Deposito Legal A-685-2016
March 2018
Inside this issue:Jack Troughton's Viva España Your Local Entertainment Scene The Vega Baja Astronomy Group A View From the Top Finance Health & Beauty Book Review by Ivor Kindle Your Horoscopes Keith Nicol's Forthcoming Events Club & Charity News & Events Win 50€ 'Spot the Logo' Classified Adverts Violet King Puzzles, Recipes and much more... Brought to you by....
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QF Focus Magazine
Practical Astronomy Over the last few months I've covered quite a few subjects, radio astronomy, lady astronomers, the sun and the moon etc. I thought it was time to get back to some of the more practical things we amateurs get up to. Judging by the questions the group are often asked, quite a few people buy, or are given telescopes then use them once or twice, after which they get put away and end up being sold for a pittance at local auctions. I must have seen a dozen for sale in the last year. Leaving ill health aside, there are probably 2 main reasons for this. Firstly, a telescope can be a bit of a faff to erect. Lots of screws and clamps, and on the better telescopes, electric drives to contend with as well. A newcomer on their own can become completely put off by all this, it's confusing and a steep learning curve. I think that the second reason telescopes get put away is that some people are disappointed by what they see through one. There are so many great photographs around now that it's easy to expect to see something similar through a 'scope. What can we do about all this? Well I will address the second problem first. A photo of Saturn can be stupendous, all that detail and colour. Through my telescope, I see a rather small image, I can see the rings, the moons shadows and clouds. So why is it so awesome, because it's real, it’s live and it's now. You don't enjoy a holiday by looking at one on TV, you live it, and it's the same with a telescope. A first-hand experience like no other.
To go back to the first problem, unused telescopes, this is an easy problem to address. Your first option is to join a group, preferably ours. We will show you how the thing goes together, how to get to know it so it can be put up and taken down quickly and easily. The next step is to pick something easy to find and great to look at in the night sky. Start out with no more than 3 things to find in one evening. Read up on them first so that you understand what you are seeing. For example, start with the moon, not when it's full but when it's a crescent to halfway. The shadows help you see the detail. Pick a spot to concentrate on and find the names of the craters. Number two has to be Saturn or Jupiter. Find the names of the moons you will see, take your time, have a chair if you can so you will be comfortable, and really look. As you get used to looking you will begin to make out more detail like the clouds. Astronomy isn't a quick glance and tick it off, it's not called observing for nothing. A great third choice would be a star cluster. The Pleiades are the best known and easy to find. Your first look will transform the Seven Sisters to a vast family. There are so many stars that they will fill the eyepiece, a wondrous sight. One last bit of advice, don't get carried away with magnification. Too much is a very bad idea, the image shakes, and is dull and blurry. Use 50 to 100x for most things. Anyone who wants help can come to our monthly meetings, they are informal, just chats, tea around a table, and what we have found out that month. For details email or look for us on Facebook. s Oates
For more information on the group and meetings please visit:
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Already into March and there’s a lot happening in the coming month with Mother’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and Easter - I say again, where does the time go? The good thing about Easter being so early this year is it usually starts the summer season early, which is great news for businesses up and down the coast. However, in past experience Easter can also bring a lot of rain so be prepared! This month I am going to refrain from giving my other half any grief ….he did remember to get me a Valentine’s Card, whereas I completely forgot. Although a gentle reminder that it is our wedding anniversary this month wouldn’t go amiss. I am very proud to see how much this months QF Focus magazine has grown, not just in pages but copies too. This couldn’t happen without the continued support from our loyal advertisers, for which many thanks. You will also see we have added, and will continue to add new writers and features for you to enjoy. On this note - calling all theatre groups, we will be publishing 'The Stage Diary' by Benny Davis from next month - if you are not already included in his column please send your information before the 15th of the month prior to publication. We have already got lots of bookings for the next Professional Services publication due out in a few months so if you haven’t already got your space reserved make sure you do so soon. Congratulations to Anne Lacey from Torrevieja who won last month's 50€ competition after spotting the logo on page 14. See if you can spot the logo in this issue for a chance to win 50€, see inside for details of how to enter. Good luck!
Front cover photo by Ken Taylor, telephone:- 633 479 031 email: Photography website:- See advert on this page.
