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Shēngxiào: 生肖 The Chinese Zodiac

Crew CEO/PUBLISHERS: RicoRacer Clarity-Flux Editorial Clarity-Flux PROJECT MANAGERS: VeronicaLynn Parx Jade Spectre LAYOUT DIRECTOR: Miwa AUTHOR: RicoRacer Flux-Clarity PHOTOGRAPHERS: Asia Rae Astralia Enzo Champagne Kiana Jarman Nimoe Constantine Pam Astonia Polly Elan


Cover, Credits & Intro: VeronicaLynn Parx Year of the Rat: Serene Faith Year of the Ox: Mila Blauvelt Year of the Tiger: Giselle Chauveau Year of the Rabbit: RicoRacer Flux Year of the Dragon: Astralia Year of the Snake: Linnda Scoffield Year of the Horse: Forever Tracei Moore Year of the Goat: Bloody Mistress Serenity Year of the Monkey: Sabbian Paine Year of the Rooster: Burning Prophets Year of the Dog: Luka Requiem Year of the Pig: ShaiLi Alex Sponsors Page: Jade Specter & Kryptonia Paperdoll Thank You Page: VeronicaLynn Parx

Intro The Fashion Teller House is very proud to present Shēngxiào, also known as The Chinese Zodiac which is based on a twelve-year cycle represented by special animal signs. These signs are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. It is believed that each sign can predict the characters of the people they represent and foretell the future. Open the page and let us take you away in an Asian inspired adventure that delves into the mysteries of the Ancient Chinese Zodiac. Be careful what you will discover.

MODEL: VeronicaLynn Parx PHOTOGRAPHERS: Nimoe Constantine & Kiana Jarman

STYLE: Hair: booN URU697 black Astralia - Geisha Headpiece GOLD & Susy - Belt Lanterns Outfit: -AZUL- Sakura Kimono Garnet (MVW2011 Top12/Miss China) Jewelry: Chop Zuey: Ikebana Collection- Shirobana Make-up: Madrid Solo: Modern Geisha White Overlay & Melancholy Lipstick Red 1 [White~Widow] Chance Black w/eyeshadows & Sky Gold w/eyeshadows Props: *:..Silvery K..:* Metallic Folding fan(Red) -Pixicat- Oriental (Dragon) RARE 22769 ~ [accessories] Desert Crown

YEAR OF THE RAT (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

The first sign of the Chinese Zodiac is the Rat which represents Wisdom. Those born under this sign are very intelligent and highly adaptable in any environment. They are practical, ambitious, quick-witted, clever, charming, sharp, funny and loyal to their pack. The Rats can be greedy, devious, stubborn, and too eager for power. Compatible with Dragon or Monkey.

MODEL: Serene Faith PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Astralia

STYLE: Hair: blackLiquid Geisha Hair Accessory: =Zenith= Outfit: ::: B@R ::: BareRose Kimono Collar: Azul - Part of Sakura gown Obi (belt): Naiminoke Chest Tattoo: [HUZ] Weapon: !dM deviousMind Norath “Two Handed Hammer of the Ancient� Accessory: Just Animals - Rats

YEAR OF THE OX (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961,1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

The Ox is one of the powerful Chinese Zodiac signs which symbolizes Diligence. The Ox is hard working and steadfast with a strong will to succeed no matter how terrible the surroundings are. Ox people can be slow, narrow-minded, stubborn and introverted. Compatible with Snake or Rooster.

MODEL: Mila Blauvelt PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Kiana Jarman

STYLE: Corset_ Hello Spacegirl- llia- Laverme Donat Skirt- Alina Dress- DESIR Ruffles with rose- Send Me A lover- Boudoir Arms/Black- Malefica- Lybra Kimono Sleeve - Astralia Pasties- Tail-Nails- Yasum Necklace & Head piece- Avernal- LaGyo Hair and Horns- 1º- Malefica- LeLutka Horns- 2º- Snow Unicommon- (SH) Leather Horns- Dravenrose Piercing Nose- Cobrahive Hooves- Luna- Talez Lashes- October´s 4Season Eyes- Deadshine- IKON Skin- Viery- [D_D] Makeup- Nuuna

YEAR OF THE Tiger (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

In the Chinese Zodiac, Tigers are a symbol of Bravery. People born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Tiger are endowed with great confidence and strong fortitude along with good leadership qualities. They are courageous, charming, ambitious and intense but they can also be irritable, overindulged, impetuous and boastful. Compatible with Horse or Dog.

