January / February 2014

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Magazine for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc.

Your p i h s r e d a Le s n o i t u l o s Re 0 1 t i u r c Re members! new

Turn in state officer application! #redjacketswag

January/February 2014



Family first!

no text is worth dying for Know the Cost: Watch “From One Second to the Next”– an AT&T documentary that features stories of real victims whose lives were altered – or even ended – by texting behind the wheel. Take the Pledge: Make a commitment to not text and drive at www.ItCanWait.com and share with your friends. Curb the Urge: Download an app like AT&T DriveMode® that provides a customizable auto-reply message, notifying the sender that you’re driving and can’t respond.*

Join the conversation: #ItCanWait Take the Pledge: Make a commitment never to text and drive at www.ItCanWait.com and share with your friends.

* Data and text messaging charges may apply for download and app usage. Standard messaging rates apply to auto-reply messages. AT&T DriveMode® is free to AT&T customers only. Compatible device required. AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc. ©2013 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies.

inside January/February 2014


9 Teen Times is the national magazine of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America—a career and technical student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education, or as determined by the state department of education.

Features 6 Do You Love Leadership? In order to be a good leader, you need to practice. Check out these fun activities that will have you up on your feet, working with other members of your chapter, and learning about quality leadership all at the same time! 8 National Cluster Meeting Wrap-Up 2013 National Cluster Meetings challenge FCCLA members and advisers to exceed expectations!

Regulars 2 15 things...



12 It’s a Date

11 word on the tweet

Chris Flynn, Director of Communications Josh Bowar, Editorial Consultant LTD Creative, Art/Design Andrew Schantz, Communications Manager NATIONAL STAFF Sandy Spavone, Executive Director Marla Burk, CMP, Director of Conferences Carol Ann Riordan, Director of Programs Terry Wilson, Senior Director of IT Leah Buller, Director of Membership Kenatu Muleta, IT Specialist Ali Flynn, Meetings Manager Charles Carson, Mailroom Manager Christine Hollingsworth, Competitive Events Manager Edie Doane, Program Manager Bethany S. Kohut, Program Coordinator Chiquita Boston, Affiliation and Registration Coordinator Janet Glasser, Staff Accountant Malory Todd, Competitive Events and Receptions Assistant Cindy Canning, Receptionist and Accounting Assistant Kate Gillooly, Executive Assistant Ronny Combs, Meetings & Membership Assistant Photography for National FCCLA provided by Lifetouch Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a private, nonprofit national organization of more than 200,000 members incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia. It functions through public and private secondary school systems in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education program, providing opportunities for enriched learning. Editor’s Note: Please credit Teen Times for information you reprint, excerpt, or photocopy. Use the following statement to credit materials you use from this issue: Reprinted with permission from Teen Times, the national magazine of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Vol. 68, No. 3.

FCCLA Mission To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.

Teen Times (ISSN 0735-6986) is published five times per year in September, November, January, March, and summer by Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc., 1910 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1584, (703) 476-4900. A portion ($4.00) of national dues pays for a one-year subscription to Teen Times. Inclusion of an advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s claims, products, and services. Periodicals postage paid at Reston, VA., and additional mailing offices. Additional annual subscriptions for non-members: $8.00. POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO Teen Times, 1910 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1584.

January/February 2014 • www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 1

15 Things You Didn’t Know About...

Famous Leaders 1.

W hen Hillary Clinton was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2001, she became the only American First Lady to hold national office.


W hile still in high school, Mark Zuckerberg created an early version of the music software Pandora, which he called Synapse.


W hen Cleopatra’s father died and she became queen, it is likely that she married her younger brother, a practice that was customary at the time.


B illy Graham has been rated by the Gallop organization as “One of the Ten Most Admired Men in the World” 51 times.


Q ueen Victoria was queen of Great Britain for 63 years—longer than any other British monarch and the longest of any female monarch in history.

10. C hristopher Columbus’s first voyage into the


S itting Bull had a vision of defeating U.S. soldiers, and in 1876, his dream came true: He and his people defeated General Custer’s army in a skirmish, now known as the Battle of the Little Bighorn. He later joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show (earning $50 a week) and converted to Catholicism.




