can attain a perfect score by studying on their own. 1800 458 666 http://au.kumonglobal.com ABC Reading Eggs (For ages 3-13) Join over 3.4 million users worldwide to teach your child to read with ABC Reading Eggs, the multi-award winning online reading program that makes learning to read fun.www.readingeggs.com.au/fam SPELD (SS) Is your child struggling at school? Do they have trouble with learning to read or write, following instructions or remembering information? SPELD can help! They have an advisory line, specialist teacher service, assistive technology service, assessment service, seminars / PD, and they have an extensive library. They support people experiencing specific learning differences. 3394 2566 www.speld.org.au Sort Organise Support (NS & SS) Provide support, education, training, and guided practice for students at critical entry points to Senior School. Goals are individualised but may include setting up and maintaining effective study practices and work environments; managing work, recreation, school, family and community commitments; and setting realistic goals and expectations. 1800 002 062 www.sortorganisesupport.com.au

If you would like a listing for your club, class or activity in our next issue’s inclusive directory, contact us now! Email: Listings@FamiliesMagazine.com.au

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015



FUN FAMILIES Listings for everyone in every family! For even more families’ fun visit our website’s event calendar or search Facebook and Twitter with #FamiliesMagFun To promote your local family friendly event including school fetes and fairs, community groups, gettogethers and local festivals in the next ‘Families Fun’ listings (June/July 2015) send your entry by 5pm Friday 1 May 2015. Email Regina – Listings@FamiliesMagazine.com.au or upload directly to our online calendar – www.familiesmagazine.com.au/event-submission Listings in this section are FREE for most non-commercial ventures. Please check the details of the events listed before setting off in case anything has changed since going to print.


EASTER HOLIDAYS Until Sun 19 Apr Yayoi Kusama The obliteration room (South Bank) In her artwork, Kusama has used dots to cover many different surfaces and fill rooms. She calls this process ‘obliteration’, which means the complete destruction of every trace of something. Children are invited to enter the world of the artist and ‘obliterate’ an Australian domestic space by adding colourful dot stickers to the white furniture, objects and surfaces in the large-scale interactive installation. FREE! QGOMA. 10am – 5pm. www.qagoma.qld.gov.au Until Sun 10 May Climbing Web (Ipswich) Crafted by Evelyn Roth Festival Arts, the climbing web is a large-scale multi coloured crocheted net suspended from the gallery ceiling. This creates a safe, stimulating and enjoyable learning environment where kids can take off their shoes and roll and tumble while safely suspended off the ground. Kids are encouraged to climb, roll, dive and spin above the Children’s Gallery in the climbing web, designed especially for 3 to 12 year olds. FREE! 10am – 5pm. Ipswich Art Gallery. www.ipswichartgallery.qld.gov.au Until Sun 10 May Journey to Fantastic Lands (South Bank) This exciting exhibition encourages young visitors to explore the way artists use their imagination to bring to life fantastical worlds that are full of adventure and mystery. FREE! QGOMA. 10am – 5pm. www.qagoma.qld.gov.au Throughout Apr & May Dinosaur Discovery: Lost Creatures of the Cretaceous (South Bank) gives you a chance to experience life on earth 145 million years ago. Featuring more than 20 animated, life-size dinosaur models, including the fearsome T-Rex, and Queensland’s very own Muttaburrasaurus, Dinosaur Discovery: Lost Creatures of the Cretaceous will transport you back millions of years to when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Queensland Museum. 9.30am – 5pm. www.qm.qld.gov.au

