Contents B.1. Research Field B.2. Case Study 1.0 B.3. Case Study 2.0 B.4. Technique: Development. B.5. Technique: Prototypes. B.6. Technique: Proposal. B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes. B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.
B.1. Research Field
From the part A , I learnt the basic concept of the computational design. Additionally, in the part B I want to develop the computational design though the actual practice on the grasshopper. I'm interesting in the research filed of the patterning. I have discussed the ICD pavilion as the precedent project in the Part A. The patterning as the key element on the forming finding of this pavilion. Additionally, each geometry plywood sheet as the single patterning connection to each other and forming the dynamic construction of the pavilion. This pavilion does not need additional ornamentation, the single patterning of the each plywood sheet has both function of ornamentation and construction
As semper argued the roots of architecture is the ornamentation rather than the construction think ornamentation is important for the modern architecture. The ornamentation elements make the architecture attractively. For example, the Patterning as one of the important ornamentation elements. It could be formed by the cladding material and directly challenge the first-impression of the architecture project. Even though someone claimed the "Surface pattern is independent of the architecture in content and form". However I think it much more than mere surface decoration. I think the ornamentation is important for the architecture like the clothing for the human being. That is, It not only bring aesthetic feeling but also keep warm of the body. Additionally, in the modern society, the social culture of functionalism, and high efficient push me to think of the multiple function of the architecture projects. Informed by the Project:Beijing National Stadium which designed by Herzog & de Meuron. Though the complex steel construction, the form of Beijing National Stadium has the function of load bearing, the ornamentation and the also represent the character regional culture of porcelain.
In the part B I would make choice on the patterning as a reserach field and use grasshopper to develop it. Though the grasshopper, the patterning could be deforms in the different morphology in the begining and also could be make adjustment on the surface though the attract ponit in the end. I would chose the first case study on de Young Museum which designed by the Herzog de Meuron.To development my skill of defoms patterning though this projetct. Additionally, I would chose the Foreign Office Architects - Spanish Pavilion in case study B3 and B4 to develop my skill on the patterning connection and constrcution the form of the acoutsic pods. That is, I want to design the Patterning could start from the basic single elment and logical connection to each other to form the dynamic form in the end. That is, the connection between the single elements is important area to consider during the fabrication. I would try to test them in in the B5 and B6.
Facade pattern of de Young Museum designed by the
Herzog de Meuron.
Herzog de Meuron - de Young Museum
B.2. Case Study 1.0
Most interesting of all was the choice for the exterior of the museum. Herzog & de Meuron intentionally chose a copper facade which would slowly become green due to oxidation and therefore fade into its natural surroundings. The facade is also textured to represent light filtering through a tree.
1.change image 2.change geometry 3.Adding attract point 4.change color
Change Pattern
Change colours
Change geometry
Chang form
Attract point
Case study example
Intersting example 1
Though using the mapping graph to control the height of the single geometry and to make them have different height on the surface. Which show the control of grasshopper on the parametric design.
Intersting example 2
This one also shows the idea of control by mapping graph the Though the grasshopper leaning of the case study, I have more evolution of ideas in the form finding. In this case study, I pay more interesting in the dynamic form finding though simple patterning. Use the special surface to achieve the dynamic form finding with the simple patterning. 8
Intersting example 3
Using the colour wheel to address the randomly colour on the single pattern to form the interesting and dynamic patterning.
Intersting example 4
Though add the attach point, the outcome could achieved different mormorphology of explode and enclosure.