MODEL: Giselle Chauveau PHOTOGRAPHER: Enzo Champagne, Nimoe Constantine & Kiana Jarman

STYLE: -AZUL- Anjelique MeshDress M/Garnet *Sweet Kajira*Ireth golden fitted belt *Sweet Kajira*Ireth gold necklace 22769 ~ [accessories) Helios Head Piece [The Forge] Chain Mail Collar (Gold) Alchemy - The Shaman - Bore Tusk Mantle - Black Alchemy - Druid Staff Just Animals- Mesh Tiger

YEAR OF THE Rabbit (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

The fourth sign in the Chinese Zodiac is the Rabbit which symbolizes Longevity. Those born under the sign of the Rabbit are kind-hearted, compassionate and sincere. They like to avoid conflict through compromise and negotiation which can be seen as weak and a push-over. They can be superficial, stubborn and melancholy. Compatible with Goat or Pig.

MODEL: RicoRacer Flux-Clarity PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Pam Astonia

STYLE: Hair: Wasabi Pills - Akin Black Hair Mask: Schadenfreude Rabbit Forest Masquerade Mask Makeup: CHEERNO - La Vita Pure 1 & 12 Outfit: B@R - BareRose Koshino Yamatano Orochi Back Ornament: B@R - BareRose Mongolian Aristocratic Back Weapon: !dM deviousMind Norath “The Reaper’s Wrath”

YEAR OF THE Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The powerful sign of the Dragon symbolizes authority and good fortune. Dragon people are powerful, successful, brave, energetic and warm-hearted. They are natural born leaders but they tend to be conceited, over-confident and quick-tempered. Compatible with Monkey and Rat.

MODEL: Astralia PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Astralia

STYLE: Tukinowaguma Xiuo Ai 2 ::: B@R ::: Flat Mongolian Khalkha hair Lovely Disarray - Neo Geisha Concept : Set makeup Miamai_CDS_Pierrot Gacha Lip Red Outfit: =Zenith=The Empress of China Dress & Crown ::Axix:: Marimba Collar : Gazelle [Old Gold]

YEAR OF THE SNAKE (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

In the Chinese Zodiac, the Snake is regarded to be pliable and charming. People born in the year of the Snake are seductive, agile, gregarious, wise, generous and attractive. Snake people can be insecure, jealous, devious and slightly dangerous. Compatible with Rooster or Ox.

MODEL: Linnda Scoffield PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Polly Elan

STYLE: Weapon: !dM deviousMind Norath “Scepter of Deceit” Skin: Glam Affair Sophie Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Reptilia Hair Headpiece: !dM deviousMind “MataHari” HeadDress Top&gloves: Boudoir Guja Snake Queen Cape and shoulder decoration: Paisley Daisy Golden Royalty Gown Gold Body Cage and Snakes: BareRose Taksaka Scepter: !dM Norath “Scepter of Deceit” Snake body: !dM deviousMind “Lamia” NagaTail

YEAR OF THE horse (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

The seventh sign in the Chinese Zodiac is the Horse which is a sign of an Indomitable Spirit. Those born under the sign of the Horse are energetic, self-reliant, goal oriented and they enjoy traveling and roaming free. They can be selfish, restless, arrogant and overconfident. Compatible with Dog or Tiger.

MODEL: Forever Tracei Moore PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Asia Rae

STYLE: Kimono: Smart or Not Mesh Kimono Mask: ContraptioN - Bottom Curse Weapons: !dM deviousMind Norath “Hammer of Doom� B@R - BareRose Sagitarius Bow and Arrows

YEAR OF THE GoAT (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The Year of the Goat represents solidarity, harmony and calmness. They are mild mannered shy loners, imaginative thinkers and wanderers. They can be unorganized, unrealistic, shortsighted and insecure. Compatible with Pig or Rabbit.

MODEL: Bloody Mistress Serenity PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Astralia

STYLE: Hair & Horns: Neria by Truth Outfit: JOMO xiaoqian Ghost Set Shoulder attachment: Gizza Spiky fur Boots: Part of Flat Demi Pegasus by Barerose Bracelets: BOOM Faerless Wrist Cuff bangles Butterflies: Gizza Papillon set Makeup: Eye & Torso makeup by Nuuna

YEAR OF THE monkey (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

The Year of the Monkey represents flexibility and cheerful energy. They’re skillful, intelligent, energetic, upbeat, and charismatic but they have many weaknesses which includes selfishness, greediness and arrogance. Compatible with Rat or Dragon.

