Carousel Party Summer Issue 9, July 2014

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dreams Summer


Issu e 9 | ju ly 2 01 4

A b out t he Ma ga zi ne Carousel Party is a baby and kids lifestyle magazine that focuses on life’s sweetest “celebrations”. We look to inspire with the latest trends in fashion and parties by featuring amazing parties, the newest trends in tabletop confections, and ideas for celebrating all the sweetest moments that happen in your child’s life.

A n ot e f r o m t h e E d i tor We welcome the ease of carefree days, kids at play, sunshine and all the fabulous warm-weather parties that come along with it. We hope you find lovely summer inspiration in this issue. To us, summer is defined by family. It’s about trips to the pool, lemonade stands, BBQ’s and sleepovers, picnics, swimming in the ocean, catching fireflies and making s’mores. We hope the parties in this issue help inspire you to savor these precious carefree months and add those extra-special touches to your next summer gathering. We look forward to publishing more inspirational ideas for our readers filled with fun and innovative ideas that can be easily re-created by you!”


featured on the cover photo by DannyC Photography

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Issue 9 | july 2014

Magaz i n e S ta ff Suzanne Olvey

Editor-in-Chie f

My name is Suzanne and I am a mom to two beautiful girls who bring me the greatest joy as well as an event/party stylist for Fanciful Events!

Valerie Gimre

Editor-in-Chie f

I’m the founder and event stylist at Charming Touch Parties. I’m a momma of three busy, active, joy-filled kids, who keep me on-the-move and provide a constant stream of party inspiration. My lifelong admiration for sweet little details, my love of crafting, and my passion for throwing parties has inspired me to create my own event design business.

Rachel Green

Cre ative Dire ctor

As owner + designer for Printed Ink, I love anything design. I am thrilled to be a part of the Carousel Magazine team and I hope to bring you the best parties and inspiration in a way that is easy to read and fun to look at!

Danyalle Campbell

Photographe r

Married for almost 20 years, w/o kids until we adopted a super awesome sibling group 3 years ago (currently 9,7,5,3). My heart beats to tell stories through pictures. I love to create an atmosphere that is unexpected, dreamy and magical. Something to look back on and smile from the memory of that frozen moment in time.

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Con t ri butors

S u z an ne Olv ey Fa n ci f u l Even t s

Cand ace Mille r LillyPaul D es igns

Autum n Gadb o i s Autumn Lynn’s Chocolate S ins

A n d r e s sa Ha ra Tw i n k l e Tw in kle L i t t l e Pa rt y

Mariah Le es on Giggles Galor e

Danyalle Camp eb l l D anyC Photog r aphy

A n ab e l le H omes pu n Ho st ess

Katie Farm e r D ime Par ty D iva

Be ts ey & Alici a Happy WIs h Company

K r i s ta O ’By rne H oop l a Even ts page no. 4


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O u t d o o r S u m m er F u n 10

Ca mping Pa rty Autumn Lynn’s Chocolate S Ins

14 S u m mer Sw eets & Treats 16 L em ona de Pa rty Twinkle Twinkle LIttle Par ty


20 P opsicle Pa rty Giggles Galor e 32

I ce Crea m Pa rty Fanciful E vents

28 Su mmer Drea m s Photosho ot D anyC Photogr aphy 36 S u mmer Sty les

U n d er t h e sea 23 M erma id Pa rty LillyPaul D es igns


23 Wha le Pa rty Happy Wis h Company 23 Na u tica l Ba by shower Hoopla Events

T ren d y B i rt h d ay Pa rt i es 06 Ja ck for PR esident LillyPaul D es igns 38 P u ppy Pa rty Homes pun Hos tes s