QF Focus Magazine
Office Tel: 96 587 5421 Please send editorial to Advert content to Pick up your next issue on 3 April Advertising deadline is 16 March Editorial deadline is three days prior to advertising
To discuss all your advertising needs please contact Michelle on 663 178 228 or email
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Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Members of the Torrevieja branch Royal Naval Association met for their first lunch of the year recently. As usual a good time was had by all, eating and socialising together in the sunshine. We have many more social events to look forward to in 2018 as well as our meetings at 5pm on the first Wednesday of every month in bar/ restaurante El Paraiso, near Carrefour in Torrevieja. You don’t need to have served in the Royal Navy to join us and you will receive a warm welcome from this friendly crew. To join or for more information please call Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 96 671 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 96 692 1996.
Royal British Legion Torrevieja
Everyone enjoyed the Valentines Lunch which took place at Carmen's Restaurant, El Chaparral, for the Royal British Legion Torrevieja branch. This branch has a lunch once a month, also a meeting of members on the second Friday of the month at 7pm at which some form of entertainment is provided. All are welcome to join us at the meetings which are held at the Casa Ventura Bar and Restaurante, San Luis.
Swapping Pounds for Euros in aid of Huntington's Disease Susan Allan, has lost an incredible 42 pounds in weight in a Sponsored Slim in aid of local charity, Huntigton's Disease Association Costa Blanca.
Susan, who has been following the Cambridge Weight Plan, reached her target of losing 10 kilos and celebrated by posing in her old coat which is now 2 sizes too big. 166€ was raised by local residents and patrons of Cafe Almoradi, where Susan is a member of the diet club held there. “I am absolutely delighted by my new look” said Susan. “I have lost 7.5 inches from my waist, 4” from my hips, 4.25 inches from my chest, 0.5 inch from my thighs and have gone down 2 dress sizes! Everybody is so proud of me”. “I could not have done it without my mentor, Angela Day-Mascall, she has given me my confidence back”. Angela holds meetings on alternate Mondays at 1pm at Cafe Almoradi, Calle Mayor, Almoradi. For more information on Huntington's Disease, please visit the website, or contact President Marion Smith at, or telephone 634 905 249.
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Modelo 720 asset reporting - by 31st March 2018 A final reminder to those RESIDENTS with OVERSEAS ASSETS WORTH MORE THAN €50,000 in the following categories: 1) Cash, deposits, ISAs 2) Property 3) Financial Assets (investments AND pensions) Here is an example which applies to either of the above categories:If you have a joint account of £92,000 x 1.13 = €103,960 ÷ 2 = €51,980 each – you must declare. (This is an example exchange rate and probably not the exact one your Gestoria will use). If you filed a form last year and assets have not increased by more than €20,000 you do not need to file a new one. Non-disclosure of Information Should the Spanish Tax authorities discover that you have assets of cumulative value of over €50,000 in any of these groups and deem that you wilfully have not disclosed this information, the penalties imposed are a minimum of €10,000 per asset group with a further €5,000 per piece of missing information. With regards to the Modelo 720 there is no statute of limitations on how many years they can go back. I won't pretend that I don't find this requirement an intrusion, if not impertinent, and it does make me question whether most of us foreigners would have moved here if we had understood the idiosyncrasies of Spanish law and extremely punitive fines for omitting information. Spanish Compliant Investments Those of you with Spanish Compliant Investments do not need to report on those investments held, as the product providers will meet the reporting requirements. This is so much easier for you than reporting and detailing non-compliant individual investments on a form. It could therefore be worth the effort to exchange your overseas investments or cash for compliant products, especially if your cash is not earning any interest. Unfortunately, life has become complicated but a few informed choices will eliminate some stress for you. David Diggle C.A.T., DipFA, email, telephone 865 751 713 or visit
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Understanding the differences between building licences in Spain
In the UK, licences are pretty straightforward and easy, allowing the building of minor extensions or other buildings with a simple and basic process. However, that doesn’t happen in Spain and all building work needs one of the following three types of licences.
Major Building Work Licence Required whenever there is: ·Extensions either attached or detached, such as garages, work sheds, etc. ·Any building work that implies building a roof with over 1.5mts height. ·Any structural building work inside or outside the property, such as putting new beams, structural repairs, knocking down loadbearing walls. ·Any internal change of layouts, such as making rooms, kitchens or toilets bigger or smaller, subdividing rooms etc. ·Pools - Even small or fibreglass ones. Major building work licences always need to be signed off by a qualified architect and the paperwork required is usually vast. The process can be long and bumpy. Town Halls take months to issue the licence and they also require that the builder is qualified and registered.
