Edital de Cases do JEWC

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1. About The Call This call has the intention to submit the rules and requirements for submission of case studies to be presented in the Junior Enterprise World Conference 2012 (JEWC 2012). The presentation of case studies aims to create exchanges of experiences between junior enterprises and entrepreneurs. 2. About The Organization JEWC 2012 is an idealization of the European Junior Enterprises Confederation (JADE) and Brazilian Junior Enterprises Confederation (Brasil Júnior), supported by Brasil Júnior and brought to you by the Minas Gerais State Junior Enterprises Federation (FEJEMG) and the Rio de Janeiro State Junior Enterprises Federation (RioJunior). 3. About The Event JEWC is the event that gathers junior entrepreneurs from several countries and that is returning to Brazil after eight years, where it takes place from the 6th of August to the 10th, 2012, in Paraty, a city of Rio de Janeiro state. Its motto “One world, one network” seeks to provide a discussion among junior entrepreneurs from various parts of the globe of how the Junior Enterprise Network can unite and impact a much more globalized society, putting together this network of information. In order the discussion generates better results, each day of the event will have a sub-theme, as presented below. The following day will always complement the day before, in a way to increase concepts, creating a “knowledge escalation”. ● Evolve Evolution is the theme of the first day in JEWC’s schedule and its key-word is deconstruction. On this day, participants will be shown that questioning, breaking paradigms, the criticism of hypothesis and concepts are healthy and essential to an

environment that is always changing, growing and evolving to a more innovative and creative environment. We will have the deconstruction of certainties to construct new hypothesis and concepts that are more compatible with the environment in which we operate. ● Undertake After generating an intense debate on what exactly brings value to the Network, the second day of schedule seeks to inspire the junior entrepreneur to undertake. And so that the speech won’t be evasive or ordinary, work will be done in order to generate this inspiration in every aspect, in a way that the junior entrepreneur himself is able to be motivated. The entrepreneur will have the opportunity to start undertaking for real, reflecting and forming ideas on possible ventures. ● Transform This day will give the participants a wide and full of innovative activities schedule that will transform their perspective and vision about everything that surrounds them. Themes like new ventures, social businesses, practices that impact society and culture of Paraty will be part of the agenda throughout the day. 4. The Case studies 4.1. Every case study must be submitted and sent in English. Case studies in any other language will NOT be accepted. 4.2. The content of the study case must present in a clear and objective way the environment background, the needs of its implementation, the way it was executed and, above all, results achieved - whether they are positive or negative. 4.3. It’s important to pay attention to the following, which are valid to every theme of case studies submitted: • Each case study must be classified into one of the themes described below; • Each case study must be classified in one of the subjects, related and differentiated in each of the themes;

• The descriptive presentation of the case study must be divided in: Introduction, Development and Conclusion with the results achieved. • The JE must write a brief abstract which will be sent through the submission form (1.000 characters maximum, spaces included) and will be used for the description that will be available for participants and in the E-Prátikas (that will be attented later). • The author organization that has its case study approved will be granted a spot for one (1) member of the JE. However, it doesn’t mean the spot is free, but that the JE will have a spot even if the registration is sold out. 4.4. About the Case Studies Themes The confederated junior enterprises, JE Organizations (núcleos), federations and confederations may submit case studies to the following categories: 4.4.1 Internal Practices Description: Case studies referring to management tools, processes or internal projects or issues exclusively associated with Internal Management. Key words: Interdependence, Networking, Results The theme will be classified according to the following subjects: - Strategy: It refers to consolidation practices, spread and refinement of the strategic planning of the company, as well as the capacity to comply with it. - Market: Practices related to prospecting, satisfaction and customer loyalty relating to external projects, as well as the effectiveness of the negotiation and the quality of the proposal. Project management and the capacity of planning and project follow-up practices, after the final report is delivered. - Society: Practices related to prospecting partners and initiatives that direct to social responsibility management.

- Junior Enteprise Network: Practices related to every way of representativeness in the Junior Enteprise Network, as well as the members participation in events and in JE organizations. - Financial: Practices related to the optimization of the financial planning capacity, as well as investments, risk provision, income from the Confederation and others. - People: Practices related to human resources management, as well as the attracting, retaining, training, developing and evaluating processes. - Internal Management: Improvements in the organizational structure, in the management processes of the actual space of the enterprise, information technology tools, knowledge management practices and organizational learning. 4.4.2. External Project Description: Case studies related to the services provided to JE costumers, accordingly to the core business of the organization. Key words: Innovation, Transformation, Results The theme will be classified according to the following subjects: - First Sector: In case the project was made for governmental organizations. - Second Sector: In case the project was made for private organizations. - Third Sector: In case the project was made for non-profitable organizations. 4.4.3 Management Model Description: Case studies related to the management system of the JE, as well as the description of how it works and the practical implementation in a way to carry on the mission and JE’s strategic vision.