Dinosaur Discovery Queensland Museum


Redcliffe Sails Festival

Throughout Apr & May Humanoid Discovery (South Bank) Your mission is to study the human beings which inhabit this planet called Earth. You will conduct several experiments to investigate these life forms. How do their muscles work under Earth’s gravity? What happens to their heart when they exercise? Can their brain control many functions at once? How do they taste the food they eat and where does that food go? Get the inside knowledge on how the human body functions. Sciencentre. 9.30am – 5pm. www.sciencentre.qm.qld.gov.au Thu 2 Apr Easter Storytime (Zillmere) Zillmere library are holding a special Easter treat, an Easter story and craft idea for children aged 2 – 5 years. FREE! 3.45 – 4.30pm. www.brisbane.qld.gov.au Thu 2 & Fri 3 Apr Bluewater Festival (Shorncliffe) The Bluewater Festival attracts thousands of visitors to Bramble Bay, Shorncliffe, on Good Friday of each year to take advantage of the best waterfront views for the start of Australia’s second biggest Yacht Race ‘The QantasLink Brisbane to Gladstone’. Set on the waterfront at beautiful Moora Park, the Bluewater Festival has colourful market stalls, carnival rides, gourmet food vendors and a great line-up of free entertainment. One of the most popular events of the festival is the Bluewater ‘Bayfire’ Night (Thursday) where the skies over Bramble Bay, Shorncliffe, and Sandgate explode with colourful fireworks, and friends and family flock to the foreshore to enjoy the market stalls and free entertainment by moonlight. Upper and Lower Moora Park. http://bluewaterfestival.org.au

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

Fri 3 - Sun 5 Apr Monster Slide (Murarrie) Monster Slide is a family friendly slip-n-slide party event. They are bringing a fun-filled atmosphere jampacked with action and entertainment, all so you can ride the biggest slip-n-slide ever to hit your city streets. 9am - 9pm daily. You can ride as much as you like for 2 hours. Bookings at www.dashtickets.com.au/tour/81 Fri 3 Apr Redcliffe Sails Festival (Redcliffe) The Redcliffe Sails Festival is a colourful seaside celebration of all things Easter and nautical. Head down to Suttons Beach on Good Friday to catch a special visit from the Easter Bunny and get the best view of the yachts from the 67th Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race. Free entry. 9am – 4pm. www.sailsfestival.com.au Sat 4 Apr, Sat 2 & 23 May The Super Weekend Show (Morningside) Take your kids to the weekend show where they will be out of their seats cheering and dancing. Featuring competitions, prizes, magic and fun loving characters, this will be one hour jam packed of entertainment. www.studiotheatre.com.au Sat 4 – Sun 19 Apr Autumn School Holiday Fun (Ipswich) Discover the Museum’s hands-on exhibitions, get creative making craft with recycled materials, enjoy classic family games and toys, let off some steam in the indoor playground Nippers Railway. See different parts of Queensland in miniature at the Model Railway, try driving a train on a simulator. The Workshops Rail Museum open 9.30am – 4pm. www.theworkshops.qm.qld.gov.au

#FamiliesMagFun Sat 4 Apr – Sat 30 May The Little Mermaid JR (Petrie Terrace) Disney's musical tale of the Hans Christian Andersen classic comes to life on the stage. In a magical kingdom fathoms below, the beautiful young mermaid Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. But first, she'll have to defy her father King Triton, make a deal with the evil sea witch Ursula, and convince Prince Eric that she’s the girl with the enchanting voice. Brisbane Arts Theatre. Bookings Essential. www.artstheatre.com.au Sun 5 Apr Easter Extravaganza (South Bank) Bounce into South Bank for Easter fun and games with Bazil Grumble! Enjoy the great outdoors and increase balance and coordination by participating in a range of Easter-inspired games that are fast, fun and funky! FREE! 9am – 1pm. www.visitbrisbane.com.au Tue 7 Apr Katy Perry Tribute Concert (Brisbane) This Is How We Do school holidays. Take the kids and grandkids for an amazing live tribute to the sweet Californian born candy pop teenage dream that is Katy Perry. 12 – 1pm. Brisbane City Hall. FREE! www.brisbane.qld.gov.au Tue 7 Apr The treasure of Captain Curlylocks (Annerley) When the treasure chest of Captain Curlylocks washes up on the beach, Nadia takes a careful peek inside but what is this? Instead of rubies and pearls, Captain Curlylocks has left her patchwork pirate coat and inside it’s pocket a treasure map! The Treasure of Captain Curlylocks combines comedy, music and audience participation. Ideal for children aged 3-8 years. Bookings required. FREE! 10 – 11am. www.brisbane.qld.gov.au

