Family Go Live May / June 2014

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Contents Welcome to... The Essential Directory for Organised Parents Welcome to the May/June edition of Family Go Live. Something we’re all very excited about this issue is our brand-spanking-new Family Go Live website, which looks great whether you’re looking at it on a smartphone, laptop or tablet. And the best bit of all (in our humble opinion) is the new calendar feature, which allows you to save any of the great events or classes you see in our listings pages to your own online calendar. Now there’s never an excuse to miss any of the great happenings in the city. One thing we should all be definitely be putting in our diaries is some first aid training. As research from St John’s Ambulance has shown that worrying amounts of children wouldn’t know how to help their child with even basic first aid in the event of an accident, we take a look at where you can learn these essential skills. And, with the summer holidays – and the eye-watering amount you have to spend on them – a hot topic for many at this time of year, we take a look at what the new rules about taking children out of school in term time mean in practice.

Bumps & Babies




Clubs & Classes


Out & About


Local Services


Health & Beauty


Parties & Playtime


In Out and About we look at trends in children’s days out. Apparently modern kids are turning their noses up at wholesome activities such as picnics and walks in the park in favour of more expensive activities (they’re not soft) – but luckily we’ve provided our favourite ‘three for free’ – great activities that you and the kids will love, and which won’t cost you a penny. And in Health and Beauty we’re looking at Juice diets. While here at Family Go Live we wouldn’t be held responsible for our actions if someone offered us a ‘delicious’ kale and spinach smoothie – some people swear by them. We take a look at what it’s all about and give our verdict. And if that little lot hasn’t tired you out, we’ve got the usual mix of competitions, vouchers and action-packed directories to keep you entertained until the next issue. Best wishes, The Family Go Live team

EDITORIAL: Sarah Carlin ADVERTISING SALES: Clare Vaughan DIRECTOR: Denise Harris ADDRESS: SK Events, The Old Bank 382 Aigburth Road Liverpool L19 3QD TELEPHONE: 0151 432 5651 EMAIL: Disclaimer: The information contained within Family Go Live we believe to be correct at the time of printing, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions.

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Bumps & Babies Directory

Antenatal Support

Care Confidential Tel: 0300 4000 999

Post-Natal Support

Association of Breast feeding Mothers Tel: 08444 122 949 Bambis Breast Feeding Support Group Tel: 0151 702 4411 NCT Tel: 0844 243 6191 PSS Post Natal Support Group Tel: 0151 222 9262

Health Support

Late Night Chemist Directory www.latenightchemist Liverpool Womens Hospital Tel: 0151 708 9988 NHS Direct Tel: 0845 4647 Alder Hey Children’s Hospital Tel: 0151 228 4811 Allergy UK helpline Tel: 01322 619898

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 4-5


01/05/2014 13:12

teething babies As any mum will tell you, teething is a difficult time for little ones and parents alike.

Teething gels

There are now many teething gels available over the counter. Often these contain a mild local anaesthetic, which helps to numb any pain caused by teething. Many will also contain antiseptic, which will help prevent infections arising in any broken or sore skin.

Most babies will start to teethe at around six months, and once those little fingers start reaching out for things to chew, it’s normally a sign that your child’s milk teeth are about to start pushing their way through. Here’s how you can help:

Teething rings

Cold drinks

While adult painkillers are an obvious no-no for little ones, there are painkillers on the market available just for babies. These will contain a small dose of paracetamol or ibuprofen.

It’s about as simple as it gets, but a cold drink can help to soothe your baby’s gums. As even new and little teeth can fall victim to decay, it’s best to avoid fruit juices and just give them plain water.

Get your baby a good, solid teething ring to chew on. Many teething rings can also be put in the fridge to help them to soothe your baby’s gums as they chew. Painkillers

First aid for your family: Would you know what to do? If your child was to choke, scald themselves or suffer a deep cut, would you know what to do? Recent research from St John’s Ambulance showed that many UK parents have a shockingly relaxed attitude to first aid. They surveyed mums and dads to be and found that nearly half of expectant parents (44%) haven’t learnt basic first aid in preparation for the arrival of their baby. Similarly, almost half (47%) of the parents surveyed said they rated baby-proofing the house and nursery as more important than learning potentially life-saving first aid skills. More than one in five (21%) said they don’t view learning first aid skills as being important, despite 65% admitting the thought of their child needing immediate first aid intervention makes them feel worried and 62% saying knowing first aid skills would make them feel more prepared for parenthood. Yet parents-to-be are a group who should certainly be doing all they can to learn about first aid. The figures from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) speak for

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 6-7



Top tips for

themselves. Accidents are the most common cause of death of children over one and the most at risk from an accident in the home are those between 0 to four years of age. So what can you do to help brush up on your first aid skills? There are some great sources of information online. ROSPA and St John’s Ambulance are both excellent sources of information. Alternatively, if you’d like to learn in a more immersive way, you might like to go to a class. For example, Bumps and Bashes – a specialist first aid training provider – run courses throughout the year, and will also run training sessions in your home for groups of six to eight people.

To find out more, email


01/05/2014 13:12

Exam Nerves

Education Open Days inJune Family Go Live has put together a convenient list of forthcoming open days for schools and colleges in the your area!

Pull this page out and keep it somewhere safe to ensure you dont miss out on any of those crucial scouting trips!


2nd July Wednesday 7 Induction Day ar Ye St. Hilda’s July 6-8pm Tuesday 8th atholic College C Bellerive FCJ ng ni ve E en p O m July 3.30-6p Tuesday 8th lic High School ho St. Julie’s Cat ng ni ve E en p O m th July 3-6p Thursday 10 irls College Holly Lodge G Open Evening


Pull out &


Wednesday 11th June Alsop High School Open Evening Wednesday 18th June St. John Bosco Year 6 New Intake Evening

Friday 20th June Merchant Taylors Visiting Morning Monday 23rd June 7-9pm The Bluecoat School Year 7 Information Evening

Many children and teenagers experience exam-related anxiety. We want our children to be happy and to achieve their full potential at school. However, some children find that school exams and SATS are completely overwhelming. Exam nerves in small doses can help us focus but there is a tipping point which can be hard to come back from. Teachers support children with learning and exam techniques. Many children need additional support to help them deal with any worries of fears which can effect their performance or even be completely debilitating. Coralie Hobson of Tedheads advises, “Children naturally use mental imagery so imaginatively. They don’t always need a pep-talk reminding

Monday 23rd June 8:30-3pm and 6-8pm The De La Salle Academy Year 5 Open Day and Evening

them of all the things they are nervous about! Talk to them in metaphors about things you know they are interested in like dance or football, particularly at bedtime. Most young children love animals so make up stories which they can store unconsciously and just let their minds work magically overnight as they sleep!” Check out the Tedheads facebook page for some simple rules to help stressed-out parents and kids navigate exam stress.