Constru ction Pa rty D ime Par ty D iva

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O u td oor Summer

outdoor Camping party

B y A u tmn Lyn n ’s C h o co late S in s

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credits St y li ng and conce pt: Autumn Gadbois Photography: Mindy Holder field Printable s: Dimplepr ints Pri nt a nd Cut Se rvice s: Paper and Pop C a mper ba c k drop/ We lcom e Cam pe rs Sign: Michelle’s Par ty Plan I t Ca mp Ga dboi s Sugar Cookie s: Cr eating Awes omenes s ity Ca mpi ng Fond ant Ore o Toppe rs: 4 Kids Cakes Fonda nt Cam pe r Cake Toppe r: Fancy Cakes Smore’s Favor Kits: Sweet Ser vings Pi ne Tree Kabobs: Sweets Indeed Blueb erry popcorn: Oh Nuts ! Fav or Ba g s a nd Stripe Straws: The Pr etty Par ty Shoppe Pi ne t ree /fire pit garland: Fizzy Par ty Pi n t he Wheel on t he Cam pe r: Shawna Br ockmeier Styled Events Ca mpe r Pinata: Cj ’s Par ty Pinatas Wa lki ng Smores /Trail Mix: Autumn Lynn’s Chocolate Sins

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sweets & treats

D o nut I c e C r e a m C a ke s

a fun and destive way to make an ice cream cake. Find it here >>

S p r inkle d Ic e Cr ea m Co n e you can’t have summer without ice cream and sprinkles. Find it here >>

S t r aw b e r r y f r ui t p o ps cool off with these refreshing strawberry fruit popsicles. Find it here >>

Gu mmy Be a r P o p s these sprite and gummy bear bars are the perfect summer treat. Find it here >>

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I c e C r e am Waf f l e-w ich enjoy your ice cream between two chocolate covered waffles with this fun idea. Find it here >>

S t rawbe rr y S h o r tc a ke s strawberry sthortcake is a classic summer dish, made even better frozen. Find it here >>

R ai nb o w Pie this bright and fun pie is a great way to enjoy summer. Find it here >>

S h e rbe rt F lo at sip on a delicious lime or orange sherbert float to cool off this summer. Find it here >>

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Lemonade Stand


B y T w in k le T w in k le L ittle Par ty

I have always wanted to build a lemonade for a Summer shoot. I gathered my simple yet fun ideas and called Sky of Sky Stone Photography to see if she would be interested in collaborating with me on a Summer – Lemonade Stand Party styled shoot. She got so excited and decided to offer Mini Sessions so we could have super cute models as well

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St yli ng: An dr e ssa Hara of Twink l e Twin k l e Lit t l e Party Photog ra phy: Sk y St o n e Photog raphy Part y pri ntab le c ollectio n: Twink l e Twin k l e Lit t l e Party Choc olat e c overed o reo s: Swe e t Te mpt at io ns Dec orat ed c ooki es (le mo n ade c u ps, lemon a nd li me sl ices an d pi nwheel c ooki e s): Ho l l y ’s Swe e t Ho bb y Pu sh pops: Le t ’s ge t t h is party s tarted! 5 c fondant mi ni c u pc a ke to ppers: Edibl e De t ail s

Popsicle Party B y Gi g g l es G a lo re

Stay cool this summer with a Popsicle Party at the pool! Mariah from Giggles Galore shows you how you can plan a fun and simple Popsicle Pool party that will make an ordinary summer afternoon extraordinary! Start by handing out cute popsicle invitations and invite your friends to join you at the pool for a fun afternoon of swimming, games and cool treats.

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There is no need to go overboard with food, just keep it simple. Serve gold fish, fruit and of course popsicles! Your little guest can cool off and enjoy a refreshing class of ice cold water or lemonade. Tiny little popsice candies scattered around the table double up as pretty decor and an extra special treat for the kids, but remember to make lots of them... they will go fast! Fill a bucket full of water toys for everyone to share and fill another bucket full of water balloons for a classic water balloon fight. And when everyone has had their fill of fun don’t forget to send them home with an unfrozen ice pop tied with a popsicle shaped tag for a sweet reminder of all the fun they had! Celebrate life’s little moments and enjoy all the laughter a carefree summer afternoon can bring with a special Popsicle Party at the Pool!


