2015 2016 Teen Times

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Magazine for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.

2015 - 2016

Meet Your 2015-16 National Executive Council Inside!

Empowering Youth Leadership See how FCCLA youth made an IMPACT in 2014-15 and what it means to Go For the Red in 2015-16 and beyond!



National Cluster Meetings November 20-22, 2015

November 20-22, 2015

- Dallas, TX -

- Indianapolis, IN -

National Leadership Conference July 3-7, 2016 - San Diego, CA -

For more information about our 2015-2016 National Meetings, check us out at www.fcclainc.org - or follow us on social media!


Inside 2015-2016


Features 6


2015-2016 FCCLA Theme

18 Student Body: The Healthy, Fit, Real, and Resilient You 27 Impact Fund




Teen Times is the national magazine of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, a career and technical student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education, or as determined by the state department of education. Josh Bowar, Editorial Consultant Ashley Pournaras, Communications Manager, Art/Design

Regulars 2

What Powers You?


Executive Director’s Note


Greetings from the National Executive Council


2015 National Leadership Conference Recap


2015 NLC Business Session Financial Report


Social Media Roundup

10 Program Winners 12 2015-2016 National Executive Council 16 Awards & Accolades 17 Capitol Hill Painted Red 21 Lead2Feed: Student Leadership Program 22 National Cluster Meeting Preview 24 The FCCLA Leadership Academy 26 FCCLA Membership Campaign 28 Empower Yourself During FCCLA Week

FCCLA Mission

To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.

NATIONAL STAFF Sandy Spavone, Executive Director Leah Buller, Director of Membership Marla Burk, CMP, Director of Conferences Mark Hornby, CPA, Director of Finance Beth Carpenter, Director of Programs Charles Carson, Mailroom Manager Karen Patti, Programs Manager Christine Hollingsworth, Competitive Events Manager Aimee Hardenbergh, Meetings Manager Ashley Pournaras, Communications Manager Ana Torres, Staff Accountant Chiquita Boston, Affiliation and Registration Coordinator Stephanie Lussier, Competitive Events & Programs Coordinator Heather Davis, Partnership Coordinator Kim South, Executive Assistant Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a private, nonprofit national organization of more than 155,000 members incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia. It functions through public and private secondary school systems in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education program, providing opportunities for enriched learning. Editor’s Note: Please credit Teen Times for information you reprint, excerpt, or photocopy. Use the following statement to credit materials you use from this issue: Reprinted with permission from Teen Times, the national magazine of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Vol. 70, No. 1. Teen Times (ISSN 0735-6986) is published four times per year in September, November, January, and March by Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc., 1910 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1584, (703) 476-4900. A portion ($4.00) of national dues pays for a one-year subscription to Teen Times. Inclusion of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s claims, products, and services. Periodicals postage paid at Reston, VA, and additional mailing offices. Additional annual subscriptions for non-members: $8.00. POSTMASTERS: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Teen Times, 1910 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1584.

2015-2016 www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 1

? u o Y s r e w o P What

t comes power�, wha m “e rd o w e ow do you ink about th r yourself? H When you th e w o p m e u o learn more! do y e puzzles to s e to mind? How th te le p m ers? Co empower oth

Empowering Others: The Se

arch is Over

Discover ways that you can empow er others by finding the words in the puzzle. Keep these ideas in min d when working with others! E F J C C Y M G R E T A I U Z S C J Z E Q H G U U G L T J R I A T W J B N R Q O A M N U L R Y T O O E G I U V C A V O Q A N D J I V T E Q H P M I Y B D W D O D O O X S N G R N O I W K H I T P S H H B J Z D H H C A E collaboration communicate community confidence

2 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016


encourage engagement friendship growth

innovation investigate lead listen

loyalty mentor serve support

teach teamwork train vision

Empowering Yourself: Stay True to the Real You

What’s the best way to empower yourself? First you have to understand yoursel f! Take this survey to learn more about the true you. 1. Pick one option from each of the pairs. quiet/loud country/pop formal/casual organized/loose moody/steady warm/cold feelings/facts risks/safety

alone/with others sweet/salty arts/athletics leader/follower flexible/rigid people/animals thoughts/words practical/artsy

outgoing/introvert busy/relaxed early/late stressed/calm spontaneous/planned action/rest words/numbers details/big ideas

reading/movies summer/winter neat/messy dreamer/realist variety/pattern competitive/cooperative enthusiastic/reserved stay home/go out

2. Write 3 words that most describe you. 3. Write 2 things you think others would say about you. 4. Complete the sentences below. I like… I don’t like… I am most happy when… I get anxious when… In the future, I will… What’s important to me is…

5. What did you learn? How can you use what you learned to empower yoursel f?

ive Empowering: Rearranging your Perspect the letters in the See how many different words you can make from All FCCLA chapter members should empower

sentence below. Can you make 20? 50? 100?

themselves and others.

ring others? Jot down ideas below

r yourself? How about empowe So what do you think? How can you empowe and then set a goal for yourself! Ideas to Empower Myself: Ideas to Empower Others: My Goal:

2015-2016 www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 3

Executive Director’s Note As the 2015-2016 school year begins, we are excited for the many new opportunities that Family, Career and Community Leaders of America will have this year to make a positive impact on our families, schools, and communities. In fact, that is the very heart of the theme “Empower” that we unveiled at the close of this summer’s National Leadership Conference and will use throughout the school year. As Microsoft founder and noted philanthropist Bill Gates said, “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” Of course, we know that to empower others, we must first empower ourselves. And so, that is our goal as leaders this year: to make the right choices and to commit ourselves to making a positive impact within our families, schools, FCCLA, and communities. We are confident that our 155,000 members in more than 5,300 chapters across the country will be equipped to make this impact through the Family and Consumer Sciences education curriculum that is both preparing them to be the leaders of tomorrow and college- and career-ready. There are two very significant ways that FCCLA is empowering itself and others this year. First, through the newly revised Student Body National Program Guide released earlier this summer. The program guide is a peer education curriculum designed to help students learn and practice how to be healthy, fit, real, and resilient, empowering them to make the best decisions for their own health and helping their families, classmates, friends, and neighbors do the same. The Student Body National Program Guide is available for purchase in the FCCLA Store (www.fcclastore.org) and is an excellent way for both teachers and students to empower themselves to make a difference in their own lives, as well as the lives of those around them. The second way that FCCLA is empowering itself this year is through a reinvigorated membership recruitment campaign themed “Go For the Red”. The campaign – and its recruitment information and posters, arriving in classrooms this fall – empowers local chapters to take the lead in boosting their membership numbers and enhancing their offerings to prospective members, thereby increasing the membership numbers, educational offerings, and leadership opportunities of FCCLA as a whole, which will empower the organization to reach more people and achieve greater impact. My wish for all of you this year is to experience the satisfaction of empowering yourself to take on and accomplish a challenge you previously thought was unattainable, the thrill of empowering someone else to achieve a goal through your guidance and support, and the appreciation of FCCLA for all you do to make the organization great. Empowered to Make a Difference,

4 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

Greetings from the


Executive Council Together We Are excited for another great year in FCCLA. We had an amazing week at the National Leadership Conference, celebrating 70 years of FCCLA while painting Capitol Hill red. Three thousand of our members served a dual purpose at the event: celebrating our 70th anniversary and advocating for Family and Consumer Sciences education to our nation’s congressional leaders. Together We Are Healthy after our many #GimmeFive dance workouts and with the unveiling of the newly revamped Student Body national program. Student Body has been expanded to encompass mental and emotional health. We encourage your chapter to use the program guide to develop projects promoting The Healthy You, The Fit You, The Real You, and The Resilient You. Don’t forget to apply for the Student Body national program award! National FCCLA program updates will continue with Financial Fitness and FACTS (Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety) in the coming year. With the past year showing so much success, we look forward to bright things in the future. With newly renovated programs comes a strong need for great public relations. Be sure to follow @NationalFCCLA on Twitter and Instagram, like “Family, Career and Community Leaders of America” on Facebook, download “FCCLA 365” on your device, and check out the blog written by the NEC. These outlets are the primary communication vehicles with chapter members. Also, check out the newly launched membership campaign: “Go For the Red”.

We are excited to continue with The IMPACT Fund. The fund provides grants to members, chapters, and other initiatives that exemplify our organization’s purposes and mission. Find out more information about how to apply for a grant or make a donation at www.fcclainc.org. Get ready for our new yearlong theme “Empower”, beginning at the National Cluster Meetings in Dallas and Indianapolis. The theme revolves around committing to building skills personally and encouraging others to do the same within families, chapters, schools, and communities. We encourage you to compete in a Skill Demonstration Event, apply to present a workshop, and get ready for a great meeting. We look forward to inspiring you at one of the National Cluster Meetings and later seeing the resulting work culminate at the 2016 National Leadership Conference in San Diego! We look forward to a great year of building leadership skills and empowering others to do the same. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact us! Through strong communication our organization will continue to make tremendous progress.


The 2015-2016 National Executive Council 2015-2016 www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 5

2015-2016 FCCLA Theme The FCCLA theme for the 2015-2016 school year is “Empower” and speaks to making the right choices and committing yourself to making a positive impact within your family, your school, FCCLA, and your community. The logo that accompanies this theme shows the reverse “mepower” to illustrate that the power to achieve this impact lies within all of us. So how will you empower yourself and others through your involvement in FCCLA this year? Set your sights high, make concrete plans, and discover what it means to be an empowered leader through FCCLA!

2015 NATIONAL CLUSTER MEETIN The Empower theme helps us live out our mission and purposes. Check them out below.

FCCLA Mission To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.

FCCLA Purposes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life. To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society. To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community. To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony. To promote greater understanding between youth and adults. To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities. To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today’s society. To promote family and consumer sciences and related occupations.

6 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

2015 National

Leadership Conference


More than 7,800 student leaders, members, advisers, alumni, and guests came together in Washington, D.C., July 5-9 to participate in the 2015 FCCLA National Leadership Conference (NLC). The conference provided opportunities for students and advisers to come together for fun and to listen to inspiring speakers as well as to expand leadership skills, sharpen talents, and explore career pathways. The theme of this year’s conference was “Together We Are Healthy”, and attendees were challenged to explore the fitness of body, mind, and spirit and to pursue health through the conference’s great learning and networking opportunities. In addition to the many learning and networking experiences offered at the conference, more than 30 Family and Consumer Sciences events, also known as STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Events, were offered, providing competitions in such areas as Culinary Arts, Career Investigation, and Fashion Construction for more than 4,100 event participants. A definite highlight of the conference was a youth rally held on Capitol Hill for the dual purpose of celebrating the organization’s 70th anniversary and advocating for strong Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) education in schools. Themed “70 Years Strong”, the event drew more than 3,000 FCCLA members and bathed the Capitol grounds in a sea of FCCLA red. After the rally, members moved into the Capitol to meet personally with their congressional representatives to share their stories of how FACS education has impacted them.

