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March / April 2014
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The Essential Directory For Organised Parents
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Dear Family Go Live reader,
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As the frost starts to thaw, the nights get lighter and the first jumpers and cardigans start to tentatively come off, we’re raising a toast to the end of winter here at Family Go Live magazine. Spring is a time for new beginnings, and it’s no different for us here at the magazine as we begin franchising for the first time. Family Go Live began when the Director of the magazine, Denise Harris, a mum herself, realised that there was a gap in the market for a bespoke guide for mums about the best schools, classes, days out and events for families in Liverpool. Seven years on and Family Go Live is going from strength to strength thanks to a formula that makes it a winner for readers and advertisers alike. And now, there’s a chance for other ‘mumpreneurs’ to get in on the action. No experience of magazines is needed to take on a Family Go Live franchise; all you need is great interpersonal skills, a drive to succeed and a passion for all things kid, bump and baby-related. If you think you’ve got what it takes, read our interview with Denise in Local Services to find out more about how you can get involved.
It’s not all business in this edition though. In Bumps and Babies, we’re taking a look at why Pilates can be so beneficial during pregnancy, and how new research shows that mums-to-be are feeling more confident than ever. In Education, explore what you can do to help your child get through the 11+ and share our best tips for having that chat with your child as we talk about the Birds and the Bees. In Clubs and Classes we take to the stage and make a splash as we discuss the benefits of getting involved with swimming and drama classes, and in Health and Beauty we check out the hottest looks for this season. And of course, this is all topped off with your usual mix of the best listings, competitions and vouchers so you have all you need to keep your family happy, healthy and entertained, right through till summer.
EDITORIAL: Sarah Carlin ADVERTISING SALES: Clare Vaughan & Tali Harris DIRECTOR: Denise Harris ADDRESS: SK Events, The Old Bank 382 Aigburth Road Liverpool L19 3QD TELEPHONE: 0151 432 5651 EMAIL: Disclaimer: The information contained within Family Go Live we believe to be correct at the time of printing, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions.
Bumps & Babies Directory
Antenatal Support
Twilight Midwife Tel: 0151 538 2998 NCT Tel: 0844 243 6191
Post-natal support
Association of Breast Feeding Mothers Tel: 08444 122 949 PSS Post Natal Support Group Tel: 0151 222 9262 Bambis Breast Feeding Support Group Tel: 0151 702 4411
Nurseries and childminders
Abercromby Nursery Tel : 0151 709 5114 Community and Child minder Network Co-Ordinator Tel: 0151 233 4001 Waverton House Tel: 0151 733 0199 Botanic Lodge Nursery Tel: 0151 259 2859 The Cottage Day Nursery Tel: 0151 293 0384 Greenbank Park Day Nursery Tel: 0151 733 4037
Health Support
Late night chemist directory Liverpool Women’s Hospital Tel: 0151 708 9988 NHS Direct Tel: 0845 4647
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Pregnancy and pilates Though for many years the wisdom was that pregnant women should sit back, put their feet up and enjoy eating for two, now experts recommend that mumsto-be should continue to exercise regularly throughout pregnancy. And one form of exercise that more and more expectant mums are swearing by is Pilates. Not least because it can actually help combat that bête-noir of pregnant women everywhere – collapsed pelvic floor muscles. This is a benefit that its creator, German-born Joseph Pilates, probably didn’t envisage. Born in 1883, he had a sickly childhood plagued by asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever, and became particularly interested in how different types of exercise can improve physical strength. He became convinced that poor posture and breathing techniques were behind many health problems, and – combining elements of gymnastics, yoga, and bodybuilding – designed a technique to combat this. Pilates was born... So what is Pilates? Essentially, it’s an
exercise system that focuses on stretching and strengthening the whole body through a series of movements and positions which help build strength and coordination – without putting the body under too much strain. The benefits for pregnant women are unquestionable, with Pilates helping to strengthen tummy muscles. Doing this helps better equip the body to cope with the strain of
growing a baby, and can help reduce back pain by enabling your stomach muscles to stabilise your back and pelvis. Crucially, this also helps to strengthen the pelvic floor, which can prevent stress incontinence before and after pregnancy, something which is estimated to affect some 15,000 women in the UK. Because many of the positions involve using the hands and knees, it’s also perfect for taking the strain from a pregnant body, and can even assist you in helping get your baby in the right position for birth. Many women also report that the breathing techniques they learned came in useful for labour. Despite the multiple benefits of Pilates, choosing a class carefully is recommended, as not all classes are of the same quality. Sarah of the Physiotherapy Centre in Liverpool runs regular Pilates classes. Unlike many other Pilates classes, their physiotherapy led approach and small class sizes are perfect for those who are new to the technique and want one-to-one attention. She explains: “Traditional Pilates exercises can be very challenging even for the fittest clients. Even if carried out correctly, many of the traditional exercises can put a lot of strain on the spine and surrounding muscles. Therefore physiotherapy led Pilates classes are often the perfect solution for clients looking for rehab and/ or fitness solutions.”
Mothers day for
Mother’s Day (Sunday March 30th) is a time when we all celebrate the wonderful women in our lives, but it’s also a day to show your appreciation to the mummy-to-be in your life. If you’re looking for that perfect gift, Liverpool’s specialist boutique for expectant mums, the Pudding Club, has lined up some gorgeous Mother’s Day gifts.
Bibee Dresses
Bibee Dresses are unique and aimed at breast feeding mum s as well as pregnant ladies.
The plain bibee short dre ss (£115) and butterly bibee (£50) come with a free long slee ve black t-shirt worth £40.
City Carry!
soon be time to When baby arrives, it will that doesn’t mean ditch that handbag, but A chic baby collection compromising on style. here, the Petunia Pickle for savvy mothers everyw nging bags make it Bottom City Carry All cha easy to travel in style. City carry all priced at
Bloom & Blossom
per your mummy-toIf you’re looking to pam than the Bloom and be, then look no further Blossom range. The indulgence bath
oil is a real treat at £18
Pregnancy Chime!
xican bola or pregnancy For a unique gift, the Me inal necklace for chime is a pretty and orig bola, a tiny sort of the ide Ins n. pregnant wome s’ which a little ball ‘dance xylophone is welded, on into eks we nty twe tely around. From approxima nds hear and recognise sou can y bab a , ncy gna pre in the womb.
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Babes with babies: Why there’s never been a better time to be pregnant Empowered? Curvy? Powerful? This may sound like the plot synopsis from a Beyoncé video, but is actually a description of how many women report feeling during pregnancy, as new research shows that it’s never been a better time to be pregnant. Online retailer, Babes with Babies, have spoken to mums up and down the country. They’ve found that while women might have before tried to hide their bump under voluminous dresses or highly questionable maternity dungarees, now mums-to-be see their bumps as something to be proud of, with 60% saying they choose figurehugging clothes that helps show off their bump. Two thirds of mothers reported feeling stylish throughout their pregnancy; with a quarter describing themselves as feeling ‘ultra-feminine’ and loving the effects on their hair, skin, boobs and nails. Only 9% described themselves at ‘fat & frumpy’. And it seems the pregnant body gets the male vote too, with 80% of women saying their partner loved their new shape, and over a quarter saying they thought their partner actually found them more attractive.
