Teen Times Jan/Feb 2019

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Jan/Feb 2019

Magazine for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.

Feature Story:

One Member’s Journey to the Hospitality Career Pathway

In This Issue: Program Integration How FCCLA Programs Align with Career Pathways

Middle Level Chapter Incorporating the Planning Process

Alumni & Associates

FCCLA Alumni Share Their Journeys in Hospitality & Tourism






Teen Times is the national magazine of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, a career and technical student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education, or as determined by the state department of education. Lyn Fiscus, Editorial Consultant Emily McPike, Layout/Design


Sandy Spavone, Executive Director Nancy Bock, Director of Partnerships Marla Burk, CMP, Director of Conferences Beth Carpenter, Director of Programs Mark Hornby, CPA, SHRM-CP, Director of Operations Karen Patti, Director of Youth Leadership Christine Hollingsworth, Senior Competitive Events Manager Ana Torres, Senior Staff Accountant Charles Carson, Mailroom Manager Kelley Conners, Meetings Manager Ashley Nelson, CFCS, Outreach and Professional Development Manager Caitlin Osbourne, Membership Manager Janet Ryder, Communications Manager Margaret Mainguy, Program Coordinator Jacob Smith, Partnership Coordinator Noelle Barge, Administrative Assistant Coryn Green, Communications and Membership Assistant Michelle Hedrick, Executive Assistant

Table Of Contents 02 03 05 06 10 14 18 22 23

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a private, nonprofit national organization of more than 160,000 members incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia. It functions through public and private secondary school systems in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education program, providing opportunities for enriched learning. Editor’s Note: Please credit Teen Times for information you reprint, excerpt, or photocopy. Use the following statement to credit materials you use from this issue: Reprinted with permission from Teen Times, the national magazine of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Vol. 73, No. 3. Teen Times (ISSN 0735-6986) is published four times per year in September, November, January, and March by Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc., 1910 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1584, (703) 476-4900. A portion of national dues pays for a one-year subscription to Teen Times. Inclusion of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s claims, products, and services. Periodicals postage paid at Reston, VA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTERS: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Teen Times, 1910 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1584.

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TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


From the Desk of ... Happy 2019! I hope you are all enjoying the start to a great New Year. We are excited here at FCCLA for Membership Madness in January followed by FCCLA Week in February. Just imagine if each of our members recruited one new member for the Membership Madness recruitment campaign—FCCLA membership would double in just one year. It’s possible, but it would take every single one of our members to invite a friend to join. Are you in? If so, take a selfie with the members you recruit and post on Instagram this month so we can highlight your success. Make sure to follow and tag @NationalFCCLA so we can like your post!

chapter projects, your principal’s support, and your success. We Believe in YOU and know you will do great things to help FCCLA support youth all across the country as we celebrate FCCLA Week together. Be sure to send us pictures of your FCCLA Week celebration events so we can highlight your success. This edition of Teen Times will focus on the careers in Hospitality and Tourism, a great career pathway for you to engage in and prepare for a fantastic journey in this field. More so than any other career path, Hospitality and Tourism offers the ability to travel or live anywhere in the world. If you are passionate and creative about this field, be sure to explore this issue carefully and get your career path started in Hospitality and Tourism.

FCCLA Executive Director

Then, FCCLA week starts. We are looking forward to seeing all that you do to celebrate FCCLA week, and I encourage all of our chapters to plan activities as described in the National FCCLA Week plan so that we have the biggest impact possible and a united voice. Take time to celebrate your chapter adviser, your

What comes to mind when you normally think of hospitality and tourism? Do you think of a certain job, like tour guide or hotel manager? While these are both exciting careers, there are so many others that are included in this pathway that you may not even realize! As we approach our National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California, there is an abundance of jobs under the pathway of hospitality and tourism in Disneyland! Whether it’s working as a travel planner, as a hotel concierge, or even being a Disney princess, all of these are fun-filled jobs in hospitality and tourism. Walt Disney defined his success as, “I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true.” He used this to create his four pillars for success: • Dream. Inspire yourself. There are no limits to what you can do when you allow your mind to dream big! • Believe. Turn your dreams into your aspiration. Tell yourself that your dream is achievable and that you can do it! • Dare. Turn your aspirations into goals. Believe in yourself and that you will accomplish whatever you set your mind to. • Do. Take Action. Now that you’ve created your action items, it is time to actually do what you have set your mind to and achieve your dreams! With Walt Disney’s mindset, I challenge each of you to BElieve in YOUrself and learn more about a career in hospitality and tourism!