Ac ve


Stronger Healthy Ready

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FCCLA 2015 National Leadership Conference Business Session Financial Report Tate and Tryon performed an audit over the financial statement of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), which is comprised of the balance sheet as of August 31, 2014, the related statement of activities and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statement. This audit was performed in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). FCCLA received an unmodified opinion, which is the desired opinion, meaning that the financial statements are fairly presented and free of material misstatements. For the year ended August 31, 2014, FCCLA recorded a net surplus of $880,064, comprised of revenue and expenses of $5,062,003 and $4,181,939, respectively. Total assets increased by $630,797 to $2,981,995, led by an approximate $911,500 increase in cash and cash equivalents as compared to August 31, 2013. Liabilities decreased by $249,267, led by a $112,500 decreased in accounts payable and a $81,500 decrease in deferred revenue. As of June 15, 2015, FCCLA had 154,490 affiliated members in over 5,304 chapters. FCCLA ended this fiscal year on August 31, 2015.

How do

STAR Events affect FCCLA students?

Approximately how many people were reached through projects?

10,818,933 How useful are STAR Events for your future? Extremely Useful: 47% Very Useful: 43% Planning to pursue higher education or career related to this event? Yes: 45.5%

8 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

What are the top skills learned through participation in STAR Events? 1) Responsibility

and Time Management

2) Public


3) Creativity 4) Self


5) Leadership

Facebook @shakalaka: Working out can be fun! #FCCLAStudentBody #healthandfitnessawareness #EastLimestoneFCCLA



Instagram @wisconsinfccla: Wisconsin FCCLA 2015-2016 State Executive Council sharing a meal together at CTSO training! #WIFCCLA #FCCLAfamily #FCCLAatthetable @bvillefccla: RED OUT!! #FCCLA #FCCLAWeek #utahFCCLA @aikenhighfccla: FCCLA members - if you haven’t already come and received your cupcake, come now! #FCCLAWeek #MemberRecognition

Twitter @arizonafccla: Roses are red, our blazers are, too! A happy Valentine’s Day from Arizona FCCLA to you! #FCCLAWeek #FCCLAlove



FCCLAleadership .tumblr.com


@cghs_fcs: Kansas delegates eating lunch @ Chinatown in DC! #KSinDC #KSFCCLA @NationalFCCLA #2015NLC @Sharon_Dreams: Wearing red with one of my favorite FCCLA advisers #WashingtonFCCLA #RedOutforFCCLA #RedOutWA #FCCLAWeek @wolfe_co_FCCLA: Recap of #FCCLAWeek @ WCHS! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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Program Winners

Congratulations to these national award winners! To learn more about the FCCLA National Programs, head to the FCCLA website (www.fcclainc.org), click the programs tab, click on the specific program's icon, navigate to the resources section at the bottom of the page, and click the program info sheet to open a PDF.

High School:

Middle School:

Powhatan High School FCCLA, Virginia Project Title: “Child Watch: Making A Career Connection”

Montgomery County Middle School FCCLA, Missouri Project Title: “Searching for a Career”

High School:

Middle School:

Keota High School FCCLA, Oklahoma Project Title: “Stop Distracted Driving...We Are the Solution”

Montgomery County Middle School FCCLA, Missouri Project Title: “Buckle Up for Safety”

High School:

Middle School:

Powhatan High School FCCLA, Virginia Project Title: “Stop Hunger Now”

Litchfield Middle School FCCLA, Minnesota Project Title: “A Little Can Do A Lot”

10 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

High School:

Middle School:

Riverview High School FCCLA, Washington Project Title: “Penny Pinchers”

Wilson Middle School FCCLA, Virginia Project Title: “Financing Your Future”

High School:

Middle School:

Cornerstone Christian Academy FCCLA, Virginia Project Title: “Helping All the Hans & Ettas”

Carl Sandburg Middle School FCCLA, Virginia Project Title: “Panther Pride Snack Drive”

High School:

Middle School:

Washington County High School FCCLA, Kentucky Project Title: “Walking the Red Carpet Towards a Violent-Free Society”

Southeast Middle School FCCLA, North Carolina Project Title: “You Can COUNT on Kindness!”

High School:

Middle School:

Lake Stevens High School FCCLA, Washington Project Title: “#uwin with Student Body”

Montgomery County Middle School FCCLA, Missouri Project Title: “Being Healthy Can Be Fun”

2015-2016 www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 11

2015-2016 National Executive Council President

Josh Sorbe Age: 18 | Grade: Senior | School: Brookings High School | State: SD | Adviser: Joline Dunbar | Random Fact: I am an avid swimmer and compete competitively in long distance freestyle.

Why did you join FCCLA? “At first, I joined FCCLA as a freshman because I saw a poster in the hallway at school registration that advertised free pizza. While food tends to motivate teenagers very well, it doesn’t compare to how the organization captivated me shortly after that first slice of Pizza Ranch cheese pizza. After shortly realizing the benefits FCCLA can provide, I became involved with the organization that made me the leader I am today. FCCLA allows teenagers to have a voice, to practice their leadership skills as a teenager, and to explore opportunities that a non-member could only imagine.”