Foreign Office Architects - Spanish Pavilion
B.3. Case Study 2.0
Foreign Office Architects - Spanish Pavilion
Introduction This project was designed by the Foreign Office Architects. It built for the Expo 2005, that is all the projects are based on the similar, same condition blank box. Additionally, the architects develop their own idea from the facade and interior design. The design idea of this colourful pavilion is focus on the combination between the European Jewish-Christian cultures and the Islamic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula. It was design with a non-reptitive pattern using six hexagonal ceramic tile pieces, each of the tile pieces were differently shaped and coded with different colour. This project give me the idea to combination the geometrical variety and colour to achieved the changeable pattern of the architecture project. I think this project is interesting to make control of deform of each single hexagonal patterning and joint them together to form the colourful form. Though non-repetitive pattern using six hexagonal ceramic tile pieces. I think in the next stage I could use those non repeating and colourful patterning to develop my own design of the acoustic pods. However, I think it could be more interesting to use the grasshopper to development the deform of it. Though the grasshopper, it easier to control the different parameter of the hexagonal ceramic tile pieces for example I could add the sampling image to the width of hexagonal geometry and make it have more randomly and dynamic looking. Even though the project is limited by the box-forming structure, though the grasshopper, I think the form of this project could be change in much dynamic and interesting way also. 11
B.3. Case Study 2.0 First Idea of Reverse-engineer using grasshopper
Step1 use the five point and move to the 60 degree and use the line to connection to create the six hexagonal geometry. step2offset the outside form of the hexagonal geometry, and loft both line. Additionally, use the outside hexagonal geometry to divide the inside hexagonal geometry Step3 connection the group of six hexagonal geometry by use the hexagonal grid. step4 Input the sample image and arranged the pattern on the surface of facade, didn’t work because the single hexagonal geometry did not follows the patterning to deforms.
Second Idea of Reverse-engineer using grasshopper Step1 create the simple six hexagonal geometry. Step2 connection the group of six hexagonal geometry (deforms and adjustment) step3 select the single hexagonal and correct the point to move step4 arranged the pattern on the surface of facade Step5 loft the thick of the six hexagonal ceramic tile pieces and add the different and randomly colour to the each tile pieces.
B.3. Case Study 2.0 Step1 create the simple six hexagonal geometry. Connection the group of six hexagonal geometry.
STEP 4 Sample patterning. Find the facade picture from the internet, use the Photoshop to make the colour black and white on the elements. Connect the black and white image sample to the offset width of the component.
Step 2 deforms and adjustment the six hexagonal geometry.
STEP3 Select the cell and correct point to move. This only works with one point per curve. Use a single vector to move them all or assign a vector for each point.
Step 5 Select the inside and outside line to loft and Use colorwheel to make adjustment of the red orange and yellow color. Use plug in to baked the color form the grasshopher to the rahnio.
Intersting example 1
This example is quite intersting which based on the non standarand geometry and also use the sample image to make the different size of different patterns. Though the lun box, the pattern could be easier make on the surface. When I use lunch box to transfer this pattern to the surface, it's become quite intersting and very dynamic to be a shelter.
Intersting example 2
This outcome is based on the deforms of the hexagon pattern, though the graph mapper to control the different wideth of the line and offset line within patterns.. It shows the idea from tight to relax.
Intersting example 3
This outcome give me the feeling of cross patternng at surface and give me the idea of use curves to fabricated it. Addiitionally the surface would be add different colours to make the overall performance of the output become more dynamic.
Intersting example 4
In the case study 2 the German pavilion it’s more focus on deforms on the single pattern and transfer this patterning to the surface of dynamic form. Though the grasshopper I make the triangular have different outside and inside layer to form the changeable geometry. I put the sample image connection to the distance of the offset of out layer triangular to make the inside triangular deforms.
Chose the one piece patterning from the matrix table. This patterning is based on the simple geometry triangle. Due to the triangle is the most stable construction system, I want to move and bend it to the special form. For example to form the dynamic form of acoustic pods After finish the patterning design of my concept model I, make them to fix the form of dome, bend them in different angles to connection the acoustic pods in real life. Due to my key idea is make the patterning form the model, that is I do not want to build second layer structure to support it. The most challenge is to fix the connection between each single triangular. The required different size connection for bending to the different direction. 17
B.5. Technique: Prototypes.
Use the rope and steel mesh to tied done the two pieces triangular together, it is rigid connection though the rope rather than the steel mesh. However, this method still does not work because of the angle between the two piece triangular patternings is very hard to measure.
This type of connection would be easier to design on grasshoper. However, it is hard to make change of the thick of material, it only be world when the material is thin and light
B.5. Technique: Prototypes.
3mm Box board produce by the laser cuting machine.
