For International Day of Charity (5th September) Specsavers Ópticas is explaining the importance of finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.
In Spain, there are over 1,000 people diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes every year, and most of those are under 15 years old. This is a growing problem, yet its cause is not known and there is no cure. The charity DiabetesCERO wants to change that by funding research projects in Spain to find the cure.
DiabetesCERO is the leading Spanish foundation investing in research into a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Thanks to the support of thousands of people and companies around the world, they support and finance biomedical research projects to find a cure for this serious, chronic, autoimmune disease, diagnosed mainly in children. They work tirelessly to ensure that the scientific community has the resources it needs to advance research, with a single purpose: to change the future for millions of families.
Isabel Fenollar, store director of Specsavers Ópticas Javea, explains, ‘Diabetes is a very big problem on a global level and one that is growing quickly, with an estimated 537 million people in the world suffering from the disease. This disease is associated with a range of potentially serious health complications, if not correctly controlled.’
‘One of these complications, which we’re seeing more and more of during eye tests, is diabetic retinopathy. If this is undiagnosed and untreated, this can develop into Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) and cause permanent vision impairment and blindness. The prevalence of DME among people living with Type 1 diabetes in Europe is around 8.8% and so we want to support DiabetesCERO to help them find a cure for this disease by pledging to raise €5,000 for the charity in 2024.
We were very proud to have raised €325 for the charity by climbing Montgó earlier this year and are collecting in store until the end of the year, with the goal of exceeding €500 from our store alone. We hope customers and local residents will get behind this great cause.’
For more information about DiabetesCERO visit www.diabetescero.org. To find your nearest Specsavers Ópticas store and make a donation visit www.specsavers.es.
Article July 2022
The on-going issue of the lack of reading and understanding of policy documents is still necessary for all your insurances. Very few seem to be aware of the importance of first checking your policy documents are totally correct with all the right information, especially the car policies that the number plate is correct. Also these documents must be kept in the car, but is far better to ensure you have copies, should the vehicle be stolen. For your home policies, ensuring that the address is correct and the same as the catastral will make life a lot easier, should you need to claim.
Without understanding your insurance documents, you will not be fully aware of your exact coverage, should anything happen. Many people under-insure, which is a very unwise decision. More so now, with climate change and the ever changing, unpredictable weather.
With the increases to both inflation and the cost of living, unfortunately burglaries are on the increase, especially with unoccupied properties. Ensure you understand what you need to do to not only protect your property but also ensure you are covered with your insurance.
It is well worth ensuring you know what to do when anything happens - know what telephone numbers to call, and what you will be required to provide.
Obviously the health insurance is a little more complicated. Ensure you know what information you need, have the contact details with you at all times and it helps to store the telephone numbers in your telephone, along with your policy number. If
you are unsure how to use your medical insurance, ask your agent or broker.
If you have an accident on the streets, people will automatically telephone for a state ambulance and you will then be taken to a seguridad social hospital, where you have the choice of either being transferred to a private hospital, or stay and pay the invoice if you do not have a SIP card.
It is always better to be prepared.
I know that insurance documents are not easy reading but it always pays to know and understand your policy. It will make your life easier, less stressful and in some cases, will prevent large unexpected bills.
To help you with your claims, I have a special Claims administrator to guide you through the process with Liberty Seguros, an ASSSA administrator to assist you with your health policy and a renewals department to help you with your renewals, and checking that your policy coverage is correct and up to date. Outside of my office hours, all the insurances have emergency contact information, which comes with your policy.
Mark, Jennifer’s son, will be taking on the company to continue with Jennifer’s ethos of customer service and information and this is one of the previous articles from Jennifer that is still relevant today. The only difference is Liberty Seguros has now merged with Generali, although the policies remain the same.
For further information or a quotation, please contact one of my offices, email info@jennifercunningham.net or visit the website www.jennifercunningham.net.
August went from one extreme to the other with intense heat and then rain and hailstones. The rain was well received by most although it did nothing to help the dire situation of the reservoirs.
My sister and family were out at the time of the storms and had booked a sea kayak experience for that morning to visit some caves accessible only by sea. Being typically British from Yorkshire they set off through the rain and arrived at the beach as instructed to find it empty. They sent a WhatsApp asking if they were in the correct place and the company were truly concerned for their safety due to the weather. They had sent an email letting them know it had been cancelled due to the wind and rain. Of course to a Yorkshire family that was normal weather so it never occurred to them it wouldn't go ahead. They managed to get out later in their stay and had a great time. Whilst they were here they also hired a boat - yes, just a boat, no captain, just a boat. How is that even possible.... Again they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and could not understand my disbelief and need for regular proof of life messages.
Our grandson turned six at the end of the month and having been given strict instructions that the toy could not be noisy we got him an impressive archery set - the type with suckers on the end. Obviously he loves it. What could possibly go wrong...... Until next time, take care and be kind.
Font cover photo by Zoë Degens, We Are Brave. Professional Photo & Videography. www.media-brave.com.
Pick up your next issue on 1 October. Deadlines: Editorial & Advertising - 16 Sept.
To discuss your advertising needs in Focus on Costa Blanca North or QFocus Magazine (covering the southern Costa Blanca), contact your local representative:-
Finestrat to Moraira Alan 689 358 232 alan@femalefocusonline.com
Gandía to Jávea Roddy 688 815 405 or 96 575 6833 roddy@femalefocusonline.com
Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055 editor@femalefocusonline.com advertising@femalefocusonline.com www.femalefocusonline.com
The Anatomy of Collecting, by Marc Allum
Wednesday, 2 October 2024, in Moraira and Jávea COME FOR THE STORY - STAY FOR THE SOCIAL!
Please join us for the hugely entertaining presentation on the psychology, folklore and history of collecting through the millennia, by Marc Allum. He showcases collectors of all time, to include Catherine the Great, while explaining how the Antique Roadshow works.
Marc is a freelance art and antiques journalist, writer and broadcaster and he is in his 26th year as a specialist on the BBC Antiques Roadshow, plus has appeared on numerous television and radio programmes. Marc also runs a fine art valuation and consultancy service and, on 2 Oct, will value four items belonging to Members of The Arts Society Marina Alta (TASMA).
Wednesday, 2 October, 2024:
Morning: Espai La Senieta, Av. Madrid, Moraira. Doors open at 10.15 for 11.00 hrs.
Evening: Casa de Cultura, Plaça de Baix 6, Jávea. Doors open at 18.45 for 19.30 hrs.
Admission: Members Free. Visitors: €15 Pre-Paid via WWW.ARTSOCMA.ORG
OUR SPONSORS: Inmobres, Calpe; Currencies Direct; Blevins Franks TASMA DONATES TO: Local Charities and Schools
Email: marinaalta@theartssociety.org
Around 50 Members, families and guests of Oliva LaSafor Freemason Lodge held an unusual and very entertaining event at the La Bresca Restaurant in Els Poblets.
Colin Kenward, the newest member of the Lodge, is a member of the International Magicians Circle and he conducted various magical tricks at the tables whilst the audience looked on in wonder.
The whole event raised just shy of 450€, which will be distributed to the Lodge’s Masonic Charities.
The Master of Oliva LaSafor Lodge, Edward Childs, thanked the individuals who had helped organise the event and the restaurant as well as Colin, who performed his magic with dexterity and expertise. He went on to say that Oliva LaSafor is a small Lodge, but we had a very good turnout and hoped that future events will continue to be as popular.
