01 MOTIVATION AND LEGACY Very few nations have a rich sporting history such as Cuba. Once only the playground of the rich and the elite, sports of various kinds enjoy great involvement from all peoples of Cuba. Earning an impressive 194 Olympic medals (67 Gold, 64 Silver, 63 Bronze) and being 25th place in the all time Olympic medal count, one can only wonder how a humble country of a mere 11 million people can achieve such a great result. Cuba has managed to multiply tenfold the time spanned by 10 Olympic Games the number of medals it had 50 years ago, as well as multiplying the number of sports disciplines in which it has earned Olympic medals. The reasons behind this great leap in sports development is thanks to the great developments made post Cuban-revolution. What was once only something in which the wealthy and elite could afford, great efforts were put forward to ensure that sports and sporting facilities were made available to the greater general population.
In less than 50 years, Cuba has managed to construct over 12,000 sports facilities throughout the country and created the institute for higher physical education, known as the sports university, where over 35,000 persons have graduated as higher level professors. Together with general polytechnic graduates, they number an impressive 40,000+ sports specialists or one sports instructor for every 281 citizens. Over 50% of the general population is physically active and participate in various sports programs, designed to include all sectors of the population, from children, to adults and the elderly. Special attention is paid for pregnant women and the disabled of the Cuban population. Aside from assisting the general population in the field of sports, Cuba offers its sporting experience to assist in regions with limited resources. No other country in the world can boast a foreign sports program such as Cuba. More than 6,000 specialists have worked in over 50 countries, many of which have availed themselves to gain Olympic titles at world and regional levels and most importantly gain valuable basic sporting infrastructure.
01 MOTIVATION AND LEGACY What is most commendable and makes Cuba aspire to obtain the greatest reward for all its efforts, is that all this has been achieved without the need for company sponsorship, commercialization, without the need for professional or foreign athletes. Indeed, all Olympic medals won, were won by Cuban athletes of an amateur status. All forms of triumphs have been marked by the authentic willpower of the people, sustained by a vast and popular sporting culture which would be the cornerstone of any Olympics held in Havana and Cuba, which can be verified through the past hosting of the 14th Central American and Caribbean Games in 1982 and the 11th Pan American Games of 1991.
Hosting the 2020 Olympic Games will undoubtedly have a great lasting impact for the host city of Havana as well as greater Cuba, in which the IOC stays true to it’s beliefs in that it’s the right of all nations to have an opportunity to host such a momentous sporting event a reality. One of the chief legacies of hosting the Games in Cuba would be the re-asserting of Havana, through the improvement of existing and development of new sporting and general infrastructure, as one of the most important sports and training centres for athletes in the Central American and Caribbean region.
Havana would therefore have excellent sporting infrastructure to host various sporting events at a greater international standard, with the capabilities to host a greater number of regional and international sporting events in the future. Being host nation, would have a greatest lasting impact of a boost in tourism, attracting more tourists to Cuba’s capital, as well as other designated Olympic sites, fostering a growth in hotel infrastructure and serving to lay the foundations of sports related tourism. As was the case for the 11th Pan American Games, any housing development in relation for athletes, officials and the media for the Olympics will provide the legacy of general housing for the population, citizens of Havana as well as other cities, where such infrastructure will be developed. The single most important repercussion would extend from Cuba’s borders to become a message to the IOC and all peoples, namely: that good organizational efforts as well as national willpower can produce a grand installment of the Olympic Games, adhering to the requirements as put forward by the IOC.
02 DATES OF THE GAMES We propose that the 2020 Olympic Games are held from August 2 to August 18, 2020. With the corresponding Paralympics held from September 6 to September 17, 2020. The decision to host the Games within these dates is primarily the hosting of past major sporting events such as the 14th Central American and Caribbean Games as well as the 11th Pan American Games during this time period, as well as the ideal weather in Havana and Cuba during this time period.
03 CONCEPT Havana has the potential, resources, willpower and the experience to host such a major sporting event such as the 2020 Olympic Games. Our Olympic concept, calls for the “Games of the People”. Unlike our past 2 bid attempts, we propose to effectively spread out our Olympic concept as to reach as many local Cubans as possible. We propose that a majority of events are held in Havana, with a secondary “Olympic Site” centered at the regional cities of Matanzas and Varadero. The decision of including Matanzas and Varadero in our bid, comes from the fact that it’s existing Varadero International Airport has already been designated as a secondary airport for our bid, as it was for past Olympic bid attempts. Other factors that have included the region in our bid include the excellent hotel infrastructure in Varadero and most importantly the designation of the existing world class golf course at Varadero as the site for Golf competitions during the Olympics.
We propose that the hosting of several sports are held in the region of Matanzas and Varadero, which coupled by hotel and transport infrastructure developments will help Havana immensely, by easing the constraints of the city and providing a boost in existing infrastructure proposals. Due to the effective two city format, we propose that a primary Olympic Village be placed in Havana, with a secondary one serving Matanzas and Varadero. The Cuban Olympic Committee has proposed the return of Baseball into the Olympic competition for men, and Softball for women. Baseball, being the most popular and national sport in the country will be somewhat different to past Olympic competitions, should it even return to the Olympics if not indefinitely, but for these editions of the games. In a somewhat different format, it's been proposed that being a popular national sport, Baseball should not be relegated to just 1 or 2 venues in Havana alone, but also in the 3 "sub-cities“ chosen to host Football Preliminaries. Knowing the differences in competition format with Baseball and Football, the competition format for Baseball in these Olympics will see all 4 matches of each day held at the same time at each of the 4 competition venues in the various cities.