Thursday 26th June 4-7pm Belvedere Academy Open Evening Thursday 26th June 6-9pm St. Margaret’s Academy Open Evening

in September


0p r 4.30-6:3 eptembe S th 1 1 y g Thursda pen Evenin College O Liverpool tember 23rd Sep Tuesday pm -7 4 m and g and 9am-12p en Mornin p O l o ho c S re c a Gate ning Open Eve MAY_JUNE2.indd 8-9


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Write on: Helping your child get interested in writing Writing for pleasure is one of the best things about childhood, but with education so often focussed on targets and assessments, creativity is often the first casuality. We talked to Carey Ann Dodah, Head of Curriculum at Explore Learning, who are supporting this year’s Young Writer competition, about how to inspire your child to love writing:

Start young

“It is very important for children to start writing from a young age, and I don’t mean just writing stories but writing anything at all! It doesn’t matter if they don’t finish writing the stories, as long as they’re practicing their own stories as much as they possibly can and creating something unique.”

Make up stories about people they know

“Some children may struggle to come up with characters’ names and personalities so to resolve this encourage them to write about their favourite characters from TV or film – or perhaps one of their friends or family.”

Write about Real Life

“What they write doesn’t need to be fictional; if it helps them to put pen to paper, ask them to write about something exciting that happened lately. Encourage them to use vivid, emotive language. Once they’ve done this, they can move onto making up their own stories where they can let their imagination take control!” If your child would like to enter this year’s Young Writers competition, visit www. or pop into your local Explore Learning centre at The Curve, Heswall. The closing date for entries is 3rd June 2014

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 10-11

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Does your child have a tablet addiction? Is it possible that your child has a tablet addiction? Not the little ones that come in bottles from your local pharmacy, but the ones that come from Argos and cost £300 upwards a pop? According to the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), parents need to be more vigilant in order to ensure that their child’s love of using gadgets such as iPads and Kindle Fires into the wee small hours doesn’t start affecting their educational performance.

literally be kept under lock and key if you wish. Alternatively, if that won’t work, other options are simply turning off the wifi (though this means Netflix box sets are out of bounds for mum and dad). For those who really favour a nuclear approach, apps like Parentkit are available. They’re pricy, but allow you to control your child’s tablet use remotely. The ignominy of having mum and dad see what they’re getting up to on the internet may just mean that they hand over that iPad without a fight anyway.

During its annual conference in Manchester last month, the ATL debated a resolution highlighting teachers’ concerns about ‘tablet addiction’ and said that symptoms including being irritable, lacking interest, performing poorly and even being deceptive. Speaking ahead of the conference, Dr Mary Bousted, general secretary of ATL, said “There’s no doubt that they are being used more in schools but there are concerns that increased time spent on the screen, on your tablet, leads to far more sedentary and far more isolated children and young people”. She admitted that the genie was now out the bottle, and tablets are very much here to stay, saying: “I don’t think anybody in the debate is going to say ‘let’s go back to the 20th century’, it’s about how they are managed and how they are used and particularly about how they are used in schools. “And perhaps there will be a debate also about the ways in which parents should monitor the use of tablets and computers at home.” So what can parents do? The most obvious step, of course, is to simply take your child’s tablet off them. Unlike televisions, they’re completely portable, and can quite

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 12-13

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While taking children on holidays during term time used to be something grudgingly accepted by our schools, times are changing. In the past, headteachers in England were previously able to grant up to 10 days of leave a year for family holidays under “special circumstances” but since September 2013 they have only been able to grant absence in term time under “exceptional circumstances”. Sadly, two weeks in Tenerife doesn’t fall under this heading, meaning parents wanting to opt for cheaper term time holiday packages now risk facing a fine of £120 per child for each parent. And it seems that heads are putting this newfound power to fine into practice. BBC One’s Breakfast show conducted research into the issue, and found that the number of fines issued has increased by more than 70%. Liverpool City Council has seen one of the biggest increases in the number of parents fined - up from 97 in the autumn term of 2012 to 250 in autumn 2013. So what’s the answer? While many schools

argue that children missing schooling for any length of time is damaging, even the ones who quietly think it might not be too much of issue are under great amounts of pressure from the government and Ofsted to keep their absence rates down, meaning granting leave for a holiday is likely to more hassle than it is worth for schools.

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 14-15



Taking your child on holiday during term time

Yet for parents, the central issue – high prices during school holidays – remains the same, meaning that many are still planning to take holidays when it is more affordable. Indeed, the strength of feeling about this issue is so strong that parents are protesting. In February of this year the issue was debated in parliament after a petition was signed by over 160,000 parents, and the Government is suggesting that schools should use their discretion to set term times of their own – some of which may be more conducive to discounted holidays (though this isn’t very helpful if you have several children in different schools). One party guaranteed not to lose out, of course, is the holiday operators. One company even used the new fines as part of its advertising campaign. MountainBase, a Bedford-based operator selling skiing holiays in the French Alps, asked “Are Schools in the UK taking the PISTE! We think so” and said that it would pay the school fines of parents taking their kids out of school in term time to holiday with them.


01/05/2014 13:12


Parent Review

LFC Foundation

Thomas was born on 14/12/93. The joy of having our son was turned into devastation within 24hours, when we were told he had brain damage, but Thomas was a fighter, and with all his problems, he gave us so much joy.

At the age of five his passion for football was amazing. He would play by bum shuffling around and using his hand to hit the ball. He said one day to us, mum, dad when I want to be a will my legs work because ol Football rpo Live footballer and play for Club. pe a It was while he attended sco us told had member of staff there it a try. give to about respect for all and form e anc dist a Although it was quite

LFC Foundation

Thomas our home we gave it a try and elchair became hooked on the whe gly helpful, azin am re whe f staf football, the encouraged understanding, patient and Thomas to continue. parties at “I have attended after season e scored Liverpool Football Club. I hav tric elec my in end Kop a goal at the my level d ieve ach also e hav I wheelchair. t for All. one coaching through Respec t for All to “I would recommend Respec I have made a anyone with a disability, as for Liverpool lot of friends. It’s like playing dreams have Football Club to me and my come true.”

n.liverp io t a d n u o .f w w w MAY_JUNE2.indd 16-17


01/05/2014 13:12

While the phrase ‘empty nest’ is most often associated with children whose children are leaving home for the first time to go to university, many mums get their first taste of what it feels like to have an ‘empty nest’ when children first go to primary school. The days of spending all day, every day with your child are over, but often the demands of the school-run mean going back to work isn’t feasible either. Instead, many mums find that this is an ideal to pursue hobbies or even start to develop plans for a new career once their children are older.

