Carousel Party 4th of July , Issue 8 June 2014

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party sp e c i al

4th of July i ss ue

Celebrate America 4 th o f j u ly pa r t y i d e a s i n s i d e Issu e 8 | Ju ne 2 01 4

A b out t he Ma ga zi ne Carousel Party is a baby and kids lifestyle magazine that focuses on life’s sweetest “celebrations”. We look to inspire with the latest trends in fashion and parties by featuring amazing parties, the newest trends in tabletop confections, and ideas for celebrating all the sweetest moments that happen in your child’s life.

A n ot e f r o m t h e E d i tor We are so excited to share this festive issue in honor of 4th of July! We are loving the red, white, and blue and being able to celebrate this important date! There is nothing that screams summer time more than seeing all the patriotic parties in this issue and making us proud to be able to inspire and commemorate this independence day! There are so many ways you can decorate using red, white, and blue and being able to do up a fun theme using this color scheme! In this issue you will see everything from vintage americana, to sweet patriotic sweets, let freedom ring, to simply celebrating this day in so many ways! We wish you and your families a happy and safe 4th of July holiday and may you celebrate in your own way red, white and blue style!

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Magaz i n e S ta ff Suzanne Olvey Editor-in-Chie f My name is Suzanne and I am a mom to two beautiful girls who bring me the greatest joy as well as an event/party stylist for Fanciful Events!

Valerie Gimre Editor-in-Chie f I’m the founder and event stylist at Charming Touch Parties. I’m a momma of three busy, active, joy-filled kids, who keep me on-the-move and provide a constant stream of party inspiration. My lifelong admiration for sweet little details, my love of crafting, and my passion for throwing parties has inspired me to create my own event design business.

Rachel Green Cre ative Dire ctor As owner + designer for Printed Ink, I love anything design. I am thrilled to be a part of the Carousel Magazine team and I hope to bring you the best parties and inspiration in a way that is easy to read and fun to look at!

Christy Bergerson Stylis t Hi I’m Christy - Wife, Mom, hopeless DIY enthusiast and Printable Designer & Event Stylist behind Itsy Belle Studio. I can’t wait to share all kinds of pretty party inspiration with you!

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Con t ri butors

S u z an ne Olv ey Fa n ci f u l Even t s

Laure n McKins e y

Paige Paiges of S tyle

K ar a T idd K C u s t oma b les

Shannon Powe ll Painting Par is Pink

Danyalle Camp eb l l D annyC Photog r aphy

Val e r i e Gi mre C ha rm i ng To u c h Pa rt i e s

Ke lly Howe Pippylou Boutique

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06 Sta r s + St r i p e s Par ty La u r en McK i n sey 10

4t h o f j uly par ty Pa i n t i n g Pa ri s Pin k

14 Pat r i ot i c S we e ts & Tr e ats



36 Fou rth of Ju ly Fa shion 38 America na Picnic Char ming Touch Par ties 41 Patriotic Sibling Lov e Pippylou Boutique

16 Ha p p y B i r t h day Ame r ic a Pa i g es of S t y l e 20 Re d, W h i t e + c e le br ate Fa n ci f u l E v en ts 23 Pat r i ot i c P hotosh oot Da n n y C P hot ogra p h y 28

I c e C r e a m Tr uc k Par ty K C u s t oma b l es

32 S e e r s u c k e r 4 th of J uly Fa n ci f u l E v en ts

party 4th of July Issue

featured on the cover photo by DannyC Photography

Ce le br at e Am er ic a 4th of Jul y par ty Ide a s Ins Ide

Issue 8 | June 2014

www.carous e

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Stars & Stripes 4th of July party

By Lauren McKi nsey

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Happy Bir

rthday America

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credits Photog raphy a nd pri nta bl es: Lau r e n Mc K inse y Vari ou s Pa rt y Su ppli es: Or ie nt al Tr adin g st ri ped g i ft b ag s: Pic k Yo u r Plum ru g b y st raws and b lu e a nd w hite polka dot c u ps: Swe e t s & Tr e at Bo u t iqu e c u pc a ke toppers: Edibl e Detai ls Ic ed c ooki es, pi e pops, c hoco l ate c overed ma rshma llows & c hoc olat e c overed ore o s: Fait h ’s Co o k ie s

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4t h o f July Party B y Pa i n t i n g Pa ri s p i n k

As a summer lovin’ gal and the mother of a daughter with a July 4th birthday, Independence Day is a pretty special day for me. For this particular setup I really wanted to focus on the word “Freedom” since that’s what the day is really all about. I stayed true to the red, white, & blue and added a little vintage look to the printables. Touches of burlap, wood, jute & mason jars on the dessert table added to the rustic look I was going for. The front of the table said it all with the printable FREEDOM banner overlapping the red, white, & blue fabric bunting. And no Fourth of July table would be complete without the American flag, the ultimate symbol of Freedom.