Despite feeling more confident, the women surveyed have indicate that pregnancy could make dressing for some occasions more difficult, with weddings and formal events often difficult to find clothing for. No wonder, then, that a third of women said they struggled to feel confident in these events. However, finding casual clothes to suit didn’t seem to be a problem, with 50% saying that a great pair of jeans is the most important item in their maternity wardrobe. Mini-skirts were out though, as only 0.2% saying they were comfortable wearing short skirts in pregnancy. Despite overall feeling comfortable with the changes to their body, one bit that didn’t change for the better is feet, with 1 in 4 women saying their feet actually got larger during this period. Could be time to give those Jimmy Choos a nine-month holiday! The survey also revealed what comments were most likely to get pregnant women running for the hills, as 34% of women found “You Look Tired” to be the worst comment, and “Look at the size of you” found to be the most hurtful comment by 30% surveyed, however well meaning.
a FREE term of Puddle Ducks classes Join Puddle Ducks Baby and Pre-school swimming classes at any age from birth. Swimming offers your baby a unique sensory experience and develops confidence in the water that lasts a lifetime, as well as truly magical one-to-one time for you and your new bundle of joy.
For your chance to win a FREE term of Puddle Ducks classes, just tell us at what age you can start swimming with us. To enter the competition please go to and give us your answer. Closing date 30th April 2014
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
The Physiotherapy Centre As physiotherapists we bring our extensive knowledge of anatomy, fitness and evidence based practice to deliver you a pilates class in an exclusive studio environment. We see many uncomplicated, pain free pregnancies. However we are also experienced in treating antenatal spinal and pelvic dysfunction and can manage these from a range of physiotherapy interventions. Careful consideration is given to each individual during the sessions and where necessary modifications and alternative exercises will be suggested. Please call to book 0151 724 2060
Education Directory Tutor Directory Active TT Tel: 0151 709 8011
Accelerate Learning
n Tel: 0151 203 0115 Ted Heads Tel: 0151 924 5831 Let’s Learn Tel: 0151 724 4191 Tutor Doctor Tel: 0151 559 6413
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
“That” chat and when to have it Red faces, mumbling and euphemisms at the ready, it’s time to start thinking about having “that” chat with your kids. While in previous generations, having the ‘when a man and a woman love each other very much’ conversation was arguably unnecessary until children got a little older, now the advent of sexting, Snapchat and Miley Cyrus music videos means children are being exposed to sexual content at an even earlier age, this means the adults in their lives now have a responsibility to make sure they have the knowledge they need to stay safe. Luckily, schools play their part here, with Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) taught as part of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) in the National Curriculum. However most experts agree that any sex education in school should be secondary to guidance and information from the people who know their children best, parents. And the best way to do this is not in one revelatory bombshell at age 13, but by dripfeeding age appropriate information throughout childhood. So what should you be talking about, and when? Of course, the major caveat here is that it depends on the child, their levels of development and what they may or may not have been exposed to. Children who have seen some unsavoury stuff online are unlikely to be easily fobbed off by mutterings about the birds and the bees.
Generally speaking, relationships, puberty and how to stay safe (the NSPCCs ‘the underwear rule’ campaign can be a useful starting point here) are good topics for discussion between four and six. Between ages seven and eleven, children will usually be ready to learn more about puberty and relationships, and how to deal with peer pressure. At secondary school age, issues like sex itself, contraception, pregnancy, STDs and relationships can be introduced. The most crucial thing is to try to stay relaxed and open when talking about sex education with your child. If you feel nervous, or awkward, they’re likely to pick up on this, and will be less likely to come to you for advice in the future. Trying to make sex education a part of ordinary life, rather than a bi-annual event you both have to dread is also advisable. Using TV programmes and the news as a route to introduce topics can be very useful. Lastly, try not to fob off your child or tell them they’re too young to know about certain things. Now information on the internet is so readily available, if they don’t find out information from you, they’ll be finding it out from someone else.
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
The 11+ can be one of the most stressful events of childhood for both kids and parents, with future educational success often hinged on the results of just one exam. We talk to Anne Sheppard of Accelerate Learning about why getting started early will give your child the best chance of success... “11+ preparation can be a stressful for both a student and their parents. To help minimise this and ensure that your child is fully prepared it is important to start the process early. “Encouraging your child to read is important, as a wide vocabulary and accurate spelling are essential for the 11+ verbal reasoning papers. Listening to your child read and discussing any unfamiliar words is a simple way to broaden their range of vocabulary.
“A good grounding in maths is just as important. Making sure that your child is secure in the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can give them more confidence when dealing with the more challenging problems of an 11+ maths paper.
11+: Why you need to start preparing early
Having knowledge of symmetry and 3-D shapes can also help with the logical deduction skills needed for non-verbal papers. “Preparation can start as early as Year 3, Accelerate Learning offers structured tuition which focuses on the specific content of individual entrance exams and ensures that good exam techniques are developed. The course covers all areas thoroughly, our tutors have wide experience in coaching students so that they are not daunted by anything they face on the day of the exam.” Want to find out more about Accelerate Learning? Visit:
Overcoming dyslexia The chances are you know someone with dyslexia or some other kind of literacy problem. All they want is someone to tell them how to overcome these issues. Coralie Hobson of Tedheads, explains what parents can do to help. She says: “I know that the majority of parents want the very best for their children. I want to make sure that no-one hears their child say, “Mummy, why didn’t you tell my I just had to learn visual imagery to be able to read and spell?” Coralie explains that negative
feedback can become the norm and comments like “he just can’t sit still and listen” and “why is it you can remember some things and not
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
others” begin to sound all too familiar. This can cause children to feel misunderstood and demoralised, leading to a chain of unhelpful behaviour and feelings. Children may get frustrated, embarrassed and just give up. But luckily, help is at hand. Coralie’s colleague, teacher and NLP practitioner Kate Mullin explains, “We can look at how someone learns and then create a way of using and practicing the new skills, it is a very unique process.” Tedheads combines NLP with the Empowering Learning approach developed by Olive Hickmott, founder of Empowering Learning. Coralie concludes, “our fast, fun and effective programme utilises visual imagery to rapidly improve confidence in spelling, writing and concentration. We’ve had great results so far.” For more info visit
Pa rent Review
Jumping Jacks by CLARE CLEGG we are planning our It is the school holidays and tion my 5 and ques first the … ities activ weeks we see Sara will day at “Wh is 3 year old ask are referring to the and Lucie?” My daughters ping Jacks, safe in effervescent directors of Jum be a Jumping Jacks will e ther that e ledg the know t during the school poin e som at d event schedule break. g to ‘JJ’ classes in my I started taking my girls alon ately three years roxim app tre, Cen local Children’s n packed, actio were ions ago. The weekly sess y dance routines filled with sing-a-longs, funn e games! Little did and the much loved parachut s were teaching song the that se the children reali were helping them counting skills, the dances the parachute had balance and co-ordinate and bers. num and urs colo ting, then shou at pitching the classes The leaders were amazing from the most in such a way that every child involved. The age got dent confi t mos the shy to ol age- the scho to y teen from range spanned ren. When the time classes grew with the child to school we felt came for my girls to head off ‘JJ’ class but we our on out ing miss ut sad abo Jacks large ping Jum ied. worr needn’t have es guaranteed an events held at various venu ness, dances, afternoon of jam packed mad ting, party songs pain face , ions petit com colouring ered around a cent lly usua are They and dances. sing up and I dres for se theme which gives licen have as much fun as can honestly say us mums e where littleuns the children (we are at the stag ted embarassed pera exas us give are starting to glances… ooops!).
