Adaptive Reuse
Air Quality
Bridge Engineering
Civil Engineering
Climate Resilience
Coastal Resiliency
Complete Streets
Construction Administration
Construction Management
Dam Engineering
Ecological Restoration
Energy Management
Environmental Compliance
Facility and Campus Management
Fish Passage
Geographic Information Systems
Grant Administration
Green Infrastructure
Greenways and Rail Trails
Habitat Restoration
Hazardous Building Materials
Hazardous Waste Management
Highway Design
12 Offices
8 States
Indoor Air Quality
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Land Survey
Landscape Architecture
Low-lying Roads
Manufacturing Services
Master Planning
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing
Mixed-use Development
MS4 Compliance
Petroleum Storage/Distribution
340+ Employees
Roadway Design and Safety
Sewers and Pump Stations
Solid Waste Management
Stormwater Services
Structural Engineering
Transit-oriented Development
Utility Infrastructure
Water Quality
Wastewater Management Systems
Watershed Management
Wetland Mitigation
Fuss & O’Neill is a nearly 100-year-old engineering and science-based firm with offices in each New England state, New York, and California. We specialize in planning, design, and construction work in the transportation, water, environmental, buildings, and energy market sectors. We thrive at the intersection of industry and community issues such as economic development, livable communities, complete streets, Environmental Justice, and climate change, while offering traditional public and private services. We count more than a dozen Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies as part of our extensive list of clients. 1924 Founded
29 Employee Shareholders
• Accelerated Bridge Construction
• Climate Adaptation Planning
• Construction Administration
• Design
• Design-Build
• Field Assessment
• Flood Assessment/Mitigation
• Funding and Financing Strategies
• Geotechnical Engineering
• GIS Data Collection
• Green Infrastructure
• Habitat Restoration
• Hydrology and Hydraulics
• Infrastructure Inventory
• Inspection
• Land Survey
• Load Rating
• Permitting
• Plans and Specifications
• Property Impact
• Protocol Development
• Public Outreach
• Repair/Replacement Options
• Roadway Design
• Soil Investigation
• Stakeholder Coordination
• Stormwater Modeling
• Structural Engineering
• Technical Manual Development
• Temporary Shorings and Supports
• Traffic Management during Construction
• Type Studies
• Utility Coordination
• Vulnerability Assessment
• Watershed Management
• Wetlands Evaluation/Mitigation
Stream Crossing Experience
Culverts and bridges are critical to our infrastructure and serve an important role in public safety, ecological health, and climate resilience. Fuss & O’Neill has experience planning and implementing new and replacement road-stream crossings to meet state and federal engineering design requirements, stream crossing standards for ecological and geomorphic compatibility, and climate resilience standards to ensure that crossing designs are resilient to future increases in precipitation and streamflow.
We have assessed, designed, permitted, and/or constructed hundreds of road-stream crossings throughout New England. Our technical experts - civil engineers, ecologists and fish passage specialists, transportation engineers, hydraulic modelers, structural engineers, and geotechnical engineers - combine expertise in the planning, science, and practical implementation of new and replacement culverts. Our designs conform to applicable state DOT and Federal Highway Administration design requirements, while incorporating considerations for aquatic organism and wildlife passage, geomorphic compatibility, and climate change.
Project Purpose:
As part of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicyclist safety improvements for South Street, replaced a deficient structure with a new box culvert to improve drainage.
Project Highlights:
• During our field review of existing drainage, we identified exposed rebar at the flow line of a 4‘ x 4’ box culvert. Though not in the original scope of work, VTrans agreed that it would be cost effective to replace the deficient structure with a 6-foot-wide by 8-foot-high box culvert with the intersection reconstruction project.
• Prepared a site hydraulics report, including the impacts of an existing 3-foot-wide by 5-foot-high stone box structure under an abandoned railroad 150’ downstream of the deteriorating culvert under Route 2.
• The traffic volumes necessitated maintenance of twoway traffic at all times during construction. With the project area being located in the islands, an on-site detour was required.
