Professional Communication E-Portfolio | IUKL | farahim akbar

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Entry 3: Communication Process (Verbal & Nonverbal) date : 15th April 2021 (week 1) Topics: Communication Process (Verbal & Nonverbal) Duration of time spent on this entry: 2 hours Personal reflection Communication process is a fun topic to discuss. From here we could find out different perspectives or point of view of someone. Meanwhile is a way of knowing whether our message is received by the other party or not. There's a lot of interesting stories that could be told. From my part, I always find that being straightforward is the easiest way to communicate with people regarding work or assignment. For example, instead of going around and around just to explain a certain point, the less word is better if it's in a word form. But when talking to someone face to face, for me the communication process is quite challenging. I'm not very expressive myself. Maybe due to that people cannot decode the message I try to deliver and the result of it getting me tired of explaining myself again and again. For example, between me and my dad. My dad won't accept my explanation if there's no visual proof, it's like the phrase in a picture could tell a story by itself . Since that I believe communication needs two ways: verbal (our explanation) and non verbal ( visual proof) not just to make sure the message is being delivered but also to convince the other party regarding certain things. In entry 2, I've explained regarding the Understanding Communication, the topics also explained a bit about the communication process. So this entry is basically the continuity of entry 2. Here we are focusing on the main types of communication which are verbal and non verbal. Interestingly, non-verbal communication is used intentionally and not intentionally. Most people don't have control over the perfect facial expression - we've all heard comments that don't raise an eyebrow in a professional response, which is wise or not. by learning more about the use of non-verbal communication, you will be able to manage communication and ensure that your message is exactly the way you want it to be (Valamis, 2021). The muscles of the face transmit emotions. We can send a silent message without saying it once. Changes in facial expressions can change our emotional state. For example, if we focus on beliefs before the interview, the face will build on those beliefs for the interviewer. Wearing a smile 9

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