Jumping Jacks and Christmas wouldn’t and Lucie their best friends Lucie bringing Santa to be Christmas without Miss string to the bow which our house for a visit, another ered in a mini party deliv is and ised is really personal ping Jacks enough, Jum end mm format. I cannot reco at what they do! They the whole team are amazing nts alike-and it is not are loved by children and pare hy cabinet agrees! Well trop heir so-t s just me that think us so many Kodak g givin for done ladies, thank you moments x
from strength to We have watched ‘JJ’ grow more and more ding atten are we strength and the entertainment. iding prov parties where ‘JJ’ are lders above their They really are heads and shou le child is made to feel competitors and every sing out for a whole host of n give als med involved, with a room full of proud g bein reasons, the outcome the Jumping Jacks 5 year olds! My girls consider , declaring Sara now ly fami the of part as team
Clubs & Classes Have a look below for some great clubs & classes ... Craft weekends at Martin Mere
What? Come and get creative with craft activities every weekend between 1pm and 4pm. There will be a choice of activities available (a small charge applies to cover the cost of materials) Where? Martin Mere, Fish Lane, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 0TA When? 1stMarch – 20th April
4 Week climbing course at Awesome Walls
What? Awesome wall’s expert tutors can help to hone your technique and boost your confidence. No one knows the climbing surface at our centres better – they’ll point you at the perfect challenges to bring out the best in your climbing. Where? Awesome Walls, St Albans Church, Athol St, Liverpool, Merseyside L5 9TN When? Next course starts on Wednseday 5th March and costs only £80
Willow Weaving at Tatton Park
What? Join Sarah Gallagher Hayes, willow sculptor and artist and receive expert tuition to create your own beautiful willow sculptures. A range of sessions are available for both adults and children. Book via Sarah on 07889 507348 or email Where? Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6QN When? Saturday 15 March 2014
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Little School of Horrors module: Fly My Pretties! Fly!
What? Let’s follow the yellow brick road with Mr Grimm in this Oz inspired class. Just make sure that the Wicked Witch of the West doesn’t catch you! Students will learn about maquette construction and create their own flying monkey props. Where? Carlisle Building, 67-69 Victoria Street, Liverpool, L1 6DE 07964 343601 When? 29 March, 2014 - 12 April, 2014
Greenbank Sports Academy Multi activity days
What? A fun-filled day for children with a chance to take part in sports such as football, basketball, boccia, indoor athletics, rebound therapy, wheelchair sports, adapted cycles and curling or art based activities such as mask making, painting mugs, t-shirt printing and hat making. Where? Greenbank Sports Academy, Greenbank Lane, Liverpool L17 1AG When? Monday 7 and Wednesday 9 April 2014 10am – 4pm
IM Marsh Easter Sports & Dance Camps
What? The IM Marsh Sports holiday programme is designed to keep your children healthy and active, while providing high class child care during school holidays. Children can attend from 5-16yrs. All activities are staffed by fully qualified school teachers or LJMU sports coaches Where? IM Marsh Campus, Barkhill Road, Aigburth, Liverpool. L17 6BD When? April 7th - 11th & 14th -17th 2014
Artventures, Liverpool
DL Kids Holiday Active
Explore for families
What? Great classes offering a range of sports activities for children aged 5-16 years such as Football, Trampolining, Dance, Multi Sports, Cheerleading and Gymnastics. Where? Childwall Sports Centre,Childwall Sports and Science Academy, Fiveways, Queens Drive, Liverpool, L15 6XZ When? Monday 7th to Friday 11th April 2014. 10am to 3pm, with early morning drop off available from 8am and late pick up, up to 5.00pm. What? DL Kids Holiday Active is an exciting structured programme of play, sports and arts & crafts for children aged 5 to 13 to get active, make lots of new friends and have a great time during the school holidays. All carefully balanced to keep the children thoroughly entertained throughout the day. Where? David Lloyd Leisure, 6 The Aerodrome, Speke L24 8QD When? Holiday Active dates and times will vary by club – please speak to your local club for more details.
Multi Sports Activity Camps
What? Camps are held during school holidays throughout the year; February, Easter and October Half Terms and the six week Summer break, for children aged between five and 13 years. Netball, Basketball, Handball, Cricket, Tag Rugby, Hockey are among the sports on offer. Where? Liverpool Hope University, Taggart Avenue, L16 9JD When? Throughout School Easter holidays
What? Painting, modelling, sensory play, exploring, singing and music making; these are colourful, creative classes are interactive and provide a safe and secure environment for your child to explore and create while making new friends Where? Childwall Neighbourhood Health Centre, Fiveways When? Tuesday classes are held at St Marys Millennium Centre, West Derby. Thursdays and Fridays 10 – 11am Elm hall Drive Methodist Church Mossley Hill 0772 002 4356
Childwall sports centre Easter holiday programme
What? Free, fun, creative activities for all the family every Saturday. Drawing, painting, cutting out, sticking, planting, making, animation and photography. Most of the activities are linked to artwork in the gallery so you can enjoy looking at the exhibition and then make some art of your own. Where? The Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BX When? Saturdays 1-4pm
Liverpool language academy
What? Sessions for ages 3-13 are designed to be fun and to generate an essential motivation for languages in the children who participate. For younger children, they devise games, songs and stories which facilitate linguistic interaction at every stage and help to develop each pupil’s ear for the language. Where? 1, Garden Cottages, Eaton Road, Liverpool L12 3HQ When? Visit website for timetable
Do put your daughter on the stage While Noel Coward may have implored Mrs Worthington to not put her daughter on the stage, the evidence shows he may have been offering very bad advice; Drama classes are a great way to build children’s self –confidence and social skills in a way that will have a positive impact on their life in and outside the classroom.
How can my child benefit?
Improved confidence is something that can benefit all students, and by forcing children out of their comfort zone, drama classes are a great way to help children realise just what they can achieve.
We find out more ...
Improvisation classes, in which children explore how they might behave in any number of situations, are also great for helping build social skills and reflective thinking. Being able to speak in public clearly and confidently is also a skill that can help them throughout their life, whether they go on to be an actor or an accountant!
What will kids do in a drama class?
Can it help them at school?
