Families Hertfordshire January/February 2022

Page 9



Steven Cartwright St Edmund’s Prep School Steven Cartwright, former Deputy Head and outdoor enthusiast speaks about his time as Headmaster of St Edmund’s Prep School over the last eight years.

When did you become Headmaster? I became the Headmaster of the Prep school in 2013, having spent the previous four years working as Deputy Head and teaching in Year Six. I had recently married and had a baby, and given the positive previous years’ experience as Deputy, I felt ready to take on the challenge of Headship and offer leadership and service to such a tremendous community. How would the students describe you? I asked two students from the Tea Time Club this question (one aged four, the other aged seven). They described me as kind, caring and fun. I am not entirely sure what they based the last adjective on, but I have got some pretty terrible jokes up my sleeve. What was it about the school that made you want to apply for the position? The faith and heritage of St Edmund’s College and Prep are huge motivators. Founding principles based on love, care and nurture really resonate with me. The mission statement ‘St Edmund’s aims to realise unique

God-given potential, in body, mind and spirit… ’ is also genuinely reflected in the opportunities and curriculum here for the children. The staff are committed, vocationally so, talented and professional. The opportunities are near endless. During my time here, I have seen the children travel to India, Asia, America and various parts of Europe. They have taken part in more sports fixtures than it’s possible to count, exhibited work in art exhibitions and performed on stages to packed auditoriums of up to 500 adoring parents and grandparents. I spoke to one student the other day (in the College) who was off to fly a helicopter. Who wouldn’t love that! What inspired you to become a teacher and later, a headteacher? A combination of experiences and training. I have always enjoyed the study of leadership and the dynamic challenge. I was previously occupying roles in my youth, such as Headboy of my secondary school (John Henry Newman) and Chairperson of the Geography society at University (St Mary’s, Twickenham). I have also organised adventurous outdoor activities such as the Three Peaks Challenge for the Crohn’s and Colitis Association. In educational terms, I am blessed to have been inspired by some

incredible teachers along the way – passionate pedagogists who reflect my own values; a love of children, a love of life and a love of learning. I should also mention that my mother, now retired, was a Catholic Headteacher of vast experience. Sunday dinner time conversations clearly left an impressive mark. What did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor… or a teacher! What have you been most proud of since joining St Edmund’s Prep School as Headmaster? Creating an environment within which children and staff are valued and appreciated for being who they are. The relationships that we have built with our parents and grandparents are also critical and highly valued in the Prep. Seeing the children happy in school each day and enjoying what they are doing – learning and growing in academic and pastoral terms – is a source of pride for me. Seeing our oldest daughter leave the school and go onto University as an articulate, confident, sensible young woman has to be the main highlight so far, though. There is no question in either my or my wife’s mind that St Edmund’s played a critical role in this respect. Join Mr Cartwright, the staff and students at St Edmund’s Prep at an Open Day or for a private tour by visiting www.stedmundscollege.org. You can also find out more via their social media pages, @StEdmundsCollegeandPrep on Facebook and Instagram, and @StEdmundsPrep on Twitter. Address: Old Hall Green, Ware, Herts, SG11 1DS.

If you are a Head in Hertfordshire and would like to feature on this page then email editor@familiesherts.co.uk (this is a sponsored feature) Familiesonline.co.uk

January/February 9

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