Journal partc submission 784079 feiwang

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STUDIO AIR 2017, semester 2 Finnian Warnock Fei Wang 784079

Contents A



A1.0 Design Futuring

20 B.1. Research Field



24 B.2. Case Study 1.0

10 A3.0 Design GENERATION

30 B.3. Case Study 2.0

13 A.4.0 Conclusion

34 B.4. Technique: Development.

13 A.5.0 Learning Outcome

38 B.5. Technique: Prototypes.

16 A.6.0 Sketch book

42 B.6. Technique: Proposal.

18 A.7.0 Reference

49 B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes. 50 B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.

C 55 C.1. Design Concept 63 C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes 72 C.3. Final Detail Model 80 C.4. Learning Objectives and Outcomes.

Introduction My name is FeiWang, my nickname is Karen. I'm from the southeast part of China. I have spent one year on studying commerce, two year on the major of architetcure. I have already done the all core construction and history subjects. I'm happy to back the studios this semester. I'm studying the Water and Air studio together, I know it would be challenge, but I think it's good way to prepared for my folio and development skill on Rhino, Indesign grasshopper and photoshop. For the Air studio, eventhough I don't have much experience on the computational design but I would work hard to pick up them this semster. Hope everything goes well! 1

A1.0 Design Futuring CASE STUDY 1

Project: Guangzhou Opera House Architect: Zaha Hadid Date: 2010 Location: Guanzhou, China.

Independent Thinking

As Dune claimed Design for the future need to keep balance between the imagination and the reality. Design not lose the identity, need to show the personality in the efficiency way. [1] Zaha Hadid, as the one of futurist group, based independent thinking keep exploring the new language of modern architecture. As her claimed " "I have always believed in progress and in creativity's role in progress," she said. "That's why I remain critical of any traditionalism." [2] For example of the Guanzhou Opera House, the spatial folded plate triangular lattice as the brand new style of structure which breaks the traditional form of architecture. Guangzhou opera House is very different than others because there does not have any vertical columns and vertical walls within the load bearing system. The opera house make contribution to the dynamic inspiring idea form anti- gravity. The elements of construction system, unpredictability challenge the view's expectations and preconceptions about the space and surface.

Image 1. Guangzhou Opera House, the remarkable form based on the dynamically complex structure.

Image 2. The physical model represents the imagination of stone shaped by the water.


Guangzhou Opera is located near the river, it's form also make deep relationship to the site. This projects use the architecture language to talk the story of the site. When people walking though the facade of the opera, it creates the same feeling of walking though the valley. Zaha wants to give the feeling of water pass though the stone and the stone shaped by the water. This imagination shape the form of Guangzhou Opera. In addition, she continues this imagination from the form to interior design make the theme of this project completely and accessible by local people. Image 3. The complex and dynamical construction exposed inside to challenge the view's of visitors and give the feeling of walking though the valley. 2

Image 5. The Guangzhou Opera also creates the atmosphere of starry sky in the main hall by the light and the new material such as GRP ( Glass fibre reinforced plastics) which is a composite including of more than two different materials.[3] The GRP covers the whole surface of the interior wall of music hall in order to hide the joints and keep surface aesthetically . The Guangzhou Opera House not just use the aesthetic form to attract the visitors but also use many nature imagination such as the starry sky, the valley , the stone and simple geometry to make the local people easy to understand and accessible. I think the Guangzhou opera house is the good example to give the new language of modern architecture. It not only though the computational design too to produce the complexity and dynamic form. It also gives the dramatic feeling of the modern architecture. When people sit inside the opera, they would feel of sit under the starry sky and enjoy the uninterrupted view at their surroundings. I think the future architecture could use the computational design tool not only make improvement on the construction process but also create the interesting atmosphere to communication with the users.


A1.0 Design Futuring CASE STUDY 2

Project: HUTONG Bubble 32 Architect: Mayesong, MAD studio Date: 2006 Location: Beijing, China

SUSTAINABILITY As Fry claimed the resources in earth are used 25 percent faster than it renew at modern society, so that the design in future need to consider of the sustainability. [4] He gives the idea of reduce the payment of design. He argues that the sustainability behaviour should be directly achieved in the design process rather than represented in the final design outcome.[5] That is , I think future design need to solve the sustainability problems in the roots. For example, many of future architecture design projects would based on the existing structure, therefore to achieve the sustainability, the designer need to the make the positive way to the existing one.

Image 5. HUTONG Bubble 32, MAD studio, Beijing 2006.

Image6 The site is solid courtyard house in Beijing. However, those infill installation of Bubbles dealing with the function requirement of old courtyard house and though the contrast material and colour to make the historical and solid site becoming dynamic and floating. HuTong Bubble 32 as the significant project of reduce the payment of design to achieved the sustainability. It keeps the basic style of courtyard houses though add the new space rather than rebuilt them all. This project adds the small scale space used for study room, the toilet , the bedroom into the traditional architecture which satisfied the functional requirement for the modern life.[6] These "Bubbles" give the new energy to the traditional architecture, they not only achieved the sustainability, but also make contribution to keep the memory for local people and identity of the old city.


Image 7 (up)

Image8 (below)

Nature Enjoyment The rapid development of human population shaped the city on a massive scale. The future design need to think how to shared the space within the city which has high density. Bring nature enjoyment to the city is positive way to improved the life in urban areas. This project makes the positive influence between the people and nature environments. The curve line and dynamic form of bubbles adjust to the nature growing trees. It reflects the sky, tree and surroundings, but itself could be dissolved in the nature environment. The hutong bubble proposals give me the idea was to see the future possibility of the architecture. It gives me the idea to think about the development of modern architectures also could refers to their traditional background. This proposal protected the existing site and keep memory of the traditional cities. Additionally, this proposal let the residents have a better living conditions. This proposal make the toilet became a very small sculptures at corner of the courtyard house. The bubbles are like the communication between the modern and the past. However, I think the modern city are lack of those emotional communicationI think the modern cities all looks similar by the high rise skyscrapers, the steel and concrete architetcures. I think modern city lacks the relationship between the people and nature. That is, I think in the future architecture could combine the computational design tool with traditional or nature materials. Though this method, the architecture not only represents the development of technique but also strength the relationship between human the nature.



Project:Beijing National Stadium Architect PEKIN: Herzog & de Meuron Date:2002 Location: Beijing, China

REVOLUTION In the modern society, the computation instead of the traditional drawing as an new design tool. Computers are high efficient in the design process due to the faultless and rational.[7] For example, in doing the repeating work such as draw a row of same vertical line, computers would draw faster and accurately than most designers. Moreover, as the design process required both ability of rational and creative. The computers are good at rational and human have better performance in creativity. Therefore, the development of design process would get benefit from the better communication between the human and computation rather than just use the computer as a tool. 130

My argument is computation it not only brings the better performance of the form of the modern architecture but also made revolution on the design, construction and prefabrication and materials of modern architectures. For example, the computation design change the traditional construction skill, for example of the Guangzhou Opera House designed by the Zaha Hadid which have been discussed in the PART A1.0. Though the parametric design the construction of Guanzhou Opera house does not have vertical support structure. That is, this project cannot built as the traditional beam and post construction. Furthermore, regarding it's dynamic form the Plan, section and elevation cannot direct fabricated the construction elements. Therefore it required the brand new structure system which named spatial folded plate triangular lattice and new materials such as Glass fibre reinforced plastics to achieved it's dynamic form. That is, the new materials and new way of construction skill are challenged by the computation design. In the modern society there are many projects represent the benefits and influence of the computational design.