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credits Pri ntab les & St yli n g: Pain t in g Par is Pink Photog raphy: Lisa C. Warren Cooki es: Cr e at in g Awe somenes s i ty Fab ri c Bu nt i ng & Pi n w heel Freedom Ba nner: Cu pc ake Wit h Ch ar acter Pai nt ed Ma son Jars: Al way s Th e Oc c asion

Patriotic sweets & treats 4 t h o f J uly J e l lo C u ps celebrate the 4th with fun and festive jello cups. Find it here >>

S ’ more Ki t roast some s’mores to celebrate America s’more! Find it here >>

R e d, W hi t e & Blue P o psicl e s cool off this 4th of July with this refreshing and patriotic treat. Find it here >>

Patriotic P o ke C a ke this red, white and blueberry poke cake is perfect for the holiday. Find it here >>

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4 t h o f J uly C ak e take a classic cake and decorate it with stars and stripes. Find it here >>

I n d e pe nd e nce D ay F lo at s serve up an ice cream soda bar in celebration of independence day. Find it here >>

S tar s & S t r i p e s C a k e honor America with a cake dressed to impress in classic stars and stripes. Find it here >>

Pat r iotic Po p co r n enjoy some red, white and blue popcorn to honor America’s birthday. Find it here >>

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Happy Birthday America By Paiges o f S tyle


Photography: Spr out Photog r aphy Printable 4th of July Package: Paig e s of S ty l e Des s ert Table Styling: Paige s of S ty l e Am e rican Flag cake and cupca k es: S u g ar and Suns hine Cakes Straws, Round Balloons and f r ui t c up s: TomKat Studio Prop and Clothing Stylis t: Styl e d by Rache l Gr iffith Blue Floral Skirt: Vintageb u bbl e s Gre y twirl s kirt, vintage bicyc l e ta n k, vintage bicycle te e: Expr e ss S ty l e Lace Ruffle Rom pe r: Lil Pumpki n B ou tiqu e Bow, s tar, and flowe r headba n d s: D r op of Honey Bowtique Dolly Bows & Vintage Bows: Lor e tta J o’s Re d, White and Blue Pom Pom Ga r l a n d: OWD Des ign Studio Cus tom Flag Fram e s & 1776 C h a i r: Tw o Shabby Sis ter s

Red, White & Celebrate By Fanci f ul E ven t s

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4th of July!

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Styling and De s ign: Fancifu l E v e nts Photography: Fanciful Ev e nts Star background de s ign: Shop Sweet Lulu Party s upplie s: Shop Swee t Lu l u Wand s, ros e tte s, and ba n n er: Char ming Touch Par tie s Printable s: Pr inted Ink Cookies: Sals a Sweet s Chocolate cove re d s parkly O r eo s: e arth and s ugar

By DanyC P h oto g ra ph y

Patriotic photoshoot

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Land of the Free

home of the brave

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Ice Cream Truck

part y

B y K C u sto mable s

credits St y li ng & Photography - Kar a Tidd Events Pa rt y Pri ntable s - K Cus tomables Custom Fabric - K Cus tomables K eep Ca lm Backd rop - K Cus tomables C ak e Top p e r, 3 c upc a ke toppers, vinyl for balloons - Pr int & Cut Your Pr intabl e s Sug a r Cookie s - Little Stir r Baker y Ca rdboa rd Ic e Cre am Truck - Build a Dr eam Ic e Crea m Cups - Sweet Par ty Shop Spri nkles - The Baker s Confections

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Seersucker 4th of July

B y Fa n ci f ul E v e n ts

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credits Desi g n, st y li ng & photography: Fanciful Events Seersuc ker ruffle d table cloth: Magnolia Cr eative B lu e pa rt y suppli es & c once s s ion s tand s upplie s: Shop Sweet Lulu R ed an d w h i t e pa rt y suppli es, i c e cream cups & big balloons: The TomKat S tu dio Conc essi on sta nd “ Swe e ts � s ign: Moulage Collection Spa rkly 4t h of July cake toppers: Oh G oodie Des igns Custom bea ded necklace & he ad band: Av and Addie Tutus: Atutudes Ca ke Po ps: Cake Pop My Hear t 4 th of J uly toppers & c hoc o late covere d ore os: Love & Sugar Kis s es Wat er bottle labe ls: Chickabug Ruffled g a rla nds & s e e rs ucke r bows: Cr aft that Par ty Ba nner & c upc a ke toppe rs: Thr ee Little Monkeys Studio

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Fourt h o f J uly boys fashion

S t r i p e d B a se b al l J erse y You can’t get any more classic Americana that with this adorable red, white, and blue baseball jersey. Find it here >>

S tars & Str i p es P o lo Celebrate America with this stars and stripes polo. Find it here >>

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Fourt h of J uly girls fashion

C h ev ron Cr a b S u n dr ess Sunny navy & white chevron stripes are just right for beachy dresses. This cute sundress has a red crab applique on top and rope straps. How cute! Find it here >>

G I r ls Pat r i ot i c D r e s s This 4th of july inspired dress with a modern twist is made with cotton woven print on red white and blue with a gorgeous collar and pocket detail. Find it here >>

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By Charmin g To uch Pa rt i es

www.carous e

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credits St y led and pla nned by: Ch ar m in g To u c h Par t ies Pri nta b les: Be t h Kr u se Cu st o m Cr e ati ons Cu pc akes and Sma sh Cake: Bake It! Cooki es: Nat Swe e ts Pi es: Th e Su gar Path Fab ri c fri nge b u nt i n g: Lil l y Pau l De sign s Flowers: Fl o r al Wo nders

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sibling love photoshoot

By pi pp ylo u bo u t i q u e

The dre s s e s are from Pippylou Boutique the ne cklace s are from Lola and Darla the he adbands are from Baby Jule s Boutique

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Submissions Interested in submitting a feature to Carousel Party? Email us at submissions@ with your feature proposal and we will be in touch with you regarding submission guidelines and information.

Vi s i t C a r o u s e l P a r t y o n l i n e a t w w w . c a r o u s e l p a r t y. c o m

And follow us on our fav o r i t e s o c i a l n e t w o r k s to o !

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To be featured in our next issue email us at: s ub m i s s i ons @ c a r o u se l pa r t y. c o m Š Ca rousel Party | www.carous e

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