STUDIO AIR 2017, semester 2, FINNIAN WARNOCK FEI WANG 784079
My name is FeiWang, my nickname is Karen. I'm from the southeast part of China. I have spent one year on studying commerce, two year on the major of architetcure. I have already done the all core construction and history subjects. I'm happy to back the studios this semester. I'm studying the Water and Air studio together, I know it would be challenge, but I think it's good way to prepared for my folio and development skill on the Rhino, Indesign grasshopper and photoshop. For the Air studio, eventhough I don't have much experience on the softwares but I would work hard to pick up them this semster. Hope everything goes well!
Contents 2 A1.0 Design Futuring 6 A2.0 Design COMPUTATION 10 A3.0 Design GENERATION 15 A.4.0 Conclusion 15 A.5.0 Learning Outcome 16 A6.0 Sketch Book 18 A7.0 Reference
A1.0 Design Futuring CASE STUDY 1
Project: Guangzhou Opera House Architect: Zaha Hadid Date: 2010 Location: Guanzhou, China.
Independent Thinking
As Dune claimed Design for the future need to keep balance between the imagination and the reality. Design not lose the identity, need to show the personality in the efficiency way. [1] Zaha Hadid, as the one of futurist group, based independent thinking keep exploring the new language of modern architecture. As her claimed " "I have always believed in progress and in creativity's role in progress," she said. "That's why I remain critical of any traditionalism." [2] For example of the Guanzhou Opera House, the spatial folded plate triangular lattice as the brand new style of structure which breaks the traditional form of architecture. Guangzhou opera House is very different than others because there does not have any vertical columns and vertical walls within the load bearing system. The opera house make contribution to the dynamic inspiring idea form anti- gravity. The elements of construction system, unpredictability challenge the view's expectations and preconceptions about the space and surface.
Image 1. Guangzhou Opera House, the remarkable form based on the dynamically complex structure.
Image 2. The physical model represents the imagination of stone shaped by the water.
Guangzhou Opera is located near the river, it's form also make deep relationship to the site. This projects use the architecture language to talk the story of the site. When people walking though the facade of the opera, it creates the same feeling of walking though the valley. Zaha wants to give the feeling of water pass though the stone and the stone shaped by the water. This imagination shape the form of Guangzhou Opera. In addition, she continues this imagination from the form to interior design make the theme of this project completely and accessible by local people. Image 3. The complex and dynamical construction exposed inside to challenge the view's of visitors and give the feeling of walking though the valley. 2
Image 5. The Guangzhou Opera also creates the atmosphere of starry sky in the main hall by the light and the new material such as GRP ( Glass fibre reinforced plastics) which is a composite including of more than two different materials.[3] The GRP covers the whole surface of the interior wall of music hall in order to hide the joints and keep surface aesthetically . The Guangzhou Opera House not just use the aesthetic form to attract the visitors but also use many nature imagination such as the starry sky, the valley , the stone and simple geometry to make the local people easy to understand and accessible.
A1.0 Design Futuring CASE STUDY 2
Project: HUTONG Bubble 32 Architect: Mayesong, MAD studio Date: 2006 Location: Beijing, China
SUSTAINABILITY As Fry claimed the resources in earth are used 25 percent faster than it renew at modern society, so that the design in future need to consider of the sustainability. [4] He gives the idea of reduce the payment of design. He argues that the sustainability behaviour should be directly achieved in the design process rather than represented in the final design outcome.[5] That is , I think future design need to solve the sustainability problems in the roots. For example, many of future architecture design projects would based on the existing structure, therefore to achieve the sustainability, the designer need to the make the positive way to the existing one.
HuTong Bubble 32 as the significant project of reduce the payment of design to achieved the sustainability. It keeps the basic style of courtyard houses though add the new space rather than rebuilt them all. This project adds the small scale space used for study room, the toilet , the bedroom into the traditional architecture which satisfied the functional requirement for the modern life.[6] These "Bubbles" give the new energy to the traditional architecture, they not only achieved the sustainability, but also make contribution to keep the memory for local people and identity of the old city.