R osa Parks, famous for not giving up her seat on a bus during the Civil Rights Movement, had a very short trial that started a movement known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Following a 30-minute hearing, Rosa was found guilty of violating a local ordinance and was fined $10, as well as a $4 court fee. J ohn F. Kennedy really liked books in high school. He frequently read for enjoyment, but rarely read the books his teachers assigned. He was ill often during his childhood, suffering severe colds, the flu, scarlet fever, and other undiagnosed diseases that forced him to miss months of school at a time and occasionally brought him close to death. B ono joined the band U2 when he was still in high school.

Source: www.biography.com

2 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org • January/February 2014

Atlantic Ocean in 1476 nearly cost him his life. The fleet he was sailing was attacked by French privateers off the coast of Portugal. His ship was burned, which meant that Columbus had to swim to the Portuguese shore and make his way to Lisbon, Portugal. That’s where he eventually settled and married Felipa Perestrello.


S hawn Johnson began gymnastics when she was three, has won four Olympic gold medals, and won season eight of Dancing with the Stars.

12. Michael Jordan has a bachelor’s degree in geography.

13. E ven though she is no longer making new

episodes, Oprah Winfrey’s talk show is still seen on nearly 212 U.S. stations and in more than 100 countries worldwide. She also has donated more than $51 million to charities.

14. P rince William supports many charities, including Centrepoint, an organization for homeless youth, and the Tusk Trust, which is dedicated to preserving African wildlife.

15. S teve Jobs was born in San Francisco to two

University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave him up for adoption. The products his company Apple created (iPod, iPhone, iPad, and more) are seen as shaping the direction of modern technology.

Executive Director Notes


appy CTE Month! We are

My favorite African proverb, “If

excited about National FCCLA

you want to go fast, go alone. If

Week, February 9–15, 2014,

you want to go far, go together”,

and hope you have seen the

is a foundation for my belief in

suggestions we have provided on ways you

how FCCLA will continue to grow,

can get involved and make FCCLA shine

succeed, and go far—Exceeding

bright during FCCLA Week! The theme

Expectations. To go far, we must

for this year’s FCCLA Week is “Exceeding

go together. That means it will

Expectations”. As national or state office

take every single one of us to

staff; board members; national, state, or

recruit new members, build on our

chapter officers; students; and/or advisers,

leadership platform, and ensure

we have all made a commitment to be good

our programs of work are excellent and

leaders, set high expectations for ourself,

Exceed Expectations. The FCCLA National

and work to exceed those expectations.

Staff, FCCLA National Board of Directors,

That commitment and our ability to fulfill

and the FCCLA National Officers are all

it is just the beginning. Our daily actions,

working together to provide the Ultimate

choices, and attitudes are what lead us to

Leadership Experience for you.

fulfill our commitment to leadership. Your

It is an honor to serve you; we look

leadership and participation is what makes

forward to hearing what you did to

FCCLA strong, and we want to celebrate

celebrate FCCLA Week 2014. Please email

you and FCCLA as we work together to

your photos to inbox@fcclainc.org and post

Exceed Expectations!

them on the FCCLA Instagram, Twitter,

FCCLA Week is a great opportunity to

and Facebook sites. We will be watching

advocate for family and consumer science

to see your great work as you all work

education and the contribution FCCLA adds

TOGETHER to Exceed Expectations!

to your leadership and career preparation.

to Exceed Expectations!

Sandy Spavone Executive Director sspavone@fcclainc.org

Whether you choose to celebrate the week and promote FCCLA with a social media campaign, local press outreach, or events and initiatives in your schools and communities, your participation is essential. Show your FCCLA pride, dig deep, and give your all in support of your local chapter and state organization.


Visit us Online!

• Read about the 2013 winners of the Families First, STOP the Violence, and Student Body national awards. • Get tips on how to improve your leadership skills from the FCCLA National Connection Team. • Submit your own FCCLA in Action events and pictures.

January/February 2014 • www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 3

Meet the NEC

Vice-President of Competitive Events Olivia Wicklund Age: 18 Grade: 12 School: Litchfield High School Adviser: Julie Rick Favorite STAR Event: Nutrition and Wellness Future Goal: Olivia would like to attend school on the East Coast and eventually move into a leadership role as a politician or nonprofit executive director.

“I truly believe that the best leaders understand that both success and challenges positively contribute to the development of one’s skills, perspective, and leadership ability. This shines through when a person in a leadership role is put under the stress of a dynamic situation. As leaders we spend hours planning how to carry out the best ‘Plan A’ but a resilient leader is one who can adapt and lead forth, creating the critical and needed ‘Plan B’.