03 CONCEPT An early morning start, will allow maximum time for competing teams to catch their next flight after a game and head towards their next venue. To avoid being convenient to any one team, all teams will be required to fly off to a new venue for their next game. This format, if accepted by the IOC and Baseball Federation, will see the national sport be played at a wider audience, that don't necessarily have the funds to come to Havana for the Olympics and will cement the Olympics and its glory to such a wider audience. As a result, we expect the greater spreading of our Olympic legacy to cities and venues outside of Havana. Bringing the hope and dreams of the Olympics to those that are unable to come to Havana for the Games. .
04 GOVERNMENT/NOC/CITY SUPPORT Our Havana Olympic bid boasts unlimited support from all levels of government, the city, other cities involved in the bid and our NOC. Key support is found with the various ministries of our government, in which all key ministers have voiced their support for the 2020 Olympics. There is also the support of sports institutions, key sportspersons and other key institutions. The resolute support for sports and physical culture in general, is faithfully inscribed in the constitution of the Republic of Cuba, in chapter 1, Article 9. It affirms that the State, as an instrument of the people, at the service of the people, shall guarantee that there is the availability of sports related items for all people and that all people have access to the study, culture and sporting facilities throughout Cuba. Chapter 5, Article 39 reads: The state guides, fosters and promotes physical education and sports in all their various forms, as an instrument of education and contribution to the integral development of all subjects.
06 LEGAL ASPECTS The unrestricted practice of sports is one of the fundamental rights envisaged by the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba. In Chapter 1, Article 9, this Constitution states that the State materializes the will of the working class and guarantees that all citizens have access to study, culture and sports. Chapter 5. Article 39 affirms that the State guides, fosters and promotes physical education and the contribution to the integral development of all subjects. Our government’s mandate is to work towards the wellbeing, enjoyment and in general realizing the interests of the people. As such, there are no present legal obstacles which stand in the way of hosting the Olympic Games in Havana and Cuba.
The Cuban Olympic Committee complies with all norms established by the IOC, the World Antidoping Agency, as well with all the International Sports Federations, with regards to antidoping regulations. Cuban Sports Federations establish additional guidelines to ensure compliance with these norms. Cuba is a part of the UN Convention against the trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances. The Convention was signed in 1988 and has been adopted by the World Antidoping Agency. Our country has it’s own antidoping laboratory, which was accredited by the IOC on the 27th of September, 2003.
There is no need, in Cuba, to adopt a new law to facilitate the coordination of the Olympic Games. The country’s Legislation protects the practice of sports and the organization of recreational activities for the population. In coordination with already established organizations and institutions which guarantee the exercise of this right, Cuba can take on the organization of an international event of this nature without the need to pass or approve new legislation. Article 99 of Law 41 of July 13, 1983, - known as the Health Law –authorizes the Ministry of Public Health to control the exportation, importation, production, distribution, storage, circulation, sale, use or the application of drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances and to the control of medication intended for human use. This Ministry has established a number of resolutions and regulations that govern all these aspects.
07 BID BUDGET Our effective budget for our Olympic bid will not be extensive, in comparison to some of the bid budgets of other cities in the past. An effective budget of overall 5 million has been allocated for the bid, distributed through 2 million for the Applicant phase, and if selected, 3 million for the Candidate phase.
08 OLYMPIC GAMES BUDGET The Games budget will be split from the budget of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games and non Committee funds. A proposed 1 billion will be allocated for the OCOG, that will assist in funding core Olympic venues and the athlete’s village. An additional 2.5 billion will be provided for NOCOG funds that will assist in media village, IBC/MPC, hotel, transport and general infrastructure developments. As a result, the proposed 3.5 billion dollar overall budget, will not be as expensive in comparison to past Olympics and will be generated through
- Services rendered by the General Customs House of the Republic, which is state run and shall work to ensure efficient processing of all customs related matters. - Sports facilities, of which there are 1,000 in Havana alone and the property of the people. As well as those which will be made available to the OCOG for the competitions and training, a part of which will be used for the Games in 2020. The same guarantee applies to recreational and other types of facilities that may be required. - Funding, repair and construction of general infrastructure needed to host the Olympic Games.
yearly cash grants from the government. The government of Cuba will commit to provide the following core services at no cost to the OCOG: - Public safety services, to be provided by the Ministry of the Interior and other institutions. - Healthcare services, to be provided by Havana and other cities involved during the Olympics, providing modern services and an excess number of hospitals and beds. Havana boasts 81 polyclinics and over 14,000 doctors, as well as an institute of sports-related medicine with hundreds of specialists.
09 OCOG REVENUE-GENERATING POTENTIAL Cuba’s application to host the Olympic Games in 2020 find the chief motivation to transform Havana into a city worthy of recognition, in which sportsmanship, friendship and respect for the efforts of the athletes prevail. As a result, we wish to organize the games in which the athletes are the priority. Instead of grandeur ceremonies, excessive advertising and sponsorship from companies, we want to focus the event for the athletes and as a tribute for the Olympic spirit. After careful analysis and considerations, we want to distance away from corporate sponsorships and excessive commercialization. We understand that the non inclusion of sponsorships to a great extent will hamper any significant revenue generation for the Olympics, but assure that revenue will be generated through a number of unique schemes as well as through the expected broadcast rights of the Olympic TOP program. The potential revenue is not exhaustive, which should cover the overall costs of the OCOG budget.
