CHEER UP: Liberty earned a competition cheer region bid as the Class 4 Northwestern District runner-up. Page 12 Your guide to the 2018 International Gold Cup October 24, 2018
Our 201st year
Vol. 201, No. 43
Page 21
Wittman, Williams clash on health care, tariffs in first debate By Karen Chaffraix and Jill Palermo Times Staff Writers
By his campaign’s own count, U.S. Rep. Rob Wittman has voted more than 50 times to repeal or replace the Affordable Care Act. But during his first debate with his Democratic challenger Vangie Williams Monday night, Wittman said he now supports retaining the ACA’s most significant achievements: mandating coverage for pre-existing conditions, allowing young adults to remain on their parents’ policies Rob Wittman until age 26 and forbidding lifetime caps on medical coverage. Williams, meanwhile, insisted health care is a
“human right” and said she supports “Medicare- ahead of the Nov. 6 election. It’s no different for for-all-plus-plus,” a public health-insurance option Wittman, 59, , a Republican and five-term incumthat includes dental and vision. Williams said it was bent, and Williams, 50, a government contractor and her own family’s struggle to pay for her daughter’s Democratic newcomer who’s launched a long-shot health care that prompted her run campaign to be the first woman of color to represent for Congress and said Republi- Virginia in the U.S. Congress. cans “have done nothing” to imThe 1st District, which includes parts of Fauquiprove the issue despite holding er and Prince William counties, has been solidly the majority since 2011. Republican in recent decades. The seat hasn’t been Wittman countered by saying won by a Democrat since 1974. In 2016, President he opposes more government Donald Trump won the district with 53 percent of intrusion in health care. “People the vote. trust themselves and their docDuring the Oct. 22 debate at Mary Washington tors for health-care decisions, University, the two candidates also clashed on deand they don’t want a govern- fense spending as well as the Trump administraVangie Williams ment takeover,” he said. tion’s tariff policies and subsequent $12 billion The nation’s health-care law bailout for U.S. farmers. — and what should be done about it — is among the issues that most divide Republicans and Democrats See DEBATE, page 2
Planning commission OKs more data centers for Vint Hill Fauquier supervisors will have the final say By James Ivancic Times Staff Writer
AHEAD OF SCHEDULE — Lane striping was expected to be done by the end of this week on Warrenton’s first
roundabout, putting the finishing touch on a project completed weeks ahead of schedule. The mini-roundabout, or traffic circle, is at the intersection of Falmouth Street and East Shirley Avenue. The estimated $420,000 project was half funded by the town and half by the state through VDOT — the Virginia Department of Transportation. INSIDE Business.............................................11 Classified............................................42 Communities......................................35 Faith...................................................39
Health & Wellness...............................19 Libraries.............................................38 Lifestyle..............................................31 Opinion.................................................7
Obituaries...........................................40 Puzzles...............................................10 Real Estate..........................................34 Sports.................................................13
A move to allow more data centers to be constructed north of Vint Hill Parkway at Vint Hill has the backing of the Fauquier County Planning Commission. The Fauquier County Board of Supervisors will have the final say on the request filed by Vint Hill Village LLC and Vint Hill Land 1 LLC. The applicant is EFO Capital Management Inc. In the face of opposition, a previous proposal to construct additional housing on undeveloped land at Vint Hill was withdrawn. Vint Hill, formerly an Army base, is now home to a housing community, several small businesses, an FAA facility and an OVH data center. It’s also the future home of an assisted living and rehabilitation center for military veterans.
See DATA, page 3