Tue 7 Apr Supersteph Easter Show (Chermside) Have a truly egg-cellent Easter at Chermside Library. Make chocolate Easter eggs by magic with Supersteph and her naughty giant Easter bunny Rfur, who needs your magical powers to make a real live bunny rabbit. Ideal for children of all ages. Bookings required. Chermside Library. FREE! 10 – 11.15am. www.brisbane.qld.gov.au Tue 7 – Fri 24 Apr Sprouts in the Park, Roma Street Parkland (Brisbane) Roma Street Parkland’s kids program continues during the Easter school holiday with a range of activities suitable for all age groups.7, 9, 14 & 16 April - 9.30am -11.30am art & craft, gardening and bop along Buddies. Suitable for children aged up to 10 years. 8, 10, 15 & 17 April - Boppin’ Babies music workshops (suitable for children aged 0-4 years) 9.30am – 11.30am. YogaBaby -(Suitable for children aged 3-6 years), 9.30am – 10.15am. 22 &24 April - Boppin’ Babies music workshops (suitable for children aged 0-4 years) 9.30am – 11.30am. The Parkland Explorer trackless train will be operating every day of the holidays. Gold coin contribution per child for all activities. www.romastreetparkland.com Thu 9 Apr YeeHaa cowboy! (Wynnum Central) Create your own little Wild West scene complete with cowboy, and cowgirl, along with cows, cactus and tumble weeds. Ideal for children ages 5-12 years. Bookings required. 10 – 11am. FREE! Wynnum Library. www.brisbane.qld.gov.au

continued on page 28 

Humanoid Discovery – Sciencentre

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


#FamiliesMagFun continued from page 27

SEA LIFE Mooloolaba

Thu 9 – Wed 15 Apr FLUFF: A Story of Lost Toys (South Bank) A simple, joyful and humorous tale told with a twist. It has been acclaimed for its originality, warmth, clever use of comedy and extraordinary combination of song, movement, sampling, projection and audience participation. QPAC. Bookings Essential. www.qpac.com.au


FLUFF: A Story of Lost Toys

Thu 9 - Thu 16 Apr Balloonacy (Hamilton) Discover how the power of friendship can turn someone's life upside down and help them fly to new heights in this fun, exciting and uplifting comedy for the young ones and the young at heart. Sweet, inspired and packed with comedy, Balloonacy will take you on the most heart-warming of journeys these Easter holidays as Front Row Theatre presents their new and exciting children's show for kids aged 3 and up. Bookings Essential. www.frontrow.org.au Fri 10 Apr Eric Carle Creatures (Indooroopilly) Create your own creepy crawly artwork exploring the collage techniques used to illustrate Eric Carle’s picture books. Ideal for children aged 5-10 years. Bookings required. Indooroopilly Library. 2 – 3pm. FREE! www.brisbane.qld.gov.au Sat 11 Apr Redlands Good Gardening Expo (Capalaba) Find out about growing your own organic food at home. Learn about native gardening and how you can use natives to create habitats. Composting, worm farming, mulching and how to recycle your green waste. Workshops and demonstrations. Arts and craft. Music and food. Indigiscapes. 9am – 3pm. http://indigiscapes.redland.qld.gov.au


Sat 11 & 18 Apr Sleep Under the Sea (Mooloolaba) Explore the depths of the ocean walk through and see what the creatures and critters really get up to at night! The Experience includes: a night in the aquarium, behind the scenes tour, twilight tour with headlamps, seal presentation, rocky shore ramble on Mooloolaba beach, evening meal, supper and breakfast and sleeping bags. Bookings Essential as there are limited spaces. www.underwaterworld.com.au Sun 12 Apr Street Science Workshops (South Bank) Take your kids along to Little Days Out’s Street Science Workshops and they can take part in explosive science shows as well as slime and snow workshops. FREE! 9am – 1pm. www.visitbrisbane.com.au Mon 13 Apr Switch Bricks (Booval) Bricktastic LEGO themed fun at Switch Bricks Pop up Play and Display Centre including: LEGO Display, Creative build tables, Build & Race Ramps, Duplo Dreaming, Spongy Bricks, Bionicle Building, Friends Lego, Competitions and mosaics. 9am – 4pm. www.switchbricks.com Tue 14 - Sat 18 Apr Stories From the Sky: Flipside Circus (Fortitude Valley) Join some of Brisbane’s best young circus performers for a whimsical tale of memory, dreams and friendship. Through breathtaking aerials, gusty German wheel and extraordinary juggling, Flipside Circus reveal their most beautiful and captivating stories so far. Bookings Essential. http://judithwrightcentre.com Wed 15 & Thu 16 Apr Crazy Kids School Holiday Fun (Toowong) Get the kids off the couch these school holidays with 4 hours of unlimited fun at the Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens. You will receive a hot dog, drink and their very own Easter surprise! www.botanical.co Mon 13 – Fri 17 Apr Kids Dig It! Stone Age School Holiday Program (Caboolture) Fun, educational and affordable! Experience this week at the Abbey Museum, and explore the excitement of the Stone

