FTH - Curse of the Tarot

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Curse of the Tarot


The Fashion Teller House is very proud to present the ancient practice and magic of the Tarot. We will guide you down the path of the art of the Tarot with it’s pure illusion and deeply shrouded mystery. Will the Curse of the Tarot take you down a dark path of uncertainty and doom, or will you follow the path into enlightenment? And with that we will say this, “This card is laid in respect of the mystery that we are about to enter in to.”

MODEL: RicoRacer Flux & VeronicaLynn Parx PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan

Rico’s Outfit: *Shai* Vizier of Lower Egypt VeronicaLynn’s Outfit: Dress: 22769 ~ [femme] Chloris Dress Red Accessories: CHAMPAGNE!sparkling couture CLEOPATRA Back Ornament Crown: 22769 ~ [accessories] High Council Crown Gold Jewelry: Necklace [MANDALA] TEFUTEFU Jewelryset Black Make-Up: Madrid Solo- Full Face Designs- Cleo 2

0 - The Fool

The Fool welcomes you to the gateway of the Tarot where you are awarded a new beginning. Will your journey be filled with good fortune or an impending doom? Approach the fresh start with optimism and may you gain the most positive outcome.

STYLE: Outfit: Vestalia Goth dress- [AD] Skin: Angie L03- [sYs] Design Make up: Geisha mime lip Ruby RedBlackliquid

MODEL: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna PHOTOGRAPHER: Nieleav Kowalski

I - The Magician

The Magician offers the powers of creation and destruction with the wisdom and confidence to use them constructively. This card recommends utilizing your solid self discipline to make headway and make a move. Will you use the magic it offers to change your life for the better?

MODEL: Nieleav Kowalski PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan

STYLE: Outfit: Hannah Top & Skirt- OAL Wool cape- Milk Motion Erulisse Circlet- Deviance Hair: Rain- Exile Staff: Aura- The Forge

II - The high priestess

The High Priestess is a profoundly instinctive lady brimming with riddle, shrewdness, and comprehension. This Mistress of Mystery guides you to explore your unconscious mind and listen to your inner voice to find the power within yourself. Will you find the light and goodwill or the evil and darkness that lurks within?

STYLE: Outfit: Corset - Russian Passion & Eccentric U.Kingdom- Champagne Sparkling Couture Skirt - Eccentric U.KingdomChampagne Sparkling Couture/ Precious gown Gold- JIM Hair: Lili- D!va/ Misty- Amacci/ QerenZibska Hair jewelry: Mesh pentacle- x3x/ Fairytale outfit bracelets- Aurica Store/ Satine Headdress Gold- ity Pauldrons: Snake- ieQed

MODEL: BloodyMistress Serenity PHOTOGRAPHER: Asia Rae

III - The empress

The Empress is the archetype of a loving nurturing mother where she gives freely all the pleasure of the senses and the abundance of life in all its forms. When this Queen appears in your life, open up to her perfect and unconditional love and enjoy life at your full capacity or be left plodding through life devoid of joy.

MODEL: DiamondGem Destiny PHOTOGRAPHER: Asia Rae

STYLE: Outfit: Carter Shirt Corset- Countdown/ April Corset Skirt- Junbug/ Topaz Corset- Finesmith/ Beatrice Big CollarPure Poison/ Donna Gown CloakGizzA Hair: Hana- Tukinowaguma Headpiece: Geishan Sunrise- Lybra Earrings: Fruits and Vegetables- The Rove

IV - The emperor

The Emperor is the essence of masculinity and maturity representing the power of the mind to shape the world. The Emperor has a strong and powerful heart which he shows through the imposition of strict guidelines, logic, structure and rules. He will give you the assertiveness and confidence during hard choices to maintain your concentration and focus.

STYLE: Outfit:Toga Drapes & Kurta- Peqe/ Northern Cape- Pucca Firecaster’s Creations Gloves: Gauntlet- Pucca Firecaster’s Creations Jewelry: Antoinette Necklace- Modern Couture/ Didi Necklace- aisling Boots: The Guard- Pucca Firecaster’s Creations Crown & Staff Old Pink- Enfant Terrible

MODEL: Forever Tracei Moore PHOTOGRAPHER: Asia Rae

V - the hierophant

The Hierophant is a spiritual leader, teacher or mentor that provides worldly direction or guidance in your life. It is most often indicative of your own approach to the moral, religious, and social conventions of the world.

