SPORTS: Noah Lenky and the Auburn Wildcats are dominating middle school boys cross country. Page 19
October 10, 2018
Our 201st year
Vol. 201, No. 41
New public park on the Rappahannock? County to vote Thursday on 200-acre riverfront donation By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer
A nearly 200-acre site along the Rappahannock River in Fauquier County west of Warrenton could
soon offer kayaking, fishing and hiking to the public. The Fauquier County Board of Supervisors is set to vote Thursday on a donation of land owned by Charles MacDonald on Leeds Manor Road, about 1.4 miles off Va. 211. The frontage along the river stretches about eight-tenths of a mile. “The is one of those wonderful things that comes along once in a
while,” said Marshall District Supervisor Mary Leigh McDaniel, in whose district the land is located. “It’s extremely exciting. There is no river access in the Marshall District and very little elsewhere.” Members of the county planning commission, parks and recreation department, Virginia Department of Games and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Outdoors Foundation and others have already walked the proper-
ty. The VOF has an easement on the property. “The property’s attributes are strongly suited for citizens to enjoy access to the Rappahannock River for canoeing/kayaking access, shore fishing and hiking opportunities,” according to the description accompanying the resolution the supervisors will consider.
See RIVER, page 3
COURTESY PHOTO Artists Ross Trimmer and Michael Broth work on a new mural on the exterior wall of Molly’s Irish Pub in Old Town Warrenton. The mural was sponsored by Experience Old Town Warrenton.
New mural depicts life in Old Town Warrenton By Karen Chaffraix Times Staff Writer
The corner of 2nd and Main streets in Old Town Warrenton got a bit of a facelift this week. While workers on scaffolding patched up a stucco wall on one side of the street, two blackclad artists worked on a mural depicting scenes of INSIDE Business.............................................13 Classified............................................42 Communities......................................35 Faith...................................................39
Fauquier County on the other. The mural is being painted on the exterior wall of Molly’s Irish Pub. “Greetings from OLD TOWN Warrenton, Virginia,” the mural says, postcard style, hashtag “#LOVEWARRENTON,” almost hidden at bottom right. Seven scenes depict life in Warrenton, current and historic, painted inside letters forming the words, “OLD TOWN,” that waft in a bed of tur-
Family Time........................................23 Libraries.............................................38 Lifestyle..............................................27 Opinion...............................................11
quoise, framed by an outline of navy blue. The artists were given photographs from which they drew their depictions, which include grapes, a caboose, a fox hunt, an old-time gas station and Model T, bicycling, a Christmas parade and the old Warrenton movie theater.
See MURAL, page 2
Obituaries...........................................40 Puzzles...............................................16 Real Estate..........................................33 Sports.................................................17