First Vice President

Allyson Monson

Age: 18 | Grade: Senior | School: Clark High School | State: SD | Adviser: Tammie Paulson | Random Fact: If I could live anywhere in the world, I would still choose to live in my small town of 1,200 people. Why did you join FCCLA? “My FCCLA journey began my first year of high school when I was fortunate to have some upperclassman FCCLA members recruit me. They told me about an annual cookout for all FCCLA members held at the adviser’s house. I was sold when I found out there would be a bonfire and s’mores! Later in the year, I attended my very first FCCLA state meeting. It was then I knew FCCLA was the place for me. Ultimately, you could say that I joined FCCLA because of a s’more and bonfire, but I stayed because of the passion I felt at that first state meeting. FCCLA has offered me unlimited opportunities and has continually pushed me to be a better version of myself.”

Vice-President of Community Service

Gabriella Cutruzzula

Age: 17 | Grade: Senior | School: Drummond Public School | State: OK | Adviser: Brooke Kusch | Random Fact: I dislike regular baked potatoes, but sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods. Why did you join FCCLA? “I originally joined FCCLA because I thought the trip to NLC looked super fun! So, on the first day of school, I decided it was something I wanted to do and just went with it. I have gained the ability to do things I would have never even thought possible because of this organization. I have realized what my career goals are, gained knowledge about public speaking and facilitating, and have had the opportunity to go to countless amazing cities. FCCLA has also given me my best friends!” 12 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

Vice-President of Competitive Events

Stephanie Zhang

Age: 17 | Grade: Senior | School: John P. Stevens High School | State: NJ | Adviser: Patricia DiGioia-Laird | Random Fact: I designed and sewed my own prom dress. Why did you join FCCLA? “I took a fashion, textiles, and apparel course as a freshman, and my teacher was the state adviser for FCCLA. She had a bulletin board with pictures, the schedule of meetings, and Competitive Event descriptions on it and invited me to come to one of the chapter meetings. After becoming more involved in my chapter, I realized how beneficial and amazing FCCLA was. Never before had I seen so many enthusiastic students come together to develop character and leadership skills. Through this organization, I have become a new person, and I am forever grateful for every memory I have made in FCCLA.”

Vice-President of Development

Monica Jones

Age: 17 | Grade: Senior | School: Kress High School | State: TX | Adviser: Kathy Lostroh | Random Fact: I enjoy long road trips. Why did you join FCCLA? “I joined FCCLA because it represents what I am very passionate about: family and career preparation. I have experienced opportunities to gain leadership and give service throughout my community and school. I have gained connections and friendships beyond my state lines and have developed a family beyond my immediate relatives.”

Vice-President of Finance

Rohit Iyer

Age: 17 | Grade: Senior | School: John P. Stevens High School | State: NJ | Adviser: Patricia DiGioia-Laird | Random Fact: I don’t own a pair of sweatpants. Why did you join FCCLA? “I joined FCCLA because it provides students with opportunities to develop leadership and be part of efforts that open our eyes to the important issues concerning our generation. FCCLA has helped me develop strong relationships with my family, peers, and teachers and accomplish more than I ever thought possible.”

Vice-President of Membership

Nathon Taylor

Age: 18 | Grade: Senior | School: Mountain View High School | State: WY | Adviser: Kirsten Bird | Random Fact: I am a huge fan of Lady Gaga and everything that she promotes. Why did you join FCCLA? “I joined FCCLA my freshman year after my adviser showcased to me what FCCLA was all about. After my first conference, I was hooked and knew that FCCLA was where I belonged. I couldn’t have done anything without the push and support from my great adviser!” ...continued on page 15

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Vice-President of Parliamentary Law

Raniel Mendoza

Age: 18 | Grade: Senior | School: Millbrook High School | State: NC | Adviser: Lisa Ellstrom | Random Fact: I love to travel, meet new people, and try cuisine from different cultures. Why did you join FCCLA? “I was born in the Philippines and experienced poverty and food insecurity the first few years of my life. Growing up, I always knew I wanted to get involved in something to give back and help people, but I never knew how until I joined FCCLA. Our organization offers many opportunities to tackle issues within our nation by starting to make changes within our homes, our schools, our communities, and ourselves. Through Competitive Events, leadership trainings, and networking, I have been able to learn skills that will last me a lifetime.”

Vice-President of Programs

Garrett Christiaens

Age: 18 | Grade: Senior | School: Valier High School | State: MT | Adviser: Jill Espeseth | Random Fact: I am a published playwright. Why did you join FCCLA? “To be honest, I joined because I knew we would miss three days of school for SLC; however, once in I saw the amazing opportunities FCCLA gives its members. FCCLA has forced me to jump from my comfort zone and find a voice. Since joining, my public speaking skills have greatly improved.”

Vice-President of Public Relations

Makayla Hendricks

Age: 18 | Grade: Senior | School: Bountiful High School | State: UT | Adviser: Kristy Keaton | Random Fact: I run my own photography business. Why did you join FCCLA? “I joined FCCLA in 8th grade when my best friend told me that I could miss school for a couple of days and stay in a hotel with her. I was sold! I competed in a STAR Event at state and qualified for national competition. We attended NLC in Orlando, Florida, where I learned what FCCLA was really about. After that, I was hooked for life!”

