SPORTS: Jules Oravec and the Fauquier volleyball team have heated up. Page 13 u
September 12, 2018
Our 201st year
Vol. 201, No. 37
Fauquier officials brace for Hurricane Florence By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer
Emergency services in Fauquier County were preparing this week for the arrival of Hurricane Florence, a fierce storm expected to hit North Carolina early Friday that’s predicted to bring between 4 and 6 inches of rain to Northern Virginia, depending on how long it lingers over land. “We are urging Fauquier County residents to not take this lightly. High winds and flooding are predicted for this area and we are already experiencing high water due to the amount of recent rainfall,” said Sgt. James Hartman, spokesperson for the Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office. “The most important thing to remember is that we will most likely experience power outages, some of which may take days to repair,” he added. Hartman said the sheriff’s office has cancelled all leave and staff is on stand-
Check for hurricane preparedness tips and storm updates
How much rain? Hurricane Florence is forecast to bring as much as 20 inches of rain to parts of Virginia. On Tuesday, Northern Virginia was predicted to get between 4 and 6 inches of rainfall.
by and subject to call-out depending on the severity of the storm. The sheriff’s office is also working with local, state and federal partners to monitor the storm and its potential impact and would be updating and modifying emergency plans accordingly, Hartman said. Dominion Energy suggested keeping a supply of non-perishable food and bottled water on hand. Its customers should update their contact information with the utility. Heavy rains frequently resulted in flooding in parts of Fauquier County in recent months. It often occurred in areas along the Rappahannock River and small streams that overrun banks easily.
See STORM, page 2
SOURCE: NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER By Betsy Burke Parker Times Staff Writer
Filming for the movie “Billy and Blaze” returns to the Warrenton Horse Show grounds on Shirley Avenue Wednesday, Sept. 19. Producers expect to be at the historic showgrounds, a stand-in for the county fair in the 1936 C.W. Anderson classic, for a week or more. Period-attired extras are being sought, says production assistant Becky Hannam, to act as “spectators at the big county horse show,” and associated horse show action. Some horses and ponies may be needed, Hannam said, but the exact set requirements were not complete at press time. And, she cautioned, the wildcard factor of the weather forecast may shift the dates. “But our plan is to be in Warrenton next week to finalize this important scene,” she said. Based on Anderson’s beloved children’s series, the film tells the timeless the tale of Billy and his trusty pony Blaze. Filming began last fall around Charlottesville with outside shots captured near producer and screenwriter Cindy Erkel’s home in Afton. The crew visited the Warrenton showgrounds for one day of filming last NoPHOTO BY BETSY BURKE PARKER vember, but Erkel says the pivotal horse ‘Billy,’ Jack Deering, and ‘Blaze’ jump alongside Rex for an upcoming movie based on a beloved children’s clas- show scene requires a number of days of sic, ‘Billy and Blaze.’ Filming resumes at the historic Warrenton Horse Show grounds next Wednesday. Locals are filming to capture the action. encouraged to respond to the casting call for costumed extras at the 1936 County Horse Show that marks the pivotal action in the C.W. Anderson book. Check for weather-related updates. See BILLY, page 2
‘Billy and Blaze’ filming at Warrenton showgrounds Sept. 19 Locals invited to be part of the 1930s-era set
INSIDE Business.............................................11 Classified............................................35 Communities......................................28 Faith...................................................32
Health & Wellness...............................19 Libraries.............................................25 Lifestyle..............................................21 Opinion.................................................9
Obituaries...........................................33 Puzzles...............................................18 Real Estate..........................................27 Sports.................................................13
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Fauquier officials brace for Hurricane Florence STORM from page 1
On its Facebook page, the sheriff’s office warns against attempting to drive through high water. A video on the page urges having enough “food, fuel, pet supplies and medicines” on hand and to be prepared for an extended power outage. The Fauquier County Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency has been posting updates on the track of Hurricane Florence on its Facebook page. “All I can emphasize is to get your storm prep done, check on neighbors that may not be able to get to the store, the elderly, the home bound” was the advice on the page Tuesday morning.
ISSN 1050-7655, USPS 188280 Published every Wednesday by Piedmont Media LLC How to reach us ADDRESS: 41 Culpeper Street Warrenton, Virginia 20186 PHONE: 540-347-4222 FAX: 540-349-8676 HOURS: 8 a.m. 5 p.m. weekdays, 24-hour answering service Publisher Catherine M. Nelson, 540-347-4222 NEWSROOM Editor in Chief Christopher Six, 540-212-6331 Managing Editor Jill Palermo, 540-351-0431 Web/Copy Editor Amanda Heincer, 540-878-2418
The fire, rescue and emergency service was coordinating with the volunteer companies to assess the need for increased staffing to handle water rescues. It was also coordinating with the Red Cross, social services and schools to prepare for the possibility that shelters would be needed for people displaced from their homes, said Sara Makely, deputy coordinator for emergency management. The county has an emergency notification system through Everbridge. The public can be notified by phone, email or text about emergencies by creating an account through the website or the fcfra. website of the Fauquier
Community Editor Anita Sherman, 540.351.1635 Associate Editor John Toler, 540-351-0487 Staff Writers Karen Chaffraix James Ivancic, 540-878-2414 Jonathan Hunley, Sports Editor Peter Brewington, 540-351-1169 Sports Staff Writer Jeff Malmgren, 540-874-2250 ADVERTISING Ad Manager Kathy Mills Godfrey 540-351-1162 Classified Sales Consultant Jeanne Cobert, 540-878-2491
Chairman Emeritus George R. Thompson To place Classified and Employment ads: Call 540-351-1664 or fax 540-349-8676, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday — Friday or email SUBSCRIPTIONS Call 540-347-4222 Help with your subscription? Call 540-878-2413 or email Missed your paper? Call 540-347-4222, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursdays Subscription: $69.68 per year within the United States. POSTMASTER: Send address 41 Culpeper St., Warrenton, VA 20186. Periodicals postage paid at Warrenton, Va. and at additional mailing offices
County Fire Rescue and Emergency Management. Virginia Department of Transportation crews have been checking drainage structures, including culverts, under-road pipes and bridge decks to ensure that water can drain. The department has also been readying equipment and contacting various specialty contractors, such as tree-cutting contractors, to ensure
they are available as may be needed. “We are also in contact with utility companies and local governments and emergency responders in case coordinated responses are needed during and after the storm,” added Lou Hatter, communications manager for VDOT’s Culpeper District, which includes Fauquier. Reach James Ivancic at jivancic@
BILLY from page A1
round of Billy’s rival. Other skilled junior riders will “compete” in the class, with Billy “watching from rail side with admiration,” Erkel says. Filming will also capture horses, ponies, handlers and riders ringside at the horse show, Erkel explained, grooming, practicing and watching from around the arena. Erkel is also looking for period cars and carriages to park by the arena to add a real 1930s feel to the show scene. Extras should plan for several hours on set, often repeating actions such as “cheering” for Billy or gasping at the performance. A notarized waiver form is required from juniors. Food will be provided to extras. Email betsyburkeparker@gmail. com for the waiver form, and for daily call times. A trailer is online at
‘Billy and Blaze’ filming at Warrenton showgrounds Sept. 19 Erkel says “spectators” and show-goers need to dress as if at an outside sporting event in 1936, without visible or obvious modern fabrics or cuts. “They don’t have to buy anything,” she stressed, suggesting: “Make it a treasure hunt in your own closet to put together an outfit. Google ‘1936 horse show’ for inspiration.” “You’re welcome to bring a lap-blanket and a cooler with snacks and drinks,” Hannam says, since those items can be stowed out of sight behind the grandstand wall. Put cell phones on vibrate, she cautions, and “make sure nothing stands out as 21st century.” The film action in the arena will competitors in the show jumping division, plus Billy and Blaze jumping with a trained dog around the championship course, as well as the disastrous
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Cockburn, Riggleman spar at Rappahannock forum By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer
Health care, gun control and immigration — and yes, Bigfoot — were in the mix during a spirited forum featuring Republican Denver Riggleman and Democrat Leslie Cockburn Wednesday, Sept. 5 in Rappahannock County. The two are in the final stretch of their campaigns for the congressional seat representing Virginia’s 5th District, which includes most of Fauquier County. They are vying to succeed Republican Rep. Tom Garrett, who withdrew from seeking a second term, citing a problem with alcoholism. The election is Nov. 6.
Health care
During the forum, Cockburn called for restoration of the Affordable Care Act. “Trump pulled the legs out of the subsidies” that helped make insurance through the ACA more affordable, she said. She favors a “Medicare for all” option as well as negotiating with pharmaceutical companies to lower the cost of medications. Cockburn said foreign nations provide universal health insurance at far less cost and that the U.S. should learn from their example. Riggleman questioned whether Americans want “a single-pay system like the Veterans Administration,” which has been beset by complaints about the medical care provided to veterans. Riggleman said he supports an expansion of Health Savings Accounts and raising the amount people can deposit in them. Medicare for all will cost trillions of dollars, Riggleman asserted. He called for an audit of all government spending and then “roll[ing] in” presumed savings into programs serving public need.
Cockburn called for the closing of the “gun
show loophole” that allows gun sales without a waiting period for a background check, to ensure that domestic violence perpetrators can’t purchase guns and the elimination of the sale of large-capacity ammunition magazines, which she said put police at risk. Riggleman noted that felons — such as the domestic violence perpetrators Cockburn referred to — are already barred from buying firearms.
Riggleman said he supports the bill blocked by the Senate early this year that would have banned abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. The bill had exceptions for victims of rape or incest and to protect the mother’s health. Cockburn said she opposed cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood, which she noted is a source of care beyond reproductive services for 24 million women.
Riggleman maintained that farmers want strong borders. He said they want to make it easier to hire immigrant labor through a program called H2C that would allow foreigners to stay in the U.S. year-round with a 36-month renewable visa. The worker would have to leave the country for a total of 45 days during that time. H2C was in a comprehensive immigration reform bill that failed in the House of Representatives in June. Cockburn called for comprehensive immigration reform rather than a longer border wall as President Trump wants “ICE [U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement] is really behaving in a way that we need reform,” she added.
Cockburn was on home ground. She lives in Castleton in Rappahannock County, though Rig-
gleman noted she also has a residence in Washington, D.C., and he referred to two others. He mused that much of the mileage she’s put on her car was because of the D.C.-Rappahannock commute rather than traveling the district campaigning, as she said was the case. Cockburn replied that the D.C. home is used by her husband, Andrew Cockburn, who is Washington editor of Harper’s Magazine. That exchange came after Cockburn called out Riggleman for choosing Pennsylvania as the site for an expansion of his Nelson County distillery. “The reason that Virginia is not a good place for sales is because they have a 54-percent tax per bottle on everything I sell from my distillery. In Pennsylvania, it’s 3 to 6 percent,” Riggleman said. Production remains in Virginia. Riggleman said he’s been able to hire more workers thanks to the Trump tax cuts. Gross sales have increased 23 percent since Trump became president, he added.
Riggleman made light of a Cockburn tweet about a Riggleman Instagram post that showed an illustration of the mythical creature Bigfoot with a black bar over its genitals. Riggleman co-wrote one book about Bigfoot and just wrote a second titled, “Mating Habits of Big Foot and Why Women Want Him.” Riggleman said the illustration was a joke among military buddies and insisted once again that he isn’t into “Bigfoot erotica.” He did wear Bigfoot-illustrated socks, which he revealed by pulling up his pant legs. Both candidates drew supporters who filled the 225-seat Little Washington Theater. Others couldn’t get in. The forum was sponsored by the Rappahannock News and the Businesses of Rappahannock.
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Herring promotes local effort to combat elder crime Virginia’s attorney general one of 16 signers to Fauquier’s first TRIAD agreement By Karen Chaffraix Times Staff Writer
The Fauquier Senior Center was the setting for the Sept. 6 signing of the Virginia TRIAD, an agreement between local law enforcement and senior-citizen service providers to prevent crimes against the elderly. The signing cemented an open-ended campaign of information-sharing and education that aims to help seniors become aware of common fraud schemes targeting the elderly and to provide them tools to ward off trouble and feel comfortable interacting with
local law enforcement. About 40 people attended the event, some with wheelchairs, walkers and canes. They joined Warrenton Mayor Carter Nevill, Fauquier County Sheriff Bob Mosier and directors from 15 local agencies serving the elderly. Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring (D) was the featured speaker. “I am so glad we are getting this partnership started,” Herring said. “In a world that feels tumultuous and uncertain, everyone should know that their attorney general and their sheriff will always stand with
them, and fight for them and fight for your families and your community. Our obligation is to keep you safe and protect you from crime. That’s why TRIAD is so important. “ Called the Fauquier County TRIAD Cooperative Agreement, the document states that because crime and fear of crime impact the elderly, a growing segment of the population, it’s important “the area’s leading law enforcement agencies devote special attention to the needs of senior citizens.” While national in scope, Virginia’s TRIAD program is unique in that it’s administered by the state attorney general’s office. The commonwealth now has 141 TRIADs in place. Fauquier’s was one of 16 that received grants this year. TRIAD, which means “group of three,” was established in 1988 when three national organizations — the American Association of Retired Persons , the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Sheriffs’ Association — determined the elderly are best protected from crime by agreement between law enforcement and those serving seniors. “TRIAD is a proven crime-prevention tool because knowledge is power,” Herring said. “TRIAD partnerships get a tremendous amount of work done. Public safety threats are constantly changing, so our response
TIMES STAFF PHOTO/ KAREN CHAFFRAIX Attorney General Mark Herring (D) speaks during a Sept. 6 ceremony at the Fauquier Senior Center to formalize the county’s first TRIAD agreement between local law-enforcement agencies and senior services providers to combat elder crime. has to be nimble. Things like identity theft, cybercrime, financial crime — older Virginians especially are targeted.” “You all had a generation where you trusted each other, looked out for each other, your word was your bond. Financial fraudsters know that. They think you are more vulnerable. What TRIAD is all about is giving you the tools you need to protect yourselves,” Herring added. Staying informed by way of statewide outreach directors, the AG’s office helps coordinate TRIAD conferences and trainings and funds a
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
of special projects, Herring Nonumber said.Payments Until 2018! - Get Up To 125% of Kelly Blue Book For Your Trade
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“You know, 130,000 Virginians suffer from some type of dementia or memory $ disorder, including my own mother,” he said. “In addition to the grants we issue, there are programs that support specific needs.”
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Red Packets, Project Lifesaver
One such need is met by distribRappCats is operated by volunteers and funded through uting “Red Packets,” which are red donations alone. The Rappahannock County Animal Shelter envelopes that attach to a refrigerais funded only for dogs so our rescue work and care for needy cats and kittens is critical. tor and contain emergency health information and contacts at the ready We hope you can make room in your loving home for one of for emergency medical technicians. our wonderful kitties who are available for adoption. It was Project Lifesaver, another 1.4L Turbo, 6Spdcall AT, 10 air bags, StabiliTrak, Rear Vision Camera, Pwr Windows & locks, Please 540.987.6050 or email MyLink Radio w/color touch-screen w/ Bluetooth, Apple Carplay /Android Auto, OnStar 4G TRIAD program, that led Fauquier for more information and to schedule your visit. LTE Wi-Fi and More! Sdn ex# 70104—Hatch ex #70281 Senior Center Administrator Casey Shelton to Mosier’s office. She needed a Lifesaver bracelet for her daughter, who is non-communicative and has autism. The bracelet has an electronic tracking device that can be activated to find a missing person. “They said it’s funded by TRIAD, but that there was no local TRIAD. So, decided to start one,” Shelton said. $3433.00 Due At Lease Signing. On Ap$2375.00IDue At Lease Signing. On ApFauquier County TRIAD proved Credit Thru GM Financial. Taxes has been proved Credit Thru GM Financial. Taxes functioning informally for a year and Tags & Fees Additional. 10K Annual Miles, Tags & Fees Additional. 10K Annual Miles, it’s had an impact. Mosier recountI’m a sweet, gentle, and friendly two-year 25 Cents per mile over 30,000 25 Cents per mile over 30,000 I’m a two-year old female kitty who ed a recent incident where informais very gentle, friendly, and curious. old girl. I love to have people pet me and I’m interested in what people are give me attention. I long for a home tion sharing between his department doing and I love to help out. I enjoy that’s kind of quiet with maybe one other and a group of seniors prevented a playing with my toys and snuggling pet. I enjoy toys and playtime and lots of crime. A couple came to his office, up. Can I snuggle up with you? cuddles. Please come meet me. he said, to tell him they had received a phone call from someone saying their grandchild was in jail. The caller was asking for bail money. “But thanks to our outreach in the No Payments Until - Get community, they knew2018! about this kind Up To 125% of Kelly Blue Book For Your Trade of fraud,” Mosier said of the couple. $ “I was very interested in what they 7500 Federal Tax Credit ! had to say,” said Delores Baker, 86, who drove to the Senior Center from the condominium she shares with 2.4L, 6Spd AT, 10 air bags, Stabiliher daughter at The Villas at Suffield Trak, Backup Camera, Pwr WinMeadows. After the ceremony was & locks, Power Seat, Heated I am a handsome one-year old I’m an elegant three-month old I am a ten-week olddows female Seats, Remote Start/Entry, Conv. male Bombay mix with a typical female kitten. I am long, sleek, silver tabby kitten. My over, Baker and her friend, Sammy Pkg, Roof Rack, Closeout Panel, 1.4L Turbo, 6Spd AT, 10 air bags, StabiliTrak, Rear Vision & locks, Bombay personality. I love my Camera, Pwr Windowscurious, and playful. I love all foster Mom says I am Sisson, 76, were waiting for lunch to MyLinkI Radio w/color touchMyLink Radio w/color touch-screen w/I Bluetooth, Apple Carplay /Android Auto, humans! OnStar 4G human friends and run up to A budding lap cat—I sweet and affectionate. $2387.00 Due At Lease Signing. On and Approved LTE Wi-Fi More! SdnCredit ex# 70104—Hatch ex #70281 be served. screen w/ Bluetooth, , OnStar 4G greet my caretakers warmly here will happily drape across your would love to snuggle with Tags & Fees Additional. 10K LTE Wi-Fi , and a whole lot more! “We love the TRIAD,” Sisson vol- Thru GM Financial. atTaxes the shelter. I enjoy cuddles and lap and purr forever. I am so a forever family. I like to #77033 Cents per over 30,000I love to roll onmile attention. deeply grateful for affection. play and pounce. Won’t you unteered. “Lt. [Rick] MacWelch has Annual Miles, 25thrive around and snuggle. Do you have Please come meet me—I’d please take me home to be been coming to talk to us every month, room in your loving home for me? love to get to know you. part of your loving family? and we have learned so much.” Style & Technology Pkg., Heated “Like if you don’t recognize the Seats, Quad Bucket Seats, Rear $2375.00 Due At Lease Signing. On Ap$3433.00 Due At Lease Signing. On ApVision Camera, Pwr Windows & number, answer phone,” proved Credit Thru GM Financial. don’t Taxes proved Creditthe Thru GM Financial. Taxes Tags & Fees Additional. 10K Annual Miles, Tags & Fees Additional. 10K Annual Miles, locks, 8 Way Pwr Seat, 20” Alum Baker added. 25 Cents per mile over 30,000 25 Cents per mile over 30,000 Whls, Rear Park Assist, Home All meetings are open to the public Remote, MyLink Radio w/color and posted Aging Together and Fauquitouch-screen w/ Bluetooth, OnStar 4G LTE Wi-Fi #77197 er County Triad Facebook pages. The next meeting is Oct. 3 at the Fauquier Senior Center, 430 E. Shirley Ave., Warrenton, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The local TRIAD agreement included 16 signatories: Herring; Mosier; Nevill, Fauquier Supervisor ChrisI’m a very sweet, cuddly three-month old I’m a sweet, affectionate three-month old topher Butler (Lee); Fauquier County female kitten. I love to play with my male kitten with lots of energy who loves to Sheriff’s Office Lt. Rick MacWelch; brother Tiger and pounce on toys. I get run and play. Also, I enjoy curling up on a lap Rappahannock Rapidan Community along very well with other kitties. Please or soft blanket. I love to be with my sister come and meet me—I want to bring love Lundy and get along well with other kitties. Services Board officials Jim LaGraffe, and happiness into your home. Please come and get to know me. Ray Parks and Lola Walker; Casey Shelton of the Fauquier Senior Center; Carol Simpson of Aging Together; Jack Ledden of Fauquier County social services; Laurie MacNaughton Complimentary This ad is generously sponsored by Country Service ChevroletLoaner Cars of Atlantic Coast Mortgage; Sophia Cameron of Fauquier Health Rehab 11 E. Lee Highway, Warrenton, VA and Nursing Center and The Villa at Suffield Meadows; Mark and Stacey (540) 347-9000 Harvey of First Light Home Care; and Bonnie Stockslager of Hospice Support of Fauquier County. Reach Karen Chaffraix at Complimentary Service Loaner Cars
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Former PTO president could face prison for embezzlement
A former president of the Grace Miller Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization has pleaded guilty to seven felonies in connection with charges she stole about $13,000 from the organization and forged checks, according to Fauquier County Commonwealth’s Attorney Jim Fisher. Kiley Morgan Gonzalez, of Bealeton, was arrested in April and charged with five counts of forgery and uttering and 10 counts of embezzlement in connection with transfers made between her personal bank account and that of the Grace Miller Elementary PTO. The Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office received a complaint in early April regarding suspicious activity involving the PTO account. A police investigation determined the fraudulent activity occurred between October 2017 and April 2018, according to an earlier press release. Gonzalez faces a Nov. 13 sentencing hearing.
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
In a press release, Fisher said Tuesday Gonzalez could face a possible 90-year prison term, although he noted that such an extreme sentence “is unlikely.”
Deputies deploy taser 3 times to subdue man armed with machete
A 27-year-old New York man who witnesses said was “waving a machete at passing cars” was arrested Sunday night after Fauquier County sheriff’s deputies shocked him with a taser three times in an attempt to subdue him. Fauquier County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a 911 call on Turkey Run Road, off Meetz Road, at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9. The caller reported a man armed with a machete, Sheriff’s Office spokesman Sgt. James Hartman said in a press release. They located the man standing with three other individuals next to a car on the side of the road, Hartman said. Three of the four individuals obeyed deputies
commands. The man described in the 911 call as having a machete repeatedly challenged deputies and was extremely uncooperative, Hartman said. “Deputies then deployed a taser twice with no effect,” Hartman wrote. “A K-9 was unsuccessful in bringing the man under control.” Daniel Reyes-Estrada, 27, of Central Islip, New York, was charged with drunk in public, obstruction of justice, possession of marijuana, possession of a schedule IV narcotic and two counts of brandishing a machete in connection with the incident, Hartman said. Reyes-Estrada was also found to have sustained injuries prior to his encounter with law enforcement and was transported to the Fauquier Hospital Emergency Room, Hartman said. There was no word on what kind injuries Reyes-Estrada suffered. He remained in the hospital Tuesday morning, Hartman said. Dalyn James Skinner, 20, of Warrenton, was released on a summons for possession of marijuana in connection with the incident.