Anyone interested in Freemasonry in general or Oliva Lodge Nº112 can contact the Lodge Secretary, Alberto on sec112@glpvalencia.com or David on prensa@glpvalencia.com or telephone 620 082 063.
What should investors be looking out for when engaging with a financial adviser?
I am sure many of us will have found ourselves in a situation where we have gone ahead with the first piece of advice a specialist recommends to us, especially if they are in a field which we are not overly familiar with. However, sometimes it pays to seek a second opinion.
In our industry as financial advisers, we come across many clients who assume that all advisers do exactly the same job on exactly the same terms. In reality, this is not the case.
Although many advisers have the same solutions available to them, some might be restricted in the products they can offer, and others may favour one product over another at outset. Does this mean that they are finding the best and most suitable solution for your needs? Perhaps not.
Other areas where advice companies can also differ are;
Charges: Even if different advisers recommend the same product to you, this does not automatically mean it will cost you the same amount. We know from experience that there is a significant difference in the amounts each adviser will charge a client so it is definitely worth making sure you fully understand all of the fees.
Regulation: The majority of firms will be regulated via some jurisdiction, but it is always worth checking you know exactly where. It will protect you as an investor.
Qualifications: There is currently no “minimum standard” here in Spain like there is in the UK, but qualifications highlight credentials and knowledge. In the UK, the minimum standard to advise clients is Diploma status (level 4) but a lot of advisers in Spain have not reached this level.
Personality & Trust: A financial adviser, client/ family relationship should be built for the long-term. It is therefore important to really feel comfortable with the adviser you are dealing with.
If you sit down with an adviser and they seem reluctant to let you seek a second opinion, or you feel rushed into making a decision, it is probably because the adviser knows that they might come out as second best in at least one of the categories mentioned in this article.
At Logic, we never shy away from clients who want to “shop around”. To the contrary, we actively encourage it as we know it will showcase the benefits of choosing our company.
We have been told by a number of our existing clients that you cannot underestimate the benefits of working with a family run business. Aside from the level of trust this provides, it is also noticeable how clients warm to the fact that we treat them as “our clients” as opposed to “his” or “her” client, which they may have experienced in the past.
6 reasons to choose us:
1 We are fully regulated and licensed.
2 We have multiple advisers qualified to UK diploma level.
3 We are an award-winning family run business.
4 We disclose any remuneration and are 100% transparent.
5 We have over 45 years combined experience.
6 We pride ourselves on the personal touch.
Next time you have a financial concern, why not get in contact with us to discover the difference?
● Logic Financial Consultants are fully regulated & licensed financial advisers, covering the Costa Blanca, Murcia, Balearic and Canary Islands. We can travel to you, or you can visit our office at Calle Andres Lambert 24, 1B, Jávea. Tel: 965 020 444. Email: info@logicfc.com Web: www.logicfinancialconsultants.com.
Do you have a history of Lung Cancer in the family or do you or have you smoked in the past? Then this new revolutionary Genomic test may be suitable for you and help put your mind at ease.
Lung cancer, is a tumour type cancer that is notoriously detected at the later stages, usually stage 3 or 4, when treatment outcomes are poor and curative treatment is usually no longer as the disease has spread outside the lung area.
Early detection could save millions of lives as cancer survival rates soar when tumours are detected in their earliest stages. Some stage 1 cancers can be cured with treatment alone. In other types of early-stage cancer, there is a good chance of remission and a low chance of recurrence with prompt treatment.
Now available is the Genomic Early Lung Cancer test, it is a diagnostic tool that analyses genetic material to detect lung cancer at an early stage. These tests typically look for specific genetic mutations, alterations, or biomarkers associated with lung cancer.
The test is performed by way of a simple blood test, by using as little as a drop of blood it can reveal the early onset of Lung Cancer. This is true even in patients that may be harbouring the disease with no diagnosis, or if it will develop within 4 years if you stop smoking.
Contact us at Clinica Britannia for further information to discuss if this treatment is suitable for you.
You have probably heard about how important is to have a Spanish will in place as soon as you have any Spanish assets. Certainly, it is and set out below we are going to explore why.
A Spanish will:
1. Ensures that your Spanish assets are passed to the beneficiaries you choose: Even if you have a will in another country, it is advisable to have a Spanish one for your Spanish assets as the content of the other will could be more complex to be understood here or the dispositions may not be familiar with Spanish Authorities (Notaries/Land Registrars) so it could lead to problems when executing a foreign will in Spain.
2. Makes it easier and quicker to administer your Spanish assets: it will be always easier if the Authorities (Notaries/ Land Registrars) in Spain fully understand the contents and the dispositions stated in a will and therefore if it is in Spanish, the content will always meet the legal formalities and it will be easier to execute the wishes of the deceased.
3. Avoids unnecessary costs when distributing your Spanish assets: If there is a Spanish will in place, the content will always be in Spanish (and also sometimes it is possible to include it in both Spanish and English or other languages). Therefore, there will be no cost for translating a foreign will.
Also, if there is a foreign will, the Notary in Spain may require additional documents that support said document, such as a Grant of Probate, certificates of foreign law… and those will always have to be translated and apostilled which would add more cost to the inheritance process.
If there is no will, costs could be even higher than having just a foreign will as if the deceased was resident in Spain, a declaration of heirs will have to be completed before signing the deed of Inheritance. Also if the deceased was domiciled out of Spain, a similar document will have to be issued by said authorities.
4. Allows you to mitigate and possibly reduce Spanish inheritance tax due: if you contact us to prepare your Spanish will, we and normally lawyers generally, will also provide you with tax advice on your dispositions with the aim of mitigating and reducing inheritance tax as much as possible.
5. Can be coordinated with other wills: you can have another will in your national country or any other country where you have assets and all of them can work together and be coordinated by cross referencing them.
6. Possibility of choosing your national Law: If you live in Spain and do not have a will, then your succession is likely to be ruled by Spanish Law, meaning that your Estate would go to your children and just a small part to your spouse or partner.
Whereas if you have a Spanish will, you have the option of choosing your national Law to apply in said event. Depending on your national Succession Law, it could give you free disposition to appoint whoever you want as beneficiary / heir whereas Spanish law does not allow free dispositions.
Calling from the UK: 0845 508 2395. From Spain: 966 943 219. Email: enquiries@mylawyerinspain.com. Website: www.mylawyerinspain.com.
Jávea Office: Centro Comercial Arenal, Avednida del Pla 126, Office 2.17, Jávea 03730.
One of the most asked questions asked about our universe is 'how do they know that?' Often this will be said in a tone of disbelief, as though astronomers just make things up. One often asked example is how can we know what a star thousands of billions of kilometres away is made up of, or how old it is, even if it's likely to do something strange?
The answer to these questions starts a long time ago with someone we've all heard of, Isaac Newton, the chap who supposedly had an apple drop on his head, and discovered gravity. That may be just a myth, but what is fact is that he discovered that ordinary white light is made up of lots of different colours all mixed together, the spectrum. He used a prism to shine all these colours on to the wall of his room, rather like the colours of a rainbow. That was in 1660s, if we move on over 200 years, lots of other discoveries have been made about chemistry and the elements like iron and gold etc. This was also when Anders Angstrom found that an element when heated would show a very specific pattern of lines in its spectrum. He soon realised that every element gave a different set of lines so by looking at a set of these lines we can identify the element that produced them.
Astronomers were very quick to make use of this discovery, because around 50 years earlier, these lines had been noticed in sunlight, but the understanding of their significance had to wait for Angstroms work. Now able to identify the elements in sunlight these pioneers quickly began to look at the spectra of different stars and found that most were different to each other in the mix of elements they were burning.