Key-words: Organizational development, Innovation. 4.4.4. Federations / JE Organizations (Núcleos) Description: Case studies related to practices and management tools of a Federation or a JE Organization (Núcleo) that help in complying with its five basic action pillars or its internal management. Key-words: Networking, Results, Innovation. The theme will be classified according to the following subjects: - Integration: Practices taken to stimulate the JE and junior entrepreneurs’ integration, with the purpose to help the knowledge exchange and to unify junior enterprises and their junior entrepreneurs under one common goal. - Fostering and Guidance: Stimulation and fostering practices to the opening of new JEs in the state or province, through the dissemination of goals and benefits in the Graduation Courses and Graduation Institutions that are not a part of the Network yet and guidance to JE in formation for an organized growth, adjusted to the Network principles. - Representativeness: Practices taken that guarantee the representativeness of the Network goals before companies, partners, Government, community that relates directly to the JE, Graduation Institutions of the state or province and of the country. - Regimentation: Practices related to the regimentation of JEs and corrective actions to not compliant JEs or to those that commit offenses against the Network. - Support and Alignment: Practices that contribute to the federated JE’s development and that guarantee the strategic alignment of them with the

Federation or the JE Organization (Núcleo). 5. The Ambev1 Awards 5.1. Ambev doesn’t believe in intangible dreams, because any idea - regardless of its proportion - may become reality in the hands of talented and dedicated professionals. With the purpose of highlight and award those professionals, the 1st Ambev Junior Enterprise Awards will take place in the JEWC 2012. This action seeks to stimulate young entrepreneurs to apply their talents, utilizing Ambev principles: big dreams, excellent people and strong culture. 5.2. Every case study submitted to JEWC is able to apply for the Ambev Awards. 5.3. In order to participate of the Awards, the JE will have to submit a briefing up to one (1) page alongside with the case study, in the same format as listed on the item 8 and complying with the deadlines on item 11. 5.4. The brief will have to respond to the following question: Which Ambev principle (item 5.5) is related to the practice of your JE described in the case study and why? 5.5. About the principles: - Big Dreams: This principle is related to the capacity of idealizing and accomplishing a bold goal. Key-words: Be better, dream, challenge, results. - Excellent People: Excellent people, with freedom to grow in speeds according to their talents and rewarded properly are the most valuable assets of a company. Key-words: Excellent people, free paths, leaders, meritocracy, team, challenges, development. 1

Ambev is the biggest beverage producer in Brazil and sponsor of JEWC 2012

- Strong Culture: We are never completely satisfied with our results. Focus and zero tolerance help to ensure a competitive and longing advantage. Key-word: Sustainable results, victories, challenges. 5.6. The case studies submitted to the Awards will be sent with their briefs to Ambev, which will be responsible for selecting the case studies to be presented. 5.7. The speakers will have five minutes to present the case study, followed by 5 minutes of questions from the evaluators. It is noteworthy that it is a different presentation than JEWC’s, and all of them are presented in English. 5.8. The Ambev Awards will contemplate the first 3 positions in each category. After defined the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each one of the three categories, the award will be the same for each of them. Here they are below: - 1st place in each of the categories: 01 (one) INDG course for the winner junior enterprise; R$10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) to purchase books for the Institution to which the JE belongs to and 01 (one) contemplative plaque. - 2nd place in each of the categories: R$1,000.00 (one thousand reais) to purchase books for the Institution to which the JE belongs to and 01 (one) contemplative plaque. - 3rd place in each of the categories: 01 (one) contemplative plaque. The INDG course will be held by Ambev in the JE itself, in a date to be determined by Ambev and the JE previously. After scheduled and approved by both parts, the date may not suffer any alteration whatsoever. The course is two days long. The material to be utilized during the course, such as electronic devices, office supplies, coffee break and the venue are responsibility of the JE.

