Mary Ann - The Girl President

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A. G. Hoover

for our future leaders

Mary Ann, The Girl President By A. G. Hoover Artwork by Nicol SepĂşlveda NarvĂĄez Design and Layout: Felipe Fuenzalida K. English Translation by Alice Haynes Print: The Good Print 30 copies printed in 2014 Enrollment in the Department of Intellectual Property Rights: No. 3885 & 239399 of 03.14.2014


The Beginning 5 Introducing The Country Of Children 6 The Presidential Campaign Period 10 Introducing Her Political Rival 12 Structure Of The Presidential Debate 14 Election Day 16 Introducing Her Cabinet 22 First Day in The Presidential Residence


The Beginning

Mary Ann, the pretty ten year-old girl with beautiful fair hair and intense blue eyes, applies for re-election for the presidency of the Country Of Children. She is representing her political party ‘The Power Of Friendship’. In her presidential campaign, she proclaims that in her second term of office she will continue to be concerned with the love and entertainment of all children in her beloved country.


Introducing The Country Of Children

The Country Of Children is a place blessed by God: it has numberless natural resources and enjoys a privileged climate. Here boys and girls live happily, united under a single language. In the Country Of Children there are industries and factories of every type, managed and operated by boys and girls with the finest abilities. There are also churches, supermarkets, hospitals, schools, restaurants, highways and everything necessary to live in the best way possible.


It has a parliament for passing laws, with representatives from its five states. According to electoral registers, more than 31 million children inhabit the states of North, South, Central, East and West. Politically, two powers coexist. The governing party, ‘The Power Of Friendship’, and the opposition party ‘H&F – Hockey & Football’. Both parties seek the best for the Country Of Children, but they differ on some issues. ‘H&F – Hockey & Football’ proposes that sport is the most important issue, and the president should be principally concerned with this.


For boy and girl members of the ‘H&F – Hockey & Football’ party, the president should be the greatest trainer, directing the best moves. The presidential cabinet should be made up of intelligent and talented players. Defence should be powerful, and attack, lethal. Party members of the ‘H&F – Hockey & Football’ party believe that the Country Of Children should have large stadiums for the practice of sports of every kind. Boys and girls should train hard every day, respect their coaches and memorise manoeuvres.


The governing party expresses that although sport is important, so also are all other things in life. For ‘The Power Of Friendship’, boys and girls should be happy, respect the rights of others and be responsible in complying with their obligations. This is the surest route to happiness.


The Presidential Campaign Period


It is election year in the Country Of Children. Mary Ann, the president in office, runs for re-election for a second term. Her party, ‘The Power Of Friendship’ has named her as candidate, and in February’s convention her candidacy was made official. In the same way, the ‘H&F – Hockey & Football’ party convention named Mike as their presidential candidate. The months leading up to the 4th of November will be intense for both candidates. Mary Ann and her campaign team are already working on the design of the campaign strategy regarding the party’s ideals: friendship, comradeship and love. Mike and his team are also working on their campaign strategy, highlighting their candidate’s attributes. He was the most valuable player on his team, belonging to the hall of fame; he’s intelligent, competitive and skilful.


Introducing Her Political Rival


Mike is a handsome eleven year-old boy with black hair and deep green eyes. He was chosen as the most valuable player in the ice hockey league for two consecutive seasons. He is ex-captain of the Black Penguins, the champion team of the league. After entering the hall of fame, Mike joined the political party ‘H&F – Hockey & Football’, of which today he is presidential candidate. The ‘H&F – Hockey & Football’ political party unites all boys and girls who believe that sport is all-important, and that the country should procure the best trainers and biggest stadiums. Mike has promised his party members that he will do his best to include in his cabinet those children who offer the toughest defence and strongest attack, and that he will be personally responsible for the planning of the finest manoeuvres. Mike will fight a hard battle with the governing party ‘The Power of Friendship’, the party that supports the re-election of Mary Ann. According to Mike, Mary Ann is incapable of executing a good pass, memorising manoeuvres and would never make a good team captain.


Structure Of The Presidential Debate

The sole presidential debate between Mary Ann and Mike has been set for 9 pm on the 4th of October. It will be transmitted from the School of Law of North State University. The last amendment made to the constitution established the awarding of the gold star to the winner of the sole presidential debate, in accordance with online voting of the television viewers. The gold star allows an increase of 5% of valid votes in favour of the candidate. This 5% is applied to the results in one state only, which has been nominated by the candidates. For this reason, the preparation of candidates for the presidential debate is a matter of utmost importance within each political party. As usual, both candidates have opted for the Central state, which has


the largest population of children. To determine the winner of the gold star, children should enter the Presidential Debate cloud using their mobile communication devices, and give their preference. The designated moderator for the debate is Pete, editor-in-chief of the widest circulating newspaper in the country. The debate is divided into three blocks of questions and counter questions. On this occasion, the first question is for Mike and the last for Mary Ann. At the end of the third block each candidate will have four minutes to speak freely.