MODEL: Giselle Chauveau PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan

STYLE: Outfit: Throne’s Game Gown- Peqe/ Epaulets V2- GizzA Hair: ZIT710- booN Jewelry: Kai necklace- LaGyo/ 24k Diamond Ear Trinkets- ILLMATIC/ Tube Ring & Cross Ring- Eclat/ Septum RingSwallow Accessories: Sumiana headdress & Jahanem Staff- a i s l i n g

VI -The Lovers

The Lovers embodies the harmonious union of two beings. While this card is highly symbolic of relationships and love, it also tells the story simply of difficult choices which is very likely painful, but with the correct decision, a positive outcome is within your grasp.

STYLE: VeronicaLynn’s Outfit: LUAS ISABELLA RED & SIN Sleeves- Champagne Sparkling Couture Hair: Miu Type B & Ange part B- D!va Make Up: D05 Decoration B1- Inaya & Eyeshadow Vixen 6- Madrid Solo Jewelry: En tournant CFP Exclusive Bracelet & Necklace- Lazuri RicoRacer Flux’s Outfit: Noble TunicKahli Designs

MODEL: RicoRacer Flux & VeronicaLynn Parx PHOTOGRAPHER: Ivoni Miles

VII - The chariot

The Chariot reveals some sort of journey with rough roads, long uphill slopes, dead ends, and painful setbacks. This hard road will instill in you a strength of purpose, the ability to overcome through association and endurance. Harnessed correctly, few forces can stand against an individual like that. Will you harness the path of success?

MODEL: Jamee Sandalwood PHOTOGRAPHER: Nieleav Kowalski

STYLE: Outfit: Nymphe Dress & Gloves- sYs Jewelry: Axiom Bracelets- sYs/ Mimi Arm Bands- Alienbear/ Winter Earrings & Ring- Lybra Hair: Forren Hair- Lybra Make- up: Metropolis Full Set- Madrid Solo Accessories: Ornate Blue StaffTalevin’s Designs

VIII - Strength

The Strength card demonstrates a presence of confidence and selfassurance confronting issues throughout your life. As you might suspect, its influence over you, and the use you put it to, can trend towards light or dark. Will you conquer and move into the light?

STYLE: Outfit: Royal Armor- Bare Rose Shoes: Bare Rose Jewelry: FINESMITH Hair: Lagatha- Truth

MODEL: Chevia Johansson PHOTOGRAPHER: Nieleav Kowalski


IX - The hermit

The Hermit is a card typical of someone seeking spiritual enlightenment. There are times in every life, when one must step back and make a careful examination of their situations and decisions. Maybe some spirit seeking and reflection are needed on your part? Only a deep and honest introspection will lead to a solution.

MODEL: Draakje Dailey PHOTOGRAPHER: Clem Velinov

STYLE: Outfit: Phoebe Gown & Autumn CapeJunbug Jewelry: Fairy Pearl Cuffs- Maxi Gossamer

X - The Wheel of fortune

The Wheel of Fortune stands for good fortune, progressions, and another heading in your life. While it likewise shows good and bad times, you will most likely find the events foretold to be positive. Be warned‌ this card has aspects of luck, so the outcome may be beyond your control and influence.

STYLE: Outfit: Jacquard Skirt- The Annex/ Morgana Top- Countdown/ Kay Gown Jacket & Train- Azul/ Noor Mystic Infinity Ring (as Belt)- Lazuri Hair: Madame Pompadour- Boudoir Jewelry: Vincetta Rings- CASUKA/ Fringe gold/onyx earrings & Black snake armbands- J&W/ Moon & Pentacle Necklace- Crescent Moon Designs Makeup: Karma Eyes- Madrid Solo/ Tintable Lip 5- Deetalez

MODEL: Spirit Llewellyn PHOTOGRAPHER: Clem Velinov


XI - Justice

The Justice card is about karma with the issues throughout your life. It doesn’t propose a conclusion that is either for or against you, yet responsibility, respect, and integrity are all linked to its presence. For the unjust, this card is, at best, a dire warning to change your ways before retribution falls upon you, and, at worst, a simple statement... is it already too late?

