Jan. 6 - 12, 2022
Fa lls Chur c h, V i r g i ni a • ww w. fc np. c om • Fr ee
Fou n d e d 1991 • Vol. X XXI No. 47
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia
WMATA Files for West F.C. Mega-Plan
Snow Days In the Little City
Rezoning Bid Sets A Humongous Stage by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press
Another monster step has been taken to advance the prospects for one of the wider region’s biggest and most comprehensive mixed use development districts inclusive of the City of Falls Church’s 10 acre west end development, the adjacent Virginia Tech site and 23 acres around the West Falls Church Metro station. A formal rezoning application by the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA), owner of the Metro station land, was filed last month after earlier comprehensive plan amendments and other steps were OK’d last year. Unlike other mega-projects like the Mosaic in Merrifield, this project promises to not only be bigger, but will be directly integrated into the regional Metrorail system to make it a huge player in the blossoming
Continued on Page 3
A STYLIZED ‘LITTLE CITY’ bike rack did not get a lot of business during the sudden six-inch snowfall that hit F.C. and environs Monday. More snow is slated for later this week. (Photo: News-Press)
Dana Lewis Steps Up to Head F.C. Human Services
by Amanda Snead Falls Church News-Press
Yet another talented and dedicated woman has advanced in a leadership role in the City of Falls Church. Last week, the News-Press profiled the
outstanding contributions of Deputy City Manager Cindy Mester. This week features long-time City staffer Dana Lewis. Beginning this Tuesday, Lewis took over as the Director of Housing and Human Services
following Nancy Vincent’s retirement. Lewis has worked for the city for over 15 years. City Manager Wyatt Shields had nothing but positive things to say when announcing her promotion. “Dana has been a positive
leader for the Department for over 15 years and a recognized City wide leader for many of these years as well,” said Shields. “Some of the attributes that stand out for me after many
Continued on Page 4
Inside This Week Local Representatives Reflect on Insurrection
On the one year anniversary of the riots at the Capitol, local representatives Penny Gross and Dick Saslaw reflect on our democracy and where we currently stand as a nation and a democracy See Regional, Page 8
New Year, New You! Fitness Section:
Get And Stay Healthy This New Year With Our Fitness Guide
As we ring in a new year, getting in shape is at the top of many people’s list of goals for 2022. The Little City is full of different types of gyms, a variety of exercise classes and plenty of personal trainers! See Fitness Guide, Page 9 and 10
Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Comment............................................. 7 Crime Report....................................... 8 Calendar............................................ 11 News & Notes.................................... 14 Comics............................................... 16 Classified Ads.................................... 17 Critter Corner..................................... 18 Business News.................................. 19