FCCLA National President

2 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

This year’s National Cluster Meetings in Louisville, Kentucky, and Phoenix, Arizona, were unforgettable! At the National Cluster Meetings, members had the ultimate opportunity to believe in themselves and network with members from all across the country. Attendees left the National Cluster Meetings with stronger leadership skills and memories that will last a lifetime.

Meetings & Events

From Skill Demonstration Events to Leadership Workshops, many amazing events happened at this year’s National Cluster Meetings. One of the most exciting things was the unveiling of the updated program, Career Connection. With the updated program, members are able to focus on the skills that fit with their life and then find a career that fits with their path. This updated program will help members believe in themselves even further as we prepare them for future careers. National Cluster Meeting attendees were able to experience the updated program Career Connection by attending program workshops, which were presented by student leaders from all across the country! Along with this, some other events that happened at the National Cluster Meetings were FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl competitions, State Officer/National Network trainings, Community Service projects for the Louisville and Phoenix areas, exhibits, plus two awesome general sessions. Students were also inspired to believe in themselves by our two keynote speakers — Michelle Poler and Blake Fly. Michelle and Blake were able to connect with members and teach them how to live without fear and really break out of their comfort zones. Members who attended the National Cluster Meetings left with so many new leadership skills, connections, and tools they will use to leave an impact on their local communities. To all the National Cluster Meeting attendees, thank you for making both meetings events to remember! We hope you truly believe in yourselves and make a positive difference in your families, schools, and communities.

The 2019 FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, CA is bringing together more than 8,000 student leaders and advisers to hear inspiring speakers, expand leadership skills, explore career pathways and compete among the nation’s top qualifiers in STAR Events. Believe in Yourself and join us as we shine in red!


For more information visit fcclainc.org or email meetings@fcclainc.org.

JUN 30 - JUL 4


CHOOSE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE The IMPACT (Investments in Members and Partnerships and Assistance for Chapters and Teachers) Fund is an initiative of the National Executive Council to provide opportunities for members to take action and to perpetuate a legacy that exemplifies our mission, purposes, and initiatives. If you feel you have an initiative benefiting FCCLA members that needs funding, consider applying for a grant from the IMPACT Fund! The monies raised will be used to directly support members through grants to chapters and/or the work of the National Executive Council on members’ behalf.

Any member or chapter that is looking to make an impact in the lives of the students around them is encouraged to complete an application for the IMPACT Fund. All requests will be reviewed by the current National Executive Council for the strongest potential to make an impact for students, schools, communities and/or states, and resources will be awarded as available.

Grant applications for consideration in the 2018–2019 school year will be accepted until May 1, 2019.

Give Any donation can make a difference! DONATE ONLINE at fcclainc.org/impact or by mail. Send your check to: 1910 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191 (Checks should be made payable to FCCLA with IMPACT Fund in memo.) 4 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

Partner Power

FCCLA Partnerships

FCCLA partners with a wide variety of organizations, associations, universities, and corporations in the culinary arts field that share similar core values. By bringing together these industry partners, FCCLA gives students a platform to develop skills necessary in the workplace. Check out our hospitality partner in the spotlight now with a special interview!

In the spotlight now…. Omni Hotels & Resorts Meet Kim Graves, Director, Global Accounts at Omni Hotels, National FCCLA Board Member

Why did you choose your career in the hospitality industry?

I know this sounds cliché, but I don’t think I chose my career, I think my career chose me. Hospitality has always been a part of how I was raised and is in my blood. I started my career on the meeting planning side, and found my niche in the organization and relationship building side. I discovered this was my favorite part, so it easily transitioned me into a sales role. As my career has progressed, so has my role. I currently work to sell more than 60 hotels to clients in the DC/VA/MD market.

What should students know about this career path?

I think the number one thing to know is that there is really no limit to what you can do and where you can go. My career has taken me all over the world and given me the ability to see so much. In addition, hospitality covers so many career pathways that you’re able to experience many different aspects of what this community involves.

What is the most important skill you need for your position?

For my specific segment of Hospitality in hotel sales, the number one skill you need is to be able to be a problem solver. Whether it’s directly at a hotel property taking care of your clients, or finding opportunities to provide solutions to win their business, it’s a skill that gets stronger based on the relationships you form with your clients and partners. The more you’re able to solve an issue, the more trust you build.

What is the most significant lesson you have learned in your career?

Never burn a bridge. You never know who is going to be your next leader, client, advocate, and friend. And second, always be kind.

TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


Feature Story

Connect to Careers through FCCLA:

Hospitality and Tourism

Think about the best experience you ever had at a restaurant or on a vacation. What made it such a good time? Chances are the professional expertise of the people you came into contact with made the difference between an ordinary experience and a great one. The Hospitality and Tourism career pathway includes the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and other travel-related services. Everyone has had first-hand experience that touches this industry. “I have had experiences with professional workers in hospitality who made my trips more enjoyable. It has made me want to be that person who is making a positive impact on someone’s vacation or experience that they’re already looking forward to or excited about,” says Colten Sedman, an Arkansas FCCLA member who desires to pursue a degree in Hospitality and Tourism.

Colten Sedman Arkansas FCCLA

6 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

With a family that likes to travel, Colten’s interest in this field has been influenced by his grandmother. “My grandmother has worked in the hotel industry for about 20 years. She is a hotel manager in the town where she lives and so I have heard about the hotel industry a lot,” he says. “We often travel with her, so I’ve been to many different states and I’ve found that I really love to travel. I think I want to pursue something in this area because it’s been such a big part of my life.” His mother’s enthusiasm for planning trips also inspired him. “It’s really special because you see how much work and effort they put into an experience that they want for you to have. And so it shows how much they are excited for you and how much they care about making this experience positive for you.”

Feature Story The combination of his grandmother’s career and his mother’s attention to planning have influenced Colten to plan to pursue a career in travel planning or hotel management. “I like the actual planning of the trip, but I’ve also seriously considered becoming a hotel manager. I’d like to be in a position of being able to make sure things are done properly, but I also like to make those personal connections with people who are actually staying in the hotel.” Involvement in FCCLA has helped Colten to prepare to pursue his career. “A hotel is like a big team of people who get things done. There are the people who are at the front desk and the people who are cleaning the rooms and all of those jobs are very important. I know it’s a really big team that works together,” he says. “ My FCS classes have taught me how to work on a team. That means not just being the one that’s telling everyone what to do, but breaking it all down to really work together as a team.”


I have had experiences with professional workers in hospitality who made my trips more enjoyable. It has made me want to be that person who is making a positive impact on someone’s vacation or experience that they’re already looking forward to or excited about.


TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


Feature Story

Opportunities to travel with FCCLA have increased Colten’s knowledge of the Hospitality and Tourism field from a consumer’s perspective. “The opportunities to travel with FCCLA have been great because we are staying in hotels, so I get the experience of being a guest at different hotels. I can see what works and what doesn’t work at different hotels and learn from that. I notice the things that make my trip and time at that hotel good or bad.” FCCLA involvement has helped Colten pursue this career in less tangible ways as well. “I think that FCCLA, in general, has shown me that my career is achievable. That is very encouraging because otherwise, you don’t really hear about this in school. It’s not a topic that really comes up where people will tell you should pursue a career like this. FCCLA focuses on certain careers so I was exposed to things and gained experience that I would not have gotten any other way.”

8 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

POSSIBLE CAREERS IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, travel and tourism are one of the world’s largest employers. The sector directly employs more than 100 million individuals and supports 1 in 10 of all jobs in the world. In the coming decade, they expect the field to provide a total of 74.5 million new jobs. If any of the following jobs interest you, a career in Hospitality and Tourism might be for you! • Restaurant, food service, lounge, casino, coffee shop, or catering owner, operator, or manager • Hotel, motel, resort, or bed and breakfast owner, operator, or manager • Tour company owner, operator, or manager • Cruise line sales, food and beverage, housekeeping, maintenance, or security • Meeting and convention planner • Health or beauty spa management • Concert, festival, or exhibition management • Amusement park operations management • Wedding coordinator • Tourism and travel services marketing manager

Success Plan Your Path to


PLAN AHEAD College credit options in high school


A CAREER PATH What courses will transfer?




What grades and exams will you need?




A Culinary Arts education can prepare you for career pathway positions in management, food production and service in a variety of food service operations.

Entry-Level Careers

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Youth Leaders

Meet Rafael Bitanga, an Alaska FCCLA member and National Officer, interested in the Hospitality and Tourism career pathway. What can you learn from his story? Keep reading to find out! I envision a future career as a culinary entrepreneur leading an innovative team to harness the power of food to both nourish ourselves and the community we serve. My passion for Culinary Arts first came into my life when I was in pre-school back in Laoag City, Philippines. Although it intersected with my life many times, I did not recognize my inclination for the art until my freshman year of high school. During the summer I utilize my culinary arts skills as owner and manager of a crepe stand. My stand is the only student-run food business in the Kodiak community. At the Kodiak Crab Festival, I employ four classmates to help run the business. Prior to the event, I create a work schedule that respects the needs of my employees, and I also get a business license and purchase liability insurance, as well as obtain a variety of other mandated permits. Following a collaborative leadership model, we are able to enhance our operations so that customers get high-quality crepes in a short amount of time, while also learning valuable lessons on work ethic and money management. Because of my experience as a young entrepreneur, I am able to contribute business industry standard skills to my future education. Maintaining a balance of effective communication and collaboration within a team helps to achieve innovative solutions to our societal problems. During my sophomore year, I was enrolled in Culinary Arts where I learned how to cater large events. That year, we were asked to cater an event that my adviser was unable to attend.