Part y St y li ng and Photo graphy: Giggl e s Gal o r e Popsi c le Part y Pri ntabl es: Dim pl e Pr in t s

Ice Cream Play date

By Fanci ful Eve nts

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credits Pri nta bles by: Soir ee E vent Des ign Felt Ic e Crea m Banne r by: Tweedle Dee Des ign I c e crea m Tops a nd Aprons By: Nevaeh’s Baby Coutur e Boutique Sherbe t Tutu by: Atutudes Ca ndle Pa rt y Fav o rs by: Moodylicious Childr en Spa Ra i nbow ute ns ils by: Pr etty My Par ty B r eyer s c ooki e a nd sma ll ice cre am cookie s by: Flour is h Sweet Shop Sc oops a nd Spri nkle s cookie s by: Sals a Sweets Ic e Crea m Sc oop cookie s by: Auntie Bea ’s Baker y Lolli pop Containe rs by: Par ty Lolli Wooden Toppings Sign by: Ten23 Des igns Fonda nt Ic e Crea m Sand wiches by: D olce De s igns I c e c r e am c ups, sma ll spoons and light pink s traws from: Tom Kat Studio A cr y l i c I c e c r eam sta nd, ra i nbow cand y cups, and dark pink s traws, and p i n k c a k e sta nd f rom: Shop Sweet Lulu Conc ept, St y li ng and Photos by: Fanciful Events

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summer dreams

p h otosho ot

L ea rn ho w to r e-c r eate you r own mag i c al Su mmer ni g ht s dreams! Here is what you will need: 1. The stars were a mixture of metal stars and DIY paper stars that you can make yourself that we found on Pinterest. 2. Mason jars to catch fire flies or if you live where there are no fireflies you can us battery operated tea lights, for the same effect. 3. The lanterns those can be found at Hobby Lobby. 4. For the fluffy effect, you get get some white, shame, sheets and a down comfortor. 5. The halos that the little girls wore were made with green vine intertwined some baby’s breath and wire that made it all hold together. You can use any of your own touches from home to give it that sweet magical feeling and make your own memories and dreams.

By Da n yC P h oto gr ap h y

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Summe r S t y le s fashion 1. 2.

3. 4.

1. Lobster Tunic 2. Nautical Button Up 3. Sailboat Dress 4. Sailboat Sweater

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underthe sea



B y Li l lyPa ul D es i g n s

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credits St yli ng and Photog ra phy: Lil l y pau l De signs Pri ntab les: Tic k l e d Pe ac h Studi o Clear Orna ment s, Sea She l l s, Trea su re Chest s: Or ie nt al Tr ading Co mpany Paper Fri ng e Ga rla nd: Sh o p Swe e t Lu l u Star Fi sh K ri spi es, Oyst er Co o kies and Ca ke Pops: Su gar Re pub li c Cake a nd c u pc akes: Hal e y Be l l e ’s Cu pc ake s Mermai d Sc ale Bac kdro p Inspi rat i on: Ch ic kabu g

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Whale Party B y H a p py Wi sh C o m pa n y

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credits Pa rt y St y li ng: Al ic ia Jo h n so n fo r Happy Wi s h Co m pany Pa rt y Su ppli es & DĂŠc or: Happy Wish Co mpany Photog ra phy: Tam my Hu gh e s Ph o t o gr aphy

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second baby, I knew I wanted to throw her the most special baby shower! As an party stylist myself, this baby shower had to be over-the-top amazing and one that would not be forgotten! The color palette for the shower consisted of navy blue, yellow and gray with an emphasis on stripes and polka dots. We used anything and everything “beachy” as décor; from driftwood garland, to shells, a wooden anchor, oars and life preservers. It was all brought together by the adorable printables by The TomKat Studio.