Image9 the form of "bird nest".


Beijing National Stadium also called "nest" because of its's randomly and complexity form. In the early design process, the patten of this building is get idea from the Chinese porcelain. In order to transfer the pattern from the proclaim to the building structure, designers heavily relied on parametric design software.[8] Though the complicated computational calculation, the precast concrete system connection to the steel structure which achieved the randomly and antithetical form of National Stadium. In addition, the parametric design also made positive in the decision making of the sightliness, the bowl geometry, seismic studies and especially the design of external envelope. For example, the contemporart computational design techniques which called compulational fluid dynamics has been used to calculate the temperature and airflow speed at each angle of the structure to evalutation the load bearing performance of the National Stadium. That is, the computational tool plays important role in the deisgn process and construction. 6

Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-07,08 / GT-01-07,08 Axonometric view

Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-11,12 / GT-01-11,12 Axonometric view

Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-09,10 / GT-01-09,10 Axonometric view

Axonométrica del nudo: GT-01-13,14 / GT-01-13,14 Axonometric view

Cercha primaria. Pilar exterior P1 Primary truss. P1 outer column


Image10. The compuation design make the nurmous complicated geometry calcualtion be solved correctly to ensure the web of twsiting steel section fixed and bend to follow the surface correctlly.

Cercha primaria. Pilar interior P7 en forma de diamante Primary truss. Diamond-shape P7 inner column

Image11.Though computational design , the primary truss as prefabricate concentrate elements are lining and moving 144 to their final position on site. 7

A2.0 Design COMPUTATION CASE STUDY 1 Project:ICD PAVILION Architect PEKIN: University of Stuttgart Date:2011 Location: Stuttgart

The ICD research pavilion is another remarable example to show the benefit of the computational design with the influence of multidisciplinary. Though the generative process, the computational design make positive relationshinpe between the form, material and structure of this pavilion.

The ICD research pavilion is informed by the skeleton of the sea urchin on the beach.The compuatational design tool transfer the bilogical principles of the sea urchin to the different geometries form of the timber sheet. The transition between the nature skeleton of the sea urchin and the geometries make the single plate of timber sheet easy to fabricate and connection to the each other. Though the computational design, the imagination from the nature creatures could be easier transform to the architecture language. Though this project the computational design not only get the dynamic form of pavilion but also expand the inspiration resoureces of architecture design. The comupation also help designers to make deep relationship between the imagination and reality world such as fabrication and construction.


Image 13 The robetic cutting of the timber sheet.


Image 14.The accurate joints between the plywood sheets

Image 15.The compelet structure represent the producatio of the each plywood sheet is under the computer numeric machine control

The choice of timber materials is based on the phsycial test wihich under control by the genration approaches. The overall structure is relied on the elastic bending performance of the plywood sheets.Though the complex computational caculation, the pavilion could be built with 6.5mm thick plywood. [9] In addition, the glued and bolted joints also be deisgn under the control of the computational tool. That is the computational design make the pavilion could be support by the minimal materical such as thin playwood sheets which represent the idea of material force and sustainability.

Though the fabrication process of the ICD pavilion. I think it represents the control by the computation design. Especially the connection between the different plywood panels. The puzzle connection designed by the computation tool which give the rigid and accurate connection between the structure elements. I think though the computation deign, the construction process of modern architecture would becoming more accurately .That is, the though the control of the computation design tool, the modern architecture could have more aesthetical performance in construction details and overall form finding.



Projec:t NON LIN / LIN -FRAC CENTRE - ORLEANS, (2011) Design & computation: MARC FORNES & THEVERYMANY Date:2011 Location: Project part of the permanent collection of the FRAC Centre, Orleans

As Peters argues the computation design not only stimiulated the building performace but also expand the approaches of thinking [10]. Design approach of contemporary architectures has transition from drawing to the algorithm. The new way of computation deisn is not only about how to build the complexity composition project by computation but also try to find the basic element in the formation of the project. This basic element formed the whole form of the building for example of DNA creates Human Being. From the composition to the generation, the computational design makes the conceptual change of design approaches. The composition is combination of different elements. For exmpale of the Hutong Bubble which has been talked in Part A 1.0. The bubbles and the traditional Chinese courtyard. They are contrast elements, but though the composition approaches they connect together to provide the new function of the project. However, referes to the reading, generate approach as one of the computerized design method which refers to the logical exploration in parametric elements to get the rational and continuity design idea. Generation approach is pay more attention to the fundemental, thing. It helps designers to get the basic logic and development it though whole design process. For example of the ICD research pavilion which I have disucussed in the part A2.0. Though the design of the puzzle connection between geometry playwood panles, to achieved it's design ambition of sea urchin gradually.

Image 16. This project use Rhino to achieved its design theme of "from network to surface condition" "from non-linear morphology to descriptive geometrical search into linear elements" .[11] Though generate approrach designers make the "Y" models came into being the basic morphology of Y pavilion. The prototype of the non line pavilion is generated from the text based morphologies and developed though custom computational protocols. The paramteters of these protocols according to the surface relaxation and generational hierarchy (distributed networks) and the digital fabrication (logistic of production) [12].


Image 17. The pavilion only made by the cardboard, and connected through paper clips. The the strcuture is continuty beacuse it desipte the support of campuflaged cables. The cohesive form of the pavilion is based on the different directional connection of " Y" models. However the morphology since tri-partite relational models are hard to be formalized and described through a single bi-directional surface (ie: Nurbs surfaces). In oder to dealing with this problems designers address morphological models of change and recombination [13].

Image 18. The development of logical process does not mean the unchangble and boring morpholgy of the architectures. The generatic approach also could produce the change able and dynamic form. For exmaple of Non Line pavilion, the changeable form which come from the deformation of the each single "y" models. The "Y" models within the structural networks are opening up and recombing themselves to shape the lager apertures on the surface of pavilion.



Project:national art museum of china Architect:robert stuart-smith, roland snooks (kokkugia ltd) + studio zhu pei, china Date: Unbuilt Location: Beijing, China

Imgae 19. Non-linear algorithmic methodology from the cloud formation process.

Image20. This project is director by the kokkugia studio on the competition for the national Art Museum of China. This project devloped generative approches from the complex self organising behavior of could sysem. The designers pay attention to the existing metaphor of the could and a typology of podium and obeject. The formless morphology of this project is contrast to the surrounding mounmenntal architectures on the Olympic site [14]. The form of this project was generated from a swarm-based algorithm. Though the algorithm, the form of the project developed from the turbulent and chaotic systems within cloud formation process.

Image21. The non-linear algorithmic methodology made deep influence from the interior space to the exterior facade of the art meseum. The genrerative design from interior to the exterior make the whole project became changable and dynamic. The changable and dynamic impresion of this project are origins from the chaotic and turbulent nature of the swarm organisation. The swarm organisation also creating the sense of the floating. The swarm formation of nature cloud wraps the interior spaces while providing light to the podium, and also level exterior spaces through topological manifolds [15].


Image 22. The continutity layout generated the glazing structure and glass panelisation on the facade of the projece. Though the generation approach the, the podium and cloud make the deep relationship within a single process intrinsically relating object and field.

Though the argument of the generation approach, I learnt the new idea from this example about how to use the parametric tool to develop the design into more logical way. For example if I want to design architecture which have deep relationship with nature landscape on the site. I could use grasshopper to produce the contour line from map. In addition, also could use grasshopper to analysis the gradient of the landscape on the site. I also could use grasshopper to analysis the light and shadow on the site, to design the daily living areas into the area which has more nature light. Furthermore, I could loft selected contour line to produce the form and deform the surface of proposal to achieve the algorithmic methodology which shaped by the nature landscape meanwhile also has aesthetical appearance. Therefore, though the parametric design tool, I could generate many critical and logical concept and develop them in the designing process.


