FOcus - Fuss & O'Neill's Company Newsletter - Summer 2020

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Fuss & O’Neill’s Newsletter SUMMER 2020

WHAT’S INSIDE Message from the President What’s New? Trending Now FOcus on Safety

Message from the President I hope this newsletter finds all of you safe and healthy. Now, more than ever, it is exceedingly important that we stay together and continue to check in on each other. As we take our first steps to reopen some of our office locations, we will continue to act in the best interest of our employees, partners, and clients, including providing the flexibility and understanding to let them make the decisions that are best for them, for their respective families, and for their coworkers. Throughout these last four-plus months,

Business Line FOcus

our team has communicated frequently and openly about virtually all

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together despite our physical distance. Although the majority of our

aspects of our business. That transparency has helped bring us closer workforce has worked remotely over the last few months, I believe we will come through this more connected and stronger than ever before. With so many of us still adjusting to the new normal of having kids home all the time, working with different schedules, and having to use different modes of communication to accomplish our work, I sincerely appreciate the amount of time and devotion everyone has invested during this pandemic. My belief is that your time is the biggest gift you can give, as it is truly priceless. I am happy to share this time with you and proud to share what’s happening here at Fuss & O’Neill. - Kevin Grigg, PE CEO

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