Building emotional intelligence with RainbowSmart
By Liam Govey
The last two years have been an overwhelming challenge for many of us, though arguably the most overlooked discussions have been regarding the Early Years sector. With many children missing out on the most crucial stage of their lives during the pandemic, how much longer can the sector afford to be overlooked?
– all designed with children’s mental health in mind. Given that 75% of mental illnesses begin before the age of eighteen, getting that initial head start is crucial in the long-term development of children.1decision encourages parents and carers to spend at least 20 minutes a day building their child’s emotional intelligence and encouraging positive screen time. The world can be an unpredictable place even for us adults, so we can only imagine how it must feel for children right now. 1decision is on hand to provide that vital support blanket.
The thought of so many children missing out on making friends and building relationships in their formative years is hard to contemplate given that we all grew up with simplicities we’d once taken for granted. According to a report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group, one in every seven primaryschool aged child had a diagnosable mental illness in 2020, and given the When building the next generation, circumstances it may be unsurprising children in their early years need to be at the forefront. The to see a sharp rise in cases here. RainbowSmart philosophy hinges on the idea that children at the earlier That said, this is not a challenge stages of their development are able we should merely accept or shy to pick things up more easily. This away from. In fact, 1decision have is especially true when it comes to done the opposite in developing languages. So why can’t the same the RainbowSmart app. Within be true of emotional intelligence, the app is an array of storybooks, empathy and positive wellbeing? flashcards and mindfulness videos With the launch of our new RainbowSmart app, we are offering SEVEN DAYS FREE ACCESS to all of the RainbowSmart content! Simply download the app from Google Play or the App Store today to get started. 6 January/February