fernando abdo contarim <portfolio> 2018 <english version>

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fernando abdo contarim

&lt;portfolio&gt; architecture, urbanism, landscape, design

&gt; cover “vórtice” parametric structure, 2016 in partnership with camila caetano, lucas marinho, natan ferreira, vinícius mizobuti &lt;

fernando abdo contarim

&lt;portfolio&gt; architecture, urbanism, landscape, design

cv education undergraduation

&gt; fernando abdo contarim &lt; undergraduate in architecture and urbanism 25 yeras old campinas, são paulo, brazil +55 16 99719-7702 abdocontarim.fernando@gmail.com @fab_doc (instagram)

2011 - today

&gt; university of campinas (unicamp) &lt; campinas, são paulo, brazil undergraduate in architecture and urbanism

2014 - 2015

&gt; politecnico di milano (polimi) &lt; milan, italy exchange programm scholarship (science without borders)


professional experiences

additional activities courses, events, workshops, researches and academic activities

&gt; faculty of architecture and urbanism university of são paulo (fau-usp) &lt; são paulo, brasil external student

2017-2018 (12 mounths)

&gt; cpo - unicamp: coordinating of projects and works &lt; campinas, são paulo, brazil internship - quantitative and qualitative design analysis; elaboration of budgets; market price surveys; compatibility of projects and construction’s stages.

2016 (7 mounths)

&gt; fluxus: laboratory of studies in technical networks and socioenvironmental sustainability &lt; campinas, são paulo, brazil internship - elaboration of a sustainable masterplan for the unicamp’s campuses; social cartography workshops; participatory mapping of diagnoses and potentialities; preparation of maps and reports.

2015 (5 mounths)

&gt; móbile: student office in architecture &lt; campinas, são paulo, brazil voluntary/member - design of a playground and a nursery for a rural settlement; preliminary restructuring study for the former “cis-guanabara” railway station.

2017 (36 hours)

&gt; architectural representation course &lt; são paulo, brazil teached by “cura” collective

2016 (20 hours)

&gt; athis: technical assistance in social housing workshop &lt; campinas, são paulo, brazil teached by “peabiru” office

awards architecture and design competitions

2012, 2013, 2016

&gt; cacau: unicamp’s architecture and urbanism academic association &lt; campinas, são paulo, brazil communication director

2012, 2013, 2016

&gt; sau: unicamp’s architecture and urbanism week &lt; campinas, são paulo, brazil organizing committee - art and communication front

2012 - 2014

&gt; research in scientific initiation (cnpq-pibic) &lt; research advisor: prof. dr. daniel de carvalho moreira 1ª - graphical analysis of residential projects from traditional japanese architecture through flowcharts, diagrams and contextualized descriptions.. 2ª - the traditional in the contemporary japanese architecture: a graphical analysis of the 20th and 21st centuries residences.


&gt; cajamar’s “house of memory” restructuring &lt; cajamar, são paulo, brazil promoted by cau/sp and aeac/cajamar first place


&gt; p.a.a.i.: self-managed, itinerant and adaptive pavilion &lt; milan, italy promoted by politecnico di milano (polisocial award) first honourable mention

softwares skills

autocad adobe indesign sketchup + vray adobe illustrator adobe photoshop microsoft office rhino volare revit architecture trimble connect

languages skills

portuguese italian english spanish russian

&gt; fernando abdo contarim &lt; portfolio in architecture, urbanism, landscape and design 2014 - 2018





urban design


1 transpositions 2 manacá pavilion 3 the memory through the inversion 4 from controversy to confluence 5 embaré station 6 photographic drift 7 vertical farming

the agricultural practice in the urban context, pg. 10

stitching an former industrial quarter in são paulo, pg. 18

self-managed, itinerant and adaptive pavilion , pg. 30

cajamar’s “house of memory” restructuring, pg. 38

“projetar.org” itinerant pavilion, pg. 46

a new station for santos’ light rail, pg. 50

photography as track register and memories activator, pg. 58


vertical farming

the agricultural practice in the urban context campinas, brazil, 2017 unicamp university of campinas unicampâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;s representative in the x aroztegui biennial (2017) oriented by gabriela celani and rodrigo cavalcanti in partnership with beatriz burrueco, beatriz lins and thais jardim &gt;