Adding timber at edge connection of two piece of triangular, stable connection between the two elements. However only could form of the 90 degree direction, does not adjust to the concept model requirement which could be fold on the different direction.
First time etch on the edge of the triangular try under taped of two piece of triangular, does not work because the edge is too thick and cannot be bend and fold at all.
B.5. Technique: Prototypes. PROCESS
I test the line, the steel mesh and the timber for the connection, most of them are hard to follow the dynamic form of dome, Finally, I find its easer to make the another triangular to fix the connection between the two triangular pieces. I could be measure and make adjustment outside the model easily. Additionally I could use the unroll command to calculation the size of these triangular connection and use laser cutting to production.
B.5. Technique: Prototypes.
Cut the black cardboard and measure the size of the traingular prime , etching the black cardboard to make the connection between the two traingular patternings. Using rope as temporary support to make the two traingular patterning at right scale and put the blck traingular prime in at glue the double side to make the connection between the trangular patternings
Fabricate the box board of the triangular form of architecture use the rope as temporary support and to measure the distance between the two tringle patterning. Use the black cardboard to folding different size of the triangle prime and joint it to the space between the two triangle prime. This model its suit for the design intend of the acoustic pod, it is semi-closed shelter and could be filled in the different color acoustic foam material to achieve the idea of sound resistance. However the performance of this prototypes not successful in achieving the desired ornamentation performance and not achieving the control of grasshopper on the control of dynamic morphology.
B.6. Technique: Proposal. Presentaion Keep doing the research filed of patterning in the part B program. As we know, the ornamentation is important for giving the identity and aesthetic feeling of architecture. When we talk about the patterning. I think the basic function of patterning is the ornamentation and usually be the cladding material in the facade of building. However, I think the more efficient way is to make the patterning form the architecture project rather than cladding to it. I'm trying to start form the single basic patterning to develop the form finding of the architecture project .My key deign idea is try to use the patterning to produce the form of architecture rather than cladding it to the main structure. Put patterning directly on the form finding of architecture would makes the structure itself has same function of ornamentation and load bearing. . From grasshopper leaning of the case study, I have more evolution of ideas in the form finding. In the first case study, I pay more interesting in the dynamic form finding though simple patterning. The first outcome simple geometry to explode the form of explode, the second one could achieved different form of explode and enclosure. Though the component of attach point, it’s much more each to change the form of architecture and to get what I want. Especially in the one, use the colour wheel to address the randomly colour on the single pattern to form the interesting and dynamic patterning. In the case study 2 the German pavilion it’s more focus on deforms on the single pattern. I chose triangular as the most stable construction structure to form the dynamic form of acoustic pods. Though the grasshopper I make the triangular have different outside and inside layer to form the changeable geometry. I put the sample image connection to the distance of the offset of out layer triangular to make the inside triangular deforms. After finish the patterning design of my concept model I, make them to fix the form of dome, bend them in different angles to connection the acoustic pods in real life. In the later design, I would consider more complexity and dynamic form and use non- standard geometry patterning to form it. For instance,The flower in the nature site give me the idea to make the structure have the similar patterning. It makes the form relation to the site, the flower structure also could be transfer to the geometry language. More important I would consider more on the material choice.Timber performs strongly in the site. I think in the future design, Material chose of the timber which better performance than the concrete in the sound resistance and more elastic for bending and form finding. For example of the brush box which has being used for the interior wall of Sydeny opera house due to its strong acoustic performance and durable function. The hole in the timber structure could increase the acoustic performance of the timber. In addition, I could use more randomly colour acoustic foam to fill the different holes of timber Pattern
Photo from nature site
B.6. Technique: Proposal Presentation Feedback
Photo from nature site