Wondering what to do with your new free time in September? There are organisations that can help: Take a course

There are a range of adult education providers on Merseyside, and one that we’re very impressed by is Blackburne House. They’re based in the Georgian Quarter and offer a range


Making the most of an empty nest of courses, just for women from their beautiful building in the city centre’s Georgian Quarter. You can learn about topics as diverse as from home maintenance to events planning and nail technology. To find out what they’ve got to offer, visit:


Volunteering isn’t just a great way of getting a warm, fluffy feeling that only comes from helping another human being, it’s also a fantastic way to build up your CV or even explore different career options. The website has a huge bank of volunteering opportunities, and you can even search according to interests, postcode and what days or times you can be free.


If you’re looking for something a little less structured, local libraries often run groups that can help you to fulfil your passions. For example, Liverpool Central Library runs a book group every other Friday and Childwall Library runs regular ‘IT for employment’ courses. Similary, Toxteth Library hosts careers guidance sessions, run by the National Careers Service. Want to find out more? Visit MAY_JUNE2.indd 18-19


01/05/2014 13:12

Kids In Bloom

Check out these great clubs and classes during May half term

sports activities for children aged 5-16 years such as football, multi sports, gymnastics and Trampolining. Booking forms are available in school and online. Where? Childwall Sports and Science Academy, Fiveways, Queens Drive, Liverpool, L15 6XZ When? 27th May- 30th May 2013. Early Drop Off and Late Pick Up is available from 8.00 5.00pm.

array of activities co-ordinated by the specialist, knowledgeable, energetic staff that co-ordinate it’s out of school activity programme. 4-11 years Where? Various Locations, visit www. When? Throughout May Half Term 8am - 6pm

DL Kids Holiday Active

What? Little ones will

Clubs & Classes

What? Join us May

Half Term for an action packed camp including: Tennis, Swimming, Make and Create, Get active, Multisports and much more. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and drinks all included. Where? David Lloyd Leisure, Speke When? 26th-23rd May 8:30am-5:30pm

What? Great classes offering a range of

Half Term Hijinks

never be bored with the wild and wacky activities in store, and there’s lots of adventures to be had through the wonderful world of reading. Where? Calderstones Mansion, Calderstones Park Liverpool, L18 3JB When? 27th May 11am-1pm

School Holiday Tuition with Active TT

What? During four days of the whit break Active TT will be running GCSE school/ 11+ School/ Holiday Tution School from 10-4pm. Registered clients £40 per day (email to register), new clients £50 per day. Lunch and snacks available. Where? 10 Tower Street, Brunswick Business Park, L3 4BJ When? 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th May

Frozen themed art & Crafts with ARTventurers, Liverpool

What? Join ARTventurers this half term for a Frozen themed art & craft and messy play class with the following activities: Elsa crown making, snow play, build a play dough snowman, snowflake making, cupcake decorating and more fun activities.Visit www. Where? St Marys Millennium Centre When? 27th May 10-11am The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 20-21

What? Kids in Bloom Holiday Clubs offer an

Merry May Masks

What? Make a magical mask with bright collage materials. Where? Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight Village, Lower Rd, Wirral CH62 5EQ When? 27th May Drop in from 1-4pm

Greenbank Sports Academy School’s Out Activity Programme

What? A fun-filled day for children with a chance to take part in sports such as football, basketball, boccia, indoor athletics, rebound therapy, wheelchair sports, adapted cycles and curling or art based activities such as mask making, painting mugs, t-shirt printing and hat making. Where? Greenbank Ln, Liverpool, Merseyside L17 1AG When? 28th and 29th May ·10am–4pm

Multi Sports Activity Camps

What? Camps are held during school holidays for children aged between five and 13 years. Netball, basketball, handball, cricket, tag rugby, hockey are among the sports on offer. Where? Liverpool Hope University, Taggart Avenue L16 9JD When? Throughout May Half Term

Little Angels kids Club at Awesome Walls

What? Kids aged 7-16 can enjoy two hours rock climbing with an experienced instructor and meet new friends. Instructors will coach participants on all aspects of climbing from knots and equipment to technique and lead climbing. We also arrange competitions and NICAS awards. Where? St Albans Church, Athol St, Liverpool, Merseyside, L5 9TN When? Monday & Friday evenings 6-8pm, Saturday and Sunday mornings 10am-12pm and Saturday evenings 5.30-7.30pm.



Childwall Sports Centre

On This Roc Climbing Club

What? The OTR Climbing Club is for young people aged eight -18. Accomodating for all types of climbers from beginners to advanced and new members are always welcome. Where? Awesome Walls St Albans Church, Athol St, Liverpool, Merseyside L5 9TN When? Every Wednesday evening, times vary depending on the age of the group

Visit our new look website for all clubs and classes listings and links!


01/05/2014 13:12


Exercise Entrepreneur Wins The Princes Trust National RBS Award Lucie Campbell, founder of Jumping Jacks ABC, picked up the Princes Trust National RBS enterprise award, in recognition of her hugely successful business. This prestigious award was presented to Lucie from HRH Prince Charles himself. It was a red carpet event with the awards ceremony hosted by Ant and Dec at the Odeon Leicester Square, London. Lucie said ‘It’s amazing to be here and be recognised, especially by Prince Charles who just said to me, “Your classes look really fun”. It’s just brilliant. He can bring Prince George along whenever he likes.’ Lucie Campbell and Sara Smith, Company Directors of Jumping Jacks ABC Ltd are working hard to expand the business through franchising opportunities, event planning and merchandise. Find out more about Jumping Jacks ABC at


a pair of weekend general admission tickets to The Liverpool Hope International Tennis Tournament 2014!

As one of the key warm up events to Wimbledon, the Liverpool Hope International is a tennis tournament must in the calendar for ATP and WTA players in addition to the business community in the North West.

It is also a key date for corporate hospitality with the grass court tennis, strawberries and cream in the glorious setting of Liverpool Cricket Club. The event offers fantastic entertainment mixing tennis legends with truly competitive rallies between the ATP/WTA players combined with interviews, charity auctions and fashion shows.