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF AN APPLICATION BY COLUMBIA GAS OF VIRGINIA, INC., FOR APPROVAL TO IMPLEMENT A 2019 SAVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE RELIABILITY AND REPLACEMENT ADJUSTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 20 OF ITS GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CASE NO. PUR-2018-00132 On August 15, 2018, Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc. (“CVA” or “Company”), filed with the State Corporation Commission (“Commission”), pursuant to the Steps to Advance Virginia’s Energy Plan (SAVE) Act, Chapter 26 of Title 56 (“SAVE Act”) of the Code of Virginia (“Code”), an application (“Application”) for approval to implement a 2019 Infrastructure Reliability and Replacement Adjustment (“IRRA”). Section 56-604 A of the SAVE Act allows CVA to recover SAVE eligible infrastructure costs (as defined in Code § 56-603) through a SAVE Rider, which is defined in the Company’s tariff as the IRRA. Accordingly, CVA requests authority to implement a 2019 IRRA in accordance with Section 20 of its General Terms and Conditions, as contemplated in the Commission’s November 28, 2011 Order Approving SAVE Plan and Rider in Case No. PUE 2011-00049, and most recently modified by the December 13, 2017 Order Approving Amended SAVE Rider for Calendar Year 2018 in Case No. PUR-2017-00095. The 2019 IRRA comprises a 2017 Infrastructure Replacement Reconciliation Rate (“IRRR”) and a 2019 Infrastructure Replacement Current Rate (“IRCR”) and is billed as a combined fixed charge each month. The 2017 IRRR is designed to true-up, on an annual basis, the actual IRRA revenues against the preceding year’s actual cost of service as determined from actual SAVE-eligible expenditures. The 2019 IRCR is designed to recover projected costs associated with SAVE-eligible infrastructure replacements during calendar year 2019. In its Application, the Company seeks approval of the following: (1) the Company’s 2017 IRRR credit in the amount of $57,361; (2) the Company’s 2019 IRCR in the amount of $2,201,015; and (3) the filing of rate sheets implementing the 2019 IRCR and 2017 IRRR. The 2019 IRCR and the 2017 IRRR result in an IRRA total net charge to customers of $2,143,654 for 2019. The Company requests that the 2019 IRRA be effective with the first billing unit of January 2019 through the last billing unit of December 2019. The Company’s 2019 IRRA proposed monthly rates by rate schedule are as follows: Residential Sales Service/Residential Transportation Service, $0.53; Small General Service 1/ Small General Transportation Service 1, $0.56; Small General Service 2/Small General Transportation Service 2, $1.58; Small General Service 3/Small General Transportation Service 3, $4.87; Large General Service 1/Transportation Service 1, $46.25; and Large General Service 2/Transportation Service 2, $221.78. In its Application, the Company further requests that the Commission deem sufficient the schedules provided as Attachments A and B to the Application for this and future SAVE Plan filings. Additionally, the Company requests that the Commission relieve the Company of the requirement to submit to the Division of Utility and Railroad Safety a prioritized list of M&R Stations to be addressed using SAVE funds within 60 days prior to the initiation of any SAVE-related work. The details of these and other proposals are set forth in the Company’s Application. Interested persons are encouraged to review the Company’s Application and supporting testimony and exhibits for the details of these proposals. While the total revenue that may be approved by the Commission is limited to the amount produced by the Company’s proposed rates, TAKE NOTICE that the Commission may approve revenues and adopt rates, fees, charges, tariff revisions, and terms and conditions of service that differ from those appearing in the Application and supporting documents and may apportion revenues among customer classes 96and/or design rates in a manner differing from that shown in the Application and supporting documents. The Commission entered an Order for Notice and Comment that, among other things, directed the Company to provide notice to the public and provided interested persons an opportunity to comment on the Company’s Application. A copy of the Company’s Application may be obtained at no charge by requesting a copy of the same from the Company’s counsel, T. Borden Ellis, Esquire, and Bryan D. Stogdale, Esquire, Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc., 1809 Coyote Drive, Chester, Virginia 23836. The Application and related documents also shall be available for review in the Commission’s Document Control Center, Tyler Building, First Floor, 1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Interested persons also may download unofficial copies from the Commission’s website: On or before October 3, 2018, interested persons may file written comments on CVA’s Application with Joel H. Peck, Clerk, State Corporation Commission, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218. Interested persons desiring to submit comments electronically may do so on or before October 3, 2018, by following the instructions on the Commission’s website: Comments shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00132. On or before October 3, 2018, interested persons desiring to participate as a respondent in this proceeding shall file a notice of participation as a respondent pursuant to 5 VAC 5 20-80 B of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. If not filed electronically on the Commission’s website:, an original and fifteen (15) copies of the notice of participation shall be filed with the Clerk of the Commission at the address set forth above. The notice of participation shall set forth: (i) a precise statement of the interest of the respondent; (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; and (iii) the factual and legal basis for the action. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00132, and copies thereof simultaneously shall be served on counsel for the Company. On or before October 3, 2018, interested persons may request that the Commission convene a hearing on the Company’s Application by filing a request for hearing with the Clerk of the Commission at the address set forth above. Requests for hearing shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00132 and shall include: (i) a precise statement of the filing party’s interest in the proceeding; (ii) a statement of the specific action sought to the extent then known; (iii) a statement of the legal basis for such action; and (iv) a precise statement why a hearing should be conducted in this matter. All filings shall refer to Case No. PUR-2018-00132, and copies thereof simultaneously shall be served on counsel for the Company. The Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure may be viewed at A printed copy of the Rules of Practice and Procedure and an official copy of the Commission’s Order in this proceeding may be obtained from Joel H. Peck, Clerk, State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. COLUMBIA GAS OF VIRGINIA, INC.
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Warrenton considers water, sewer for possible community college expansion By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer
Lord Fairfax Community College needs more room for trade and workforce classes at its Warrenton campus. A possible expansion could hinge, in part, on whether the Town of Warrenton is willing to provide the necessary water and sewer service. The Warrenton Town Council’s public works and utilities committee will consider a request to supply the service to land Fauquier County proposes to donate to LFCC for a proposed new building. The town currently supplies town water and sewer to the LFCC buildings on its Warrenton campus off U.S. 17/29 under an existing agreement. The county is considering a donation of 50 acres adjacent to the college for a new trade skills building. Fauquier students now have to travel 45 minutes to the main campus in Middletown for such training or take classes in makeshift locations, such as at the Boys and Girls Club in Warrenton where plumbing is taught, said County Administrator Paul McCulla during a Warrenton Town Council work session Thursday, Sept. 6. McCulla said there are impediments to getting state funding for new academic buildings. “It took 20 years and a $1 million
“The board of supervisors needs an indication from the town that it’s willing to extend service and an affirmative statement from the college that it wants a workforce center.”
PAUL MCCULLA County Administrator
Hazel grant to get it moving forward,” he said, referring to Eleanor C. and William Hazel Hall, a building for science, health and engineering instruction. Ground was broken on the Warrenton campus for it last December. “We can’t expect any more state funding for 10 years,” McCulla said. “If we want another building we
have to do it.” The county proposes to donate the 50 acres to the Lord Fairfax Community College Foundation. The foundation would raise the construction money. “The board of supervisors needs an indication from the town that it’s willing to extend service and an affirmative statement from the college
that it wants a workforce center,” McCulla said. The college won’t get the land if it decides it doesn’t want the building. During peak periods, the college is currently using about one-tenth of the 150,000 gallons per month of water and sewer service allowed under the 1995 agreement, said Edward “Bo” Tucker, the town’s public works and utilities director. Councilman Brett Hamby (Ward 3) said he wants to bring the matter before the public works and utilities committee to consider and make a recommendation to council. Contact James Ivancic at
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Fauquier Health breaks ground on $12.5M cancer center By Karen Chaffraix Times Staff Writer
Nurses, doctors, hospital staff and company representatives gathered under a blue and white tent stamped with the Fauquier Health logo. Seven shovels leaned against its canvas wall, facing a long box of dirt. It was 10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 7, ceremonial groundbreaking day for the new Fauquier Health Center for Cancer Care. Soon to break ground for real, the structure should come to life, on this grassy slope at the corner of Carriage House Lane and Veterans Drive, in August 2019. Fauquier Health’s new cancer center will be a two-story, 25,650-squarefoot structure built adjacent to the hospital. Infusion services currently offered at the hospital will be housed there, along with a hematology/oncology clinic, a pharmacy, lab services, counseling services to include financial counseling, a meeting room and room to grow. They hope to attract specialized practitioners and expand to include radiation services. “We are already talking to new groups about space for sub-specialties we don’t currently have available in the market,” said Fauquier Health CEO Chad Melton. “Oncology is not new to us,” he added. “We’ve been providing that service for many years. Just to give you a few statistics from 2017: We saw 239 oncology patients. Sixty
were breast cancer patients, 41 were prostate; 40 had urinary tract-type issues related to oncology. Our infusion center team [was responsible for] over 6,000 treatments in 2017.” Additional speeches drew upon recollections of loved ones who had fought cancer and succumbed. “It’s emotional for me to be here,” Warrenton Mayor Carter Nevill said, mentioning that not only was he born in this hospital, his stepmother was born at its earlier incarnation on Waterloo Street. “Cancer is indiscriminate. It affects us all. My wife, Kathleen, is in Lynchburg today, taking her mother to treatment,” he said. “We welcome the construction of Fauquier Health Center for Cancer Care.” Birds chirped and a warm breeze blew. “Patients are going to have a nice view, one woman said to another during an interlude. “Their windows will look out on this side — at the trees.” “This is just the beginning of further service line integration for this community,” said Victor Giovanetti, president of LifePoint Health’s Eastern Group. “We are committed to supporting communities that want to provide advanced, quality care close to home. “Cancer is one of the scourges of the earth,” he added, divulging that in 2007 his older brother died of leukemia. “Families come into our organizations in many cases unsure, scared to death, in the most vulnerable moments of their life, and we have an obligation to take good care of them spiritually,
Representatives ceremoniously break ground on the new Fauquier Health Center for Cancer Care Friday, Sept. 7. The two-story, 25,650-squarefoot structure built adjacent to the hospital. ROBIN EARL/ FAUQUIER HEALTH emotionally and physically.” Last to speak was state Del. Michael Weber, R-18th, who said both of his children were born at Fauquier Hospital. “We have always received quality care here, and that is key,” he said. “But it is also key for a healthcare system to be tied to the community. As LifePoint came on, as the PATH foundation was formed, the ties to this community have always been here and always will be.” Webert said Fauquier has always been a place where people rally around those in need. Now people who need cancer care will be able to be treated in the community where that support system exists, he concluded. Celebratory words delivered, it was time for photographs. Twenty-one people, doctors and all, took turns — there were only seven shovels — donning white construction helmets as they — three, two, one — tried to shovel dirt out of the box in unison and all to the left, faces up, smiling.
LifePoint Health invested “nearly $12.5 million” for construction of the cancer center, according to its press release. The Tennessee-based company, one of the 10 largest health-care services aggregates in the country, currently owns Fauquier Hospital along with 83 other “non-urban” hospitals in 30 states, according to its website. While LifePoint Health continues to acquire regional health care providers, it recently merged with RCCH HealthCare Partners, and both are owned by investment fund Apollo Global Management, founded in 1990. As of the second quarter 2018, Apollo showed assets under management of $269 billion, a 10-year climb from $53 billion, according to its website, “driven largely by yield-oriented permanent capital vehicles, and by Apollo’s continued success in opportunistic investing.” Reach Karen Chaffraix at
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Fauquier Times | September 12, 2018
From sweaty students to leaky roofs: Virginia’s aging schools need help Once upon a time, the mantra in late May or early June, when the school year came to an end, was: “See you in September!” As kids, we looked at the Labor Day holiday as the last hurrah. D-Day. More recently, school districts have pushed their first day into August, squeezing maintenance schedules and shortening summer break from just short of three months to something closer to two. While certainly not second guessing the needs of today’s school systems, it is nonetheless concerning when temperatures reach into the upper 90s, as they did last week. No doubt, it can get just as hot in September or even early October. But they call late August the “dog days of summer” for good reason, and images of kids sweating to death in buses or classrooms — either without air conditioning OUR VIEW or with aging, inadequate air conditioning systems — is something no one wants to see. Even worse, some school divisions declare it “too hot” to go outside for recess. Obviously, the safety of students is our school districts’ No. 1 priority, and we know they are making wise decisions. Indeed, some rural districts dismissed early last week in response to the heat. But regardless of intentions, there is no doubt starting school in August, along with the trend of hotter summers, has to put a far greater strain on school infrastructure, and we find that concerning, too. That’s part of the motivation behind state Sen. Bill Stanley’s tour of aging and obsolete schools across the state. With Virginia eyeing a move to collect taxes on internet sales, Stanley, R-20th, is promoting an idea to use at least half of the expected $250 to $300 million in additional revenue to finance $3 to $4 billion in bonds for new school construction. He has also proposed allowing businesses to qualify for historic tax credits if they donate money to renovate old schools. Last week, Stanley was among three Virginia state senators visited Fred Lynn Middle School in Woodbridge to hear about the 54-year-old school’s needs. Stanley, who notes more than 60 percent of Virginia’s 2,030 schools are more than 40 years old, has seen it all: schools where trash cans catch water from leaky roofs; where children have suffered burns from exposed pipes and where staff members tell of rat infestations. I think we can all agree these are not the conditions we want our children learning in. We applaud any effort to find new and creative ways to improve conditions in our schools as well as any effort that draws attention to deficiencies in our school facilities. We encourage our local state senators and delegates to use Stanley’s tour as a springboard to listen to our local officials about local school needs. In Fauquier County, the decadelong effort to build a new middle school to replace the aging Warrenton and Taylor middle schools immediately come to mind as a project that could benefit from a boost in state funding. We need to make improving our aging schools a priority. It’s the least we owe our children.
Letters to the Editor The Fauquier Times welcomes letters to the editor from its readers as a forum for discussion of local public affairs subjects. WRITE: Letters to the Editor 41 Culpeper Street Warrenton, VA 20188 FAX: Editor 540-349-8676 EMAIL: Letters must be signed by the writer. Messages sent via email must say
“Letter to the Editor” to distinguish them from other messages not meant for publication. Include address and phone for verification (Not to be published.) Letters are subject to editing for clarity and length. Personal attacks will not be published. Long letters from those with special authority on a current issue may be treated as a guest column (with photo requested). Due to volume, letters cannot be acknowledged. All letters are appreciated. Letters must be received by 5 p.m. Monday to be considered for Wednesday publication.
FAUQUIER FLASHBACKS: FROM THE FAUQUIER TIMES In November 1964, Tom Frost provided Fauquier County Public Schools with a new dual-control Ford sedan for the drier training program. From left: Tom Frost, Superintendent Carson Bradley, Assistant Superintendent Jack Harner, Driving Instructor Robert Downs, Principal Ryland Dishner and students Richard Evans and William Lewis. 75 Years Ago Sept. 16, 1943 In order to raise Fauquier County’s $600,000 quota in the Third War Loan Campaign, it will be necessary that those citizens who have available resources invest such funds in war bonds, P.G. Marsteller, campaign chairman, said Tuesday. Powhatan M. Kehoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kehoe of Bealeton, won his Navy “Wings of Gold” and was commissioned an Ensign in the Naval Reserve this week, following completion of the prescribed flight training course at the naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla. Fauquier County’s Service Honor Roll has been brought up-to-date, and now bears nearly 1,400 names of the county’s men and women serving their country in the armed forces. More names are being received by T.E. Bartenstein and will be added to the list. During the last war, 886 men entered the various branches of the service, 686 under draft and about 200 volunteers. 50 Years Ago Sept. 19, 1968 The Fauquier Hospital’s trustees learned Monday that the hospital’s endowment fund has received a $140,438 bequest from Col. Charles P. Wood, brother of Daniel P. Wood of Warrenton The Fauquier Selective Service Board has called Maurice W. Tyler Jr., Clyde
L. Merica, Franklin H. Fincham and Theodore G. Winter to report for induction on Sept. 23. The board reports that Julian L. Brubaker, Larry G. Lambert, James N. Kreticos, William C. Lewis and James R. Weeks were inducted Aug. 6. For meritorious service in military operations in Viet Nam from August 1967 to July 1968, 1st Lt. John R. Sharp of Warrenton received the Bronze Star medal. Lt. Sharp, 21, graduated from Taylor High School in 1965, and entered the Army the following August. 25 Years Ago Sept. 15, 1993 Three members of Explorer Post 1077 — Dana Robinson, Shawn Walters and Mark Jones — have graduated from the law enforcement program at the Fauquier county Sheriff’s Office and have been hired as correctional officers at the county’s adult detention center. All graduates of Fauquier High School, they were students at Northern Virginia Community College when they enrolled in the program, started by Sheriff Joe Higgs, at its inception. Professional rider Peter Walsh of The Plains jump started his fall ‘chasing season, winning three races and placing second and third in his other three rides at the Sept. 11 Shenandoah Races at Mt. Airy Farm. — Compiled by John T. Toler
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Choose a candidate on values and platform
Disappointed with cell tower’s signal
“… if it ain’t broke, don’t break it,” begins the letter in support of Rob Wittman’s re-election campaign. I’m wondering by what metric the author sees this Congress as functional. After the GOP’s 1.5 trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthy, the national debt tops 21 trillion for the first time ever. The administration and the GOP Congress seek to balance the budget on the backs of federal workers, blocking a pay raise for 1.5 million workers, and by cuts to food stamps (cuts that would affect military families and children) as well as proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Additionally, under the GOP controlled Congress, we’ve seen cuts to regulations protecting worker safety, consumer protections, the environment, and more. After all, what does a little coal ash in your drinking water hurt? Furthermore, this Congress refuses to perform their most important constitutionally mandated duty which is to be a check on the power of the executive branch. He then goes on to argue that “… the devil you know, is better than the devil you don’t know.” Actually, as a constituent of Rob Wittman, I know his record quite well and I firmly believe it’s time for a change! I know that Wittman has been in office for almost eleven years and has passed only five of his own bills. Two of these were to name a post office and a section of river, another was the “Permanent Electronic Duck Stamp Act.” I also know that Wittman has a 0 percent rating from the NAACP, the ACLU and multiple teachers’ and workers unions. I know he has a 100 percent rating from the NRA and a 0 percent rating from the Brady Campaign. I know that he fights vigorously for increased defense spending while his top campaign contributor is the defense industry. I was interested to read that the author, who admitted he is not currently a resident of the 1st District, finds Wittman to be “one of the most communicative congressional representatives” he’s experienced. I am a constituent of Wittman’s and have
I read with interest your recent article on the new cell tower near Casanova and I would like to offer a comment or two. I live 1.2 miles due south of the new tower. Before the new tower we had very poor cell service at the farm. Promises, politics, and policy aside, we still have poor cell coverage. The best signal now is two bars and frequently one What is troubling about the situation is that during the final adjustment and alignment of the tower antennas we frequently had a four bar (max) signal. Neighbors noticed this also. When they finished the project we
Never forget Every September I wear a 9/11 pin on my lapel that says “never forget.” Designed by a Philadelphia jeweler and sold in conjunction with Michael Smerconish on his radio program, all of the profits from sales go to 9/11 charities. Not usually prone to such expenditures, I was drawn to it because the original charity benefiting was the Flight 93 memorial, heroes who should never be forgotten. The planes that hit the twin towers and the Pentagon that day left an indelible mark on their respective cities, but the plane that was forced down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, before reaching its target really only left some scorched earth on a hill. Their sacrifice deserves far better. For many of us, 9/11 is like Pearl Harbor or the Kennedy assassination. We remember where we were and what we were doing when we first heard. I remember being woken up in time to see the second plane hit in
contacted him many times by email, phone, and facebook messenger yet have never received a response other than a generic form letter that doesn’t address my specific concerns. Wittman virtually never has an open, advertised town hall, in spite of many requests by his constituents. Instead he chooses to conduct Facebook town halls or unpublicized gatherings with select supporters. In contrast, his opponent Vangie Williams has conducted innumerable open events with potential constituents from all over the 1st District. Williams is a wife, a mother of six daughters, has a full-time job as a strategic planner, and is in the process of completing a PhD, yet she finds time to attend events multiple nights a week and on the weekends. Williams welcomes the opinions of all as she seeks to become the “people’s Congresswoman.” Williams has rejected all donations from PACs while 47 percent of Wittman’s campaign cash has come from PACs and another 46 percent from large contributors. Vangie Williams has worked for 30 years, overseeing federal contracts which have kept Americans safe. Williams believes in Medicare for all including dental and vision insurance as she doesn’t think hardworking Americans should go bankrupt taking care of their medical needs. Williams has a plan, her INVEST initiative, which would give a tax break to those who need it the most: veterans, service men and women, teachers, and first responders. As we approach the Nov. 6th elections, let’s follow John McCain’s lead, look past partisan labels, and choose a candidate based on their values and platforms. Don’t choose the “devil you know” when there are ample opportunities to educate yourself. Go to, find an event where you can talk to Williams in person, visit and for more information. Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Scott Carter Midland
Every mother’s nightmare
Andrea Martens Sumerduck
When University of Iowa student, Mollie Tibbetts, went missing while on a run, my heart sank and I had a physical reaction to her disappearance. How often had my own daughters jogged alone against my advice? How often do they still do so? It could easily have been them. When her body was found, I was deeply saddened and couldn’t imagine the grief her parents were feeling. When her alleged killer was arrested, I was relieved. If this man was her killer, he was now in police custody and unable to harm anyone else. When I realized that the suspect was an illegal immigrant, I felt a range of emotions. Among those emotions was dread. Why? I believed that anti-immigration forces would use this alleged killer as their rallying cry for hatred and bigotry and, indeed, that is precisely what transpired. “This is why we have to build that WALL!” and, “Remember Mollie Tibbetts when you vote in November!” When I read the courageous and compassionate words of Mollie’s Aunt, Billie Jo Calderwood, I was filled with gratitude. She stated, “Please remember, evil comes in EVERY color.” “Our family has been blessed to be surrounded by love, friendship and support throughout this entire ordeal by
real time. I remember that it was one of those bright, sunny September days where you don’t want to go to work, because summer is fading. I remember that all hands were on deck at the paper, not because we received a call, just because we knew that was where we were needed. And it was a day where you wanted to be needed. To do something. All day culling stories, building pages and calling anyone we knew who might have witnessed something and had ties to our area. The entire day, the TV on in the background, as we watched the towers fall. One of the remarkable aspects of a monumental moment such as 9/11 is the passage of time. Seventeen years have now passed. Today’s high-schoolers were too young to remember or had
yet to be born. They have only known this country in a time of war. And that’s one of the most important reasons we can never forget. The casualties of 9/11 are still happening today. Just last week, in an insider attack, a U.S. service member became the sixth to die this year in America’s longest war. A war many in this country don’t really pay much mind to. A war longer than the Civil War, World War II, even Vietnam. A war that will soon be fought by many of those children currently in high school, and I’m starting to fear as I grow older, their children as well. Meanwhile, five years after the death of Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda’s number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri is still out there. Whether he is the mastermind now, or simply a pretender, the videos keep coming. They just don’t make the news anymore. Bin Laden’s death may have provided a convenient bookend for many, but tell that to the men and women down range. Casualties happen here at home
were back where we started. What was possible and promised from the new tower and what we got is where the disappointment lies. The tower was not an improvement for a lot of Verizon customers. I would like to commend Ms. Pivec of Calvert Crossland for her prompt answers to my calls and questions. A more equitable distribution of signal from the new tower would be a big help to a lot of customers.
friends from all different nations and races,” she added. “From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.” When I vote in November, I will be thinking of Mollie Tibbetts and the individuals who tried to leverage her tragic death for their political agenda. I will be voting for the candidates who offer reasoned solutions to our Nation’s immigration challenges. I will be voting for those candidates who support an agenda of compassion, equality, and the rule of law and will hold our Nation’s leaders to that standard. I will be voting for progressive Democrats. I hope you will, too. Kathy Kadilak The Plains
Thanks from Fauquier High Class of 1978 Fauquier High School Class of 1978 expresses its thanks to the following businesses for sponsoring our 40th Reunion Events: • Blue Ridge Seafood Restaurant • Passmore Contracting • Country Chevrolet • Appleton Campbell Plumbing, Heating, A/C, Electrical • JL Ashby Excavating, LL Allen Gibbs Chesterfield as well, and not just to those scarred by war. A recent story in the Los Angeles Times documented the alarming level of cancer deaths among first responders and investigators exposed to toxins in the aftermath of the attacks. “It’s like Bin Laden is still reaching out from the grave,” FBI Agent Thomas O’Connor, president of the FBI Agents Association, is quoted as saying. Not 17 years ago. Today. Many first responders were lost that day. Many lives were lost in the wars that followed. And an increasing number are still dying. Each and every one should be remembered. They chose to sacrifice their lives for something greater: their fellow citizens in a moment of need, the safety of their nation from foreign attack. That’s their legacy, and we should use it to dedicate ourselves to the greater good. To finding a way to bring those war fighters home. To do right by those FBI agents. None should die in vain or in the shadows. Never forget.
