FTH - Once Upon A Time

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Fashion Teller House

Once upon a Time


The Fashion Teller House is very excited to present the popular fairy tales we all knew and loved in our childhood where magic is real, dreams come true, true love is only a wish away and they all lived happily ever after. Believe in love and wonder once again. Get comfy, pull up the warm covers and let us take you on a journey.

Once Upon A Time‌

The Evil Queen

MODEL: Anna Sapphire PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre STYLE: HEADDRESS: Pure Poison - Arachne OUTFIT: Boudoir - Maleficent Dress

Golden mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all. Who is the one where true beauty lies? Show me now with my own eyes. You’ll say what I want to hear, my glory you will avow. Or I’ll smash your golden frame, tell me tell me now!

Snow White

MODEL: Locuala Madruga PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: HAIR Hair: tram D208 hair / jetblack, Bow: TRUTH HAIR Thelma (modified) OUTFIT: Dress: Peqe - Riding Hood Yellow Gown with Blue Gather Metal Sleeves Corset: Phoenix Rising- Retort Belted Blue Corset Collar: Pure Poison - Beatrice Big Collar Puff: “Shhhh..Don’t tell Mickey” by BOUDOIR (modified) Fur: Pixicat- Wintry Collar Neck: Blue Couture White Rabbit Frills JEWELRY Earrings & Necklace: .:EMO-tions:. * TWILIGHT* golden Chains: May’s Soul* Chain necklace

“Mirror Mirror on the wall, Am I the beauty of them all?”, the evil queen would ask. Day after day, the mirror would say that your beauty is first and last. Then one day, the mirror revealed that her beauty has faded away, for there is one young and fair whose beauty is here to stay. In her rage and jealousy, the Queen sent Snow White away from her fortress, with an axeman big and strong to do this beauty harm in the forest. In his eyes, the axeman saw a heart so true and let her run free, so Snow White lived with her new friends as happy as can be. Until a red apple’s curse came into life and poisoned her to sleep, but the kiss of a prince brought her back and in his arms he keeps.

Red Riding Hood

MODEL: Bodza Mubble PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: Hair: Tangled - Analog Dog Cape: Bliss Couture - Carver Fur Cape, Red Hood: Boudoir Top: Purplemoon - Part of Marylin in white Chest Deco and skirt: SoliDea FoliEs - Part of Angels outfit Basket: Soedara - Red Roses in Basket

Once Upon A Time, there lived a lovely free spirited girl named Red. She loves to wear a beautiful riding hood made of velvet even in bed. One day, she walked into the forest on her way to her grandma’s house. She didn’t notice the pack of wolves following her, quiet as a mouse. She sang and danced so carefree, while the wolves watched hiding from a tree. Then she heard a growl that is so near, will this be the end to our poor dear?

Jack and the Beanstalk

MODEL & PHOTOGRAPHER: Logan Callaghan STYLE: HAIR: *ARGRACE* Ribbed beanie/Xavier BAG: RONSEM* Sack bag TUNIC: {Kahli Designs} Peasent Tunic BOOTS: {Exalted} Ranger LEGGINGS: De La Soul: Celtic Tunic - Sunny

“Poor Jack, stupid Jack”, the village would people say. Sold his cow for magic beans while coming to market one day. Oh me, oh my! His mother cried, “what will we eat today?” And in her anger and disgust, she threw the beans away. Oh me, oh my! What a sight they spied the following day. A beanstalk high and through the clouds that led so far away. Up and up Jack climbed, brave as brave could be. And at the top he saw a land as green as green could be. A golden goose that brought him wealth within a giant’s lair, he stole the goose and quickly to the ground he climbed with care.


