Just one healthy thing
At this time of the year, we are bombarded with unrealistic health advice. So how about setting yourself an easy target of changing just one thing this New Year? © Bruce Mars from Unsplash
Consider cold water swimming
Get a fitness buddy
Take time to meditate
Start with cold water showers and build up with the Wim Hof method.
Accountability works. Find out more.
10 minutes a day can make a huge difference. Find hundreds of free meditations.
Take Vitamin D
Try forest bathing
Get quality sleep
10mg daily for adults in autumn and winter compensate for lack of UK sunshine.
Time in forest/woodland boosts your mood, health and wellbeing. Find options here. Photo: Spirited Euphoria
If your nights are disrupted, try going to bed earlier. Discover the benefits. Photo: Gabrielle Henderson from Unsplash
Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels
Go veggie
For one day a week, skip meat. Follow MeatFreeMondays.
Give up alcohol
Practise gratitude
Try mindful drinking with Keeping a daily gratitude Spirited Euphoria! 100% diary can make you feel more optimistic. natural, non-alcoholic, endorphin-releasing alternative. January/February 17