Fauquier Times | September 12, 2018
Jacked-Up Foods tones down the heat Sauces, jams, rubs focus on flavor while supporting autism research By John Hagarty
Contributing Writer
The bottled magic all started with a 10-year-old in the kitchen. The young chef triggered what today is a successful spice and sauce gig that’s headed for a bigger and more flavorful future. The young man behind the idea is Jack Zalewski, now a maturing 14-yearold whose parents, Jon and Kat, own and operate the Fredericksburg condiment business Jacked-Up Foods. Their product line is available at a number of establishments in the Piedmont region including Fauquier County. Their daughter Aubrie also plays a creative role in designing product labels. And if creating a thriving small business with the core family wasn’t enough, Kat Zalewski’s two brothers, Andy and Chris Morgan, are also driving the business forward. Clearly this company is a family-first organization. So, what was Jack Zalewski’s creative flash point that started it all? “One morning we came down to the kitchen and Jack was standing on a chair making up his own spice rub. He wanted to learn how to cook,” said Kat Zalewski. The lad’s interest in spices occurred the same summer the family had been growing hot peppers and making sauces and jams. Friends and family loved the taste and encouraged
Kat Zalewski’s brothers, Andy and Chris Morgan, are also in the business. Pictured, Andy Morgan, who grew up in Warrenton, welcomes all to try their barbecue sauces. the couple to go commercial. “We came up with the idea of starting a business where we would also donate part of our proceeds to various autism charities. Jack has autism spectrum disorder and at some point, we’ll have him working in the business. We also want to hire people with special needs in the future. Everyone deserves something they can do,” said Zalewski. Contributions to autism organizations range from 1 percent to 5 percent of all sales. Because of Jack’s autism he cannot have anything artificial in his diet. It was the goal of the family to create products that contained all-natural
ingredients that were highly flavored. If they do not use their own grown vegetables, they purchase them from Piedmont Farms in Fauquier County.
Kitchen magic
As the embryonic business began to gain traction, the jams, jellies and rubs caught spice aficionados’ attention. Meanwhile Zalewski’s brother, Andy Morgan, was making barbecue sauces for home use and also entering them in competitions. She and her brothers grew up in Warrenton. “Andy made this incredible sauce. I tried to out-sauce him and could not do it. I said, ‘Hey, we could work together,’” said Zalewski. Today, Andy
and his brother Chris Morgan contribute five barbecue sauces to the company’s Jacked-Up Foods product line called Uncle Andy’s sauces. Two of the sauces are sold on Amazon Prime – the Awesome and Blackberry Habanero – and sport five-star ratings from enthusiastic buyers. All of the products are currently made in the home kitchen for now. From purchasing the ingredients, to preparation, bottling and labeling it is a five-day-a-week operation. A passion for the business is evidenced by the fact that Kat Zalewski works part-time as a registered nurse and prepares all the recipes. See JACKED-UP, Page 12
Tourism continues to climb, locally and statewide The Virginia Tourism Corporation has just released the 2017 state and local economic impact data. In Fauquier County, tourism-related expenditures rose 5.3 percent to $183 million. Annual payroll rose 5.5 percent to $36.8 million. Employment rose 2.3 percent to $1.88 million and local tax receipts rose 3.5 percent to $3.09 million, according to a recent press release. Fauquier ranked 29th in domestic travel impact on Virginia. In Prince William County, tourism-related expenditures rose 3.7 percent to $592.08 million. Annual payroll rose 3.9 percent to $158.26 million. Employment rose 1 percent to $6.59 million, and local tax receipts rose 2 percent to 9.19 million. Prince William ranked ninth in domestic travel impact on Virginia. The top five were Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun counties, the city of Virginia Beach and Henrico County. In the city of Manassas, tourism-related expenditures rose 4.5
travel industry in the commonwealth has continued to grow eight years in a row. Travel expenditures increased at a compound annual growth rate of 3.9 percent since 2010, according to the report.
percent to $71,114,795. Annual payroll rose 4.7 percent to $12,124,407. Employment rose 1.5 percent to 589 and local tax receipts rose 2.7 percent to $1,851,267. Manassas ranked 56th in domestic travel impact on Virginia. It was another record year for
Virginia as well with expenditures reaching $25 billion supporting 230,000 jobs. $5.9 billion in salaries and wages and $1.7 billion in state and local taxes, the press release said. All Virginia localities saw an increase in travel expenditures in 2017 compared to the previous year. The
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Don’t tell – our national aversion to discussing personal finance As I write this I’m visiting longtime friends in Germany. Over dinner the past few evenings, our conversation has turned to retirement, as within the next decade both they and I will be approaching retirement age in our respective countries. A couple data points have piqued my interest, including the fact that though average Germans save more than average Americans do, a 2018 survey indicates they do not have appreciably more in retirement savings. According to the survey, this is largely due to the fact median incomes in Germany are somewhat lower and the cost of living higher, than in the states. When I asked my friends about their retirement funding they pointed to their daughter and said, half-jokingly, “She’s a big part of the plan.” But here’s a personal observation: We Americans tend to speak of retirement finances with much more judgmentalism and a much greater degree of shame and secrecy. Did your 401(k) take a big hit after the financial cri-
U.S. of Aging LAURIE MacNAUGHTON sis? Tsk-tsk. Have you not saved the recommended $1.5 million for retirement? For shame. Are you considering a reverse mortgage? Don’t tell friends or family – not now, not ever. I see the impact of this attitude played out time and time again. A homeowner encounters an unexpected event – illness, loss of a spouse, loss of employment shortly before retirement, a later-in-life divorce – and suddenly needs access to a significant amount of funds. Because we Americans do not feel comfortable openly discussing finances, for many the only option is to look to their bank for a traditional home equity loan. But here’s the thing: Let’s say the homeowner qualifies for a tradition-
al home equity loan. For the first 29 days after closing everything seems fine – cash need solved. However, day 30 is the kicker because now there’s a mortgage payment due. And, for some homeowners this new loan payment is on top of an existing mortgage. Even if the homeowner can juggle payments over the near term, over the long term, the situation can be a recipe for disaster. So, what are some potential alternatives? First, awkward as it may be, the homeowner needs to talk to family. They’re going to know sooner or later, and these conversations do not get easier over time – nor do financial situations typically get better over time. Over the years, many adult children have told me they wish their parents had been more open in discussing financial matters. Second, the homeowner should speak with a qualified financial planner, wealth manager, or elder law attorney who can help put together a long-range financial plan.
Third, the homeowner should consider using the home as a source of retirement funding. Several options exist here, including selling the home and downsizing, renting out a portion of the home or doing a reverse mortgage. Money is not a moral issue, though it can feel like one. Running short on money is not a sin, though we can be made to feel it’s one. And asking for help is not a weakness, though our culture may imply it’s one. If you have questions about how a reverse mortgage may benefit your loved one, or if you would like contact information for elder law attorneys, financial planners, or wealth managers – or just about anyone associated with aging-related issues – give me a call. I always love hearing from you. A member of the 2017 President’s Club, Laurie MacNaughton is a reverse mortgage specialist and freelance writer. Reach her at www. or 703-477-1183.
Jacked-Up Foods tones down the heat: focus on flavor while supporting Autism research JACKED-UP, from Page 11 Her husband Jon is the business development manager for a commercial landscaping firm in Lorton. Jon Zalewski holds a Master of Science degree in turfgrass management and agronomy.
The major outlet for their 30 some products is the Spotsylvania Farmers Market in Fredericksburg. Every Saturday – from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., April through December – the family sells up to 40 bottles of barbecue sauce and 25 bottles of hot sauce, jellies and a number of dry-rub spice packages.
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Additionally, their products are retailed at several stores throughout the Piedmont region. The VanCanon General Store on Main Street in Warrenton, the Red Truck Rural Bakery in Marshall and the Apple House in Linden carry their sauces and jellies. The locally available products range in price from $5 to $8 a bottle; the two-pack Amazon sauces of 32.7 ounces go for $18. The new barbecue establishment Divine Swine on Culpeper Street in Warrenton also has the sauces for customer use; a great way to test drive the slather fun.
What’s intriguing about the company’s success to date is its moderate but steady growth. Each year has seen an increase in business and rep-
utation. Plans are now being laid to create a brick- and-mortar company some three years down the road. “Our ultimate goal is to have our own production facility and maybe a retail shop with a café. We want to be able to provide employment opportunities for people with special needs and disabilities,” said Zalewski. “In the future both Jack and I would work there. “The longer we do this as a family the more we love it. In the beginning we just had a good time but now we are taking it more seriously.” For information on the company’s full product line and ordering by mail visit their tasty website at www. For more business and wine tales, visit
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Thank you, Kate and Olivia PHOTO BY RANDY LITZINGER
Jules Oravec sets a ball against Patriot as Jennifer Adgate and Olivia Eisele look on. The Falcons are 5-3 heading into Thursday’s home match with Liberty.
Falcon subs key strong volleyball showing at Albemarle By Fred Hodge
Special to the Times
Fauquier traveled Saturday to the Albemarle Invitational Volleyball Tournament knowing it would not have all of its senior weapons available. Middle blocker Kayla Pavlock was out for a family trip and Jules Oravec was involved in academic testing for the morning session. Coach Diana Story chose sophomore Kate Wilvert and junior Olivia Eisele to play prime roles and the duo met the challenge with their best play of the fall, helping the Falcons produce four victories in five matches for third place in the eight-team field. The wins raised the Falcons’ overall record to 5-3. Senior Kiki Scott earned an all-tournament berth for
her day-long solid play. Wilvert, playing the right side hitter, registered 12 kills and two blocks in her two matches as a starter, while Eisele also was effective along the forward line. “I had to put together the right group on the court,” Story said. “Kate is a varsity returner, but she has been lying in wait for her time. Kate came out from the right pole, and she was a deal breaker.” Story said Eisele also flashed her skill set. “Olivia played in the middle and on the right side. She was a difference maker, too.” Fauquier opened with a 25-9, 2510, 25-6 rout of Osbourn. Then came Western Albemarle, a 25-23, 25-10,
“Coming off a lengthy hiatus, I would say yes, they are back on track.” – COACH DIANA STORY
25-21 Falcon victim. Pool play concluded with a successful 25-18, 25-13, 27-29 battle over Franklin County. The three victories set up a semifinal bout against host Albemarle. The Patriots took a 25-19, 25-18 decision. “We came out flat after lunch, and they took advantage of it. If Kayla had been there, we would have beaten them. I can say that for sure,” said Story, noting the Patriots’ top outside hitter was a thorn in both sets. The Falcons won a rematch with Franklin County 25-14, 25-21 for
third place. The day reaffirmed the coach’s belief her 13-girl roster is deep in talent. “It was a great day. We played a lot of good volleyball, and it was fun,” Story said. Story also sees continued recovery from Fauquier’s Aug. 22 threeset “debacle” against five-time defending state champion Loudoun County. Fauquier rebounded with a four-set victory over a good Patriot unit before entering an 11-day layoff before the tournament. Fauquier hosts Liberty on Thursday. Freshman and junior varsity action commences at 6 p.m., varsity at 7. Liberty had defending district titlist Millbrook coming to Bealeton Tuesday.
0-3 Falcons hope bye week is the answer By Peter Brewington and Jeff Malmgren Times Staff Writers
The Fauquier Falcons’ 0-3 start is resulting in some worrisome research. The six previous times the Falcons opened 0-3, they finished no better than 3-6-1. After losing to Heritage 21-14 last week, Fauquier has a bye week to prepare for a breakthrough victory. With Hurricane Florence headed north, FHS coach Joe Prince quipped, “We have to learn how to either swim or learn how to boat. No, but we’re going to work on getting better and try-
ing to cut out mental mistakes.” Quarterback J.T. Diehl and receiver Shane O’Hara were both cleared to practice Monday after missing last week with injuries. “So that was good,” Prince said. “We should be back to 100 percent.” The Falcons next play Millbrook on Sept. 21. “With just a little luck we could be 2-1 right now,” Prince said. “I’m disappointed. ... But we’re getting better.” The Falcons have lost each of their past two games by only seven points, falling to Dominion 21-14 this past week.
Fauquier’s 0-3 starts
In its 55-year football history, Fauquier has started 0-3 seven times. A look at the how the Falcons finished after opening 0-3. 1963: Finished 3-7 1978: Finished 3-6-1 1979: Finished 1-9 1980: Finished 0-10 1996: Finished 3-7 2006: Finished 3-7 “It’s the best we’ve played; most intense we’ve played,” Prince said. “We made some progress. We played more physical.”
See Ad on Page 15
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Kettle Run dominating rain-soaked golf season Sept. 18 district tourney in limbo By Jeff Malmgren Times Staff Writer
The Kettle Run Cougars began this week having not practiced in 10 days due to persistent rain. And now Hurricane Florence threatens to further soak area golf courses. So even the Sept. 18 Class 4 Northwestern District tournament may face postponement at Fauquier Springs Country Club. “I’m not sure what’s going to happen,” Kettle Run coach Dale Edwards said. “We’re praying [Fauquier Springs] doesn’t flood again. We’ve had five floods already” this season.
The Cougars last played Aug. 30, winning a nine-hole match at Shenandoah Golf Club, and Edwards expected their two matches this week to be canceled. “This year’s been crazy,” he said. Kettle Run, at least, will face less pressure than teams such as Fauquier at Liberty during the district tournament because the Cougars already earned a region berth by winning the regular season district championship. They clinched Aug. 13 by winning the district’s third mini tournament. “We’re comfortable because we’re already in,” said Edwards, whose team hadn’t won a district-level regular season title since 2015. “They’re not going to be as worried. “But it’s going to be interesting to see how all the kids do from the county,” he said. “Hoping Fauquier and Lib-
Dudley leads Kettle Run girls runners, Rodman shines for Liberty By Fred Hodge
Special to the Times
Kettle Run’s Jada Dudley placed 11th in a field of 110 runners in the annual Judges Classic on Saturday at Kernstown Battlefield near Winchester. She completed the 5,000-meter course in 20 minutes, 51 seconds to lead the Cougar girls to 11th in the 14-team race. Millbrook claimed the team title with 50 points, while Ket-
tle Run amassed 222. Madison Webster of Clarke County was the gold medalist at 19:37. Kettle Run did not have the requisite five runners for a boys varsity score. Jackson Rolando (60th, 19:06), Ethan Martin (80th, 20:01) and Dirk Schreifels (105th, 21:19) were the Cougars’ entries in the 129-runner race. Kettle Run’s Abby Gray was 45th at 22:31. Cassidy May (80th, 24:30), Claire LaFleur (86th, 25:02) and Kaiya
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Reece Massei and the Cougars hope to win next week’s Northwestern District tournament scheduled for Sept. 18. PHOTO BY RANDY LITZINGER
erty does well enough to get some kids into regionals, or get some teams in.” No. 1 Reece Massei will lead Kettle Run into the district tournament with a lineup that features No. 2
Hunter Anderson, No. 3 Jacob Rader, No. 4 Jack Mills, No. 5 Trevor Berg and No. 6 Gabby Finan. “They’re playing real consistently,” Edwards said.
Stone (97th, 26:43) were other scorers. The Cougar junior varsity girls ran to fifth place among 10 scoring teams, while the boys were sixth of 15. Sophie Wall (31st, 25:13), Ava Pastor (38th, 25:29) and Rachel Grant (48th, 26:10) were Kettle Run’s top three girls out of 136 competitors. In the 190-boy field, Kaelen Diaz (22nd, 19:56), David Jorgensen (25th, 20:11) and Parker Saville (28th, 20:13) led the Cougars.
runners in Virginia. Sam Rodman was the Eagles’ top varsity runner with a 41st-place finish out of 254 runners in 17:27. Victor Zimmer (160th, 19:20), Matthew Anderson (186th, 19:46), Xylan Wilson (223rd, 21:01) and Evan Worley (231st, 21:32) scored as the Eagles’ boys placed 26th of 30. Liberty did not compete in the varsity girls race. Madison Serttas was a strong fifth of 191 girls in the JV race at 22:57. Lily Wingo (28th, 24:320), Sage Laine (63rd, 25:46), Cindy Garcia (70th, 25:55) and Erin Yancey (123rd, 28:14) led the team to eighth of five scoring schools.
Rodman shines for Eagles
Liberty was in action in the high-powered Pole Green Cross Country Invitational in Mechanicsville that featured many of the top
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Hurricane Florence causes Eagles, Cougars to bump games to Thursday By Peter Brewington and Jeff Malmgren Times Staff Writers
A trip to Culpeper was supposed to get the Liberty Eagles back on track. Instead, it has their season slightly off the rails at 1-2. After losing 21-13, the Eagles next host Chancellor (1-2) on Thursday at 7 p.m. in a game moved up due to Hurricane Florence. “Get ready as we usually do,” Eagles coach Sean Finnerty said, “just a day soon.” “We have to be disciplined with our assignments,” Finnerty added. “We have to get tougher mentally and physically.” Culpeper (1-2) hurt Liberty with a balanced attack and now the Eagles brace for Chancellor’s triple option. Finnerty said his team lacked energy in losing to the Blue Devils for the first time since 2002.
Cougars brace for Homecoming
Kettle Run also moved its game up a day and will host Culpeper Thursday at 7 p.m. in its Homecoming game. The Cougars mauled Brentsville, 37-6, last week in moving to the fourth 2-0 start in school history. Kettle Run has outscored Brentsville
STARS OF THE WEEK Liberty: Justin Lawson had rushing touchdowns of 76 and 25 yards in the 21-13 loss to Culpeper. Fauquier: DeAndre Chavis had 98 yards and one touchdown on 19 carries in 21-14 loss to Heritage. Liberty: Gabe Chumley had 138 yards and one touchdown on 10-for-14 passing as well as 55 yards on six carries, while Ridge Scott had 37 yards and two touchdowns on four carries in 37-6 win over Brentsville.
Liberty’s 1-2 starts PHOTO BY RANDY LITZINGER
Levi Carver and the Cougars enter Thursday’s Homecoming flying high at 2-0. and Warren County 72-13. “We’re settling into all three phases of the game,” Cougars coach Charlie Porterfield said, “and we’re pruning some of the things … that we don’t need or use so we can play at a fast pace. “We’ve been lucky and remained relatively healthy,” Porterfield said. Culpeper, meanwhile, entered
this week with confidence after defeating Liberty to end an 11-game losing streak against the Eagles. “They’re coming off of a huge program-win and I think they feel pretty good about their team,” Porterfield said. “I think it will be a pretty good test for us. “They’re pretty big up front and super athletic,” he said.
Liberty has had three 1-2 starts since its first season in 1994. 2007: Finished 7-3 2013: Finished 7-5 2015: Finished 6-5
Kettle Run’s 2-0 starts
Kettle Run is 2-0 for the fourth time in its 11-year history. A look at how the Cougars finished after opening 2-0. 2011: Finished 13-1 2012: Finished 11-3 2017: Finished 9-3
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Hot weather, hot start for 4-1 Cougars By Fred Hodge
Special to the Times
Kettle Run’s first field hockey loss of the season came to Class 6 powerhouse Patriot, 2-0. The Cougars (4-1) registered a 5-1 advantage in penalty corners, but came away scoreless. “We just didn’t capitalize,” said coach Beth Todd said. “It’s been a consistent problem. It’s been gradually improving, but it’s going to take more time.” Kettle Run battled the heat in a 1-0 home win over Freedom the previous day to win its fourth in a row as Anna Lee worked her way through the Eagle defense to fire a shot. Maddy Woods converted the rebound for the goal. Todd said the heat has been a factor. She cited fatigue as a probable reason Patriot es-
tablished control in the latter portion of the first half and most of the second. “I would say it’s been a hard week for every team out playing. We had a hard time after playing in the heat last night,” Todd said. “But we condition in the heat so we can come out here a do this.” Despite still lamenting the lack of scoring, Todd admitted her young team has exceeded some of her early expectations. The four wins is just two shy of the six recorded last fall, and two thirds of the games remain. She pointed to a pair of factors for the good start. “A lot of them played in the offseason ... so when they come here, they are ready to go,” Todd praised. “In years past we haven’t had people take advantage of that opportunity.” PHOTO BY RANDY LITZINGER The Kettle Run and Patriot JV teams Anna Lee set up Kettle Run’s winning goal in a 1-0 win over Freedom. fought to a 0-0 draw.