Expect areas of revenue potential include: - Broadcasting rights, which can expect up to 500 million dollars in revenue from all major world broadcasters. - Olympic based licensing, which will put an outright fee of 1 million dollars for companies that want to use our Olympic and Paralympic logos in association with their products. An additional 10,000 dollars will be made payable for any commercial utilizing our Olympic and Paralympic logos, per commercial (which should keep in our ideal of a less commercialized Olympics, American sponsors part of the IOC’s TOP program will be naturally prohibited from participating, due to the current sanctions from the US). Estimates have been provided to contribute up to 30 million dollars. - Tickets for competitions, ceremonies, estimated at approximately 200 to 300 million dollars, taking into account of a proposed program to allow most Cubans to have cheaper priced ticketing for events than general foreign spectators. Such tickets for Cubans will be offered at subsidized prices. - Sale of programs, official magazine and lithographic and other posters estimated at 50 million dollars. - Olympic based marketing, souvenirs, apparel, etc, expected at 70 million dollars. - Other earnings expected at 20 million dollars.
10 COMPETITION VENUES The competition venues will be held in 2 so-called Olympic sites, Havana hosting most events, with the region of Matanzas and Varadero hosting several others. Football and Baseball competition will be held in four cities, including Havana, Matanzas, Camag端ey, and Santiago de Cuba.
11 VENUE LOCATION Venues in Havana will be held in 3 main clusters, The Pan American Sports Complex, Ciudad Deportiva and Park Lenin/EXPOCUBA. A remainder of sports allocated for Havana will be located in several venues throughout the city. Matanzas will house one cluster and Varadero housing another cluster.
12 NON-COMPETITION VENUES: OLYMPIC VILLAGE AND IBC/MPC Due to our 2 Olympic sites concept, we propose a main Olympic Village to be house in Havana, with an auxiliary village at Matanzas, serving Matanzas and Varadero. The other cities involved will house Athletes and Officials in hotels. The IBC will be located in a new complex at the Pan American Sports Complex, with the MPC located at a expanded and renovated PABEXPO. Villages for the media will located near such facilities. An additional IBC/MPC substation, if needed will be located in Matanzas in a new exhibition centre built for the city.
13 HOTELS Havana, Matanzas and Varadero will make extensive use of existing hotel infrastructure. Currently, an overall 30,000+ hotel rooms are available in Havana, Matanzas and Varadero. We expect hotel infrastructure development to provide the minimum of 40,000+ rooms in Havana with an additional 25,000+ in Matanzas and Varadero.
14 MEDIA ACCOMMODATIONS Media accommodations, which have been included in general hotel figures will be house in media villages located near the IBC and MPC. Additional media villages will be located in Matanzas and Varadero as well as the other cities of Camag端ey, and Santiago de Cuba.
15 TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Our 2020 plan calls upon the extensive use of existing transport infrastructure in the form of main roads, highways etc. Existing bus routes will be the main backbone of our public transport service, intended to provide the absolute minimum transportation time and efficiency during the Olympic Games.
16 AIRPORT Our Olympic proposal calls for two airports made available for the Olympics. Jose Marti International airport in Havana, will be expanded to provide a new domestic and international terminal, as well as a new runway, by 2020, offering an overall capacity of up to 20 million passengers per year. A secondary airport will be located in Matanzas/Varadero through the Varadero International Airport, which, with general upgrades will provide a capacity of up to 7 million passengers per year. The cities of Camag端ey, and Santiago de Cuba, will have their respective airports undergo extensive terminal renovations meeting the expectations of athletes, officials and spectators.
17 MAPS See the maps in the appendix.
18 TRANSPORT CHALLENGES Havana and Cuba in general has several current issues with regards to transportation. It relies on a wide network of bus routes, state run taxi services, limited railway and ferry services. In the year 2000, with the aid of the French company RATP, a series of studies were involved in assisting with solving the bottlenecks and redefining Havana’s bus routes. As part of the reorganization of bus routes, there are 13 operational routes, 3 main ones and 10 supplementary ones in full compliance with established bus schedules, offering services at intervals of average of 10 to 12 minutes during peak hours, 93 bus routes are also in operation with 7 MetroBus routes. The network is 1,823 kilometers long and has a daily volume of 580,000 passengers.
The number of state vehicles in the taxi service will be greatly increased in preparations with the 2020 Olympics, by 2020, it is expected that over 5,000 vehicles of various sorts will be made road worthy and available for use by state run taxi services. In an effort to reduce congestion on the roads, the school calendar will be significantly altered for 2020, as to avoid the clogging of roads due to student based transportation.
19 DISTANCES AND JOURNEY TIMES See the charts in the appendix.
Additionally, Havana operates a state run taxi service with 15 operation centers and over 1,500 vehicles. Some 13 million passengers make use of these vehicles every year. The ferry system, located in Havana’s bay area is currently comprised of 6 units, that transports 2.6 million passengers per year. Railway services serving the city’s central areas and nearby towns have a total of 10 routes, transporting as much as 1 million passengers per year. The clustering of most venues will greatly reduce transportation times, as a result, we propose the establishment of “Olympic Routes” serving hotel areas with relations to Olympic venues. The construction of 15 transfer terminals, located at core Olympic clusters, venues and other core sites will greatly improve the quality of travel by bus.