For a chance to win please go to www.familygolive. com/competitions and enter in the sweepstakes. ition please visit To enter the compet Closing ilyg am w.f ww te bsi we 4 201 e date 10th Jun MAY_JUNE2.indd 22-23


01/05/2014 13:12

JUNE 2014

Diary Planner - MAY Go to familygoliv ents and save the ev your of interest on to phone! calendar on your 4






Tmesis Theatre: Young Physical Fest The Bluecoat 18



McBusted Echo Arena


MAY_JUNE2.indd 24-25


Downy Duckling Week Martin Mere 8




Luna Unity Theatre

The Sooty Show Floral Pavilion


















May Bank Holiday Weekend David Lloyd Leisure 30

Half Term Hijinks: Matilda and Charlie Calderstones Mansion


Liverpool International Hope Tennis Tournament 2014 Liverpool Cricket Club









Nature Walk for Health Foraging National Wildflower Centre



The Lion King Empire Theatre











Victorian Lamplight Tour Croxteth Hall

The Lion King Empire Theatre


Downy Duckling Week Martin Mere




Oli’s Safari Walk 25















Liverpool l Internationa is Hope Tenn nt e am rn Tou 2014 Liverpool Cricket 25 Club 26

Cycle for Health in Liverpool Parks

Go to and save the events of interest on to your calendar on your phone!

01/05/2014 13:12

Out & About Directory Luna What? An enchanting theatre experience for

2 - 5 year olds and their families. Luna is bored up in the sky by herself with nobody to play with. Although she is surrounded by stars, they never quite understand her - it’s certainly lonely being the only moon. Where? Unity Theatre, 1 Hope Place, Liverpool L1 9BG When? 10th May

Tmesis Theatre: Young Physical Fest

Little Mix

The Lion King What? Set against the majesty of the Serengeti Plains and to the evocative rhythms of Africa, The Lion King will redefine your expectations of theatre. A spectacular visual feast, this adaptation of Disney’s classic film transports audiences to a dazzling world that explodes with glorious colours, stunning effects and music. Where? Empire Theatre, Line St, Liverpool L1 1JE When? 15th May-5th July

What? A weekend of workshops and



What? LightNight is Liverpool’s one-night arts and culture festival which takes place annually every May. Over 50 city centre organisations keep their galleries, museums and venues open until late, staging over 100 special cultural events for visitors of all ages. Where? World Museum Liverpool, William Brown Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L3 8EN When? 16th May

performances for children, young people and families, including juggling, acrobatics, and mask making. See for more information. Free Event Where? The Bluecoat, School Lane Liverpool L1 3BX When? 10th May 12-5pm &11th May 1-5pm

What? Following the astonishing success of their brief reunion on the occasion of McFly’s tenth anniversary concert, Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Dougie Poynter and Harry Judd have announced that they will join forces with James Bourne and Matt Willis to form supergroup McBusted for a full UK arena tour. Where? Echo Arena Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP When? 13th May

Oli’s Safari Walk What? Join Oli for his first 3km sponsored walk at Knowsley Safari Park – it’s the perfect day out for all the family and it’s wheelchair/pram friendly too! The walk will start at 10am and all walkers/ families who raise over £50 in sponsorship will be given a free Safari Park pass for the day. Where? Knowsley Safari park Prescot, Merseyside L34 4AN When? 18th May

Katy Perry- The Prismatic World Tour What? Global superstar, Katy Perry, will be returning to Liverpool in May 2014, bringing THE PRISMATIC WORLD TOUR in support of her second UK #1 album, PRISM. Where? Echo Arena Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP When? 21st May

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What? Global pop sensations Little Mix will be embarking on their biggest UK tour to date in May-June 2014. Perrie Edwards, Jesy Nelson, Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jade Thirwall recently returned with their outstanding second album, ‘Salute’ which follows their hugely successful debut album ‘DNA’. Where? Echo Arena Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP When? 23rd May

Go to familygoliv and save the ev ents of interest on to your calendar on you r phone! May Bank Holiday Weekend at David Lloyd Leisure What? Join us for Bank Holiday in the sun (hopefully!) BBQ’s by the outdoor pool, children’s activities and good family fun! Where? David Lloyd Leisure, Speke When? 24th, 25th and 26th May

Artisan Network’s Wildflower Artisan Market Downy Duckling Week at Martin Mere What? Join Martin Mere for an award-winning egg-to-duckling experience. Take part in fascinating ‘candling’ workshops (where a light is used to look inside an egg), watch chipping eggs in anticipation and meet the newly-hatched fluffy ducklings in our nursery. Please collect a ticket on the day. Where? Martin Mere, Fish Lane, Ormskirk, Lancashire, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 0TA When? Saturday 24th May to Sunday 1st June 11am to 4pm

What? There will be over 60 stalls for you to enjoy throughout the day. Situated in our main and cobbled courtyards you’ll find a celebration of handmade work, produce, world foods and much more. Where? National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Knowsley, Liverpool L16 3NA When? 25th May

Dig Detectives at Norton Priory What? Have a go at being an archaeologist in the Norton Priory mini dig! Where? Norton Priory Museum & Gardens , Tudor Road , Manor Park, Runcorn Cheshire WA7 1SX When? 26th -27th May. Activities 11am - 4pm. Normal admission prices apply. Under 5’s free.

Half Term Hijinks: Matilda and Charlie What? Join us to explore two of our favourite Roald Dahl books. We will be creating our own bookworm book bags and eating a Willy Wonka inspired feast for lunch. Yum! Where? Calderstones Mansion, Calderstones Park, Liverpool, L18 3JB When? 30th May

01/05/2014 13:12

Out & About Directory Pramathon at Croxteth Hall Country Park What? A fun and social event which encourages new parents to get active with their children and enjoy the great outdoors. It is also a great way to meet lots of other mums and dads out and about in the park. Where? Croxteth Hall, Croxteth Hall Ln, Liverpool L12 0HB When? 1st June

The Sooty Show What? Izzy Wizzy Lets get busy - It’s The Sooty Show! Direct from Citv, Sooty heads into town in a fabulous new show to delight the whole family. Joining the nation’s favourite bear will be Sweep , Soo and Sooty’s TV Partner Richard Cadell -who will be attempting to keep Sooty from getting up to mischief! Boy will he have his hands full! Where? Floral Pavilion, Marine Promenade, Merseyside CH45 2JS When? 8th June

What? The Liverpool Hope International Tennis Tournament is the largest tennis exhibition in Europe. The tournament provides a unique opportunity to watch ATP and WTP players warming up before Wimbledon. Where? Liverpool Cricket Club, Aigburth Rd, Liverpool, Merseyside L19 3QF When? 19th-22nd June

Nature Walk for Health - Foraging What? Join the Great Outdoors Project for a healthy and educational walk around Court Hey Park. Our walk will start at 10am from the Cornflower Cafe and we’ll take a stroll around the Centre and Court Hey Park to see what ‘treasures’ can be found. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing. Where? National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park, Roby Road, Knowsley, Liverpool L16 3NA When? 3rd June

Africa Oye Victorian Lamplight Tour What? A Stunning tour, led by the glow of a lamplight, will take you through the eerie corridors of time, where you will encounter characters from the past who will share with you their tales and secrets. Where? Croxteth Hall, Croxteth Hall Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside L12 0HB When? 11th June