2015–2016 PSA Contest National FCCLA will be launching a contest for members to develop PSAs on a variety of traffic safety topics. Cash prizes for the top three winners! Stay tuned for more details and be on the lookout for a special edition of Fast Facts highlighting the contest in October!

2015-2016 www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 15

Awards & Accolades During a White House event in June, members Jacob Smith and Makayla Hendricks received the CTE Student Innovator Award at the CTE Innovator Recognition event. The event celebrated students and educators for their work connecting the classroom to real-life career opportunities. Jacob Smith of Texas FCCLA has served on the local, regional, state, and national level, most recently as the National VicePresident of Finance. He has logged over 300 hours with Special Olympics, East Texas Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, Camp Tyler, and the No Kid Hungry program in addition to volunteering at his church. Jacob also received the special honor of introducing First Lady Michelle Obama at the event! Makayla Hendricks of Utah FCCLA attributes her skills to CTE as well as finding some of her closest friends thanks to her involvement with CTSOs. From competing at the local level to becoming state president, Makayla looks forward to continuing her involvement with FCCLA by serving on the National Executive Council as Vice-President of Public Relations. “This was an incredible opportunity that FCCLA was extremely honored to be included in, celebrating the innovations of Career and Technical Education with the First Lady,” shares Sandy Spavone, FCCLA Executive Director. “We were pleased to collaborate with the White House for this event and are always proud of the outstanding work of our youth through CTE.” Congratulations to Jacob and Makayla!

Sydney Mazik, a middle school member from Granville, OH, recently celebrated her 13th birthday at a White House dinner with First Lady Michelle Obama. Why? She was named the state winner in a healthy recipe contest for kids. Sydney and her mother Susan combined two of the family’s favorites and invented spaghetti squash asparagus pie. “I’m from a long line of people who love to cook,” Sydney said. “We usually have a veggie every night at dinner,” she added. “I love my fruits and vegetables.” Try spaghetti squash for yourself by heading to the FCCLA website (www.fcclainc.org), clicking on the news and media tab, and then clicking on Teen Times.

16 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

Capitol Hill Painted Red On July 8, more than 3,000 FCCLA members gathered for a rally on Capitol Hill to celebrate the organization’s 70th anniversary and to advocate for strong Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) education in schools. For more than seven decades, FCCLA has used FACS education to help youth prepare for successful futures. “Since our founding in 1945, we have involved more than 10 million youth in the organization,” said Sandy Spavone, executive director of FCCLA. “Through the rally, we were able to share our rich history and ongoing commitment to preparing young people to be leaders in their families, careers, and communities for many more years to come.”

special guest speakers and the largest performance ever of the #GimmeFive dance, created by First Lady Michelle Obama to promote healthy lifestyles, which fit well with the FCCLA national conference’s theme of “Together We Are Healthy”. FCCLA and Responsibility.org have partnered together to encourage parents and teens to have family conversations about healthy lifestyle choices, like saying no to underage drinking. The partnership between Responsibility.org and FCCLA provides conversation starters for families to guide the discussion around underage drinking prevention.

“FCCLA helps teens develop skills and confidence to make smart and responsible choices, and we are proud to be a partner with such a great organization,” said Ralph Blackman, president and CEO of the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility. “We were excited to sponsor the rally and to continue spreading the message of the importance of beginning conversations at home about responsible and healthy lifestyle choices.” FCCLA members participated in over 100 congressional visits and blanketed every office with an informational visit asking our nation’s leaders to sign a letter of support for Family and Consumer Sciences. Way to advocate, FCCLA!

The rally – sponsored by the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (Responsibility.org) – featured

2015-2016 www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 17

Student Body:

The Healthy, Fit, Real, and Resilient You! FCCLA is excited to announce a resource that will empower you: an UPDATED and FRESH Student Body National Program Guide! What’s Student Body? It’s a national FCCLA peer education program that helps young people discover and practice how to be healthy, fit, real, and resilient. Its goals are to: • help young people make informed, responsible decisions about their health; • provide youth opportunities to teach others; and • encourage youth to develop and continue healthy lifestyles, as well as communication and leadership skills. Student Body projects relate to four topic areas (divided into four classroom units):

The Healthy You

Explore nutrition, healthy snacks, sleep, healthy habits, consequences of negative behaviors, and more.

The Fit You

Take action related to lifelong fitness, injury prevention, relaxation, and more.

The Real You

Choose a healthy lifestyle by taming fears, being aware of disorders, understanding family history, and more.

The Resilient You

Focus on mood choice, emotional intelligence, positive relationships, body image, stress management, and more.

18 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

Each unit is made with the classroom teacher and student in mind, including: • • • • • • • • • • • •

introductory information about the unit’s topic pre- and post-tests printable handouts classroom activities, mini-lessons, and projects helpful links several subtopics resources (including technology) peer-to-peer contribution integrating family, career, and community project ideas lesson plans, which link to STAR Events, STEM, and FACS national standards career and employability ideas

Now available in the FCCLA Store!

Also included in the updated version of Student Body are workshops related Nasco Family & Consumer Sciences Division to each of the units, printable materials related to Student Body as a whole, (FCCLA) Teen Times supplemental materials, kick-off activities, and more!