20 RESOURCES AND CHAIN OF COMMAND Cuba’s Ministry of the Interior will be solely responsible for guaranteeing a safe and secure Olympic Games in 2020. This Institution has much experience in the organization of complex security systems and in providing above adequate security services for international sporting, cultural, religious and political events that involve a great number of national and foreign participants. Representative of such experience are the security services offered during the visit of Pope John Paul II to Cuba, with 4 masses held in different parts of the country.
Cuba’s legislation wholly supports the organization of concerted security operations during events similar to the Olympic Games. The government will have every willingness to adopt whatever necessary regulations are demanded by an event of this nature and to introduce amendments into legislation which are specifically required for this purpose, to guarantee a successful Olympic Games. All elements of this will work toward fostering a climate favorable to the games, drawing support and participation of the population in all areas related to security.
Existing equipment currently meets the needs of Cuba’s security requirements, which is currently being supplemented by advanced technology of various sorts, much of which is being obtained from China. We are in the process of modernizing our national police and security forces. Cuba is relatively crime free, thanks to a successful battle against crimes, sought in eradication of such conditions which generate it. In the past few years Cuba has experienced an important reduction in general forms of crime such as delinquency and has effectively prevented the appearance, within society, of the more serious expressions of international crime. Cuba has great achievements in the prevention of terrorist activities within the country.
21 POPULATION Cuba’s population at last census was 11,177,743 in 2002. The province of Ciudad de La Habana, whose area spans 727 km² is wholly urbanized which includes the capital and it’s metropolitan area, with a total of 2,175,913 inhabitants and represents a total of 19.34% of the country’s population. Both levels of the province and country have shown low levels of demographic growth throughout the past 10 years, similar to patterns seen in most industrialized nations: persistent low fertility rates and an aging population contribute to this. Both of them are more highly pronounced in the city of Havana. Projections for 2020 are modest at best, an estimated 12,234,549 people are expected in Cuba, with an estimated 2,450,320 for the capital of Havana.
22 ENVIRONMENT In Chapter 1, Article 27 of the constitution of the Republic of Cuba, it establishes that the State protects the environment and the nation’s natural resources on the basis of sustainable economic and social policies. The results obtained in this area made Cuba host of the World’s Environment Day in 2001. The capital Havana, is characterized by a rich heritage of historical, cultural, urban and natural treasures, which are mostly unaffected by much of the environmental problems that plague most other major cities around the world
Drinkable water is currently distributed to 99.7% of the general population, through aqueducts, in which its bacteriological content is in compliance with established international norms with regards to drinkable water. 73% of the population disposes of its waste making use of the main sewer system, whilst the remainder make use of individual or independent systems. A large number of projects have been undertaken in the past years to improve and expand such services, which have seen a positive effect on the quality of inland and marine water resources. Solid waste management is available to all of the population. The quality of air is above satisfactory, thanks to less reliance on cars, providing of green spaces in major urban centres, as well as the light industry of major population centres. Environmental studies have been conducted for areas which are proposed for the construction of key venues for the Olympic Games. It is expected that minimal environmental impact will occur and for every tree that will be torn down to pave the way for construction, will be replanted somewhere nearby.
23 METEOROLOGY See the charts in the appendix.
24 PUBLIC OPINION The bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games boast support from over 90% of the population. Of those surveyed, over 80% have shown a keen interest for Havana and Cuba to host the 2020 Olympic Games.
25 EXPERIENCE Cuba boast much experience in hosting international sporting events, the events held within the last 10 years are shown in the chart below: Major Sporting Events hosted within last 10 years
City or Cities Hosted
Year Hosted
Latin American Table Tennis Tournament World Championships in Fencing Baseball World Cup Giraldo Cordoba Cardin Boxing Tournament 26th Manuel Suarez International Tournament Central American and Caribbean Triathlon World University Baseball Championship VIII Toreno International Giraldilla Biathlete World Tour Fencing Team World Cup 27th Manuel Suarez International Tournament Female Senior Sword Teams World Cup Male Senior Foil Teams World Cup Female Senior Sabre World Cup Pan American Badminton Tournament World Cup EpĂŠe Women Senior World Cup Team EpĂŠe Women Senior World Cup Team Foil Women Senior World Cup Sabre Women Senior
Table Tennis Fencing Baseball Boxing Weightlifting Triathlon Baseball Badminton Modern Pentathlon Fencing Weightlifting Fencing Fencing Fencing Badminton Fencing Fencing Fencing Fencing
Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Matanzas Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana Havana
2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009
Havana-Marabana Run Terry Fox Run World Baseball Classic Montecristo Cup
Athletics/Marathon Athletics/Marathon Baseball Golf
Havana Havana Havana Varadero
Annual Annual since 1998 Annual since 2006 Annual since 2009
In addition to this, Havana was host to the 14th Central American and Caribbean Games in 1982 and the 11th Pan American Games in 1991.