A3.0 Design GENERATION Aqua Tower / Studio Gang

Image24 the facade of Aqua Tower. Obviously, the generate approches give the new way of architetcure design, its postive to creative the more resoucres for development the design ideas. However, we still need to crtical to use this approach and connected it to the reality world rather than just design a complicated form to challange the viewer. Addiionlly, eventhogh the generation approach is more logical and rational than composition approach. However, it may limted in the different functioal requirement and less flexible than the comopistion projects. That is , the new Aqua tower also represents the composition approach. The facade of the project represents the combination of the different elements such as terraces and pools.[17] Those different elements satisfied the multiple function requirement in the density urban area. That is, though the composition connection to the generation, this project became high efficient to satisfied the social demand of modern life.

The develoment of computation techonology encourage more and more architetcures to use the generate approach to stimulate the performance of the building. The new Aqua Towe designed by the Studio Gang also though the generate approach to get its dynamic form. Image23 The early imagaination of the new Aqua Rowe is from the outcropping rock on the lake side.[16] Those straited rocks have been reshaped by the wind and water on the site which form the dynamic model. Additionally, these outstanding rockers also gives the expand viwe and the lager shading area. The generate approach get the basic idea from the nature object and transfer it to the plan design of the skyscraper in order to imporved its functiona performance.

Image25 the composition elements of Aqua Tower.


A.4.0 Conclusion

A.5.0Learning Outcome

Part A1.0 talks about the futuring deisgn, I got the main idea of independent thinking form crtical design and design sustainability from weekly reading. I think Indepentend thinking is more important than judement of the traditional architecture. Indepentent thinking stimulated the creavity of designers and producting the better project for the futuring. The another concpet sustainability in part A give me the idea of save resources in whole design process rather than the final performance. Additionally from the Hutong Bubble, it make the deep relationship between the old and new. For the design futuring , many project would built on the exsiting building. Form this project, I got the idea of how to give the new erengy to the traditional architecture to achieved the sustainability, and also leave the space and keep the memory of traidtional city.

Though the learning of part A, I get the basic idea of parametric software, its based on the logical thinking and develop step by step from the one component to the other. Additionally, as a designer, we need to keep independent thinking to tellcomputer to get what we want. With the development of techonology, the computational design brings the new thinking of design and efficient on the traditional constrcution, fabricationa, and material. Picking up computational design tool is important for modern designer to catch up the main stream of design filed. However, from readings in part A I also got some crtical thinking of computational tools. I think as a architecture studetent, we still need to keep balance between the imgination and reality. For exmaple, we could use the grasshopper to get the massy and complexity form of buidling to represent the personality. However, I think the human scale and nature environment are much more important than the personality. Architetcure has the original meaning of shelter. That is, we have responsibility to think about the fundenmental meaning such as functionlist, sustainability in the process of the computational design.

Part A2.0 talks about the benifit of the computation design. In contemporary society, computation development from the tools used for improve the design performance transfer to the tool to which help desiners to get the radical and continuity design ideas. Additionally, the computation also made the revolution to the modern architecture. Computation al deisgn not only enrichs the design approaches but also give the way of thiking. Futhermore, it gives the new idea of constrcution method, materilaity and digital fabrication therefore the new way of communication between workers, enginers and desingers. Part A3.0 talks about the shifting from compostion approach to the generation approach. The composition approac refers to the combination of different elements. Nonetheless, generation approach based on the computational deisgn. It starts from one basic elements to gets the whole continutiy logical development project.Though the generation approach the morphology of arhcitecture could from the dynmaic form due to the deformation formulation of basic elements. The gerneration approch need to pay more attention to the human scale rather than the complexity form.


A6.0 Sketch Book Week1 sketch of the rotation of the object.

Week2 Attractor Single attractor point of left shelter. Two attractor points of right shelter

Week 3 Geometry Use geometry to represent the figure.

Create a rotation stair by rectangle plan



Generation Approach From one single geometry morphology to form the crowd morphology.

Use basic geometry morphology to represent depature morphology

From basic one branch (at the bottom) to develop the whole morphology tree. Again and again though the adjustment of branch to represent the departure or crowd morphology.

17 17

A7.0 Reference [1]Dunne, Anthony, and Fiona Raby, Speculative Everything ([S.l.]: MIT, 2014), p.3. [2] Frearson, Amy, “Zaha Hadid: I’m “Widely Misunderstood” By The Mainstream”, Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.dezeen. com/2016/02/03/architecture-not-medium-personal-expression-for-me-zaha-hadid-riba-royal-gold-medal-2016/> [accessed 10 August 2017] [3]Ouroussoff, Nicolai, "Guangzhou Opera House, Designed By Zaha Hadid - Review", Nytimes.Com, 2017 <http://www.nytimes. com/2011/07/06/arts/design/guangzhou-opera-house-designed-by-zaha-hadid-review.html> [accessed 10 August 2017] [4] Fry, Tony, Sustainability, Design Futuring Ethics And New Practice (Oxford: Berg Publishers Ltd, 2009), p.12. [5] Fry, Tony, Sustainability, Design Futuring Ethics And New Practice (Oxford: Berg Publishers Ltd, 2009), p 13. [6]"Beijing Hutong Bubble / MAD", Archdaily, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [7] Kalay, Yehuda E, Architecture's New Media (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004), p.12. [8]Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.163 [9]Frearson, Amy, "ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion At The University Of Stuttgart | Dezeen", Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.dezeen. com/2011/10/31/icditke-research-pavilion-at-the-university-of-stuttgart/> [accessed 10 August 2017] [10]2017 <http://Peters - Computation Works_The Building of Algorithmic Thought> [accessed 10 August 2017] p.10. [11]PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [12]PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [13]PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [14]"Robert Stuart-Smith Design Ltd", Robertstuart-Smith.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [15] "Robert Stuart-Smith Design Ltd", Robertstuart-Smith.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [16]"Aqua Tower", Studiogang.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] [17]"Gallery Of Aqua Tower / Studio Gang - 12", Archdaily, 2017 < 012006528ba0d55810000e7-aqua-tower-studio-gang-architects-plan> [accessed 10 August 2017] 18 18

Image 1-Imgae4 Frearson, Amy, “Zaha Hadid: I’m “Widely Misunderstood” By The Mainstream”, Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image5 to Image 8 [6]"Beijing Hutong Bubble / MAD", Archdaily, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] Imgae9 Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.162 Image 10 Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.164 Image 11 Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, and Richard Levene, Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2010 (Madrid: El Croquis editorial, 2010)p.165 Image12-Image15 Frearson, Amy, "ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion At The University Of Stuttgart | Dezeen", Dezeen, 2017 <https://www.> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image16-Image18 PROJECTS", MARC FORNES / THEVERYMANY, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image19-Image22 "Robert Stuart-Smith Design Ltd", Robertstuart-Smith.Com, 2017 < projects> [accessed 10 August 2017] Image22-24"Aqua Tower", Studiogang.Com, 2017 <> [accessed 10 August 2017]




PART B Contents B.1. Research Field B.2. Case Study 1.0 B.3. Case Study 2.0 B.4. Technique: Development. B.5. Technique: Prototypes. B.6. Technique: Proposal. B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.