MODEL: Caoimhe Lionheart PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: Hat: Glam Affair - Dae Burned Hair: Boon - TKI808 Dress& Collar: =Zenith= Orianna Lace

When goldilocks met the three bears, it was as big as scare could be. For she was asleep upon their beds, as full as full could be. For she had eaten bowls of food and she had tried all three. The first too hot, the second too cold but the third she likes with tea. So naughty Goldi climbed the stairs to see what she could see, and in a room there are three beds as fresh as it could be. The first too soft, the second too hard but the third is perfect for me. Woken by the three bears, she cried and run as fast as she can be. Goldilocks and the three bears, Oh my! Oh dear! Oh me!

Hansel & Gretel

MODELS: Pierre and Citta Wiskee PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre STYLE: -HanselHAIR: [monso] My Hair - Yong SHIRT: {KD} KahliDesigns - Royal Raiment PANTS: [ Stitched ] The Doublet Pants GLOVES: !APHORISM! Leather Gloves Vintage BOOTS: [Deadwool] Trauermarsch Boots -GretelHAIR: [LeLutka]-BAMBI hair BOOTS:*COCO* SuedeBoots INNER DRESS: !gO! Steam Girl SKIRT: Damask skirt by Boudoir CORSET: !Soul~ Nanny” Corset HEADDRESS: Folly - Nouveau’ Headdress (Flowers)

Hansel and Gretel in the woods singing and having fun, with no care about their lives, dancing in the sun. Deeper and deeper into the woods, the children danced away. Suddenly lost and in the dark, they saw no light of day. Oh what pure luck! “I see a light.”, Hansel lets a cry. They ran into a shack of gingerbread, not caring why. A witch’s slave they soon become and knew that they’re in a bind, soon to be eaten by an ugly witch with heart that is unkind. Young gretel soon escapes and the witch she does destroy, free at last this clever girl and a very lucky boy.

Peter Pan

MODEL & PHOTOGRAPHER: Logan Callaghan STYLE: OUTFIT: [The Forge] Harvest Armour CLOAK: FATEplay - Treffa Cloak {Exalted} Ranger ARM BANDS: Eclipse Development - Hunter Woodland BOW: Pucca Firecaster’s Creations - Forest’s Scourge VINES: Rising Animations - Tribal Gaius MAKEUP: <Kun> Lucas War paint NECKLACE: KOSH - OAKEN

He’s the boy that age forgot, young at heart and soul. Brave and bold, he knows no fear and loyal to one and all. With the lost boys, he flies at night defender of the poor. Captain hook, his enemy is sinister, dark and door. Tinkerbell, his truest friend always watches him in flight. He dances with Wendy in the sky, bathed by pure moonlight. Yes he’s the Boy that will never grow up in a million years. Join him and his gang and there will be no more tears.

Pied Piper

MODEL: Winter Jefferson PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: HAT: Bard’s Hat by Illusions Hair: Akira by Argrace Pipe: Traverse Flute by Dark Forge Rat Companion: Exploited by blackLiquid Cape: Dany Cloak by Fateplay Tunic: Ser’s Coat by Peqe Pants: Boots Pants by Tableau Vivant Boots: Bard’s Shoes by Illusions

Oh poor people of Hamelin, He have heard your pitiful cries. The Pied Piper have come to rid you of the vermin you despise. His pipe plays tunes so haunting, it will trap all the rats that hear. He will quickly rid your town of all that brings you deep fear. With his pipe, he danced and swayed and lured all around. He led the rats of the back and into the river they drowned. “Ha ha he he! We are free.”, the greedy town people cried. “We won’t pay you silly man, we lied we lied we lied!” Do once again with his pipe so wild he danced upon a beat, and every child from that poor town was swept off down the street.

Beauty and the Beast

MODEL: Eleseren Brianna PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: HAIR: CATWA - Mia GOWN: Arwen’s Creations - Ever After Gown and gloves SLEEVES & BODICE: TWA - Autumn Starlight Gown HEADPIECE: h.m.a.e.m. - Teteoinnan (edited and roses added) NECKLACE & EARRINGS: [Modern.Couture] Collapse Diamond BRACELET: Vintage Jewels - Melody Amber RING: Lazuri Jewels - Nayomi Gartner Ring

There was a tale as old as time of a beauty and a beast. They came together and fell in love, the wonder never ceased. How could a beauty love a creature so hideous in form and face? But Belle loved him with all her heart and all her loving grace. Many people looked upon them with disgust but they simply did not care. Though he was not handsome, it was true love that they share. She saw past his image into his beautiful soul, They know that all that matters is together they are whole.