Weightlifting Golf
Karl Marx Theatre Varadero Golf Club
Ceremonies Paralympic Athletics
Ceremonies Athletics Football, Finals Baseball, Group/Finals Baseball, Group/Finals Football, Preliminaries Football, Preliminaries Baseball, Group Baseball, Group Boxing Rowing Canoe Kayak Field Hockey 1 Field Hockey 2 (Existing) Equestrian Cross Country Equestrian Jumping/Dressage
Sport(s)/ Discipline(s) Beach Volleyball Cycling (BMX) Archery Cycling (Road) Modern Pentathlon Riding/Running
Competition Venue
Varadero Beach Volleyball Centre Varadero BMX Centre Metropolitan Park Archery Centre Havana Road Course Lenin Park Modern Pentathlon Centre
Chart 1.4 - Venues To Be Built - Temporary
Varadero Mountain Bike Centre
EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 3
EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 2
PABEXPO Multi Sport Hall Varadero Slalom Centre EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 1
Pan American Sports Complex - Sports Hall 2 Pan American Sports Complex - Rectangular Stadium Matanzas Multi Sport Hall
Pan American Sports Complex - Sports Hall 1
Basketball Preliminaries Canoe/Kayak Slalom Badminton Gymnastics, Rythmic Table Tennis Taekwondo Judo Wrestling Cycling (Mountain Bike)
Football, Preliminaries Football, Preliminaries Swimming Waterpolo Finals Diving Basketball Finals Gymnastics, Artistic Handball Rugby 7's Volleyball
Matanzas, Football and Athletics Stadium Camagüey, Football and Athletics Stadium
Pan American Sports Complex - Aquatics Centre
Sport(s)/ Discipline(s)
Paralympic Shooting Paralympic Cycling (Track) Wheelchair Rugby
Paralympic Archery Paralympic Cycling (Road) -
Paralympic Sport(s)
Paralympic Judo
Paralympic Table Tennis
Volleyball Sitting Boccia
Goalball -
Wheelchair Basketball
Paralympic Swimming
Paralympic Sport(s)
Paralympic Sailing -
Wheelchair Fencing
Wheelchair Tennis
Tennis Softball Shooting Cycling (Track) Fencing Finals Synchronised Swimming Waterpolo Preliminaries Modern Pentathlon Swimming Fencing Preliminaries Modern Pentathlon Fencing/Shooting Sailing Triathlon
Football 7-a-side Football 5-a-side Paralympic Equestrian
Paralympic Rowing
Paralympic Sport(s)
Powerlifting -
Paralympic Sport(s)
Sport(s)/ Discipline(s)
Competition Venue
Chart 1.3 - Venues To Be Built - Permanent
Havana Yacht Club at Hemingway Marina Santa Maria del Mar Triathlon Course
PABEXPO Indoor Hall
Ciudad Deportiva Swimming Pool
Pan American Tennis Court Complex - Center Court Court 1 Court 2 Jose Antonio Echevarriva Stadium Enrique Borbonet Shooting Range Pan American Sports Complex Velodrome Indoor Sport Hall Ramon Fonst
Lenin Park Equestrian Centre
Santiago de Las Vegas Stadium
Latinamericano Stadium Matanzas, Victoria de Giron Stadium Pedro Marrero Stadium Santiago de Cuba, Football and Athletics Stadium Santiago de Cuba, Guillermón Moncada Stadium Camagüey, Candido González Morales Stadium Ciudad Deportiva Stadium Jose Smith Cornas Channel
Panamericano Stadium
Competition Venue
Chart 1.2 - Existing Venues - Permanent Works Required
Sport(s)/ Discipline(s)
Competition Venue
Chart 1.1 - Existing Venues - No Permanent Works Required
8,000 5,000 4,000 2,000/Unlimited 2,000
Gross Seating Capacity
8,000 8,000 6,000
8,000 14,000 10,000
5,000 12,000
35,000 25,000 15,000
Gross Seating Capacity
2,000 2,000/Unlimited
2,000 2,000
12,000 5,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 8,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
50,000 30,000 24,000 20,000 25,000 15,000 14,000 14,000
Gross Seating Capacity
5,000 2,000
Gross Seating Capacity
Additional Planned Planned
Additional Additional Planned
Planned Planned
Planned or Additional Venue
1950 1990
1934 1972 1990 1990
1943 1977 1940 1946 1964 1977 1951 1990
Original Date of Construction
1959 1999
Original Date of Construction
1990 2003
1990 1990 -
1990 1990 1990 2010 1990 -
Permanent Works Date of Upgrade (If Applicable)
2000 -
Date of Last Upgrade (If Applicable)
2019 2017 2018 2019 2018
Start Date
2017 2013 2013
2016 2015 2015
2015 2015
Start Date
2017 2019
2017 2018 2014 2014
2017 2017 2017 2015 2018 2018 2018 2018
2020 2018 2019 2020 2019
Finish Date
2019 2015 2015
2019 2018 2018
2019 2019
Finish Date
2018 2020
2019 2019 2016 2015
2018 2019 2019 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019
Dates of Permanent Works Required Start Finish
Cost of Permanent Works Required (In USD) 6,000,000 5,000,000 3,500,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
10,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000
14,000,000 18,000,000 16,500,000
Cost of Permanent Works Required (In USD) 52,000,000 36,000,000
800,000 800,000
2,400,000 3,000,000 7,400,000 1,200,000