Sept/Oct 2015 TT1509 With updated activities, information, links, lesson plans, handouts, games, and tools, Student Body is a great addition to any FACS classroom and FCCLA chapter.

Get your copy today by heading to the FCCLA Store! http://www.co-store.com/fccla

Additonal FCCLA Programs Include:


Learn how to explore career pathways and skills for success. Discover how you can strengthen family relationships. Arrive alive and lower the number one cause of death for youth in America.

Make, save, and spend money wisely to be financially fit.

Take action in your community and discover the difference you can make. Make a positive change in your families, careers, and communities one goal at a time. Empower youth with skills and resources to recognize, report, and reduce youth violence.

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The Lead2Feed student leadership program is the nation’s leading and fastest-growing servicelearning program, attracting more than a million students in 3,500 schools and clubs across all 50 states. Aligned to standards and 21st century skills, Lead2Feed is making a huge difference in participants’ lives and the programs they create. This free service-learning program nurtures a new generation of leaders while working to end local and global hunger. Each year, student teams compete for a chance to win over $275,000 in charity grants and $150,000 in technology grants for schools. The best part is that the work of your chapter and any prizes benefit your community. Since its inception in 2012, student members have donated more than 22,000 volunteer hours and one million meals to hungry families. Be a part of the Lead2Feed movement by completing the lessons and a service project in your community. Based on the leadership principles from the book Taking People with You by David Novak, Executive Chairman of Yum! Brands, Lead2Feed gives students the opportunity to lead, create, and implement team projects that alleviate hunger in their communities. To sign up or find more information, please visit Lead2Feed.org/Join.

Attention Advisers: Find all of the Lead2Feed lessons, project information, and many more resources to get your chapter project

started in the member section of Lead2Feed.org. Once you sign up, you will have full access to the member resources!

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National Cluster Meeting Preview November 20-22, 2015

It’s time to start thinking about how you can be empowered and how you can empower others at the 2015 National Cluster Meetings. Check out the information below. Join us for a fun leadership experience! Registration and housing opens September 1, 2015.



National Cluster Meeting – Southern Region Omni Dallas Hotel Dallas, Texas Single/Double/Triple/Quad room rate is $170 per room per night plus tax

National Cluster Meeting – Central Region JW Marriott Indianapolis Indianapolis, Indiana Single/Double/Triple/Quad room rate is $168 per room per night plus tax

2015 National Cluster Meeting

Schedule At-A-Glance

Subject to Change – Check the FCCLA national website frequently for updates.

All Challenge Testing events will compete online prior to the National Cluster Meeting: Consumer Math - Culinary Math - Early Childhood Education - FCCLA Knowledge - Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation - Nutrition - Science in FACS. Participants must register for the conference and event and be in attendance to qualify for awards.

22 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016

NCM Schedule-At-A-Glance FRIDAY, 11/20/2015 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Registration 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Exhibits 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Opening General Session 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM Leadership Academy (Preregistration Required) 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM & 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Exhibitor & Partner Workshops (Sessions Repeat)

6:45 PM – 7:45 PM Adviser Professional Development Session 7:30 PM – 8:00 PM Skill Demonstration Events Participant Orientations and Testing (Participants Only) • Culinary Chicken Fabrication • Culinary Knife Skills • Fashion Sketch • FCCLA Creed Speaking & Interpretation • Impromptu Speaking • Speak Out for FCCLA • Technology in Teaching

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Newcomers Seminar

8:30 PM – 9:30 PM General Session with Keynote Speaker

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM State Advisers Workshop (State Advisers and State Administrators Only)

SATURDAY, 11/21/2015

5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Dinner (On Your Own)

7:30 AM – 6:00 PM Registration

6:15 PM – 7:00 PM Skill Demonstration Events Consultants Orientations (All Events)

7:30 AM – 8:15 AM Wake Up, Warm up!

6:30 PM – 7:45 PM Leadership Academy (Preregistration Required) 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Exhibits 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl Orientation and Testing: Level I (Competitors Only - State Advisers Volunteer Opportunity) 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Youth Networking

8:00 AM – 8:30 AM Skill Demonstration Events Evaluator Orientations • Culinary Chicken Fabrication • Culinary Knife Skills • Fashion Sketch • FCCLA Creed Speaking & Interpretation • Impromptu Speaking • Speak Out for FCCLA • Technology in Teaching 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM Exhibits 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM Skill Demonstration Events

• • • • • • •

Culinary Chicken Fabrication Culinary Knife Skills Fashion Sketch FCCLA Creed Speaking & Interpretation Impromptu Speaking Speak Out for FCCLA Technology in Teaching

8:45 AM – 10:00 AM Leadership Academy (Preregistration Required) 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM & 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM National Outreach Project Workshop: Lead2Feed (Sessions Repeat) 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM & 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Workshops: Student Body (Sessions Repeat) 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM & 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM Adviser Professional Development Sessions (Sessions Repeat) 10:15 AM – 11:30 AM Leadership Academy (Preregistration Required) 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Lunch (On Your Own) 1:30 PM – 2:00 PM FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl Volunteer Orientation 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Newcomers Seminar 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM State Officer Training (State Officers Only) 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM State Advisers Workshop (State Advisers and State Administrators Only)

1:30 PM – 2:15 PM; 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM; & 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM Afternoon Workshops (Sessions Repeat) 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM Exhibits College & Career Fair (Attendees will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from colleges and businesses from across the country) 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl Teams Report to Holding Room 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM National Network Team Trainings 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM Leadership Academy (Preregistration Required) 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Adviser Networking 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM Dinner (On Your Own) 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Indianapolis) 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM (Dallas) Closing General Session 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM Special Event

SUNDAY, 11/22/2015 Sightseeing and Travel Day

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The FCCLA Leadership Academy

The FCCLA Leadership Academy develops leadership, employability, and 21st century skills and gives members the opportunity to be recognized for their personal growth efforts. Each academy focuses on specific skills needed for different environments where leadership is vital. From the home to the workplace to city hall, participants explore and practice essentials for the roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader. The FCCLA Leadership Academy is developed by FCCLA for all FCCLA members to take intensive academies as part of their ultimate leadership experience.