“I attended my first National Leadership Conference and discovered that FCCLA was me. Ever since, my passion for making a difference through service initiatives has grown from a project to a lifestyle. Now I want to be able to reach out to that shy FCCLA member in the crowd and say, ‘Hey, you bring value to this organization. We all have the potential to start something great’”.

Vice-President of Finance Tucker Berry Age: 17 Grade: 12 School: Raton High School Adviser: Myra Baird Favorite Author: Marcus Luttrell Future Goal: Regardless of the career, Tucker wants to be in a position that helps others and makes a positive impact on our society.

4 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org • January/February 2014

Personality Quiz

Cruisin’ the Leadership Seas It takes many kinds of leaders to get the job done. Take this quiz to see what kind of leader you are so that your team can enjoy smooth sailing! Pick the option that fits you best for each situation. Go with your first instinct! I work best when there’s a challenge. I work best in a group instead of competing. I just want to do my own thing. I can work alone or in a group. I just want to get the job done right. Getting a better idea is more important than getting the job done. I like to finish things as quickly as possible. Speed is not important as long as things get done well. Speed is not important as long as everyone participates. I like to work on details. I like to lead and be in charge of groups. I like to work behind the scenes. I like to come up with new ideas. I like to make decisions and don’t need input from others. There’s more than one way to do things. I like to make decisions in a group. I want to look at all the facts and then make the best decision. I like to work behind the scenes. I start one project and then can get sidetracked by another one. I set goals and figure out the fastest way to reach them. I start something and then decide how much I want to do.

Pick the word that best describes you in each set. Again, go with your first instinct!

Flexible – doesn’t like to do things the same way twice Independent – likes to work alone Structured – likes having rules so things go smoothly . Team-centered – wants each person to have a good time

Now count how many times you marked each letter. Enter your totals below. = _____ = _____ = _____ = _____

Here’s your results! = Ocean Liner = Tugboat = Sailboat = Houseboat Ocean Liner: action-oriented leader Strengths = independent, works fast, competitive, determined, confident, decisive, sets goals, takes control, motivated, stays on task To work well with ocean liners, respect their need for independence, let them lead, work efficiently, be responsible, and recognize them. Tugboat: leadership theorist Strengths = pays attention to details, responsible, logical, on time, focused, follows rules, organized, behind the scenes

Creative – always thinking of new ways to do things Organized – meets deadlines and double checks for errors Goal-focused – finishes one thing and then moves to the next Patient – takes the time to make sure everyone is involved

To work well with tugboats, be clear, follow a schedule, work carefully, do what you say you’ll do, and be polite.

L istener – interested in everyone’s opinions Fun-loving – a risk taker looking for adventure Planner – carefully thinks about each option Leader – takes charge of the situation

Houseboat: participative leader Strengths = team player, laid back, kind, peaceful, patient, friendly, good listener, helpful, generous, understanding

Decisive – makes a decision and then works hard to make it work Peace-loving – encourages all to cooperate Spontaneous – quickly changes decisions and directions Punctual – always on time and responsible

Sailboat: visionary leader Strengths = fun, creative, flexible, has many ideas, adventurous, energetic, entertaining To work well with sailboats, be open-minded, listen to their ideas, be spontaneous, be enthusiastic, and be relaxed.

To work well with houseboats, be cooperative, communicate feelings, encourage them, be kind, and spend quality time one-on-one. Remember that no quiz is totally true for every person. You may be somewhere in the middle between two or more leadership types. What’s important is that everyone has talents and that it takes every kind of leader to make FCCLA strong!

January/February 2014 • www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 5

Do You Love Leadership?

o Yes o No o Maybe

FCCLA members, let’s work together to show our love for leadership during FCCLA week and throughout the year. So put your check in the “yes” box and pass it on to the rest of your chapter! In order to be a good leader, you need to practice. Check out these fun activities that will have you up on your feet, working with other members of your chapter, and learning about quality leadership all at the same time! Make sure to use these questions to debrief after each activity: • What happened? • What leadership trait did you practice? •W hat could you do in you chapter to keep practicing this leadership trait? • What did you learn? • What was easy? • What was difficult?