(prior to building). By having a Retrospective Licence/Antiquity Certificate, building work already done becomes unobjectionable for the authorities. ·Vendors use it to avoid putting off potential buyers, due to the existence of undeclared or unlicensed building work. ·The Antiquity Certificate is also the document needed at the Notary to update the Title Deeds (Escritura) with any alterations introduced to the property. The requirements to obtain a Retrospective Licence for any extension or pools are as follows: ·Alicante: The extension or pool needs to be over four years old, before 20th August of 2014 (minimum aprox 8 years). ·Murcia: The extension or pool needs to be over four years old. ·Almeria: The extension or pool needs to be over six years old.
Minor Building Work Licences Minor building work licences are those needed to do any building work that doesn’t imply structure, doesn’t increase the build size of the property or doesn’t involve a roof, for example, tiling, repairing, cladding, plumbing, electricity etc. They are generally easy and cheap to obtain.
Martinez de la Casa Architects is one of the most prominent and respectable practices in the area, providing all types of certificates and licences, amongst other services. We are the Number 1 company in EPC Certificates (121€ inc IVA) and Number 1 for Antiquity Certificates (pools 229€ inc IVA, extensions 326€ inc IVA) and Habitation Licences (from 118€ inc IVA, Town Hall tax not included, depending on each municipality).
Retrospective Licence/Certificate of Antiquity This is required whenever the property has been extended, altered or had a pool built without a proper building licence
For all enquiries, or to arrange an appointment, please call 665 810 411 or visit to see over +200 testimonials on our services.
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QF Focus Magazine
Beautiful Brows by Amanda Read
Have you ever considered treating yourself to semipermanent make up but are not sure what the treatment entails? Well Amanda Read, who is fully qualified with Everlasting Brows in London and is a professional semi permanent make up artist, explains all… Microblading is a semi-permanent make up treatment which enhances your eyebrows using a handheld tool to provide individual hair strokes. With this method your desired shape, colour and thickness is personalised to suit the individual, and each step is discussed along the way. Your eyebrows can be made to look darker, fuller or longer and even people who have over-plucked or have sparse or no eyebrows can have this long lasting treatment which generally lasts from 18 – 24 months. As well as microblading, Amanda is also qualified in many other beauty treatments including Mylash. This revolutionary procedure on each individual lash, extends your lashes giving a natural look everyday without the need to use mascara. With over 15 years’ experience in the industry Amanda offers many more beauty treatments including pedicures, manicures, nail extensions, gel overlays and brow tinting to name but a few. Currently you can have the pleasure of any of the treatments in the comfort of your own home, however there will be a salon opening soon in Catral – watch this space for more information. To arrange an appointment with Amanda or discuss your requirements call 603 260 525 or by whatsapp on 0044 7554360319 or you can check out the Facebook page Beautiful Brows by Amanda Read.
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Hospitals Quirónsalud Murcia and Torrevieja apply hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) Implementing this complex technique which requires highly skilled centres, increases the survival of patients with ovarian and colon cancer Having a personalised and multidisciplinary medical approach to cancer, and therapies such as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) - also referred to as the Sugarbaker technique - increases the survival chances of patients with widely spread neoplasms in the abdominal cavity. According to Doctor Pedro Bretcha, president of the Spanish Surgical Oncology Society (SEOQ) and surgical oncology specialist at Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja, "The use of technology is important, but the primary requirement is to have a multidisciplinary vision of cancer, dealt with by a specialised team, because treatment should not be given exclusively by a surgeon, an oncologist, or a gynaecologist, but should be controlled in a consensual manner and adapted to each patient". This treatment is currently applied in Hospitals Quirónsalud Murcia and Quirónsalud Torrevieja, on patients who are diagnosed with peritoneal carcinomatosis, a pathology which consists in the spread of a primary tumour (digestive or gynaecological) in the abdominal cavity, and affects other organs within the abdomen. Doctor Pedro Cascales, coordinator of the Spanish Surgical Peritoneal Oncology Group (GECOP), and specialist at Hospital Quirónsalud Murcia claims, "Around 70% of patients, with ovarian cancer for example, are diagnosed in advanced stages, when the carcinomatosis is already present. It is these patients who, with the correct approach, can achieve unimaginable results that depend largely on the surgical team they are treated by". In fact, using HIPEC can increase the chances of survival in patients with early stage epithelial ovarian cancer. What’s more, its use does not add any complications to the surgical procedure,
according to a clinical study published in the prestigious scientific magazine The New England Journal of Medicine, in January 2108. The ‘Sugarbaker’ technique doubles the survival rate for colon cancer. This technique was developed by Doctor Paul H. Sugarbaker in 1982. It consists of the removal of the visible tumour, and later the infusion of HIPEC (at 43ºC) in the abdominal cavity to eradicate all invisible malignant cells, as the heat enhances the effects of chemotherapy. This technique has achieved survival rates that have not been registered in any other established treatment, with a colon cancer survival rate of 50% to 5 years. HIPEC treatment enables the combination of high doses of chemotherapy drugs which focus on the affected area, and less systemic toxicity due to the limitation in the spread of the drug from the peritoneal cavity to the blood stream thanks to the features of the drug’s own peritoneal membrane. Its use requires highly skilled centres with multidisciplinary and specialised teams in Surgical Oncology, as it is a very complex technique. The surgical oncology team at Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja run by Doctor Farré and Doctor Bretcha, was one of the first in 2001 to introduce this technique in Spain to treat peritoneal carcinomatosis. Since then they have performed hundreds of procedures on patients with this condition and varied tumour origins. Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja. Tel: 96 692 5779. See main advert on page 13 for more information.