10,000,000 5,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 4,500,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 8,000,000
Cost of Permanent Works Required (In USD)
Public Public Public Public Public
Source of Financing (Public/Private/Joint)
Public Public Public
Public Public Public
Public Public
Source of Financing (Public/Private/Joint)
Public Public
Public Public Public Public
Public Public Public Public Public Public Public Public
Source of Financing (Public/Private/Joint)
Chart 2.1 Existing Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 30 6329 4 + 5 star 3 331 3 star 13 903 3 star 5 753 2 star 4 156 2 star 8 414 1 star 1 star 1 42 Student Accom. 1 7200 Student Accom. Apartments Apartments 579 3160 157 677 Total: 47 17748 Total: 8 2217 Chart 2.2 Planned Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 6 640 4 + 5 star 12 3500 3 star 15 1400 3 star 3 430 2 star 4 240 2 star 4 325 1 star 1 star Student Accom. Student Accom. 1 2000 Apartments 20 1000 Apartments 40 1200 IOC Hotel IOC Hotel 3 1500 Media Village Media Village 2 8500 Cruise Ships 4 8000 Cruise Ships Total: 54 21280 Total: 60 7455 Hotel Totals:
HOTELS MATANZAS/VARADERO Chart 2.3 Existing Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 4 + 5 star 34 12810 3 star 1 158 3 star 13 3051 2 star 2 star 2 371 1 star 1 star 1 268 Student Accom. Student Accom. 1 3000 Apartments Apartments Total: 1 3158 Total: 47 16500 Chart 2.4 Planned Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 3 570 4 + 5 star 1 480 3 star 6 560 3 star 5 642 2 star 7 560 2 star 1 star 1 star Student Accom. Student Accom. 1 1500 Apartments Apartments 12 600 IOC Hotel IOC Hotel 1 200 2 500 Media Village Media Village 1 2000 Cruise Ships Cruise Ships 2 2000 Total: 33 7990 Total: 8 1622 Hotel Totals:
Total No. 33 18 12 1 1 736 55
Rooms 6660 1656 570 42 7200 3837 19965
Total No. 18 18 8 1 60 3 2 4 114
Rooms 4140 1830 565 0 2000 2200 1500 8500 8000 28735
Rooms 12810 3209 371 268 3000 0 19658
Chart 2.5 Existing Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 4 + 5 star 1 364 3 star 1 72 3 star 3 597 2 star 3 269 2 star 1 74 1 star 1 star Student Accom. Student Accom. 1 3000 Apartments Apartments Total: 5 3341 Total: 5 1035
1 12 3 1 2 41
Rooms 1050 1202 560 0 1500 600 700 2000 2000 9612
Chart 2.6 Planned Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 3 470 4 + 5 star 3 star 4 560 3 star 5 495 2 star 2 star 1 star 1 star Student Accom. Student Accom. 1 1000 Apartments Apartments 5 250 6 300 IOC Hotel IOC Hotel 1 200 Media Village Media Village 1 250 Cruise Ships Cruise Ships Total: 15 2730 Total: 11 795
Total No. 34 14 2 1 1 0 48
Total No. 4 11 7
Hotel Totals:
Total No. 1 4 4 0 1 0 10
Rooms 364 669 343 0 3000 0 4376
Total No. 3 9 0 1 11 1 1 0 26
Rooms 470 1055 0 0 1000 550 200 250 0 3525
HOTELS SANTIAGO DE CUBA Chart 2.7 Existing Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 1 326 4 + 5 star 3 star 5 883 3 star 1 115 2 star 3 306 2 star 1 22 1 star 1 star Student Accom. 1 4000 Student Accom. Apartments Apartments Total: 10 5515 Total: 2 137 Chart 2.8 Planned Accomodation Within a radius of 10 Km of city centre Within a radius of 10-50 Km of city centre Hotels No. Rooms Hotels No. Rooms 4 + 5 star 4 720 4 + 5 star 2 340 3 star 9 1230 3 star 5 590 2 star 2 star 1 star 1 star Student Accom. 1 2000 Student Accom. Apartments 5 300 Apartments IOC Hotel IOC Hotel 1 200 Media Village Media Village 1 250 Cruise Ships Cruise Ships Total: 21 4700 Total: 7 930 Hotel Totals:
Total No. 1 6 4 0 1 0 12
Rooms 326 998 328 0 4000 0 5652
Total No. 6 14 0 1 5 1 1 0 28
Rooms 1060 1820 0 0 2000 300 200 250 0 5630
Source: Cuba Tourism Authority
Current Length (km) + Capacity (No. of traffic lanes or tracks) Within City boundry From City boundry to outlying venues 6.4km (4 lanes) 3.5km (6 lanes)
Length (km) + Capacity (No. of traffic lanes or tracks) Within City boundry From City boundry to outlying venues 12km (6 lanes) 100km (6 lanes) 2.2km (4 lanes)
Length (km) + Capacity (No. of traffic lanes or tracks) Within City boundry From City boundry to outlying venues 16km (4 lanes)
Chart 3.2 Existing Transport Infrastructure, Permanent Works Required (Motorways, major urban arterial network, suburban rail, subway, light rail, public transport systems) 15 Access connection to EXPOCUBA 16 Coast-to-Coast Motorway
Chart 3.3 Planned Transport Infrastructure (Motorways, major urban arterial network, suburban rail, subway, light rail, public transport systems) 17 Havana to Varadero Motorway Bypass 18 Access to Sports Park/Athletes Village Matanzas
Chart 3.4 Additional Transport Infrastructure (Motorways, major urban arterial network, suburban rail, subway, light rail, public transport systems) 19 Juan Gualberto G贸mez International Airport Bypass to Matanzas