Leadership Resolution Making goals is an important part of leadership. On a piece of paper, write at least two goals that you’d like to accomplish this year (your goals should be related to leadership in some way). Put your goals on the inside of your locker so that you can see them often, and work toward meeting them!

Alphabet Charades What makes a leader a leader? Using the letters of the alphabet (in order), act out characteristics of leadership. Split into two teams to have a competition, or just stay one big team to have fun together.

6 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org • January/February 2014

Clap Around Leaders need to be able to work well with other people. Make a circle with a large group. Choose someone to start the activity. This person makes a rhythm with their clapping. The person to their left then repeats the rhythm and makes their own rhythm to add. This continues around the circle until you get back to the first person.

Number Off Leaders need to be able to communicate with each other. Stand in a circle with a large group. The goal of the activity is to count from one all the way up to how many people you have in your group. But there’s a catch. Two people can’t say a number at the same time, and people can decide which number they want to say. Once they say a number (and no one else says the same number), they can sit down. If two or more people say a number at the same time, everyone stands up, and the group starts over at one.

Name Game Leaders need to get to know their team. Stand in a large circle. Pick someone to start the activity. That person says their name and, at the same time, does an action to go with their name. The person to their left repeats the name and the action and then adds their own name and action. This pattern continues until you’ve gone all around the circle.

How Will You Spend Your Jellybeans?

Do You Trust Me?

Having a long-term plan is important for a leader. Watch the YouTube video “The Time You Have (in Jellybeans)”, found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOksW_NabEk. Make a list of the things you’d like to accomplish in your life. Have everyone share their lists with the group. Then write your three most important goals on a piece of construction paper that you’ve cut out to look like a jellybean. Make a bulletin board or other display with everyone’s jellybeans.

Leaders need to be trustworthy. Split the group into teams of 4 or 5, and ask each team to select a leader. Put a blindfold on each member of the team, but don’t put one on their leader. Assign each leader a path that they will need to make sure that their group members follow. Tell the leaders that they need to guide each member of their team along the path. The first team to finish wins. An alternative: place different colored squares of paper on the floor, and instruct each leader to guide their team to pick up just their assigned color. The first to get all pieces of their color back to their team spot wins.

Group Juggle It’s important for leaders to cooperate. Stand in a circle with a large group. Make balls out of crumpled pieces of paper. Explain that the group will need to juggle together. As a group, decide who is going to throw the ball to whom, and make a pattern that you can follow for this activity. The first person starts with a paper ball and throws it to their “partner”, the next person throws it to their “partner”, and so on. The last person throws the paper ball back to the first person to start the pattern again. See how many paper balls you can get going before one drops!

La, La, La Leadership Leaders need to be creative. With a group, pick a popular song. Then change the words to relate to leadership in some way. Perform the songs for the other groups. If you want, you could also have a competition where judges pick the best song for a prize.

Leadership Relays Leaders need to do well under pressure. Pick someone to lead the activity. Split into groups, and explain to the groups that they must complete tasks in a certain amount of time. Then hand out a sheet that shares all of the tasks. The groups must work together to complete everything (don’t let groups assign the tasks to different group members). The first group done wins. Ideas for tasks: • Build a human pyramid. • List 10 creative ways to use a toothpick. • Write a poem about leadership. • Without talking, line up according to shoe size. • Design a healthy school lunch. Include all food groups. • Name a well-known leader in your community. Write a paragraph about what makes this person a good leader. • Complete these math problems: • 5,937.27 + 297.2780 = • 8,987,927 x 123 = • 1/8 + 3 3/4 = • What’s the area of a rectangle with sides 873.2 meters and 3.15 meters? • Come up with your own options for team activities!

Planning is a Process

Practice the FCCLA Planning Process with this activity. Split the group into 5 smaller groups. Assign each group a step from the FCCLA Planning Process. Each time the group hears a word from their step in the story below, they must yell the step’s full name. Here are the steps: Identify Concerns, Form a Plan, Set a Goal, Act, Follow Up. After the story, have the groups come up with their own version. The leader can then read the stories to the rest of the group and do the activity again.