MODEL: Carley Benazzi PHOTOGRAPHER: Pam Astonia

STYLE: Outfit: Silvery K - Kimono (rinzu) Red Hair: Restoration- Violator Make- up: Tasty Lipgloss Cherry- a.e. meth Jewelry: Safari Tribe Ring- Ison/ Delicious Choker- Violator Blindfold: Blindfold black- la petite morte

XII - The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man can be interpreted in two very different ways. It can simply indicate upheaval or change in your future. The other interpretation is one of sacrifice, but despite the fact that it could demonstrate needing to surrender something, keeping in mind the end goal is to gain a fresh perspective.

STYLE: Outfit: 18th Century Prince Regent Black coat and shirt- Avatar Bizarre/ Unisex cloak/ cape- Just because/ Lucian Pants & Boots- RD Make- up: Clown xy- Fallen gods Skin: Augusto Furbo- HUMAN

MODEL: Dougie Boxen PHOTOGRAPHER: Ivoni Miles


The Death card demonstrates a dramatic change to have a fresh start, however it is frequently connected with a misfortune, disappointment, or obliteration. Expect the end of a close friendship, a job, a marriage, or even a life. Will you focus too greatly on the negative?

MODEL: Adonis Hansome PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan

STYLE: Avatar: Dai’s Skeleton- Daimaju Creations Outfit- Death Knight Blue- TSCreations Accessories: Horse- Warrior BlackHoof It/ Bones Scepter- XOPH/ Death Angel Flag- Doozy


An idealistic card, Temperance urges you to discover balance in your life and approach life issues with a calm demeanour. It recognizes that opposing forces need not be at war within you, but tread carefully in any major decisions you make. With some confidence, good decisions will lead to a good resolution.

STYLE: Outfit: Electra Gown- Junbug/ Venus Urania Wings- BareRose Hair: Iggy- Milk Accessories: Swan Jeweled Brows in the Moonlight- Purple Moon/ Frame Headdress- Glam Affair Props: Persephone Birds with ribbons & Spring chest- Boudoir/ Chalice GoldTake Mesh

MODEL: Zivaah Darling PHOTOGRAPHER: Ivoni Miles


The Devil calls to mind anger, violence, temptation, fear, and doubt. It suggests feeling trapped perhaps in an unhealthy relationship, an addiction, or a lie. This card does not foretell doom, only the need for prudence. Will you heed the warning?

MODEL: Caesar Langer PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan

STYLE: Pants: Jomo - Kung Fu pants A Feet Claws: Cain - Balthazar Claws Head & Back Horns: Demon Ram Horns- Trap Chest adornment: Nidhogg TorqueTrident Jewelry Armbands: Hefring Armbands & Nidhogg Armbands- Trident Jewelry Neck adornment: Ortensia UomoZibska Legs adornment: Leg Harness leather homme- .Shi Jewelry: Yuzu & Sinra bracelets & Katakori necklace- Mandala Makeup: Ryu Hokusai- Fallen Gods Inc./ Paisley’s Wish & Pouting ThomasMadrid Solo


The Tower is all about unexpected events and changes in your life. Not just change, but the abrupt and jarring movement caused by the unforeseen and traumatic events which affects each of us at some point. The Tower is always a threat, but inevitably, life involves tragedy for all of us. Will you face these looming changes with style and grace?

STYLE: Outfit: Heroes White- SoliDea FOlies Hair: Velvet in Peacock- Spellbound

MODEL: VeronicaLynn Parx PHOTOGRAPHER: Nieleav Kowalski


The Star is symbolic of hope, renewal, and beauty. It suggest a time of profound serenity, bliss, and positive open doors. It is a light in the darkness, illuminating your future and your past. How brightly will you shine?

MODEL: Astralia PHOTOGRAPHER: Pam Astonia

STYLE: Hair: Nyxie Hair- OakLeaf Hair Outfit: Gold Sequin Bra- Boudoir/ Harmonia Silks- Caverna Obscura Stars: Star deco Ear cuffs- STD Make- up: Nuuna Emi and Meta Jewelry: Julius- Finesmith Veil: Double Hagoromo Pack- aii Mask: Cosmic Mask- Finesmith


The Moon is an illusive and befuddling card. It suggest the possibilities of danger, mystery, or some level of mental disarray. It serves as a warning to take caution and be alert in whatever endeavor you are pursuing in your life. The Moon is a strong indicator that you must rely on your intuition, but will you?