Shakespeare’s Globe On Tour: Much Ado About Nothing What? Shakespeare’s Globe brings one of

Liverpool Arab Arts Festival: The Big Saturday What? Music, food and more for all the family. Where? The Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool When? 7th June

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Liverpool Hope International Tennis Tournament 2014

Shakespeare’s liveliest comedies, Much Ado About Nothing, to the Garden Theatre at Calderstones this June Where? The Garden Theatre, Calderstones Mansion House, Calderstones Park, Liverpool L18 3JB When? 12th-13th June

Meeting Mr. Bloom! Darren Ellis & Ronen KozoKara What? An out of this world new dance show on specially designed inflatable set for children over three and the rest of the family. Where? The Brindley, High St, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1BG When? 12th June 11am and 1:30pm

What? Africa Oyé will be flourishing in Liverpool’s Sefton Park in June 2014. With another stellar festival set to take place, it is the largest free African music event in the UK. Where? Sefton Park, Aigburth, Liverpool, Merseyside, L17 1AP When? 21st-22nd June

Race For Life What? Show cancer who’s boss by taking on a 5k or a 10k Race For Life event. Run, walk or dance your way through the course and help us say “cancer we’re coming to get you” Where? Aintree Racecourse, Ormskirk Road, Aintree, Liverpool L9 5AS When? 22nd June

Go to and save the events of interest on to your calendar on your phone! Cycle for Health - in Liverpool Parks What? A guided cycling scheme to help you get back on your bike even if you haven’t cycled for a while - no bike needed! Where? Various Liverpool Parks When? Various dates throughout June Visit the LCH website for more info http://www. cycle-for-health.htm

Jason Derulo What? Jason Derulo has become a major chart sensation since he first burst onto the scene in 2009 and will be coming to the Echo Arena this June! Where? Echo Arena Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool L3 4FP When? 28th June

Sapporo Teppanyaki Family Fun Day What? Fantastic entertainment for little ones, including balloon modelling, face painting and sushi rolling demonstrations. Where? Sapporo Teppenyaki, 134 Duke Street, East Village, Liverpool L1 5AG When? 29th June

Canoe Safari at Martin Mere What? This self guided canoe safari offers families and adults a safe and fun way to explore the recently created reedbed habitat and its rich biodiversity. Adults and children alike will be able to enjoy spotting some of the UK’s most threatened species ranging from water voles to reed buntings whilst having plenty of fun! Where? Martin Mere, Fish Lane, Ormskirk, Lancashire, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 0TA When? Throughout June

01/05/2014 13:12


Food and Drink Festival

one of 10 Family Tickets to Speke Hall! this Speke Hall is a great place to bring the kids es chang some notice may you summer and when you visit this year. We’ve removed ropes Explore and introduced lots of fun, new activities. ies in our the woods with some great outdoor activit across jump wire, zip the Try Trail. land new Wood own den the Giant’s Causeway and build your very area as well as enjoy the new and improved play . and of course, the amaze-ing hedge maze or stop Try the kids’ menu in Home Farm Restaurant us delicio bite, r lighte a for Room Tea es by the Stabl head cake, ice cream or hot and cold drinks. Then Mersey. out for a walk with great views across the



A BIGGER Helping of Liverpool

For a chance to win please go to www.familygolive. com/competitions and enter in the sweepstakes. our To enter the competition please visit website Closing date 30th June 2014

Liverpool Food and Drink Festival is set to return for its seventh year, starting with an evening event in Sefton Park on Friday 19th September. The popup food and drink festival, which usually runs over two days, will open a day earlier than normal to become a three day celebration of the city’s restaurants, cafes, bars and producers. The additional Friday evening event, which will run from 4-9pm, will toast the great British pub with a celebration of pub grub, real ales, spirits, live music and entertainment. There will also be an exclusive fine dining experience, as well as a street food zone and a hand-picked selection of producers, showcasing everything from posh pork pies, cheeses and olives to coffee, fudge and liqueurs. Publican turned celebrity chef, Tom Kerridge, is set to headline this year’s event, which is set to take place in Sefton Park from 19th-21st September. The star of the BBC programme, ‘Tom Kerridge’s Proper Pub Food’, and the only chef to have received two Michelin stars for pub grub, will be giving demos on how to cook some of his favourite dishes. Tom Kerridge, TV chef and owner of the Hand & Flowers gastro pub in Marlow, said: “I really like the sound of Liverpool Food and Drink Festival with the city’s pubs, bars, restaurants, cafes and producers taking over Sefton Park for the weekend.

“The north west is gaining quite a reputation for its booming food and drink scene and I’m keen to see what the city has to offer.” Denise Harris, director of Liverpool Food and Drink Festival, is looking forward to welcoming Tom Kerridge to the event. She said: “It’s a huge honour for us to have Tom Kerridge at Liverpool Food and Drink Festival this year. His food is all about simple ingredients that are cooked to perfection. “This year’s show is set to be bigger and better than ever. We have introduced a new element to the festival by opening on the Friday evening with a slightly different offering. The Friday evening is all about chilling out, enjoying a great atmosphere and having some fun.”

Tickets start from £5 online and entry is free for children under 14!

.uk or follow @livfooddrink on Twitter. The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 30-31

01/05/2014 13:12



Restaurant Review



a family pass to experience CBeebies Land at Alton Towers Resort On 24th May 2014, Alton Towers Resort will launch the world’s first ever CBeebies Land and you could win tickets to the interactive new land, which will feature children’s favourite characters and shows including Postman Pat, In the Night Garden, Tree Fu Tom and Charlie and Lola. CBeebies Land will also feature live shows and entertainment hosted at the Big Fun Show Time venue including shows from Mike the Knight, The Zingzillas and Nina & The Neurons. Children can meet their favourite characters from In the Night Garden, Postman Pat, Mike the Knight, and Tree Fu Tom. Visit for more information. Visit for terms & conditions.

For a chance to win please go to www.familygolive. com/competitions and enter in the sweepstakes. e go to To enter the competition pleas om live.c www.familygo Closing date 30th June 2014

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 32-33


Tucked away behind the hustle and bustle of Church Street, the Bluecoat is undoubtedly one of Liverpool’s most elegant buildings with its Queen Anne style architecture and cobbled courtyard. The Bluecoat is home to exhibitions by local and international contemporary artists, as well as regular music, dance, literature and live art events.