10 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

Because the students wanted to do the event anyway, I tested my leadership ability by volunteering to lead. I led 15 fellow FCCLA members in catering a three-course meal for more than 300 Special Olympics dinner attendants. Without the training from my Culinary Arts class, I would not have known how to create a menu, prepare, and also serve food. In 2017, I traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, to compete in the National FCCLA Culinary Arts Competition. I vividly remember the anticipation and deep thirst to impress the culinary judges. As a leader, it was my job to give our team a sense of calm confidence while we adapted to the new environment of competition. During the event, I had to improvise equipment and techniques to fit the challenge. After our performance, we could not wait for the results. Finally, our team’s countless hours garnered us a bronze medal rating in the Pacific Region. Working under pressure, being adaptable, and meeting deadlines are some of the many skills that we gained from competing. Because of this experience, I now have a better understanding of the fastpaced environment that the Culinary Arts world requires. After I earn my Bachelor’s degree and certification, I hope to return to Kodiak and use my education to guide local youth and adults in constructing a strong foundation for their future and help stop the cycle of hunger. I also plan to visit the Philippines to help my extended family improve their lives, as my parents did for me. Giving back to others through my love for food will be my reward for my good fortune in my new country.


Youth Leaders

“How is FCCLA preparing you for a career in Hospitality and Tourism?” Andrew Moreno California FCCLA “ FCCLA has helped me prepare for a future career in the Hospitality industry through Competitive Events. CEs allow you to get hands-on experience in a career in which you are interested, and it has done that for me. Another huge part of Hospitality is how you communicate with strangers. By being an FCCLA officer, I have grown in my ability to speak and communicate effectively with others.”

Ema Ramirez Indiana FCCLA “FCCLA is training me for my pathway to Hospitality and Tourism by teaching me communication skills, leadership, and presentation skills. I have learned to work well with others, be able to take the lead when someone needs help, and to explain thoroughly what people would like to know. Hospitality has always been one of my top dreams, and because of FCCLA, I am much closer to making that dream a reality!”

Jane Kratz Washington FCCLA “ My whole life I have struggled with the question ‘what do you want to be when you grow up?’ but, over the last three years, FCCLA has given me the opportunity to discover what I want to be. FCCLA continues to lead me in the right direction every day for my future career as a publicist at a four-star hotel. The hands-on experiences I have gained in FCCLA relating to this occupation are second to none. Being a state and chapter officer and competing in STAR Events and Skills Demonstration Events have presented many challenges to me, which are all in line with my desired profession. The skills I have gained working through these challenges will be skills I can use for life and apply to my career. It would be an understatement to say FCCLA has prepared me and inspired my career when it has done so much more than that for me.”

Addison Goetz Arkansas FCCLA “FCCLA has helped me prepare for my Hospitality and Tourism career by taking me out of my comfort zone and giving me the social skills I need to achieve my future. Competing in the STAR Event Interior Design gave me experience and taught me how to meet clients’ needs, problem solve, and be super sociable! Getting to go to Nationals to compete let me learn even more about Hospitality and Tourism careers, as well as showing me the endless opportunities FCCLA can offer me to find my perfect career in that field!”

TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


Youth Leaders

Program Integration

Look around you. You could find your career right in your hometown or across the world. Keep your eyes open—your career path might be something you haven’t thought of or something you have wanted to do since you were five. It might be across town, across the country, or across the ocean. These two examples show how members are using the National Programs to highlight what opportunities are available through FCCLA to discover their passion! Howells-Dodge FCCLA, Nebraska, addressed Career Clusters found in their own community, including Hospitality and Tourism, by taking what they learned in class and turning it into a local career investigation. FCCLA members identified careers in the community that were part of the Career Clusters , and set a goal to thank and recognize the businesses in the communities for their support. During the 2018 FCCLA Week on February 13 for “Careers in Action Day,” chapter members visited each business, thanked them for all they do for the school and community, and gave them a box of FCCLA Baker’s Candy. All 55 chapter members worked together to plan, organize, and carry out the project. This project helped chapter members promote a better understanding of FCCLA and FCS education. Members used skills in leadership, management, decision making, communication, teamwork, organizational skills, technology skills, and human relations skills as they conducted this project.