MODEL: Kynne Llewellyn PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Pam Astonia STYLE: Hair : Tableau Vivant – Upshaw hair, straight bangs Flower crown : Lode Head Accessory – Hortensia Crown Blue. Dress : Junbug – Principessa in Mint. Shoes : Finesmith – Cinderella high heels. Necklace : Kunglers Extra – Manacah necklace – crystal.

Cinderella Cinderella, Wipe your tears from your eyes. Cinderella Cinderella, Your stepmother is full of hate and lies. Cinderella Cinderella, Your fate is about to change its road. Cinderella Cinderella, You’re a swan and not an ugly toad. Show a smile Cinderella, as you sit in a dingy cellar. A fairy godmother is here to show you a world of wonder. Into a beautiful princess Cinderella, she’ll transform you like magic. Be back by midnight Cinderella or the evening’s enchantment will turn tragic. Never fret Cinderella, if you lose your glass slipper. For the prince Cinderella, is looking for the beauty with the other pair. The joy will come to you Cinderella and home and love will be thine. You will be free Cinderella and your heart will shine Divine.

Sleeping Beauty

MODEL: Spirit Llewellyn PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Pam Astonia STYLE: HAIR: Mina Roosje with {tea.s} floral headband DRESS: V.e. Morana Gown and Drape JEWELRY: Zuri Rayna~Powder Moon Necklace and earrings CIEL~Tiara and Bangles Makeup: Closed Eyes shadow and lashes Boudoir Pink Acid~Clear Gloss Enchanted ROSE Accessory

Sleeping beauty in enchanted slumber, deep in morpheus haze. How I wish your eyes would open and in my face you would gaze. You were placed in a dreamlike state by a woman filled with hate. One prick on a spinning wheel cast you to your fate. You lay in sweet slumber, waiting for a day when a prince will come to call. With him he brings a kiss of true release with love and freedom for all.

The Swan Princess

MODEL: Tyra Eiren PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: HAIR: *EMO-tions* Aquaria HEADPIECE: FINESMITH - Cosmic Mask White EYEBROWS: Purple Moon - Swan Jeweled EYE MAKEUP: :: Vanity Hair :: Visages White Swan OUTFIT: *SoliDea FoliEs* MVW 2013 Italy Gown SHOULDER: *SoliDea FoliEs* Shoulder pads from the Winter Dancer Outfit CORSET: [LWL] Angel Corset (White) SLEEVES: *DESIR* Ania dress

A beautiful Princess was abducted and cursed by an evil sorcerer. She was taken into the deep forest where an enchanted river lies. Every morning, She would turn into a swan as the first rays of light hits the water. And every night as she turns back into herself again, you can hear her cries. Only a kiss from a true love can set her free from her sad predicament forever. So she waits for that glorious happy day or until the evil wicked witch dies.


MODEL: AnnaG Pfeffer PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: HAIR: TRUTH – Candy HEADPIECE: *LODE* Headwear – Kuta. JEWELRY: (Dahlinks) Great Aunt Edith’s Pearls MAKEUP: LovelyMi Eyeliner 02 OUTFIT: -[LeeZu!] Victoria Blouse -[sYs] NAUTILUS avant garde outfit (body) -MOLICHINO Jourdan bodysuit -Slink White Lace Heart Gloves -*SoliDea FoliEs* Natzuka (skirt) – Canibelle Bown Seam Tights -Belgravia Patent Leather Slingbacks

Oh Alice Dear, Where have you been? Was it a dream all that you have seen? You followed a White Rabbit down a hole so deep That holds a world where many strange creatures sleep. Nothing in this wonderland is quite what it seems at all. There’s even potions that can make you big or small. Please do be careful Alice and don’t lose your head to a Mad Queen who paints the roses deep red.