All the above is a simplification of how stars are analysed, but the idea of how it all works is remarkably simple and was vital to our understanding of the universe. Other discoveries followed on, the speed of a star through the cosmos relative to our own could be measured because the absorption lines would move with the star's speed, that's what is called red shift. Science is all about observing and measuring, so as these techniques were developed new discoveries were made, and we keep learning and knowing more and more.
And that folks is an example of how we know things, no mystery to it, anyone can learn to do it, each discovery builds upon what has gone before.
Today many amateur astronomers take the spectra of stars, what was once cutting edge science can be done from home, some of our group do exactly that. Isaac Newton would be proud of us.
A last quick word, the star due to go nova in Corona Borealis still hasn't gone, but it must do in the next few weeks so keep an eye on the news.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
September 28 from 7pm onwards at the Marriott La Sella Golf Resort & Spa, Denia
The Guardian Angels charity, supporting single parents, invites you to an enchanting evening at the "Dress to Impress" Ball. Join us at the prestigious Marriott La Sella Golf Resort & Spa for a night of elegance and entertainment.
Event Highlights: Cava Reception: Kick off the evening at 7pm with a cava reception, accompanied by the vibrant Poco Loco steel band.
Live Music & Dancing: Enjoy live performances by The Entertainers and The Moonshine Duo.
Special Guest MC: Celebrity Mark Stacey will grace us as the Master of Ceremonies.
Raffle & Auction: Participate in our raffle and auction for a chance to win amazing prizes.
Tickets Include: A night filled with entertainment. A delectable 4-course meal, including wine, beer, or soft drinks during the meal. Price: 60€ per person.
Dress Code: Dress to impress!
Accommodation: 1 or 2 bedroom apartments starting at €120, including breakfast. For reservations, contact Michelle +34 638 258 377.
For tickets, contact Sue +34 679 369 909.
Join us in raising funds to support the single parents in our community. Your presence makes a difference!
You cleaned your teeth this morning... so are you sure they are really clean? It is not really easy to see if you have done the job right as plaque is the same colour as the teeth, and that is what you are trying to remove - plus you can only see the front teeth anyway.
Hopefully you are AWAKE and thinking clearly when you do them as that would help! Plus… do you really want to breathe stale smelly breath over the next person you meet today? I bet you answer "No", so here are the 5 commons mistakes that people make…
1. Not brushing into the gums around the necks of the teeth. Avoiding the gums will prevent you from removing all the plaque since most of it is next to the gum, and if left there it will eventually infect the gums causing gingivitis, which make the gums bleed on brushing. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, when plaque penetrates the gum and it becomes inflamed because of it.
2. Not reaching the back far enough. It takes effort to think and reach right to the very back and once you are there you need to spend a bit more time on that area to be really thorough.
3. Not brushing the insides. This is really common as people seem to think the front of the teeth is most important… not true… also the angle of the brush needs to be adjusted to effectively clean round the insides right to the back, top and bottom.
4. Brushing too softly. People seem to be worried about 'harming the gums' which is silly as you do far more damage to gums by not cleaning properly! Also some soft brushes are often too soft and not effective cleaners, whereas hard brush bristles don't bend around so well in-between the teeth, and brushing hard with these brushes is too hard on the gums. So, generally use a medium bristle small headed brush and with this you cannot go far wrong.
5. Not brushing or flossing between the teeth. Many people think this is unimportant and too much bother, but in truth it has increasing importance for adults (not so for children) as the interdental spaces tend to widen as we age and therefore hold more plaque which the toothbrush cannot reach. This plaque left there can cause gum disease and gum pocketing and lead to cavities, most of which start between the teeth anyway. The fact is that if you don’t minibrush or floss, then your mouth is only 60% clean.
So to find out if your teeth are really clean...
Clinica Dental La Plaza is the answer.
Call us on 96 646 1120 and come and see us for a free initial assessment or an appointment with our Dental Hygienist who will be able to check and advise on your teeth cleaning routine. In short… a quality medium small headed brush, vigorous, circular movements and a thorough job - a maximum clean in the morning with interproximal brushes and a second quicker clean at night.
Clinica Dental La Plaza, Edif. La Plaza, Local 5, Jávea Call: 96 646 1120 or WhatsApp: 680 500 357.
Email: info@clinicadentallaplaza.com
Website: www.clinicadentallaplaza.com
When you’re selling your property, you simply can’t get enough exposure (marketing). Local estate agents work hard to find a new “angle”, but it’s not easy to gain the edge. Getting your property featured on a UK National TV programme may seem impossible, but not if your Aldertons Estate Agency. For several years now, they’ve enjoyed a partnership with Channel 4’s Sun Sea and Selling Houses. It’s more than just a TV show; it's a golden ticket to a sold-out property.
Why? The UK is a hotbed of property investment, and this show puts your property directly in front of thousands of potential buyers. Imagine your property showcased to a prime-time audience, highlighting its stunning views, luxurious amenities, and idyllic location.
Aldertons: Property Finding Service
The show’s viewers are affluent and seeking lifestyle properties. By listing with Aldertons and featuring on Sun, Sea and Selling Houses, you tap into a market eager to escape the British weather for the Spanish sun. The show fits exactly with the way Aldertons works. Aldertons are quite unique in that they offer full property finding services including area tours, visiting several properties in a visit, and also helping people move into the area, be it immigration services, or finding local schools and medical registration. Of course, they need properties to show, so if you are selling, or know someone who is looking to sell, then contact Aldertons and who knows, you might be the next star property on TV!
The planning process for the next series is already underway with location and property selection taking place in the coming weeks. Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your property sale. Contact Aldertons in Benissa today to discuss how we can make your villa the next star of Sun, Sea and Selling Houses. Call 965 516 879 or email info@aldertons.es.
creating a face shape you have always dreamed of in 30 mins
Today with such an array of facial fillers with different thicknesses we are able to completely remodel faces.
- An uneven jaw line
- Flat cheek bones
- A humped nose
- Uneven forehead
- Receding chin
- Long top lip
- Sunken cheeks
- Sunken temples
can all be artistically addressed using these new fillers.
The beauty of this type of treatment is that there is no downtime and the facial features are just enhanced to give a more beautiful, youthful and harmonious face.
Facial sculpting is especially requested by men who tend to lose their defined chin and jaw line and with this treatment their angular features and masculinity are completely restored in half an hour.
LIQUID IMPLANT is an amazing filler for the mouth area to give a rejuvenated lip and nose to mouth folds. It lasts longer than traditional lip fillers with a completely natural look and feel.
RADIESSE is a resorbable filler made up of calcium hydroxyapatite found in bone and is the gold standard product for face shaping due to its ability to imitate bone and lasts for over 18 months.
VOLUX from Juvederm is the newest thickest filler on the market ever to be developed and is revolutionary in its use for cheekbones and receding chins with its lasting effect of 18-24 months.
To book your appointment for profiloplasty with Dr Carolyn Carbasse contact us on 96 579 3810.
● For more information visit our website www.zensmilespa.es, call us on 96 579 38 10 or WhatsApp: 665 506 009.
ZEN - SMILE - SPA, Calle Jorge Luis Borges 8, Jávea.
We are excited, and proud, to uniquely bring Estate Sales to Spain.
We have already been asked to sell estates on behalf of our Funeral Planning clients who wanted us to handle everything on their behalf, keeping all their later life services under one roof. Those estates include property, cars, and complete home contents. Now we have expanded and bring you a whole new business, under our White Doves’ brand – White Doves Estate Sales.