Although I have visited the Bluecoat many times in the past, this was my first visit to the Upstairs Bistro, located on the first floor. As we walked into the bright and airy space, adorned with contemporary art by local artists, I wondered why I had never taken the lift up to the bistro before; this was the perfect setting for a relaxing weekend lunch. After taking a few moments to enjoy the fantastic view across the courtyard of the stunning Grade I listed former school, we carefully chose a table near to the children’s play area, as my young son was in toe. Until our lunch arrived, he happily enjoyed playing with the activities on offer, from the activity cube and children’s books to the playmat and kids’ table and chairs set. It’s amazing how these simple activities can help ease some of the stress for parents eating out with the kids. As we perused the menu, there was plenty on offer to tempt our tastebuds, from light bites, soups and sandwiches to salads and main meals for the bigger appetite. There was also a great children’s

The Bluecoat menu, offering everything from Cheese Toasties and Ham Salad Sandwiches to Fish and Chips, Burgers and Scouse. I opted for Beer Battered Scottish Line Caught Haddock served with Homemade Chips, Mushy Peas and Tartare sauce (£10.50), while my friend chose the Salt and Pepper King Prawn Salad (£7.95). I ordered Fish and Chips (£3.95) for my son, which was a mini version of my dish. Our main meals were all absolutely delicious and freshly prepared. Afterwards, we decided to share a Chocolate, Oreo and Malteser Baked Cheesecake, which came with a scoop of delicious ice-cream (£4.50). The dessert was a tasty treat and an excellent dish to finish off a delightful lunch. We left feeling pretty full and very pleased to have found a real hidden treasure in the heart of the city centre. Upstairs Bistro, The Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX Tel: 0151 702 5324



01/05/2014 13:12

It’s news that will strike financial fear into the heart of parents as half term approaches. According to new research from a Voucher website, the days of free family fun are long Want to combat the trend? Here’s gone, as children are just no longer our ‘three for free’ on Merseyside: interested in free or cheap days out. The more wholesome activities of our childhoods - trips to parks, picnics or walks – have now been trumped by more expensive outings to the cinema, restaurants and bowling alleys. And it’s not just grumpy teenagers demanding to be entertained in an expensive fashion; the average parent spends £54 entertaining children aged 10 or under every month. According to the study by Voucher Codes Pro, the top five activities that children ask to do each month are: cinema trips (41%), eating out – (33%), takeaways – (26%), bowling – (14%) and shopping trips (11% ) When asked if they ever took their children on ‘free or low cost days out’ or had ‘affordable nights in’ to keep their children entertained, 66% of parents admitted that they didn’t. When asked why this was the case, 72% of the parents explained it was because their child or children simply weren’t interested in these kind of activities. Just 3% of the parents polled had taken their child or children for a picnic, whilst only 9% had taken their child or children to play in a park within the last six months. When asked if they ever took their child or children for walks, such as in the country side or their local area, 88% of the parents said ‘no’, whilst 92% had also never taken their youngster(s) for a bike ride. The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 34-35

For picnics: Formby beach Sand dunes, sea and a squirrel reserve. Formby has it all and is the perfect spot for family picnics. Bring along your binoculars and see if you can spot a natterjack toad or rare red squirrel. Victoria Road, Formby, Liverpool L37 1LJ



Free family fun is dead, says new research


a Sea Life Annual Pass

for 5 people

worth £200! SEA LIFE Manchester, the UK’s newest aquarium, will transport you into an amazing underwater world. Come noseto-nose with sharks and prepare for astonishingly close views of everything from humble clownfish and seahorses to graceful rays. To get any closer you’d have to get wet! For more information on Sea Life, visit

For a chance to win please go to www.familygolive. com/competitions and enter in the sweepstakes. To enter the competition please visit our website Closing date 30th June 2014

For history: World Museum Liverpool

The spectacular World Museum Liverpool really does have something for everyone. Where else can you see live creepy crawlies, casts of dinosaurs, a meteorite from Mars and samurai armour side-by-side? World Museum, William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EN For learning: On seeing the newly re-vamped Central Library, author Frank Cottrell Boyce said it was “like going to meet your gran and finding out that she’s turned into Beyonce”.

And the hyperbole is well deserved, as the library has certainly undergone quite a transformation in recent times, and now boasts a stunning children’s library in the old lecture theatre. Central Library, William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EW


01/05/2014 13:12



Local Services Directory Solicitors and legal advice

Morecrofts Solicitors Tel: 0151 236 8871 Atlantic Chambers Tel: 0151 236 4421 Paul Crowley Tel: 0151 264 7363 Jackson Canter Tel: 0151 282 1700 jacksoncanter/ Alpha Mortgage Advice Tel: 0151 924 6070

Home and garden support

Instant Pest Solutions Tel: 0151 345 0556 King Of Spades Garden Maintenance Tel: 07963 411 828 CM Decorators LTD Tel: 07967 784 763 Aigburth Guttering Specialist Tel: 0151 427 8062


Excel Private Hire Tel: 0151 728 8888 Delta Tel: 0151 922 7373 Merseytravel Tel: 0151 227 5181

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 36-37


01/05/2014 13:12

When it comes to a relationship breakdown mediation is now legally mandatory, but what does it all mean? Morecrofts Solicitors’ Partner Angela Eaton gives Family Go Live readers the full explanation.

What is Relate? Relate is the leading national provider of relationship support. Relate Cheshire & Merseyside is a local charity providing a wide range of support services including relationship counselling, sex therapy, family counselling, young people’s counselling, and workshops and courses for both professionals and the public.

Sometimes talking things through can seem the hardest challenge of all. Often, relationships break down with feelings of hurt, bitterness and anger, but almost always the very best solutions are those you can work out for yourselves together, which are acceptable to everyone involved.

Relate’s work is based on evidence that shows a strong link between healthy relationships and better outcomes for both adult health and child development.

This has recently been recognised by the Government. New court procedures, introduced in April by the Children and Families Act 2014, require anyone wishing to make an application to court in relation to a family matter to attend an appointment with a family mediator beforehand. This is to discuss whether family mediation would be a more suitable way forward. If mediation is not considered to be appropriate at that stage, and an application is made to court, at each hearing the judge must consider whether the parties should be referred back to mediation.

For more information about our services or to book an appointment, please call us on 0300 330 5793 or email us at Alternatively, you can visit our website at www.

Although cuts to Legal Aid have meant this is now only available to fund applications to court in limited circumstances, Legal Aid to fund family mediation has remained untouched. Therefore parents in receipt of certain passported benefits or on a low income may be entitled to have mediation charges met by Legal Aid.