Hospitality and Tourism careers and experiences can take many forms —

Which path will you take?

12 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

Youth Leaders Have you traveled around the world to spend a year in a foreign country? Meet Kaho Miyahara, from Niihama Ehime Prefecture Japan, who is doing just this. As an added bonus she is part of a fun, active FCCLA Chapter in Illinois. FCCLA is honored to partner with Future Homemakers of Japan (FHJ), Youth for Understanding, and Kikkoman to sponsor students from Japan who are here in the US for a school term. Additionally, through the Japanese Exchange program, FCCLA members can apply to spend six weeks in Japan during the summer. As part of this program, Kaho is a smart, funny, engaged student who is enjoying her time in the US. She shared with FCCLA some reasons she wanted to spend a year immersed in the culture of the United States: “I wanted to improve my English skills and learn about different cultures. I also want to share about my culture with Americans and take back my experiences to Japan. I like trying new things.� So far, Kaho has found that she loves American ice cream and is learning a lot about agriculture and farming. She even has had the opportunity to ride in a combine, and she enjoyed the Homecoming Dance and a wedding she attended. Kaho has noted a few similarities between the US and Japan. In Japan, she likes to hang out with her friends, and they go to karaoke and go shopping. Also, she cooks and sews with her grandmother. With FCCLA she has had the opportunity to compete with some FCCLA members in the Madison County Platinum Chef cooking competition. She shared that it was fun being a part of the team and cooking with friends, and through FCCLA she has prepared and served meals to the homeless. For the rest of this year, Kaho is looking forward to seeing more of America and going to the National FCCLA Conference this summer.

TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019



Red Jacket, Red Hot Future The Hospitality and Tourism career pathway is strongly supported by involvement in FCCLA. Check out how one member used the skills and experiences gained through FCCLA membership to put himself on the pathway to career success. Tell us about your story in the culinary field. I have wanted to be a chef since I was four years old. I used to watch Andrew Zimmerman on “Bizarre Foods” and Alton Brown on “Good Eats” and saw how they used food to connect people. Cooking and serving a meal is a way to bring people together and I want to be a part of that.

What motivates you most about going into culinary?

Immanuel Acuna Texas

I consider myself a giving person and I want to make people happy. If I can make someone smile by preparing a good meal for them, then that is a good day for me! I love to cook and it’s my way of connecting with people. I also love the hustle and bustle of working in a busy restaurant kitchen. It’s exciting for me!

What do you hope to do with your degree? I would love to work on a show like “America’s Test Kitchen” as a chef behind the scenes. The show explores why we cook the way we do. I love the science behind cooking as well as the cultural aspect of it.

How have your FCS classes helped you to pursue your career? There were two culinary kitchens at my school and that is where I fell in love with culinary arts. My advisers continued to push me towards excellence and really inspired me to pursue this career.

How has FCCLA helped you to pursue your career? Through meetings and conferences, I have learned how to talk to new people and have more confidence. At first, my family was not supportive of my desire to be a chef, but now after seeing all of the recognition and awards I’ve received through STAR Events, they are very supportive. I was able to get a scholarship to go to culinary school, which I would never have gotten if I hadn’t participated in competitive events through FCCLA.

14 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

Class Acts


Each issue, we interview Family and Consumer Sciences educators to learn more about the impact of FCS and how they advance the field. This time, we asked two FCS educators this question:

What are you doing to help advance the field of Family and Consumer Sciences education? I think the best thing that we can do as educators to advance the field of FCS Education is to make sure our students see how much we truly enjoy our jobs! If they understand how rewarding of a career FCS Education is, they may be more likely to consider majoring in it. Also, I take students to annual FCS Career Fairs in our state to highlight the opportunities at our two universities. — Janet Holden, Kansas FCCLA

Like many other Family and Consumer Sciences professionals, I’m currently active in AAFCS and sponsor an FCCLA Chapter in Chapel Hill, NC. For the first time since teaching here at my current school, I have a nontraditional class of male students taking my Foods II classes, and currently my male students out-number my female students in FCCLA. It has always been my goal to focus my work towards underserved populations. Lastly, it is my mission to expose my students to all sides of Family and Consumer Sciences by the end of the school year, through guest speakers, field trips, classroom activities, and using the Power of One. — Michael Holman, North Carolina FCCLA

TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019



Alumni & Associates Highlight Where did you grow up and in what FCCLA chapter were you? I grew up in East Hartford, Connecticut. I was in the Wethersfield HERO (Home Economics Related Occupations) FCCLA Chapter.