But you may ask – what exactly are Estate Sales?
An Estate Sale is an organised method of selling the contents of your home usually following the death of someone, although now they have become popular when people are downsizing, going into care, divorce, or moving to another location or country and don’t want to take all their belongings. Or someone may have purchased a house, and all the contents were included in the sale and they don’t want them.
In short, Estate Sale means the sale of someone’s estate. An estate sale happens when someone needs assets to be sold or otherwise liquidated. It is not a “garage” sale – it is an organised sale, conducted by a professional business who will create an inventory and agree terms and conditions with the seller. Normally sales will be held over a couple of days and are advertised and open to the general public. Items may also be available for sale online.
Sold or selling your home or business?
We can liquidate the entire contents including: Property, cars, personal possessions, furniture, home contents, jewellery. If you are a seller wanting to arrange an Estate Sale or a potential buyer interested in scooping up a bargain, email us your contact details to pre-register at info@whitedoves.es.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
7 DVD predecessor (2,1)
8 Gratis (3,4)
9 Former (8)
10 Prepare for publication (4)
11 Offences (13)
14 Redesign an incinerator for an encore? (13)
17 Picket buster (4)
19 Operatic lyrics (8)
20 One end of the Brenner Pass (7)
21 Loan letters (1,1,1)
1 Past its best (8)
2 Could be G.W. or H.W. (9,4)
3 State to be true (6)
4 White wine grape variety (6)
5 Group agenda is about
today (5,2,3,3)
6 Abominable snowman (4)
12 Organ which can be bent or lent (3)
13 Avian alarm clocks (8)
15 Attraction (6)
16 North African goat (6)
18 Blue hue (4)
See back pages for answers
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
See back pages for answers
GM Promotions is proud to celebrate its 20th anniversary, marking two decades of delivering exceptional regional TV, events, and promotions that have made a lasting impact across the Costa Blanca. Founded by Gina Marks in September 2004, GM Promotions began with Sol Productions, the region’s first television program designed to help expats integrate more easily into Spanish life. Over the years, GM Promotions has become synonymous with creative events, including the highly successful Mind, Body, and Sol Exhibitions, charity initiatives, Business Women Recognition awards and even Guinness World Record attempts like the unforgettable Bikini Bash.
The company’s continued growth led to the launch of the widely popular Homes, Gardens & Lifestyle Show and the Wellbeing & Lifestyle Expos, both of which have become cornerstones of the community. Now, as GM Promotions celebrates this significant milestone, they are delighted to unveil and launch their latest exhibition the Wellbeing & Lifestyle Expo 2025, which will take place again at Salon Carrasco, Javea, on March 14th and 15th, 2025.
Wellbeing & Lifestyle Expo 2025: For Wellness Wisdom! The Expo promises to be a two-day immersive experience dedicated to health, wellness and beauty providing inspiration and information and treatments for a balanced lifestyle. Visitors can expect to connect with industry experts, discover new products, explore the latest trends in wellness and attend dynamic workshops led by our local experts in their field. The event will also feature a diverse range of exhibitors offering cutting-edge health and lifestyle solutions to help attendees live their best lives.
"Reaching our 20th anniversary is a monumental achievement," said Founder and Director, Gina Marks. "Our exhibitions have evolved into so much more than just events; they are informative and joyful gatherings of our community, filled with ideas, inspiration, and valuable information. We owe this success to the dedication and support of our exhibitors, sponsors, media support and attendees for their continued support and commitment. THANK YOU! And a special shout out for the Focus On team for their wonderful continuous support, friendship and memes!"
A Legacy of Community and Connection from its humble beginnings in the Torrevieja region, GM Promotions has sought to support the local businesses, charities and communities. Gina and her team have made it their mission to bring people together, not just to celebrate the Costa Blanca lifestyle but to create lasting relationships and community spirit. Whether through the Homes, Gardens & Lifestyle Show, the Wellbeing & Lifestyle Expos, or their networking events, GM Promotions has consistently created vibrant opportunities for people to connect and collaborate.
To further commemorate this special occasion, GM Promotions popular Cocktail & Connect networking event at Havanas Beach Club in Calpe on September 18, 2024 naturally has to have a celebratory theme and will give praise to everyone’s achievements and business milestones!
This networking style of event provides an ideal setting for local businesses to meet, exchange ideas, and form meaningful connections in a stylish, relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Cocktail & Connect Event Details:
Date: September 18, 2024 - Time: 17:00 – 19:00 - Venue: Havanas Beach Club, Calpe, Los Almendros 1ª (behind Aldi)
Cost: €25 per person (includes two cocktails or mocktails and canapés)
Spaces are limited and early reservations are encouraged. RSVP by emailing Gina at gina@gmpromotions.es or contacting her via WhatsApp at +34 695 399 841. These are the same contact details for more information about the Wellbeing & Lifestyle Expo 2025 or to inquire about exhibitor opportunities, please visit www.gmpromotions.es or contact Gina directly.
John Russell, the oldest serving Member of the Aircrew Association Costa Blanca, celebrated his 104th Birthday on Thursday, the 25th July, hosting a private dinner with friends at the Attico Restaurant in Jávea Port.
John, who in 1988 was a founder Member of the Aircrew Association, deservedly received the Award of the Legion D’Honneur on the 16th June 2021 for his gallant contributions to the Liberation of France during the Second World War.
John has lived in the Port in Jávea for many years and, amazingly, considering his age, continues to be an active and committed Member of the Association. His fellow Members and many friends are delighted to offer their collective congratulations to a superb example of healthy longevity!
Many Happy returns John!
Why do clients always get these 2 forms of colour services mixed up? Let MIMISKRU talk you through it and add some extra knowledge of up to date colouring. Well it’s easy to mix both colouring techniques, the finish leaves a similar result. A blend of colour from mid lengths to ending in lighter or darker ends, depending on the target colouring result. But, one is a block colour usually applied underneath the hair, and blending in the lower layers. This is
THE OMBRÉ: There are different types of ombré now, you can go bright and bold with a blend of 3 or 4 different shades. Or you can go for a SOMBRE, a subtle ombré soft blend of 2 shades staying within 2 levels of the base giving an undetectable blend. For example; roots are a dark blonde shifting into a lighter blonde with no line or band, only a smooth transition of one tone to a lighter tone. Results for this are very soft and are great for clients who are new to the ombré look and just want that sun kissed natural look. Although this technique does look good on the pinks; A rose gold shade through the roots blending into a very light pastel pink on the ends. Ideally Ombré gives a better result on long bobs, and longer hair.
THE BALAYAGE: this is a very popular technique at MIMISKRU. It is a blend of different hi-lights resulting from mid lengths to ending in lighter or darker ends. BALAYAGE can be placed anywhere through out the hair, framing the client's face with babylights playing with light and shadow of colours to enhance your client's favourite features. Otherwise known as adding a face frame, bringing out their complexion. Or stretching their root section to create a lived in blonde, which is where the roots are darker and blending into a natural sun kissed look at the middle lengths and ends of fine or chunky hi-lights. The BALAYAGE technique is also a great mix with baby lites, fine hi-lights placed randomly through the root section which breaks up the BALAYAGE mid lengths and ends. Showing different dimensions of colour, and bringing your client's hair to life as well as enhancing the volume of hair. This is great on fine hair, lob hair (long bob) and long straight or curly hair.
Written by Jo black. Salon owner MIMISKRU.