‘We were so in it to win it’ Down a set, Cougars storm back for clutch volleyball win vs. Woodgrove By Fred Hodge
Special to the Times
Tenacious, unbreakable, determined. Kettle Run fought back to beat Woodgrove 22-25, 25-17, 25-17, 2725 last Thursday, pleasing coach
Janelle Sutliff, who saw a noticeable toughness in her volleyball squad after losing the first game. “We didn’t do that in the past,” Sutliff said. “We were likely to collapse.” Kettle Run led 20-13 when the Wolverines unleashed two prolonged service strings to claim the opening set, 25-22. Kettle Run’s resolve stiffened with 25-17 victories in the second and third sets. Kettle Run led 8-1 in the fourth before Woodgrove rallied
for a 24-22 lead. But Kettle Run refused to die, tying it at 25-25 before Mae Sutliff served two consecutive aces for a 27-25 win and the match. “It’s definitely the hardest time to serve in my opinion,” said Mae Sutliff, who cut loose with two powerful offerings and finished with 19 service points. “Not just get ball over the net. It was get the best serve it can be,” she recalled, crediting assistant coach Mike Howard for calling the service location. Mae Sutliff finished with 10 aces to go with four from Olivia Conte (seven points) and three by Erin
Salzman (six points). Nicole Piercy served 10 points, Chelsea Dodson eight and Katie Pohlmann seven. Sutliff handed out 15 assists and Lily McIntyre added seven, as the winners unleashed a broad and potent service game. “We have to serve better to keep other teams out of their offense,” Janelle Sutliff stressed. “We can’t out power people, but we can play smarter. We have to be patient. We are playing for long rallies,” she added. Kettle Run also received solid production up front at key junctions, led by seniors Meghan Meador and Piercy.
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Fauquier Times | September 12, 2018
Four Virginia riders headed to World Equestrian Games Gordonsville’s Will Coleman is late sub By Betsy Burke Parker Special to the Times
Even as Hurricane Florence bears down on the Tryon International Equestrian Center from the south, a powerful force from horse country is storming in to the North Carolina facility from Northern Virginia’s Piedmont region to represent the U.S. in what’s being hailed as the horse Olympics. Spread over two weeks from Sept. 11-23, the World Equestrian Games are the championship finals for eight international horse disciplines, including show jumping, carriage driving, dressage, three-day eventing, reining, vaulting, endurance and para-dressage. Reining and vaulting will be held in TIEC’s vast new indoor stadium, with all dressage and show jumping contested on all-weather footing in open, but well-draining show arenas. Three events could be negatively affected by predicted heavy rain, though Wednesday’s 100-mile endurance test should be complete before the storm makes landfall. The cross-country test of the three-day event runs Saturday, starting and finishing in the main stadi-
Swiss rider Felix Vogg has been based in the U.S. preparing for next week’s World Equestrian Games in North Carolina. um, with the 3.5-mile course running to the inside of the endurance track. The combined driving marathon isn’t until the last day of competition, Sept. 22, when any storm effects should be clear of the area. The three-day eventing squad includes three local riders: • Lauren Kieffer of The Plains partners Jackie Mars’ Vermiculus, an 11-year-old Anglo-Arab gelding. • Lynn Symansky of Middleburg rides Virginia-bred thoroughbred gelding Donner. • Gordonsville’s Will Coleman and Tight Lines, an 11-year-old Thoroughbred gelding, were late additions to the squad last week when rider Marilyn Little withdrew Jackie Mars’ RF
Scandalous due to lameness. The local trio includes Olympic veterans Phillip Dutton and Boyd Martin. White Post-based endurance rider Danielle Crouse rides for the U.S. squad, like her mother Valerie Kanavy, who lives in Fort Valley, did at the 1994 WEG, earning individual gold at The Hague. Most of the action will be televised on the NBC Sports network, with 57 hours of live coverage. Events on NBC and NBCSN will be streamed via authentication on Middleburg’s Chronicle of the Horse magazine has expanded coverage at A complete entry list and updated official scores and results are at
Lauren Kieffer of The Plains (above), Will Coleman of Gordonsville (above right) and Lynn Symansky of Middleburg (right) give the eventing team a decidedly Northern Virginia look.
This Thursday (9/13) at 6:30pm at the Warren Green Building
STAND UP FOR YOUR PROPERTY RIGHTS YOUR PROPERTY RIGHTS ARE IN DANGER Fauquier County government officials are at it again in a supposedly agricultural friendly community!
First it was Martha Boneta with her farm in Paris, Virginia. Now they are moving on to other farmers in the county and requiring an agricultural affidavits for pastures. Seeing livestock in pastures isn’t enough for this county. On August 16, 2018, the planning commission recommended approval for a text amendment to the zoning ordinance that would RESTRICT us to bring in from off-site or from other farms the amount of manure and/or bio-solids needed to fertilize fields and/or soil to build a farm or to level out existing fields to increase crop area which would increase yield and have better manageable fields to cut hay, nor make it easier to plant and harvest or for livestock to get around easier. This would also not allow us to fill in old livestock ponds no longer needed to make a better more productive use of that area which up until now we had a by-right use of our land to do with what we saw fit and suited us. Now the county wants to step in and regulate what we can do with our own property which as previously stated, is a by-right use and take that away from us and require stormwater management plans and engineered erosion and sediment control plans. What is going to be next? How many rows of corn you can grow in one year? How many yards of sod you can harvest in one year? Or how many cattle you
can raise in one year on your property? This is not good for any of us as this will be used as a stepping stone to take more of our by-rights away and constrict us to what they feel is fit for our own property.
Please let’s make our voices heard to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on September 13, 2018, at 6:30 pm at the Warren Green Building, 10 Hotel Street, Warrenton, Virginia. You can call them at their office at 540422-8020 or email them:
Chairman of the Board, Christopher Butler in the Lee District @ chris.butler@fauquiercounty. gov; Mary Leigh McDaniel, Vice Chair in the Marshall District @ maryleigh.mcdaniel@; Rick Gerhardt in the Cedar Run District @ rick.gerhardt ; Chris Granger in the Center District @ chris.granger@; or Holder Trumbo in the Scott District @ holder.trumbo@; as well as our County Administrator Paul McCulla @ or your Virginia Delegate Mike Webert @ or Delegate Elizabeth Guzman @ or your Fauquier Farm Bureau board member John Schied @
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
© 2018 Blue Ox Family Games, Inc., Dist. by Andrews McMeel
© 2018 Blue Ox Family Games, Inc., Dist. by Andrews McMeel
Find the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses ind the 7 words to match the the 7 clues. Find the The 7ofwords numbers ineach parentheses the 7 clues. Theletter numbers in parentheses represent number letterstoinmatch solution. Each epresent the number of letters inrepresent each theonly number Each letter ofbut letters in each solution. Each letter combination can besolution. used once, all letter combinations ombination can be will used once, combination but all letter cancombinations be only once, but all letter combinations beonly necessary to complete theused puzzle. ill be necessary to complete thewill puzzle. be necessary to complete the puzzle.
1 road to Trafalgar Square (9) ___________ 1 Ontario’s “Steeltown”1(8) Ontario’s ___________ “Steeltown” (8) ___________ 2 cone alternative (4) ___________ 2 lions and tigers, say (4) 2 lions and ___________ tigers, say (4) ___________ 3 Great Pyramid builder (5) ___________ 3 “OK” place to live (8) 3 “OK” place ___________ to live (8) ___________ 4 triangle player’s group (9) ___________ 4 melted fat (6) 4 melted fat ___________ (6) ___________ 5 Ovaltine flavorer (4) ___________ 5 home of Graceland mansion 5 home(7) of___________ Graceland mansion (7) ___________ 6 encircle (8) ___________ 6 famous neurologist Sacks 6 famous (6) ___________ neurologist Sacks (6) ___________ 7 they may work on cylinders (9) ___________ 7 a single time (4) 7 a single___________ time (4) ___________
© 2018 Blue Ox Family Games, Inc., Dist. by Andrews McMeel
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Fauquier Times | September 12, 2018
Bill and Bette Hine, Joan Anthony and Jane Steinard are Cuddlers in Fauquier Hospital’s Intensive Care Nursery.
Fauquier Hospital ‘Cuddlers’ give the gift of touch By Robin Earl
Special to the Times
The opioid crisis is a monumental problem. According to the U.S. Department of Human Services, 11.5 million people in the United States misused prescription drugs in 2016. Every day, 116 people (a total of 42,249) died that year from opioid-related drug overdoses. In 2015, Fauquier Hospital saw six babies in its Intensive Care Nursery who were born withdrawing from opioids. In 2016, the number of babies diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome jumped to 19. Since January, a team of Fauquier Health volunteers has been focused on helping the tiny victims of this big problem. The Cuddlers, a four-person subset of Fauquier Health’s volunteer force, provide warmth and security for infants who are born with NAS. Cheryl Poelma, director of the ICN, said babies born with NAS can be very sick during their first month because they are withdrawing from opioids. “After they are born, they are given medication to help with their withdrawal symptoms. The medication is slowly weaned as the infant
improves. Withdrawing can make the infant uncomfortable and irritable. Reducing stimulation and promoting a quiet environment helps these infants recover,” Poelma said. “Holding and cuddling these infants also helps in their recovery.” Research from the American Academy of Pediatrics states that for NAS babies, “Swaddling lessens stimulation, decreases crying times and promotes sleep that is more sustained… Holding, cuddling and manual rocking also can help.” Deb Clinard, from Fauquier Health’s Volunteer Services, said it takes an exceptional person to provide this service. “Cuddlers are required to stay almost completely still for two or more hours, holding an agitated newborn,” she said. “They have to be able to turn off their emotions while they are working with the babies, and just provide consistent, gentle touch therapy.” Clinard added that Cuddlers are carefully trained and monitored by the ICN nurses. Cuddlers don’t feed the infants or change diapers. Their job is to hold the babies when their parents or the ICN nurses can’t. Cuddler Joan Anthony remembered
having trouble soothing one newborn. “He was so upset. He had kicked his little legs and arms out of the swaddling and I couldn’t get them back in. One of the nurses showed me how to get him bundled back in and how to hold him closer. I have learned a lot since we began,” she said. “I am more relaxed now. Our nurses are so good to us, so appreciative of our help.” Cuddlers are called on as-needed and work for two-hour shifts. “Once the baby is placed in our lap, we can’t stand or stretch. Sometimes, when the two hours are up, we will wait until a nurse is free; it means that sometimes we are in that one position for close to three hours.” Cuddler Jane Steinard said. “My stamina has improved a lot since January.” Cuddler Bette Hine added, “Early on, I couldn’t do it for three hours straight; now I can. You have to hold them very close. As the baby starts to wean off the drugs, and you get more experience with that baby, you see when they are ready to sit up a little.” Steinard agreed, “As they move through the progression of drugs, the infants get more comfortable, they can handle a little more. We are care-
Building a sound foundation
Haymarket mom launches national nonprofit for rare hip disorder By John Hagarty
Contributing Writer
It was Halloween 2016. Colleen and Drew Rathgeber were taking their three children on a neighborhood candy walk. After “tricking” out five houses, their middle child, 3-year-old Kaelan, complained of an aching left leg and had to return home. What should have been a fun evening for the young lass turned into an alarming ordeal for her parents. Within a few months, the girl would
be diagnosed with a rare hip disorder known as Legg Calve Perthes. Named after three surgeons who discovered the disorder, it is commonly known as Perthes and primarily strikes children. When it affects adults, it’s vascular necrosis. To envision its impact on a youngster’s life, think of any adult who suffers from a degenerative hip disease. Debilitating. Painful. And a loss of lifestyle for those afflicted. But snatching joy from a youngster’s life is partic-
ularly difficult to deal with, especially if they become wheelchair-bound. “It was rare for a 3-year-old not be able to go further than a few nearby houses on Halloween. We took her to the doctor who diagnosed the problem as a virus affecting her joints,” said Colleen Rathgeber. “They said it would clear up in two weeks.” Indeed, the problem faded until the Christmas holidays a few months See FOUNDATION, Page 20
ful not to rock them and talk to them at the same time. And we can’t have any fragrance on us. They can’t deal with more than one sense at a time.” Clinard said that would-be Cuddlers must volunteer in other parts of the hospital for six months before they can be considered for the Cuddler program. “I need to get to know them first, to make sure they have the patience, reliability and temperament for such a delicate job. I look for someone who is relaxed and can work as part of a team, someone who can take things in stride and has a very flexible schedule,” she said. Clinard has seven Cuddler hopefuls ready to be trained and would like to eventually have 20 on the team. “Sometimes we know when we will be getting a baby in who needs cuddling, and sometimes there are walkins,” she said. “I’d like to have a robust group to support our ICN nurses and the parents of these fragile newborns.” Robin Earl is the public relations specialist for Fauquier Health. You may reach her at 540-316-2605 or
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Building a sound foundation: Haymarket mom launches national nonprofit for rare hip disorder FOUNDATION, from Page 19 later. Kaelan began limping again and displaying considerable pain with everyday movements. While attending a neighborhood Super Bowl party in February 2017, one of their friends pointed out the child’s limp appeared to be more pronounced than ever. After extensive blood tests by their pediatrician and X-rays from an orthopedic surgeon, the parents were assured their daughter was fine and would shake the limp over time. Yet one month later, Kaelan was sent home by her gymnastics teacher because of the painful leg. “When she walked into the house her leg looked like it was detached from her body. She was dragging it behind her,” Colleen Rathgeber said. “It was scary and traumatizing and we immediately took her to the pediatrician again.” “After a full examination, the doctor said it was either cancer or a rare bone disease that he had not seen in his 24 years of practice. He tended to rule out cancer since her white blood count was normal,” said Rathgeber. The parents scheduled an appointment with a specialist at Inova Children’s Hospital in Fairfax. “The doctor walked in with the original film in his hand and said, ‘It’s right there on the X-ray.’” She had Perthes.
Birth of foundation
Roughly five in 100,000 have Perthes, which most often strikes children between the ages of 4 and 8.
Colleen Rathgeber with her daughter Kaelan, 5, who, while not wheelchair bound, will use one for extended day trips or when hip pain dictates. It is more common in boys. It evolves slowly as the blood supply to the affected hip is interrupted causing the femoral head, or hip ball, to ultimately fragment away. If the hip receives constant high impact during the youthful stage it can alter its shape and lead to ongoing pain in adults. Rathgeber began to research the disease in an effort to have Kaelan enrolled in a study group. Her singular most important contact was Dr. Harry Kim with the Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas, Texas. Kim specialized in the disease and had formed a study group tar-
geted at 6- to 8-year-olds. “The doctor said he had been working with Perthes for 25 years and couldn’t understand why there was no foundation to support research and awareness of the condition,” Rathgeber said. “The more I thought about that, the more I could not shake the idea there was no single point of reference for parents seeking to better understand the disease and help treat their children.” The working mom and mother of three – sons Kade, 8, and Bode, 3, round out the family – seemingly had little time to build and launch such a foundation. But never underestimate the power of a mother’s love. With the decision to move forward, Rathgeber applied for a 501(c) (3) nonprofit status. She was required to form a board of directors and asked a friend, Shelley Crawford, who was studying for her physician assistant’s degree and Kim to serve on the board with her. They agreed. The Legg Calve Perthes Foundation was born. Her motivation to act accelerated when Kaelan, who turned 5 this week, was subsequently diagnosed as suffering from Perthes in both hips. The child is not wheelchair-bound but does require the use of one on long day trips or whenever her hip pain dictates. Kim also pointed out there was no event that enabled parents to meet annually and discuss their children’s conditions and receive updates on research. So Rathgeber planned and hosted, in concert with Kim, the first Perthes conference, which was held in Dallas in October 2017. The daylong event was attended by 25 parents from across the country with 15 surgeons and 10 hospital employees presenting insights into the disease and its research. “The parents felt they got more out of attending that conference than they had ever learned from their doctor or online. The disease affects the entire family, and it was amazing to see these parents sharing their stories and crying together. “They were all feeling similar pain, isolation and sadness because
Perthes robs their child of their childhood. Restrictions include no running or jumping, and it’s really hard to stop young kids from such activities,” said Rathgeber. The positive news is 70 percent of cases resolve themselves by the age of 10 when the femoral cap recovers its blood supply and regrows the hip ball. “But that requires parents to restrict their children’s activities. If the hip ball is constantly pounded, it will flatten the head and require surgery, which is very painful.”
Awareness and fundraising
Bringing her extensive business experience to bear, Rathgeber, who holds an MBA, sponsored a Perthes awareness event at a Washington Nationals ballgame in June. She, board members Crawford, and Dr. Benjamin Martin were recognized on the ballfield for their work. Locally, the town of Haymarket issued a town proclamation in support of her foundation in June and lit the town hall in blue lights in recognition of all those who suffer from the disease. The foundation has also been accepted into the National Organization of Rare Disorders. Acceptance resulted in two additional members joining the board, Drs. Wudbhav “Woody” N. Sankar and Jennifer Lane. Additionally, an honorary member of the board is actor and TV host Cameron Mathison who had Perthes as a child. Sankar believes the foundation provides a valuable role because of the limited information available on the disease. “The Perthes Foundation helps plug these gaps by providing invaluable support and networking opportunities. It has been amazing what Colleen has accomplished. She and the foundation have made a real difference in the lives of patients,” said Sankar. On Oct. 20, the Second Annual Perthes Family Conference will be held in Dallas, Texas. For more information on Legg Calve Perthes disease, its mission, educational efforts, research and donations, visit
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Fauquier Times | September 12, 2018
Fresh from the farm food adds to school menus Fauquier’s FRESH program employs enthusiastic chef By Vicky Moon
Contributing Writer
“My grandma made wedding cakes and catered for friends and family – just for fun,” says Natalie Ortiz, the chef for FRESH (Fauquier Reaches for Excellence in School Health). “We always gathered around food, so I’ve always equated food with good times and love.” Virginia Farm to School Week will be held Oct. 1-5 to coincide with National Farm to School Month. The Fauquier County program includes introducing fresh and nutritious meal options for students for the duration of the school year. The FRESH program creates a culture of health and wellness for students, staff and is funded by the PATH Foundation. Students learn about the seasonality of food products and the importance of supporting local agriculture. Northern Virginia native Ortiz, 36, went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in culinary arts and hospitality management at Stratford University in Falls Church. “I wanted to take that degree and use it to enhance
Students have an opportunity to try new taste treats. FRESH assistants include (l-r) Dorothy Rose, Mary Lou Holczer and Bryant Jennings. people’s lives,” she said. Each month, there are one or two featured produce items incorporated into the Fauquier County schools lunch menu for grades K-12. They may be in the form of cooked items or raw fruit and vegetables. Ortiz works with the various schools’ nutrition departments and said, “At the end of each day, we’re able to have a positive impact on helping our students create healthy habits for life.” “As the FRESH chef, my work lies in training the cafeteria staff to properly utilize fresh produce,” said Ortiz, who developed and recently ran a halfday Farm to School training seminar at Airlie Farm and Conference Center near Warrenton, presented by the Virginia Cooperative Extension. “The relationship with Airlie Farm is brand new,” she said, adding that school nutrition experts are working directly with farm staff on
a pilot program to figure out the best way to efficiently grow the relationship. For this season, Ortiz has chosen three schools to receive the early crops that Airlie is donating. In addition to training staff on how to process produce items, Ortiz also works with local farmers to bring monthly fresh tastings to the schools. “Studies say that it takes upwards of 20 times of being exposed to a new food for children to try it,” she added. “Most people don’t realize that school food works to fight childhood hunger as well as food equity. If students are going to class hungry because their families are suffering from food insecurity, their brains and bodies are not prepared to process and retain the information and experiences their teachers and other school staff are providing.” Ortiz works with the school nutrition department’s lead cooks on how to clean, store, process and prepare
Annual 5K to benefit CAYA substance abuse prevention programs By Amanda Heincer Times Staff Writer
For many people dealing with substance abuse, and for their families, finding help is a challenge, said Moira Satre, founder of CAYA, Come As You Are, a coalition that aims to address that problem. “When I was dealing with my son’s addiction, I didn’t know where to find help,” Satre said. “And that’s the number one question I hear from people… you just don’t know where to go to get help and find help.” After Satre lost her 31-year-old son, Bobby, to a heroin overdose in April 2015, she decided she wanted to become part of the solution. CAYA, described on its website as “a coalition for anyone affected by substance abuse,” was founded in 2016. The coalition aims to connect people dealing with substance abuse – those who are addicted or recover-
ing and their families – with available treatments and support groups and to promote awareness and prevention programs. CAYA will hold its third annual 5K on Saturday, Sept. 22, to raise the needed funds to continue and expand its programs. The run begins at 9 a.m. at Verdun Adventure Bound, 17044 Adventure Bound Trail, Rixeyville. On-site registration begins at 7:30 a.m. “This is our major fundraiser of the year,” said Satre. “And it’s a really fun event.” The event also includes awards for top finishers, music, food, and
remarks by a guest speaker. “We always have a speaker with a hopeful message,” Satre said. “We always want to feature someone who is in recovery and who can give the message that… recovery is possible.” The list of programs that CAYA is involved in is long and growing, Satre said. CAYA is involved in offering Revive classes, to train people how to recognize and respond to opioid overdoses, in support groups such as FODA (Families Overcoming Drug Addiction) meetings held twice a month at Fauquier Hospital, in recovery coaching at the Warrenton Recovery Center and in various awareness and education campaigns. This summer, CAYA helped send teams from two area high schools, Highland School and Fauquier High School, to the Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Project at See CAYA, Page 23
the produce. They’re able to take the information back to either use themselves when cooking the hot meals or to convey to the team member who preps the fresh produce of salads, vegetables or fruit cups. When possible, produce is purchased from a local grower. Fauquier County schools purchase the majority of the fresh items from Produce Source Partners in the Richmond area through a bidding process. A “What’s FRESH” tasting cart rotates through three schools on a monthly basis. Students sample either raw produce or a cooked item. They then vote on whether or not they like the item, which gives an idea of how successful it will be. “We work with school nurses and cafeteria staff to be aware of student allergies,” Ortiz said. “Teachers and staff also sample the fresh items as a positive role model behavior. Master gardener and master food handler volunteers from the extension office programs volunteer to run the cart. They talk to students about how the produce is grown and help sample items.” Vicky Moon can be reached at
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
From politics to prose By Anita L. Sherman Community Editor
Harry F. Burroughs III has called Virginia home since 1965 when he and his family relocated here from Riverbend, New Jersey. With a degree in political science, he was destined to work in Washington. A visit to the U.S. Capitol and watching a legislative session piqued his interest in the legislative branch – how it worked and what could happen to make things better. He began his career in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1977. For nearly 40 years, he worked for several members of Congress, served as the Republican chief of staff of the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, and as the staff director of the Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans. Even before coming to Washington, at the young age of 8, Harry was handing out flyers for a relative who was running for public office. In 1969, as a high school student and member of the International Club at W.T. Woodson in Fairfax, he was instrumental in bringing a Model United Nations program to the student body. A lifelong Republican, Harry will happily admit to being a political animal.