What do you currently do in your career? I own and operate October Kitchen Chef Service.

What were some of your previous professional experiences? I’ve been working 15 years in the restaurant industry. I worked in Boston for Todd English at Olives, opened several fine dining restaurants, and was Executive Chef at Main & Hopewell. I received “excellent” in NY Times.

How did your FCCLA experience help you prepare for your career?

Paul Finney Chef and Owner Manchester, Connecticut

As a National Officer, our theme was “Mission Is Possible.” Many times in the restaurant business and as an entrepreneur, I have had to push through obstacles that would make other people quit. Being an officer has shown me the value in persistence. One of the greatest experiences has been public speaking. At age 16, I was speaking in front of hundreds of people at regional and national conferences. Today I do multiple speaking events every week educating people about health and nutrition and how my company can play a key role.

Why did you choose to go into the Hospitality and Tourism career pathway? I love food—always have. I also love the camaraderie and teamwork of the professional kitchen. Short of soldiers on the battlefield, a well-trained kitchen crew is a group of warriors who never give up and always give their all. That spirit provides quite a rush of adrenaline and a worthy sense of accomplishment every day. Now as an owner there is more to do on a different level, but the door-die attitude has never left.

What is your favorite part of your job? Building great customer experiences, from initial contact to raving fans, is my favorite part. We feed bodies and souls and make our clients feel like they are part of a family.

What was your favorite experience in FCCLA? Almost quitting. Before I even ran for office I almost chickened out. I was overwhelmed and scared of failing. My adviser, Mrs. Dembek, talked me down and told me she would be there to help me out with every step of the process. I had to choose a traffic sign as part of the election process. I chose “NO U-TURN” and never looked back.

Want to learn more about FCCLA Alumni & Associates? Contact us at membership@fcclainc.org.

16 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

Spotlight Where did you grow up and in what FCCLA chapter were you? I grew up in Cozad, Nebraska, and was in the Cozad High FCCLA Chapter.

What do you currently do in your career? I am currently the catering and sales manager at a Hilton property. My primary responsibilities are soliciting, negotiating, and booking new/repeat business by outside sales calls, prospect calls, site visits, mailings, and networking.

What were some of your previous professional experiences? In college, I joined organizations that would provide me with the best opportunities to market myself and gain more knowledge in my industry. I attended various tourism conferences throughout Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri where I met with people across the states to learn about different areas in which I could succeed in my industry. I met and worked alongside an entrepreneur in Barbados for a week in the tourism field to get a taste of what international tourism is like and develop a deeper respect for people across the nation. Lastly, I started working at a hotel while still in college, where I gained skills in different departments. The best way to further your education is by learning the different departments in your work area. You will succeed a lot further knowing what your other coworkers do on a daily basis, and you will come together better as a team in the end.

Mariah Cote Catering and Sales Manager Omaha, Nebraska

How did your FCCLA experience help you prepare for your career? Oh, where do I even start? FCCLA has provided me with opportunities that were unbelievable. First of all, STAR Events are a great opportunity to explore and expand your career interests. The event that I participated in provided me with the knowledge of how to properly organize projects and how to reach out to the community. Second, running for my chapter, district, and state offices has led me to improve my public speaking skills as well as remaining calm when I am going into job interviews. In my career, you have to be well-rounded in organization skills and public speaking. Last, thanks to my FCCLA experience I gained a role model, my adviser Bonnie Hansen. She is someone I looked up to every day and who pushed me through the tough times. Having someone as a role model in your life can help you push for success and strive for the best each day. I thank FCCLA each day for giving me the strength to go so far so early in my career.

Why did you choose to go into the Hospitality and Tourism career pathway? I had a hard time at first figuring out what I wanted to do. I liked being around people, planning events, and traveling, but was there really a job for that? ABSOLUTELY! After taking many career tests and participating in job shadows, thanks to my FCCLA adviser, and my parents taking me on several college visits, I finally decided this is my pathway. There are so many areas in this industry, which is why I chose it. I could stay in one spot and work at a conference center, or I could travel the world and work for a travel company. The opportunities are endless in the industry and can open your mind up to a whole new world.

What is your favorite part of your job? The people you meet, for sure! Everyone is unique and has a story. The more you learn about someone, the more you feel connected to someone during their visit. It makes for a much better and brighter day for you when everyone else is feeling good.