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 38-39



Take control of your break up Furthermore, if a parent is participating in legally aided mediation, they are then automatically entitled to receive legally aided advice from a solicitor. This should run in conjunction with the mediation to cover any legal costs that might be involved in the terms of an agreement reached in mediation. For those who are not eligible for Legal Aid but still on a limited budget, mediation can be a more cost effective way forward as the mediators fees are shared between you, and you can decide how many sessions you can afford. If you are concerned about whether mediation is suitable for you, perhaps because of fears in relation to domestic abuse, the mediator will discuss that with you at the initial meeting which generally takes place on an individual basis, and can consider whether any safeguards can be put in place (e.g separate arrival and departure times, use of separate rooms) which will help allay those fears. However the mediator will at the outset establish ground rules as to how people should conduct themselves during meetings and will remain in control throughout. At Morecrofts, our specialised and highly qualified mediators can help you reach the best solution for your family by helping you in joint meetings and identifying the various options available to you. You decide together which is best for you and your children. Mediation enables you to take ownership of the decision making process, and find a solution which is right for you, rather than having an arrangement imposed on you which might not be satisfactory for either of you. For more information contact Angela Eaton on or call of Liverpool City Centre office on 08435 385 290.


01/05/2014 13:12

According to new research from the International Currency Exchange (ICE), more than half of people (53%) spend more than a month’s salary on their main holiday and the majority (80%) dip into their savings. With holidays such a costly business, one easy way to lower costs is to be very savvy about the exchange rate the pound has with your chosen destination. Even if the holiday itself was cheap, if the pound is weak costs can very quickly mount up.

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Want to save even more money? Here are ICE’s top tips for holiday savings

hell Nails & Samantha Mitc Beauty Clinic

Nuffield Health


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Elaine Davies Re

11 Tel: 07917 1903 www.elainedavie

One20 Dental

92 Tel: 0151 525 29 www.one20den

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86 Tel: 0151 722 33 m www.smnailandb


Rosemary Conl

03 Tel: 0151 287 51 www.rosemaryco

Fit for Life


Tel: 07754 163 37

Pure Dental

0151 722 0884 www.puredental


Aesthetically Yo

• Book early to get good deals on flights and accommodation

Discussing the impact currency can have on your holiday budget, Tom Johnson, Head of Online Business at ICE, said:

• Book flights and accommodation using the ICE Travellers Cashcard to avoid paying interest on a credit card

“Travellers need to consider choosing destinations that offer the best exchange rate for the Pound – and generally have a lower cost of living.

• Add savings each month to a prepaid currency card for Euro destinations – then the money’s ready to spend when you arrive at your destination

“The combination of these two factors can deliver real savings on day-to-day costs. Turkey, Greece, Portugal and Spain look good for affordable short-haul destinations. For longer holidays, head to long haul locations with a low cost of living, such as Thailand, Mexico and Brazil, as the pound has strengthened against these currencies.”



y t u a e B & h lt a He Directory

Choosing a holiday destination? Be pound-wise!

• Plan to travel mid-week and early flights – that will often save money

• Plan for tipping as part of your holiday spending money so you don’t get caught short • Pay strict attention to baggage allowances if opting for no frills flights so you don’t have to pay extra for luggage • Look at package holidays – they can offer better value than booking hotel and flights separately • Negotiate with the travel agent to see if you

can get one younger child for free The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 40-41


01/05/2014 13:12



Get Crystal Clear skin the nonevasive way!

Samantha Mitchell Beauty Clinic in Woolton has found the face lift alternative, with no knives required!! If you think Botox is a little extreme, and vampire facials get you wanting to dig out your cloves of garlic and wooden cross from Sunday school, then Crystal Clear skin treatments might be for you.

For a busy mum, life can be a constant balancing act. Whether it’s getting the kids ready for the school run before a busy day at work or trying to figure out how to make both exercise classes this week and get chance to socialise too, it’s a constant battle to not drop her spinning plates.

As opposed to some, more aggressive, facial treatments, this reaps big results without any ‘downtime’ for your skin and the results are instant. What’s more, undergoing the treatment repeated times can also have a cumulative effect. It leaves skin looking more lifted and toned, ­giving that sought after, youthful plumpness to contours. And because you don¹t need to go under the knife, or even see a needle, it¹s perfect for the squeamish too!

This treatment consists of tiny gentle electric pulses on your face and neck stimulating your muscles and working them to tighten up and plump up your skin.

This is a full facial treatment toning and lifting the whole face in just 40 minutes!

Combining time-efficiency with stunning results, this new treatment can help address all manner of skin gripes, ­leaving you with a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, tighter, firmer skin, enhanced circulation and even better lymphatic drainage!

4b Hattons Lane L16 7QS. Tel: 0151 722 3386

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 42-43

For many busy mums, contact lenses provide the perfect solution to matching eyecare needs with minimal fuss and effort, helping them to more easily race through their tasks without having to think twice about finding their glasses. For mums that have never tried contact lenses and know little about what is involved in switching, the change can seem daunting, despite knowing the convenience contact

lenses offer. But with the guidance of a trained optician, feeling confident and comfortable with lenses that are tailored exactly to requirements is actually a quick and painless process.

Specsavers is the national leader in eyecare and is a contact lense specialist. For those that decide they would like to try contact lenses, an optician at a local Specsavers store can offer a full assessment , answering questions and making sure lenses match lifestyle.





Specsavers is currently offering a month’s free trial of both its monthly contact lenses and its dailies, so there has never been a better time to try contact lenses. Those that continue with the service can also pick up a pair of Specsavers frames costing £45 or under for free, or they can buy designer frames for £35 and this offer includes sunglasses from the in-store Wall of Sun.

To book an appointment at Specsavers in Allerton, call: 0151 734 7555.

Samantha Mitchell Nails & Beauty Clinic.


01/05/2014 13:12

Juice Diets: Great detox or diet fad? While a kale, spinach and orange smoothie might sound like a feast only fit for a masochist, these bizarre culinary concoctions are being created up and down the land every day as juicing takes the nation by storm. But are these diets actually damaging? We take a look… What is a juice diet? It’s exactly what it says on the tin. You replace all your meals with juice made from various fruit and vegetables a certain period of time (usually between 5 and 10 days). Proponents of the diet say you should aim to create juices that are made from 80% vegetables, 20% fruit, and needless to say, booze and fizzy drinks are out during the fasting period. Most juicing diets will see you taking in around 1200 calories a day, which is 800 calories below the RDA for women. What’s the science behind it? Many dieticians say it’s pretty spurious. While advocates of the diet claim that juicing can help you detox, the body doesn’t need any help to detox – that’s what your kidneys and liver are for.

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 44-45



ainmen Party entert

As juicing removes fibre from the fruit and vegetables you consume, it also means that it is much harder for your body to process waste products. This sort of diet can also deplete your liver’s store of the antitoxidant gluthathione, key for detoxing the blood. So that detox may actually end up leaving your body in a worse state than it was in to begin with.