Herzog de Meuron - de Young Museum


B.1. Research Field




From the part A , I learnt the basic concept of the computational design. Additionally, in the part B I want to develop the computational design though the actual practice on the grasshopper. I'm interesting in the research filed of the patterning. I have discussed the ICD pavilion as the precedent project in the Part A. The patterning as the key element on the forming finding of this pavilion. Additionally, each geometry plywood sheet as the single patterning connection to each other and forming the dynamic construction of the pavilion. This pavilion does not need additional ornamentation, the single patterning of the each plywood sheet has both function of ornamentation and construction

As semper argued the roots of architecture is the ornamentation rather than the construction think ornamentation is important for the modern architecture. The ornamentation elements make the architecture attractively. For example, the Patterning as one of the important ornamentation elements. It could be formed by the cladding material and directly challenge the first-impression of the architecture project. Even though someone claimed the "Surface pattern is independent of the architecture in content and form". However I think it much more than mere surface decoration. I think the ornamentation is important for the architecture like the clothing for the human being. That is, It not only bring aesthetic feeling but also keep warm of the body. Additionally, in the modern society, the social culture of functionalism, and high efficient push me to think of the multiple function of the architecture projects. Informed by the Project:Beijing National Stadium which designed by Herzog & de Meuron. Though the complex steel construction, the form of Beijing National Stadium has the function of load bearing, the ornamentation and the also represent the character regional culture of porcelain.


In the part B I would make choice on the patterning as a reserach field and use grasshopper to develop it. Though the grasshopper, the patterning could be deforms in the different morphology in the begining and also could be make adjustment on the surface though the attract ponit in the end. I would chose the first case study on de Young Museum which designed by the Herzog de Meuron.To development my skill of defoms patterning though this projetct. Additionally, I would chose the Foreign Office Architects - Spanish Pavilion in case study B3 and B4 to develop my skill on the patterning connection and constrcution the form of the acoutsic pods. That is, I want to design the Patterning could start from the basic single elment and logical connection to each other to form the dynamic form in the end. That is, the connection between the single elements is important area to consider during the fabrication. I would try to test them in in the B5 and B6.

Facade pattern of de Young Museum designed by the Herzog de Meuron.


Herzog de Meuron - de Young Museum


B.2. Case Study 1.0

Most interesting of all was the choice for the exterior of the museum. Herzog & de Meuron intentionally chose a copper facade which would slowly become green due to oxidation and therefore fade into its natural surroundings. The facade is also textured to represent light filtering through a tree.

1.change image 2.change geometry 3.Adding attract point 4.change color 25


Change Pattern

Change colours

Change geometry

Chang form

Attract point




Case study example

Intersting example 1

Though using the mapping graph to control the height of the single geometry and to make them have different height on the surface. Which show the control of grasshopper on the parametric design.

Intersting example 2

This one also shows the idea of control by mapping graph the Though the grasshopper leaning of the case study, I have more evolution of ideas in the form finding. In this case study, I pay more interesting in the dynamic form finding though simple patterning. Use the special surface to achieve the dynamic form finding with the simple patterning.


Intersting example 3

Using the colour wheel to address the randomly colour on the single pattern to form the interesting and dynamic patterning.

Intersting example 4

Though add the attach point, the outcome could achieved different mormorphology of explode and enclosure.


Foreign Office Architects - Spanish Pavilion


B.3. Case Study 2.0

Foreign Office Architects - Spanish Pavilion

Introduction This project was designed by the Foreign Office Architects. It built for the Expo 2005, that is all the projects are based on the similar, same condition blank box. Additionally, the architects develop their own idea from the facade and interior design. The design idea of this colourful pavilion is focus on the combination between the European Jewish-Christian cultures and the Islamic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula. It was design with a non-reptitive pattern using six hexagonal ceramic tile pieces, each of the tile pieces were differently shaped and coded with different colour. This project give me the idea to combination the geometrical variety and colour to achieved the changeable pattern of the architecture project. I think this project is interesting to make control of deform of each single hexagonal patterning and joint them together to form the colourful form. Though non-repetitive pattern using six hexagonal ceramic tile pieces. I think in the next stage I could use those non repeating and colourful patterning to develop my own design of the acoustic pods. However, I think it could be more interesting to use the grasshopper to development the deform of it. Though the grasshopper, it easier to control the different parameter of the hexagonal ceramic tile pieces for example I could add the sampling image to the width of hexagonal geometry and make it have more randomly and dynamic looking. Even though the project is limited by the box-forming structure, though the grasshopper, I think the form of this project could be change in much dynamic and interesting way also. 31

B.3. Case Study 2.0 First Idea of Reverse-engineer using grasshopper

Step1 use the five point and move to the 60 degree and use the line to connection to create the six hexagonal geometry. step2offset the outside form of the hexagonal geometry, and loft both line. Additionally, use the outside hexagonal geometry to divide the inside hexagonal geometry Step3 connection the group of six hexagonal geometry by use the hexagonal grid. step4 Input the sample image and arranged the pattern on the surface of facade, didn’t work because the single hexagonal geometry did not follows the patterning to deforms.

Second Idea of Reverse-engineer using grasshopper Step1 create the simple six hexagonal geometry. Step2 connection the group of six hexagonal geometry (deforms and adjustment) step3 select the single hexagonal and correct the point to move step4 arranged the pattern on the surface of facade Step5 loft the thick of the six hexagonal ceramic tile pieces and add the different and randomly colour to the each tile pieces.


B.3. Case Study 2.0 Step1 create the simple six hexagonal geometry. Connection the group of six hexagonal geometry.

STEP 4 Sample patterning. Find the facade picture from the internet, use the Photoshop to make the colour black and white on the elements. Connect the black and white image sample to the offset width of the component.

Step 2 deforms and adjustment the six hexagonal geometry.

STEP3 Select the cell and correct point to move. This only works with one point per curve. Use a single vector to move them all or assign a vector for each point. 35


Step 5 Select the inside and outside line to loft and Use colorwheel to make adjustment of the red orange and yellow color. Use plug in to baked the color form the grasshopher to the rahnio.










Intersting example 1

This example is quite intersting which based on the non standarand geometry and also use the sample image to make the different size of different patterns. Though the lun box, the pattern could be easier make on the surface. When I use lunch box to transfer this pattern to the surface, it's become quite intersting and very dynamic to be a shelter.

Intersting example 2

This outcome is based on the deforms of the hexagon pattern, though the graph mapper to control the different wideth of the line and offset line within patterns.. It shows the idea from tight to relax.

Intersting example 3

This outcome give me the feeling of cross patternng at surface and give me the idea of use curves to fabricated it. Addiitionally the surface would be add different colours to make the overall performance of the output become more dynamic.


Intersting example 4

In the case study 2 the German pavilion it’s more focus on deforms on the single pattern and transfer this patterning to the surface of dynamic form. Though the grasshopper I make the triangular have different outside and inside layer to form the changeable geometry. I put the sample image connection to the distance of the offset of out layer triangular to make the inside triangular deforms.

Chose the one piece patterning from the matrix table. This patterning is based on the simple geometry triangle. Due to the triangle is the most stable construction system, I want to move and bend it to the special form. For example to form the dynamic form of acoustic pods After finish the patterning design of my concept model I, make them to fix the form of dome, bend them in different angles to connection the acoustic pods in real life. Due to my key idea is make the patterning form the model, that is I do not want to build second layer structure to support it. The most challenge is to fix the connection between each single triangular. The required different size connection for bending to the different direction.


B.5. Technique: Prototypes.

Use the rope and steel mesh to tied done the two pieces triangular together, it is rigid connection though the rope rather than the steel mesh. However, this method still does not work because of the angle between the two piece triangular patternings is very hard to measure.