What was your favorite experience in FCCLA? National Leadership Conference, for sure! I went all four years I was in FCCLA and what an indescribable experience it was. My friends and I still talk to this day about our first time in Chicago and celebrating July 4th on the Navy Pier with thousands of other FCCLA members. From meeting people our age from different states, to the awesome speakers, and all the amazing experiences I can cross off my bucket list, all are thanks to FCCLA. FCCLA brings you a lifetime of connections. If there is one thing FCCLA experiences can teach you, it is to be open-minded on the possible adventures out there, because you never know the places you will go or the people you will meet in your future to help you succeed in life and your career.

TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


Get Involved

Are you considering a career in the Hospitality and Tourism industry? The following examples show how your STAR Events project could help propel you into your dream job! For many small culinary businesses in distress, it’s not the quality of their product that is the problem; it’s their money management, pricing structure, or labor costs. In the Applied Math for Culinary Management STAR Event, participants will demonstrate the application of mathematical concepts in the culinary arts industry using the annual topic. The topic for the 2018–2019 school year is “Understanding and applying yield percent.” Are you able to show how your knowledge of this topic can help a business thrive? If you’re ready to showcase your food production skills, then competing in the Culinary Arts STAR Event should be on your to-do list. Participants will showcase their skills in producing a minimum of three food products, and be critiqued on safety, sanitation, plating, presentation, and taste. Participants in this event may be able to earn significant scholarship opportunities at both the state and national competitions, to further their education in a culinary program or school.

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Dreaming of opening your own restaurant, hotel, or travel company someday? Start turning that dream into reality through an Entrepreneurship STAR Event project. In this event, you’ll create your business description, determine your facility, supplies, and equipment needs. Each year, FCCLA members create business plans for food trucks, bakeries, coffee houses, and other new ventures. Have you ever looked at a new food product and thought, “I could have created that!” The Food Innovations STAR Event gives you hands-on experience in creating an original prototype formula, testing the product, and developing a marketing strategy for sales. This year, will your indulgent appetizer, main course salad, or dessert be the winning product for your target market?

Get Involved

Maybe your idea of creating a business involves planning vacations for families, being a wedding planner, or establishing an outdoor hiking company. If you are interested in creating a business around culinary, lodging, recreation, tourism, or event coordination, be sure to take a look at the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation STAR Event. You’ll research, develop a basic business plan, and create a website highlighting the business. If you receive a gold medal rating at your state or national competition, you’ll also be eligible to earn certification from the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.

For more information on these events, as well as other events that could have a potential Hospitality and Tourism focus, visit with your chapter adviser and review the STAR Events Information Sheets found on the National FCCLA website. TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


Get Involved

Get Involved Chapter Projects There are many ways for middle school chapters to practice Hospitality and Tourism career-ready skills through chapter projects. Take a look at how Liberty Middle School FCCLA practiced event planning and food production skills while building positivity in their school community. Identify a Concern: Our chapter learned that it is important for our school family to get to know and celebrate each other to provide a positive environment for learning. Students are more likely to succeed when there is a strong sense of community within the school, so chapter members brainstormed ways to build up our school family.

Set a Goal: Our goal is to invite the entire faculty and staff of Liberty Middle School to enjoy an afternoon of fun, camaraderie, and celebrations. At this event, we also want to celebrate the current Teacher of the Year and Media Specialist of the Year and to thank them for all of their service and support to our middle school community. The event must include food, activities, games, and awards and keep within a budget of $150.

20 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

Get Involved

Form a Plan: Who: School Faculty/Staff and 40 FCCLA Chapter Members What: Teacher/Media Specialist of the Year Celebration Where: Liberty Middle School, Georgia How: Students will gather necessary supplies and prepare a dinner for the faculty and staff in the school’s culinary work stations, research and organize activities and games that help to bring families together, and prepare a program of events to celebrate the accomplishments of faculty and staff. Cost: Thanks to a connection through our school therapist, we are able to partner with Publix Supermarkets and Walmart for donations of food supplies. The budget for the remaining food and activity needs is $150.

Act: Students implemented the plan and hosted the event from start to finish. Eighty-five percent of faculty and staff members participated and were highly receptive to the event’s “getting to know you” activities and games. Students presented the Teacher of the Year and the Media Specialist of the Year with certificates and plaques in their honor.

Follow Up: School staff members responded very positively with rave remarks on the planning and service of the event. They even sent “thank you” cards to our FCCLA chapter. Staff members benefited from this time to appreciate the importance of community togetherness and chapter members were able to practice hard and soft skills necessary for a successful career in Hospitality and Tourism, including: attention to detail, communication and people skills, organizational skills, budget management, and safe food production skills.

Did you know? FCCLA uses program award application submissions to write articles like this. If you have a project idea you’d like to share with your fellow chapters, be sure to submit a program award application by the March 1st deadline! To learn more, visit http://fcclainc.org/programs/program-award-applications.php

TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


Just For Fun

Our Favorite Social Media Posts

22 TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019

Be sure to tag us @nationalfccla for the chance to be featured in the next issue!