Receive a free colour consultation and book on line via our website: www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com or WhatsApp 615 259 685.
● Local 12, Edificio Caribe, Av del Pla 129, Jávea - near to Specsavers. Tel 965 793 584. www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com Facebook Mimiskru. See our advert on the Horoscopes page.
The Calpe and Benissa Lions had a visit at the end of the Lions' year in June, from the retiring Governor, Tania Énriquez. The Lions have had a very successful year, having donated nearly 20,000€ to various local charities, such as the Maite Boronat Day Centre, the Cruz Roja and Caritas Calpe and Benissa. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported us, either at an event, donating to our shop or purchasing from it. A big thanks also goes out to our volunteers who help in the shop. Our charity “Emporium” is on Calle Pintor Sorrolla, 15, Calpe, and is open from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Saturday. All donations, of good second hand clothes and bric-a-brac, are gratefully accepted. We are always happy to receive new members to the Lions, and of course new volunteers.
On Sunday, the 6th of October, at 6pm, we will be holding a “Picnic in the Park” type concert in the fabulous grounds of Finca Jacaranda, in Pedramala.
Price 12€. The wonderful duet “Moonshine” will be performing with a cameo performance from the lovely lady's choir “Caprice”. As usual, bring your own chair and picnic, bar available.
For more information on the Calpe Benissa Lions, and for reserving tickets for the October concert, please call the President Carole Saunders on 639 637 520.
After the hot summer break, the centre will offer a big warm welcome on September 12th at The Comm (ex The Forum/ Mare Nostrum) in a lovely new room.
We have visiting mediums every Thursday at 6.30pm. No entry fee, freewill offering / collection.
The September mediums are12th Sept - new visiting medium, Rose from Torrevieja, with another guest medium
19th Sept - Ian Elliot originally from Ireland, now lives in Denmark
26th Sept - Michelle Preston from La Marina
Please note: On October the 3rd, the UK international medium Sandra Mitchell Atheris is returning after a very successful evening in May. The 5€ entry limited tickets will be on sale from September 12th.
Contact Dorothy for details - 634 320 013. Email dorothydorothy608@gmail.com.
This association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth. If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
I have recently finished a quote for a client who requires a very big area of artificial grass, I don’t know at this moment in time if the client will choose to go ahead as it is quite a lot of money, the only thing I could do to encourage him was to point out the facts and truly assess the costs of keeping your natural lawn.
At the time of writing this he is considering creating a borehole, I did remind him that with this option it’s not just the cost of the borehole, but you still have to pay a charge, a minimum amount to the water board and also and more importantly the costs of pumping water from a couple of hundred metres below your feet. That's before you start with any of the other associated costs such as creating storage vessels to contain the water, then a pumped irrigation system to supply the irrigation and then, of course, all of the ongoing maintenance costs of the gardener, and lawn care.
The other thing I also said was that during the same day I was typing his quote I received an email from a client where we installed grass 9 years ago. They are asking for us to go and install more artificial grass for them. For me personally there isn’t a better recommendation of, firstly our company and secondly the product. For a client 9 years on to still be happy enough to want more artificial grass, it just shows that so many of these myths about what artificial grass product is and its apparent failings, just aren’t true if you invest with a good quality product. And after 9 years if they were not happy with any aspects of it no way would they be asking to have more, it's as simple as that. I also stated to the prospective grass client that this is something we see a lot. Many clients come back to us for more artificial grass. Sometimes over a time period, sometimes relatively quickly from their initial install, but the simple fact remains, if they weren’t happy with us as a company, and or they weren’t happy with the product, they wouldn’t be happy to have us back to create new areas for them.
Article supplied by Lee Charlesworth. Tel: 696 283 704, Email: info@artificial-grass-spain.com Web: www.artificial-grass-spain.com
We Are Here To "HELP"
HELP Care Coordinator634 345 014
Asst Care Coordinator634 349 240
Area Coordinators
Denia - 675 771 285
Jalon - 615 970 447
Javea/Benitachell634 388 446
Moraira/Teulada695 193 925
Orba - 639176812
Pedreguer/Gata685 035 909
Pego - 635 318 195
Bereavement Counsellor691 518 323
Parkinsons Support634 301 677
Hospital HELP Desk966 429 346
HELP Desk Mobile info. & out of hours private interpreter bookings675 311 759
The Asociación Amigos Europeos de Jávea (AAEdJ), is a private ambulance service provider covering most of the Marina Alta, including inland. It was established in 2000, and is a non profit-making organisation, with all income and donations being reinvested into improving resources even further, and towards purchasing new ambulances from time to time to give even wider coverage.
Membership costs €60 each year per family. The annual membership fee entitles members to be taken to a public or a private hospital in case of an emergency for free. Emergencies away from the house are included, and all the ambulances are staffed by two qualified paramedics.
So the actual answer to the question “What do I get for my €60 per annum?” is that for the whole 365 days of the year you have the peace of mind knowing that their ambulance service is poised ready to help you in an emergency. But of course you are hoping not to have the need to call upon their services! If there is an emergency, though, and you do need to call them out, this is where the clear benefits of being a member kick in…
1) To request an ambulance all that is needed is one phone call to the 24hr emergency number, simply quoting the family membership number. No need to speak in Spanish, no need to give directions, no need to worry about any other questions. All you have to do is quote the membership number.
2) Members’ addresses are pre-loaded into a GPS location system to help ensure a rapid response to your home. This means no delay, which can be absolutely vital in the cases of someone suffering a heart attack or stroke.
3) Details of everyday medications and allergies are prerecorded so as to help the responders administer the correct initial treatment upon arrival.
The Digital Certificate or Certificado Digital in Spanish, is an electronic ID that enables you to manage a wide range of administrative processes from your own computer.
The Digital Certificate is needed to register your documents when applying for your TIE, making tax declarations and joining the Social Security system, among other things. If you are struggling with downloading or using your digital Certificate, then please come and see us, we can help installing it onto your devices. We are here happy to help.
Until next month, your PC-HIGHWAY TECH TEAM
4) The ambulances are fully equipped with life-saving equipment. Effectively they are mobile intensive care units, capable of saving lives or reducing the severity of an injury. Without wishing to belittle the Spanish system, the State ambulances are sometimes little more than transport vehicles and carry very little emergency equipment.
5) The AAEdJ ambulance will take you to whichever hospital you prefer, whether private or public. This is in contrast to Spanish State ambulances who are tasked to take you to the nearest hospital.
6) If the medical situation is serious enough to dictate that repatriation is necessary, the Association can provide a full road repatriation service to a person’s country of origin, or to an airport to liaise with an emergency aircraft. These are done at discounted rates for members.
7) There are always English speaking staff there. Other services can include a daily call to see if medicines have been taken or to simply see if the member is okay, or the free loan of recuperation equipment such as a walker, or a wheelchair (refundable deposit required).
So, to summarise, for the €60 Membership per year, your whole family gets a fantastic amount of emergency cover! To join, speak with Laure Bolufer, the AAEdJ Registration Manager on 96 579 6099 (Laure works from 10am to 1pm every weekday). The AAEdJ covers almost all of Costa Blanca North and inland, and of course Laure will be able to confirm if your area is covered. ASOCIACION AMIGOS EUROPEOS DE JAVEA. Avenida Juan Carlos 1, No 69, 03730 Jávea. Telephone 96 579 6099 (24hr). Email: amigos_europeos@yahoo.es.