Image 5. HUTONG Bubble 32, MAD studio, Beijing 2006. The frame is solid courtyard house in Beijing. However, those infill installation of Bubbles dealing with the function requirement of old courtyard house and though the contrast material and colour to make the historical and solid site becoming dynamic and floating. Image6
Image 7 (up)
Image8 (below)
Nature Enjoyment The rapid development of human population shaped the city on a massive scale. The future design need to think how to shared the space within the city which has high density. Bring nature enjoyment to the city is positive way to improved the life in urban areas. This project makes the positive influence between the people and nature environments. The curve line and dynamic form of bubbles adjust to the nature growing trees. Additionally the metal surface reflect the old architecture in the courtyard, and the surrounding trees and the sky. The reflective bubbles bring the nature enjoyment to the local inhabitants
Project:Beijing National Stadium Architect PEKIN: Herzog & de Meuron Date:2002 Location: Beijing, China
REVOLUTION In the modern society, the computation instead of the traditional drawing as an new design tool. Computers are high efficient in the design process due to the faultless and rational.[7] For example, in doing the repeating work such as draw a row of same vertical line, computers would draw faster and accurately than most designers. Moreover, as the design process required both ability of rational and creative. The computers are good at rational and human have better performance in creativity. Therefore, the development of design process would get benefit from the better communication between the human and computation rather than just use the computer as a tool. 130
My argument is computation it not only brings the better performance of the form of the modern architecture but also made revolution on the design, construction and prefabrication and materials of modern architectures. For example, the computation design change the traditional construction skill, for example of the Guangzhou Opera House designed by the Zaha Hadid which have been discussed in the PART A1.0. Though the parametric design the construction of Guanzhou Opera house does not have vertical support structure. That is, this project cannot built as the traditional beam and post construction. Furthermore, regarding it's dynamic form the Plan, section and elevation cannot direct fabricated the construction elements. Therefore it required the brand new structure system which named spatial folded plate triangular lattice and new materials such as Glass fibre reinforced plastics to achieved it's dynamic form. That is, the new materials and new way of construction skill are challenged by the computation design. In the modern society there are many projects represent the benefits and influence of the computational design.
Image9 the form of "bird nest".
Beijing National Stadium also called "nest" because of its's randomly and complexity form. In the early design process, the patten of this building is get idea from the Chinese porcelain. In order to transfer the pattern from the proclaim to the building structure, designers heavily relied on parametric design software.[8] Though the complicated computational calculation, the precast concrete system connection to the steel structure which achieved the randomly and antithetical form of National Stadium. In addition, the parametric design also made positive in the decision making of the sightliness, the bowl geometry, seismic studies and especially the design of external envelope. For example, the contemporart computational design techniques which called compulational fluid dynamics has been used to calculate the temperature and airflow speed at each angle of the structure to evalutation the load bearing performance of the National Stadium. That is, the computational tool plays important role in the deisgn process and construction.
Cercha primaria. Pilar exterior P1 Primary truss. P1 outer column
Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-07,08 / GT-01-07,08 Axonometric view
Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-11,12 / GT-01-11,12 Axonometric view
Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-09,10 / GT-01-09,10 Axonometric view
Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-13,14 / GT-01-13,14 Axonometric view
Image10. The compuation design make the nurmous complicated geometry calcualtion be solved correctly to ensure the web of twsiting steel section fixed and bend to follow the surface correctlly.
Cercha primaria. Pilar interior P7 en forma de diamante Primary truss. Diamond-shape P7 inner column
Image11.Though computational design , the primary truss as prefabricate concentrate elements are lining and moving 144 to their final position on site.