National Leadership Conference - $15 ENGAGE ACADEMY The Engage Academy strengthens leadership skills used to unify people through communication, collaboration, and conflict management. Courses: Effective Communication & Networking Public Speaking Group Dynamics & Collaboration Making Differences Count The Responsibility of Leaders LAUNCH ACADEMY The Launch Academy enhances skills that will build a foundation for FCCLA members to prepare to successfully launch into their future through theory and practice of strategic planning, critical thinking, decisionmaking, and innovation. Courses: Project Management Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Decision-Making & Risk Taking Surviving Failure Vision & Revision

National Cluster Meetings - $15 DISCOVER ACADEMY The Discover Academy guides FCCLA members in their own leadership and character development and educates them on the organization and opportunities to get involved. Courses: FCCLA 101 The Leader in Me Building Blocks of Character Opportunities in FCCLA Leadership Essentials 24 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org 2015-2016


State Package Options – Discover and Enrich States may hire FCCLA to present the Discover and Enrich Academies at State Conferences. State Advisers may contact National FCCLA for additional information. DISCOVER ACADEMY The Discover Academy guides FCCLA members in their own leadership and character development and educates them on the organization and opportunities to get involved. Courses: FCCLA 101 The Leader in Me Building Blocks of Character Opportunities in FCCLA Leadership Essentials ENRICH ACADEMY The Enrich Academy provides FCCLA members with a well-rounded training to enhance individuals’ ability to positively represent the organization as both a member and alumnus by cultivating essential leadership and life skills. Courses: Character Cultivation Good Impressions & Lasting Relationships Representing FCCLA Now & In the Future The ULTIMATE Leadership Experience Learning, Growing, Teaching

LifeSmarts is a comprehensive consumer education program that is free to middle school and high school students and educators. The mission of the LifeSmarts program is to create consumer savvy young people who will be better equipped for adult life in today’s complex, global marketplace. The free resources and competitions provide students with the opportunity to show what they have learned and how they will apply this information to daily life. That’s why at LifeSmarts they say, “Learn it. Live it!” Teen competitors learn about personal finance, consumer rights and responsibilities, health and safety, technology, and the environment. LifeSmarts is thrilled to partner with FCCLA to conduct the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl. Planning to compete? Use the free resources at www.LifeSmarts.org to start honing your consumer skills!

*States may substitute one course out for another course in any of the other academies, if desired.

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FCCLA Membership Campaign FCCLA members, it’s time to Go For the Red! Go For the Red provides incentives for members and chapters working to increase membership and empowers students to recruit, retain, and recognize members. Let’s work together this year to increase membership as we all Go For the Red!

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Investments in Members and Partnerships and Assistance for Chapters and Teachers

Impact Fund A good idea needs to be nurtured and developed. FCCLA members and chapters generate many fantastic ideas that produce initiatives that make an impact in the lives of members, the success of chapters, and the effectiveness of schools while greatly influencing communities. The power of an idea in FCCLA can be tremendous, but these ideas often need resources to flourish. Enter: the IMPACT Fund. Earlier this year, the 2014-2015 National Executive Council identified an opportunity for the newly- elected NEC to bring about change and create opportunities for FCCLA in a way never before possible. The IMPACT (Investments in Members and Partnerships and Assistance for Chapters and Teachers) Fund is an initiative of the NEC and exists to advance and modernize FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences by providing opportunities for members to take action and to perpetuate a legacy that exemplifies our mission, purposes, and initiatives. IMPACT Funds will be used to directly support members through grants to chapters and/or the work of the National Executive Council on members’ behalf. The fund can be used for virtually anything, but remember that the 14-15 NEC intended for the fund to be used to help members, chapters, and states. That’s where you come in! If you feel that you have an initiative benefiting FCCLA members that needs funding, consider applying for a grant from the IMPACT Fund! Any member, chapter, or state that is looking to make an impact in the lives of the students around them is encouraged to apply for a grant from the IMPACT Fund. All requests will be reviewed by the current National Executive Council for the strongest potential to make an impact for students, schools, communities, and/or states. If grant request is accepted, resources will be awarded based on the availability of funds. Please visit fcclainc.org to make a tax deductible donation or apply for a grant. The future of new generations of FCCLA members is also something we must consider. While we ask for applications from members, chapters, and states, we also ask that stakeholders donate back to the IMPACT Fund so that future youth leaders may have the same opportunities. It’s time to think outside the box, challenge the process, and empower your think tank. The NEC needs your exceptional ideas. Together, we can make an IMPACT on FCCLA! Empowered to Make a Difference,

Rohit Iyer National Vice-President of Finance 2015-2016 www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 27

EMPOWER Yourself During FCCLA Week February 7-13, 2016 | #FCCLAWeek



Media Monday: Empowered To Raise Our Voices Media Outreach/Media Blitz Use this day to reach out to your local media and share some stories from your school or chapter. What role is FCCLA playing in your community? What positive impact is your chapter having on your school, in your town, etc.? Do the local newspapers and news stations know about FCCLA? Today is a great day to invite them to your school to see FCCLA up close, and maybe do the local weather report or attend an FCCLA rally. You’ve worked very hard to make your chapter and FCCLA great. Raise your voices and let people know!