The Goal Family and the Plan Family There once lived two families, the Goal family and the Plan family. They lived happily on Follow Up drive in the small town of Identify, New York. Happily, that is, except for one week out of the year: the week of the Identify County Fair. Each year, the two families competed in the boat race at the fair. The week before the race was very tense on Follow Up Drive. The families acted distant and unfriendly to each other. And every year, a different family took home the gold. Throughout the week, each family formed a plan to prepare for the event. They spent days practicing and preparing. Finally, the day came for the big race at the Identify County Fair. The Goal family and the Plan family left their houses on Follow Up Drive and headed for the fairgrounds. However, the Plan Family and the Goal family had a few concerns about competing in the race. First, had they planned and practiced enough for the race? Second, were they going to form a good enough team? And third, how would the other family act if they were to win? The time came to start the race. The timer yelled, “Ready…set…ACT!” And they were off and had their act together! The Goal family set off to a great start, with the Plan family following close behind. Then the two teams formed a straight line, neck and neck. The race continued just like that, and the two teams ended in a tie. Each was given the trophy and sportsmanship award, for winning the race and for acting so honorably. They had done their best and acted well. And everyone lived happily ever after on Follow Up Drive.

January/February 2014 • www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 7

NCM Wrap-Up

2013 National Cluster Meetings Challenge FCCLA Members and Advisers to Exceed Expectations


ore than 5,200 FCCLA members and their advisers exceeded expectations in November by attending the 2013 FCCLA National Cluster Meetings in Spokane, WA;

Omaha, NE; and Charlotte, NC. In addition to special guests and high voltage keynote speakers, they came together for inspiration and fun while expanding their leadership skills, sharpening their talents, and exploring career pathways. The schedule for the two-day events—aptly themed “Exceeding Expectations”—was packed with Skill Demonstration and Competitive Events, Leadership Academy offerings for members and state officers, adviser professional learning sessions, and National Network Trainings. By sharing their life stories, keynote speakers Ashley Rhodes-Courter and Johan Khalilian provided powerful insights into how young people can create a purposedriven life—filled with promise and endless possibilities

• Snap2Live, which promotes traffic safety through a

—for themselves and others. Ms. Rhodes-Courter, a New

fashion accessory belt resembling a seat belt. Road

York Times best-selling author of Three Little Words:

safety champion Ernesto Arguello, a philanthropist

Turning Pain Into Power, is an international child welfare

and entrepreneur, formally kicked off the partnership

advocate. Mr. Khalilian, who was told from an early age

between FCCLA and his safety awareness initiative.

that he would never amount to anything, defied his tough

Snap-2-Live donates $5 to FCCLA for every belt

upbringing by becoming a successful speaker who inspires

sold through the organization, in support of its

young people to be “crazy enough” to make a difference.

FACTS (Families Acting for Community Traffic

During the opening session, the National Executive Council (NEC) urged FCCLA members to get involved in three initiatives that promote traffic safety: • AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign. Members were thanked

Safety) program. Expectations also were exceeded during “Miracle Minutes”, which were held during the opening and closing general sessions. More than $10,000 was raised

for taking an online pledge, which helped FCCLA earn

over the course of the National Cluster Meetings for

a $95,000 donation from AT&T to support its work

FCCLA’s National Outreach Project, benefitting Share Our

against texting while driving.

Strength, a nonprofit organization whose No Kid Hungry

• The Century Council’s IKnowEverything program, which offers chapters an opportunity to win a free

campaign aims to end childhood hunger in America. To generate interest in this worthy cause, NEC members

assembly that helps gauge how prepared teenagers are

wore orange ties and ascots to honor Share Our Strength.

to make safe driving decisions.

Puzzle pieces also were hidden throughout the convention center ballroom during the closing session. Members who

8 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org • January/February 2014

CenturyLink Center, where general sessions were led by Lindsey Schneider, National First Vice-President; Olivia Wicklund, Vice-President of Competitive Events; Andrew Peuchen, Vice-President of Development; Natalie Hawkins, Vice-President of Membership; and Christian Anheluk, Vice-President of Parliamentary Law. FCCLA exceeded expectations by collecting more than 750 pairs of socks for the homeless through the Skate for Change partnership and by raising nearly $5,000 for Share our Strength during “Miracle Minutes”. We look forward to seeing the resounding impact all participants will continue to make in their families, careers, and communities. The 2013 National Cluster Meetings were a huge success found puzzle pieces were invited on stage to piece together the puzzle, which spelled Strength. Facts about Share Our Strength were printed on the back of each piece, which were shared with the audience. In addition to networking, renewing old friendships, and making new ones, attendees enjoyed special events in

thanks to the members and advisers who attended and generously gave their time, talents, and treasures! It’s not too early to plan ahead! Mark your calendar for the 2014 National Cluster Meetings, which will be held Nov. 14–16 in Little Rock, AR, and New Jersey, and Nov. 21–23 in Salt Lake City, UT.