FAUQUIER FOCUS “I love politics,” he says with a broad smile. But he shares another passion and that is writing. “For so many years on Capitol Hill I was writing briefs, reports and speeches. All for someone else,” says Burroughs, a fan favorite of Déjà Brew Coffee House on Main Street in Warrenton. Harry is a familiar face there. “I decided…why not write for myself?” chuckles Burroughs who has authored three books and is now working on another chronicling Fauquier County sheriffs since the 18th century. Speaking of sheriffs, Bob and Cindy Mosier were one of the first folks Harry and his wife, Gayle, met when they moved to Fauquier County more than 30 years ago. Cindy was a DARE officer at P.B. Smith Elementary where the Burroughs’s two sons, Rick and Chris, attended school. “I started following Bob’s career,”
Author Harry Burroughs is a familiar face at Deja Brew on Main Street in Warrenton. said Burroughs…when he was in Bosnia and Iraq…his work with human trafficking. In 1996, Mosier was selected by the U.S. Department of State to serve in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the International Police Task Force as a station commander where he represented the Fauquier County’s Sheriff’s Office. “Bob Mosier is one of the finest human beings I have ever met and having him as a friend is an honor,” said Burroughs who worked vigorously on Mosier’s campaign for sheriff in 2015. He intends to support him again. Burroughs will discuss his latest
book, “The People’s Sheriff,” at an upcoming book signing sponsored by the Fauquier Historical Society. In that book, he details not only his personal friendship with Bob Mosier but his professional support for him as an elected official. His other books, “My Life on Capitol Hill: Five Decades Working in the People’s House,” and “The National Wildlife Refuge System: History, Laws and Abuses of Power,” cover other facets of his career. Harry is a member of the Marshall Writing Group. “It’s a great group. We share information and we read and critique each other’s work,” said Burroughs, who is spending a good deal of time in Fauquier’s Public Library doing research for his next tome, which talks about Fauquier County’s legacy of sheriffs since 1759. Retired since 2015, when Harry isn’t talking politics, campaigning for a favorite candidate, researching and writing, he enjoys working on his golf game and traveling. “We’re going to Florida and we’ve got tickets to the Virginia State Fair,” laughs Burroughs who is super proud of their two sons and four grandchildren. If you’d like to learn more about Harry Burroughs, plan to attend his book signing this coming Saturday, Sept. 15, from 12-3 p.m. at the Fauquier Historical Society located at 10 Ashby St. in Warrenton. Books will be available for purchase and signing. Contact: 540-347-5525.
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Annual 5K to benefit CAYA substance abuse prevention programs
CAYA, from Page 21 Longwood University. The coalition hopes to expand that program and send teams from each of the high schools in the future, Satre said. CAYA is also regularly involved in supporting other local programs and groups that help at-risk populations, Satre said. “We’re busy,” she said with a laugh. “We have a lot of stuff going on.” CAYA is also working to expand and improve its website to eventually offer a comprehensive list of resources, from support groups and treatment options to sober activities in the area, Satre said. “We want to help connect people to the support that is available,” Satre said. “We want to help our community to be a healthy place in any way we can,” she said. “There is no one path to recovery and we want to be able to help connect people to a variety of resources that might suit them, that might appeal to hem and that might help with their recovery.” For more information about CAYA, or to register for the 5K visit www. Registration is available online or can be submitted by mail to CAYA, P.O. Box 3457, Warrenton, VA 20188. Pre-registration by Sept. 13 is $25 and includes a goodie bag and T-Shirt. Registration the day of the event is $30.
Live Music & Entertainment
Email event info to
Sept. 15 Tom Robbins: 7-10 p.m. 201 Waters Place, Culpeper. Join folks on the patio at Beer Hound Brewery for blues and pops from Mississippi musician. Try one of their award-winning beers. Visit The Seth Kibel Quintet featuring Flo Anito at Drum and Strum: 8 p.m. 102 Main St. Warrenton. Woodwind specialist. Tickets/$20. Children under 12 free with adult. Seating limited. Advance tickets recommended. Visit Contact: 540-347-7484 Graham Stone Live on the Summer Stage: 5-8 p.m. Old Bust Head Brewery, 7134 Farm Station Road, Vint Hill, menu by Blue City. Contact:
540-347-4777 Twilight Polo at Great Meadow: 5:30 – 11 p.m. 5089 Old Tavern Road, The Plains. Grand finale. Greenhill Winery, three polo matches, dancing in the pavilion. Visit www. Contact: 540-253-5000 Crossthreaded: 7 p.m. Live music at Orlean Market, 6855 Leeds Manor Road in Marshall. Local Hume band plays bluegrass, country and oldies. RSVP for dinner. Contact: 540-364-2774 Live entertainment at Inn at Kelly’s Ford: 7-10 p.m. 16589 Edwards Shop Road in Remington. Contact: 540399-1779
Sept. 16 Live Irish Music: 5-8 p.m., Come enjoy live Irish music and a relaxed dining atmosphere every Sunday. Wonderful free event perfect for family and friends. Roast beef special. 380 Broadview Ave., Warrenton. Visit Contact: 540-347-7203
Sept. 22 Lulu Wiles: 8 p.m. 102 Main St.
SETH KIBEL // SEPT. 15 Warrenton. Lady trio sings folk, blues, Indie. $20. Children under 12 free with adult. Seating limited. Advance tickets recommended. Visit www.drumnstrum. com Contact: 540-347-7484 Get Down Jack: 7-10 p.m. 201 Waters Place, Culpeper. Join folks on the patio at Beer Hound Brewery for one of the most fun and entertaining musical duos around. Try one of their award-winning beers. Visit Battle Street Live: Old Town Manassas, Hypnotic Willie, 9 p.m. www.
Sept. 29 Battle Street Live: Old Town Manassas, Harlen Simple, 9 p.m. www.
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
UPCOMING EVENTS Send your events to asherman@fauquier. com at least a week in advance. Entries need to include address and contact number. Visit for more events.
Wednesday, Sept. 12 Ignite Fauquier: 9-10 a.m., 33 N. Calhoun St., Warrenton. An alliance of entrepreneurs is helping small business owners “fire up business.” Come join our program at the Warrenton Visitor Center. Meet new people and learn the challenges of businesses and organizations. Following the program, there were also be discussion among attendees. Contact 540-216-7100
Thursday, Sept. 13 Fauquier Historical Society Annual Dinner: 5:30 p.m., 9236 Tournament Drive, Warrenton. We welcome FHS members and the general public to join us in our Annual Dinner Fundraiser at Fauquier Spring Country Club. Annual dinner ticket includes buffet, coffee, dessert, silent auction and one complimentary drink ticket for the cash bar. $55/non-members, $45/members. RSVP by Sept. 1. All in the family brunch: 9:30 a.m., 91 Main St., Fellowship Hall Warrenton Presbyterian Church, Warrenton. Featuring Vicky Ginther, Reference/Virginiana Room librarian of The Fauquier County Public Library speaking on genealogy. Music provided by Jamie and Gayle Gorman. Speaker Melissa Snow of Amissville on “Trials weren’t meant to destroy you but make you stronger.” $9 inclusive. Free child care with reservation. Sponsored by the Christian Women’s Connection. Contact Stephanie 540-347-7150
Friday, Sept. 14 Unaccompanied veterans’ ceremony: 2 p.m. Culpeper National Cemetery holds first unaccompanied veterans’ ceremony. Unaccompanied veterans are those who were interred without formal recognition, military honors, or family and friends present. Culpeper National Cemetery, annex side (501 E. Chandler St.) next to the American flag, across from shelter 2. Contact: 540-825-0027
Saturday, Sept. 15 Harry Burroughs Book Signing: Noon – 3 p.m. 10 Ashby St., Warrenton. Join the Fauquier Historical Society for a fall book signing by local author Harry Burroughs III. Pick up a copy of his book “The People’s Sheriff” in the gift shop and meet with the author. Learn about the 60 individuals who have been named Fauquier County’s sheriff since 1759. Contact: 540-347-5525 Food Giveaway: 9 a.m. 341 Church St., Warrenton. The Fauquier County Food Distribution Coalition will hold a food giveaway for those who are in need from 9 a.m. until the food is gone at the Warrenton United Methodist Church, 341 Church St., Warrenton.
Sunday, Sept. 16 Meet the author David Goetz: 2 p.m. John Barton Payne Building, Warrenton. Fauquier County Public Library hosts David Goetz who will discuss “Ever the Gray Ghost: Colonel John Singleton Mosby and the Lincoln Conspiracies.” No registration required. Free program. Books available for signing. Contact: 540-422-8518 2018, Bodies in Motion 10K, 5K and Fun Run: The Blue Ridge Orthopedic Foundation has been putting on the Bodies in Motion event for several years to raise funds for local nonprofits, including the Fauquier Education Farm. Please find your own way to support this important community event, you can run, jog, perambulate, stroll or even walk, and very importantly you can step up and donate! events/554845128306468 The Plains book signing: noon-3 p.m. Local author Jill Turner Darnell will sign copies of her historical novel, “Riding the Waves of Life with Lavinia” at Crest Hill Antiques and Tea Room, 6488 Main St. Public welcome. Free but RSVPs requested. Contact 540-253-5790.
Monday, Sept. 17 2018 Real Men Wear Pink of Fauquier County Reveal Party: 6 p.m. 7134 Farm Station Road, Warrenton. This distinguished
group of community leaders is determined to raise awareness and money to support the American Cancer Society’s mission and save more lives than ever before from breast cancer. Thanks to the passion of our Real Men Wear Pink supporters, we’re able to make a huge impact on the mission to end breast cancer. Contact: 540-347-1566 Parkinson’s Piedmont Support Group in Warrenton: 12:15-2 p.m. Chestnut Forks Tennis Club, 6379 Airlie Road, Warrenton. Covers Fauquier, Culpeper, Rappahannock area. Meets the third Monday of every month. Persons with Parkinson’s, as well a care partners, are welcome to attend. Share experiences, treatment interventions, resource information and fellowship with others going through the same challenges Contact Kendal Blaser at 540-222-6000 or Ann Proctor at 703-967-8525.
Tuesday, Sept. 18 Warrenton Chorale: 7-9 p.m. The Warrenton Chorale has begun rehearsals for the “Christmas in Music Concerts.” Past singers and new singers welcome. Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. at Heritage Presbyterian Church, Warrenton. Concerts presented on Nov. 29 (7:30 p.m.), Nov. 30 (7:30 p.m.) and Dec. 1 (3 p.m.) at Warrenton Methodist Church. Visit
Friday, Sept. 21 RappCats Catstravaganza 2018: 6:30-9:30 p.m. RappCats, a Rappahannock-based nonprofit organization that rescues, cares for, and finds loving homes for needy cats and kittens throughout Rappahannock County, is holding their annual fundraiser at The Meadows, home of John and Beverly Sullivan. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and wonderful wines will be served as attendees listen to performances by jazz artist Monica Worth, jazz pianist Bob Bennetta, and guest musicians. A live auction and a silent auction will be held. Tickets are $65 per person; $55 per person for seniors age 65 and older. Visit www. to purchase tickets through
PayPal. Contact: 540-987-6050 or email
Saturday, Sept. 22 CAYA 5K: 9 a.m. at Verdun Adventure Bound, 17044 Adventure Bound Trail, Rixeyville. Proceeds benefit CAYA Coalition’s substance abuse prevention programs. Registration is available online or by mail. $25 pre-registration by Sept. 13 or $30 registration the day of the race. Event also includes awards, music and food. For more information, visit Paranormal Tour and Investigation: 7-9 p.m. 10 Ashby St., Warrenton. Located in Warrenton’s Old Jail, the Fauquier History Museum has had its fair share of paranormal activity. Sightings, unexplainable voices and sounds, and other paranormal activity have been reported by both staff and guests. Join staff and the Culpeper Paranormal team in this after-hours tour and investigation. Not suitable for children under 12. $20. Contact. 540-3447-5525 BBQ Chicken dinner: 4-7 p.m. The Jeffersonton Community Center, 5073 Jeffersonton Road, Jeffersonton, (Routes 802 and 621, off Route 211) is hosting a BBQ Chicken Dinner. Menu includes barbecue chicken, sides, bread, desserts and drinks. $10/adults, $5/ children 6-12. Under 6 are free. All proceeds go to maintain the community Center and community projects. Contact: 540-937-9979.
Tuesday, Sept. 25 Youth Mental Health First Aid: 4:30-8:30 p.m. Runs two days Sept. 25-26, 321 Walker Drive, PATH Resource Center (Second Floor), Warrenton. Sign up at
Saturday, Sept. 29 Fourth Annual W.G. Coleman Elementary Fall Festival: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Games, prizes, food and more. $5/person, $20/ family of four or more, ages 3 and under/ free. Pumpkin painting, petting zoo, bounce houses, fall-themed photo booth. Rain or shine. Contact if interested in being a vendor.
Fauquier Times | September 12, 2018
David Goetz discusses ‘Ever the Gray Ghost: Colonel John Singleton Mosby and the Lincoln Conspiracy’ Fauquier County Public Library will host author David Goetz on Sunday, Sept. 16, at 2 p.m. at the John Barton Payne Bldg. in Warrenton. Goetz will discuss “Ever the Gray Ghost: Colonel John Singleton Mosby and the Lincoln Conspiracies,” which examines the background of individuals and groups from both sides of the Civil War who wanted to capture or kill confederate President Jefferson Davis and U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. The author will discuss in particular Colonel Mosby’s role in the conspiracies against Lincoln. “Ever the Gray Ghost: Colonel John Singleton Mosby and the Lincoln Conspiracies” is Goetz’s newest book. His first, “Hell is Being a Republican in Virginia: The Postwar Relationship Between John Singleton Mosby and Ulysses S. Grant,” examined the pursuit of peace and reconciliation between North and South by Colonel Mosby and President Grant during and after Reconstruction. Goetz, a Culpeper County resident, is a past commander of the Black Horse Camp #780, Sons of Confederate Veterans in Fauquier County, Virginia, current vice-pres-
David Goetz ident of the Stuart-Mosby Historical Society and member of the Fauquier Historical Society board of directors. He owns Mosby’s Confederacy Tours and leads tours in Fauquier, Loudoun, Warren and Clarke counties. He is a U.S. Army veteran. Copies of Goetz’s book will be available for sale after the program. Interested in more books about John Mosby? Stop by the reference desk for assistance, or check out on of the following books:
• “Gray Ghost: The Life of Col. John Singleton Mosby,” by James A. Ramage • “Mosby’s Memoirs: The Memoirs of Colonel John Singleton Mosby,” by John S. Mosby • “Mosby’s Confederacy: A Guide to the Roads and Sites of Colonel John Singleton Mosby,” by Thomas J. Evans and James M. Moyer • “Mosby’s Rangers,” by Jeffry D. Wert • “Mosby’s Rangers: A Record of the Operations of the Forth-third Battalion Virginia Cavalry,” by James J. Williamson • “Mosby Vignettes,” (7 volumes) by Thomas J. Evans and James M. Moyer • “Ranger Mosby,” by Virgil Carrington Jones • “Rebel: The Life and Times of John Singleton Mosby,” by Kevin H. Siepel – Cheryl Crow Warrenton central library
Calendar: September 12-18
Wednesday, Sept. 12 Half Pints story time 10:30-11 a.m. (B) 2’s & 3’s Together Story Time 10:30-11:15 a.m. (W) Marshall Afternoon Book Club 1-2:30 p.m. (JM) Bealeton Adult Writing Group Work Session 3:30-6 p.m. (B) LEGO Free Play @ the Library 4-5 p.m. (B) (JM) (W) English-as-a-second-language class, 6-8 p.m. (W) Thursday, Sept. 13 Preschool Story Time 10:30-11 a.m. (W) (B) Calling All Older Wiser Learners (OWLs) 2-4 p.m. (B) GED classes 5:30-8 p.m. (B) * Friday, Sept. 14 Book Cellar open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (JBP) Preschool Story Time 10:30-11 a.m. (JM) Saturday, Sept. 15 Book Cellar open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (JBP) Sensory Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m. (W) Bealeton Paws to Read 10:30-noon (B) Sunday, Sept. 16 Meet the Author: Dave Goetz 2-4 p.m. (W) Monday, Sept. 17 Baby Steps 10:30-11 a.m. (W) Warrenton Paws to Read 4-5 p.m. (W) Scrabble for Adults 6-8 p.m. (JM) Tuesday, Sept. 18 Half Pints story time 10:30-11 a.m. (W) Marshall Adult Writing Group 1-3 p.m. (JM) STEAM @ the Library 4:30-5:30 p.m. (B) Homework Help for school-age children 5-7 p.m. (B) Evening Book ‘N Stitchers 5-6 p.m. (JM) GED Classes 5:30-8 p.m. (B) * Pajama Storytime 6-7 p.m. (W) * Registration is required B – Bealeton branch library, 10877 Willow Drive North, Bealeton JM – John Marshall branch library, 4133 Rectortown Road, Marshall W – Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester Street, Warrenton JBP – John Barton Payne bldg., 2 Courthouse Square, Warrenton For full program descriptions, visit or pick up a calendar of events from any library location.
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Home Sweet Home Improvements Seminar is hosted by Mastercraft Design Showroom 53 East Lee Street, Warrenton
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
College Connection This is a paid advertisement.
September 2018
Lord Fairfax Community College
Warrenton Resident Scrubs Her Nursing Plans for Surgical Technology By SALLY VOTH Lord Fairfax Community College
WARRENTON, VA – When she graduated from Battlefield High School in Haymarket in 2015, Warrenton resident Hollie Hurdle wasn’t sure what her next steps would be. She watched her friends go off to college, many with funding from their parents. Hurdle knew whatever she did, she had to do it herself. Like her older sister, she decided to enroll in Northern Virginia Community College, referred to as NOVA. Hurdle, 21, thought she’d go into the RN program at NOVA, knowing that nursing was a field with excellent job security, but wasn’t accepted into the program. At the time, she wasn’t aware of LFCC’s RN program, which is accredited through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. And, while Hurdle didn’t know about LFCC’s nursing program in time to apply, she did notice the surgical technology certificate program, and applied. She decided to go for it, figuring it would be a year before she could apply to the nursing program at LFCC. Hurdle was in the second
cohort of students taking surgical technology classes at LFCC’s Vint Hill site. Surgical technologists are part of the surgical team – they set up equipment and supplies needed during an operation, and pass instruments to the surgeon. According to Lisa Day, program instructor at Vint Hill, they can become educators or surgical assistants, and can work in hospitals, surgical offices, ambulatory care units or the military. Day is also the president of the Virginia State Assembly of the Association of Surgical Technologists. LFCC’s surgical technology program started at the college’s Middletown Campus in 2004. The three-semester program includes classes in anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, fundamentals of surgical care, surgical pharmacology and microbiology. Students must graduate from an accredited surgical technology program in order to take the national certification exam to become a certified surgical technologist. “I was kind of intimidated when I first started my surgical technology classes,” Hurdle says. “Lisa told us we’d have to know all of the instruments by
the end of the first week. To my surprise, I did know all of them by the end of that week. That’s when I realized I was capable of doing something I didn’t even realize I could do.” All of the surgical technologists-in-training must participate in at least 120 surgical cases in order to graduate from the program. Hurdle did most of her cases at Reston Hospital Center, a Level II trauma center, meaning it can provide the start of care for all types of patients. She also got a job in the hospital’s sterile processing department. Shortly after graduating from the surgical technology program in late July, Hurdle started her new job at Reston Hospital Center, “People are really nice and very helpful at the hospital,” she says. “It’s very busy, but it’s a very rewarding feeling after a case is finished.” Day and instructor JaLynda Buckingham were “so nice,” according to Hurdle. “Lisa shares her reallife experiences as a surgical technologist and surgical first assist,” she says. “It’s not like she’s just reading out of a textbook. We’re not going into the operating room textbook-
FILE PHOTO Lord Fairfax Community College
Hollie Hurdle sets up for a lab at LFCC’s Vint Hill site.
smart. We’re going in there real-life smart. “Lisa and JaLynda always looked out for us. Knowing they were there behind me made me less nervous during clinicals. It’s like having another mom.” Hurdle, who plans to finish her associate degree through NOVA this fall and may later earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing, community health or medical management, says she recommends LFCC’s surgical technology program to “everybody.” “I give out Lisa Day’s business cards like candy
LFCC Cybersecurity Experts Take Part in StateWide Conference By SALLY VOTH Lord Fairfax Community College
MIDDLETOWN, VA – Cybersecurity program manager Professor Henry Coffman and several LFCC colleagues presented at a recent statewide cybersecurity educational conference. Coffman, Computer Science Professor Melissa Stange, Associate Professor of IT Darrell Andrews and Workforce Solutions program manager Samantha Brill attended the inaugural Virginia Cybersecurity Education Conference at James Madison University in midAugust. The Virginia Cyber Range Office, which is located at Virginia Tech, managed the conference. The conference attracted nearly 200 attendees, which included representatives from cybersecurity firms and students who competed in a Capturethe-Flag competition. Virginia
Secretary of Education Atif Qarni served as the keynote speaker. “The purpose of the conference was to allow educators and our partners in government and industry to learn about cybersecurity efforts underway around the commonwealth,” says Coffman. “High school teachers were awarded scholarships to the conference so they could learn all that is happening in this critical field at the K-12, community college and fouryear university levels, and take that back to their classrooms. Students learned how to incorporate creative thinking and teamwork in competition maneuvers, while establishing contacts with potential future employers.” Coffman represents Lord Fairfax on the Virginia Cyber Range Executive Committee, and Stange is an alternate member of the executive
committee, which meets on a monthly basis to discuss strategic direction of the Cyber Range, as well as cybersecurity needs and opportunities throughout the state. LFCC has a seat at the table thanks to its designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense. The designation – awarded by the U.S. National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security – was bestowed in 2015. “I was there to share the great things LFCC is doing in cybersecurity and computer science when it comes to producing graduates who are successful when they leave the college,” Stange says. “The most exciting part for me was learning what others are doing and finding new ideas and techniques to bring back to LFCC to make our classes even better.” Lord Fairfax offers
all the time,” she laughs. “I think the program taught me more than just how to be a surgical technologist. I feel like it’s also helped me learn time management and how to prioritize.” As of May 2017, the average salary of a surgical technologist in Virginia was $51,450, according to data from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. For more information about LFCC’s surgical technology program, visit surgtech.