&lt; â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x153;the martianâ&amp;#x20AC;? movie scene (2015) by ridley scott

in nowadays, we are witnessing a silent world crisis in food production. an estimated 109 million hectares of new land (approximately 20% more land than the Brazilian territory) are required for food production to supply world population demand by 2050 if conventional farming practices continue. more than 80% of arable land is already in use. a solution to this problem is much simpler than utopias that suggest to explore other planets like mars in search of a future for mankind. vertical farms, for example, have been more efficient in responding to this adversity. they produce about 20 times more than traditional agriculture, allow a greater control of the production and optimize the resources spending less water, energy and ground, reducing transport distances and dispensing the use of pesticides. with the objective of reaffirming this solution as a viable alternative, the project consists of a mixed use bioclimatic building with agricultural cultivation areas (with indoor and outdoor types), offices, educational centre (for ​​ gastronomy and agronomy studies), an elevated courtyard as well as an open ground floor with restaurants and agro-ecological markets and a mezzanine that connects to the current square in the surroundings of the site by a footbridge. capturing natural resources such as water and energy, and reusing all the organic material lost in production, the building intends to act as a simulacrum of a closed microsystem, respecting the “5Rs” policy of recycling: recycle, reuse, reduce, reject and rethink. another goal of the project is to encourage the resumption of agricultural production in campinas in a sustainable and responsible way, supplying local food demand, providing support and incentives to small urban farmers and promoting integration and partnerships with research institutes and companies in the area of agribusiness.

&gt; main facade of the building in the nortesul street &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; the network of urban agricultural producers, agroecological markets and supply and research centers in the city of campinas; the designed building intends to be the centrality of an intersection between production, commerce and research &lt;

&gt; recycle, reuse, reduce, refuse, rethink schemes show the pluvial water and solar energy catchment, the reuse of gray water and the production of fertilizers from wasted organic material to use in the crops.

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;



a rr

casa de máquinas



de ios a l ór vi rit c es

salas privativas

planta livre

o o tr tiv n ce uca ed

a aç ada r p ev el

cozinhas experimentais auditório biblioteca

laboratórios salas de aula administração café praça elevada


i lt


cultivo indoor cultivo outdoor


i an



passarela quiosques (restaurantes)


r ér

doca recepção


área administrativa




bicicletário vestiários


áreas técnicas estacionamento

&lt; portfólio 2018 &gt;


&lt; exploded isometric (left) with the program distribution throughout the building &gt;

&gt; sections showing the integration between the building and the existing square &lt;





&lt; structural systems diagrams (above); joints structural details (left) &gt; ligação pilar metálico + pilar concreto

ligação viga + treliça + montante

ligação viga metálica + core concreto

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; constructive details with a bioclimatic approach materials and constructive details main hybrid strategies (passives and actives) of cooling and heating control and natural lighting and ventilation &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; faรงades constructive elements openings, coverings, terraces and vegetations &lt; &lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; offices typical plan &lt;

&gt; controlled cropping areas outdoor type &lt;

&gt; open ground floor main access, markets, restaurants, administrative and service areas &lt; &lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


vila de escritรณrios 2 andar








s s




acesso ciclistas subsolo i=15%


&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;




stitching an former industrial quarter in sĂŁo paulo, sĂŁo paulo, brazil, 2016 unicamp university of campinas oriented by gabriela celani and rafael urano in partnership with beatriz lins, camila caetano, larissa werneck, maren sonoda and thais jardim &gt;

