Feb. 3 - 9, 2022
Falls Church, Virginia • w w w . fc n p . c o m • Free
Founded 1991 • Vol. XXXI N o . 51
The City of Falls Church’s Independent, Locally-Owned Newspaper of Record, Serving N. Virginia
Year Of The Tiger
Center City Set To Take Off ‘One City Center’ Readied & Demolitions Commence by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press
This Tuesday wasn’t the first time the innovative One City Center project came before a City of Falls Church body for consideration, this time at the meeting of the Economic Development Authority. But the significantly-refined and stylish plan that puts over 100,000 square feet of retail and 246 residential units in the same downtown block as the popular Ireland’s Four Provinces restaurant took on major new significance this time, because it was presented at the same time work on demolition and development of the massive Broad and Washington project across the street – with its promise of a mega-Whole Foods store – is about to get underway. Granted, the One City Center effort will not start right away. Still awaiting final approval from City authorities, but it is
Continued on Page 3
A NEW YEAR CELEBRATION was held at Falls Church’s Eden Center Tuesday marking commencement of the Year of the Tiger. Dignitaries included U.S. Reps Don Beyer and Gerry Connelly and F.C. Mayor David Tarter. (Photo: News-Press)
Letter of Intent Signed for Movie Complex
by Nicholas F. Benton
Falls Church News-Press
Last week, the Mill Creek developers of the 4.3-acre Founders Row project made news by announcing four of the new restaurants that will be
opening at its site later this year, including one that is Michelen rated. This week, Joe Muffler and his Mill Creek team are back with even more important news – the fact that a “letter of intent” has been signed for an eight-
screen movie complex there. The brand name is not yet public, but the outfit is headquartered in the D.C. area although it has no other operations in the DMV. Muffler told Phil Duncan, the chair of the Falls Church’s City Council’s Economic
Development Committee, who reported to his group’s meeting that the company “has a solid operational history” and that a dine-in feature will offer “upscale in-seat dining.”
Continued on Page 4
Inside This Week Shopping Locally This Valentine’s Day
Local Ice Skater Competes in U.S. Championship
See Valentine’s Day Guide, Pages 12 — 14
See Local, Pages 5
Valentine’s Day is around the corner and now is the time to shop locally. Whether your partner is into cooking, video games, self-care or anything in between, there is something in our gift guide for them.
Local skater from Falls Church area, 17 year old Ilia Malinin, was able to compete in the 2022 U.S. Nationals in Nashville this year after two years of being unable to compete due to injuries.
Editorial................................................ 6 Letters.................................................. 6 Comment............................................. 7 Crime Report....................................... 8 News & Notes.............................. 10,11 Valentine’s Guide.........................12-14 Calendar......................................16,17 Business News.................................. 18 Classified Ads.................................... 20 Critter Corner..................................... 22