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not all about putting on plays. Children might take part in workshops, learn how to improvise and even create their own mini-plays
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Speaking and listening is a key part of the English curriculum at secondary school, and these classes can help your kids get a head start.
a week of Holiday Camps for the Easter half Term at
David Lloyd Leisure, Speke! Join David Lloyd Speke for Holiday Active this Easter Half Term. 4th-21st April 8.30am - 5.30pm. (Full and Half Days Available). Join us in half term for an action packed camp including: Tennis, Swimming, Make and create, Get active, Multisports and much, much more ... Breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks all included! Birthday Packages are available with a range of themes and activities! Let us take the stress away, all you need is the Cake and the Kids!
For your chance to win a week of Holiday Camps for the Easter half Term Answer the following question: Name one of the activities available on Holiday Active For more information on David Lloyd Leisure please call 0151 494 4000 e go to To enter the competition pleas ns and etitio omp om/c live.c ilygo www.fam give us your answer. Closing date 30th March 2014
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Making a splash! The benefits of swimming When it comes to keeping active and having fun, exercise doesn’t get much better than swimming. We take a look at why you should be grabbing those goggles, digging out those swimming costumes and getting the kids into the pool...
It’s a wonder exercise!
As children pull themselves through the water, they’ll be using everything from their arms and shoulders, through to their core and legs – providing a whole body work out. Swimming for an hour burns approximately 500 calories and acts as a mini resistance workout, due to the fact that water is about 800 times denser than air, so it is a great way to get fit.
It’s gentle on the joints
Unlike many other sports, swimming is a low-impact activity, which means it’s gentle on the body while still working muscles and providing a great work out. This means it can be great for building kids’ stamina, as they can swim for long periods of time without damaging their joints.
It’s low cost
While many sports require expensive equipment, to get started with swimming, all you need is a costume, goggles and swimming cap. Even better, unlike team sports, children can hone their underwater skills any time they like by visiting their local pool with mum or dad. And with iPads and smartphones not an option in the water, it can be a great way to spend uninterrupted quality time as a family too.
It can help keep your kids safe
While we may joke about the puzzling tradition of retrieving a brick from a swimming pool while wearing pyjamas, it’s true that unlike other sports, learning to swim could one day save your child’s life. Becoming confident in the water and knowing what to do if they, or someone else, gets into trouble should be something all kids know by the time they leave primary school.
Out & About Directory Postman Pat Live at Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park What? With songs, laughs and audience
participation, together with brand new scenery and costumes, Postman Pat Live is the must see show for 3-6 year olds this year! When? 9th March Where? Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park, Longview Dr, Huyton, Liverpool, Merseyside L36 6EG
Mobile Madness
Ghostly Tales at Croxteth Hall...
What? Tales of Croxteth Hall but with a spooky twist! When? 15th March Where? Croxteth Hall, Croxteth Country Park,
Croxteth Hall lane, Liverpool Merseyside L12 0HB
Dinosaur Zoo at Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park
What? Kids will get up close and personal with all of the dinosaurs and experience learning, entertainment and daring fun! Take advantage of the facilities available at this outstanding new modern venue,with plenty of free car parking, and good links to local and regional travel routes. When? 14th March Where? Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park, Longview Dr, Huyton, Liverpool, Merseyside L36 6EG
What? Create your own mobile to hang in your room, inspired by the plant and animal themed contraband items from the collections in the ‘Seized! The Border and Customs uncovered’ gallery at Merseyside Maritime Museum. When? 8th March Where? Liverpool Maritime Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool, United Kingdom
X Factor Live 2014...
What? It’s back for another date, X-factor live
with great entertainment from the talented contestants When? 10-11th March Where? Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP
The Wanted...
What? Having already played to a combined
audience of over 1 million people worldwide, The Wanted will be significantly adding to that figure with a multitude of shows across Europe, the UK, Canada and the US, playing the Echo Arena on 14th March 2014. When? 14th March Where? Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP
Kite Making Workshop
What? Come along and make your own kite. All equipment supplied. Hope for Windy weather! 1-3pm When? 15th March Where? Landlife National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Liverpool Merseyside L16 3NA
Three Little Pigs
What? The perfect opportunity to introduce little ones to the magic of live ballet, music and storytelling as Northern Ballet return for only 3 performances When? 17th March Where? Liverpool Playhouse, Williamson Square, Liverpool L1 1EL
Susan Boyle LIVE
What? Susan will be holding her own on
the stage performing a sensational and contemporary repertoire of iconic album tracks and never heard before classics that will captivate and enthral audiences spanning the generations. When? 22nd March Where? Empire Theatre, Lime St, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 1JE
African Masks
What? Learn about the design of West African masks and make your own colourful mask in this creative workshop. Where? International Slavery Museum, 3rd Floor of Merseyside Maritime Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool When? Till 22nd March
Rebecca Ferguson...
What? Rebecca Ferguson will tour the UK playing in her hometown of Liverpool! When? 23rd March Where? Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP
Spring wine evening at The Palms
What? Set in the heart of Sefton Park, with experts on hand, in a fun, informative and relaxed environment. When? 26th March Where? The Palm house, Sefton Park
Art and Craft Market
What? See what you can find as a wealth of talented local crafters and artists selling their handmade items. When? 22nd March Where? The Old Police Station, Lark Lane, Liverpool
Miranda Hart at Echo Arena
What? Grab a chance to see Miranda’s laugh out loud genius live. She wants you to join her party. Expect galloping, attempts at song and dance, and simply - such fun! When? 24th – 25th March Where? Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP
The Florrie Market
What? In the splendid surrounding of The Grand Hall there will be a wealth of exquisite stall holders including print makers, beautifully crafted textiles and handmade jewellery. When? 29th March Where? 377 Mill Street, Liverpool, L8 4RF
Mothering Sunday High Tea
What? Join the Head Gardener on a walk around our beautiful spring gardens followed by delicious high tea for just £15. When? 30th March Where? Speke Hall, The Walk, Liverpool, L24 1XD
Craft Weekends at Martin Mere
What? Come and get creative with craft activities every weekend between 1pm and 4pm. There will be a choice of activities available (a small charge applies to cover the cost of materials) When? Sat 29th March to Sun 30th March Where? WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre, Fish Lane, Burscough, Lancashire L40 0TA
Diary Planner - MARCH SAT
1 Pied Piper Unity Theatre, Liverpool
Postman Pat Live at Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park
Mobile Madness Liverpool Maritime Museum 13
Dinosaur Zoo at Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park
X Factor Live 2014... Echo Arena 17
Three Little Pigs Liverpool Playhouse 23
Spring wine evening at The Palms
APRIL 2014
The Wizard of Oz... Epstein Theatre
12 e Th Wizard of Oz... Epstein Theatre
Aladdin Epstein Theatre 21
Cadbury’s Easter Egg Trail Speke Hall 27
Alice in Wonderland Speke Hall 20
Arena Disney On Ice at Echo
The Madhatters Tea Party and Easter Egg Hunt 13
Out & About Directory Visitor Centre Display Gardens Open
What? They’re back and ready to welcome you to the 2014 visitor season at the National Wildflower Centre, with a host of new events for 2014 as well as the usual creative workshops for all the family. Where? Landlife National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Knowsley, Liverpool Merseyside L16 3NA When? 1st April - 30th Sept
Disney On Ice at Echo Arena
What? Rev up for non-stop fun with four of
your favourite Disney stories at Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy. When? 2nd – 4th April Where? Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP
Let It Be
What? Come Together and experience the iconic music of The Beatles with Let it Be, the spectacular concert jam-packed with over 40 of The Beatles greatest hits! Direct from the West End, this international hit show celebrates the legacy of the world’s greatest rock ‘n’ roll band When? 3rd – 5th April Where? Empire Theatre, Lime St, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 1JE
The Madhatters Tea Party and Easter Egg Hunt
What? Take your children to Croxteth Hall to meet and party with the Madhatter, Alice and White Rabbit. When? 5th-21st April Where? Croxteth Country Park, Croxteth Hall Ln, Liverpool, Merseyside L12 0HB
Croxteth hall Egg Hunt
What? Great literacy fun in the “Year of Reading” for younger children and parents - find all the hidden Easter Eggs (without touching!) on your visit round the Hall rooms and enter the letters on the worksheet provided. Mums and Dads can help unscramble them to find the seasonal answer! All correct answers will enter a prize draw. When? 5th April - 21st April Where? Croxteth Hall, Croxteth Country Park, Croxteth Hall lane, Liverpool Merseyside L12 0HB
Alice in Wonderland
What? Celebrate the opening of the new Woodland Trail by joining the team at Speke Hall for a week of Alice in Wonderland themed events. When? Wed 9th – Sun 13th April Where? Speke Hall, The Walk, Liverpool, Merseyside L24 1XD
The Wizard of Oz...