Election Day


It is a chilly 4th of November morning in the five states of the Country of Children. Despite the cold, the voting stations are now ready to receive the children who will choose their president for the coming term. Press coverage is intense; television channels, newspapers and radio cover each detail of this important day. The candidates are in their party headquarters preparing the day together with their closest collaborators. These other children form the candidates’ inner circles, supporting and advising them.


Mary Ann has started the day with a disadvantage, Mike having won the gold star. He obtained it with a brilliant speech during his four minutes, in which he spoke of his sporting triumphs, the reasons for which he was selected for two seasons running as the most valued player in his team, and how he entered the hall of fame. After eight hours, voting tables in the five states begin to close for the counting of the votes. The president of each table is responsible for opening the ballot box for counting. The secretary of each table records the numbers of valid, invalid and blank votes. As the minutes pass, expectation grows. It will be a battle of vote for vote. According to preliminary information, neither candidate has the advantage, favouring Mike with an additional 5% as winner of the gold star. Mike wins two of the five states: North with 3,182,515 of valid votes


(56.24%), and South with 2,421,175 of valid votes (52.78%). In North Mary Ann gains 2.476.230 of valid votes (43.76%) and in South, 2,166,237 of valid votes (47.22%). Mary Ann’s party remains confident that these results will be reversed with the results of the three remaining states, which sealed her victory in the last election. East state closes, with a triumph for Mary Ann with 3,597,268 (54.76%) of valid votes, over Mike who obtains 2,971,473 valid votes (45.24%). Mary Ann’s party confirms a majority in West with 3,155,278 (51.81%) of valid votes against Mike’s 2,934,434 valid votes (48.19%). Time passes eternally slowly as everyone waits for the recounting of votes for the final state. In their headquarters, the candidates analyse each piece of information as it comes in from their campaign teams in


the voting stations. Mike and his collaborators remain confident that the gold star will secure their victory. Mary Ann’s party receives the result of the remaining state. She obtains 4,287,119 valid votes, 51.92% of the total. Mike obtains 3,969,757 valid votes (48.08%). Mike totals 15,479,354 valid votes, equivalent to 49.67% of the total votes. For her part, Mary Ann obtains 15,682,132 valid votes, equivalent to 50.33%. The gold star is not enough for Mike, which when applied to voting in the Central state increases his votes a further 198,488, totaling 15,677,842. Mary Ann secures re-election with an advantage of 4,290 votes. The whole team congratulates Mary Ann. Television in all five states shows thousands of children celebrating around the party’s headquarters. Mary Ann receives a telephone call from her political opponent, who recognizes her narrow but legitimate victory and wishes her luck in her new term.



Introducing Her Cabinet


After the Election Board has formally declared the triumph of ‘The Power of Friendship’, Mary Ann, their leader and president elect, names her cabinet: Emily, Secretary of State. She is a beautiful, nine year old girl with blonde hair and intensely blue eyes. Emily is full of love despite having to use a wheelchair. Ian, Defence Secretary. He is a handsome nine year-old boy. Ian is the tallest and strongest boy in the cabinet. He is in charge of maintaining and conserving order and peace. Steve, Attorney General. He is an attractive ten year-old boy. He has little hair. He is concerned that justice should reign always in the Country Of Children. Billy, Agricultural Secretary. He is an eight year-old boy with splendid blond hair and deep blue eyes. Billy is concerned with the crops, harvests and farm animals in the Country Of Children. Aisha, Secretary of Commerce. She is a bonny nine year-old girl. Aisha is concerned with commercial relations within the Country of Children. Will, Employment Secretary. He is a ten year-old boy with beautiful


deep brown skin. For Will the most important thing is to work responsibly every day, always do his best. Susan, Health Secretary.

She is a lovely nine year-old girl with

reddish hair. Susan’s principal preoccupation is the good health of all inhabitants of the Country Of Children. Burk, Housing Secretary. He is a fine nine year-old boy. He wears glasses and is methodical and organised. Burk is concerned with building beautiful houses for the children.


Julie, Energy Secretary. She is an eight year-old girl with shiny, long black hair. Julie’s concern is water, the wind and the sun. Laura, Education Secretary: She is a good-looking ten year-old girl with beautiful cinnamon coloured skin. Laura wears pink glasses. Her primary concern is that all children go to school and do their homework.


First Day in The Presidential Residence


Mary Ann and her closest collaborators already have experience in governing the country, but they have much work ahead and many promises to keep. Her political adversary, although publicly congratulating her and wishing her well, will take every opportunity to position himself as presidential candidate in the next election. Especially as he lost by as few as 4,290 votes. Mary Ann knows each corner of the presidential residence, and this time, her excitement and anxieties are different to the first time around. Now in her second term of office, she is convinced that her administration will be better and that she will manage, with the help of her cabinet, to avoid the difficulties which destiny will surely place in her path - for the well-being of all the children in her beloved country.


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