Swansea, MA

Swansea Mall Drive Improvements

Community Workshop #1

Presentation to Town of Swansea

Swansea submitted a Letter of Intent to MassDOT to initiate complete streets recognition
OCT 2021
Swansea Mall Drive project approved by MassDOT SUMMER 2023
Compatible with Town’s 2021 Complete Streets Program
Implements Elements of the Swansea Comprehensive Plan 2024
6:00pm Welcome and Project Presentation
6:30pm Design Stations Open for Questions, Discussion, and Capturing Your Suggestions
Close Design Stations and Provide Recap
Design Stations Close and Meeting Adjourned
First two phases of design are covered under Chapter 90 and cover up to $500k
• Construction cost is projected at approx. $9.1M
− Will be paid for by State and Federal funds
• The project is included in the MassDOT Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
“A Complete Street is one that provides safe and accessible options for all travel modes – walking, biking, transit, and motorized vehicles – for people of all ages and abilities. Designing streets with these principles contributes toward the safety, health, economic viability and quality of life in a community…”
Source: MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program Guidance (2016)
• Improve safety for all roadway users
− Slow vehicle speeds
− Improve accessibility
− Improve access to public transit
• Enhance connection to and from key locations
• Promote economic development
• Incorporate public green space
Community Workshop
You are here
Alternatives Development
Environmental Permitting
Preliminary Design
Final Design
Construction Engineering
• Vehicles •
• Pedestrians
• Wide travel lanes and shoulders
• High vehicle speeds
• Create safer intersections
• Calm vehicle speeds
• Bike safety
• Bike user comfort
• Existing road configuration does not meet MassDOT complete streets design standards for a principal arterial road
• Make biking more comfortable
Least Comfortable
Most Comfortable
• Crossing safety and visibility
• Accessibility compliance of sidewalks, ramps, and transit stop
• Ensure accessibility of all sidewalks and ramps
• Improve pedestrian crossing visibility
At tonight’s Workshop we’re focused on getting YOUR input into the upcoming improvements for the Swansea Mall Drive project area. We’ll share a brief presentation on the project, then spend most of our time hearing from on what you see as important upgrades to Swansea Mall Drive in Swansea.
You’ll be able to talk with the engineers and planners who’ll be designing the improvements and share your ideas. We’ve set up Design Stations, each focused on different, but interrelated, parts of the project:
• Station 1: Vehicle Drivers
• Station 2: Cyclists and Bike Facilities
• Station 3: Pedestrians and Walking Connections
1. For vehicles and drivers, what elements of Swansea Mall Drive are Positive that should be kept or enhanced?
2. For vehicles and drivers, what elements of Swansea Mall Drive are Negative that should be eliminated or changed (and how)?
3. What other ideas do you have for improving things for vehicles and drivers?
1. For bicycles, what elements of Swansea Mall Drive are Positive that should be kept or enhanced (and how)?
2. For bicycles, what elements of Swansea Mall Drive are Negative that should be eliminated or changed (and how)?
3. What other ideas do you have for improving things for cyclists?
1. For pedestrians, what elements of Swansea Mall Drive are Positive that should be kept or enhanced (and how)?
2. For pedestrians, what elements of Swansea Mall Drive are Negative that should be eliminated or changed (and how)?
3. What other ideas do you have for improving things for pedestrians?