10 minute read
Now Hiring and Training LIFEGUARDS
• No prior training or experience required.
• Training provided after employment offer.
• Positions available at all Rec Centers and the Water Mine.
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Fine Arts
Some classes may have supply fees so check class descriptions for details. Any supply fees are payable at first class and are non-refundable.

Art Above and Beyond
(6-12 yrs.) This mixed-media class offers a variety of fun projects including drawing and painting. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FA 8 --55 minute lessons--$96
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Art and Mindfulness
(16-Adult) Art can be a way to express yourself and cope with stress. Explore a variety of art media in a supportive and engaging environment. Each session includes an introduction to theme, painting to further explore personal associations and time to reflect and share. A supply fee of $30 is payable to the instructor at first class.

DFGB 8 —1 hour 25 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $ OakMarREC S a 4 pm
Colorful Art by Abrakadoodle
(6-12 yrs.) Explore fabulous artist tools and products. Create colorful paintings, imaginative drawings, and unique sculptures using watercolors, modeling compounds and paints. Practice “masking” while painting an abstract forest, take an imaginary tour to New England and paint Lighthouse scenes.
CFVW 6 --55 minute lessons--$128
DFVW 8 --55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Discover Drawing I
This course teaches fundamental drawing skills through various techniques and projects. Students need to bring an 11”x14” sketch pad and two drawing pencils (HB & 6B). Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FB 8 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143
DFVH 8 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$218
DFVR 8 --55 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $
(6-12 yrs.)
E 5M..5NV6 6/13 DFVH
Drawing & Investigating Owls
(16-Adult) Learn about owl adaptations as you draw owl feathers, eggs, talons, skulls, and taxidermy mounts. Go on a hike to learn about owl habitats, then dissect your own owl pellet to figure out what owls eat and draw some of the bones. Your choice of watercolor, colored pencil or ink pens.
DFAB 1--2 hour 25 minute lesson--$24
Location Day Time Code Begin $
HiddenOaks S a 9am 0 LE.A6DW 7/22 DFAB
Drawing Workshop - Insect Illustration
(16-Adult) Use your basic drawing skills to accurately render insect anatomy for a beautiful finished illustration. Artist and instructor Caroline Hottenstein shows you how to use a micron pen, watercolor, graphite, and colored pencils to capture and highlight details. Your finished project is a 2D specimen board using the color media of your choice. Previous drawing experience encouraged. A supply list will be emailed before class. Bring a lunch.
DFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$102
Location Day Time Code Begin $
GrnSprGardn S a 9:30am 54F.0WKF 6/3 DFAK
Drawing WorkshopMiniature Landscape Sketching
(16-Adult) Create miniature works no larger than 4” x 6” using a micron pen, watercolor, graphite, or colored pencils. Artist and instructor Caroline Hottenstein will show you how to draw quick, miniature sketches of landscapes and then use them for a detailed, finished work using your medium of choice. Previous sketching experience encouraged. A supply list will be emailed before class. Bring a lunch.
DFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$102
Location Day Time Code Begin $
S a 9:30am GP4.MBJ8 8/12
Comic Cartooning
(6-12 yrs.) Calvin & Hobbes, Spongebob Squarepants, Bugs Bunny, and other cartoons come to life in this fun Baroody Camps program developed and taught by pro comic book and children’s book creator, Arsia Rozegar (credits include Marvel’s Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men and more). Using simple methods with shapes and lines, as well as tricks, tips and techniques, students learn that drawing cartoons is easier than you can imagine! Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFVK 8 --55 minute lessons--$153
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Woodson HS M 6:30pm WA0.2LS6 6/19 DFVK
Creating Comics
Students learn about various aspects of drawing and creating comics, such as emotive faces, anatomy, character development, and important elements in sequential story-telling in this Baroody Camps class geared towards those interested in creating their own personal comic books. Not just limited to the super-hero genre, this program developed and taught by pro comic book creator Arsia Rozegar (credits include Marvel’s Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and X-Men) delves into the hands-on fun of creating sequential art. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFVK 8 --55 minute lessons--$153
Location Day Time Code Begin $ (6-12 yrs.)
LittleRun ES S a 9am 7KT.8TUC 6/17 DFVK
Woodson HS T 6:30pm 7KT.1H69 6/20 DFVK (13-Adult)
LittleRun ES S a 10am LEH.9QWK 6/17 DFVK Woodson HS T 7:30pm
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Sketching along the Lakeside
(13-Adult) Walk with a naturalist by the lakeside and learn techniques and tips for drawing the natural world. Gain a better understanding of how to utilize different sketching and observational skills. Bring the medium of your choice to the class.
DFAU 1--2 hour lesson--$22
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Burke Lake Pk S a 10am 9DM.AKH2 7/22 DFAU
Abrakadoodle Kids on Canvas (6-12 yrs.) Children will learn to paint as they imagine a fantastic world inspired by nature. Learn about shapes, how to create 3D buildings and how to explore maps, and how to mix colors. Once registered, download camp forms from website.
CFVW 6 --55 minute lessons--$128
DFVW 8 --55 minute lessons--$165
Location Day Time Code Begin $
ProvREC Th 5pm ZBL.P6IG 6/29 CFVW
Wkfld/Moore Th 5pm ZBL.B0UW 6/29 DFVW
Discover Painting
(13-Adult) This course provides a basic introduction painting fundamentals. Students learn basic painting skills and techniques to create simple works of art. Practical exercises include simple sketching, use of color theory and application and basic composition.
3FB 8 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Watercolor Painting I
(Adults) Students are introduced to watercolor techniques and color basics. Concepts such as wet on wet, dry watercolor, color layering and blending are explored. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
DFBE 6 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$115
Location Day Time Code Begin $ RavenswrthES M 10am BC7.HAC5 6/26
Watercolor Painting II
(Adults) Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting I or equivalent. Continue sharpening basic skills and techniques. Develop brush styles and individual approaches to projects and exercises. Students need to bring supplies to class.
DFBE 6 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$115
Location Day Time Code Begin $
M 12:30pm 9E5.JCIN 6/26
Watercolor Painting III
(Adults) Prerequisite: Watercolor Painting II. Students need to bring supplies to class.
DFBE 6 ---1 hour 25 minute lessons--$115
Location Day Time Code Begin $
M 2:30pm 151.CL4R 6/26 DFBE
Watercolor WorkshopIllustrated Found Poems
(16-Adult) Celebrate Poet’s Day by finding the words to your poem already printed on a page in a book, magazine or newspaper (a method inspired by Austin

