Carousel Party Issue 10, August 2014

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b ack to school parties football party & tailgating ideas





Is s ue 10 | Aug us t 2 0 1 4

Ab out t he Ma g azine Carousel Party is a baby and kids lifestyle magazine that focuses on life’s sweetest “celebrations”. We look to inspire with the latest trends in fashion and parties by featuring amazing parties, the newest trends in tabletop confections, and ideas for celebrating all the sweetest moments that happen in your child’s life.

A n ot e f r o m t h e E d i tor Summer has finally come and and gone and it is hard to believe that school is back in session and we are getting near the holiday season! We are sad that summer has passed but look forward to what the rest of the year holds and are excited for Fall! In this issue you will find some back to school inspiration, some end of summer ideas, and of course the most anticipated sport of the year...Football Season is here! We hope you love what you see! May your Labor Day weekend be filled with joyful memories and you savor the last bit of summer until next year!


featured on the cover photo by DannyC Photography

E x p lo r e r Pa r t y BAC K TO SCH OOL style football party





ISSUE 10 | AUGU ST 2014

page no. 2


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Ma gaz i n e S ta ff Suzanne Olvey

Editor-in-Chie f

My name is Suzanne and I am a mom to two beautiful girls who bring me the greatest joy as well as an event/party stylist for Fanciful Events!

Valerie Gimre

Editor-in-Chie f

I’m the founder and event stylist at Charming Touch Parties. I’m a momma of three busy, active, joy-filled kids, who keep me on-the-move and provide a constant stream of party inspiration. My lifelong admiration for sweet little details, my love of crafting, and my passion for throwing parties has inspired me to create my own event design business.

Rachel Green

Cre ative Dire ctor

As owner + designer for Printed Ink, I love anything design. I am thrilled to be a part of the Carousel Magazine team and I hope to bring you the best parties and inspiration in a way that is easy to read and fun to look at!

Danyalle Campbell

Photographe r

Married for almost 20 years, w/o kids until we adopted a super awesome sibling group 3 years ago (currently 9,7,5,3). My heart beats to tell stories through pictures. I love to create an atmosphere that is unexpected, dreamy and magical. Something to look back on and smile from the memory of that frozen moment in time.

www.carous e

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Con t ri butors

Val e r i e Gimre

Ca nd ace MIlle r

MIche lle

C ha rm i n g Tou c h Pa rt ies

Lillypaul D es igns

M ichelle’s Par ty P l an- I t

page no. 4


Jennifer Carv er

Kris ta

Ba n n er Even ts

Hoopla Events

Da nyalle Campbell

Je s i

Da n yC Ph o to gra p h y

D olce D es igns

w w w.c



06 0 6

E x p lo r e r bac k to s c h ool par ty C ha r m i n g Tou c h Pa rties + Lillyp a u l Des igns

10 C o o l S U m mer Tr eats 12 Mo n st e r P re-Sc ar e Par ty Mi chel l e’s Pa r t Pla n - I t 17 Lo r a x T h e m ed Par ty Ba n n er E v e n t s

22 22 Pa nca kes & Pa ja m a s Pa rty Hoopla E vents 27 Tutti Frutti Pa rty D olce D es igns 31

End of Su m mer Photosho ot D anyC Photogr aphy


Footba ll Pa rty Char ming Touch Par ties

2 1 Su m m e r P i c nic Id ea s 39 Chic Ta ilgating Idea s

www.carous e

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back to school party By C h a r mi n g To u ch Pa r ti es + Li lly pa u l d esi gn s

credits Ev ent D es i g n a n d S ty l i n g: Ch ar m ing To u c h Par t ie s an d Lil l y Pau l Des i g ns G ra phi c D e s i g n a n d P r i n tab les: Be t h K r u se Cu st o m Cr e at io ns P h oto g r a p h y: Je nn if e r Kay e Ph o t o gr aph y C o o kies: Nat Swe e t s C o o kie P o p s: Cr e at in g Awe so me ne ssit y Ca n d y K a bo bs: S w e e t s fr o m He av e n, Ou t l e t s at Or an ge Gir l s ruf f l e d s h i r ts a n d g i r l s hai r ac c essories:

Vin t age Be be Props

www.carous e

| page no. 9

cool summer treats

M i l k shak e s ho ot e r s a fun and festive way to drink a milkshake. Find it here >>

Ic e Cream C o o kie Cups have your ice cream and your cookies too. Find it here >>

Cotton C a n dy C o n e s change up the classic ice cream cone and fill it with something fun. Find it here >>

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R ai nbo w F r u i t P o p s these rainbow fruit popsicles are delicious and nutricious. Find it here >>

R a s p be r r y Gelato P op cool off with these refreshing raspberry gelato popsicles. Find it here >>

Lemon De ss e r t B o wl s serve your end of summer dessert in an adorable lemon bowl. Find it here >>

Scare School Monter Party By M i c h e l l e ’ s Pa rt y pl a n i t I started with a “blackboard” backdrop featuring our favorite one-eyed monster as a focal point for the dessert table. I filled jars with color coordinated candy I had in my candy stash and added Sulley and my personal favorite monster, George Sanderson. I made Sulley popcorn balls, chocolate covered Squishy oreos, chocolate covered Mike oreos and Mike cereal treats. Theresa of Cookies by Tree made her amazing Mike and Monsters logo sugar cookies. I picked up the adorable cake at Sam’s Club, it was only $17 and delicious! I made eye ball stickers, straw flags, favor bag toppers for the Monsters University Cheez-Its, favor bag toppers for the goody bags, favor tags, cupcake toppers and tent cards along with the welcome sign and invitation. I decorated lime green paper bags with the bag toppers I made with my Cricut and tagged them with a Monster ID card. Because it’s back-to-school season, I was able to get fantastic deals on party favors. My personal favorite party favor was the Mike and Sulley soaps Angelique of Favors by Angelique sent me.