A2.0 Design COMPUTATION CASE STUDY 1 Project:ICD PAVILION Architect PEKIN: University of Stuttgart Date:2011 Location: Stuttgart
The ICD research pavilion is another remarable example to show the benefit of the computational design with the influence of multidisciplinary. Though the generative process, the computational design make positive relationshinpe between the form, material and structure of this pavilion.
The ICD research pavilion is informed by the skeleton of the sea urchin on the beach.The compuatational design tool transfer the bilogical principles of the sea urchin to the different geometries form of the timber sheet. The transition between the nature skeleton of the sea urchin and the geometries make the single plate of timber sheet easy to fabricate and connection to the each other. Though the computational design, the imagination from the nature creatures could be easier transform to the architecture language. Though this project the computational design not only get the dynamic form of pavilion but also expand the inspiration resoureces of architecture design. The comupation also help designers to make deep relationship between the imagination and reality world such as fabrication and construction.
The choice of timber materials is based on the phsycial test wihich under control by the genration approaches. The overall structure is relied on the elastic bending performance of the plywood sheets.Though the complex computational caculation, the pavilion could be built with 6.5mm thick plywood. [9] In addition, the glued and bolted joints also be deisgn under the control of the computational tool. That is the computational design make the pavilion could be support by the minimal materical such as thin playwood sheets which represent the idea of material force and sustainability.
Image 13 The robetic cutting of the timber sheet.
Image 14.The accurate joints between the plywood sheets
Image 15.The compelet structure represent the producatio of the each plywood sheet is under the computer numeric machine control
Projec:t NON LIN / LIN -FRAC CENTRE - ORLEANS, (2011) Design & computation: MARC FORNES & THEVERYMANY Date:2011 Location: Project part of the permanent collection of the FRAC Centre, Orleans
As Peters argues the computation design not only stimulated the building performance but also expand the approaches of thinking [10]. Design approach of contemporary architectures has transition from drawing to the algorithm. The new way of computation Design is not only about how to build the complexity composition project by computation but also try to find the basic element in the formation of the project. This basic element formed the whole form of the building such as DNA creates Human Being. From the composition to the generation, the computational design makes the conceptual change of design approaches. The composition is combination of different elements. For example of the Hutong Bubble which has been discussed in Part A 1.0. The bubbles and the traditional Chinese courtyard. They are contrast elements, but though the composition approaches they connect together to provide the new function of the project. However, refers to the reading, generate approach as one of the computerized design method which refers to the logical exploration between parametric elements to get the rational and continuity design theory. Generation approach is pay more attention to the basic small, simple thing. It helps designers to get the basic logic and development it though whole design process. For example of the ICD research pavilion which I have discussed in the part A2.0. Though the joint single geometry plywood sheet, the group get it's final idea of sea urchin.
Image 16. This project use Rhino to achieved its design theme of "from network to surface condition" "from non-linear morphology to descriptive geometrical search into linear elements" .[11] Though generate approach designers make the "Y" models came into being the basic morphology of Y pavilion. The prototype of the non line pavilion is generated from the text based morphologies and developed though custom computational protocols. The parameters of these protocols according to the surface relaxation and generational hierarchy (distributed networks) and the digital fabrication (logistic of production) [12].
Image 17. The pavilion only made by the cardboard, and connected through paper clips. The the structure is continuity because it despite the support of camouflaged cables. The cohesive form of the pavilion is based on the different directional connection of " Y" models. However the morphology since tri-partite relational models are hard to be formalized and described through a single bi-directional surface (ie: Nurbs surfaces). In order to dealing with this problems designers address morphological models of change and recombination [13].
Image 18. The development of logical process does not mean the unchangeable and boring morphology of the architectures. The generation approach also could produce the change able and dynamic form. For example of Non Line pavilion, the changeable form which come from the deformation of the each single "y" models. The "Y" models within the structural networks are opening up and recombining themselves to shape the lager apertures on the surface of pavilion.