Kleon’s Blackout Poetry). Once you find your poem, artist and instructor Marni Maree will show you how to use watercolor (and more) to decorate and illustrate it. A supply list with be emailed before class. Bring a lunch.
CFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$110
Location Day Time Code Begin $ GrnSprGardn S a 9:30am NRB.XDBW 8/19 CFAK
Watercolor Workshop - Orchids
(16-Adult) Some subjects just scream to be painted in watercolors and orchids are one of those subjects. Taught by botanical artist Dawn Flores, plan and execute an orchid-inspired painting. Information on orchid anatomy, lessons on color, and a variety of watercolor techniques and transfer practices are presented. Orchid owners may bring in their own specimen or work from photographs provided by the instructor. This class is appropriate for any skill level. A supply list will be emailed before class. Bring a lunch.
DFAK 1--6 hour lesson--$102
Location Day Time Code Begin $ GrnSprGardn S a 10am 893.QHAO 7/8 DFAK
Fun with Acrylics
(13-Adult) Class introduces you to acrylics in a fun and pressure-free way. Learn to make simple paintings using acrylic paints on canvas as you explore color, texture, composition and design. Supply fee of $30 payable to instructor at first class.
3FB 8 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$143
DFBE 6 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$115 Location
The Many Faces of Abstraction
(16-Adult) Learn a variety of fun and exciting techniques needed to create your own abstract masterpiece. No experience necessary, just bring your imagination and learn in a pressure-free atmosphere. A supply fee of $30 is payable to the instructor at first class.
DFGB 8 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$138
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Abrakadoodle Sculpt It
(6-12 yrs.) Learn to sculpt using a variety of modeling compounds and papers along with other items such as wire, wood, clay, aluminum, plastic, string in this Abrakadoodle class. We’ll mold, bend, twist, and stretch while we design each three-dimensional creation. Learn about a variety of amazing artists while creating eight 3D artworks that are dynamic, creative and fun.
CFVW 6 --55 minute lessons--$128
DFVW 8 --55 minute lessons--$165 Location
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Pottery - Handbuilding
(16-Adult) Introduction to intermediate instruction using pinch, slab and coil methods to create either functional or abstract pieces. Glazing and techniques for textures and other decorations are included. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time.