MODEL: Sabbian Paine PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Polly Elan

STYLE: [ContraptioN] Masks: Mata Ketiga Pure Poison - Mhedusa Headdres ::: B@R ::: Kuro Naysuta Kimono ::: B@R ::: Kuro Nayuta Top Hagoromo ::: B@R ::: Kuro Nayuta Bottom ::: B@R ::: Kuro Nayuta Belt MG - Necklace - Vallari Neck Collar Hair:*Soonsiki~Evergreen C L A Vv. Sacred Geta Black Male RARE !dM Norath “The Mighty Waraxe” Nuuna - META Makeup White (tinted) Clemmm - Bandaged Hands BLACK TELLAQ BALE SKIN Weapon: !dM deviousMind Norath “The Mighty Waraxe”

YEAR OF THE Rooster (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Rooster represents fidelity and punctuality in the Chinese Zodiac. Roosters are perfectionists, organized and practical in their appearance and lifestyle. They are beautiful, honest and resourceful. They can be arrogant, self-aggrandizing and too trusting. Compatible with Ox or Snake.

MODEL: Burning Prophets PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Asia Rae

STYLE: Hair: little bones - Horrorshow Mask: ContraptioN - The Rainbow Crow Mask Outfit: B@R - BareRose Otoko Youko Dayu Wings, Tail, HeadPiece: Champagne! Sparkling Couture Phoenix Weapon: !dM deviousMind Norath “Radiant Polearm of Triumph�

YEAR OF THE Dog (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

The eleventh animal in Chinese zodiac, the Dog symbolizes loyalty and honesty. They are brave, faithful, smart, straightforward and have a strong sense of justice and responsibility. On the negative side, they can be self-righteous and critical of others. Compatible with Tiger or Horse.

MODEL: Luka Requiem PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Polly Elan

STYLE: Mask: Helmet: [The Forge] Hound Helm Pants, Boots & Belt: TURB - Dark Priest Dark RARE Armor: PFC ~ Akuma Wraps: [CX] Wraps Beads: [CX] Monk’s Broken Necklace Claws: [CX] Lethal Talons Swords: [CX] Ninja Katanas Drums: [CX] Raijin’s Drums Harness: DPD - Weapons Harness II Reborn

YEAR OF THE Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Last but not least in the Chinese Zodiac, the Pig symbolizes Diligence, Compassion and Generosity. Those born under this sign are good natured, happy, easygoing, honest and generous. On the negative side, Pig people are stubborn, naive, self-indulgent and materialistic. Compatible with Rabbit or Goat.

MODEL: ShaLi Alex PHOTOGRAPHERS: Enzo Champagne & Asia Rae

STYLE: Hair: Clawtooth: Windswept Headpiece 1: !:Lybra:! Chun - Headdress Headpiece 2: [ity.] Golden Peacock Crown Mask: T-3D Creations - Mask 011 Pink Outfit: !:Lybra:! Chun - Gown Lipstick: Geisha’s Kiss Rose Eyes Shadow: [KOOQLA] Glassy Shadow Eyeliner: [KoKoLoReS]BP - Sequined Eyeshadows Accessory: JOMO China Pipa Musical Instrument Decor: Pig Eating - Mesh| Flower basket: OW Medieval backpack| ~Posey~ Lucky


GRATITUDE & APPRECIATION Our gratitude and appreciation goes to all the staff, photographers, models and sponsors who each have beautiful gifts and talents that they gave to make this project come to realization. We love you. Please continue to share your beauty and talent even if no one is watching and there is nothing to gain but the love of what you do. The Fashion Teller House Family would also like to thank our friends and readers that continued to allow us to create our artistic projects with their love and support. We hope you will continue to join us in our journey of creative storytelling as we have so much more tales to tell. ~DISCLAIMER~ This book is for entertainment purposes only and not meant as a guide to follow or give advice.


MODEL: VeronicaLynn Parx PHOTOGRAPHER: Kiana Jarman

STYLE: Outfit: -AZUL- K’aalogii /Exclusive FantasyFaire2015 Hair: Tukinowaguma Coage Ebony Jewelry: [Tia] Empress Headdress, Necklace & Hairpins- RARE Make-up: Nuuna’s Skin Geisha 2 v14 Props: !dM Amidala - Ornamented Fans w/ Sakura HairSticks **DRAGON** .aisling. The Hierophant Staff

The Fashion Teller

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