Hey there, small business owners! If you're operating on Spain's gorgeous Costa Blanca, you're already in a stunning location – but let's talk about something that can make your business life just as beautiful: networking referral groups. Specifically, let's dive into how something like the Costa Blanca Business Association (CBBA) can be your secret weapon for success.
Firstly, the power of a good network can't be overstated. Running a small business can sometimes feel like you're on a deserted island, but guess what? You're not alone! With groups like the CBBA, you get a lifeline to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are eager to share, support, and refer.
So, what's the big deal about these referral groups? Imagine having a bunch of enthusiastic advocates who are not just customers, but also ambassadors for your brand. That's the magic of a networking group. Members of the CBBA, for example, actively promote each other's businesses, sharing recommendations with their own customers and networks. It’s like having a mini sales team working for you without the extra payroll!
Let’s say you run a charming bakery in Denia. By joining the CBBA, you might connect with a local wedding planner, a coffee shop, or a holiday villa owner. Suddenly, you have a web of trusted partners referring clients to each other. Brides could be getting your bakery's custom cakes, tourists in holiday villas might find your pastries in their welcome packs, and local cafes could be serving your delicious bread. It’s a win-win, creating a richer experience for your clients and more business for you and your partners.
Plus, there’s the camaraderie. Being part of a group like the CBBA means regular meetups, both online and face-to-face, where you can brainstorm, troubleshoot, and celebrate each other’s wins. It's like having a board of advisors who truly understand your local market dynamics.
So, if you're not already tapped into this powerful resource, check out www.cbba.es and see how you can get involved. The support, referrals, and friendships you’ll build could be the game-changer your business needs. Here’s to growing together on the sunny Costa Blanca!
Founded by Benny Davis in 2007
152.8 Chamber Choir is the Costa Blanca's multinational polyphonic choir. 16 voices sing classical, sacred and secular music, unaccompanied, in 4 or 8 parts, from composers from the 16th to 21st centuries:
John Wilbye to John Williams! If you would like to add our unique sound to an event, please contact John Oliver Edwards at 152music.com for information on the choir's availability.
Caprice Ladies Choir are looking forward to welcoming you to their concerts this month. 'Now and Then', will be performed at Centro Social, Xalo, 4pm on Saturday 21st September, and La Fustera
Church, Benissa, 7pm on Wednesday 25th September. As usual there is a mix of popular songs to suit everyone, sung in three part harmony. Both concerts are supporting local charities. For more information contact Aileen on 696 514 613, or email capriceladieschoir@gmail.com.
Cantamus: The choir is looking for new members, in all voice groups, to join them. The choir sings a selection of spiritual or uplifting songs. Members are provided with all the music and tracks to learn to, so you can practice at home between rehearsals. Now would be a great time to contact Philip on 638 734 285 and he will be happy to give you all the details about the choir. They rehearse on a Monday morning 10:45 to 13:00 and will be happy to welcome you.
on joining this multinational men's choir. Regular rehearsals begin this month leading to their appearance at Music Overload in October, Remembrance Service and Charity fair in November and the Christmas Service concert in December.
Jávea Players: Auditions for Beauty & The Beast will be held in the Jávea Studio on 6th September at 19:30 & 7th September at 15:00. If you are not available on those days, please contact us for an alternative time. Rehearsals will start in January. To receive the audition pieces, email bandbinjavea@gmail.com. For further information contact Cherry Cabban on 636 798 109. The performance will be 2nd-7th May 2025.
The Phoenix Dancers are happy to be back rehearsing after a short break for the summer. As the new academic year begins, we are now recruiting for additional dancers and singers, male or female, to join our team who perform at different charity events up and down the Costa Blanca. Please email us for more information at info@marciasdancecentre.com.
Canto Mundial are a truly international choir, based in Alfaz del Pí, with members from several different nations. The group sings a wide range of music from Classical to Musical Theatre in multiple languages. All rehearsals are conducted in English. If you would like to join the choir then please contact us through the website www.philipashley.com or contact Philip on 96 558 1483.
Careline Theatre: Dance and Drama Academy Classes recommence in September from Wednesday 11th for Dance and Saturday 14th for Drama. Class ages for Classical Ballet, Jazz, Flamenco, Tap start from 4 years old to Adult and Drama from 4 to 16 years. Classes are held in Careline Theatre, Alcalalí. For more information please contact Suzanna on 669 219 088 or email to Suzannamace@hotmail.com.
Follow the Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir on Facebook and listen to some of their performances on their YouTube channel. Contact Mike on +34 645 08 15 39 or visit the website www.costablancamalevoicechoir.com for more information
TheatreSong Collective are a choir singing all musical theatre songs. They also include solos, duets and small group numbers in their concerts. They are looking for new members, so if you want to join the choir, please contact Philip on 96 558 1483 or email philip@philipashley.com
The Vall del Pop Singers are currently inviting new singers to join them on Tuesday afternoons in Alcalalí. There is no requirement to read music and the group sing a selection of popular songs. This is a friendly group who welcome new singers and it is open to anybody of any age. Please contact the group for more information at valldelpopsingers@gmail.com
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
with Niamh O'Sheehan
It's September. The small kids go back to school, the big teens start university and many grown ups embark on further adult education. This applies to my three kids and even to myself. This time of year always gets me thinking!
In August 2024 I completed the GR20 in Corsica. Said to be the most difficult hiking route in Europe, one might ask why? Well, I love learning. I was never one for conventional education. ADHD makes mainstream academic life uncomfortable.
Although I always managed to get good grades, there was no real sense of connection to the content. I much prefer the "school of life". And so I pursue learning through experiences, rather than focus purely on digesting literature. As a life coach, I work with clients to chase dreams and achieve goals. And so, it makes sense that my professional development "studies" involve doing that for myself. I strongly encourage all my clients to push themselves outside their comfort zone to enable growth. Education comes in various guises. Facing difficulties and overcoming obstacles can build resilience, problem-solving skills, and a stronger sense of self.
In conjunction with mainstream education, hands-on, experiential learning through real-world challenges can make educational content more engaging and relevant. Students are able to apply what they've picked up, grounded in reality, in practical life situations.
There's nothing quite like breathing in the scent of flora rather than just look at it in 2D. You can't truly understand the impact of history, and the conflict of cultures, without meeting the people involved first hand. To swim in a corrie, climb a volcano, touch a glacier, get lost in a forest is how to make geography tangible.
The struggle and frustration that can come with challenging experiences may initially be disagreeable, but can ultimately lead to deeper learning and understanding. Persevering through difficulties reinforces key lessons. It allows us to foster essential skills beyond just academic knowledge.
The ideal approach often involves finding the right balance between using academic education to build a strong foundation, while complementing it with real-world learning experiences that offer a chance to explore interests and find your meaning and purpose. I'm constantly doing courses so I don't suggest the "school of life" should completely replace formal education, but rather enhance and contextualise it.
If it's solely official credentials you're after then by all means embrace traditional education. If you want a more well-rounded schooling, then go sign up for a life challenge. Whether it be physical, emotional or mental. And, keep the books & YouTube videos on hand as a guide and reference.
If you're on the brink of something, but feel you need some clarity, then let's go for a walk 'n talk. I'm always happy to help people embark on an exciting or challenging new journey. Niamh @WalkYourWayWell - www.walkyourwaywell.com
On Thursday 19th September Jalon Valley Help will be hosting their first autumn picnic event of the autumn season, in the beautiful garden of Los Arcos, on the N332 in Pedreguer.