&lt; urban barriers barra funda, sĂŁo paulo 2016

the city of são paulo is a great reflection of overlaps of disordered urbanization models, whose urban designs create great insurmountable barriers for citizens (especially pedestrians), enhancing segregation and inequality. in this way, having as an object of intervention the region of barra funda, this project aims to create and qualify spaces that are able to overcome these urban obstacles placing the pedestrian and his right to come and go in the city as a priority. since the neighbourhood presents consolidated barriers such as the tietê river’s surroundings, the railway line and the express-ways that cut the region, the proposal creates an axis of continuous transposition of urban equipment, forming a network of new public spaces that connects with current ones. within this project party, one of the proposals is the rescue of the cultural and musical heritage of the district (origin of the paulista samba), recreating the old space known as largo da banana (banana square). the project also intends to answer the area’s densification demand, based on interventions in the numerous vacant land, abandoned and underused areas. this new masterplan also provides the increase of soil permeability through new green areas and parks and the protections of the watercourses’ banks that are settled on the intervention areas.

&gt; project implantation in the barra funda quarter masterplan with densification plan, transpositions and new networks of public spaces and equipments &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; recovery of tietê river’s tributaries riversides restoration of the riparian forest and orderly occupation through raised decks and pedestrian bridges &lt;

&gt; new humanized treatment of the tietê river orderly occupation of the river’s banks by pedestrians and cyclists and their transposition through bridges that connect them with a new great park, creating a green system of linear parks &lt;

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; largo da banana (banana square) reactivation to reconstructed it exactly in the same place where the original space existed, it was necessary to lower the railway line and deactivate the overpass that crossed it; this way, the project brings back the largo to the ground; its design allows flexibility of use and fluency for appropriations at various scales, focused mainly on cultural activities; the subtle integration with the existing environment, including the latin-america memorial (by oscar niemeyer), allows the pedestrian transposition between the two banks of the railroad. &lt;

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; typical block, architectural project the diagrams aside show the main concepts and parties adopted for the type block project following the masterplan premises; the choice of combining several different typologies in a single building lays in stimulating the residents integration and socialization through the common areas of the court, while at the same time guarantee multiple identities arising from the diversity of age, social class, race, religion, gender and sex, all reflected in the domestic space; the adoption of pure materials such as concrete and steel refers to the specificity of the place that historically was occupied by industries, especially on the civil construction area. &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; some of the plan types created and façade’s composition schemes with lighting and natural ventilation control systems &lt;

&lt; floor ground and section plane of the block &gt;

&lt; portfólio 2018 &gt;


&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; leaked niches in the middle of the buildings (above) create more private spaces for residents, allow the wind permeability on the block and solve access problems between the apartments and the cores &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; the model above shows one of the main entrances of the type block, next to the new proposed park &lt;

&lt; aside, one of the blockâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;s courtyard &gt; &lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;



manacá pavilion

self-managed, itinerant and adaptive pavilion milan, italy, 2015 polimi politecnico di milano first honourable mention in the “ p.a.a.i: padiglione adattabile autogestito itinerante” competition, promoted by polimi (2015) oriented by pierluigi salvadeo in partnership with isabel de vivo e luana espig

&lt; kuikuro indian constructing an oca (typical brazilian indian house)


museu do índio collection undated

&gt; manacá tarsila do amaral 1929

“camp us” is a social project of politecnico di milano that aims the community development of milan’s zone 09 district, by promoting various actions with the local residents in order to make the neighbourhood a belonging identity place. among the main activities are the creation and maintenance of the vegetable garden and community television, besides promoting workshops, exhibitions, tournaments and meetings in the region. to host such activities, the project needed a physical space for its full development. it was here that the idea of “p.a.a.i” (self-managed itinerant pavilion) was born. the pavilion design would be idealized through a student competition, where the first selected project would actually be built. dealing with a budget stipulated in 5,000 euro and follow strict requirements of creating a flexible space, using regional materials, designing a detailed project with easyto-assemble instructions and selling the idea to the zona 09 residents were the big challenges of this project. the proposal of the manacá pavilion is based on the primitive architecture, highlighting the importance of popular knowledge as an identity construction and a sense of community within the heterogeneous context of the city. thus, the former house of the brazilian indians was the main design reference because it represented the essence of the proposal. another allusion was between the pavilion volume and the manacá flower, which gives name to the project: when closed, the pavilion looks like a flower bud, but when it opens, it reveals 5 coloured petals in a beautiful scenic game. the project was awarded with the first honourable mention in the “polisocial award 2015” competition and ranked second general place according to the votes of the popular jury and the social networks.