Project:national art museum of china Architect:robert stuart-smith, roland snooks (kokkugia ltd) + studio zhu pei, china Date: Unbuilt Location: Beijing, China
Imgae 19. Non-linear algorithmic methodology from the formation process.
Image20. This project is director by the kokkugia studio on the competition for the national Art Museum of China. This project developed generative approaches from the complex self organising behaviour of could system. The designers pay attention to the existing metaphor of the could and a typology of podium and object. The formless morphology of this project is contrast to the surrounding monumental architectures on the Olympic site [14]. The form of this project was generated from a swarm-based algorithm. Though the algorithm, the form of the project developed from the turbulent and chaotic systems within cloud formation process.
Image21. This non-linear algorithmic methodology built a deep relationship from the interior space to the outside form and facade articulation. The generative design from interior to the exterior make the whole project became changeable and dynamic. The changable and dynamic impresion of this project are origins from the chaotic and turbulent nature of the swarm organisation. The swarm organisation also creating the sense of the floating. The swarm formation of nature cloud wraps the interior spaces while providing light to the podium level exterior spaces through topological manifolds [15].
Image 22. The continuity layout generated the glazing structure and glass penalisation on the facade of the project. Though the generation approach the podium and cloud make the deep relationship within a single process - intrinsically relating object and field.
A3.0 Design GENERATION Aqua Tower / Studio Gang
Image24 the facade of Aqua Tower. Obviously, the generate approaches give the new way of architecture design, its positive to creative the more resources for development the design ideas. However, we still need to critical to use this approach and connected it to the reality world rather than just design a complicated form to challenge the viewer. Additionally, even the generation approach is more logical and rational than composition approach. However, it may limited in the different functional requirement and less flexible than the composition projects. That is , the new Aqua tower also represents the composition approach. The facade of the project represents the combination of the different elements such as terraces and pools.[17] Those different elements satisfied the multiple function requirement in the density urban area. That is, though the composition connection to the generation, this project became high efficient to satisfied the social demand of modern life.
The development of computation technology encourage more and more architectures to use the generate approach to stimulate the performance of the building. The new Aqua Tower designed by the Studio Gang also though the generate approach to get its dynamic form. Image23 The early imagination of the new Aqua Rowe is from the outcropping rock on the lake side.[16] Those striated rocks have been reshaped by the wind and water on the site which form the dynamic model. Additionally, these outstanding rockers also gives the expand view and the lager shading area. The generate approach get the basic idea from the nature object and transfer it to the plan design of the skyscraper in order to improved its functional performance.
Image25 the composition elements of Aqua Tower.
A.4.0 Conclusion
A.5.0Learning Outcome
Part A1.0 talks about the futuring design, I got the main idea of independent thinking form critical design and design sustainability from weekly reading. I think Independent thinking is more important than judgement of the traditional architecture. Independent thinking stimulated the creativity of designers and producing the better project for the futuring. The another concept sustainability in part A give me the idea of save resources in whole design process rather than the final performance. Additionally from the Hutong Bubble, it make the deep relationship between the old and new. For the design futuring , many project would built on the existing building. Form this project, I got the idea of how to give the new energy to the traditional architecture to achieved the sustainability, and also leave the space and keep the memory of traditional city.
Though the learning of part A, I get the basic idea of parametric software, its based on the logical thinking and develop step by step from the one component to the other. Additionally, as a designer, we need to keep independent thinking to tell computer to get what we want. With the development of technology, the computational design brings the new thinking of design and efficient on the traditional construction, fabrications, and material. Picking up computational design tool is important for modern designer to catch up the main stream of design filed. However, from readings in part A I also got some critical thinking of computational tools. I think as a architecture student, we still need to keep balance between the imagination and reality. For example, we could use the grasshopper to get the mass and complexity form of building to represent the personality. However, I think the human scale and nature environment are much more important than the personality. Architecture has the original meaning of shelter. That is, we have responsibility to think about the fundamental meaning such as functionalism, sustainability in the process of the computational design.