This type of connection would be easier to design on grasshoper. However, it is hard to make change of the thick of material, it only be world when the material is thin and light


B.5. Technique: Prototypes.

3mm Box board produce by the laser cuting machine.

Adding timber at edge connection of two piece of triangular, stable connection between the two elements. However only could form of the 90 degree direction, does not adjust to the concept model requirement which could be fold on the different direction.

First time etch on the edge of the triangular try under taped of two piece of triangular, does not work because the edge is too thick and cannot be bend and fold at all.


B.5. Technique: Prototypes. PROCESS

I test the line, the steel mesh and the timber for the connection, most of them are hard to follow the dynamic form of dome, Finally, I find its easer to make the another triangular to fix the connection between the two triangular pieces. I could be measure and make adjustment outside the model easily. Additionally I could use the unroll command to calculation the size of these triangular connection and use laser cutting to production.


B.5. Technique: Prototypes.

Cut the black cardboard and measure the size of the traingular prime , etching the black cardboard to make the connection between the two traingular patternings. Using rope as temporary support to make the two traingular patterning at right scale and put the blck traingular prime in at glue the double side to make the connection between the trangular patternings

Fabricate the box board of the triangular form of architecture use the rope as temporary support and to measure the distance between the two tringle patterning. Use the black cardboard to folding different size of the triangle prime and joint it to the space between the two triangle prime. This model its suit for the design intend of the acoustic pod, it is semi-closed shelter and could be filled in the different color acoustic foam material to achieve the idea of sound resistance. However the performance of this prototypes not successful in achieving the desired ornamentation performance and not achieving the control of grasshopper on the control of dynamic morphology.


B.6. Technique: Proposal. Presentaion Keep doing the research filed of patterning in the part B program. As we know, the ornamentation is important for giving the identity and aesthetic feeling of architecture. When we talk about the patterning. I think the basic function of patterning is the ornamentation and usually be the cladding material in the facade of building. However, I think the more efficient way is to make the patterning form the architecture project rather than cladding to it. I'm trying to start form the single basic patterning to develop the form finding of the architecture project .My key deign idea is try to use the patterning to produce the form of architecture rather than cladding it to the main structure. Put patterning directly on the form finding of architecture would makes the structure itself has same function of ornamentation and load bearing. . From grasshopper leaning of the case study, I have more evolution of ideas in the form finding. In the first case study, I pay more interesting in the dynamic form finding though simple patterning. The first outcome simple geometry to explode the form of explode, the second one could achieved different form of explode and enclosure. Though the component of attach point, it’s much more each to change the form of architecture and to get what I want. Especially in the one, use the colour wheel to address the randomly colour on the single pattern to form the interesting and dynamic patterning. In the case study 2 the German pavilion it’s more focus on deforms on the single pattern. I chose triangular as the most stable construction structure to form the dynamic form of acoustic pods. Though the grasshopper I make the triangular have different outside and inside layer to form the changeable geometry. I put the sample image connection to the distance of the offset of out layer triangular to make the inside triangular deforms. After finish the patterning design of my concept model I, make them to fix the form of dome, bend them in different angles to connection the acoustic pods in real life. In the later design, I would consider more complexity and dynamic form and use non- standard geometry patterning to form it. For instance,The flower in the nature site give me the idea to make the structure have the similar patterning. It makes the form relation to the site, the flower structure also could be transfer to the geometry language. More important I would consider more on the material choice.Timber performs strongly in the site. I think in the future design, Material chose of the timber which better performance than the concrete in the sound resistance and more elastic for bending and form finding. For example of the brush box which has being used for the interior wall of Sydeny opera house due to its strong acoustic performance and durable function. The hole in the timber structure could increase the acoustic performance of the timber. In addition, I could use more randomly colour acoustic foam to fill the different holes of timber Pattern


Photo from nature site


B.6. Technique: Proposal Presentation Feedback

Photo from nature site

After presentation, the tutor and the guests give me the important suggestion. I really think my design proposal is too simple and not match the subject brief and requirement. In my prototypes I just think need to make the acoustic pods in scale but it does not show the development of technique on the grasshopper, I really need to redone them and make much more interesting proposal to show the technique of the grasshopper. I need to choice more specific precents and follows it and make adjustment in it to suit for the design project of acoustic pods. My prototypes have many drawbacks. The most important thing is it does not show the control of grasshopper. It is so simple and not intersting in the form finding. For the model making cutting from the black cardboard and glue the double side of triangular prime to control the support of the whole model. This still in the traditional way of model making. Actually I could make this model without using the grasshopper. Therefore, this model really not achieved the design brief which represent the development of computational technique. In the Part C design I really think about the model to showing the complexity control of grasshopper. Especially for the fabrication process it also need to show the technology of laser cutting and 3D printing rather by the hand making. I also need to think how to improve the connection of my model, how it could be achieved without add so much glue. There has many works need to development in the Part C but I really need to get better understanding of the design brief. Additionally I think, for the acoustic pods design in the part C I also need to pay attention to how does it relate to the nature site. Not only just the obviously looking, that what I think before, use the pattern from flowers and transfer it to the prototypes. I think the nature site it give us lots of invention much more than the out looking. For example, when I go to the site I see the dead tree on the river, The nature environment of the water is looks not clearly at all. The sandy soil be deposited on the water with clay due to the human activity. That is, I could make the acoustic pod shows the idea of enclosure by the dead tree. I think the idea of enclosure by the dead tree give me a reflection of the negative human behaviour on the nature environment. Refers to suggestion by the guest tutor I think I could add the colour and add more attach points to the outcome I have made to represent the idea of intersting and special morphology and represent the control of thecgrasshopper . More importantly I still need to do more research on the precedents to learn how to fabricated it and make it in postive way.


B.6. Technique: Proposal


B.6. Technique: Proposal Further development of presentation After the middle term presentation, I join the group. The group members have done the research filed on the strip and folding. That is, we decide to make the form of our proposal deforms by the case study of star pavilion. In addition, we want to add some interesting pattering on our form. We want to create the dynamic feeling contrast the stressful feeling in the office. In addition, we also want to bring the nature enjoyment into the office. That is, after 3D print the whole form, we decide to use the nature material for example of bamboo panel and timber veneer. Furthermore, we decide to use the circular pattern which informed by the de Young Museum. The circular pattern is also a quite natural pattern which could be find one the vegetation such as annual ring of trees or top view of bamboo. In the part C, I think the more challenge thing is to develop the 3D joint to support the weave structure.


B.6. Technique: Proposal


Shell Star Pavilion, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 2012


B.7 Learning objects and outcomes The object of this studio is mainly focus on the development of the both design thinking and dexterity with tools. There also still have many objects of the Air studio, I think though last two month study I have developed some areas of the object but still struggling most of them. For example of the development the skill of the computational geometry, parametric modelling and digital fabrication. I never use the parametric design tool and digital design tool before. I think I just have picked up some basic skill of the grasshopper in the past weeks. However it still make me feel challenge to get what I want quickly and easily though the grasshopper. For example, I want to baked the colorful model from the grasshopper to Rhino. I spent the day to search on line to figure out it. I download different plug-in try to achieve it. Even if this example is very simple for someone who are good at using grasshopper. However, for me as the beginner it takes me the whole day to achieve this idea. In addition, many examples to shows my struggling to use the grasshopper to achieve the objects of the Air studio. That is, I need to be more patience and have more logical thinking to use this tool. Additionally , I need spend more time to keep doing the practice to be familiar with grasshopper and to get the objects of this studio. Though the part A and Part B study. I think it is important to development technique the parametric design. From the Part A I learnt the basic idea of parametric design and how it achieved by the modern precedents. However in Part B process I have doing many exercise to be familiar with the parametric design in actual design process. That is, the grasshopper give me many new ideas of design. For example to use the attract point to control the model in different morphology. Using sample image to control the parametric of the model such as the radius and height of the cylinder. However, I did not achieved the developing the ability to make the case for proposals by encouraging construction of rigorous persuasive arguments informed by the contemporary architectural discourse. The reason is I chose the research filed on the patterning and it not give me the powerful idea of how to connection it to the structure and construction. That is, in the later weeks, I need to do more research on the contemporary architecture and to get the critical idea of connection between the patterning and structure.