&gt; model simulating possibilities of interaction between pavilions &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; exploded isometric pavilion composition &lt;

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; assembly instructions constructive details &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; door opening system &gt;

&gt; implantation possibilities main places of milanâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;s zona 09 &lt; &lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; pavilion opening dissolution of the boundary between interior and exterior &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; the lights effects pavilions scenic game &gt;

&gt; flexibilility of spaces pavilions uses simulations &lt;

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;



the memory through the inversion cajamar’s “house of memory” restructuring cajamar, brazil, 2017 first place in the “casa da memória reestruturação do museu municipal de cajamar” competition, promoted by são paulo’s architects and city planners council and aeac/ cajamar (2017) in partnership with felipe tricoli and thais jardim &gt; &lt; mr. fuller house (current house of memory) cajamar, são paulo, brazil 1970

the new proposal for the cajamar’s memory house aims to bring to the museum a more contemporary and extroverted environment that talks with the city, while respects its history. in relation to the surroundings, the proposal is to open a perspective towards the museum from the pedestrian’s point of view, since its current situation is very shy, positioned behind high walls. remodelling the topography and access of the site, with the opening wall and the access provided by ramps, gives the building a public role in contrast to its former residence function. according to the survey about the house compositional elements and its origins in the building history, the adopted party is to reconfigure - invert - such elements in order to create a new architectural language, without, however, being unrecognisable. the respect of memory, history and local geography is mainly due to maintaining this clear assimilation of the building components. due to the cajamar city origins related to the settlement of an important cement factory, the “brazilian portland cement company”, the apparent concrete was chosen as the main material of the proposal, in a clear reference to the city’s past. aiming to connect with the concept of hybridization of the urban with the nature, wood was used for internal coating, referring to the surrounding vegetation that is composed of atlantic forest remnants.

&gt; perspective of the new main faรงades of the house of memory; longitudinal section showing the new accessible access to the building &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; between the original and the modified preservation and alteration proposals

unalterad original elements elements added later

preservation colonnade and perimeter/house wrap


&lt; proposal volumetry development

main body


house compositive elements

basic elements reconfiguration separation and inversion

new internal arrangement layout, openings and access

improvement of the new volume reconnection of the colonnade and deconstruction of the roof

structural party independent roof + support island

&lt; new relation with the city access and visibility improvements

current situation &gt; introspective building building facing into the lot, barriers, poor visibility

proposed situation &gt; extroverted building building facing the city, dynamic access, focal point

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; the context reversal &lt;

&gt; mr. fullen house in the 30’s cajamar, são paulo 1930 decade

&gt; original context the house built on a rural setting

&gt; current context the house taken by an urban environment

&gt; proposed context the nature comeback

&gt; the shape reversal &lt;



&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; section plan with the new interior composition; interior perspectives with the new exhibition space &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;



&gt; a new logo for the house of memory designed by the team &lt;

exposição/ circulação


&gt; current interior arrangement


serviço /público exposição/circulção

&gt; propose interior arrangement

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;



from controversy to confluence â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x153;projetar.orgâ&amp;#x20AC;? itinerant pavilion brazil, 2017 projetar.org competition in partnership with gabriel massuda and luiz nascimento &gt;