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

Age within the setting of their amazing collection! Admission includes archery, drumming, craft activities, cave art and so much more! Join them from 10.00am to participate in Stone Age fun. http://abbeymuseum.com.au Mon 13 – Sun 19 Apr A Brisbane welcome: Craft and Construction for Kids (Brisbane) How do we celebrate arrivals in our city today? Should we reintroduce the welcome arch? You and your children can bring back this celebratory structure in this hands-on workshop. Get creative, design an arch for a visiting King or Queen, or construct a contemporary twist by building a structure you’d like to see welcoming high profiled visitors to our City today. FREE! Brisbane City Hall. 10am – 1pm. www.museumofbrisbane.com.au  EDITOR RECOMMENDS Tue 14 – Sat 18 Apr Flying Fox School Holiday Workshops (Everton Park) These 1.5 hour workshops are uniquely designed by Flying Fox Studios, with the program covering a wide range of creative experiences such as visual arts, engineering, craft, science, music, drama, textiles, and construction. Bookings Essential as they are VERY popular! www.flyingfoxstudios.com.au Mon 13 – Fri 17 Apr Flipside Circus School Holiday Workshops (Alderley) Flipside Circus provides school holiday workshops based at their Alderley training centre. Their classes are suitable for everybody, ages from 18 months – adults, all skill levels and all abilities. Bookings Essential. www.flipsidecircus.org.au Thu 16 Apr Cheeky Chimps Soft Play (South Bank) Cheeky Chimps Soft Play allows babies and toddlers to enjoy physical play while learning. The equipment is completely safe and helps them to learn new motor skills and develop their muscles. 9am – 1pm. FREE! www.visitbrisbane.com.au Thu 16 Apr Wimpy Kid (Ascot) Writing workshop based on the popular junior novels ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ and ‘Dork Diaries’. Learn how to design your own character and plan a super-awesome storyline. Ideal for children aged 8-12 years. Bookings required. Hamilton Library. FREE! 2-3pm. www.brisbane.qld.gov.au Sun 19 Apr Superhero Escapades (South Bank) Your kids can live out their superhero dreams at Superhero Escapades, an energetic class aimed at building confidence, self-esteem and a healthy body. Kids can dress up in capes and create their own superhero character as well as participate in creative improvisation and interactive theatre games. FREE! 9am – 1pm. www.visitbrisbane.com.au

#FamiliesMagFun APRIL Thu 23 Apr ANZAC Storytime (Corinda) Celebrate this special day with Australian stories and craft. Ideal for children aged 2-5 years. Corinda Library. 9.30 – 10am. FREE! www.brisbane.qld.gov.au Mon 27 April Squaring the Wheel (Cleveland) combines circus, clown, strange mechanisms and contraptions, puppetry, magic and music into an unusual, thingamabobbish theatre circus extravaganza! A flying broom, 17 balls, 34 meters of bent steel, 483 welded points and 15 marching eggs are just the tip of the iceberg of unexpected, transformed wacky materials and objects. Don’t miss this clever theatre adventure for the whole family in thinking outside of the box at Redland Performing Arts Centre. There is even a workshop for your keen little inventors! Tickets: Performance $15, Performance and Workshop $25. Bookings: www.rpac.com.au or 3829 8131. Mon 27 Apr Teddy Bears Picnic (Forest Lake) If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise! Remember to bring your teddy and your healthy snack and enjoy the teddy bears picnic under the trees. Hear some stories about bears of all shapes and sizes and then play a range of fun, energetic games that will keep you active and let you show off your moves! Bookings Required. 10am – 12pm. FREE! www.bazilgrumble.com.au