JVH have booked The Entertainers to provide the music for the event which promises good food, as you bring your own picnic, and drinks, to be purchased at the bar, with song and dance structured to get us up and dancing, to shake away the lethargy of a long hot summer and to enjoy a fun cool evening with The Entertainers. For everyone who has seen The Entertainers before you will know the wonderful performances they give of well selected and beautifully presented songs and dance moves, by The Dollies, to be copied or just admired. If you haven’t seen them then now is the time to put that matter right and book your ticket.
Places may be reserved with a €10 per person ticket donation, so please contact JVH, at eventsjvh@gmail.com or by telephone 711 032 914, to book your places. Don’t delay as The Entertainers shows always sell quickly for what is certain to be a wonderful evening of singing and dancing. Organise your friends, book a table and plan a picnic evening to remember. Every euro of the donation will be used by Jalon Valley Help, our local charity, to help anyone in need in our communities.
In addition to attending this first autumn season event, please support JVH’s charitable actions by using their shops or by making a donation.
So put on your dancing shoes and let's party to welcome cooler autumn evenings at a wonderful Night with The Entertainers. If you would like to find out more about Jalon Valley Help, check their website www.jalonvalleyhelp.com.
Thursday 1st August saw The Entertainers at the beautiful hilltop setting of the Benidoleig Pool Bar for an evening of entertainment to raise money, €400, for the Make A Smile children’s charity in Teulada.
With the sun setting behind the distant hills and a gentle breeze cooling the members at their poolside tables, the BBQ was served as The Entertainers started their show, with the stage lights sparkling off the sequined dresses – and the men were smart as well!!
The Entertainers are a well-rehearsed group with a wide variety of music presented by the band members, including songs from shows, ballads, country music, with rock-and-roll and disco music to get everyone dancing. The range of songs offered by the different voices is complemented by the dancing of The Dollies, who this evening soon had some young dancers following their moves when they introduced their version of the hit Sunny. Several other new songs were performed including Hit the Road Jack by Bob, Feels Like I’m in Love from Jo and a new version of Your Song from Jerry.
The Entertainers will be back performing for charity on:
- 6th September – U3A Denia for the Red Cross at Los Arcos. - 19th September – Jalon Valley Help at Los Arcos. - 26th September – Royal British Legion at Los Arcos. - 28th September – Guardian Angels at Marriot Hotel. Please contact these charities to get your tickets for these fun events and help The Entertainers raise money.
Yorkshire Linen has everything to dress your home ALL UNDER ONE ROOF to suit all budgets. Every week we receive new collections in both our Jávea and Altea shops.
Apart from our extensive line of bed linen such as duvets and matching pillow cases, we also stock mattresses, bed protectors and toppers, bath towels plus pillows and cushions of different sizes, shapes and colours. We have a wide selection of curtains (both our shops have an in-house seamstress service) including black-out curtains and blinds. Other home accessories that may need a change could be tea towel sets, aprons, ironing boards and/or covers, laundry baskets and rugs.
And for those extra guests and/or rentals we also have sofa beds on view in both our shops. They have an Italian opening system with a 5 year warranty with recycled and stain-resistant fabric.
We have everything you need for your home or rental and our multi-lingual staff, who all have years of experience, are always available to help you in any way they can.
Come and get inspired! yorkshirelinencostablanca.com
Centro Comercial Montgó. Cap de la Nao Plà 68, Jávea. T 966 462 275. Monday to Friday 10.00 – 19.00. Saturday 10.00 – 18.00.
Partida Planet 177, Altea. T 965 841 399. Monday to Friday 10.00 – 19.00. Saturday 10.00 – 14.00.
Recently The Original Charity Shop and Library donated 1000€ to Catland Jávea in aid of the buildings to house the cats. There are many both feral and abandoned cats on the streets of Jávea, which Catland and Jávea Feral Cat Association do their utmost to help. Catland has received a plot of land from Jávea Town Hall and it is planned to build a place of safety to house these cats and remove them from the streets of Jávea. The foundations for the new buildings are already in place but lots more funding is needed to complete the project. See www.catlandjavea.com to view a 3D walkthrough of what Catland will hopefully look like in the near future. Please go to their web page if you would like to donate to this worthy cause. There is no funding available from the Town Hall.
The Original Charity is situated on Carrer de Nancy 1 in Jávea’s Arenal. Come and see our wide range of clothing for ladies and gents, plus much more such as bedding, tableware, kitchen utensils, ornaments, tools and lots more. We are open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 1pm. And if you are looking for a good summer read please visit our Library/ Bookshop in Jávea Park. For more information please see our web page: www.charityshoplibrary.com or follow us on Facebook.
An exhibition of paintings by Erin de Burca, 6-30 September 2024, Casa de Cultura de Calp. Mon-Fri, 09.00-22.00 hrs., Sat. 09.00-13.30 hrs.
Erin de Burca is an Irish artist based in Calpe, Spain. She began painting professionally in 2006 and has exhibited worldwide, with solo shows in Dublin, London, Hong Kong and Spain. COAST comprises a selection of work made over the last ten years inspired by a stretch of the Calpe coastline. The exhibition shows how de Burca’s focus has shifted from architecture and over development of the area to its natural features and beauty. It is not that Erin is no longer concerned about the destruction of the coastline; on the contrary - she advocates for its protection by drawing attention to what should be valued as more than a resource for tourism. You are invited to the Inauguration of Coast on 6 September, 7.30 pm at the Casa de Cultura, Av. Masnou, 1, Calpe. More about Erin’s work can be found on www.erindeburca.com and Instagram: erin.de.burca.
Dénia is all set to celebrate the seventh D*na festival featuring top chefs, restaurants and local produce. During the weekend of September 28 and 29, food lovers can get a taste of the wide range of produce during the gourmet festival held on the beautiful seafront location of Paseo de la Marineta Cassiana. Organised by the Dénia Creative City of Gastronomy Foundation, alongside the three-star Michelin chef Quique Dacosta, this year's event will pay tribute to the region's people and products, the pillars of the region's celebrated gastronomy.
As President, Margaret Hales holds the responsibility to ensure that the European Union of Women, Marina Alta stays close to its statutes, which are, not least, to advance the principles of equality and justice for women in peace and friendship across Europe and the international community and to provide a safe forum for the discussion of gender issues and issues of inequality.
Gourmet lovers will have the chance to meet top chefs plus up-and-coming regional chefs as well as farmers. winemakers, artisans and restaurateurs from the Valencia region. Among the outstanding chefs taking part are the Basque chef Eneko Atxa, who is one of the youngest chefs to win the coveted third Michelin star at his restaurant, Azurmendi, which is widely recognised as one of the most sustainable in the world, as well as Susi Díaz, chef of La Finca restaurant in Elche, which highlights seasonal and local produce. During their one-kilometre stroll along the promenade, visitors can discover new tastes and culinary delights as well as watch show cooking events or take part in food workshops. It is also a chance to buy the best products from the Marina Alta region including wine, honey, sausages, oils and liqueurs. And if that is not enoughover the same weekend the Alicante Gastronomy Fair will take place from September 27 to 30 at the IFA exhibition centre in Alicante where top chefs and gourmet products will be under one roof for. Visit www.alicantegastronomica.com for more information.
Margaret is also the International President of EUW registered in Vienna and attends the United Nation debates on issues for women. The European Union of Women Marina Alta reflects both international EUW and the Spanish Confederation. Women working together is empowering and step by step, achieves results.