CFP2 8 --2 hour 55 minute lessons--$291
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Digital Photography
(13-Adult) There’s more to photography than just using the automatic setting. Topics include your camera’s controls, resolution, flash, composition, stop motion, close ups and more. Course includes weekly assignments with reviews. Software and printing are also covered. Any supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FC 8 --1 hour 55 minute lessons--$190
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Clay Makers
(6-12 yrs.) Learn the magic of clay by creating jewelry for mom, animals in the wild, a garden of flowers and bugs, keychain emojis or new additions to an old mug. The possibilities are endless in this Baroody Camps program. Students will use their clay craft tool kit to tackle projects to see how creative they can be. Materials are included in the price of the class.
DFVR 8 --55 minute lessons--$124
Location Day Time Code Begin $
LittleRun ES S a 12pm OAQ.SME4 6/17 DFVR
WstSprgfld ES Th 6:30pm OAQ.9Z4C 6/15 DFVR
Fun with Clay!
(6-12 yrs.) Students make a variety of simple projects with clay while learning the basics of working with clay. Supply fee payable to instructor at first class.
3FA 8 --55 minute lessons--$96
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Pottery for Children
Introduction to clay and the pottery-making process using hand-building methods. Make pinch pots and learn coiling, slab work techniques, painting, glazing and firing.
CFP3 8 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$162
Location Day Time Code Begin $
(6-9 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore S a 9am Q7L.UU9C 6/24 CFP3 (9-12 yrs.)
Wkfld/Moore S a 10:45am A Z5.PKSN 6/24 CFP3
Wkfld/Moore M 4 pm A Z5.FJ4S 6/26 CFP3
Pottery for Teens
(13-17 yrs.) Create beautiful pots and clay forms by using simple tools and the pottery wheel. Explore hand building with the three most common forms of creating hand-built pots: pinch pot, coiling, and slab techniques. Then paint, glaze and kiln fire your pieces. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
CFP1 8 ---1 hour 25 minute lessons--$215
Pottery I
(16-Adult) Introduction to the potter’s wheel with emphasis on clay preparation, centering, firing and glazing. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.

CFP2 8 --2 hour 55 minute lessons--$291
Pottery II
(16-Adult) Prerequisite: Pottery I. Refine and develop your clay preparation, throwing, trimming and glazing skills. Attendance at first class is essential. Class fee includes 25 lbs. of clay and three hours of lab time. Bring hand tools to the first class meeting or purchase a set during class.
CFP2 8 --2 hour 55 minute lessons--$291
Photography-Get Off Auto & Intro to Lighting
(10-Adult) Picking up your camera and exploring new photographic opportunities will motivate and inspire you to grow as a photographer. This workshop will take you safely and directly to shooting portraits, basics of posing, manipulating available light (including natural light). This simplistic workflow and knowledge of your camera will give you the confidence and motivation to explore new horizons and capture beautiful memories. The course will also touch on some principles of landscape and macro photography.
3FM 2--4 hour lessons--$96
Location Day Time Code Begin $ SpHillREC S a 1pm PWF.Z8AW 7/15 3FM
Virtual Floral Workshop - Grab a Bunch
(16-Adult) Learn how to make an attractive floral design in a variety of vase shapes and sizes. Betty Ann Galway, a certified floral designer, will demonstrate different techniques. Sign up for the class and the supply fee. Your supplies will be available for pickup at Green Spring Gardens the day before or day of the program, and a Zoom link will be emailed before class.
RG39 1--1 hour 30 minute lesson--$42
Location Day Time Code Begin $ GrnSprGardn Th 1pm T97.IJ7K 7/27 RG39
(13-Adult) Master knitting basics. Students learn knitting techniques and terminology and how to choose materials.
4FG 5 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$89
Location Day Time Code Begin $
Lees Cnr ES F 10am 8AD.THWV 6/30 4FG
Knitting II
(13-Adult) Prerequisite: Knitting I.
4FG 5 --1 hour 25 minute lessons--$89
Location Day Time Code Begin $ Lees Cnr ES F 11:30am FD8.P1DK 6/30 4FG
All programs and activities will follow current health safety protocols.
Green Spring Gardens
4603 Green Spring Road
Alexandria, Va. 22312
703-642-5173 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/green-spring
Visit Green Spring Gardens for ideas and inspiration for gardening in the Washington metro area. Gardens feature trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, annuals, bulbs and vegetables that grow well in our region.

• Themed gardens
• Private garden tours
• Art exhibits
• Nature walks
• Horticulture Center
• Glasshouse
• Library
• Plant Shop
• Event rental space
• Gift Shop
To book a private garden tour, call 703-941-7987. Cost is $12 per person for a group of two to 19; $10 per person for a group of 20 or more.
Hours and Admission:
Horticulture Center open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Sunday, 12-4:30 p.m.

Plant Shop open Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and Sunday, 12-3 p.m.
Gift Shop open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Sunday, 12-4 p.m.
Park grounds open dawn to dusk daily