Culvert Replacement
South Hero, VT
Eversource Nurse Brook Culvert Design and Permitting Leverett, MA
Project Purpose:
To design and permit a bottomless concrete box culvert over a portion of Nurse Brook within the Eversource electrical transmission right-of-way (ROW).
Project Highlights:
• Working closely with the utility’s maintenance, engineering, and permitting personnel, we designed and permitted a culvert crossing within a reservoir watershed to meet transmission project standards.
• The crossing was designed to accommodate heavy vehicles (e.g., cranes and excavators) to improve access to structures for maintenance or emergency work.
• Prepared a Major Fill/Excavation Project Certification pursuant to the MassDEP Wetlands and Waterways Regulations (310 CMR 9.00) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Fuss & O’Neill also coordinated filings under MEPA.
• This project involved wetlands permitting, including a wetland replication plan for regulatory acceptance.
Project Purpose:
To replace a failed culvert that no longer conveyed surface water flow. Culvert replacement and stream channel restoration were to mitigate for the loss of approximately 2,800 ft2 of wetland from the construction of an access road within a nearby electrical transmission right-of-way.
Project Highlights:
• Obtained a 401 Water Quality Certification from MassDEEP to perform this work.
• The replacement culvert was a three-sided openbottom culvert that is considered an optimum Best Management Practice for maintaining wetland continuity with minimal encroachment, habitat protection, and improving water quality.
• This culvert replacement restored the channel back to its natural conditions.
Eversource Culvert Replacement
Granville, MA
Pelham Road over Second Brook
Hudson, NH
Project Purpose:
To design and construct the complete replacement of a 5-foot concrete pipe with a 16-foot span concrete rigid frame. The existing culvert had been functioning as a dam and was considered a high hazard dam.
Project Highlights:
• We provided a hydraulic analysis to determine the required bridge opening of 16 feet and to determine the downstream effects.
• A traffic plan was provided as the bridge was closed to traffic during construction using a detour route.
• The replacement was a 16-foot span precast concrete rigid frame with improved hydraulics and the dam was decommissioned after completion of the bridge.
• This project included dam bureau coordination, hydraulic analysis, utility relocations, significant ledge removal, construction administration/inspection, public engagement, permitting, a FEMA LOMR application, and Section 106 Cultural Resources.
Project Purpose:
To replace undersized, deteriorating, and structurally deficient culverts that conveyed Lyon Brook beneath Brookside Drive in two separate locations.
Project Highlights:
• Services included: hydrology, hydraulics, culvert and headwall design, local and state permitting, and construction services.
• We prepared hydraulic analyses and plans for the structures, which consisted of two 19-foot-wide aluminized box culverts, one for each brook crossing.
• We completed permit applications and supporting documentation for the replacement structures.
• The design included stream simulation and rock weirs to promote the migration and movement of aquatic life.
• The project included guardrail design, establishment of slope and construction easements, and roadway reconstruction design.
Brookside Drive Culverts
New London, NH
TH65 over the 2nd Branch of the White River Randolph, VT
Project Purpose:
To design and construct a complete bridge replacement of a single 28-foot span steel stringer bridge on stone and concrete abutments.
Project Highlights:
• The project was complicated by the hydraulics at the site as the 100-year flood elevation is very high at this location.
• The replacement bridge consists of a 53-foot long NEXT-D beams on integral abutments. Modifications to the NEXT-D beams were required to use a concrete wearing surface as the existing road is gravel and having pavement on the bridge did not fit the locale.
• The bridge was part of the Accelerated Bridge Program and was closed for four weeks for construction. Precast concrete abutments and wingwalls and NEXT-D Beams with rapid setting closure pours were used to accelerate construction.
Project Purpose:
To design the complete replacement of a 25-foot-long concrete T-beam bridge constructed in 1925.
Project Highlights:
• The replacement bridge consisted of 56-foot-long NEXT-D beams on integral abutments with drilled and driven H-Piles.
• The span length was increased to increase the hydraulic opening size and allow construction behind the existing abutments. The bridge was widened to meet standards and to improve safety.