Looking for a great opportunity to win cash for your chapter as well as make a difference in the health of others? Help us create the first tobacco-free generation by participating in the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids’ Taking Down Tobacco training program and registering your Kick Butts Day event. Once you do, there are ways to earn activity kits, advocate for change, build your personal resume, and earn cash for your chapter.

Taking Down Tobacco 101 Training •

ow through May 2019, the 100 chapters or advisers to N provide Taking Down Tobacco 101 trainings to a minimum of 5 students, and report their trainings online, receive $100. • Any chapters that train a minimum of 75 students will be entered into a random drawing for a $1,000 cash prize. • Three (3) total random drawing prizes of $1,000 will be awarded.

Kick Butts Day 2019 • Participate in Kick Butts Day, national day of action, on March 20, 2019. Use your voice to #BeTheFirst tobacco free generation by: • Becoming a trainer and leading or guiding a Taking Down Tobacco 101 training for your chapter or in one of your classes as your Kick Butts Day event. • Planning your own creative and unique Kick Butts Day event. Check out the Activities Database for ideas! • Register your event TODAY! • Activity Kits and contests for KBD coming soon.

For more details check out http://fcclainc.org/programs

CTFK’s mission aligns with our Student Body National Program, so use these activities for your chapter’s Student Body program as well as for your Advocacy STAR Event!

Just For Fun

Then and Now Throughout the years, Family and Consumer Sciences education programs have used culinary and nutrition education to encourage healthy families and to support entrepreneurship and careers in the nutrition, culinary, and hospitality industries. With the trends of food delivery services and even “robot” kitchens and appliances changing how consumers make or obtain food, does the saying “the kitchen is the heart of the home” ring as true in the 21st century as it did in the 20th century? With news that millennials are three times as likely to order in than their parents, and that food delivery apps are now on average in the top 40 most downloaded apps in major markets, will this mean millennials will design homes with much smaller kitchens, or create communal living with one central kitchen? Or, do we look to the trend of meal kits, smart appliances, and cooking apps to reverse a potential home cooking decline? With reports of “cooking enthusiasts” rising each year and more Americans saying they cook from scratch at least one to two times per week, the demise of hands-on cooking may be overrated. People still have the desire to create memorable meals, to control the types of ingredients they consume, and to meet health concerns such as diabetes, weight management, or food intolerances. Family and Consumer Sciences programs have an important role now, more than ever before, in preparing students to meet the needs of family members, while preparing students for careers in the culinary and hospitality industries. Opportunities abound for FCCLA members to make a positive difference in both their families and careers in this industry.

Source: “Millennials Are Ordering More Food Delivery, But Are They Killing the Kitchen, Too?” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/andriacheng/2018/06/26/ millennials-are-ordering-food-for-delivery-more-but-are-they-killing-thekitchen-too/#355428a0393e)

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From Left to Right: Police shirt color changed to green | Yellow dotted line removed from left border | WALK pin removed from shirt | #walktoschoolday border color changed to green | Purse emblem removed| Bike color changed to green

Spot the Changes Just For Fun

Can you find six differences we’ve made between the images below?

TEEN TIMES | January-February 2019


Help Your Peers Get to Prom Safely! Attention all members:

FCCLA brings you the fourth annual Safe Rides — Save Lives PSA contest! The contest is once again sponsored by The National Road Safety Foundation (NRSF) and provides the opportunity for FCCLA members to get involved in a campaign to save lives through traffic safety awareness. The theme for the 2018–2019 PSA contest is centered on driving safely on prom night. Help us get the word out about the unique dangers of driving on prom night and encourage your peers to make safe choices on the road next Prom season. Check out the short film “Stay in the Picture” at: nrsf.org/teenlane/programs/distracted-driving Want to get involved for your chance to be one of this year’s top three winners? • Work as a chapter or individual to create a 25-second video PSA. Go to www.teenlane.org and use resources from the National Road Safety Foundation to craft your video’s message. • Create a captivating message to persuade your peers to make safe choices on the road during prom season. • Upload your PSA entry to YouTube and submit the link to National FCCLA through the online submission form. Have fun & don’t forget to review all official contest rules! To find the official rules, submission form, and additional details, visit: www.fcclainc.org/saferides Video submissions are due on or before Friday, January 25, 2019, at 11:59 pm ET. Cash prizes will be awarded directly to the individual or group: 1st Place: $3,500 2nd Place: $1,000 3rd Place: $500

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