The White Rabbit

MODEL: RicoRacer Flux PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: HAT: Dark Fairy Tales - Wonderland Steampunk Topper with Ears SUIT: No Salvation - Men’s Forsaken Classical Coat with Tie SHOULDER FEATHERS: Faster Pussycat - Velvet Elvis Feathers GLOVES: Cheerno - Madame Jador PANTS: Champagne! Sparkling Couture - Baroque White CLOCK: Apple Fall - Rico Clock EYE JEWELRY: Tableau Vivant - Diamond Tears MAKEUP: Nuuna V12

I’m late, so very late. It’s the thing the Queen most hate. She wants me there on time or she will have this head of mine. I have to move so fast. Oh,I hope my legs will last. My heart is full of fear as I see the castle near. I hope the queen is pleased, so my fear can be eased. But I’ll know she will be mad as her mood is always bad. I’m late, so very late. Oh my, what will be my Fate.

Queen of Hearts

MODEL: Honey Bender PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER: Polly Elan STYLE: Hair: !Diva – custom coloured Skin: Nuuna Makeup: Dead Apples Gown: Dead Dollz Jewellery, Boa, Hat and Customized Headpiece: !devious Mind Gloves: DD Elegance latex opera gloves

There lived a Queen who ruled an enchanted place called Wonderland. She is the Queen of Hearts whose peculiar behavior people didn’t quite understand. If you plan to meet the Queen, be careful not to give her the slightest offense. A little mistake you make will be a certified death sentence with no defense. One day, a poor soul forgot to paint her white roses red. She stormed from her throne yelling, “OFF WITH HIS HEAD!”

The Mad Hatter

MODEL & PHOTOGRAPHER: Pierre STYLE: HAIR: *ARGRACE* Equestrian Cap/Emma Ginger HAT: [ContraptioN] Alice In Wonderland Madhatter Tophat MASK: [ContraptioN] The Blood, GOGGLES: [ContraptioN] Specialist JACKET: DECO – MESH His Peacemaker Duster small rolled WAISTCOAT COLLAR AND CUFFS: *GC* Chenonceau BOW TIE: Adjunct Candy Stripes, FUR: ::GB::Fur longcoat PANTS: villena:. – tucked up jeans in black GLOVES: FATEwear – Dexter Tundra, BOOTS: *chronokit* Boots03 Red

Come one, come all you dear invited guests, To a tea party set in the middle of the forest. No need to wear your fancy dress, Come as you are, all sweet and blessed. Our host is a little bit peculiar, I must confessed. He is mad as a hatter, no one can contest.

Crew CEO: RicoRacer Flux PROJECT DIRECTOR: Xandrah Sciavo AUTHORS: Trav Solar and RicoRacer Flux GRAPHICS & LAYOUT MANAGER: LovelyMiwako7399 Menna PHOTOGRAPHERS: Logan Callaghan Pam Astonia Pierre Polly Elan SPONSOR: THE FANTASY ANGELS


-Belle in Beauty and the


BeastModel: Eleseren Brianna

-Evil Queen-


Model: Anna Sapphire

Model: Kynne Llewellyn

-Snow White-

-Sleeping Beauty-

Model: Locuala Madruga

Model: Spirit Llewellyn

-Red Riding Hood-

-The Swan Princess-

Model: Bodza Mubble

Model: Tyra Eiren

-Jack and the Beanstalk-

-Alice in Wonderland-

Model: Logan Callaghan

Model: AnnaG Pfeffer


-White Rabbit-

Model: Caoimhe Lionheart

Model: RicoRacer Flux

-Hansel and Gretel-

-Queen of Hearts-

Models: Pierre and Citta

Model: Honey Bender


-Mad Hatter-

-Peter Pan-

Model: Pierre

Model: Logan Callaghan -Pied PiperModel: Winter Jefferson

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