EVENTS BLOOD DRIVE Sept. 13, 12-5 p.m., Fauquier Campus CONSTITUTION DAY CELEBRATION Sept. 17, 12:15-1:30 p.m., Fauquier Campus
FILE PHOTO Lord Fairfax Community College
Cybersecurity program manager Henry Coffman presenting during the conference.
both associate degrees and career studies certificates in cybersecurity. This fall, Vint Hill has started an accelerated cybersecurity certificate program. For more information on the cybersecurity program, visit, or email Coffman at hcoffman@
COLLEGE NIGHT Sept. 25, 6-8 p.m., Fauquier Campus SOCIAL MEDIA SAFETY Sept. 29, 10-11:30 a.m., Fauquier Campus BOOK TALK: DAVE GOETZ Sept. 29, 2-4 p.m., Fauquier Campus See more at
Fauquier Times | September 12, 2018
Culpeper home features in-law suite
New Property
7346 Huntsman Dr. Warrenton, VA 20186
brant Town of Culpeper with amazing restaurants and shops and health care facilities. It is also 40 miles to Charlottesville and UVA Hospital. Offered at $399,900. For a private tour of this property contact Toni Flory with United Country Piedmont Real Estate, 540-229-7760,
Toni Flory
United Country Piedmont Real Estate 540-229-7760
Gorgeous FORMER MODEL home with light-filled rooms, main level master, beautiful two story family room off kitchen and fully finished lower level. This lovely home, on a large lot with lush landscaping, patio, and three car garage is a true 10! 5 bed / 4.5 bath / 4652 sqft
Call Patti Brown 703-401-5798
Come see your new home.
ry of keeping families together. Three bedrooms and two baths are on the second level. The walkout basement has tons of storage plus a rec room with wood stove, laundry room and full bath. The eat-in kitchen is open to the family room, which has custom built-in shelves. Outside you can enjoy the large private backyard, deck and enclosed porch. You also have a two-car garage and separate storage building. Located in beautiful Culpeper County, this house is close to the vi-
5 Star Service
Is it time to consider a multigenerational home? Approximately 20 percent of U.S. households are multigenerational and that number is expected to increase as our population ages. In addition to the traditional floor plan, this home in Culpeper features a main-level, two-bedroom in-law suite with separate kitchen, laundry and bath. With a total of five bedrooms and four and a half baths, this house is perfect for a multigenerational family. With lots of common space and private areas, this house has a histo-
CCC Ruritan Club meets Thursday Congratulations to Temple Anne Douglas on receiving her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Virginia Tech and Wake Forest. Dr. Douglas is the granddaughter of Brad and Joan Douglas of Catlett and daughter of Bo and Pat Douglas. Best wishes as you start a new career. Happy 21st Birthday to Zach Woodward. Dad and I are so proud
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
AMANDA ARMSTRONG WOODWARD CALVERTON CATLETT CASSONOVA 540-295-4925 of you. We wish many blessings in
OPEN HOUSE September 15th from 11 am - 2 pm
Convenient Location + Beautifully Maintained + One Level Living = A Great Place to Call HOME! Brick & Siding rambler situated on a well-manicured 1 acre lot. 3 BR, 3 baths, wood floors, sun room, deck with hot tub, garage with storage, plus 12x28 shed with electric. What are you waiting for?
Directions from Warrenton: Rt.29N, R on Rt.605 (Dumfries Road), R on Greenwich Rd to property with sign on right.
the year ahead. The Catlett, Calverton, Casanova Ruritan Club will meet Thursday, Sept. 13, at 7 p.m. This month the club will meet at Trinity United Methodist Church, Catlett. Ruritan Clubs are civic-service organizations with more than 25,000 members throughout the United States. Since its beginning in 1928, this organization has served communities with fellowship, good will and community service. The CCC Ruritan makes up just a small part of our nation’s larger groups. Our club’s ongoing fundraiser is a shotgun raffle that we draw for in December to help raise money to support our projects. A few of our projects are scholarships to financially support high school graduates in pursuing their educational goals, holiday food baskets and projects to help local citizens facing difficult situations. If you are interested in joining the club, contact Diana Dutton, CCC president, at dianadutton. Morrisville United Methodist Church will have its Fall Fling on
Saturday, Sept. 22, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch will be served along with a bake sale, a “what not shop,” and a quilt raffle. There will be a moon bounce for the children. Vendor spaces are available. Contact the church at 540-439-2594 for more information. Kitty yoga will be held on Friday, Sept. 14 at 35 Main St., Warrenton. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. and all monetary donations will be matched by the Main Street Wellness Center to support the Fauquier County SPCA. All kittens are adoptable. So, come enjoy some exercise, support your local SPCA and maybe even adopt a precious little kitten. It’s a win-win event for all. Keep the news coming my way. Feel free to reach out to me anytime.
Sign up for our daily headlines e-blast at
Ralph Monaco, Jr. llc. 540-341-7687
403 Holiday Court Warrenton VA 20186 RE/MAX Regency
BRENDA PAYNE Realtor®, ABR, GRI SFR, E-PRO 540.270.1795 | 540.347.2250 (O) 492 Blackwell Rd. Warrenton, VA 20186
Residential Sales & Property Management
One Level Living Well maintained 2 bedroom home on 3.57 acres in Midland. Nice large living room and eat-in kitchen. Great yard with plenty of parking. $245,000 10 Wooded Acres Beautiful rolling wooded lot in the Free State area of Fauquier. Easy access to Warrenton Rt.29 or Marshall I-66. Build your dream home here. $186,000
Spacious colonial w/large open floor plan. Large kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Formal LR & DR. Large fully fenced backyard.
Charming 4 BR, 2.5 BA on 1+acre at end of cul-de-sac. Updated kitchen w/ceramic tile, granite & newer appliances. Cozy family room with wood stove.
Charming 4 BR, 4 BA colonial nestled on 9.45 acres. Oversized 2 car garage w/workshop. Private patios, stocked pond. Tons of privacy.
Spacious 4/5 BR, 2.5 BA colonial on 11+ private acres. Custom hardwood floors on main level. Gourmet kitchen w/granite countertops. (540) 347-5277 25 S. Fourth Street, St 200 Warrenton, VA 20186
Licensed in Virginia
Becky Miller
Amissville | $339,900
1286 Jason Lane | 3BR, 3BA, on 3 acres
540-878-5041 Licensed in the State of Virginia
Earl Arrington
Christopher Rapin Virginia Wright Salesperson Salesperson Broker 540-229-1601 703-477-8725 28A J ohn M ArshAll s t .,W Arrenton , VA 540-219-9531
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Support the park at the Goldvein Jubilee
Town of Remington to consider allowing microbreweries At its meeting on Monday, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m. at 105 East Main St., Remington, the Remington Town Council will consider amending its zoning code to permit microbreweries within the Town of Remington. There appears to be no formal applicant or request by anyone for a microbrewery in the corporate limits of Remington. A complete copy of the Ordinance 03-18 was not available at press time. There will be a free movie night and showing of “Black Panther” on Saturday, Sept. 15, at dusk at the Remington Community Garden. Free popcorn will be served by the Remington American Legion. Remington Fire and Rescue personnel are selling $35 and $45 tickets for their annual “Shrimp & Fish” dinner, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 15 from 4-7 p.m. The Remington FCE Homemakers club will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 19, beginning at 10 a.m. at St. Luke’s parish hall. The speaker will be Mary Ann Wolfrey, speaking on “Essential Oils.” Luncheon will be served.
Ask the Arborist
Jamie Wood Greg Bradshaw Shane Wagoner
I.S.A. Certified Arborists
The escalating deer population means trouble for local landscapes. While they look harmless enough, deer devour plants, foliage and shrubs, leaving gardens barren.
Reducing deer damage to your landscape is now possible. Bartlett Tree Experts has an effective deer repellent program that can be customized specifically for your property. Extensive research conducted by scientists at our 350-acre Lab means we use only the most effective products, which pose no risk to people, pets or the deer. While deer feed all year long, they cause the heaviest damage to shrubs and trees during the winter. That is why it is important to take advantage of this valuable service now. Treatments applied in fall will help repel deer from plants before they develop feeding patterns and before their browsing becomes damaging. For more information on deer repellent programs, or any of the tree and shrub care services we provide, please call us at (540) 364-2401 Remember, this service is most effective when performed in late fall/early winter, so please contact us today! or 1-877-Bartlett.
September has arrived and with it the cooler weather (not quite but we hope soon)! Personally, I cannot believe how quickly the summer flew by. I know I’m getting older because time goes faster than ever! The Sumerduck Ruritan Club will be hosting a Pickin’ Party this Friday, Sept. 14. Freddy Frazer and the Blue Mountain Boys will play from 7-8:30 p.m. And from 8:30-10 p.m., John Cook and Cook’s Express will play. The doors open at 5 p.m. and dinner is served from 6-8:30 p.m. The cost is a free-will donation. The Goldvein Jubilee is this Sat-
GOLDVEIN 540-379-2026 urday, Sept.15, from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. The community is invited to come out and support the park. All proceeds go towards the improvement of Monroe Park. There will be great food including Mrs. Bell’s famous corndogs, Bill Ritchie’s delicious barbecue and more. Also:
games, gold panning, a moon bounce, historical displays and a silent auction. There is no charge for admission. There is a small fee for games and gold panning. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) Club will be meeting at the Bealeton Library on Tuesday, Sept. 18, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. The Remington FCE Homemakers Club will be meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 10 a.m. at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. The special guest speaker will be Mary Ann Wolfrey and she will be talking about essential oils. A covered-dish luncheon will be served after the meeting. All local homemakers are welcome. Have a super week!
Nobody knows the country like we do National Marketing, Local Expertise Toni Flory | 866.918.FARM |
Fauquier County
These property transfers, filed Sept. 1 through Sept. 6, 2018 were provided by the Clerk of the Court in Fauquier County. (Please note that to conserve space, only the first person named as the grantor or grantee is listed. The kind of instrument is a deed unless stated otherwise.) Top dollar deal: $619,900 in Scott District
Cedar Run District Deutsche Bank Nat’l. Trust Co. Tr. to Jane Hinegardner, 13,4352 acres at 4041 Midland Road, nr. Midland. $310,000 Michael Aukema to Michael Aukema, 2.7042 acres at 9668 Green Road, nr. Warrenton. $140,000 Center District James W. Podboy to David Scribner, 109 Derby Way, Warrenton. $421,225 RAS Northrock Residential LC to Equity Trust Co., 0.5587 acre on Preston Drive, Warrenton. $85,000 Charlotte Byler to Angela Charlotte Haber, 459 Denning Court, Warrenton. $248,000 Ernest C. Schwab Jr. to Jennifer D. Barabas, Lots 19 and 20, ½ of Lot 21, Moffett Subdivision, Warrenton. $315,000 Mark B. Williams to Ryan W. Freidline, Lots 6 and 7 at 143 Waterloo Street, Warrenton. $549,900 William S. Howe III to Bahman Panahandeh, 351 Preston Drive, Warrenton. $524,000 Linda D. Kutzleb to Eric Couch, 6561 Lancaster Drive, Warrenton. $340,000 Jennifer Michelle Budd to Daniel
Carroll, 754 Cherry Tree lane, Warrenton. $276,500 Lee District Daniel C. Rhodes to Dustin M. Smith, 19.6748 acre at 7395 Opal Road, nr. Warrenton. $535,000 Timothy l. Mullins to Mario R. Bautista Chinchilla, 2.7553 acres at 13134 Marsh Road, Bealeton/ Morrisville. $275,000 Baxter J. Helmick to Juvis Guzman, Lot 304 at 6185 Willow Place, Bealeton. $179,000 NVR Inc. to Kellie Poirier, 7612 Hancock Street, Bealeton. $399,866 Brian R. Viele to Terry R. Utterback, 7010 Justin Court, East Remington. $270,000 Marshall District John Simpson to Wooton LLC, 8319 Mauzy Square, Marshall. $192,500 Timothy E. Westlove to Daniel R. Sagan, 10.803 acres at 9900 Foxville Road, nr. Warrenton. $520,000 National Capital Area Council, Boy Scouts of America to Michael A. Moran, 50% interest in 17.922 acres, 18.43 acres and 20.46 acres nr. Markham, $60,000 Trigon Homes LLC to Michael
F. Lighthiser, 5.5684 acres at 9317 Old Waterloo Road, Warrenton. $539,008 Donald E. Smart to Candace Brimberry Dibblee, 12.35539 and 10.23944 acres at 6920 Hilltop Lane, Marshall. $524,756.84 Scott District Donald E. Casavecchia to Todd Eric Cox, 10.0857 acres at 5624 Dumfries Road, Warrenton. $619,900 FFC Properties LLC to Karen Marie Rutherford, 1.4689 acres at 5873 Manchester Court, nr. Warrenton. $540,000 John P. Tamborino III to Paige Caswell Houston, 37.1177 acres at 6103 James Madison Highway, nr. Warrenton. $599,900 Bank of New York Mellon Tr. to Grayson B. Hunt Jr. 1.3929 acres at 5047 Broad Run Church Road, near Warrenton. $284,050 Yvonne Hansotte to Dan McBride Jr., 3.0619 acres at 5456 Old Busthead Road, Broad Run. $454,900 Matthew T. Groves to Thera Vanderveer Saylor, 7006 Settler’s Ridge, nr. Warrenton. $350,000 Susan E. Moore to Todd Finks, 1.0005 acre at 7281 Forrest Road nr. Warrenton. $325,000
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
New arts center coming to Warrenton Great news for Warrenton! There will soon be a center for music and the arts right in Old Town. The newly established Gloria Faye Dingus Center for the Arts will utilize the former spaces once occupied by Earth, Glaze and Fire and Yarnia (both having relocated to nearby storefronts), along with the expanded Listening Room of Drum and Strum. The new center will be formed for
ALICE FELTS WARRENTON 540-349-0037 the advancement and enjoyment of the arts, with a new technically-sound
Charm, Location and Convenience In Vint Hill a Community of well kept homes. This sparking clean center Hall Colonial home is sited on Premium lot backing to pond, tress, Biketrails & Walking-trails. Features a 2 car garage, Gourmet kitchen with granite counter-top & nice appliances, pleasant sun-room, 10 foot ceilings, crown molding, hardwood floors, Cozy Living room, family room highlighted by a gas fireplace, luxury master suite, family sized front porch, 4 bedrooms, a huge bonus room or if need be a 5th bedroom. Warrenton. $517,250
auditorium for live entertainment, such as musical performances, plays, movies, dance recitals and comedy shows. There will also be an art gallery for paintings, photography and sculpture, with submissions from both local and out-of-town artists. When not in use as a performance venue, the space will be available for a small fee to community and business groups for such events as meetings and workshops. The mission of the Center for the Arts is to enrich the quality of life in Fauquier County by encouraging the creation, joy, and understanding of artistic expression. What a great mission to have! Shelf Life at 52 Main St. is known for its “functional furnishings.” Often the store puts many delightful items on the sidewalk for sale. One humorous sign caught my attention. It read: “A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer that the men who mention it.” The sign brought to mind that Weight Watchers holds weekly meetings at 65 Main St. Meeting
times are Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Both men and women are welcomed as long as the men don’t mention the little extra weight as indicated in the Shelf Life sign. A new nail salon, Tip Toes, has just opened at 92 Main St., # 201-4. Owner Christen Miller is experiencing her life’s dream and her salon is open Tuesdays through Fridays. You may make appointments by calling 540-229-7872. Talented local artist Dorothy Smith is putting the final touches on her LOVE sculpture which will be unveiled by the park in front of the Greenway and Claire’s on Thursday, Sept. 13, at 5:30 p.m. It will be a great addition to the art environment! Meet local author Dave Goetz on Sunday, Sept. 16, at 2 p.m. at the John Barton Payne Building, where he will discuss his latest book, “Ever the Gray Ghost: Colonel John Singleton Mosby and the Lincoln Conspiracies.” The book will be available for purchase after the program.
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Spacious 4 BR/2.5 BA colonial located in the beautiful Menlough community, which is within walking distance to shops and restaurants in Old Town Warrenton. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to tour. Customized in every respect, this home has an upgraded kitchen w/newer appliances & a natural gas stove, cozy family room w/gas log fireplace, deck, fenced back garden, space for more rooms in the walk-out basement, and is move-in ready. Hope to see you at 121 English Chase Ln., Warrenton, VA 20186
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Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Remember, smoke alarms save lives It seems that time is moving at a rapid pace or perhaps that is because as we grow older and move more slowly, we do not accomplish things as fast as we once did. Working smoke alarms save lives! Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 7-13. In preparation for that, every fire station in Fauquier County and the Fauquier County Fire Marshal’s Office will be implementing a smoke alarm installation program. County residents who do not currently have working smoke detectors can email smoke alarm@ or call 540-4228800 to request smoke alarms for their home. Fire and rescue station person-
November community forum to focus on human trafficking As I sit here contemplating what to begin my column with, I must get on my soapbox for just a minute. I attended a community forum about human trafficking and I must say that it was eye-opening and terrifying. Please parents, talk to your children, be proactive about what they do on the internet and outside the home. You may think that it’s not going to happen to you, but I sat there in that auditorium and listened to a mother talk about her teenage daughter being trafficked and my heart hurt for her as she was telling the facts about what happened. A community forum will be held in our area at Marshall
ANNE DAVIS MARKHAM HUME ORLEAN 540-364-1828 nel will coordinate with the homeowner and install the smoke alarms or replace batteries in existing operational smoke alarms. Alarms for the hearing impaired are also available. Do it now and perhaps save your own life or the life of someone you love. Hume Day is Saturday, Sept. 15.
BRENDA PAYNE MARSHALL THE PLAINS 540-270-1795 Middle School on Nov. 7 at 6:30 p.m. Please put this important event on your calendar. It takes an entire community to work together to stop this from happening to our children. OK, I’m off the soapbox, now on to other happenings in our neighborhood… Local author Jill Turner Darnell
Go search for treasures at the community yard sale, enjoy the barbecue lunch prepared by Marriott Ranch and watch the joust at 3 p.m. A special feature of the event will be a performance by the Fauquier Youth Orchestra at noon. The performance will feature patriotic and familiar selections for you to enjoy. FYO is a nonprofit organization open to all instruments and levels of ability. The orchestra rehearses each Wednesday evening at Highland School. Want to know more about the group? Contact or Drum and Strum at 540-347-7484. The Orlean Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department will have the monthly breakfast buffet on Sunday, Sept. 16, from 8-11 a.m. The
Goodies-To-Go table will be open with some new additions. The BuyA-Brick campaign which helps with funding for the new station is ongoing. Please consider purchasing a brick to remember or to honor someone in the community or your family. Applications for the bricks are available at the corner table. Celebrate Orlean will be held on Saturday, Oct. 13. Your help is needed, with strong arms and willing hearts, for a variety of tasks. Volunteers are asked to give a few hours to help vendors set up, to man some of the tables and to help with the kids’ activities. Contact your writer at 540-364-1828 or send me a quick email at with the time that you are available.
will sign copies of her book, “Riding the Waves of Life with Lavinia.” from noon-3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 16 at Crest Hill Antiques & Tea Room in The Plains. The novel features memorable characters who experience love, adventure, betrayal, forgiveness and loss. For more info or to RSVP, call 540-253-5790. Ladies – come enjoy an “All In The Family” Brunch, featuring Vicky Ginther, librarian at Fauquier Public Library, discussing genealogy. Listen to Melissa Snow as she speaks about “Trials weren’t meant to destroy you, but make you stronger.” The brunch is Sept. 13 at 9:30 a.m. at 91 Main St., Warrenton. Free child care with reservation. Call 540-347-7150. Sponsored by Christian Women’s Connection. Marshall Ruritan Club will host
a Car and Trucks Show on Sept. 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. $12 per car/ truck registration. $3 admission fee. Bob’s Blue Ridge BBQ will be available for purchase and music will be provided by a DJ. For more information, contact Nolie Edwards at 540219-0341 or Jan Sickel at 540-3641813. Rain date is Sept. 22. Join the Fauquier Heritage Foundation for a “Talk with Bob Sinclair” on Sept. 16 at 3 p.m. He will be discussing “Salem/Marshall Capital of Fauquier’s Free State” at the Robert Sinclair Education Center, at 4118 Winchester Road, Marshall. Call 540-364-3440 for more information. Due to my important soapbox speech, I’m at my word limit this week. I’ll catch up on some birthday love next week.
FABULOUS OPPORTUNITY WARRENTON One of A Kind-1 Level Living in Lovely Neighborhood. Spacious open floor plan w/morning room. 2nd story addition offering guest suite w/full bath & bonus room. Beautiful fenced rear yard w/ Trex deck & screened gazebo $485,000
ONE LEVEL LIVING AMISSVILLE New home w/9’ ceilings ML, cathedral ceilings, hardwood floors. Separate BR floor plan, full unfinished basement, front & rear covered porches, 2 car detached garage. Comcast available. Taxes not yet assessed.$399,900
PRIME LOCATION WARRENTON Cozy cottage on 21 acre w/ large 4 stall barn, run-in shed, equipment shed, 3 paddocks, & board fencing. County shows 3 additional lot rights. Wooded area bordering Great Run has riding/walking trails. Borders Great Run trails $699,000
SIMILAR HOME- TBB FRONT ROYAL Ranch style home on 1 acre offers 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, eat-in kitchen, living room & full unfinished basement w/ a R/I for 3rd full bath. allowance provided for selections on carpet, vinyl, and lighting. Additional plans and pricing $269,000
ONE-LEVEL HOME STERLING LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!! Wellmaintained home in sought after Church Mills. New Plumbing, New Windows, New Refrigerator & some New Paint in this 3 BDR 2BA . Same owner for past 30 years. $335,000
FINISHED BASEMENT CULPEPER Spacious 4000 SQ FT home w/ all the Bells & Whistles!! Features include crown molding, chair rail, kitchen has granite & top of the line appliances. Community Amenities include pool & rec center. Clean, well-kept & ready for you!! $349,900
Kelly Everett
Richard Gargagliano
Alex Grymes
Lisa Pocius
TO BE BUILT CULPEPER One level on 3.19 acres. ML finishes include: 9’ ceilings,42” cabs, granite counters, SS appliances, laundry/mud room off garage, carpet in bedrooms, rough-in for 3rd full bath in basement and 2 car garage $379,000
COLONIAL STYLE ALL BRICK HAYMARKET Featured in Northern Virginia Magazine, award winning designers completely remodeled the luxurious kitchen & family rooms before it was featured as a Designer’s Dream. 6 BDM, 6.5 BA, Outdoor kitchen, theater room. $1,150,000
492 Blackwell Rd. Warrenton, VA 20186 540.347.2250 800.523.8846
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
FAITH NOTES Submit your religious news events to at least a week in advance for publication. Please include address/ contact information for your event.
Wednesday, Sept. 12 Newcomers welcome: Coffee and Open House held from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Open to residents new to the area, recently retired, or newly single within past five years. Mercy Hall near St. John Evangelist Church, 121 John E. Mann St., Warrenton. Contact: Bethel Baptist Church revival nights: Join Bethel Baptist Church, 705 View Town Road, Amissville, for its revival nights from Sept. 12-14. Services begin at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 12
with guest speaker the Rev. Samuel Smith of Little Zion Baptist Church in Bethel, which will provide music. Services at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 13 feature guest speaker the Rev. Darnell Lundy of Main Uno Baptist Church in Madison, and music by his church’s choir. And on Sept. 14 at 7:30 p.m. the guest speaker will be the Rev. Harrison Williams, of Shiloh Baptist Church in Standardsville, and music by its choir. For more information, call Jennifer Gray at 540-522-6942 or call 540-937-5012.
Friday, Sept. 14 Amissville United Methodist Church debuts new program: Amissville United Methodist Church, 14760 Lee Highway, Amissville, presents a new children’s/youth group called First Friday Followers from 6-8 p.m. at the church. The group will meet the first Friday of each month. For questions concerning this
Places of Worship Grace Episcopal Church • HOLY EUCHARIST: Sundays, 9 a.m. • SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children & Adults 10 a.m. 5096 Grace Church Lane, Casanova (1 mile off Meetze Road) The Rev. James Cirillo, Priest • (540) 788-4419
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC CHURCH 271 Winchester St., Warrenton, VA 20186
540-347-2922 MASS SCHEDULE Weekday: 6:30am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am, 5pm & 7pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 10:45am, 12:30pm & 5:30pm For Holiday Masses, please visit
program, call Missy Baldwin at 540-937-3590.