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Length (km) + Capacity (No. of traffic lanes or tracks) Within City boundry From City boundry to outlying venues 1.3km (6 lanes) 16.9km (6 lanes) 11km (6 lanes) 16.1km (8 lanes) 11.1km (4-6 lanes) 6.5km (4 lanes) 23km (4 lanes) 115km (4 lanes) 18.6km (6 lanes) 6.3km (6 lanes) 6.7km (8 lanes) 12.3km (4-6 lanes) 8.4km (4 lanes) 2.3km (6 lanes) 1.6km (4 lanes) 2.8km (4 lanes)
Chart 3.1 Existing Transport Infrastructure, No Permanent Works Required (Motorways, major urban arterial network, suburban rail, subway, light rail, public transport systems) National Motorway East-West Motorway First Rings Motorway Via Monumental Motorway Access to Terminal 3, International Airport Jose Marti Via Blanca Motorway Rancho Boyeros Avenue 31 Avenue Malecon Avenue 5ta Avendida Avenue Calle 100 Avenue Avendida los Presidentes Avenue Via Tunel (Tunnel Track) Avendida del Peurto (Harbour Avenue)
End 2018
2018 2016
2015 2015
4.2km (2 lanes) 12.6km (6 lanes)
2018 2018
2019 2019
Cost (In USD) 25,000,000
Cost (In USD) 120,000,000 2,000,000
Cost (In USD) 4,000,000 7,000,000
Construction/Upgrade End
From City boundry to outlying venues
Type of Work (Length (km) + Capacity)
2007 2007 2007 2007 2005 2008 2007 2008 3008 2006 2007 2008 2007 2008
1970 1989 1970 1957 1996 1945 1945 1954 1950 1947 1950 1930 1958 1930
Within City boundry
Date of Last Upgrade
Date of Construction
Source of financing
Public Public
Source of financing
Public Public
Source of financing
Havana Temperature Humidity (%) Wind (General Tendencies) Local Time Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average Direction Strength (km/hr) 9:00 AM 25.9 30.8 29 65 88 76 E 10 12:00 NOON 26.5 33.8 30.7 54 85 88 NE 16.7 1:00 PM 24.1 32.1 29.8 60 94 72 NE 21.1 6:00 PM 23 30.7 28.3 64 95 77 NE 14 9:00 PM 23.3 29.1 27 72 95 83 E 8.3 Temperature has been calculated in ËšC
Havana Altitude in Metres 0-90
Precipitation (Days With Rainfall) Annually Period of Games 80 4.0 Source: Institute of Meteorology Cuba
Location/Venue Jose Marti International Airport Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport Jose Marti Memorial Athletes Village Havana Athletes Village Matanzas Estadio Panamericano PABEXPO Media Village Pan American Sports Complex Media Village Matanzas Media Village Pan American Sports Complex IBC PABEXPO Convention Centre Matanzas Convention and Exhibition Centre Ciudad Deportiva Swimming Pool Pan American Sports Complex - Aquatics Centre Metropolitan Park Archery Centre Estadio Panamericano Estadio Panamericano Varadero Slalom Centre EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 1 Candido González Morales Stadium (Camagüey) Guillermón Moncada Stadium (Santiago de Cuba) Victoria de Giron Stadium (Matanzas) Latinamericano Stadium PABEXPO Multi Sport Hall Pan American Sports Complex - Sports Hall 1 Varadero Beach Volleyball Centre Ciudad Deportiva Stadium Varadero BMX Centre Varadero Mountain Bike Centre Pan American Sports Complex Velodrome Lenin Park Equestrian Centre Pan American Sports Complex - Sports Hall 1 PABEXPO Indoor Hall Indoor Sport Hall Ramon Fonst Santiago de Las Vegas Stadium Santiago de Cuba Football Stadium Camagüey Football Stadium Pedro Marrero Stadium Matanzas Football Stadium Panamericano Stadium Varadero Golf Club Pan American Sports Complex - Sports Hall 2 EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 3 Jose Smith Cornas Channel EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 1 Pan American Sports Complex - Rectangular Stadium Havana Yacht Club at Hemingway Marina Jose Antonio Echevarriva Stadium Enrique Borbonet Shooting Range EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 2 EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 2 Pan American Tennis Court Complex Santa Maria del Mar Triathlon Course Matanzas Multi Sport Hall Karl Marx Theatre EXPOCUBA Exhibition Centre - Hall 3
Chart 5 - Distances (By Average Bus Travel Time)
Institution/Sport Main International Airport Secondary International Airport City Centre - Havana Main Olympic Village Secondary Olympic Village Olympic Stadium Main West Media Village Main East Media Village Matanzas Media Village IBC MPC Matanzas IBC/MPC Aquatics (Waterpolo/Synchronised Swimming) Aquatics (Swimming/Diving/Waterpolo Finals) Archery Athletics Ceremonies Canoe/Kayak Slalom Badminton Baseball Group Baseball Group Baseball Group/Finals Baseball Group/Finals Basketball Preliminaries Basketball Finals Beach Volleyball Boxing Cycling BMX Cycling Mountain Bike Cycling Track Equestrian Gymnastics - Artistic Fencing Preliminaries Fencing Finals Field Hockey Football Preliminaries Football Preliminaries Football Preliminaries Football Preliminaries Football Finals Golf Handball Judo Canoe/Kayak Flatwater - Rowing Gymnastics - Rythmic Rugby 7's Sailing Softball Shooting Table Tennis Taekwondo Tennis Triathlon Volleyball Weightlifting Wrestling