Our next meeting will be at Javea Golf Club at 10am on Thursday 26th September, themed Caring Hearts, with guest speakers and interesting discussions on care and support within our community. All are welcome, English language with Spanish translations if needed. Margaret says 'Why not find out about us, or become a member? Call or message us on WhatsApp 658 530 138 or send an email to euwmarinaalta@gmail.com Find us on Facebook: 'European Union of Women Marina Alta'.
We would love to hear from you!
Aries: Ambitious and assertive Mars, your planetary leader, is in the fourth house of Cancer until November. Keep your temper even if those around you are losing theirs!
Taurus: The New Moon in the fifth house of Virgo shines a light on your creative side. Romance is just a flutter away, but Saturn blocks any rapid actions you may regret.
Gemini: Mars in the second house motivates cash flow and you could very well have a flutter on your hands. Get your money to work for you and not you for it and be lucky!
Cancer: Mars is in your sign and in the first house of self. This is new beginnings, new ventures, getting that green light that you have long awaited, and the success you deserve.
Leo: It’s all about learning and getting new skills right now. The Sun shines on your third house and this will help bring you to where you should be. You are moving on, not running away!
Virgo: The New Moon in 11 degrees of Virgo puts responsibility on you to accept a major challenge. Cross wires weren’t your fault; and someone is being economical with the truth.
Libra: Venus, bringer of love, joy and passion, and your planetary ruler, is in your sign for the first three weeks this month. Someone is back in your life, and it seems so right!
Scorpio: The Lunar Eclipse in 25 degrees of Pisces is influenced by Neptune. You are highly intuitive at this point, and there could be something just now that doesn’t seem right.
Sagittarius: The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reveals something unexpected. It will open your heart and challenge you too. Travel is on the cards for a short trip and a much needed change of air.
Capricorn: Venus in the tenth house of Libra sees an invitation that may take you by surprise. Beware what is really behind a recent request and accept that your version is spot on!
Aquarius: The New Moon in the eighth house of Virgo is a time of transformation for you. Be inspiring and take control of a situation that’s veering out of control.
Pisces: As the Sun leaves Virgo this month, be strong by knowing what you want and exactly how to get it. Ask for what you deserve and this will awaken energies from within.
As an Astrologer, Kenny has worked tirelessly for over forty years to produce quality Horoscopes Worldwide. He has received a major Award for his contribution to the Astrological Arts by being voted into the Top Twenty World’s Best Astrologers by the American Federation of Certified Psychics. He is awarded five stars as a Lightworker, and Psychic Medium. For personal readings/castings please call Kenny on: 686 361 594. kennycorris@hotmail.com www.kennycorris.com. Confidential and Personal Reply Guaranteed! Online Readings: by Zoom, Skype,WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime.
It will be a Sunday fun day on 15 September 2024 when the Jávea Feral Cat Association (JFCA) launch their fourth fund raising Gala Day. Music, entertainment, stalls and one of the biggest luxury raffles are in store for the community.
The gala day is combined with the ever-popular JFCA padel tournament weekend starting on Saturday 14 September 2024 at Club de Padel, Paris 24, Avinguda de Paris, Javea. The final tournaments will be on the Sunday and Rosa Cardona, Mayor of Jávea will be presenting the tournament trophies.
Every year the padel tournament has a significant number of entries and a reserve list. There is no set fee, the players donate, and all the funds are given to JFCA, courtesy of Paris 24.
On Sunday, the fun day, there will be entertainment from 1pm by Ian Hunt singer and Mike Dennison DJ and Master of Ceremonies. There are stalls of Carol’s Jams and Chutneys and Cortado’s cake stall that will be open all day, or until the jams, cakes and pastries run out!
Luxury raffle prizes include fabulous wine hampers, a cocktail hamper, plus a variety of vouchers from local salons, shops and restaurants. Tickets will be sold on Saturday and Sunday with prize draws on Sunday 5pm.
Julie Keene, Vice President JFCA comments: “Our padel tournament and gala day is our biggest fund-raising opportunity and we are extremely grateful for the support of our local community, Padel 24, local businesses and all our volunteers.
“We have been trapping, neutering and returning (TNR) cats for over 15 years. TNR is beneficial for the community and the cats as breeding cycles are broken, populations are gradually reduced and the annoying behaviours of breeding cats – fighting, yowling and spraying – stop.
“The money we raise pays vet bills, medication, traps and restrainers, support for rescued cats and at this time some neutering. We look forward to our volunteers and the local community joining us and having a fun day Sunday.”
If you have spare time on your hands please contact your local pet charity to see how you can help out. They are always in need of more volunteers to walk the dogs, stroke the cats, meet the horses or help with cleaning out the kennels and stables. If you have an idea for fund raising they would love to hear from you.
Vince 7 is a gorgeous boy who is so easy to walk and who adores female dogs but sadly has seen many girlfriends go to their forever homes. We recommend that Vince goes to a home where there are no small children, or cats. Please contact Akira Shelter on 657 689 567 or email akirashelter@aol com.
Misty, Podenco, DOB 07.13. Misty was found very nervous & stressed and will need short periods of home alone time after she's settled, so she doesn't become stressed. She would be very happy living with a similar sized male. An older family with a secure garden where she can run around off the lead would be ideal. Please call 618 754 635 or visit www.apasa.eu.
Meet Our Horses! Join us on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings at APAC Rescue Horses to see the horses and help support us. Everyone Welcome. For more info email apacprotectora@gmail.com, visit www.apac-cv.com or Facebook: Apac Rescue Horses.
We have many lovely cats and kittens. Shelter open every Sunday 10am - 12pm, whatsapp Luisa 669 376 113 for more information. Denia Cat Protection League –Aldea Felina, please visit www.aldeafelina.es
We have all types of cats and kittens looking for their forever homes. Contact PEPA Tel: 650 304 746, visit our website: www.pepaspain.com or email: p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail.com.
Shy but oh so loving Prince needs a home or foster home. Prince has been abused but still adores people. But he is also scared of new people. Are you patient and ready to work with this super loving small podenco boy? Want to know more about our little white Prince. or our other dogs? Contact us on Facebook 'Tanamera Rescue' or by email stichtingtanamera@gmail.com.
This is Prince, he is around 2 years old. He has a lovely nature and absolutely loves to play and spend time with the volunteers. He urgently needs a home. Please visit him and all the other lovely dogs and cats in Benidorm Animal Shelter between 10am-1pm Monday to Friday. Tel:965 856 268. www.protectorabenidorm.org
Timple is 9 years old and not a simple dog, not your average Podenco by far but he has so much love to give and would make a fabulous companion for the right family. He is a dog full of character, a dog to make you smile every day. A dog desperate for love and affection. A dog needing understanding. Please contact apropego@gmail.com, or call 654 616 043.
SOFIA is a super sweet (about 12 yrs) cat, too old for the hustle and bustle in the shelter. She waits patiently for her food and a stroke; then she brightens up hoping that you will take her home… She will fit in an apartment or house! Call: Monica on 606 446 123 or visit www.CalpeCatShelter.com for more information.
LPs, EPs, SINGLES. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s years. Good prices paid. Tel. 962 851 809 - 622 750 117.
Across: 7 VC R, 8 For free, 9 Pristine, 10 Edit, 11 Misdemeanours, 14 Reincarnation, 17 Scab, 19 Libretto, 20 Austria, 21 A P R.
Down: 1 Overripe, 2 President Bush, 3 Affirm, 4 Ortega, 5 Order of the day, 6 Yeti, 12 Ear, 13 Roosters, 15 Allure, 16 Nubian, 18 Cyan.