B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.



B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.



B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches



B.8. Reference

Herzog De Meuron - De Young Museum - Google Search, & b i h = 9 5 8 & t b m = i s c h & s a = 1 & q = H e r z o g % 2 B d e % 2 B M e u r o n % 2 B - % 2 B d e % 2 BYo u n g % 2 B M u s e u m % 2 B & o q = H e r z o g % 2 B d e % 2 B M e u r o n % 2 B - % 2 B d e % 2 BYo u n g % 2 B M u s e u m % 2 B & g s _ l = p s y- a b . 1 2 . . 0 i 3 0k1.3627.5073.0.5934. M: Accessed 15 Sept. 2017. “Contact.” Spanish Pavilion at the 2005 World Expo, Aichi, Japan | Farshid Moussavi, node/27. Accessed 15 Sept. 2017. “Acoustic properties of wood.” Wood Products, 9 Jan. 2014, Accessed 15 Sept. 2017. “Shell Star Pavilion « MATSYS.” MATSYS RSS,




PART C Contents C.1. Design Concept C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C.3. Final Detail Model C.4.Learning Objectives and Outcomes.


C.1. Design Concept

Design of 3D joint on the surface of acoustic pod.

1.1Address feedback from interim presentations Reflect upon the feedback from your interim presentation. How have you addressed these comments/suggestions? What changes have you made to your design proposal, conceptual idea or technique? According to the reflection form the interim presentation, we get the serval question. To begin with the first questions, it about how to construct our complex form of the acoustic pod in the positive way. According to the feedback, we need to consider how to fabricate and construct our model under the grasshopper control. Additionally, we also need to think about the key concept of our design proposal and how it would penetrate the whole design process. That is, those question really push us moving from the digital design process toward the fabrication process. The digital design technique of our proposal the combination between the strip and the pattern.

During the fabrication process. The most important thing is to achieve the dynamic skeleton form. We try to use nature materials which have good elastic and bending performance to support the structure. Additionally, we also use the different morphology 3D print joint as connection between sticks. Those 3d print joints is calculate form the grasshopper. The length of the pipe is different due to the length of curve of form finding is different. The dynamic form is deforms form the surface by the Kangaroo tool. Each of them has own identity, though those joints the stick would be construct into the special angle and posited accurately to achieved the overall form. After the fabrication and construction of the skeleton form, the next step is to make the connection between the panels and the form. Additionally, refers to the feedback we also need to consider the concept behind our proposal. How can we continue develop those concepts during the design process and fabrication process. Furthermore the more important thing is make our proposal would be work in the real life. That is, in the next stage, we need to development our proposal more critical. We need to back to the daily life to think of the loadbearing of structure, the acoustic resistance performance of material, the rigid and aesthetic of the joint and so on. After the interim presentation we changed the form from semi open to more enclosure morphology. The reason is we think more about the acoustic performance of our pods. The previous one which has the lager opening is actually does not work with the sound resistance. Additionally, we also adding the weave in the opening of the acoustic pod. To enforced the concept of dynamic and nature. We put the dense weave in the faรงade of all elevation, and to create the nature sense of surrouding by the cirrus. 57


C.1. Design Concept 1.2 Finalise the concept behind your design proposal Our key concept of this prototype is the functionalist, dynamic and nature. FUNCTIONALIST The conceptual idea is to create the acoustic pod contrast to the surrounding office environment in rhe functionalist way. Relate it to actual site, the office is open and has limited patition, designers working with each other on the square tables, the site is public, open and the arrangement of the furniture is quite regular. We try to follows the organization of the site, use square shape to maximize spatial performanceof the acoustic pod. The reason is, we want to development the form of acoustic in the functional way, Square box shape is the most efficient to use the space rather other geometry shape such as dome or pyramid. Only the square box shape would fill in the space in our retangular site. Moreover, in the commercial building, the space of office is limited we need to think about space utilization. Utmost use space to create the comfortable acoustic pod for small group of people to stay.

DYNAMIC when we think of the dynamic we want to create a more relax, more interesting atmosphere in the acoustic pod to contrast the stressful feeling in the office. We want to use the dynamic weave structure and randomly pattern to catch eyes. When people in the office feel stressful they would watching those dynamic weave surface and changeable pattern. When people sit inside the acoustic pod we want to design a secret and private space. They would have a feeling of surrounding by the cirrus and they would see the outside though the small circle but the outside people cannot see what happen inside.

NATURE. Our acoustic pod is consider to construct to a full scale in real life that isďźŒ in the material choice we pay attention to sustainability, transport, the installation, load bearing and acoustic performance of the material. We try to use the nature and semi- nature material because they are sustainability and easier to get on the market which also means lower cost. Moreover, though using the nature material also could bring the different feeling into the office. We want to create the nature feeling inside the pod which contrast to the stressful atmosphere in the office area. More importantly, our acoustic pod has the dynamic weave surface, therefore use the nature material such as timber products could be the better choice to achieve our design ambition.


C.1. Design Concept 1.2 Finalise the concept behind your design proposal


Site analysis. Moving from the form finding to the pattern choice. We want to our patterning on the acoustic Pod has some functional performance. Refers to our concept of the functionalist we want to make our patterning connection to the sound on the site. Our site is in the solid office without the nature light. The existing acoustic pod is located on the shared office. The yellow hatching used for point out the main sound comes into the pod. From the plan we could know, the entrance of the office, the door, the print machine is on the wester area of the acoustic pod. The door and the print machine would be most noise space in the office. Additionally, there both have shared office space in east and west areas of the acoustic pod. That is, the acoustic pod need to have higher sound resistance in the west area rather than the east. Therefore, we design the patterning of acoustic pod reduction from east to the west.



Form Finding KEY CONCEPT Functionalist —Square shape to maximum the space. Material has the acoustic performance. DANAMIC —The wave structure. Changing pattern Nature —Nature material,Nature morphology. DIGITAL TECHNIQUE Creat the form though Anchor points Kangaroo tool: Baked square grid and set multiple anchor points in the grasshopper. Using those points to produce the form which refers to the key concept.

Work Flow Diagram

Using the sampling image and attach point to control the arrangement and the size of the pattern. Using digital tool to create the pattern which performance randomly size and arrangemrnt, in order to achieved the concept of dynamic.

Structure Elements Joint,Sticks,Panels

Fabrication —3D print joint —hand measurement and cutting sticks —Laser cutting panel and randomly pattern

Construction — Using sticks connect to the 3d print joint to rigid support the whole form. — Making the panel connect to the both joint and stick. —Design the connection between panel and panel.


