Fauquier Times October 3, 2018

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SPORTS: Kettle Run leads its football rivalry with Fauquier 7-4. Preview, page 16

October 3, 2018

Our 201st year


Vol. 201, No. 40




Special section Pages 25-32


Purple means ‘I’m here to help.’

Warrenton library back on the table?

Fauquier schools identify staff trained in mental-health first aid

Library board asks county to rethink funding delay By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer

By Karen Chaffraix Times Staff Writer

Some 15 teachers sat in little chairs at little tables in the W.G. Coleman Elementary School library in Marshall recently for a meeting with Fauquier County schools senior administrators Major Warner and Amy Acor. The two had come to distribute purple lanyards, pins and stickers that say: “I INSIDE Business.............................................13 Classified............................................50 Communities......................................42 Faith...................................................46

Health & Wellness...............................21 Libraries.............................................39 Lifestyle..............................................33 Opinion...............................................11



Am Certified in YOUTH Mental Health First Aid” to the teachers who have completed mental health first aid and to encourage others to take it. Virginia’s Department of Education allows local boards to issue up to 40 continuing education hours for taking the course, which is recertified every three years.

Members of the Fauquier County Library Board of Trustees want to see construction of a new library for Warrenton in the near term rather than sometime in the distant future. The board on Thursday, Sept. 27, approved a request to the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors to put construction of a new library in the 2020-2024 fiscal years capital improvement budget. Departments had until Friday, Sept. 28, to request inclusion of projects in the five-year budget. The board of supervisors will consider the requests early next year when it considers its budget for the coming year. A majority of supervisors voted earlier this year not to move forward with a new Warrenton library in light of other priorities. They moved the proposed project from the current funding cycle to the “future years” category with no certain year to proceed. Given the passage of time and rising costs, what was once a $14.6 million project is now estimated at $18 million if built as envisioned. “It’s the nature of the business. The longer you delay the more expensive,” said Library Director Maria Del Rosso, during the trustees meeting.

See PURPLE, page 5

See LIBRARY, page 2

Obituaries...........................................47 Puzzles...............................................24 Real Estate..........................................41 Sports.................................................15


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