• The bridge was part of the Accelerated Bridge Program and was closed for 4 weeks for construction in order to minimize disruption to businesses and tourism in the dense village area.
• Additional services included: public engagement, preliminary and final bridge design, contract plans, ROW plan development, utility plan preparation, cost estimating, and construction administration.
VT Route 114 over Dish Mill Brook
Burke, VT
VT Route 108 over West Branch of the Little River Stowe, VT
Project Purpose:
To replace a 168-foot-long two span steel girder bridge that was constructed in 1938 and rehabilitated in 1972.
Project Highlights:
• Provided the complete design for the bridge replacement, the roadway design, and created a maintenance of traffic plan.
• The final design included a single-span curved steel girder with a bare deck on a twenty-degree skew and founded on integral abutments. The new bridge reduced the span length to 145 feet and altered the bridge layout to reduce the skew to allow the use of the integral abutments. One abutment was constructed behind a sheet pile wall to allow for the future relocation of the existing pedestrian path.
• A temporary bridge was constructed during construction and a detour designed to manage traffic.
Project Purpose:
As part of a 9.0-mile pavement reclamation project, Fuss & O’Neill worked with the Town of Cavendish and VTrans to design a sewer relocation for sewer impacted by construction of a new box culvert to replace the existing undersized dry laid stone block culvert.
Project Highlights:
• The project consisted of cold planing, reclaiming, and paving the roadway as well as design of a slope stabilization with a soil nailed retaining wall, ledge removal, riverbank restoration, new drainage, underdrain, signing, and other related highway items.
• Various alternatives were proposed to provide slope stabilization with a soil nailed retaining wall selected as the preferred alternative.
• Proposed riverbank restoration along steep slopes eroded by a tropical storm required close coordination with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.
Culvert Replacement
Cavendish-Wethersfield, VT
Houghton Brook Grant Assistance and Culvert Replacement
Walpole, NH
Project Purpose:
To replace an undersized, failing arch culvert with one that accommodates bank-full width and provides adequate hydraulic capacity.
Project Highlights:
• Helped the Town of Walpole obtain a $250,000 Aquatic Resources Mitigation grant from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
• Services include hydrology, hydraulics, structural design, wetlands consulting and mitigation, stream bank restoration, and geomorphic design to restore the stream bed.
• Provided watershed connectivity and flood resilience.
• Bid documents have been prepared and construction is anticipated for this year.
Additional Services
As a multidisciplinary firm, we have a long history of providing a full range of services to electric and gas utilities, including study and design; utility relocations; evaluation of studies performed by other engineering firms for conceptual validity, reasonableness of assumptions, and mathematical accuracy; inspection of installed equipment after construction to ensure that the projected energy savings will be realized by the actual equipment configuration; and written reports of our findings. We have worked with utility providers throughout New England, including: Eversource, United Illuminating, Holyoke Gas & Electric, Belmont Municipal Light Department, National Grid, and Connecticut Natural Gas. We understand you need for rapid resolution of concerns and, as a local firm, understand the landscape and regulations. In addition to the services related to stream crossings, the list to the right notes other services that may help you as you serve the people and businesses of Vermont.
• Agency Coordination
• Air Quality
• Boundary and Existing Conditions Survey
• Climate Resilience
• Demolition
• Easements
• Endangered Species and Habitat Identification
• Energy Management
• Environmental Compliance
• Environmental Due Diligence
• Environmental Health and Safety
• Environmental Site Assessment
• Erosion Control
• Excess Soil Management
• Groundwater Management
• Hazardous Building Materials Management
• Jurisdictional Analysis
• Land Records Research
• Landscape Architecture
• Material Handling Plans
• On-call Services
• OSHA Resolution Support
• Photovoltaics
• Remediation
• Resident Engineering
• Resilient Infrastructure Design
• Resource Mapping
• Retro Commissioning
• Roadway Design
• Site Planning and Engineering
• Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans
• Stormwater Management
• Traffic Impact Assessment
• Wetlands Delineation