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• Drench seedlings with Imidacloprid @ 0.2ml/l and chlorothalonil @1gm/l or copper oxychloride 3g/l (e.g. Confidor and cuprocaffaro a day prior to transplanting of seedlings to prevent any sucking pest infestations and boast defense against fungi diseases • Hardening off one week to transplanting reducing frequency of watering • Duration: 6-8weeks to transplanting.

Capsicum Seedling in the seedbed.

FIELD PREPARATION • Plough the land to fine tilth and incorporate well decayed FYM about 6-10tonnes. Alternatively put handful of FYM in the prepared planting holes. • Make beds with 1-1.2m width and 15-20cm high. Leaving 4050cm space between the beds • Dig holes with spacing of row to row 45cm or 60cm; and 30cm plant to plant. • In case of furrow farming method: make furrows with width 3045cm and ridges 60cm. Drill holes at spacing of 30cm along the sides of the furrows; close to the base of the furrows. • Optional: Spray herbicides with oxyfluorfen; 5-7days before transplanting the seedlings. • Do not disturb the soil after spraying herbicide. • Put organic fertilizer, 10-12 g per hole and incorporate thoroughly with the soil. Page 2 | Capsicum Guide Book

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