MAY Until Fri 1 May Medibank Feel Good Program (South Bank) The Medibank Feel Good Program, with seven different classes to choose from, will run each weekday from 23 February to 1 May at the Little Stanley Street Lawns. From low impact to high energy, there is something for everyone including your bub with a Bubacise class on Wednesday mornings. All classes are free and bookings are not required – just turn up and join in the fun. www.visitbrisbane.com.au Sat 2 May Frolicking Fairies (Everton Park) Fairy, fairy in the garden, will you come tonight? Go and help find the fairies at the bottom of the garden! Go along dressed as a fair, take your healthy snack and enjoy a fairy picnic under the trees. This workshop inspires the imagination as children play fairy games, hear fairy stories, sing fairy songs and enjoy creative movement that will encourage everyone to be healthy and active. 10am – 12pm. FREE! www.brisbane.qld.gov.au Sat 9 May The Hills Carnivale (Ferny Hills) This annual fiesta held at George Willmore Park features so much for the family with: two stages - Main Stage & Kids Stage, markets, multicultural food stalls, kids workshops, $2 rides, roving entertainment and stilt walker, fireworks. 12 – 6.30pm. www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au Sat 9 & Sun 10 May The Brisbane Model Train Show 2015 (Bowen Hills) A great day out for the whole family at one of the largest model train shows ever run in south east Queensland. Over 45

Layouts in a Large Variety of Scales. Ride on Trains and Heritage Railway Groups. Over 30 Traders of Railway Modelling Products. Demonstrations of Wagon & Building Assembly. Celebrate 150 Years of Railways in Queensland. $12 per person. http://brisbanemodeltrainshow.com.au Sun 10 May Lights, Camera, Action! (South Bank) The stage is set. The musicians are ready. The Conductor raises the baton. ‘Lights, Camera, Action!’ features music from the stage, screen and TV like you’ve never heard before. Experience classics from Star Wars and ET, familiar television themes and popular musicals. Queensland Symphony Orchestra. 11.30am. Bookings Essential. http://qso.com.au Sat 23 May - Oct Art On the Wild Side (South Bank) Children can discover a wild and wonderful menagerie of animals in ‘Art on the Wild Side’. This exhibition incorporates multimedia interactive activities, animation and engaging works from the Gallery’s Collection including photography, moving image and drawings. FREE! QGOMA. 10am – 5pm. www.qagoma.qld.gov.au Wed 27 May National Simultaneous Storytime (Various libraries) Join in the National Simultaneous Storytime as part of Library and Information Week when libraries all around Australia take part in a simultaneous reading of The Brother Quibble by Aaron Blabey. A picture book about family love (and war) when a new baby is brought into the Quibble home. Ideal for ages 3-5 years. FREE! www.brisbane.qld.gov.au

For even MORE Families Fun Events visit our website www.FamiliesMagazine.com.au

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


From Bump to Business

Local Brisbane Mum, Teneille Douglas, tells us about how she started off small but dreamed BIG to open and grow her local business in North Brisbane. Find out more about her friendly, community based business that everyone is talking about…

Neighbourhood Creche ■ Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Teneille Douglas, I'm 28 years young with 3 beautiful children under 3 years of age. I live in North Brisbane and have a special small business from home called Neighbourhood Crèche.

■ What is Neighbourhood Crèche? Neighbourhood Crèche is a community home business in Griffin 4503. Offering Casual Day Care for children under 6 and also offering a great range of early childhood classes for newborns through to school aged children.

■ How did you get started? I had this great idea a few years ago when I had my first child and realised how much I would have loved an hour or 2 to go to a doctor’s appointment by myself. I had no family or friends around to help out. I had also been teaching music for a few years and along the way had been asked many times to babysit. This gave me the idea of having a music school and a crèche all in one.


■ What is the best bit about what you do? The best part about my job is that I am lucky enough to involve and have my 3 children along side of me the whole way. My children love the classes and love the crèche childcare. I also love being able to provide a wonderful and safe environment for children. Parents feel very comfortable and at ease when they come to Neighbourhood Crèche. I put on some fantastic FREE concert events for the community too. It's a lot of work but brings so much enjoyment and families together.

■ What are the challenging bits? It can sometimes become hard trying to juggle work and family life. As any parent knows, children will be children and it can sometimes be very difficult when one of my children plays up or gets sick. But as this is a family business, most people understand and are happy to offer a hand where possible.

■ What does the future hold for the business?

■ How do you fit work around family life?

The future is very positive for Neighbourhood Crèche. The business keeps growing as the word gets out about how great the facility is with such friendly, educated and caring teachers. There is great opportunity to add extra classes, expand and franchise Neighbourhood Crèche nationally too.