Party Catering cake Just the Cup 8009 Tel: 07765 22 www.justthec

es Party venu wly Creepy Cra us Big Red B 6 045 64 4 24 9 5 Tel: 01 872 1 Tel: 07824 rawlyshow.c .thecreepyc w u w yb w rt a p d er Crafty Corn b Yellow Su 3546 49 9 91 0 5 07 Tel: 120 8 Tel: 08444 number61.w w.craftycorner b w w su w llo e www.y re Play Facto 8 6851 4 7 1 6 Tel: 01 www.playf ycentre onster Pla Purple M 24 9083 k Tel: 0151 9 onsterplayc m le rp u .p www n Crazy Tow 5 5039 2 5 1 5 1 Tel: 0 townaintre www.crazy



Parties & Playtime

So will I lose weight?

Fruit is relatively high in calories and sugar, so drinking it in concentrated form can actually be pretty calorific. If you stick to below the recommended RDA, you will lose weight. However, as with any extreme diet, it could leave you feeling listless and weak in the short term, and have health implications in the long term. As this is essentially a crash diet, the weight may also pile back on once the ‘fasting’ period is over. What’s the verdict? With the science behind juicing pretty shaky, we think fruit and vegetables are best consumed whole and as part of a wellbalanced diet.


01/05/2014 13:12

Party Testimonial

Crazy Town

a Pirate or Princess themed party at Underwater Street! There is no place quite like Underwater Street to celebrate your child’s birthday! The wide range of fun activities, shows, games and workshops means there is plenty to appeal to all ages and personalities.




For a chance to win please go to www.familygolive. com/competitions and enter in the sweepstakes.

We know what children like and we understand what parents want. A party with us ensures a stress -free, fun packed experience with the highest customer service possible. All crafts shows and workshops are included and many children leave with bags of crafts they have made on the day!! for more info. Go to

our To enter the competition please visit website Closing date 30th June 2014

e was no For me and my daughter ther n arranging her whe e mak to ision dec e hug her 5th birthday 6th birthday party. We held and both ree Aint n Tow zy Cra at y part ’ birthday hers brot r nge her older and you t to see they grea was It too! here ies part rds for best had since then won two awa best children’s and ue ven y part s ren’ child outstanding entertainer recognising the provide for they nce erie exp and ice serv alike. lts adu and both the children

tre is always The atmosphere in the cen is so well ent ipm equ The . itive pos very tables and ble forta com spaced out, with at the bottom are s” tent rty “pa The irs. cha rved table of the play centre with a rese and keep the acy priv of ree deg a ring offe duration of children all together for the y. part the

Crazy Town This very enjoyable experience will be followed by a booking for my next childs birthday party and I am sure the one after that.

Well done Crazy Town you are in a league of your own!!!



e sincere, The staff could not be any mor to the e ntiv atte ly uine helpful and gen the whole see can You ds. nee s ren’ child y go above team really enjoy their job. The e has the ryon eve ure ens to ond bey and best time! is allocated Each child who has a party to your every nds atte who t” hos rty “pa a enjoys the need and to my observation The energy ren! child the as h muc as y part admired. be to ng ethi they exhale is som nt/cafe aura rest ul derf won a is re The ething for area with a menu that has som delicious the tion men to Not e. ryon eve coffees and hot chocolate. n thought of at I believe everything has bee areas are both ent ipm equ The n. Tow zy Cra ch can be whi l ona cati edu fascinating and children alike. and lts adu both to ial efic ben

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 46-47


01/05/2014 13:13



Party Fact File:

Davidties LSpelokeyd DL Par

Who is DL Kids Speke ?

is a family health David Lloyd Leisure Speke kids team who club, We have a dedicated from crafts to s vitie run a wide range of acti in making your gymnastics! We specialise your childs party unique and tailored to favourite things!

What do you do?

ue birthday We specialise in creating uniq und your childs parties which are tailored aro day to remember favourite things. Making it a food & drink, they include delicious party Invitations with second to none party bags, you notes and family guest passes, thank the kids and is d decorations! All you nee

What makes you different to other party companies? offer

abilities we We cater for all ages and d parties that me a massive range of the the cake! interests, we do are tailored to your childs ating parties to everything from t-shirt cre s, pirate, superhero, ces for parties Tennis, football, princes We have three dedicated spa requirements! We tots parties the list is endless. We have depending on the size and ents and provide ty room for food the ability to cater for par have our own personal par for d! We take the ulous room food and drinks if require which is fully decorated! A fab l day by organising und and can be stress out of your specia kids to play games, run aro play dream for our everything, transformed in to a babies parties of over tots parties. A sports hall for uires lots of room! 20 kids or anything that req on 0151 494 4000, Call David Lloyd Speke or visit email sport.speke@dav n ideal aged 1-11 Our parties cater for childre info! liverpoolspeke for more years old.

Where do you do it?

How can I book?

Who are your parties suitable for?

/clubs/liverpoolspeke e om /h uk o. .c yd llo id www.dav The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 48-49


01/05/2014 13:13

20% off cut and/or colour at Allerton Road salon Tel: 0151 734 3300 Web: 86 Allerton Road, Liverpool L18 1LW. T & C’s apply. VALID UNTIL 30th June 2014

SPA BEAUTY CLINIC 25% off all treatments Tel: 0151 729 0044 Web: T & Cs apply- Available Monday-Thursday only. VALID UNTIL 30th June 2014

THE ICE CREAM FARM One free child entry to Crazy Daisy's Play barn The Ice Cream Farm – Drumlan Hall Farm, Newton Lane, Tattenhall, Chester CH3 9NE Web: T & Cs apply - Only one voucher to be used per group. The voucher has no monetary value and is not valid during school holidays. VALID UNTIL 30th June 2014

UNDERWATER STREET Kids eat for £1. Pay full price admission of £9.95 and choose any meal from the children's menu for just £1 T & C’s apply: Only valid with full price admission of £9.95. Excludes annual pass holders, reduced/complimentary admission and not valid with any other offer. Voucher must be redeemed on admission at Reception. VALID UNTIL 30th June 2014

LIVERPOOL FOOD AND DRINK FESTIVAL 2 for 1 weekend passes for Liverpool Food and Drink Festival in Sefton Park (Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st September) Use ‘FGLM’ voucher code at Expires 16th June 2014




Tel: 0151 734 5555 web: T & Cs apply – Available Monday – Friday 9am – 10am only VALID UNTIL 30TH JUNE 2014


50% off breakfasts at the Tavern AVAILABLE Monday – Friday 9am – 10am only





These vouchers are also available to download and print at

The Essential Directory for Organised Parents MAY_JUNE2.indd 50-51

01/05/2014 13:13

MAY_JUNE2.indd 52

01/05/2014 13:13

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