What? It’s time to click your heels, clap your hands and let Shone Productions take you Over the Rainbow in their fantastic production of the Wizard of Oz When? 10th –12th April 2014 Where? Epstein Theatre, Hanover House, 85 Hanover St, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 3DZ
Cbeebies LIVE: The Big Band
Easter Roller Disco
What? Join in and enjoy this Roller Disco including skate hire and two hours of skating to funky music. When? 12th April Where? Knowsley Leisure and Culture Park, Longview Drive, H Merseyside L36 6EG
What? This music-themed extravaganza is bound to have pre-schoolers rocking in the aisles when the show sets out on tour over Easter 2014, visiting nine cities across the UK. When? 17th April Where? Echo Arena, Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP
Cadbury’s Easter Egg Trail
What? Fun and games in the orchard. Complete the Easter trail and receive your Cadbury’s Easter Egg reward. Trail £2.00. Usual entry fee applies. When? 20th -21st April Where? Speke Hall, The Walk, Liverpool, Merseyside L24 1XD
Saturday Afternoon at the Movies
What? Following on from the critically acclaimed Cinderella and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the Epstein Theatre & LHK Productions are pleased to announce the first ever Epstein Theatre Easter Panto When? 15th –21st April Where? Epstein Theatre, Hanover House, 85 Hanover St, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 3DZ
Easter Bonnet Making
What? Create your own traditional Easter bonnet and enter the parade at 4.00pm. Prizes awarded for the most creative bonnets. When? 16th –18th April Where? Speke Hall, The Walk, Liverpool, Merseyside L24 1XD
What? You’ve seen the movie, now hear the music! And if you enjoyed those great tunes in the cinema, just wait until you hear them played by the 80 live musicians of the incredible Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. So if you’ve bought your popcorn and found your seat… lights, camera, ACTION! When? 26th April Where? Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, 36 Hope Street, Liverpool L1 9BP
a family ticket to see What the Ladybird Heard at The Floral Pavilion Theatre! Two crafty robbers, one tiny ladybird, and
a whole farmyard of fun! Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len have a cunning plan to steal the farmer’s fine prize cow. But they reckon without the tiniest, quietest creature of all: The Ladybird has a plan of her own!
For the chance to win a family ticket to see What the Ladybird Heard on Saturday 22nd at 10:30am just answer this simple question.
Don’t miss this brand new stage adaptation of Julia Donaldson & Lydia Monks’ colourful farmyard adventure appearing at the Floral Pavilion Theatre from Thurs 20th to Sat 22nd March.
What’s the name of Hefty Hugh’s friend? our To enter the competition please visit your website and give us answer. Closing date 14 March 2014
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Restaura nt Review
Home Farm Providing some of the best locally sourced produce in the city, Speke Hall has a fantastic family orientated restaurant offering something for young and old alike. After wondering through the beautiful grounds and gardens, we arrived at Home Farm and were given the warmest of welcomes.
Home Farm
The kids picked what they wanted from the display which was then packed into colourful lunch boxes that doubled as activity packs. There were fun colouring games, mini quizzes and cake recipes – not to forget the pack of free seeds they can take home to grow their own edible plants. The portions were generous too and the empty plates spoke for themselves. The sweet didn’t leave us dine It’s not often we find it so easy to either, the kids nibbled on out as a family due to my husband being disappointed my husband chose from the treats, late choco kids, my gluten and wheat intolerant, and ion and I had a scone select dairy free cake well, they’re all fussy aren’t they? Yet ed cream. It was to whipp freshly and jam with Home there was something for us all at die for. Farm. A main menu, gluten free menu and children’s menu, all providing an before the children were running extensive choice of local dishes from the It wasn’t long area and we didn’t even have to play the to off traditional Speke Hall cook book. worry, the open plan view let us keep a close eye from our seats as we enjoyed a hot cup of a in ed The food was beautifully present their specialty coffee. We couldn’t speak more self-serve style, and we were spoilt for highly of this hidden gem in the midst of Speke the choice. I was surprised how busy Hall. We all left with smiles on our faces and restaurant was for a weekday, but still the children have already asked to go back. for there was more than enough food Speke hall has many events that can be found everyone, and it was all served piping on the website below, all of which offer diners and hot. I had the home-made soup the opportunity to sample extra special culinary fresh roll; it was absolutely bursting delights and take part in family activities on the for with flavour. My husband opted y, St Georges Day and World traditional scouse which looked beautiful. Mothering Sunda a few. name to Day, Book s, potatoe Prime beef, slowly cooked with served all and celery, and onion carrots, The Walk, Speke Hall, L24 1XD, in a rustic pot with red cabbage.
Myself, my husband and two kids sat down to a table in the family room with a stunning view. The restaurant is designed with families in mind, boasting a fantastic play area, child friendly seating and microwave facilities allowing parents to heat food and milk for their little ones.
Merseyside. Tel: 0151-427 – 7231
Spring has sprung on Merseyside It might not quite be time to cast off those woolly jumpers, but as the first daffodils peek their way through the frost and the nights get lighter, it’s time to welcome the new season by getting out and about and enjoying the natural beauty in our midst. We take a look at some of the best spots on Merseyside.