I fit work around family life by having limits. I try not to over commit and try to make sure I keep at least 2 full days a week to spend with my family. When it seems like my children have had enough of coming to my music classes, I never force them and will have someone look after them while I teach my classes.

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015

■ What advice would you give other mums looking to work for themselves? Start out small but keep your dreams big. Starting a business when you have a family can be very tricky and is not for everyone, if you start small it can be a great opportunity to see if you like it and if you can see if it will work with your family. www.neighbourhoodcreche.com.au info@neighbourhoodcreche.com.au

If you are a local Mum who has gone from ‘bump to business’ and would like to share your story with Brisbane get in touch now! Editor@FamiliesMagazine.com.au

Families Freebies


for the whole family! s e i b e e r F Enter Online!

Enter at www.FamiliesMagazine.com.au/competitions

WIN A Home Carpet Steam Clean

WIN A Copy of ‘Splitsville

- How to separate, stay out of Court and stay friends’ Are you in the throes of a divorce or separation and don’t know where to turn? ‘Splitsville - How to separate, Stay out of Court and Stay friends’ will guide you and your family through the legal issues associated with your relationship breakdown and onto a path to a successful future. Written by Specialist Family Lawyer, Clarissa Rayward, Splitsville provides you and your spouse with the information you need to ensure that after your separation or divorce you can both move forward into a new stage of life without causing each other or your children unnecessary angst. The complex legal process is broken down into clear language to ensure you can gain the knowledge needed to negotiate sensible and sustainable agreements for your finances and your children.

Our friends at Sun Dry Carpet Steam Cleaning and Pest Control Services are offering a fantastic prize – you can win your whole house carpet steam cleaned. This is for 3 bedrooms and a lounge up to the value of $154 inc GST. The Sun Dry Carpet Cleaning team are always ready to provide you free advice and free quotes on carpet steam cleaning Brisbane. Check out their Facebook page and their website for their reviews and testimonials. Brisbane families LOVE them! www.sundry.com.au


j 1 x Home Carpet Steam Clean to win

j 5 x Copies of Splitsville to win

WIN A Family Pass to Australia Zoo! Kick-start the Easter school holidays with your favourite Wildlife Warriors, the Irwin family, at Australia Zoo! From April 3 – 7, Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin will be feeding the crocs daily, following performances by Bindi and the Jungle Girls in the world-famous Crocoseum. On Easter Sunday, there’s a massive zoo-wide Easter egg hunt where you can win some great prizes. Australia Zoo will hold a zoo-wide treasure hunt for the duration of the holidays that will take you from admissions to Africa, Bindi’s Island, Southeast Asia and back. By solving the puzzles, you’ll eventually wind up in a secret location to claim your treasure – so be sure to pick up your treasure map on admission! For all the details and to check out the full Easter school holidays activity guide, head to www.australiazoo.com.au

j 2 x Family passes to win

Remember to join our Facebook page to enter our Facebook ONLY competitions For full competition terms and conditions and to enter, log on to:


Connect to our website to enter our competitions now!


CHILDREN’S PARTIES & WINTER DAYS OUT Advertising deadline: Friday 1 May 2015

August/September 2015 Families Magazine – Brisbane is made with love by Janine Mergler - Editor, Regina Gleeson – Listings Editor, Lisa Bibby – Designer, Jesse Stanger – Social Intelligence and Jayde Mihan – Web Designer @ www.eyecandymedia.com.au All rights are reserved. The information contained in this publication and on our website and social media forums is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Families Magazine and its contributors as detailed on individual articles. While we endeavour to publish information that is up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related images contained in print, on our website or in our social media forums for any purpose. Information received via our publication or online should not be relied upon for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions. You should consult an appropriate professional for specific advice tailored to your need and situation.

SCHOOLS & EDUCATION Advertising deadline: Monday 29 June 2015

We do not endorse contents or advertisers in our publication or on our web pages and will not responsible for any content of any linked site or any link contained in the link site. In no event shall we be liable for direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages or any damages whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with the use of or performance of information, products, services or reliance on the contents of the advertisements. All material including, but not limited to adverts, editorial, images and part thereof sent to Families Magazine remain the property of Families Magazine. All materials and personal details will be handled appropriately with respect to data protection laws. No material published by Families Magazine in print or online may be reproduce whatsoever without prior written consent.

Your Local Families Magazine – Brisbane Issue 9 - April/May 2015


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