6. About General Requirements 6.1. Junior Enterprises, JE Organizations (Núcleos), Federations and Confederations have the right to submit 2 case studies total and all of them must be submitted in English, as quoted in 4.1. 6.2. Every case study approved for presentation at the JEWC 2012 will be available on E-Prátikas2 and will have its awards and author organizations duly informed. This availability has as goal the dissemination of knowledge amongst JEs and submitting a case study to be approved by the present notice, the author organization automatically agrees with its release on the platform. 6.3. Junior enterprises confederated to JADE that submit case studies will have access to E-Prátikas in a link to be provided after JEWC 2012. 7. About the Submission conditions The case studies must be submitted, before the established deadline, in the website www.jewc2012.com in the Case Study Submission session. The complete filling of the form is required in order to submit the case study, and it’s very important to answer these questions in the form: 

Case study title;

Language in which the case study is going to be presented preferentially3 a) Portuguese; b) English; c) Indifferent.


E-Prátikas is an online platform of presented files in the Brazilian Network and its fundamental objective is to help in knowledge management in the Junior Enterprises. This tool provides the case studies that were approved in regional and national events, as files sent directly from the JE’s, divided into categories, according to their theme. 3 It’s important to understand that the preference on which language the case study is being presented does not guarantee its realization in that language, and it will only help in the allocation process. The organizing team will choose based on the preference and case studies evaluation the ones that will be presented in each language. It’s junior enterprise responsibility to be able to present the case study in English.

Theme: Collaborative Development, Organization, Business;

Related subject: Define the subject of the case study, the ones described in this document;

Name of the organization (JE, Organization (Núcleo), Federation or Confederation) author of the case study;

City, district/state and country of the author organization;

Academic Institution (School, College, University, etc.) of the author organization (JE and JE Organization (Núcleo) only);

Telephone and email of contact of the author organization;

Name, telephone and email of contact of the responsible for the case study in the author organization;

Name, telephone and email of the responsible persons for the presentation of the Case study on the event (two persons at maximum). Each email sent to the evaluation team must contain one case only, being attached to the email in two (2) copies – being both copies in English. Each copy must have the same content, but with different name and formatting, as described below:

“Attachment A – Title of the case”: copy to evaluation (impersonal – which means with no letterhead sheet, Junior Enterprise/Núcleo/Federation/Confederation logo and any other detail which can identify the organization);

“Attachment B – Title of the Case”: copy for exposition on E-Prátikas (with customization – being allowed the use of letterhead sheet and Junior Enterprise/Núcleo/Federation/Confederation logo); It is noteworthy that Attachment A is obligatory, while sending Attachment B is optional. 8. About Formatting 8.1. The attached documents (“Attachment A” and “Attachment B”) must be .pdf files and must respect the following formatting: - Font Type: Arial

- Font Size: 12 - Line Spacing: 1,5 - Paper size: A4 (210 x 297 mm); - Orientation: Portrait - Superior and Inferior Margins. 2.5 cm; - Left and Right Margins: 3cm; The body of “Attachment A” must be a white sheet, without the organization’s layout (letterhead sheet, logo, etc.). Also, it must not contain any kind of information that provides data of identification, such as name of the JE, Confederation, Federation, JE Organization (Núcleo), Academic Institution, names of persons, clients, places or any other information that allows identification of the author of the case. The customized Case (“Attachment B”) is for promotion on E-Prátikas, with proper references and visual identities, recognizing the work of the author: JE, JE Organization (Núcleo), Federation and Confederation. 8.2. The limit of pages is of four (4) pages for any chosen theme. It is allowed to use attachment, as long as they contain only images, sheets, graphics, organization charts, pictures and similar. The content of the Attachment must be readable in the way they are inserted on the document and must contain up to two (2) pages, which will be accounted as extra pages besides the ones already defined above. Therefore, the attached pages do not count as pages whose limitation is mentioned above. 9. About the Responsibility on the content of the Case Studies The truth of the information contained on the oral presentation and on the descriptive document of the case is full responsibility of the JE, Federation or JE Organizations (Núcleos) responsible for the document’s submission. The person responsible for the case study will answer in case of process for aggression to methodology, plagiarism and defamation.