Saturday, Sept. 15 Breakfast on the men: Amissville United Methodist Men will serve breakfast from 8-10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church, 14760 Lee Highway in Amissville. Donations are accepted, and all proceeds are used in service to others. Questions concerning this activity should be directed to Reg at 540-987-9001. Prayer, dinner and discussion offered: Are you called to pray for our nation, our community, our families, and our neighbors? If so, please join us at Christ Church Anglican, 95 Green St., Warrenton, Saturday evenings. First for dinner/discussion from 6-7 p.m., followed by prayer and worship from 7-8 p.m. Ask and receive answers to your questions. RSVP by text to Chaplain Jim Craft at 703300-3479 or email to Chaplainjimcraft@ by noon on Saturdays. Mount Zion Baptist Church prepares for 2019 Vacation Bible School: Mount Zion Baptist Church, 33 South Third St. in Warrenton, is busy planning for its Vacation Bible School for next year. Please join the church from June 18-21, 2019, for a four-day excursion to the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, and The Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, (the Underground Railroad Museum is optional). Total cost is $550 per person and includes: two nights at the Tru by Hilton Hotel (free hot breakfast); travel by deluxe motor coach, entrance to The Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. Seats are limited and are first come, first served. A non-refundable down payment of $150 is required to reserve a seat and is due by Sept. 15, 2018. Final payment is due by March 15, 2019. Payment plans are available. Contact: Gwen Gaines, 540-347-3084 (leave message) or We look forward to safe travels and the fellowship with you!
Sunday, Sept. 16 Macedonia Baptist Church celebrates pastor’s anniversary: Macedonia Baptist Church, 574 Zachary Taylor Highway, Flint Hill, invites all to join them as they celebrate the 18th anniversary of their pastor, the Right Rev. Dr. Donald E. Simpkins and his family. Guest preacher at the 11 a.m. worship service is the Right Rev. A.D. Black, associate minister with Galilee Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. The 3 p.m. afternoon worship service
will be preached by the Right Rev. Augustus Henderson, pastor of Christian Way Baptist Church in Falls Church. Fellowship meal follows the morning service. Contact: 540-675-3284 Annual Shoe Drive at First Baptist Church: The Pastor’s Aid Ministry of First Baptist Church, 39 Alexandria Pike, Warrenton, invite all to its Annual Shoe Drive featuring The United Voices of Agape United Methodist Church under the direction of James “June” Howard in concert at 3 p.m. Collecting “softly worn” or new men’s, women’s, and children’s shoes to donate to charity. Wear your favorite shoes and have fun in the “infamous” shoe show March-a-Round! Look forward to a high time of praise, fun and fellowship. Free will offering. Contact: 540-347-2775 Bethel Baptist Church Homecoming: Join Bethel Baptist Church for its homecoming service on Sept. 16. Morning service begins at 11 a.m., with the Rev. Loretta Strothers preaching. Lunch will be served after the morning service. Evening service is at 3 p.m., featuring guest speaker the Rev. Perry Gardner, of Oak Grove Park Baptist Church in Madison. Bethel Baptist Church is at 705 View Town Road, in Amissville. For more information, contact Jennifer Gray at 540-5226942 or call 540-937-5012. Grace United Methodist Church holds homecoming celebration: Grace United Methodist Church, 13056b Elk Ridge Road, Fredericksburg, located in southern Fauquier County, invites you to join them for a Homecoming Celebration at 11 a.m. Special music will be provided by gospel singers Calvary’s Mercy and afterwards there will be a fried chicken potluck lunch. Bring a side and/or dessert to share. All are welcome! Contact: 540-752-5462
Wednesday, Sept. 19 Fall Revival at St. John Baptist Church: Come and join for three nights of prophetic preaching at Fall Revival at St. John Baptist Church in Hurleytown (the little church on the side of Green Road) at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 19-21. Preaching is The Right Rev. Dr. Quentin Wallace from Covenant UM Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Accompanying in song on Wednesday (First Baptist, Turnbull), Thursday (Ebenezer BC, Midland Men’s Chorus), and Friday (St. John’s Unified Harmonizers). Food on Friday night. Promises to be a joyous time in the Lord. Contact: 540-439-3011
Meet the Merchants St. John the Evangelist Parish is a Catholic faith community committed to living God's message as given to us by Jesus Christ. We strive to encourage Christian love, faith & peace.
Whether your business is a new neighbor, returning, or deep rooted you have shaped our community. Let our readers know your story, how you started, your successes, where you are and where you are going. You are part of the economic vitality of our region each day and have much to share with our readers.
Father James R. Gould, Pastor
BALLOON TEST Calvert Crossland, an independent wireless infrastructure company, invites all to a balloon test on Tuesday Sept. 18th in the village of Hume from 8-10 AM to simulate the impact of a proposed wireless installation on the viewshed of the surrounding area. The test will take place just southwest of the intersection of Hume Rd. and Leeds Manor Rd. We will be meeting at the Leeds Ruritan Park at 8 AM. Please Direct Inquiries to: or visit our website: Rain Date: Sept. 24
Tell Your Story › JOIN US in Celebrating your Fauquier story by allowing readers to Meet the Merchants! For more information, contact your advertising media consultant at: Phone: 540.347.4222 SALES@FAUQUIER.COM Ask about our discounts!
RESERVATION DATE: Friday September 14th, 2018 Publication Date: September 26th, 2018 Rates Include Full color
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
OBITUARIES Angie A. Walls Angie A. Walls, age 53, passed away on Saturday, September 1, 2018 at her home in Warrenton, Virginia. She was born on November 18, 1964 in Virginia to Ashton and Betty (Masterson) Berry. Angie was a selfless person who truly lived for her family. Her children and grandchildren were her entire world. Her dogs were very well loved by her as well. She was a caregiver for so many and always there to listen to anyone. Angie was taken far too soon but will continue to live on through the many lives she’s touched. Predeceased by her mother: Betty Jefferies and a sister: Debbie Berry. Survivors include her father: Ashton Berry of Manassas Park, VA; her life partner: Fred Dove of Warrenton, VA; one daughter: Alesia Lee and husband Edgar of Fairfax, VA; one son: Charlie Beavers and Amber Hester of Bristow, VA; three grandchildren: Autumn, Summer and Aiden; one sister: Terri Berry of Philadelphia, PA; one aunt: Beth Montanti and husband Mark of Stow Creek, NJ; one uncle: Bryant Berry of Westmont, NJ and her fur babies: Ginzu and Misty. The family received friends on Saturday, September 8, 2018 from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM at Pierce Funeral Home, 9609 Center Street, Manassas, VA; where a service began at 5:00 PM with Rev. Dr. Billy G. Tatum officiating. Interment was private. Expressions of sympathy may take the form of donations to: https:// Condolences may be sent to:
Patrick Dennis Debrow Patrick Dennis Debrow, age 77, of Marshall, VA died on Thursday, September 6, 2018. Patrick was born on December 5, 1940 in Foxworth, MS to the Joseph W. and Margie Dell Leonard Debrow, and was raised in Hattiesburg, MS with his four younger siblings: sister Jimmie Fay, twin sisters Georgia Jayne and Virginia Layne, and brother Richard. The house on Pack Avenue was filled with love and often a dishpan of banana pudding, Patrick’s favorite. Patrick joined the Mississippi National Guard as a teenager and after high school (Hattiesburg H.S., Class of 1958), served in the US Army, stationed in Germany. Patrick attended the University of Southern Mississippi, obtaining BS and MS degrees in Physics and English Literature, and spent time working on oil rigs and surveying in the Middle East and South East Asia. Patrick moved to the Washington, DC area and served in the Directorate of Operations in the Central Intelligence Agency for 24 years. Patrick was stationed in Okinawa, Japan and Moscow, Russia, then settled in Vienna, VA. Patrick traveled all over the world for work, always bringing local dolls back to his two daughters, Melissa and Jennifer. Patrick loved a family road trip, traveling all across the US and up to Nova Scotia, Canada multiple times. Following retirement from the CIA, Patrick founded his own company, Cobbler, Inc., creating surveillance equipment for the government and law enforcement. As a friend of Bill W. since 1979, Patrick was deeply involved in the work of sobriety and recovery for himself and many friends. Patrick found peace and serenity on Big Cobbler Mountain, where he designed and built his log mountain home, Valeview. Since 1994, Patrick and his wife Sharon have enjoyed the beautiful views and many friends in Fauquier County. Patrick loved riding his tractor in overalls and keeping his dogs (Lucy and Snoopy, and the late Happy and Phoebe) safe from bears. Although living far from Mississippi, Patrick always found time to go back to visit family and friends in and around Hattiesburg. Over the past decade, Patrick researched his family genealogy across the South, meeting new family online and in person. Patrick is survived by his beloved wife of 34 years, Sharon Diedrich, daughters Melissa Debrow of Herndon, VA and Jennifer Debrow (Edwin van der Hoek) of Minneapolis, MN, stepson Paul Kerlin of Linden, VA and stepdaughter Lori Kerlin of Ruther Glen, VA, and treasured grandchildren Noah, Joshua, Katie, Nathan, Shawn and Evelyn. Patrick was predeceased by his parents, sisters Jayne and Layne, and brother Richard. A celebration of Patrick’s life will be held at a later date. Please follow the CaringBridge page for Patrick ( patrickdebrow) to be notified of the service time and place. Please view and sign the family guestbook at www.
James Hugo Gaskins James Hugo Gaskins, 101, of Delaplane, Virginia, passed September 4, 2018. Funeral services were held on Monday, September 10, 2018, 12:00 pm at Beulah Baptist Church, 3124 Beulah Road, Markham, Virginia, 22643. Online condolences can be given at
Charles Thomas Foster Charles Thomas Foster, 71, of Washington, VA passed away on August 27, 2018 at the Adler Center in Aldie, VA after a long battle with cancer. Mr. Foster was born in Marshall, VA on September 15, 1946 to the late Lyle James Foster, Sr. and Annie Jane Smoot Foster. Mr. Foster was in the US Army for nine and a half years stationed in Germany and Vietnam. He was a manager of the Vint Hill Commissary and retired from the Self Ridge Airforce base in Michigan. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, gardening, yard work, and spending time with his family. He was also a member of Back Creek Hunt Club. Mr. Foster is survived by his wife of 17 years, Ruth Ann Foster; son, Julius Baine Eastham of Washington, VA; brothers, Lyle James Foster, Jr. of Manassas, VA, David Lee Foster of Warrenton, VA; sister, Ann M. Foster Grasso of Peabody, MA; two step children, John Richard Eastham, Jr. of Washington, VA and Edie Ouellette of Boston, VA; and step grandchildren, Megan Rhianna Eastham of Washington, VA, Robert Falls of Boston, VA, and Samantha Falls Keys of Madison. In addition to his parents, Mr. Foster is preceded in death by his two sisters, Bessie Brown Foster and Ora Elizabeth Foster Morris, and one brother Ronnie Lee Foster. Charlie was a generous man. In his last days he made the decision to donate his body to science in the hopes of the scientific community learning more about cancer to help find a cure. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, September 15, 2018 at 2 p.m. at Found and Sons Funeral Chapel, 850 Sperryville Pike, Culpeper, VA. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service. A reception will be held following the service at 4 p.m. at Washington Volunteer Fire & Rescue, 10 Firehouse Lane, Washington, VA 22747. In lieu of flowers, the family ask for memorial contributions to be made in Charles’ memory to the American Cancer Society, American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22478, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, or https://www. An online guestbook and tribute wall are available at www.
Theodore James Warzinski Theodore James Warzinski, 18, of Orlean, passed away on September 5, 2018, in Orlean from a single car motor vehicle accident. He was born at Bethesda Naval Hospital, MD on November 4, 1999. He was a recent graduate of Fauquier High School and an employee of Wegman’s in Gainesville. He had plans to attend Lord Fairfax Community College and eventually Virginia Tech for a degree in mechanical engineering. Theodore’s life revolved around his sports teams which brought him such joy. He had participated in the Fauquier County Roller Hockey League since age 5. He was a defenseman on the Virginia Patriots inline hockey travel team. He had been a player on the Fauquier High School ice hockey and lacrosse teams. He also played on the Apocalypse lacrosse regional travel team. Theodore was an avid backpacker and had recently hiked the Emigrant Wilderness in California with his father and siblings. Theodore is survived by his parents, John and Katherine Warzinski of Orlean; two sisters, Anastasia Warzinski of Beacon, New York, and Tatiana Warzinski of Orlean; three brothers, Nicholas Warzinski of Fairfax, Virginia, Alexander Warzinski of Marietta, Georgia, and Andrew Warzinski of Washington, D.C.; paternal grandmother Dolores Warzinski of Colliers, West Virginia; and maternal grandmother Virginia Endicott of Potomac, Maryland. The family received friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday, September 9, at Moser Funeral Home in Warrenton. The funeral Mass and interment took place at 11:00 a.m. Monday, September 10, at St. Peter Catholic Church in Washington, Virginia on Lee Highway, Route 211. Intermentfollowed in church cemetery. Memorial contributions in lieu of flowers may be made to: Fauquier County Roller Hockey League 41 West Lee Highway, Suite 59 Box 214 Warrenton, VA 20186
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
OBITUARIES Ruth Schade Chapman
Agnes Welby Cook
Ruth Schade Chapman, 82, died on Sunday, September 9, 2018 at Fauquier Health Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Warrenton, VA, from complications of a stroke she suffered 5 weeks earlier. Survivors include her two daughters, Laura Brashears and husband Duane, Arnold, MD, and Ellen Allen and husband Robert, Sumerduck, VA; two grandchildren, Nina Brashears, and fiance, Justin Franklin, Charlotte, NC, and LT J.G. Mark Brashears, and fiance, Karin Schultz, Virginia Beach, VA; her sister, Marjorie Pierce, Centreville, MD; and, several nieces and nephews. Visitation at Upchurch Funeral Home, P.A., 202 Greene St., Cumberland, on September 15, 2018 from 1 PM until 4 PM. The funeral service will be held at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church on September 16, 2018 at 10:00 AM. Interment will be in St. Luke’s Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 1601 Frederick Street, Cumberland, MD 21502.
Agnes Welby Cook, age 76, of Marshall, VA, died on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton, VA surrounded by family. She was born on August 21, 1942 in Rectortown, VA to the late Samuel and Catherine Myrtle Ridgeway Soaper. Agnes (Aggie/Sis) was the beloved wife of 59 years of Billy H. Cook and loving and devoted mother of Steven (Phyllis) Cook of Marshall, VA, D. Keith Cook of Edinburg, VA, Anthony B. (Bobbie Jo) Cook of Marshall, VA, B. Renee (David Dye) Cook of Edinburg, VA, and the late Angela Thomas. She was the loving sister of Jack Soaper of Luray, VA, Ronnie Soaper of Leesburg, VA, Frances Dunivan of Marshall, VA, and the late Jimmy Soaper and Virginia Hudson. She was the proud grandmother (Mema) of 12 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren. A celebration of Agnes’s life will be held on September 16th at 2pm at Royston Funeral Home, 4125 Rectortown Rd, Marshall, VA. Please view and sign the family guestbook at www.
Thomas C. Weeks, Sr.
Belinda Nicholson Roberts
Thomas Charles Weeks, Sr., 71 affectionately known as “Big Daddy” of Warrenton, VA passed away on Sept. 8, 2018 at his home. He was born on February 23, 1947 in Warrenton, a son of the late Thursday and Mabel Haley Weeks. Tommy grew up in Warrenton and at age 18 opened the Northern Virginia Barber Shop in the first shopping center which he owned and operated for over 40 years. He loved all animals and was a Thoroughbred Race Horse Trainer which was his passion. He was a generous and loving person who had a heart of gold, always willing to help people. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Carol Weeks; his children, Thomas Charles Weeks, Jr. and his wife Sharon and Michael Lee Weeks and his wife Wendy; his grandchildren, Thomas C. Weeks, III and Colby Davis Weeks; a special nephew and niece, Ricky Miller and Debbie Thornley; and his canine “baby”- Angel. The family received friends from 7-9 PM Monday, Sept. 10 at Moser Funeral Home, Warrenton where funeral services were held on Tuesday, September 11 at 2:00 PM. Interment will be at Bright View Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Marshall United Methodist Church or to Warrenton Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company. Online condolences may be made at
Belinda Nicholson Roberts, age 56, a resident of Bealeton, VA passed away on September 2, 2018 in Aldie, VA at the Adler Center after a long battle with cancer. She was employed with Fauquier Hospital before her illness as a Store Room Technician. She is predeceased by her husband, Charles James Roberts, her parents Lindy and Mildred Nicholson and her sister, Lynette Spalding. Belinda is survived by her son, James William Roberts of Bealeton, VA; one brother, Lindy Nicholson and his wife, Lisa of Spotsylvania, VA, three sisters, Rinthia Kytta and husband, James of South Bend, IN, Elaine Criner of Brookline Station, MO and Brenda Powers and her husband, Chad of Nokesville, VA; one granddaughter, Layla Brianne Roberts, who was the love of her life!; many nieces and nephews and many wonderful neighbors and friends who stood by her side during her battle with cancer. A visitation will be Friday, September 7, 2018 from 6-8pm at Moser Funeral Home. A funeral service will be on Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 2:00pm at Moser Funeral Home with a burial following at Catlett Cemetery Rte 28, Catlett, VA. Arrangements by Moser Funeral Home, 233 Broadview Ave. Warrenton, VA 20186, 540-347-3431, online condolences can be made at:
Hono� th� memory of � loved on� Let us help you place your memorial. 540.341.4222 |
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
CL A SSIFIEDS ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Business Directory: Thursday at noon, All other Classified ads: Monday at 3 p.m. To place your ad, Call: 540-351-1664, Toll Free: 888-351-1660, Fax: 540-349-8676, Email: 001
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● 2BR, 1BA @
Remington Gardens $795 J&J Real Estate 540-825-1234 Warrenton, studio apt, all util/cable, priv entrance & parking $750/ mo. 540-347-0121 717-331-9689
4 room suite w/full kit & bath, 1350 sf, across from Fauquier courthouse, parking included, $2000/mo. 540-220-5550. Individual office, 272 sf, across from Fauquier Co courthouse, utilities and parking included, $450/month. (540) 229-5550.
196 Rentals —
Rentals — Office
Business Opportunities
022 Houses
Nokesville, 3BA, 2BA, Cape, detached 2 car garg, garden shed, $1500/mo. Depp & utilities. 540-788-9516
Rentals — Rooms
A Culpeper Cafe for sale, turn key, great oppotunity & price, low rent. Selling due to medical issues. 540*718*2081 Farm
220 Equipment Warrenton central, near Safeway, single room in house, cable, fridge, micro. MUST be employed. $550/mo. $50 sec dep. 540-270-2353
2017 John Deere D105 42” Lawn Mower – 19HRS $1,250. 570-270-0599
Free Firewood available for cutting. Easy access to these large hardwoods that have been down for 2 years. You take 50% and leave us 50%. Call Wally 540-229-6924.
228 Appliances Computer Desk 45.00 540 937-4513 Console Game Table Play 6 Casino Games 50.00 540 937-4513 Contemporary Sofa 250.00 540 937-4513 Glass Top Kitchen table with 4 chairs 200.00 540 937-4513 Metal Lawn Chairs 6 @ 10.00 each 540 937-4513 Victorian Camel Sofa 250.00 540 937-4513 White Wicker Rocking Chair 150.00 540 937-4513
232 Yard Sales
Rentals — Office
OFFICE SPACE IN THE HEART OF OLD TOWN WARRENTON 39 Culpeper Street Warrenton, VA 20186 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ● Up to 7,000 Rentable SF ● Will Subdivide to Suit ● Short Term Leases Considered ● Brokers Welcome and Protected ● Central Business District ● Aggressive Market Rates Available ● ● Conveniently located in the heart of Old Town Warrenton at the intersection of Culpeper & Lee Sts. ● ● Next door to Piedmont Media LLC (Fauquier Times Newspaper) & Allen Real Estate. Close proximity to the Fauquier Government Center, Historic Courthouse Building and numerous local restaurants & retail stores.
MOVING/BASEMENT & GARAGE SALE 9/15; 7a-? Tools, toys, in/ outdoor furn, Halloween/fall deco, NY Yankee Memorabilia, too much to list. 17291 S Cambridge Way, Jeffersonton, VA 22724 (South Wales Subdivision)
NAMI Piedmont non-profit yard sale. Sat. 9/15; 8a-1p. Blue Ridge Orthopaedic parking lot at 52 W. Shirley Ave. Furn, HH, many other things!! Rixeyville, 16801 Oak Shade Rd, 9/14, 15 & 16, also 9/21, 22 & 23 8am-?, INSIDE garage sale, Graco Pack n play, metal shelves, desk & chair,72” craftsman band saw, misc tools, Kubota snow blade (very good cond) BX2763A 5´ long, antique wall phone, Questions? Call Milt 540-937-3131 / 540-219-4077
Miscellaneous For Sale
10” Compound Miter Saw w/blade and “how to” booklet This saw is in excellent condition. Like new. $ Ron 540-347-3894 2007 Nissan Xterra, $4000 OBO 215K miles, top condition. Original owner. New tires, brakes, rotor. Includes tow hitch package. Email @: touziesgrandpa@ 2- stamp albums, dating back to the 1920´s. Seen by appt only. Price negotiable. 434-293-7516 END ROLLS. We have newspaper end rolls. Very limited. Located at Fauquier Times, 540-878-2491 Home InteriorFruit-apple & pear; artichoke, eggplant, asparagus; flowers-tea pitcher and pan; ask $ 2 5 f o r a l l . tjenkins4413@gmail. com Walker with wheels& seat, wheel chair, & leg massager. $300 540-347-7980 Walker with wheels & seat, wheel chair, & leg massager. $300. 540-347-7980
Musical Instruments
Vacation doesn´t have to be over yet... Move into a new home that is clean and maintenance free! CALL TODAY FOR INFO ON SPECIALS! 540-349-4297 l TDD 711 Hunt Country Manor Apts. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
7 month old neutered male Heeler, microchipped and basic training. Pirate loves to jump into the car or truck and go. He’ll stay with you when you’re walking and he’s very attentive to what you want him to do. All shots and rabies current. 540/850-8377
PET SITTING/ WALKING Lic & Ins Call Suzy 540-347-1870 Or Text 540-219-2247
World Rabies Day is September 28, Agape Veterinary Clinic will be discounting Rabies vaccines for Dogs and Cats for the entire month, with an exam. Please call to get your appointment soon. Don’t wait Vaccinate!!! 540-253-5619
5.5 Year Old German Shepherd Neutered Male Needs a Home! 95lb, located Fauquier Co. House broken, upto-date shots, microchipped. New home ASAP. Best to a home with no kids & female d o g s o n l y . 540-272-0486
Antique Desk - $495 Sm mahogany desk (or lady’s vanity), made in New York, early 1900s. 5 drawers, original bronze hardware. Measures 52“ across x 22” deep; excel cond. Can deliver 540-253-5790.