&gt; sciame di dirigibili hector zamora 2009

this pavilion is a celebration of “projetar.org” virtual platform and aims to be itinerant and replicable, traveling all over brazil with workshops, exhibitions and debates. the proposal is based on these main concepts: &gt; dematerialization of the object the intention in using mirrored surfaces on the façades is precisely not allow a sudden understanding of the volume, giving prominence to the immediate reflected environment. thats implies in a mimicry of the pavilion in the inserted context, dissolving it in the surrounding landscape; the path as an architecture assimilation and as a spatial and formal perception of the object is due to the experience inside the pavilion: an architectural walk leading to the final arrival in the production room, passing by a spiral path between panels that vary in height and texture, connecting the entire program in a monolithic environment. &gt; one object, multiple façades the fully mirrored panoramic treatment of the pavilion allows the facade to be changeable according to the different surrounding contexts. this idea comes as an answer (at least visual) to the problem of including the most variable surroundings with a common solution. as maximum expression of the ephemeral, the inflatable coverage is a result of two common demands: a lightweight, practical, expandable cover, easily manipulated by the user (it goes up and down according to the desired height by a rope system); and a scenographic element as a key for the narrative concept adopted. the elliptical shape refers to the comic’s speech and thought balloons, referring to a symbolic representation of the pavilion uses: a space of exhibition and sharing of thoughts, ideas and opinions.

&gt; exploded isometric showing the pavilion operation and constructive details &lt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;



embarĂŠ station

a new station for santosâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122; light rail santos, brazil, 2017 unicamp university of campinas oriented by evandro ziggiatti monteiro in partnership with ana trude, beatriz tzung, luna viana, marcela balieiro, maren sonoda and vinĂ­cius mizobuti &gt;

&lt; the wave and the pier two typical elements of a coastal city landscape unknown author

the city of santos has a very particular economic and historical importance for brazil. with one of the highest human development indices in the country, santos has the largest seaport in latin america, operating since the colonial period, and alternative public transport politics that has been consolidates as a national model with the largest VLT (light rail) network in brazil. the project aims a new station for santo’s VLT expansion on the city seafront, as well as the landscape and urban treatment of its immediate surroundings, integrating with the beach and the urban area. the conditions of the site where the embaré station is inserted were decisive for the building to be a light and transparent structure that would smoothly integrate the waterfront and the urban landscape. in this way, the station values and ​​ privileges the views of the historical and natural heritage of the area. its implementation in a well-established and well-served region has led to the development of a reduced program that, in addition to the transportation infrastructure, has an infopoint and a belvedere for its continuous activation. the downstairs support and technical areas and the cafe on the upper floor are condensed on a side strip closer to the avenue, releasing the sea view for the users. the organic and continuous roof of the station generates a surface that dialogues with the forms of nature - especially the wave -, translating exactly a fluid meeting between the city and the sea. this continuous dialogue is also reflected in the materials choice and the structural system, which relies mainly on the use of wood and metals, referring directly to the coastal equipment and which, through these symbolic presences, can generate a new appropriation of the public of these new designed spaces.

02. integração | para tal integração, a praça existente foi fundida com o largo da igreja e com o parque; uma das ruas foi transformada no trilho do vlt e a outra foi elevado mesmo nível do largo. para melhor integração com a praia, foram retirados os quiosques.

03. grid estruturador | para guiar o desenho do paisagismo da nova praça e da implantação da estação, foram traçados um grid que parte dos pontos de interesse, com destaque para o que parte da igreja: a sua fachada é um plano do qual divergem eixos em perspectiva protegendo seu campo de visão. a partir disso, cria-se uma delimitação que impede a implantação de qualquer objeto que obstrua a vista desse monumento.

04.embaré paisagismo e programa | a partir do grid traçado, foram delimitados o desenho &gt; dos pisos e canteiros da nova praça; a fonte também foi remodelada em sintonia com station and its a volumetria da estação foi desenvolvida de acordo com o prograo novo paisagismo. ma determinado. surroundings isometric view and section of the project &lt;

05. elementos de conexão | para conferir maior concisão aos volumes da estação, a cobertura os liga de maneira fluída e elegante; já a escada tem como função elevar o espaço público para a cobertura da estação, como se fizessem parte de um mesmo sistema, tendo o mirante como ápice de chegada do percurso ; a forma da cobertura orgânica faz alusão às ondas do mar, ao mesmo tempo que sua materialidade e função remetem ao pier, estrutura tipicamente litorânea. o fechamento em vidro da estação permite que o cidadão contemple o mar enquanto aguarda o próximo trem.