Stanley Park
Most famous for being the border land between Goodison and Anfield stadiums, Stanley Park is a real gem in the north of the city. It has something to keep everyone happy, with an ever-busy kids playground, the sumptuous Isla Gladstone conservatory and the Marie Curie field – which is ablaze with the yellow of golden daffodils in the springtime. Visit: Walton Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside L4 2SL
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Rare red squirrels and natterjack toads call this part of Merseyside home, and it’s not hard to see the attraction. Get lost in the sand dunes, go for a walk along the beach or just look out for squirrels in the pinewoods.
Visit: Victoria Road, near Formby, Liverpool, L37 1LJ
Otterspool Park
Often overlooked in favour of its bigger, flashier counterpart Sefton Park, Otterspool Park is not to be missed. Perfect for watching the ships pass by on the river Mersey, it offers beautiful views, a children’s playground and, if you come over all final-scene-of-Mary-Poppins, the perfect location to fly a kite. Visit: Otterspool Drive, Liverpool, L17 5AR
Fans of Mickey, Tinker Bell and Toy Story will love the new offering from Disney on Ice, running at the Echo Arena this spring. The on-ice excitement begins when an adventurous Mickey Mouse embarks on a journey with Minnie Mouse to uncover each world of fantasy, but the plan goes awry when their cherry red roadster unexpectedly breaks down. Although Donald Duck and Goofy try, it takes the assistance of the coolest cars on the ice to get the pistons firing again. Direct from Radiator Springs, Mater, Lightning McQueen and Sally speed into action, zipping and zooming around the frozen highway in an effort to reenergize the roadster.
Live out all your Disney fantasies at the Echo arena
Worlds of Fantasy offers the perfect combination of elements for fans of Disney On Ice. “From the contemporary feel of Cars and Toy Story 3 to the timeless quality of The Little Mermaid and Tinker Bell, audiences will see four completely different Disney worlds brought to life,” says producer Kenneth Feld. “All of this provides a value that is truly unparalleled in the world of live family entertainment. More than ever before, there’s something for everyone.”
Disney on Ice Worlds of Fantasy is at the Echo Arena from 2nd - 6th April.To book tickets, visit:
As Mickey and Minnie’s “road trip” continues, Production Designer Jeremy Railton’s whimsical scenery transforms the arena into an environment that captures the essence of each unique world to follow. Little ones will be thrilled by the high-speed stunts as the crew of Disney/Pixar’s CARS race across the ice, before the audience is invited to become part of Ariel’s watery world as The Little Mermaid’s undersea kingdom is explored. Next stop, the mystical world of Pixie Hollow with Tinker Bell and the Disney Fairies, then on to visit Andy, Buzz and the crew, as the Toy Story gang plot a daring escape attempt.
Tickets to see Wizard of Oz and Aladdin at The Epstein Theatre!
Wizard of Oz – It’s time to click your heels, clap your hands and let Epstein Theatre take you over the rainbow! Wizard of Oz is coming to The Epstein 10th-12th April. Starring Splash’s Anna Williamson, Cbeebies Jez Edwards & Hollyoaks Laura Handley. Aladdin – Following on from the critically acclaimed Cinderella and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Epstein Theatre is pleased to announce its first ever Eater Panto! Starring Emmerdales Kurtis Stacey, Local radio presenter Leanne Campbell & Michael Chapman.
For a chance to win tickets to either of the two shows answer the following question: What is the name of Dorothy’s dog in The Wizard of Oz? To enter the competition please visit our website and give us your answer. Closing date 30 March 2014
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Local Services Directory Solicitors and legal advice
Morecrofts Solicitors Tel: 0151 236 8871 Atlantic Chambers Tel: 0151 236 4421 Paul Crowley Tel: 0151 264 7363 Jackson Canter Tel: 0151 282 1700 jacksoncanter/ Alpha Mortgage Advice Tel: 0151 924 6070
Home and garden support
Instant Pest Solutions Tel: 0151 345 0556 King Of Spades Garden Maintenance Tel: 07963 411 828 CM Decorators LTD Tel: 07967 784 763 Aigburth Guttering Specialist Tel: 0151 427 8062
Excel Private Hire Tel: 0151 728 8888 Delta Tel: 0151 922 7373 Merseytravel Tel: 0151 227 5181
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
One of Merseyside’s most respected private and commercial law firms is providing guidance for the city’s small to medium sized enterprises with their new business MOT. Donal Bannon, Partner at Morecrofts on Tithebarn Street, wants to ensure that local firms are fully equipped with practical knowledge and in easy access of sufficient legal protection. He said: “All too often small business owners become so focused on the day to day management of their business that they simply don’t have the time or the financial resources to step back, take stock and ensure the business is legally protected.
“Our business MOT check will provide companies with a comprehensive consultation, whereby we will discuss a vast range of legal aspects such as business structure, intellectual property protection and financial plans. Following the check, we will go on to deliver pragmatic advice that is tailored to individual needs, as well as producing a report outlining any subjects that may require further action.”
Morecrofts offer free guidance to independent businesses
A recent UK survey revealed that the top ten legal mistakes made by entrepreneurs include the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks, in preference to legal aspects. Donal added: “By implementing thorough legal security at an early stage, it would cost businesses much less than having to resolve future complications when they arise. This is why our business MOT should be performed as soon as possible to certify an overall peace of mind and prosperity of the business.” For more information, contact Donal on 0151 236 8871 or visit the website for more information
OPPORTUNITIES Sick of the daily grind? Always wanted to be your own boss? Well if you’re talented, driven and ready for a new challenge then read on, as we talk to Denise Harris, Director of Family Go Live about the franchising opportunities available with the magazine... Tell us more about the franchise. We’ve been running Family Go Live in Liverpool for seven years now, and as we’ve got bigger and better each year, we’ve decided to franchise. This means that basically, we’ll be looking for people to buy a franchise and run the magazine in other parts of the country. What are the benefits of doing this? Rather than setting up on your own, you’ll be part of a recognisable brand. Setting up on your own in business is hard. Nobody knows who you are, you have no track record and it’s hard to prove just what you can do. With a Family Go Live franchise you’ll avoid all these problems. You’ll be able to show potential clients just how successful the magazine is up here, and the sort of results it gets for advertisers. Oh, and we’ll provide design and creative support too! What experience do I need? No experience of magazines is needed, but sales experience is extremely beneficial. Even if you haven’t got this, with a good telephone manner, great interpersonal skills and a passion for all things family-related, there’s no reason why you can’t succeed. Can I juggle the franchise with having a family? I’m a mum myself, and the main benefit is that running Family Go Live magazine is easy to juggle around having a family. It’s hard work, and definitely a full time job, but you can truly be your own boss, meaning it’s perfect for any budding mumpreneurs out there. And there’s opportunities all over the country too, as well as closer to home in places like Sefton or Wirral.
How can I find out more? Email us on or call 0151 432 5652 The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
OPPORTUNITIES Everything you need to run your own business with an excellent brand and support network to help you every step of the way!