375 Healthcare
Exciting News!! The Tabb family will be joining us at Truth Baptist Church, Cedar Lee Middle School, Bealeton! Sunday, 9/16. Sean will preach the 11am service & family will share their musical talents!! Local band looking for a drummer and female singer. Our music focus is on Rock, Funk, R&B, Soul, Jazz and Blues. If you enjoy playing and singing then give me a call to see if our group is a fit for you! call Wilson at 703-398-0823 Woodbridge Community Chess Club meets weekly for friendly games at the Woodbridge Wegmans upstairs cafe from 6-10 PM. Experienced and beginners welcome. Https://darbycox237. woodbridgechessclub
SEEKING private duty, your home. Refs. Avail days/ nights, willing to cook & errands.
for a complete up to date listing
Antiques & Classics
1973 VW SuperBeetle Convertible Nice car, runs great, 4200 miles on rebuilt engine, light blue interior, dark blue canvas top, needs some cosmetic paint work. $8500.OBO Must see car! Roncabriolet@aol. com
Trucks/ Pickups
2004 Honda CR-V EX Sport Utility 4D 4WD. 1 Owner, ABS (4wheel), AC, all power,serviced this month, current inspected. Serious inquires only 540-222-6740
605 Automobiles - Domestic 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5 S. 4 cylinder, blue. Some Scratches a small dent. Cloth seats, push start VA inspection, 175K miles $2500 obo, email ds@ 2010 Toyota Corolla “S” $8,995, 38K miles. Near perfect in & out. May Inspection. Call Terry at 540-349-1750. Serious inquiries only.
630 Campers/RVs 5th wheel trailer. 2014 Solitude Grand Design, Model 368RD, 38 ft, 3 slides, king bed, storage, FP, 2 TVs, WD hookup, very clean. $39,000/OBO. 540-364-1489
2016 Ducati Panigale 959 Artic White, $13K OBO. One of a kind. ONLY 2333 miles! Contact Brian.Rees@ - O 703.793.1555 or C 540.272.9271
410 Announcements
410 Announcements
540-788-9000 www. e-mail fspca@
Get the Buyers You Want When You Advertise Your Yard Sale
Bob White, CCIM; 703-447-2606; Blair White, CCIM; 703-307-9711
Rentals — Apartments
273 Pets
385 Lawn/Garden
Grass cutting, mulching, aerating, all aspects.
20018-20019 Fauquier Freeze Softball ● ● 10 U
Tryouts every Sunday until team filled Fauquier High School Varsity Field Call James Kannard for time/directions 540-428-6188
540-395-4814; 540-364-2682
Sales — Lots & Acreage
Large 3+/- acrs w/ 408 +/- ft of waterfront. Views, wooded & private! $99,900
Family Worship Center in Bealeton va is having a fall festival on October 20th´ we are seeking vendors. E m a i l m e a t fwcsecretary18@
It took 6 YEARS to graduate. Find a job in about 6 MINUTES. Times Classified 347-4222
This ad could be working for you. Call us ;) 540-351-1664
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION FOR BID TOWN OF WARRENTON, VIRGINIA Sealed bids will be accepted from qualified class A contractors until 2:00 P.M., local time, September 24, 2018, and then publicly opened in the office of the Purchasing Agent, 18 Court Street, Warrenton, VA 20186, for the following:
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the Town of Warrenton will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Warrenton Town Hall Council Chambers (First Floor) located at 18 Court Street, Warrenton, Virginia, on the following item(s):
IFB 19-006 Waterline Installation Along Blackwell Road; installation of approximately 300 linear feet of 10” ductile iron water line along Blackwell Road in the vicinity of the Warrenton Reservoir. All pipe material supplied by the Town.
Commission Permit 2017-01/Special Use Permit 2017-03 721 Industrial Road The applicant, Capital Telecom Holdings, LLC, is requesting, per Article 3-4.12.3 Permissible Uses by Special Use Permit, to allow for construction of a 140’ with 5’ lightening rod wireless telecommunication facility on an approximately 6.2 acre parcel. The property is zoned Industrial and the Comprehensive Plan identified the property as Light Industrial on the Future Land Use Map. Carter Machinery Company, Inc., is the owner of the property. (GPIN 6983-77-6556-000)
An information packet and bid forms are available in the above office, by calling (540) 347-1858 or by e-mail to or by visiting the Town’s website at
People having an interest in the above are invited to attend the hearing and state their opinion regarding the above issues. Copies of all applications are available for review in the Department of Planning and Community Development located at 18 Court Street, Lower Level, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on September 17, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Water Treatment Plant at 7240 Blackwell Road north of the Town of Warrenton.
The Town of Warrenton does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in admission or access to its programs and activities. Town Hall meeting facilities are fully accessible. Any special accommodations can be made upon request 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Town through its duly adopted policy may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities. All contracts are awarded by the Town Manager. In the event the Town Manager rejects all bids, the Town may readvertise or make the purchase on the open market in conformance with state code and established Town procedures. The Town of Warrenton does not discriminate on basis of handicapped status in admission or access to its programs and activities. Accommodations will be made for handicapped persons upon prior request.
Run dates: September 5 and 12, 2018
SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 The Fauquier County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the following items at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 20, 2018 in the Warren Green Building, First Floor Meeting Room, 10 Hotel Street, Warrenton, Virginia: 1. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT – TEXT-18-008783 – A Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to Articles 3, 5, 7 and 15 related to sewer and water provisions. (Heather Jenkins, Staff) 2. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT – TEXT-18-008784 – A Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment to Sections 2 and 4 related to sewer and water provisions. (Heather Jenkins, Staff) 3. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT – TEXT-18-009844 – A Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment to Section 18 pertaining to exemptions to hydrogeologic testing. (Kimberley Fogle, Staff) 4. SPECIAL EXCEPTION – SPEX-18-009524 – STERLING VALLEY, LLC (OWNER/APPLICANT) – MT. STERLING FARM/STERLING VALLEY – An application for a Category 26 Special Exception to waive the non-common open space requirement; a Category 29 Special Exception to waive the public street requirement; and a waiver of Zoning Ordinance Section 7-450 to allow a private street longer than 1,320 feet. The property is located at 7442 Mt. Sterling Farm Road, Cedar Run District. (PIN 7904-38-9985-000) (Adam Shellenberger, Staff) Staff reports for all items will be available online at approximately one week prior to the public hearing. Copies of the full text of the proposed Fauquier County Zoning Ordinance text amendments may be examined in the Department of Community Developmentʼs Zoning Office at 29 Ashby Street, Suite 310, Warrenton, Virginia between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. To review files on all other items, please visit the Department of Community Developmentʼs Planning Office at 10 Hotel Street, Suite 305, Warrenton, Virginia between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Fauquier County does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in admission or access to its programs and activities. Accommodations will be made for handicapped persons upon prior request. Citizens requiring reasonable accommodation for disabilities should contact Fran Williams, Administrative Manager, at (540) 422-8210.
Public Notices
VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FAUQUIER COUNTY Jason Shane Langhorne P.O. Box 691 Marshall, VA 20115 Plaintiff v. CIVIL NO. 2018-348 Unknown Owners of PIN#6958-20-3900000 assessed to Estate of Thomson M. Hirst, deceased, as 4.5 acres All of the heirs, devisees and successors (and their creditors and spouses) of Thomson (sometimes Thompson) M. Hirst, Edwin Kendall, and Benjamin Harrison, who are believed dead; and any and all persons who have or who claim to have any interest in that property near Free State Road, Marshall Magisterial District, Fauquier County, Virginia, bounded by the properties of Plaintiff, Josh Scott Jordan and Andree M. Sitnik, formerly Arturo G. Gutierrez and Maria M. Gutierrez, and Henry L. Townsend, Jr., Trustee, assessed to Estate of Thomson M. Hirst et al as PIN 6958-20-3900-000 containing 4.5 acres; who are unknown and who are made parties hereto as PARTIES UNKNOWN, Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION The purpose of this cause is to establish access over an existing private woods road to and from Plaintiff’s property at 5540 Free State Road, Marshall, Virginia, over the property assessed to Estate of Thomson M. Hirst, deceased, to and from Free State Road (Virginia Route 721); and for such other and further relief as this case in equity may require. It is therefore ORDERED that this Order be published in the Fauquier Times for four consecutive weeks and that the above-named persons and those made defendants by the general description of “Parties Unknown”, appear on or before the 4th day of October, 2018 in the Clerk’s Office of this Court and do what is necessary to protect their respective interests herein. Entered this 13 day of August, 2018. Jeffrey W. Parker, Judge Judge / Clerk of Court I ASK FOR THIS: Robert deT. Lawrence, IV VSB #03779 Hanna L. Rodriguez, Esq. VSB #48719 Walker Jones PC 31 Winchester Street Warrenton, VA 20186-2896 540-347-9223 Counsel for Plaintiff H:✥ states_and_Equity✬ anghorne access 2016✰ leadings✯ rder of Publication 2017. wpd
MEB GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. is soliciting Bid Proposals from subcontractors and suppliers that are MBE/WBE/SBE businesses for the following project: Wastewater Treatment Plant Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR) Installation , Warrenton, VA. Bid Date: September 18, 2018 at 2:00 P.M. For additional information contact Angie Duffer in our Estimating Department at (757) 487-5858 or fax (757) 487-5089. MEB is an Equal Opportunity Employer and maintains a drug-free workplace.
Legal Notices TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 7490 Porch Road Warrenton, VA 20187 In execution of a Deed of Trust in the original principal amount of $219,000.00, dated March 21, 2005, recorded among the land records of the Circuit Court for Fauquier County on April 14, 2005, as Instrument Number 2005-00006335, in Deed Book 1150, at Page 2370, the undersigned appointed Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction, at the main entrance of the courthouse for the Circuit Court of Fauquier County, 40 Culpeper St, Warrenton, VA on September 21, 2018 at 12:30 PM, the property described in said deed of trust, located at the above address and briefly described as: ALL THAT certain parcel of land situated in Center Magisterial District, County of Fauquier and State of Virginia, being known and designated as Lot Eight-B (8-B) of Bridleridge Woods Subdivision, containing 45,258 square feet, more or less, as shown on a plat of survey of James H. Harris & Associates, Inc., dated November 9, 1987, and recorded in Deed Book 582, Page 629, in the Office of the Circuit Court of Fauquier County, Virginia. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO the rights of others to use those certain streets dedicated for public use entitle Wickie Court and Rods Road for ingress and egress to and from said tract and Virginia State Route 839; and further, TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO the rights of others to use that certain fifty foot wide easement and right of way, said easement being shown on said plat of subdivision as existing Fewell Right of Way t.o Route 674, in Deed Book 34, P a g e 7 9 6 . T a x I D : 6994-68-9245-000. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $11,000.00 or 10% of the sale price, whichever is lower, will be required in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. Cash will not be accepted as a deposit. Settlement within fifteen (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee may forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale. This is a communication from a debt collector. This notice is an attempt to collect on a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. (Trustee # 582270) Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee, LLC, C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548, Leesburg, VA 20177, (703) 777-7101, website: The Vendor will be used in conjunction with this sale Potential Bidders: For sale information, please visit or call (800) 280-2832. Towne #: 5000.1471
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
When you’re trying to reach qualified job applicants, use a newspaper that’s qualified for the job!
Motor Equipment Operator I/Relief Driver
Job Type: Full-time Salary: $11 - $16 /hr based on exp Call or email: 703-594-4769
Pay for your home over 30 YEARS. Find it in about 30 MINUTES Times Classified 347-4222
Full or Part Time. Call:
Walnut Grove Child Care
540-347-0116 or 540-349-9656
Rappahannock County Department of Social Services Employment Opportunity The Rappahannock County Department of Social Services (RCDSS) is in search of two Benefit Program Specialist II workers. Applications must be submitted electronically through the Commonwealth of Virginia Job Site by COB on 9/21/2018 at: - refer to position #1026776. Mailed, emailed, faxed, or hand delivered applications and resumes will not be accepted. The website will provide a confirmation of receipt when the application is submitted for consideration. Consideration for an interview is based solely on the information within the electronic application. For additional information and/or questions, please contact: Jennifer Parker, Director, RCDSS at jennifer or 540-675-3313. Rappahannock County is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE)
Rappahannock County Department of Social Services Employment Opportunity
Nail an Downexpert in the Business & Services Directory
The Rappahannock County Department of Social Services (RCDSS) is in search of a Family Services Supervisor; Supervising, Adult Services/Adult Protective Services, Child Protective Services, and Foster Care and Adoption. Applications must be submitted electronically through the Commonwealth of Virginia Job Site by COB on 09/21/2018 at: - refer to position #1042596. Mailed, emailed, faxed, or hand delivered applications and resumes will not be accepted. The website will provide a confirmation of receipt when the application is submitted. Consideration for an interview is based solely on the information within the electronic application. For additional information and/or questions, please contact: Jennifer Parker, Director, RCDSS at jennifer or 540-675-3313. Rappahannock County is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE)
Full Time Employment
Full Time
545 Employment
CDL Class A
drivers needed ASAP. 540-272-9772
Dispatcher/ Sales Person
Strong Computer & Customer Service Skills are required. Full-time position with some Saturdays necessary. Please send resume and cover letter to
Booth Rental Available Clientele Available Ask for Tia 540-349-3330
Needed for the Town of Warrenton’s Public Works Sanitation Department to perform semi-skilled work operating light and medium size vehicle and construction vehicles and related equipment. Primary duties as a Relief Driver are manual collection from the rear of the sanitation vehicles and the operation of sanitation/ recycling vehicles depending on vacancy. Candidate must possess a valid Virginia commercial driver’s license; proof required before interview. Salary $33,321, excellent benefits. MUST submit Town of Warrenton application to Human Resources Director, Town of Warrenton, P. O. Drawer 341, Warrenton, Virginia 20188 (18 Court St., Warrenton, VA 20186). Application is available at Open until filled. EOE.
advertise in the Times Community Newspapers Job Update Call 540-347-4222 or FAX
THIS COULD BE YOUR AD! CALL 540-347-4222 OR FAX 540-349-8676
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
540.316.8742 | Your Paint Job is Only as Good as your Surface Preparation
system allows us to come to you or you can come to us. We Our process is chemical free and environmentally friendly. SAFE ON Masonry • Concrete • Brick • Stone • Metal Vehicles Wood • Trailers • Pools • Wrought Iron Pipelines • Tractors • Heavy Equipment TOUGH ON
Making America Beautiful One Job at a Time! We use authentic DUSTLESS BLASTING® equipment to perform our surface preparation services.
Tim's Automotive Repair All Makes & Models Foreign & Domestic Diesel & Gas Cars Trucks Motorcycles Specializing in wiring diagnostics & AC work Senior Discounts
540-466-0701 Bush Hogging
Home Improvment
Jack Pinnell | Warrenton, VA 540-905-9332 |
Additional Services
We deliver days, evenings and even weekends!
Michael R. Jenkins
540-825-4150 • 540-219-7200
Nutters Painting & Services – SPECIALIZING IN –
Furniture Repairs/Restore Repair, Restoration, Touch up
• Painting (Int&Ext) • Roofing/Repairs • Siding • Gutters • Drywall • Carpentry
• Fencing • Vinyl Trim & • Gutter Cleaning Fascia Wrap • Bathroom • Brickwork • Pressure Washing Remodeling • Deck Water Sealing • Crown Molding • Yard Maintenance • Tree Removal
Call Erik 540-522-3289 Free Estimates 20 years exp. Licensed/Ref’s Available • Discount Pricing
We buy antiques
Jim Caudle 540-937-2105
Grounds Maintenance
Lawn Maintenace • Planting • Mulching Bed Design • Spring/Fall Cleaning • Seeding Aeration • Dethatching • Top Soil • Sod Fertilization Programs • Trimming/Pruning Gutter Cleaning • Debris Removal Family Owned & Operated • Licensed and Insured
540-347-3159 •703-707-0773
Free Estimates
Colors Avail. Hidden Hangers. Gutter Guards. Aluminum & Copper 703-339-6676 703-373-6644
We keep our minds in the gutter!
Nail Down an expert
in the Business & Services Directory
George Mason, Owner
Design & Installations • Sod Installs Patios & Walkways • Maintenance Top Soil • Fill Dirt • Excavation Credit Cards Accepted Discounts for Seniors, Military & 1st Responders
703-819-5576 |
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
Windows Cleaning Windows Cleaning POTOMAC WINDOW CLEANING CO. Window Cleaning Power Washing
Working Owners Assures Quality & Knowledgeable Workmanship
Family Owned & Operated for 30 Years
703-777-3298 • 540-347-1674
Licensed • Bonded & Insured
Tree Service/Firewood
If you want a Classy Job call ... Painting & Decorating, LLC
• Home painting & carpentry repairs • 30 years of hands on experience • Small company with personal service Free Consultations & Estimates. Creative • Professional • First Class Painting Services
Call today! 540-349-1614 or 703-444-7255 Fully licensed & Insured
Fall Specials | Free Estimates 540-775-9228 | 804-867-8016
CBS Sealcoating
FOX TALE THEATER COMPANY A non-profit company
Power Washing
Family Owned Since 1970
T&J Ceramic Tile, Inc.
Free Estimates • Installation & Repair • Residential & Commercial • New Homes or Remodel Work
Tim Mullins
- All phases of Masonry - Gravel & Grading Driveways - Fencing Honest and Dependable
Free Estimates • Lic/Ins • BBB Member • Angie’s List Member
Call Suzy
“My life has gone to the dogs
NORTH'S TREE SERVICE & LANDSCAPING Family Owned & Operated for Over 30 yrs. Quality Work Guaranteed CALL ABOUT - COMPLETE TREE SERVICE OUR
Watch Your Business
Call or fax in your order and we’ll have it waiting for you
Professional Services
Daily Visits & Weekends Overnight Stays & Holidays Dogs cats and Horses Licensed & Insured
Advertise Here And
19 Culpeper St. Warrenton, VA 20186
Daily Funky BBQ Specials Jerked Chicken Full Deli Boars Head Meats Sandwiches and fixins’ bar
Food & Beverage
Pet Sitting Services g Ma
fax 540.359.6853
4 200
Cell: 540.422.9721
Tree Service/Firewood
I am a trained actor (New York & London), artistic director, and past theater owner.
15 20
SEASONED FIREWOOD & MULCH DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES • REASONABLE RATES 7 yards of mulch delivered and dumped $320.00
“A Country Boy’s Dream”
(540)439-0407 • Fax (540)439-8991
Classes for Beginners to Advanced Voice, Diction, Public Speaking Study & Perform Seeking staff also: Writers, Stage Managers and Tech People Everyone(!) is encouraged to audition or interview!
Pet Services
THIS COULD BE YOUR AD! CALL 540-347-4222 OR FAX 540-349-8676
Fauquier Times | | September 12, 2018
540.349.1221 | 85 Garrett St. Warrenton, VA 8078 Crescent Park Dr. #205, Gainesville, VA
*PRICE REDUCTION*! CALL Kathy Holster 703-930-0453 *Custom Home on 10 acres *Vaulted ceilng, Brazilian tile *Workshop, Bridle path easement Catlett, VA—$525,000
CALL Ethel Goff 540-272-4074 *Traditional Farm House *5.69 Acres, POOL, 5 Bd Perfect for Animals/Family Warrenton, VA—$724,990
CALL Tammy Roop 540-270-9409
CALL Brenda Rich 540-270-1659
*NEW PRICE!* CALL Ethel Goff 540-272-4074 *4000+ sq ft, 3 finished levels *Kitchen w/Granite, DBL ovens *Gas Fp in Family Room Warrenton, VA—$479,990
*Rambler on 2.2 Acre Lot *Full basement/3 Bd, 2 Ba *Granite, SS appliances Goldvein, VA—$415,000
*JUST LISTED!* *Call Michelle Hale 540-222-0121 *Old Town Warrenton *4 Bd, 3 Ba, Fenced Yard, Shed *Remodeled 5 Br custom home *2 Car Garage, Generator Panel *Extra wide front porch, Patio *New Roof, Updated HVAC, Carpet Warrenton, VA—$655,000 Front Royal, VA—$285,000 CALL Tammy Roop 540-270-9409
CALL Tammy Roop 540-270-9409
*7000 sqft on 35 Private Acres *Gourmet kitchen, Media room * Patio, balcony w/mtn views Rixeyville, VA –$1,035,000
CALL Brenda Rich 540-270-1659 *Quality stick built home *Front Porch, 3 Bd, 2 Ba, Patio *Quiet Street Luray, VA—$199,000
JUST LISTED! CALL Tammy Roop 540-270-9409 *Private Farmette w/2 ponds, wood floors, fireplace *3 Bd, finished basement, wood stove, 6 Stall horse barn *Tack room, Huge machine shed, fenced pastures Amissville, VA—$449,000
CALL Mandy Brown 540-718-2459 *Renovated Rambler *3 Bd, 2 Ba, Finished Basement *Large Deck, Rear Fenced, Patio Culpeper, VA- $240,000
*PRICE REDUCED BRAND NEW!* CALL Mandy Brown 540-718-2459 *10 Private Acres, Gourmet Kitchen *5 Bd, 4.5 Ba, 3 Finished Levels, *OVER 4000 UPGRADED sqft Culpeper, VA—$525,000
5+ acres in Delaplane $165,000 5 acres in Amissville $100,000 10 acres in Amissville $150,000 2+ acres in Opal $125,000 48+ acres in Midland $499,900
CALL Lisa Lisjak 703-499-2622 * 3 Bd, 2 Ba, 70+ Acres *Updated Kitchen, New Carpet *Very Private Lot Warrenton, VA—$699,000
JUST LISTED! CALL Tammy Roop 540-270-9409 (OPEN SAT 2p-4p) * Contemporary Log Home *Open floor plan, Fireplace *11 Acres, 3 Barns, 10 Paddocks *Bedrooms w/private baths *Custom Cabinets, Granite counters *Stocked pond, NO HOA! 7424 Leeds Manor Rd, Marshall, VA—$747,900
CALL Brenda Rich 540-270-1659 *40 Acres Ready to Build *Wooded lot with stream Midland, VA—$240,000
The Fauquier Community Food Bank and Thrift Store, Inc.
CALL Tammy Roop 540-270-9409 *5000+ sq ft of living space *Detached garage, Private setting *Outdoor patio, Close to I-66 Marshall, VA—$745,000
Our food pantry serves 30 to 60 food insecure families per day 5 days per week. With generous donations from local grocery stores, churches, organizations and citizens our families receive a full cart of groceries twice per month. We love our donations and with every $1 we receive or profit at our thrift store we can purchase $4 worth of food. All donations of food and household items are welcome. With much gratitude and thanks to our community we would not be able to help our neighbors in need.
All donations can be dropped off at: 249 East Shirley Ave, Warrenton, VA 20186