STYLE: Outfit: The White Rook- Dead Dollz Eyes: Closed Eyes Porcelain- Boudoir Hair: Limbo- TuTy Headdress: Cordelia- Finesmith Make- up: Hannibal in White- White Widow Jewelry: Polly- Mandala

MODEL: Bodza Mubble PHOTOGRAPHER: Pam Astonia


The Sun, being the opposition to the Moon, is a card loaded with life, euphoria, and vitality. It uncovers positive accomplishments, successful endeavors, and an overall manifestations of good fortune in your life. Thus, the answer it provides for all your questions is yes. Are you are willing to invest the effort to actualize them?

MODEL: Xandrah Sciavo PHOTOGRAPHER: Ivoni Miles

STYLE: Outfit: Luana- Azul Headpiece: Golden Queen- Solidea Folies/ Geishan Sunrise- Lybra Hair: DES423- booN Makeup: Meteropathic #2- La Malvada Mujer/ Sun Gold- White Widow Jewelry: Darshana- aisling Staff: Staff of the Sun- Talevin’s Designs


The Judgment card is representative of something to effect the progress of change. It could mean the presence of a spiritual or professional calling and making decisions that will lead to your success. Be prepared to make a major decision in your life, likely one that will shape the next chapter. Are you ready for the future?

STYLE: Dress: TWA Lostwithiel Lake Mesh Gown Set- Cylmar/ Donna Gown Cloak- Gizza Jewelry: MVW2013 Empress JosephineLazuri Headdress: Hear Me Roar- Alchemy Hair: Hope in Saffron- LaViere

MODEL: Sydney Garnet PHOTOGRAPHER: Nieleav Kowalski



The World card implies fulfillment and accomplishment at a ventures end. Satisfaction, prizes, assurance, and positive conclusions are all things straightforwardly connected with the presence of this card. It is indicative of growing maturity, a sense of inner balance and deeper understanding. What will the world reveal to you?

MODEL: Ivyana Szondi PHOTOGRAPHER: Pam Astonia

STYLE: Outfit: Athena- Champagne Sparkling Couture Hair: Saki- Argrace Makeup: FireFox- Gauze Jewelry: The Moon And Stars For YouMaxi Gossamer/ Tortuga Princess Bracers- aisling Props: Elementalist Scepter- Deviance

Sponsor Logos

sponsor LOGOs

Crew CEO: RicoRacer Flux PROJECT CREATIVE DIRECTOR: VeronicaLynn Parx LAYOUT ARTIST AND GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna STORY BY: VeronicaLynn Parx and RicoRacer Flux Photographers: Asia Rae Clem Velinov ivoni Miles Nieleav Kowalski Pam Astonia Polly Elan

MODEL: VeronicaLynn Parx PHOTOGRAPHER: Asia Rae

Cast The Fool - LovelyMiwako7399 Menna The Magician - Nieleav Kowalski The High Priestess - BloodyMistressSerenity The Empress - DiamondGem Destiny The Emperor - Forever Tracei Moore The Hierophant - Giselle Chauveau The Lovers - RicoRacer Flux-Clarity & VeronicaLynn Parx The Chariot - Jamee Sandalwood Strength - MsChevia The Hermit - Draakje Dailey Wheel of Fortune - Spirit Llewellyn Justice - Carley Benazzi The Hanged Man - Dougie Boxen Death - Adonis Hansome Temperance - Zivaah Darling The Devil - Caesar Langer The Tower - VeronicaLynn Parx The Star - Astralia Resident The Moon - Bodza Mubble The Sun - Xandrah Sciavo Judgment - Sydney Bonde-Garnet The World - Ivyana Szondi

sponsors Aliza Karu - AD Creations Manuel Ormidale & Paco Pooley [bauwerk] and 22769 casual couture Systi Cisse & Syane Cisse - SyS Designs Sue Hunniton - Pics~N~Poses Sufferingfrom Lockjaw - Erotipose

Our gratitude and appreciation goes to all the staff, photographers, models and sponsors who made this book come to life. We thank all our readers and supporters that allow us to bring beauty and art in our storybooks. We hope you enjoyed “The Curse of the Tarot� and wish you good fortune and enlightenment.

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