06. projeto final | o projeto finalizado com materialidade, detalhamento, mobiliario e em pleno uso

&lt; portfólio 2018 &gt;


greja vado s os

nho com gra-

points of interest 01. pontos de interesse | a igreja, o parque linear, o mar e a estação são os pontos de interesse do lugar e, portanto, precisam estar fisicamente conectados 01. pontos de interesse | a igreja, o parque linear, o mar e a estação são os pontos the church, the new station, the current parke visualmente and the beach 01.interesse pontos de interesse | a igreja, o parque linear, o mar eeavisualmente estação sãoconectados os pontos de do lugar e, portanto, precisam estar fisicamente de interesse do lugar e, portanto, precisam estar fisicamente e visualmente conectados






03. grid estruturador | para guiar o desenho do paisagismo da nova praça e da implantação da| estação, foram traçados umexistente grid quefoiparte doscom pontos de interesse, 02. integração para tal integração, a praça fundida o largo da igreja integração | uma parao das tal integração, a praça existente foi fundida o largo igreja com destaque que partefoi datransformada igreja: a sua fachada édo umvltplano do qual divergem e02. com o parque;para ruas no trilho ecom a outra foi da elevado integration e com o parque; uma das ruas foi transformada no trilho do vlt e a outra foi elevado eixos em perspectiva seuintegração campo decom visão. a partirforam disso,retirados cria-se uma mesmo nível do largo.protegendo para melhor a praia, os mesmo nívelque do impede largo. para melhor integração a praia, foram retirados os eliminating barriers, connecting all com the points of interest delimitação a implantação de qualquer objeto que obstrua a vista desse quiosques. quiosques. monumento.

landscape and program 05. elementos de conexão | para conferir maior concisão aos volumes da estação, a 04. paisagismo e programa | a partir do grid traçado, foram delimitados o desenho cobertura os liga de fountain maneira fluída elegante; já a escada tem comodefining função elevar remodelling the ande the surrounding ground, theo 04. paisagismo e programa | a partir do grid traçado, foram delimitados desenho dos pisos e canteiros da nova praça; a fonte também foi remodelada em sintonia com espaço público para a cobertura da estação, como se fizessem parte de oum mesmo station program: platforms, cafe bar, infopoint and belvedere pisos e canteiros da nova praça; a de fonte também remodelada em sintonia com odos novo paisagismo. a volumetria da estação foi desenvolvida de acordo com prograsistema, tendo o mirante como ápice chegada dofoi percurso ; a forma daocobertura oorgânica novo paisagismo. estação foi desenvolvida de acordo com o eprograma determinado. faz alusãoaàsvolumetria ondas doda mar, ao mesmo tempo que sua materialidade função ma determinado. remetem ao pier, estrutura tipicamente litorânea. o fechamento em vidro da estação permite que o cidadão contemple o mar enquanto aguarda o próximo trem.

03. grid estruturador | para guiar o desenho do paisagismo da nova praça e da 03. grid estruturador para traçados guiar o desenho da novadepraça e da implantação da estação,| foram um grid do quepaisagismo parte dos pontos interesse, design grid implantação dapara estação, traçados grid que parte pontos de interesse, com destaque o queforam parte da igreja: um a sua fachada é umdos plano do qual divergem com destaque para o que parte da seu igreja: astation, sua de fachada é aum plano do qual divergem eixos em perspectiva protegendo campo visão. partir disso, cria-se uma designing the new landscape and releasing the church view eixos em perspectiva seu de campo de visão. partir disso,a cria-se uma delimitação que impedeprotegendo a implantação qualquer objetoaque obstrua vista desse delimitação que impede a implantação de qualquer objeto que obstrua a vista desse monumento. monumento.