Working hours to fit around the family Low start up costs, low overheads
Come and join Family Go Live Team! Call Denise for an informal chat on 0151 432 5651 or email
There are few things better as a child than throwing on some wellies and old clothes, and losing yourself in the nature right there in your back garden. And it doesn’t hurt to help encourage the natural world to stop by for a visit. We take a look at two ways you can turn your garden, yard or even balcony into a mini nature reserve for little ones to explore by buying just a few things from your local garden centre for under a tenner. iPad? What iPad?
Make a bug hotel
The Hilton it ain’t, but your garden’s creepy crawlies will love their own little home-fromhome. The easiest way to do this is to buy either
several small plant pots and place in a square box. Then just fill each individual plant pot and fill each compartment with materials that insects will love nesting in, such as twigs, old (unscented) dried flowers, straw, leaves and wool. Once it’s complete, simply place in the garden (ideally on a covered porch, or doorstep to shelter it from the rain) and wait for those six, four and a hundred-legged visitors to arrive. You’ll need: Twine, straw, plant pots
Wildlife watch: Helping your kids get the most out of nature
Make a mini-pond
Even if you haven’t got the budget for a full scale water feature, there’s no reason why your kids can’t enjoy a pond. All you’ll need is a large bucket, some rocks and bricks and some native pond weed. Simply dig a hole for the bucket, add the bricks and rocks (which provide hiding places for little creatures), the pond weed and voila! Your own little nature-attracting water feature that your kids will love. You’ll need: Large bucket, ornamental stones, native pond weed Want to find out more? Visit:
y t u a e B & h lt a He Directory Nuffield Health
89 Tel: 0844 445 78 .uk
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441 Mob: 07749 785 .uk
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One20 Dental
92 Tel: 0151 525 29 www.one20den
to Goodness, t Active Honest Suppliers c Organi Vegan
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61 Tel: 0151 233 52 n www.liverpool.go
16 Tel: 0151 632 65 www.honest-to-
00 Tel: 0151 734 33 com www.toniandguy.
14 Tel: 0151 427 00 www.aesthetica
Toni & Guy Alle
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hell Nails & Samantha Mitc Beauty Clinic
86 Tel: 0151 722 33 m www.smnailandb
Rosemary Conl
03 Tel: 0151 287 51 www.rosemaryco
Fit for Life
Tel: 07754 163 37
Pure Dental
0151 722 0884 www.puredental
Personal Training helped me reach my goal – Skinny Jeans here I come! Having had a baby a little over a year ago, I have been determined to get back into my skinny black jeans. However, with a young baby (now verging on a toddler), finding the time and brain capacity to shed that ‘extra’ baby weight, has proved disastrous. Trying to go out for a run and getting to a class, has appeared a distant haze in my memory. When I was given the opportunity (in the New Year I might add, double bonus!), to get a personal trainer, my heart leaped with joy. My skinny jean image burst into my brain and I practically ran to the gym! Nick Hughes is a personal trainer at David Lloyd, Speke and prior to meeting him, I was a little bit scared and a little bit nervous. ‘What was he going to make me do?’, ‘how would I feel having someone putting me through my paces, being highly unfit?!’ To say that I was anxious is an understatement, but from the minute I met Nick, I instantly felt at ease. On our first meeting, we discussed my goals, what I wanted to achieve and first and foremost, how Nick was going to help me to do this. I have to be honest, I felt that ‘gym rush’ from the word go and I craved the feeling of working out again, however much it might hurt. Hurt. Hmmm, that is an understatement, my first personal training session with Nick, certainly put me through my paces and I literally sweat, blood & tears. But boy did I feel good afterwards.
Nick started off by giving me a high intensity training programme, which was very much similar to a ‘boot camp’ workout. It was high impact training in an indoor environment. Every step along the way, Nick made me believe that I could do it. He pushed me to my limits, which I have to admit now, I am grateful for. My preconception of a personal trainer was of someone screaming at you, shouting at you to keep going. Nick was the opposite. He made me feel confident in what I was doing and his encouragement pushed me on. I have started going to David Lloyd a lot more, as I now have the confidence to do so. When you want to do something, you find the time to do it. And for that I am grateful for what Nick taught me. He made me want to achieve and believe in my ability again.
Skinny jeans – I’m almost there! Nick Hughes is a personal trainer at David Lloyd, Speke. Please call 0151 494 4000 for information on a personal training programme and the facilities available.
d.c www.davidlloy Review By Anne-Louise Bouffard-Roupe, Head Of Events, SK Events & PR
Unlock your wardrobe secrets ... with Stylista We are all guilty of having a full wardrobe and nothing to wear. Experts have proven that we only use 20 percent of what’s in our closets. That’s a crying shame; it means we are not getting value from what we have nor do we look our best. Here are some Stylista tips to help: Target your shopping. Your mum always said make a list before shopping. We do it at Tesco’s but not at Mango. Always have a clear idea what you need before you shop. Welcome in the seasons. Enjoy rotating your wardrobe, at least twice a year. It energises your style and makes you appreciate what you have. Don’t hide your assets. Don’t double up garments on the same hanger as it ruins the garment and you can’t see what you have.
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Move on with your life. Major life events change our outlook, be it marriage, changing shape, having kids, going through a break up. Recognise your wardrobe needs to move on too. Make space for the future. An ancient Chinese proverb says that if you don’t make space in your home you won’t allow the future in. Make sure your wardrobe has that space for the future. Stylista offers you the chance to refresh your look though our “Wardrobe makeover” service, which brings an experienced fashion stylist to your home to unlock your wardrobe potential, save you money and make you looking great for every occasion. That’s the Stylista Advantage.
Call Maria on 0777 928 2499 to get the Stylista Advantage and unlock the potential of your wardrobe. tylistauk twitter @s atures fashion fe for latest
a FREE Wardrobe Makeover (Worth £399)
Experience a wardrobe makeover and look great for every occasion: You Get:
• One hour lifestyle assessment • Half day fashion analysis of your wardrobe from a fashion expert • Wardrobe re-organised to suit your lifestyle needs • Personalised Fashion report showing your key looks • Shopping list of key items you need • Follow up to ensure you are on track
For a chance to win this transformative fashion experience just answer the following question:
Q: What proportion of our wardrobe do experts suggest we use? A: 1. 20%?
2. 50%?
To enter the competition please visit our website and give us your answer. Closing date 30th April 2014
Feeling flat? Three quick health and beauty fixes If winter has left you feeling a bit ‘meh’, don’t despair. These three quick fixes that will get you feeling fab in no time... Do some exercise
While the prospect of donning lycra and getting that heart racing never sounds like fun at first, getting out and doing some exercise is a proven way of pumping your body with the feel good chemical endorphin.
and soft statement lips using subtle pinks and corals.” To get the look, they love this Posie Tint from Benefit (£24.50).
Running, Zumba-ing or just taking your dog for a brisk walk - whatever you do your body will thank you for it. And if you’re not a member of a gym, but fancy hitting the cross trainer, check out, which allows you to buy one-off passes for a gym near you, great for kick-starting your fitness regime.
If your hands and nails have been hiding their shame under thick woolly mittens all winter, they may need a little TLC before they see the light of day again. Likewise, skin that’s taken a battering from cold weather and central heating may need a little help to get a healthy glow.
