4 minute read

What it Truly Means to Travel Sustainably

By Amanda DiSilvestro

What must a family do to travel sustainably?


These days, this simple question is asked by an increasing number of soon-to-be vacationers. The answer, however, is often anything but simple.

With the rise of this buzzword come others – you and your children can now travel responsibly, sustainably, ecologically, or as green tourists.

Fear not though, as a sustainable trip with the kids is both attainable and applaudable, and there are lots of different ways to think about what this may mean for you. Here’s how:

The Heart of Sustainable Travel

Behind all of the fancy new terms for travel, there is one clear intention: travelling with purpose. What formerly involved me-focused travel has shifted to others-focused trips.

Travelling for reasons beyond your own enjoyment has a way of deepening your experience in a way that absolutely allows for a fun, comfortable, memorable trip, but collectively, your family starts to ask themselves, how can I make a difference here?

For example, with the right itinerary, you can fulfil your dream of an African safari in Tanzania while also tutoring local children in English, learning more from those that call Tanzania home.

It’s incredible what adventures can be had when your attention moves to the people and places surrounding you. Your family, especially your children, will benefit greatly from this new perspective and a less impacted planet.

The Why of Sustainable Travel

Travelling sustainably sounds like a noble cause, but it’s also becoming a necessity. With tourism growing to an $8.8 trillion industry, people are globe-trotting more now than ever before.

Sadly, this increase comes with a cost. Traditional travel has led to over-tourism – the exploitation of many of the places we hold dear.

Some examples:

• It’s feared the Angkor Wat temples could eventually collapse due to tourist-driven depletion of water resources below the ancient monuments.

• The impact of 30 million annual visitors to iconic Venice, Italy has contributed to coastline and ecosystem damage. Some experts have even predicted skyrocketing prices in the city will bring the native population to zero as early as 2030.

• In 2017 a “garbage emergency” was declared at one of Bali’s most popular beaches due to the overwhelming presence of plastic waste at the once-beautiful location. Unfortunately, these are not isolated incidents. Countless other travel destinations around the world are facing similar threats, which only elevates the importance of travelling responsibly.

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Discover Corps

The How of Sustainable Travel

One simple reminder really helps when contemplating your next trip: the “3Ps.” Ask yourself if the vacation benefits one or more of people, place, and planet.

The People element means supporting local communities, from your tour guide to the underprivileged children near your accommodation.

Place focuses on the region, city or town you visit. Does your vacation stimulate the local economy ?

Far too often tourism dollars are funnelled to big overseas corporations and away from those who need the money most, and without paying attention, it can sometimes be hard to tell as a traveller.

Lastly, the Planet. Do your activities better the environment? This can mean taking part in tree planting, beach cleanups, animal conservation outreach, educational opportunities, and more.

Conversely, it is just as important to avoid actions that are detrimental to nature, such as excursions that can harm environmentally sensitive areas, excessive pollution during activities, and treating animals in inhumane ways or supporting organizations that do.

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The Who of Sustainable Travel

With the right combination of motivation, knowledge, and time, you can research and plan a sustainable-focused vacation. Another option is going with an organization that specializes in this way of travelling.

Travel companies like Discover Corps provide well thought out and thoroughly-vetted itineraries that ensure your trip hits all of the 3Ps. As a Benefit Corporation (B-Corp), Discover Corps is required to meet social and environmental standards.

This type of organization provides you with peace of mind, knowing your vacation makes a legitimate difference. Many companies make claims of the good they do, but fewer actually follow through on these promises. Choose wisely!

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Your Role

Now that you understand what it truly means to travel sustainably, put this knowledge to use!

Both the industry and our planet need informed travellers making educated decisions. Whether this means where you visit, what you do, or who you travel with – your purchases speak volumes.

Travelling, when done right, has the transformative power to lift up all parties involved. It’s the ultimate win-win: Your family vacation creates memories for life while at the same time changing lives. It brings a whole new meaning to the phrase happy travels. Join the movement!

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Discover Corps

Amanda DiSilvestro is the Marketing Manager for Discover Corps, an organization offering Vacations with Purpose for families and friends across the globe, offering both nature and wildlife adventures and cultural explorations.

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