By Hoopla Events

Nautical Baby Shower

When I heard the news that my dear friend Joanna was expecting her

credits Par ty S ty li ng, St ri ped St raw s, Navy/White Striped Baking Cup, Mini Ma so n J a r s: Hoopla Events Ev ent Photo graphy: Simply Enjoy Photogr aphy N au ti c al P ri nta bles, La rge ba lloons, m ini wood en s poons, wood en s p o o n s a n d f o r k s, s tri ped dessert na pki ns and plate s, cupcake s tand us e d for m ac a r o n s: TomKat Studio Sug a r Cookie s: Sugar Canvas Boutique Baker y W o o den a nc hor a nd ri bbon around the m acaron s tand: A Felt A ffair Conta i ner with s ailboat: I Have a Favor C u s to m pi llow s a nd navy/white pe nnant banne r: CW Happy Cr ea tions Cupc a ke s: Tr ophy Cupcakes and Par ty Gla ssy Ba by Votive Hold e rs: G las s y Babys Ca nva s pri nts, one s ie s: Two Cr afty Teacher s Nav y a nd Whi t e s triped table runne rs: Long Runner s Macarons: 4Kids Cakes page no. 42


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b i r t hday parties




B y L illypau l d e sign s

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St y li ng and Fab ri c Ga rla nds: Li llyp aul De sign s Pri nta b les: Be t h Kr u se Cu st o m Cr e at ions Photog raphy: El l e Bake r Ph o t o gr aph y Su g a r Cooki es: Sal sa Sw eets Cakes: Hal e y Be l l e ’s Cu pc akes Pat ri ot i c Ma son Ja rs: Al way s Th e Oc c asio n Edi b le Lolli pops: Lo l l ipics Aqu a Favor Stand: Go o dWil l Hu n t in g Lawso n

Puppy Party B y H o me sp u n H o stess

credits Party s tyle and paper d es i g n: Sar a De St. Jean, The Homes pun Hos te ss Photography: Maggie Rus s o Photo

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Construction Birthday Party B y Dim e Pa rt y Diva The walkway to the house had a “street” made of fabric and the front door had caution tape wrapped around it and a gear-shaped door sign for the birthday boy. Inside were signs like “Caution, Children at Play” and “Watch Your Step”. Activities included a bounce house, cardboard house-painting station, sticker & coloring station, and a digging area. Each child received a hard hat to wear and had fun digging with shovels and trucks in the sand pit. I set up a large table with crayons, construction stickers, coloring sheets, and a hammer with golf tees and a foam block to also practice their building skills! For favors, I used yellow and orange pails with a printable tag “I hope you DUG coming to my 2nd birthday, it was LOADS of fun! Love, Ethan”. Inside the pails were a ruler, colored pencils, stickers, personalized coloring sheet, construction vehicle, Home Depot apron, and a dump truck cookie.

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credits Styling & De s ign: Katie Far mer of Dime Par ty Div as Photography: Ann Remotigue P hotog r aphy Banne r, Door Sign, Ce nte rpiec es, Fav o r Tags, Food Labe ls, Die-cut To o l b oxes, Pape r Straws, Favor Bags, Ca n d y C up s, Hand -Stam pe d Spoons, Twine, C a k e P o p s, Mud Cake: The Pr etty Par ty S hoppe Fondant Cupcake Toppe rs & C a k e To p p er: Kima ’s Konfections Cons truction Cook i es: Cr eating Awes omenes sity Chocolate Truck Lolli p o p s: Autumn Lynn’s Chocolate S ins Cons truction T-Shir t: Taylor Alexandr a Des igns

Advertise Interested in advertising with Carousel Party? Email us at and we will be in touch with you regarding our ad rates and media kit.

Submissions Interested in submitting a feature to Carousel Party? Email us at submissions@ with your feature proposal and we will be in touch with you regarding submission guidelines and information.

Vi s i t C a r o u s e l P a r t y o n l i n e a t w w w . c a r o u s e l p a r t y. c o m

And follow us on our f a v o r i t e s o ci a l n e t w o r k s t o o !

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To be featured in our next issue email us at: s ub m i s s i ons @ c a r o u se l pa r t y. c o m Š Ca rousel Party | www.carous e

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