Part A2.0 talks about the benefit of the computation design. In contemporary society, computation development from the tools used for improve the design performance transfer to the tool to which help designers to get the radical and continuity design ideas. Additionally, the computation also made the revolution to the modern architecture. Computation al design not only enriches the design approaches but also give the way of thinking. Furthermore, it gives the new idea of construction method, materiality and digital fabrication therefore the new way of communication between workers, engines and designers. Part A3.0 talks about the shifting from composition approach to the generation approach. The composition approach refers to the combination of different elements. Nonetheless, generation approach based on the computational design. It starts from one basic elements to gets the whole continuity logical development project. Though the generation approach the morphology of architecture could from the dynamic form due to the deformation formulation of basic elements. The generation approach need to pay more attention to the human scale rather than the complexity form.
A6.0 Sketch Book Week1 sketch of the rotation of the object.
Week2 Attractor Single attractor point of left shelter. Two attractor points of right shelter
Week 3 Geometry Use geometry to represent the figure.
Create a rotation stair by rectangle plan
Generation Approach From one single geometry morphology to form the crowd morphology.
Use basic geometry morphology to represent depature morphology
From basic one branch (at the bottom) to develop the whole morphology tree. Again and again though the adjustment of branch to represent the departure or crowd morphology.
A7.0 Reference [1]Dunne, Anthony, and Fiona Raby, Speculative Everything ([S.l.]: MIT, 2014), p.3. [2] Frearson, Amy, “Zaha Hadid: I’m “Widely Misunderstood” By The Mainstream”, Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.dezeen. com/2016/02/03/architecture-not-medium-personal-expression-for-me-zaha-hadid-riba-royal-gold-medal-2016/> [accessed 10 August 2017] [3]Ouroussoff, Nicolai, "Guangzhou Opera House, Designed By Zaha Hadid - Review", Nytimes.Com, 2017 <http://www.nytimes. com/2011/07/06/arts/design/guangzhou-opera-house-designed-by-zaha-hadid-review.html> [accessed 10 August 2017] [4] Fry, Tony, Sustainability, Design Futuring Ethics And New Practice (Oxford: Berg Publishers Ltd, 2009), p.12. [5] Fry, Tony, Sustainability, Design Futuring Ethics And New Practice (Oxford: Berg Publishers Ltd, 2009), p 13. [6]"Beijing Hutong Bubble / MAD", Archdaily, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [7] Kalay, Yehuda E, Architecture's New Media (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004), p.12. [8]Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.163 [9]Frearson, Amy, "ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion At The University Of Stuttgart | Dezeen", Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.dezeen. com/2011/10/31/icditke-research-pavilion-at-the-university-of-stuttgart/> [accessed 10 August 2017] [10]2017 <http://Peters - Computation Works_The Building of Algorithmic Thought> [accessed 10 August 2017] p.10. [11]PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [12]PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [13]PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [14]"Robert Stuart-Smith Design Ltd", Robertstuart-Smith.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [15] "Robert Stuart-Smith Design Ltd", Robertstuart-Smith.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [16]"Aqua Tower", Studiogang.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [17]"Gallery Of Aqua Tower / Studio Gang - 12", Archdaily, 2017 < 012006528ba0d55810000e7-aqua-tower-studio-gang-architects-plan> [accessed 10 August 2017] 18
Image 1-Imgae4 Frearson, Amy, “Zaha Hadid: I’m “Widely Misunderstood” By The Mainstream”, Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image5 to Image 8 [6]"Beijing Hutong Bubble / MAD", Archdaily, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] Imgae9 Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.162 Image 10 Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.164 Image 11 Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.165 Image12-Image15 Frearson, Amy, "ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion At The University Of Stuttgart | Dezeen", Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image16-Image18 PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image19-Image22 "Robert Stuart-Smith Design Ltd", Robertstuart-Smith.Com, 2017 < projects> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image22-24"Aqua Tower", Studiogang.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017]