connecting elements

05. elementos de conexão | para aos fluidity volumes da estação, a shaping roof organically asconferir a sea maior wave,concisão allowing between 05. elementos paraeconferir maior aos volumes da estação, cobertura os ligade deconexão maneira |fluída elegante; já aconcisão escada tem como função elevar oa roof and public space, creating a como free view of seafunção cobertura os ligapara de maneira fluída e estação, elegante; já a escada temthe como elevar espaço público a cobertura da se fizessem parte deby umthe mesmoo espaço público a cobertura da estação, como fizessem mesmo sistema, tendo opara mirante como ápice de chegada dose percurso ; aparte formadedaum cobertura station’s interior sistema, faz tendo o mirante como ápiceaodemesmo chegada do percurso ; a forma da cobertura orgânica alusão às ondas do mar, tempo que sua materialidade e função orgânica faz às ondastipicamente do mar, ao litorânea. mesmo tempo que sua materialidade função remetem ao alusão pier, estrutura o fechamento em vidro da eestação remetem ao pier, estrutura tipicamente litorânea. o fechamento em vidro da estação permite que o cidadão contemple o mar enquanto aguarda o próximo trem. permite que o cidadão contemple o mar enquanto aguarda o próximo trem.

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&lt; roof plan &gt; b

c a

&lt; ground plan &gt; b

c a












&lt; section aa &gt;





&lt; section bb &gt;

&lt; section cc &gt; 8.40

5.00 4.00


&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;














&lt; perspectives from the main accesses of the station &gt;

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&lt; the roof as a transition between the street and the sea the cafe bar and the belvedere &gt;

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; diagram showing the layers of the structural system and others constructive elements &gt;

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;



photographic drift

photography as track register and memories activator europe, brazil, morocco, 2014-2017

&gt; from ground to sky frames of sequential views on the ascent path in the brunelleschiâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;s dome florence, italy, 2014

the complexity of contemporary realities - especially in this digital age in which we are inserted - makes us not consider the details and subtleties of the physical environment that surrounds us, such social relations in the urban context and interactions that certain spaces provide. whether in walking tours or in day-to-day journeys, the amount of stimuli and information we receive is such that it prevents us from assimilating and understanding the totality of the contexts through which we pass. photography is a tool that allows us to break with this passivity. when you take a photo, you direct your focus to what awakens your attention. begins to appreciate it, to analyse it and, step by step, to understand it. the record is the result of your personal perception of the object. a record is a souvenir. the image is an activator of memories that always keeps the imminence of the experience awake independently of time. when you review a set of pictures made by you, your mind is induced to revisit your own past, it induces a reflection of your state of mind, your paths, your expectations, your lived interactions. my photographs donâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;t have a premeditated goal of composing a photographic project. to photograph, for me, is to record what the relapsing eyes of daily life donâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122;t see; it is an outward extension of my consciousness and a guarantee of the vitality of my memories. the records I show here are static catches amid a constant and intense flow of my body through the world in the last four years. they are pictures that seek, under my eyes and perception, to frame the human interactions, the singularities, the stories, the urban daily life, the landscapes, the architectures of different cultures, encompassing mostly european countries, morocco and brazil. the following photographs are just a small sample of my collection of records that can be fully checked on my flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/fab_doc

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; photobomber truck paris, france 2015

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; praying in tropical language belo horizonte, brazil 2017

&gt; grave skyline istambul, turkey 2015

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; chiaroscuro milan, italy 2014

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; facciata (in)finita bologna, italy 2015

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; a cidade, as serras, os artesĂŁos ouro preto, brazil 2016

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&lt; agony berlin, germany 2015

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&gt; promenade architecturale porto alegre, brazil 2016

&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


&gt; stoned city edinburgh, scotland 2015

&lt; portfรณlio 2018 &gt;


&lt; fernando abdo contarim &gt;


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