10. About the Presentation The approved cases will be presented on August 7 and 8 of 2012, inserted on JEWC 2012’s schedule. It is allowed the use of presentation through projectors that JEWC 2012’s organization will provide. The presenters will have 20 minutes to present the case study, followed by 10 minutes of questions from the audience. 11. About Deadlines Opening of the registrations to JEWC 2012 for non-Brazilians Opening of the registrations to JEWC 2012 for Brazilians Deadline to submit case studies Deadline to submit case studies with possibility of re-send in case of non-compliance Period for the case studies’ evaluations Sending of the results of the selected case studies by e-mail Promotion of the selected case studies Feedback

7th February 2012 10th March 2012 10th April 2012 to 18th May 2012 10th April 2012 to 30th April 2012 18th April 2012 to 30th June 2012 11th July 2012 13th July 2012 15th July 2012

11. The Evaluation 11.1. The Evaluative Judges The cases will be sent to be judged by the following group of people (by two evaluators come from the seven kinds listed below): • Former Junior Entrepreneurs who have worked in junior enterprises confederated to Brasil Júnior • Former Junior Entrepreneurs who have worked in junior enterprises confederated to JADE • Brasil Júnior’s Executive Board • from JADE’s Executive Board • Brasil Júnior’s ambassadors

• Brasil Júnior’s former ambassadors • JEWC Partners 11.2. The Evaluation Criteria The evaluation to choose the case studies which will be presented in JEWC 2012 will be made by the opinions of the Evaluative Judges. On the other hand, the case studies’ presentations will be evaluated by the participants who watch it. Members of the presenter JE will not be allowed to judge cases from their own junior enterprise. The criteria to the evaluation of the case studies are: Results: Practical results proved, the case study effectively accomplished, presenting significant learning or resulting in improvements for the organization. - Good result: Results that generate great improvements for the costumer or generate learning and improvements of high relevance about the organization core business processes. - Average result: Results that comply with the job presented by the costumer or learning and improvements of some relevance about the organization core business processes. - Few result: Results that comply in parts with the job presented by the costumer or learning and improvement of low relevance about the organization core business processes. - No results: Results not presented or non-existing.

Innovation: Knowledge applied in a different way or new knowledge generation. The case study needs to present an exclusive content or something that may bring competitive advantage, aligned to the modern management practices. - Very innovative: There are few organizations of the Junior Enteprise Network that utilize this methodology and it’s considered as unique. - Somewhat innovative: There is a fair number of organizations of the Junior Enteprise Network that utilize this methodology, but the case study presented relative changes regarding the conventional method.

- A bit innovative: Most part of the organizations of the Junior Enteprise Network utilizes this methodology, but the case study presented different content and results. - Not innovative: No innovation whatsoever.

Clarity: The main goal to what the case study must respond clearly, in its way of descriptive presentation in the document, the seven question of the 5W2H. - Very clear: All of the seven answers of the 5W2H are clearly identified in the case study. - Somewhat clear: At least 5 answers of the 5W2H are clearly identified in the case study. - Not very clear: At least 3 answers of the 5W2H are clearly identified in the case study. - Not clear: Less than 3 answers of the 5W2H are clearly identified in the case study.

Applicability: Facility to apply the case study in other JE’s from different fields, in market companies or in Federations and JE Organizations (Núcleos). - Very applicable: The case study is applicable to almost any organization without difficulties. - Somewhat applicable: The case study is applicable in some organizations with difficulties. - Not very applicable: The case study is applicable in almost any organization with certain difficulties. - No applicable: The case study is applicable to almost any organization with great difficulties.

12.3 About the Criteria Weighting For the case studies selections, for each criteria above it will be granted a weight according to the table below: Results …................................35% Innovation …............................35% Clarity....................................15% Applicability..............................15%

For the awards of the best case studies presented in the JEWC, there will be a weighting of 70% for score evaluation for approval and 30% for the evaluation of the participants of the presentation.

11.3. The Tie-Breaker Criteria In case of two case studies achieve the same punctuation, it will be used for the decision of the best the following criteria, in that order: 1) Punctuation given by the Evaluative Judges; 2) Punctuation given by the participants; 3) Analysis of the Organizing Team.

13. About the Evaluation Feedback The committee is responsible to send feedbacks from each case study received and evaluated to the author, whether it had been selected or not. The feedback will inform the score given by the evaluating committee in each evaluation criteria used in the event, as well as the general score. Besides, it will be informed the average of the scores of the selected case studies and the lowest score selected for the event (the cutoff score). 14. Final Considerations Any and every doubt can be sent to conteudo@jewc2012.com. Deadlines, criteria and other definitions presented on these call can be changed. In case that happens, subsequent announcements and warnings via Brasil JĂşnior and JADE websites as well as its mailing will be sent, as well as announced via Facebook and Twitter. Programme Management Junior Enterprise World Conference 2012 Paraty - Rio de Janeiro

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