2014-2015 NEC on the TODAY Show



Team Tuesday: The Power of Partnership Partner Advocacy As our partner in the FCCLA National Outreach Project, Lead2Feed is giving our students the opportunity to lead, create, and implement team projects that alleviate hunger in their communities. Each year, student teams compete for a chance to win over $275,000 in charity grants and $150,000 in technology grants for schools. The best part is that the work of your chapter and any prizes benefit your community. What can your chapter do to compete for these grants while simultaneously benefitting your local community? Find out by visiting http://www. lead2feed.org/how-to-participate/join/.

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11 February


We Wear Red Wednesday: Turning “Me” into “We” Member Pride/Member Recognition You’ll definitely want to wear red on this day! Then use the day to recognize the members in your chapter and the impact your chapter has on your school and local community. Can you convince your whole school to wear red and take a school selfie to celebrate your FCCLA pride and all that FCCLA is doing to make school better and more fun?

Thankful Thursday: How Has FCCLA Empowered You? #WhyWeLoveFCCLA This is a great day to take to social media and share a personal FCCLA story. How and why did you get involved? What is the best part of being a member of FCCLA, and how has the organization shaped your thinking, your college or career readiness, and your life? Be sure to tag your posts #WhyWeLoveFCCLA so the national office can share your story and help empower others!

FACS Friday: Empowering Future Generations In Support of Family and Consumer Sciences Education and “Say Yes to FCS” YOU are proof of the value and importance of Family and Consumer Sciences education. Share your story and let your voice be heard! Visit your local representatives and let them see how and why FCS education is working. Host a school rally and encourage your peers to explore FCS careers. What better way to empower an entire generation?

FCCLA Mobile App Update FCCLA 365 App: Visit Guidebook.com/app/FCCLA365 and input your phone number to receive a text with a download link or search for “FCCLA 365 App” in your app store.

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National Cluster Meetings: Attend leadership workshops, compete in skill demonstration events, and provide opportunities to demonstrate college- and career-ready skills. • Dallas, TX: November 20-22, 2015 • Indianapolis, IN: November 20-22, 2015 National Leadership Conference: Members from across the country gather together to attend sessions, compete in events, and gain skills to use in their homes, schools, and communities. 2015 NATIONAL CLUSTER MEETINGS • San Diego, CA: July 3-7, 2016

STAR Events: Build leadership and career-related skills at the local, regional, state, and national levels. Check with your state adviser for affiliation and registration deadlines. • Foundational Events: Build leadership and life skills • Leadership Events: Gain recognition for the work done in chapters • Career Preparation Events: Explore specific career paths • Online Events: Create digital projects FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl: Three-level, team competition challenging student’s knowledge of six different content areas. Skill Demonstration Events: Demonstrate college- and career-ready skills in Family and Consumer Sciences and related occupations. Events take place at National Cluster Meetings.

Join FCCLA members, advisers, and supporters from across the country from February 7-13, 2016 in a nationwide celebration of all things FCCLA! Each day has a different theme, so be be sure to stay up-to-date on social media and join the conversation using #FCCLAWeek. • • • • •

Media Monday (Empowered to Raise Our Voices) Team Tuesday (The Power of Partnership) We Wear Red Wednesday (Turning “Me” into “We”) Thankful Thursday (How Has FCCLA Empowered You?) FACS Friday (Empowering Future Generations)

Career Connection: Learn how to explore career pathways and skills for success. Families First: Discover how you can strengthen family relationships. FACTS: Arrive alive and lower the number one cause of death for youth in America. Financial Fitness: Make, save, and spend money wisely to be financially fit. Leadership Service in Action: Take action in your community and discover the difference you can make. Power of One: Make a positive change in your families, careers, and communities one goal at a time. STOP the Violence: Empower youth with skills and resources to recognize, report, and reduce youth violence.

Newly updated this year!

Discover the healthy, fit, real, and resilient YOU!

FCCLA Leadership Academy: Training and recognition for members who are seeking to better their leadership skills. Holding an Office: FCCLA members are elected to hold offices at the chapter, district, regional, state, and national level. Holding a higher office gives members the opportunity to make decisions and assume responsibility within the organization. National Outreach Project: FCCLA has partnered with Lead2Feed (a service-learning program that nurtures a new generation of leaders while working to end local and global hunger) to empower students to act, serve, and make big things happen! Join the leadership movement at www.Lead2Feed.com.

Go For the Red: An FCCLA membership campaign that provides incentives for members and chapters working to increase membership. Go For the Red empowers students to recruit, retain, and recognize members. Alumni & Associates: Membership for those who were previously part of FCCLA or those who support the mission and purposes of the organization. Members of A&A will be able to receive newsletters and extend their support of FCCLA.

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