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 1

The first prototypes is made by the 3d print plastic joint, basal wood sick and the plastic panels. In the first prototypes we want to test the angle of the 3d print joint. We want to make the timber stick be installed in the accurate angle to represent the control by the parametrical tool. In the first prototypes, the bending degree seems under control by the 3d prints. However, the problem is the joint is so crude, we need to change the form and size of those 3d print joint to make them more aesthetical. Another question of this prototypes is the panel cannot fix to the structure. In the beginning we think to test the Perspex panel to make it tied to the joint and timber sticks but this method does not work. Even if the panel could be tied between the joint, is not rigid connection between panel and form structure. In the next stage, we need to think of another connection between form structure and panel.


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 1




Image1 3D print joints using tapes as temporary mark to put them in the right position. Image2 Connecting the balsa wood timber with the 3D print joint. We gets problem that the balsa wood stick is easier to crack and hard to bend. We need to consider to use the timber material which have better bending performance. Additionally, those joint are too big and crude. We need to redesign them in more aesthetical way. Image3 Using glue to tape the panel to the corner of joint. This method does not work at all. The Perspex panel cannot fix to the joint and easy to move and fall down. It requires a more stable connection between panels and the timber sticks and joints,


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 2

The second Prototype is made by the canvas, 3mm diameter rattan and 5mm diameter. The 3d print joint with 8 diameter. This prototype uses to test the connection between the panel and rattan. We want to put the edge of canvas into the space between two rattans. We find its rigid connection because the space between the two rattans is very narrow. This prototypes seem to connect the joint with rattan tightly but we find it still have many problems. For example, to think of this prototype in full scale, we need to think how to dealing with the edge of the pattern rather than put them hanging. Additionally even though we change the scale, the joint still looks crude. That is, in the next test we need to design a joints more completely and also need to merge the pipes in more smoothly way.


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 2

Image1 Change the scale of the joint, make it smaller. Image2 put the 3mm diameter and 5mm diameter rattan into the hole of the 3d print joint. We chose the rattan to instead of the balsa wood stick because the rattan has batter bending performance Image3 Lase cut the canvas, we chose the canvas because it’s a nature material and it has the wave surface. We image the wave surface on the canvas it link to wave surface on the form. More importantly, the canvas is traditional material used for construct the tent, it is easy to strain in the different direction. Image4 fix the canvas to the rattan and canvas


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 3

In the third prototype we want to improve the appearance of the joint. We delete the ball and merge the pipes together. In this prototypes we also improve the connection between the panels and the rattan. In the second prototypes, it leaves much space between the edge and the rattan, in this prototypes we want to the canvas could be fix to the rattan without the gap Though the panelling tool we offset the edge of surface into 1.5 centimetre. After that, we cut the edge into the rectangular shape. In the offset part of the canvas panel, we use a needle and thread to connect the square shape edge to the panel rather than hanging them inside the form structure.

Image 1 using panelling tool to offset the edge of the canvas panel. The red line means the etch the boundary of the panel. The etch part, to make it folding more accurately before connecting to the gap between rattan Image 2 Cutting the edge into the square shape to make it more fix into the gap between rattans 67

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 3

Problem, in this prototypes we find that the gap between the canvas panel and our form structure is very hard to control. More, importantly, we think the canvas is not a good material for the sound resistance. Our key concept is functionalist, the canvas with the hollow out pattern seems not achieved our deign definition. Additionally we find that put two pipe into one hole of the 3D print joint is easier to have deviation and not a positive way. In the next step, we may redesign the joint and chose the nature material have acoustic performance.

Image 3, The improve of the joint. Trying to make the surface of the joint more smooth.


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 4

In this prototypes, we want to test the joint which could have two pipes, and the new material of panel. In this prototype we design the new joint which has the two pipes. The diameter of each pipe is 3mm and the thick of the joint is 2mm. In addition, the gap between the upper rattan and bottom rattan is 2mm. The thick of the panel is 2mm. This joint could control the gap between the 2 rattans accurately. Moreover, this joint have more flat and smooth surface which could block the edge of the bamboo panel. That is, in this joint we reduce the gap between the panel and joint. In this prototype we also test the material of timber veneer. We think this material would be used in our final model because it is nature material and have better acoustic resistance performance.


C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C2.1Prototypes 4

In this prototypes we also testing the edge of the panel to make them though the gap between the rattan. Problem, even though this prototypes we seem to find the positive way to connect the panel with the rattan. However, we find that exposed the joint and rattan on the surface actually is not aesthetic. Our design ambition is to make a nature and dynamic acoustic pod. If we exposed so many joints and rattan on the surface it could interrupt the view and lose the identity of dynamic. That is, after test the different way of create the gap between rattans to connect the panel we find this method does not work in the positive way, Furthermore, for the presentation model, we need to try our best to hide the joint and rattan, to make the surface of acoustic pod be dynamic and continuity flowing of the timber veneer.


C.3.Final Detail Model

Top layer made by bamboo panel

Bottom layer made by 2 layers timber veneer In the presentation model we use the 3d print joint, the nail, the 4mm rattan and the bamboo panel as top layer and 2 layers timber Veneer at bottom panel. In the presentation model we improve the quality of the joint. We change the diameter of the pip, we make it smaller from inside to the outside. The 3d print joint is key element in our design, it helps us to achieve the bending performance of the form. The joint is made by the 4 pipes, the length of each pipe is different because the joint is generate from the structure line of the form structure of the acoustic pod. Though the kangaroo tool, the force make whole form deformation and make each structure line have different length. The joints is generate from the structure line therefore, each pipe of joints have different length. After we 3d print the joint, we measure the length of the rattan and cut them fix to hole of joint. Moving from the construction of form structure to the design of pattern. We design the different scale of circles in the surface of bamboo panel because we want to enforce our key concept of the dynamic and nature. The circular pattern is made of curve and it have the character of dynamic. In addition, our acoustic pod is made of by the nature material of bamboo and rattan we use different scale circle also represent the shape of nature vegetation. The top view of the bamboom. For the presentation model we want to make the surface of model looks more aesthetical and dynamic. We change the connection between the bamboo panel and form structure. We want to hide the joint and rattan to make the surface of bamboo panel does not be interrupt by the joints. Additionally, we also want to makes the bamboo panel fix to the structure more rigid. That is we use nails and hammer to make panel connect to the rattan. Though this method the 3d print joint would behind the bamboo panel. In addition, we use 2 bamboo panels fix to the rattan in the exterior surface and interior surface. The 2 layer of bamboo panel not only hide the joint and rattan both inside and outside but also increased the acoustic performance and nature feeling of acoustic pod.


In the presentation model we also finalise the concept of functionalist, dynamic and nature. Though the concept of functionalist, we design the square shape form to maximum the space. In addition, we chose the 2 layer bamboo panel to achieve the better sound resistance performance. To achieved the concept of dynamic, we design of joint to make it support weaved structure meanwhile we keep improved it to make it fix to the structure and be hided between the two layer of panels to create the interrupt view. We put the dense weave in the surface and opeing to create the nature sense of surrouding by the cirrus. Moreover, we keep testing different nature material, and put the changeable circular pattern on the bamboo panel surface to emphasise the feeling of nature, organic and sustainability. Our design of acoustic pod not only includes the concept of functionalist, dynamic and nature. In this prototype we also explored the combination between the nature materials and control of parametric design tool. Though the fabrication process of prototypes, we believed the parametrical design tool would give many designers new way of thinking traditional material to be used in the modern architecture.


C.3.Final Detail Model

Prototypes testing

First prototype use for testing the bending performance of form structure.

Second prototype use for testing the panel connection to the form.

Third prototype use for testing th and dealing with the edge of pan



he new type of joint nel

Fourth prototype use for testing the “two-pipes� joint and the gap between two pipes, the performance of bamboo panel.

