SPORTS: Jules Oravec and the Fauquier volleyball team have heated up. Page 13 u
September 12, 2018
Our 201st year
Vol. 201, No. 37
Fauquier officials brace for Hurricane Florence By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer
Emergency services in Fauquier County were preparing this week for the arrival of Hurricane Florence, a fierce storm expected to hit North Carolina early Friday that’s predicted to bring between 4 and 6 inches of rain to Northern Virginia, depending on how long it lingers over land. “We are urging Fauquier County residents to not take this lightly. High winds and flooding are predicted for this area and we are already experiencing high water due to the amount of recent rainfall,” said Sgt. James Hartman, spokesperson for the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office. “The most important thing to remember is that we will most likely experience power outages, some of which may take days to repair,” he added. Hartman said the sheriff’s office has cancelled all leave and staff is on stand-
Check for hurricane preparedness tips and storm updates
How much rain? Hurricane Florence is forecast to bring as much as 20 inches of rain to parts of Virginia. On Tuesday, Northern Virginia was predicted to get between 4 and 6 inches of rainfall.
by and subject to call-out depending on the severity of the storm. The sheriff’s office is also working with local, state and federal partners to monitor the storm and its potential impact and would be updating and modifying emergency plans accordingly, Hartman said. Dominion Energy suggested keeping a supply of non-perishable food and bottled water on hand. Its customers should update their contact information with the utility. Heavy rains frequently resulted in flooding in parts of Fauquier County in recent months. It often occurred in areas along the Rappahannock River and small streams that overrun banks easily.
See STORM, page 2
SOURCE: NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER By Betsy Burke Parker Times Staff Writer
Filming for the movie “Billy and Blaze” returns to the Warrenton Horse Show grounds on Shirley Avenue Wednesday, Sept. 19. Producers expect to be at the historic showgrounds, a stand-in for the county fair in the 1936 C.W. Anderson classic, for a week or more. Period-attired extras are being sought, says production assistant Becky Hannam, to act as “spectators at the big county horse show,” and associated horse show action. Some horses and ponies may be needed, Hannam said, but the exact set requirements were not complete at press time. And, she cautioned, the wildcard factor of the weather forecast may shift the dates. “But our plan is to be in Warrenton next week to finalize this important scene,” she said. Based on Anderson’s beloved children’s series, the film tells the timeless the tale of Billy and his trusty pony Blaze. Filming began last fall around Charlottesville with outside shots captured near producer and screenwriter Cindy Erkel’s home in Afton. The crew visited the Warrenton showgrounds for one day of filming last NoPHOTO BY BETSY BURKE PARKER vember, but Erkel says the pivotal horse ‘Billy,’ Jack Deering, and ‘Blaze’ jump alongside Rex for an upcoming movie based on a beloved children’s clas- show scene requires a number of days of sic, ‘Billy and Blaze.’ Filming resumes at the historic Warrenton Horse Show grounds next Wednesday. Locals are filming to capture the action. encouraged to respond to the casting call for costumed extras at the 1936 County Horse Show that marks the pivotal action in the C.W. Anderson book. Check for weather-related updates. See BILLY, page 2
‘Billy and Blaze’ filming at Warrenton showgrounds Sept. 19 Locals invited to be part of the 1930s-era set
INSIDE Business.............................................11 Classified............................................35 Communities......................................28 Faith...................................................32
Health & Wellness...............................19 Libraries.............................................25 Lifestyle..............................................21 Opinion.................................................9
Obituaries...........................................33 Puzzles...............................................18 Real Estate..........................................27 Sports.................................................13