each host city: an ice skating party in Spokane, dancing and tours of the highly interactive NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, and private access to several of the animal habitats and a party at the nationally-renowned Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha. National Executive Council members Abigail Alred, Vice-President of Community Service, and Lindsey Schneider, First Vice-President, recapped their Cluster Meeting experiences: More than 2,000 members from across the country gathered Nov. 15–17 at the Spokane Convention Center, and Nov. 22–24 at the Charlotte Convention Center, for the 2013 National Cluster Meetings. General sessions were led by National Executive Council members Brian Will, National President; Abigail Alred, Vice-President of Community Service; Tucker Berry, Vice-President of Finance; Noah Brooks, Vice-President of Programs; and Emajae’ Clements, Vice-President of Public Relations. In Spokane, we partnered with Skate for Change for a community service project in which members donated more than 100 pairs of socks for local people who are homeless. During the opening and closing general sessions, members raised more than $5,000 for Share Our Strength. Thank you for exceeding goals set at each location! On Nov. 22–24, nearly 2,800 members united in the Cornhusker State to sharpen their leadership skills. The largest of the regional Cluster Meetings was held at the

January/February 2014 • www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 9

FCCLA in Action Read what FCCLA is doing across the nation! Submit your chapter activities to teentimes@fcclainc.org. ighton, CLA chapter in Cre The Creighton FC mother of two of with a benefit for the d lpe he , Nebraska l surgeries l be undergoing severa their members. She wil tions. During e to health complica within the next year du d serve drinks, cleared tables, helpe the benefit, members d kitchen e chapter also staine and washed dishes. Th odeling project her church kitchen rem cabinets to help with lchair for at least she will be in a whee due to that fact that lchair accessible. nt kitchen is not whee a year, and her curre r FCCLA family ly has learned how ou ite fin de ter ap ch e Th community. in the families of our can make a difference

held a ing FCCLA members Sundance, Wyom al 7-yearto raise money for a loc Christmas cookie walk aha, en heart surgery in Om old boy undergoing op is nearly 10 family to the hospital NE. The drive for the d lodging the family with gas an hours, so they supplied s goodies, ch donated Christma money. Members ea classroom t together in The FACS and five members go ie walk, okies. During the cook and made 50 dozen co a “to-go” t on gloves, grabbed customers came in, pu ies. Items ys with Christmas good box, and filled their tra letely sold d, and they were comp were sold by the poun day. out by the end of the

To see more FCCLA chapters in action, go to www.fcclainc.org/content/teen-times. 10 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org • January/February 2014

the Lake Park Audubon Twelve members of , make d to decorate cookies FCCLA chapter helpe paper tree ornaments, build reindeer food, create al ECFE y games at the annu countdowns, and pla gym on A Elementary School Santa Days at the LP sted by 7th. Organized and ho Saturday, December ent, od Education Departm the LPA Early Childho en with had their pictures tak community children cracker and made a graham Santa and Mrs. Claus liday fts to help set the ho snack and various cra attended ren and their parents theme. Over 125 child busy. the FCCLA elves very the event, which kept

ter in School FCCLA chap The Graham High m en promoting “Rando Graham, Texas, has be en dents created “gold Acts of Kindness”. Stu their en to the teachers in tickets” which were giv tor saw a teacher or administra high school. When a kindness and beyond to show student going above them with e, they could reward toward someone els kets in to dents then turned tic a “golden ticket”. Stu nt FCCLA receive candy. Stude the FCCLA adviser to store to with the local grocery members partnered ted. have the candy dona

@stanzihay: Great weekend networking and growing as leaders! #SpreadtheRed #FCCLAWA @mikesmithlive @NationalFCCLA

Word on the Tweet

@Lkeeeeeeebs: We just spoke in front of about 700 people at #FCCLANC What’d you do this morning? @Sarah_Marie2014 @Lauren_Deddens

@nate_smith_2015: Extremely thankful for @NationalFCCLA. FCCLA has helped me become the person I am today. I would not trade this organization for anything.