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credits S tyl i n g, Part y Stat ionery and Photog raphy: M i c h elle’s Pa rt y Pla n - I t C ooki es: Co o kies b y Tree page no. 16


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Lorax Birthday Party

B y Ban n er E ven ts

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Ev ent Styling: Banner Events Photog raphy: Kar ina Rigtr up, A Fr es h Take Photogr aphy Printable I nv itation & dé cor: Lillian Hope Des igns Printing: Paper + Pop Custom Cake: 4 Kids Cakes Fondant Cupcake åToppe rs: Fancy Cakes H omemade Oreos, Ma rs hm allow & Rice Kris pie Pops: Sugar Wood Custom Sugar Cookie s: Sweet Stacys C ustom Cake Pops & Pre tze l Rods: Autumn Lynn’s Chocolate Sins Napki n s, O r a nge Paper Di nner Plate s, Li m e Gre en Polka Dot D e s s e rt Plates & Na p ki n s, Mi n i O r a n ge St riped Treat Boxes, Mi ni Orange & Li m e Gre e n Stripe d Popco r n B oxes, R ev e r s i b l e S t riped Ta ble runners, Polka Dot Pa pe r Straws, Neon Hexago n B ub b l es, N eon Pails, Si lly Fa c e Flowe r Craft Kit: Or iental Tr ading Company Custom Applique d Shirts: Stitch This Ruffle Ta ble cloth: Candy Cr us h Events Rug by St riped Paper Straws: The Pr etty Par ty Shoppe page no. 20


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Picnic Ideas

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ore o Sm ore s Kid s Lunche s Tent Picnic Wagon Che rries Lunch Box


| page no. 21

Pancakes & Pajamas


BY Hoopla Event s

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it ’s all in the


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credits Pa r ty S tyl i n g, pla st ic milk bot t le s, m ini m a s on jars, polka d ot s traws, p o l ka d ot favor bag s, c upc ak e wrappe rs us e d in Fruit cups: Hoopla Event s Ev ent Photography: Laur en Oliver Photogr aphy Pa n c ake & Pajama Printables, Ice Cre am Bowls, Woode n Spoons & F o r k s: The TomKat Studio T u r qu o ise & Hot Pi nk Mi ni Be ve rage Tubs hold ing d onuts: Michaels S tor e s C u s to m Pajama pant s and sh irts for Birthd ay Girl & s is te r: Snippets of D e sig n Pi nk Polka Dots Me lam ine Plate: Sweet Mady Gifts Big Dot s Blue Taffy Pa rty Pa pe r: Smas h Cake & Co. Floral Cente rpie ces: Stems Flor al D es ign C u s tom Cake w it h Panc ake s Toppe r and Donut Cake Pops: 4 Kids C ake s Panc ak e & Pajama Cookies: The Sugar Canvas Boutique Baker y P ol ka Dot Pennant Banne r and Monogram Pillow: CW Happy Cr ea tions

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l Tutti Fruitti


B y D o lce D esi gn s

happy birthday to you

credits c onc ept and st yling, bak ed g oods, g arland and b al lo o n ta ssels: D o l c e De sig ns photog raphy : FJC Photo wrapping paper, part y r ibbo n, c u pc ak e wrappers, milk bottl es, ic e c ream c u ps, c halkbo ard signs, milk gla ss c ak e stan d, shimmer g u mb alls, st riped st raws, wooden spoons, g ian t b alloons: Smash c ake

E n d o f s u m m e r photoshoot

By Da n yC P h oto gr a p h y

www.carous e

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football party By ch a r mi n g to u ch pa r ti e s

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down. set. hut.

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credits Event Desig n and St yl in g: Ch ar m ing To u c h Parti es Graphic Desig n and Prin tabl es: Be t h Kr u se Cu st o m Cr eati ons Photog raphy: Je n nife r Kay e Ph o t o gr aphy Cak es: Pi ec e of Cake: Cu st o m Cake s by Mark Cookies: Nat Swe ets Lollipop Favors: Lolli p i cs Gi rls ru ffled shirt s and g irl s hair ac c essories: Vin t age Beb e Prop s

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chict a i l g a t i n g Tai lg at i ng f o r k i d s make tailgating fun for kids with games. Find it here >>

F o otball D r in ks dress up your drinks like footballs. Find it here >>

I c e Cream F lo ats add a refreshing treat to your tailgating with floats. Find it here >>

www.carous e

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T he m e d lu nc h box a creative way to serve your tailgating food. Find it here >>

Football S a n dw ich e s serve fun football ice cream sandwiches. Find it here >>

Ve getabl e Cup s make eating your veggies fun and easy with these cups. Find it here >>

“ Ta i lg at e � s e t u p make your tailgate stylish looking with these fun ideas. Find it here >>

Advertise Interested in advertising with Carousel Party? Email us at and we will be in touch with you regarding our ad rates and media kit.

Submissions Interested in submitting a feature to Carousel Party? Email us at submissions@ with your feature proposal and we will be in touch with you regarding submission guidelines and information.

V i s i t C a r o u s e l Pa r t y o n l i n e at w w w . c a r o u s e l p a r t y. c o m

And follow us on our fav o r i t e s o c i a l n e t w o r k s to o !

www.carous e

| page no. 41

To be featured in our next issue email us at: s ub m i s s i ons @ c a r o u se l pa r t y. c o m Š Carousel Party | www.carous e

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