km 0 99 15 7 85 14 14 15 80 14 14 13 14 15 14 14 14 117 9 500 758 89 15 14 14 117 14 117 117 14 9 14 14 16 4 758 500 14 89 14 117 14 9 117 9 15 16 14 9 9 9 14 24 89 16 9
Airport min 0 90 20 8 88 19 19 20 83 19 19 19 19 20 19 19 19 98 11 360 540 90 20 19 19 98 19 98 98 19 11 19 19 21 98 540 360 19 90 19 98 19 11 98 11 20 20 9 11 11 11 19 26 90 12 11
Main International
km 100 0 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 22 98 421 685 15 98 98 98 22 98 22 22 98 98 98 98 98 98 685 421 98 15 98 22 98 98 100 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 15 98 98
Airport min 90 0 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 24 90 330 490 20 90 90 90 24 90 24 24 90 90 90 90 90 90 490 330 90 20 90 24 90 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 20 90 90
Secondary International
km 15 98 0 60 98 7 60 7 98 7 9 60 2 7 2 7 7 98 13 758 500 89 1 9 7 98 2 98 98 7 13 7 9 1 17 758 500 3 89 7 98 7 13 30 13 7 13 2 13 13 13 7 9 89 4 13
City Centre min 20 90 0 78 90 8 78 8 90 8 11 78 2 8 2 8 8 90 12 540 360 90 1 11 8 90 1 90 90 8 12 8 11 1 15 540 360 2 90 8 90 8 12 28 12 8 12 2 12 12 12 8 11 90 3 12
Village min 8 90 90 0 90 21 21 21 90 21 14 90 8 21 8 21 21 90 8 540 360 90 11 14 21 90 8 90 90 21 8 21 14 11 8 540 360 12 90 21 90 21 8 28 8 21 20 21 9 8 8 21 23 90 15 8
Main Olympic
km 7 98 98 0 98 17 17 17 98 17 12 98 7 17 7 17 17 98 7 758 500 89 9 12 17 98 7 98 98 17 7 17 12 9 7 758 500 11 89 17 98 17 7 30 7 17 15 17 8 7 7 17 19 89 11 7
km 85 98 98 98 0 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 32 98 421 685 1 98 98 98 32 98 32 32 98 98 98 98 98 98 685 421 98 1 98 32 98 98 100 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 1 98 98
Village min 88 90 90 90 0 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 30 90 330 490 1 90 90 90 30 90 30 30 90 90 90 90 90 90 490 330 90 1 90 30 90 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 1 90 90
Secondary Olympic
min 19 90 8 21 90 0 0 8 90 8 11 90 12 8 12 0 0 90 21 540 360 90 8 11 8 90 12 90 90 8 21 8 11 8 24 540 360 10 90 0 90 8 21 30 21 8 24 12 19 21 21 8 1 90 15 21
km 14 98 7 17 98 0 0 7 98 7 9 98 10 7 10 0 0 98 19 758 500 89 7 9 7 98 10 98 98 7 18 7 9 7 21 758 500 8 89 0 98 7 19 38 19 7 20 10 14 19 19 7 1 89 11 19
km 14 98 9 12 98 17 0 17 98 17 1 98 9 17 9 17 17 98 17 758 500 89 10 1 17 98 9 98 98 17 17 17 1 10 19 758 500 5 89 17 98 17 17 23 17 17 5 10 17 17 17 17 18 89 7 17
Village min 19 90 11 14 90 21 0 21 90 21 1 90 11 21 11 21 21 90 21 540 360 90 12 1 21 90 11 90 90 21 21 21 1 12 22 540 360 7 90 21 90 21 21 25 21 21 7 12 21 21 21 21 22 90 8 21
Main West Media
km 14 98 7 17 98 0 0 0 98 7 9 98 10 7 10 0 0 98 19 758 500 89 7 9 7 98 10 98 98 7 18 7 9 7 21 758 500 8 89 0 98 7 19 38 19 7 20 10 14 19 19 7 1 89 11 19
Village min 19 90 8 21 90 0 0 0 90 8 11 90 12 8 12 0 0 90 21 540 360 90 8 11 8 90 12 90 90 8 21 8 11 8 24 540 360 10 90 0 90 8 21 30 21 8 24 12 19 21 21 8 1 90 15 21
Main East Media
km 80 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 0 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 32 98 421 685 1 98 98 98 32 98 32 32 98 98 98 98 98 98 685 421 98 1 98 32 98 98 100 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 1 98 98
Village min 83 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 30 90 330 490 1 90 90 90 30 90 30 30 90 90 90 90 90 90 490 330 90 1 90 30 90 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 1 90 90
Matanzas Media
min 19 90 8 21 90 0 0 0 90 0 11 90 2 8 2 0 0 90 540 360 90 8 11 8 90 1 90 90 8 21 8 11 1 24 540 360 10 90 0 90 8 21 30 21 8 24 12 19 21 21 8 1 90 15 21
758 500 89 7 9 7 98 2 98 98 7 18 7 9 1 21 758 500 8 89 0 98 7 19 38 19 7 20 10 14 19 19 7 1 89 11 19
IBC km 14 98 7 17 98 0 0 0 98 0 9 98 2 7 2 0 0 98
km 14 98 9 12 98 17 0 17 98 17 1 98 9 17 9 17 17 98 17 758 500 89 10 1 17 98 9 98 98 17 17 17 1 10 19 758 500 5 89 17 98 17 17 23 17 17 5 10 17 17 17 17 18 89 7 17
MPC min 19 90 11 14 90 21 0 21 90 21 1 90 11 21 11 21 21 90 21 540 360 90 12 1 21 90 11 90 90 21 21 21 1 12 22 540 360 7 90 21 90 21 21 25 21 21 7 12 21 21 21 21 22 90 8 21
min 83 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 0 90 90 90 90 90 30 90 330 490 1 90 90 90 30 90 30 30 90 90 90 90 90 90 490 330 90 1 90 30 90 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 1 90 90
km 80 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 0 98 98 98 98 98 32 98 421 685 1 98 98 98 32 98 32 32 98 98 98 98 98 98 685 421 98 1 98 32 98 98 100 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 1 98 98