Firth prototype use for testing the joint with more smooth appearance and nail connection between the panels and rattans. In addition, it also tests the bending performance of bamboo panels and timber Veneer.


C.3.Final Detail Model

Presentation Feedback After the project presentations we consider the feedback given by the tutor and guest tutor. We need to be more critical to think how to develop our prototype in full scale, in real life. The first area we need to think of the connection between the panel and joints. We used the small nail fix the panel into the rattan, actually it not represent the control of parametric tool. When we construct this prototype in the full scale, it would be hard to fix the each panel in the accurate position. Additionally, it could easy to make the gap between two panels. Even though the nails make the rigid connection between the rattan and bamboo panel, it does not make the accurate connection. That is we need to think another connection instead of nails. In addition, we also need to design the connection not only between the panel and structure form, but also the connection between panels. Furthermore, refers to feedback gave by the guest tutor, we also need to think of the cost of 3d print joint in full scale model. Those 3D print joints is quite expensive, we need to use them in more efficient way. Therefore, after the presentation we want to improve our joint, we spilt the holes on the joint and panel and use pipes run though to make joint also could connect the 2 layer panels. Moreover, we also find that bamboo panel is thicker than the timer veneer. However when we bend them we found the timber veneers are very easy to crack. That is we think the bamboo panels is better choice for our final proposal because it has better sound resistance due to thickness and also have better bending performance than timber veneers.


C.3.Final Detail Model

Further development of the Joint In the first test we draw the pipes (red and orange) on the joint. And split the hole on the existing joint. The red one is small than the orange one. We want to use the orange pipe to lock the red pipe. We also draw the different scale of ring to test which one could performance better to lock the pipe in the hole of pattern. However, this test cannot be 3D print because the diameter of pipe is 2mm. If we want to print it, we need to offset the surface and make it solid.We print those pipes outside the school. We only could print the pipe with minimal 2mm thickness. The diameter of the orange pipe is 2.6mm the diameter of the red pipe is 2mm. If we make the thickness of pipe 2mm, the orange pipe cannot block the red pipe anymore. That is, we design another joint which have cap to block the small pipes on top and bottom.


C.3.Final Detail Model Further development of the Joint & Prototypes

Drawing of construction process of the further development prototypes

Drawing the pipe on the joint

Drawing a cap to lock the bottom of pipes

The overall drawing of the further development joint.

Cutting the holes on the joint by splitting the pipes

Using pipes to connecting the top layer panel

Connecting the top layer panel and bottom layer panel.

Reducing the length of the pipe to fix the panel tightly after measurement.

Fixing the joint with panels.

Cutting the holes for pipes run though the panels 78

C.3.Final Detail Model Photos of construction process of the further development prototypes

Reprint the 3D joint, design the holes on each joints.

Laser cutting the bamboo panels which have the new edges

Connecting the panels to the rattan form structure by running though black joints into the holes in white joints

Design the puzzle connection between the bamboo panels 79

C.4.Learning Objectives and Outcomes Further development prototypes In this prototypes we use two layer of bamboo panel because the bamboo panels is thicker than the timber panel and have better bending and load bearing performanc.After presentation we redesign our prototypes. We want to make our 3d print joints be more efficiently. We add additional pipes and hoes on the existing joints. We using the additional black joints to connect the bamboo panels into the holes in the structure joints. In addition, to reduce the gaps between the bamboo panels we also design the puzzle connection to make panels connect more rigidly. Even though we have made 6 prototypes, our final prototypes still have some shortcomings. If I have more time, I would improve the appearance of joint, us another plug-in the grasshopper to produce the joint. For example of the exoskeleton, the plug-in could make existing mash to the thicker mesh. I think in the future I could use this plug-in to produce more suitable joints for our prototypes. Additional, I think our puzzle connection not performance very well as I expect. I think in the future I could design more complicated and more rigidly puzzle connection between our panels. In addition, if we have more time we would put rattans into the water for several days. The seller in the furniture store told us that would make rattans have better bending performance before we bend them.Furthermore, I would find the better shop to 3D print the joint and form in better quality.


C.4.Learning Objectives and Outcomes

3D Printed form


C.4.Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Objective 1. “interrogat[ing] a brief” In the part A I learnt the basic concept of the parametric design. In the Part B I development the skill of the computational design, parametric modelling and some basic idea of digital fabrication. In the Part C I spent more time in the development of skill of digital fabrication and using the parametric tool to design a architecture project in real life. Though the part C, it helps me to understand of parametric design more deeply especially when it connect to the problems in reality. For example, in our studio we have the brief to design acoustic pod in the office. During the fabrication process we need to think about the materiality, we need to think how to get the material have sound resistance performance and bending performance. Though the prototypes making process I also gradually close to the brief. For expel of improvement of 3d print joint, it helps our prototype more critical to represent the construction process which under control of the parametric design tool.

Objective 3. developing “skills in various three dimensional media” The 3D print joint is the key element in our prototypes. It helps me to construct the structure of our prototype under control of the parametric design tool. Though the 3d print joint, our key concept of dynamic could be achieved by the waved and bending form of prototypes. In the part C we design the 6 kinds 3D joint and print them to test. We keep improve the appearance and function of the 3D print joints.

Objective 2. developing “an ability to generate a variety of design possibilities for a given situation”

Objective 4. developing “an understanding of relationships between architecture and air”

Though the case study in part B we get the many interesting outcomes. In the part C when we development our parametric design in the real life. Though the grasshopper, we could change the outcomes to adjust the site, key concept and functional requirement. For example, we use the attach point to change the size of holes on the form surface to make it looks more randomly and more dynamic. Additionally we also changed arrangement of the holes make them reduction from east to the west according to the site situation.

My understanding of the air is refers to the feeling of architecture. Back to our design brief of design acoustic pod in the office. The feeling of acoustic pod needs to be privacy and safety. That is, we design weave structure to give the encircled feeling to people inside the acoustic pod. Especially in the opening of the acoustic pod, it enforced the feeling of surrounding by the cirrus. Our site is in the office, we also though dynamic form and changeable circle pattern to make the people in site feel interesting and relaxing..


Objective 5. developing “the ability to make a case for proposals�

Objective 7. develop foundational understandings of computational design tool.

In the part B I make the proposal which informed by the Spanish pavilion, thre structure of it is too simple and not attractive. In the part C, I joined the group and make the proposal which informed the form by the start pavilion and the patterning by de Young Museum. The idea from different research fileds such as strip, folding and patterning make our proposal becoming more interesting.

In the part C, I develop the understanding of grasshopper and be more familiar to use it to get what I want. For example, I use the list item component in grasshopper and give each item a unique number to sequence them. After that I select the structure lines correctly and make pipes on those structure lines to produce a structure joint.

Objective 6. develop capabilities for conceptual, design analyses of contemporary architectural projects

Objective 8. begin developing a personalised repertoire of computational techniques

We developed the concept of behind those architecture precedents rather than directly copy them. For example of the form finding, the Shell star though minimizing structure and material to achieved his ambition that maximizes its spatial performance. However, our site is a rectangular space, and in order to achieve sound resistance the material should have certain thickness. Therefore, we deforms our acoustic pod into square shape to maximize its spatial performance rather than use the lightweight material such as plastic and paper.

Though the part B I done the research filed of patterning. In the part C I developing my computational skill on patterning design of architecture. I’m be familiar to use the grasshopper to produce and control the patterning on our prototypes. For example. I use sampling image, attach points and graph mapper to adjust the size and arrangement of the circular pattern on the surface of form.


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