@nokidhungry: @NationalFCCLA We’re thrilled to have you on #TeamNKH! Thanks for your support! #nokidhungry

January/February 2014 • www.fcclainc.org Teen Times 11

Take An Interest Get up and moving with this fun teambuilding activity! Use communication, coordination, and problem-solving skills to boost your leadership potential. Group Size: 10 – 20 Time: 20 – 40 minutes Props: Two boundary ropes, one bandana/cloth per person (to tie ankles), six hoops

Objective: Travel from your injured spacecraft to the rescue spacecraft. Set Up / Preparation: Position two boundary ropes on the ground about 20 feet apart. Place the six hoops on the ground in between the boundary lines in a zigzag pattern, placing the hoops about 6 inches from each other. Share this story with the group: “The spacecraft you’re currently on has lost all power and will soon begin descending into Earth’s atmosphere (this is bad). Another spacecraft has been sent to rescue your team. Get your team to the rescue ship before time runs out.” Ask the group to stand behind one of the boundary lines (this places them in the “injured spaceship”) and then line up shoulder to shoulder. Provide each person with a piece of cloth or bandana, and ask them to loosely tie their ankles together. Ask the group to travel to the rescue ship, following the rules below.

Rules: The boundary ropes and hoops may not be moved. The group must remain in a line with ankles tied throughout the activity. Stepping outside of the hoops while traveling to the rescue ship is not permitted. Violation of a rule may result in a penalty. (Example: touches outside of the hoops will require the team to start over) It’s important for the group to move slowly so no one gets hurt.

Variations: Supply the group with a limited amount of time to complete the task (example: 20 minutes). Give two or three people a bandana to blindfold themselves for part or all of the activity. Divide the team in half. One group starts on one side, and one group starts on the other. The groups must switch places before time runs out.

Discussion Questions: What made this activity difficult? Why was teamwork important to achieve the goal? Did the variations make it more difficult to achieve the goal? Why or why not? What role did communication play in this activity?

12 Teen Times www.fcclainc.org • January/February 2014

Career and Technical Education Month February www.acteonline.org/ctemonth National FCCLA Week February 9–15, 2014 National Nutrition Month March www.eatright.org Program Award Applications Due March 1, 2014 St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2014 Adult Award Applications Due April 1, 2014 Deadline for Youth Scholarships April 1, 2014



Even though drunk driving among teens is down across the nation, motor vehicle crashes remain the number one killer of teenagers ages 15 to 20.


Messages About Driver Safety Drivers in the first month are nearly twice as likely to crash as they are after two years of experience. Pay attention 100% of the time.

More than half of all fatal crashes that occur at night and involve 16 yearolds happen before midnight.

eye —TO—


Fatal crash risk for teen drivers increases incrementally with 1, 2, or 3+ passengers.



of crashes

33+67 33


Through a nationwide survey we found that Parents & Teens agree on what constitutes unsafe driving behavior.

that injure someone are caused by a distracted driver.



of high school students say they text “at least sometimes” while they drive.

Even though it is illegal for people under 21 to drink any alcohol and drive, one-third of all teen drivers killed in motor vehicle crashes had a .01 BAC or higher in 2010.



Think You Know Everything? Check out the video to find out:



42+58 24+76 24+76 22+78 16+84 13+87

PA R E N T 42%

No cell phone



No Speeding/Racing



Wear your seatbelt


22% No texting while driving 12% 16%

Be careful



Pay attention


22+78 27+73 24+76 12+88 16+84 17+83

“Driver Safety Study”, APCO Insight June 2010. 750 paired interviews with teen drivers aged 15-18 and one parent. Survey completed between May 18-May 26, 2010


Distractions TEEN

60+40 44+56 43+57 32+68 27+73 19+81

PA R E N T 60%

Driving while texting






Driving while on phone



Drunk Driving






DUI or illegal drugs


63+37 31+69 54+46 25+75 35+65 15+85

“Driver Safety Study”, APCO Insight June 2010. 750 paired interviews with teen drivers aged 15-18 and one parent. Survey completed between May 18-May 26, 2010

July 6-10 • San Antonio, TX the ultimate leadership experience

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America 1910 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191 T 703.476.4900 F 703.860.2713

#FCCLANLC www.drivingskillsforlife.com


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