Upgrade your look
A quick and easy way to give yourself a boost is to upgrade your makeup for the new season. Ruth Wheeler of Orchid Blush, a beauty stylist and makeup consultancy in Liverpool and Manchester, said “Hot for this season is healthy looking, slightly dewy skin, flushed cheeks
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Enjoy a little pampering
We’re big fans of the Spa Clinic on Rose Lane, South Liverpool, which offers everything from teeth whitening to fake tanning and facials, perfect for when you need a little TLC.
It’s not just your house that may need a good clear out this month, more than likely your make up bag needs a good Spring clean too. So if you hold on to mascaras that are well past their sell by date, or have blushers that have been in residence in your make up bag since John Major was in power, read on, because you might not only be allowing old beauty products to take up unnecessary space, they could actually be damaging your skin.
Skincare Expert & Facial Therapist Amanda Elias’ shared these top makeup bag dos and don’t with us...
use a marker pen to note the date you’ve open the product. Most skincare products only have the month in which they should be discarded after use rather than an actual date. By noting the date you’ll know when to discard it if left unused.
Spring clean your makeup bag
keep make-up or skincare “for best” because there’s a good chance they’ll pass their expiry date before you use them. If you’ve splurged, reap the benefits by using your products regularly and while they’re at their optimum.
wash your hands or use the end of a spoon as a spatula before scooping product out of a jar to prevent the spread of bacteria. DON’T use product which has separated, changed colour, changed in smell or has started to irritate your skin; take this as an indication to replace it.
ignore your make-up brushes; these should be cleaned once a week. I like to clean my foundation brush daily as bacteria can grow quickly. My tip is to clean my foundation brush and an extra brush every time I put my make-up on, which guarantees all the brushes I use are always clean and free from bacteria. And if you have any skincare or make-up products or accessories that are in great condition but aren’t being used, why not donate them to this worthy cause?
Parties & Prlay ytime Directo
Party Catering t en m ain cake Party entert Just the Cup 09 80 ly w Tel: 07765 22 Creepy Cra 5 04 up 6 www.justthec Tel: 01244 64 uk o. .c ow epycrawlysh www.thecre er Crafty Corn 3546 Tel: 07919 49 ernumber61. rn www.craftyco
es Party venu us Big Red B 872 159 4 2 8 7 0 Tel: .uk www.redp b Yellow Su 120 850 4 4 4 8 0 Tel: k www.yello re Play Facto 48 6851 Tel: 0161 7 www.playf ycentre onster Pla Purple M 24 9083 Tel: 0151 9 laycentre.c lemonsterp rp u .p w w w n Crazy Tow 5 5039 2 Tel: 0151 5 wnaintree.c to www.crazy
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Pa rty Testimonia l
Yellow Sub
Following a major refurbishment at Yellow Sub, Sharine tells us how her son Zain aged 6 years loved his party at Yellow Sub.
Liverpool Located in the heart of the , Yellow Sub rsey Me r overlooking the Rive tre that cen play st fine is arguably the many, ike Unl n. see r eve has ol Liverpo play all of Yellow sub is the maverick ers. oth for way centres, paving the bring Yellow Sub always strives to place to n clea and safe a n dre the chil nity to ortu play, providing you the opp great at d foo ked purchase home coo value.
Between both of my boys we have had four parties at Yellow Sub and attended countless amounts of friend’s parties. Over the years we have seen but the level changes to party packages sistently con n bee ays alw of service has great. dren in our We had between 30- 40 chil e different wer n dre chil the h party, althoug upied, with age groups they were all occ
Yellow Sub ll pitch and the the older ones on the footba the play frame. ugh thro younger ones racing who were ts, hos ty par d cate We were allo to finish making there to help me from start sure I was stress free. Our lead host Lydia was in control all the time, making arrangements to cater for all our dietary requirements without even raising an eyebrow. The party ran like clockwork and all the adults commented the food was. on how delicious and fresh , the party As part of the recent revamp azingly unique rooms at Yellow Sub are am kept the t tha with an animation show the disco and sic mu , children entertained nt! elle Exc lights were lts! Happy Zain! Happy children! Happy adu ed for? ask e hav I What more could www.yellowsub.c
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents
Party Fact File:
Partybus 2U Who are Party Bus 2U?
We are a family run Play Fun Bus who constantly strive to create the best play and party experience for children of all ages. Together with our dedicated team and Sid The Bus, we create that “WOW” factor for your special party or event.
What do you do?
We offer a huge fun filled play bus for kids to go CRAZY on. We specialise in creating fantastic birthday parties which include delicious party food & drink, goody bags and Invitations for up 20 children.
Where do you do it?
We currently have 1 Party Bus and plan to add another bus to our fleet over the next few months. We are based in Aintree and travel to your designated spot ie home, sports centre, pub park ect in Liverpool and surrounding areas of Merseyside.
How can I book?
Visit our website for all information on our parties and other events. You can give us a call on 0151 538 1214, or check out our Facebook page party bus 2u.
Who are your parties suitable for?
Our parties cater for children ideal aged 1-10 years old. We also visit schools and play centres. We have designed our parties to suit all our children’s needs from Toddler parties to Build a bear parties, and not forgetting the adults.
What makes you different to other party companies?
Our customer feedback. As a Mobile Play Fun Bus we all work so hard to get everything just right, that we love it when our customers really appreciate and praise us.
TAVERN CO 50% off Breakfasts meals at the Tavern AVAILABLE Monday – Friday 9am – 10am only Tel: 0151 734 5555 web: T & C’s apply – Available Monday – Friday 9am – 10am only VALID UNTIL 30TH April 2014
VIVA BRAZIL 25% discount & a free dessert for every child Tel:- 0151 236 8080 T&Cs apply – Not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Must be booked in advance, quoting Family Go Live voucher offer. VALID UNTIL 30TH APRIL 2014.
JUMPING JACKS PRESCHOOL CLASSES Free taster session for you and a friend
These vouchers are also available to download and print at
Tel: 0151 487 5757 or 07811 301 554 T&C’s - apply Valid for any parent/carer with a maximum of three children with the added bonus of bringing a friend and kiddies too! Can be used at any private session in Knowsley, Liverpool or Sefton. VALID UNTIL 31st AUGUST 2014
YELLOW SUB One free child admission with one paid
(This offer entitles one free admission of a lesser or equal value with each paying child admission). Tel: 0844 412 0850 T&C’s apply. VALID UNTIL 30th JUNE 2014
TONI & GUY 20% off cut and/or colour at Allerton Road salon Tel: 0151 734 3300 86 Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 1LW. T&C’s apply. VALID UNTIL 30/04/14
SPEKE HALL 2 FOR 1 entry to the National Trust, Speke Hall including full access to the House, Grounds and Gardens. Please call 0151 427 7231 or visit - Valid until 30.04.14. Please check website for opening times. Cheapest admission ticket free. Not available on Bank Holiday Mondays. Some events will incur an additional fee.
The Essential Directory for Organised Parents