FACILITATING TECHNOLOGICALLY COMPETENT EMPLOYEES Avishek Singh | Business Connect In this era of constant transition, technology plays a crucial role. Technology is the platform that creates a dynamic portrait of any organization. However, technology is of no use if not operated properly. With the development in digital technology, The 21st century has seen the rise of cloud-based advancements such as Big Data Analytics, IoT, and much more. To operate these platforms companies require individuals who can ensure competency practically. Uphunter Solutions Inc. is one such firm in the USA, which delivers the choicest employees for the IT-sphere.
on the areas of cloud-based technology, mainly Mulesoft, SAP, Oracle, Anaplan and Pega. COMPETENT LEADERS IN THE PANEL The company is led by - Mr. Paramaguru Devendran (Dev) (COO), Shankar Sree (CSO) and Casey Romero (CEO). Mr. Dev was born and brought up in Trichy, Tamilnadu, is a well-versed leader, with 15 years of exposure in SAP as an SAP Data Lead and served to several clients in the US. Apart from Uphunter Solutions, he is also the co-founder of Proxima Centauri solutions, an IT Staffing firm. He is a very passionate leader who aims at handholding people, especially women, with a breakthrough career. For his approach towards helping women find good jobs, he was honoured with a Doctorate in Social work - Women Empowerment, in 2019.
A COMPREHENSIVE PICTURE Uphunter Solutions Inc. is a technology-focused staffing firm that source talents from the IT arena to many foreign countries like US, UK, Europe, India and Australia. Uphunter Solutions, was established in Houston, Texas, USA. The company is fortified with an adept workforce, whose knowledge, skills and combined experience helps the company fathom the needs of its clients and provide the best talents to elevate their growth. Uphunter focuses | Vol. 2 | Special Edition July 2020 INDIA
Shankar Sree: He was born and brought up in Mysore and he moved to London for work 10 years back and has garnered 17+ years of experience in the IT industry, working in various environments in vivid roles and locations. 42