ne of my most favourite books in the whole world is The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. He describes four agreements that one should make with oneself in order to be happy and fulfilled. The one that I feel has been most applicable to me personally of late, is; Always do your Best. It’s important to remember that your “best” varies from day to day. While today, your best may have been baking choc chip cookies, washing everyone’s hair, tidying the house, spring cleaning the kids’ rooms and cooking a three-course meal… Tomorrow, your best may merely be getting up for a shower, making tea, and going back to bed.
Dear Rockstar Mama I AM EMMA, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, PARENTING MENTOR AND MUM TO TWO BAREFOOT BOYS. Your “best” depends on your head space, your health, your energy levels, your diet, your relationships, the space your kids are in, and many other factors. What good are we doing to our emotional well-being by beating ourselves up for not achieving today, the same as what we achieved yes-
terday…? Or worse still, by comparing ourselves to others, or gauging our “best” by other people’s standards? Don’t set yourselves up for failure by expecting the world from yourself (or anyone else) every single day. Be kind to yourself. Be understanding with yourself. Chances are, you are with your kids - why not with yourself? Just do your best. Each day. Whatever your best may be. With love, Em.
Emma Wijnberg is an Occupational Therapist and Parenting Mentor at Little Lives Occupational Therapy. You can contact her on emma@littlelivesoccupationaltherapy.com or visit www. littlelivesoccupationaltherapy.com.