Prince William Times 06/12/19

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June 12, 2019 | Vol. 18, No. 24 | | 50¢ Covering Prince William County and surrounding communities, including Gainesville, Haymarket, Dumfries, Occoquan, Quantico and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park.

‘Frankly, we have a problem with gun violence’

Local lawmakers vow to ‘find solutions’ during special session By Jill Palermo

Times Staff Writer

As a member of the Virginia House of Delegates’ Militia, Police and Public Safety committee for the past four years, Del. John Bell has had a front-row seat in the venue where gun legislation goes to die in Richmond. By Bell’s count, the Republican-controlled committee has killed 300 gun-control measures since

2016. They include the regulars, such as bills to ban bump stocks and high-capacity magazines and reinstate Virginia’s one-gun-a month rule. But the subcommittee also regularly shoots down bills that seem less contentious. As examples, Bell, D-87th, cited a bill to eliminate the sales tax on gun safes, as well as a measure DEL. JOHN that would allow localities to ban BELL guns from public libraries. But each of those bills — even the one about guns in libraries — died swift

deaths in the six-member subcommittee, where Republicans outnumber Democrats four to two. Still, Bell said last week he’s feeling somewhat hopeful about the special session Gov. Ralph Northam (D) has called to discuss gun-control bills on Tuesday, July 9. “Frankly we have a problem with gun violence. I wish we could party politics aside and come together and find some solutions,” Bell said. “I’m not advocating we need to take people’s guns away but I’m advocating that we need to do something about this problem.”


Upset: Newcomer Franklin beats Principi in primary race Surprise result means sea change on county board in 2020 By Jonathan Hunley Contributing Writer

Political newcomer Margaret Franklin on Tuesday night upended Prince William County Supervisor Frank Principi’s bid for a fourth term. Franklin mounted a successful Democratic primary challenge in the Woodbridge District, collecting 1,202 votes to Principi’s 1,005, according to unofficial results. Interviewed Tuesday afternoon, Franklin said that if she won, it would be because of a desire for change. “If I win, I think it will be because people are just ready to do something different,” Franklin said. She said Woodbridge needs boosting, and she would do that. “We need so desperately revitalization up and down Route 1 and even with revitalization, we need to

be able to get to those places without being stuck in traffic,” Franklin said. Other issues Franklin mentioned as being important included affordable housing options for those who need it, more transit options for commuting and for getting around the county, reducing classroom sizes

and increasing teacher pay. “Let’s just be honest: Everything that I just mentioned is nothing new, and I think that’s part of the problem,” said Franklin, who works as legislative policy director for Florida Rep. Al Lawson (D). Franklin's win portends a major


Margaret Franklin challenged Woodbridge District Supervisor Frank Principi in the June 11 primary. Franklin greets voters outside Belmont Bay Elementary School. INSIDE Classified............................................16 Lifestyle..............................................10 Opinion.................................................7 Obituaries...........................................15

Puzzles.................................................6 Readers Choice...................................12 Real Estate..........................................14 Sports...................................................8

sea change on the board. Four supervisors with the most tenure  will not return to their posts next year. Supervisor Corey Stewart, R-At Large, served 16 years on the board and declined to seek re-election. Supervisor Maureen Caddigan, R-Potomac, served nearly three decades on the board and has also declined to seek re-election. Meanwhile, Supervisor Marty Nohe, R-Coles, was ousted in last month's GOP firehouse primary. Nohe also served 16 years. Principi, who works for a consulting firm, said that if he had won, it would have been because of his service over 12 years on the Board of County Supervisors. “Clearly I’m running on a record,” he said. Principi refers to his efforts as the “new Woodbridge,” and he said that if you think of that as a coin, one side is literally about rebuilding and revitalizing the area, and the other is about new economic opportunity for everybody, whether that be higher-paying jobs, technical training or improved curricula at the high schools.

See UPSET, Page 4


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