After presentation, the tutor and the guests give me the important suggestion. I really think my design proposal is too simple and not match the subject brief and requirement. In my prototypes I just think need to make the acoustic pods in scale but it does not show the development of technique on the grasshopper, I really need to redone them and make much more interesting proposal to show the technique of the grasshopper. I need to choice more specific precents and follows it and make adjustment in it to suit for the design project of acoustic pods. My prototypes have many drawbacks. The most important thing is it does not show the control of grasshopper. It is so simple and not intersting in the form finding. For the model making cutting from the black cardboard and glue the double side of triangular prime to control the support of the whole model. This still in the traditional way of model making. Actually I could make this model without using the grasshopper. Therefore, this model really not achieved the design brief which represent the development of computational technique. In the Part C design I really think about the model to showing the complexity control of grasshopper. Especially for the fabrication process it also need to show the technology of laser cutting and 3D printing rather by the hand making. I also need to think how to improve the connection of my model, how it could be achieved without add so much glue. There has many works need to development in the Part C but I really need to get better understanding of the design brief. Additionally I think, for the acoustic pods design in the part C I also need to pay attention to how does it relate to the nature site. Not only just the obviously looking, that what I think before, use the pattern from flowers and transfer it to the prototypes. I think the nature site it give us lots of invention much more than the out looking. For example, when I go to the site I see the dead tree on the river, The nature environment of the water is looks not clearly at all. The sandy soil be deposited on the water with clay due to the human activity. That is, I could make the acoustic pod shows the idea of enclosure by the dead tree. I think the idea of enclosure by the dead tree give me a reflection of the negative human behaviour on the nature environment. Refers to suggestion by the guest tutor I think I could add the colour and add more attach points to the outcome I have made to represent the idea of intersting and special morphology and represent the control of thecgrasshopper . More importantly I still need to do more research on the precedents to learn how to fabricated it and make it in postive way.
B.6. Technique: Proposal
B.7 Learning objects and outcomes The object of this studio is mainly focus on the development of the both design thinking and dexterity with tools. There also still have many objects of the Air studio, I think though last two month study I have developed some areas of the object but still struggling most of them. For example of the development the skill of the computational geometry, parametric modelling and digital fabrication. I never use the parametric design tool and digital design tool before. I think I just have picked up some basic skill of the grasshopper in the past weeks. However it still make me feel challenge to get what I want quickly and easily though the grasshopper. For example, I want to baked the colorful model from the grasshopper to Rhino. I spent the day to search on line to figure out it. I download different plug-in try to achieve it. Even if this example is very simple for someone who are good at using grasshopper. However, for me as the beginner it takes me the whole day to achieve this idea. In addition, many examples to shows my struggling to use the grasshopper to achieve the objects of the Air studio. That is, I need to be more patience and have more logical thinking to use this tool. Additionally , I need spend more time to keep doing the practice to be familiar with grasshopper and to get the objects of this studio. Though the part A and Part B study. I think it is important to development technique the parametric design. From the Part A I learnt the basic idea of parametric design and how it achieved by the modern precedents. However in Part B process I have doing many exercise to be familiar with the parametric design in actual design process. That is, the grasshopper give me many new ideas of design. For example to use the attract point to control the model in different morphology. Using sample image to control the parametric of the model such as the radius and height of the cylinder. However, I did not achieved the developing the ability to make the case for proposals by encouraging construction of rigorous persuasive arguments informed by the contemporary architectural discourse. The reason is I chose the research filed on the patterning and it not give me the powerful idea of how to connection it to the structure and construction. That is, in the later weeks, I need to do more research on the contemporary architecture and to get the critical idea of connection between the patterning and structure.
B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.
B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.
B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches.
Reference Herzog De Meuron - De Young Museum - Google Search, & b i h = 9 5 8 & t b m = i s c h & s a = 1 & q = H e r z o g % 2 B d e % 2 B M e u r o n % 2 B - % 2 B d e % 2 BYo u n g % 2 B M u s e u m % 2 B & o q = H e r z o g % 2 B d e % 2 B M e u r o n % 2 B - % 2 B d e % 2 BYo u n g % 2 B M u s e u m % 2 B & g s _ l = p s y- a b . 1 2 . . 0 i 3 0k1.3627.5073.0.5934. M: Accessed 15 Sept. 2017. “Contact.” Spanish Pavilion at the 2005 World Expo, Aichi, Japan | Farshid Moussavi, node/27. Accessed 15 Sept. 2017. “Acoustic properties of wood.” Wood Products, 9 Jan. 2014, Accessed 15 Sept. 2017.