QF Focus Magazine
Crafty Angels is a family run craft and gift shop based in La Marina Commercial Centre off the N332 between Merca China and Mercadona. Crafty Angels stock a range of card and crafting essentials and various gifts. If you are looking for a personalised card or invitations for any occasion Debbie can make them up for you. Looking for a new hobby why not come along and join one of our many card making or scrap booking classes. We cater for all abilities whether a seasoned crafter or a beginner, all are welcome. Our opening times are Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm. Call in anytime and have a browse.
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Anglican Chaplaincy Of St Peter & St Paul Torrevieja Chaplaincy Church Services & Other Events We are a group of eight churches which have come together in one Chaplaincy and are part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. Our Chaplaincy extends from just south of Alicante down the coast to La Manga near Cartagena. We pride ourselves in being active and involved in our wider community.
Lent & Eastertide Sun 11 Mar – Mothering Sunday, Church's normal service times. Wed 21 Mar – Stations of the Cross (Sponsored by the Mothers Union). 11:00 am for 11:30 - Rojales - 'Way of the Cross' (via Calles Algorfa & Daya Nueva). Sun 25 Mar - Palm Sunday, Church's normal Service times - with Blessing of Palms, Commemoration of the Lord's Entrance into Jerusalem and Holy Eucharist. Thu 29 Mar - Maundy Thursday. 11am Cristo Resucitado (Centro Ecumenico) (La Regia) - Holy Eucharist with Reception of Holy Oils from Diocesan Chrism Mass and Recommitment to Priestly and Lay Ministry. 7pm La Siesta - Eucharist of the Lord's Supper and 'Watch of the Passion'. Fri 30 Mar - Good Friday. 11am Cristo Resucitado (Centro Ecumenico) (La Regia/La Zenia) - Ecumenical 'Stations of the Cross'. 3pm Los Balcones - Celebration of the Passion of the Lord. Sat 31 Mar - Holy Saturday. 7pm Los Balcones - The Easter Vigil (followed by Resurrection Party). Please note the time we begin this evening. This service
lasts around 1.5 hours. It is the most important service of the Church's Year! Sun 1 Apr - Easter Day. Church's normal Service times. All services are celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. Mon 9 Apr – Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lady Day) (transferred from 25 Mar). 11am Lago Jardin – Holy Eucharist. FOOTNOTE For more general information on the workings of the Chaplaincy and other planned activities and events - please view our website: The specific location of the various Churches together with our normal Services can be found here: Also follow us on our Facebook pages too:
The Anglican Chaplaincy extends a very warm and friendly welcome to all denominations who live in or are visiting our area and our Churches.
QF Focus Magazine
Benefits of Hopi Ear Candling Tricia Lee is an Holistic Therapist based in Quesada with a wide range of therapies available, and 16 years experience in therapy work. Hopi Ear Candling, or as it is referred to, Thermo-Auricular Therapy, is the gentle and very effective art that clears away wax and debris from the ear. Not only does it affect the ear but cleans and clears the sinus and throat areas, making this an excellent treatment for anyone suffering with problems in these areas. The Native American Tribe, The Hopi, meaning the Peaceful Ones, first used this system hundreds of years ago, perfecting their skills over time. This system has now become very popular throughout the world. It involves inserting a slim candle made from beeswax, honey and herbs into the ear. One end is then lit and the wax and debris is drawn up through the candle channel. The process only takes approximately 10 minutes each ear. This treatment is beneficial to children of all ages, especially those who suffer from Glue Ear. It is also very relaxing and reduces stress, which people of all ages would certainly benefit from. Pilots and air crew, together with people who travel extensively have hugely benefited from the pressure regulating capacity of the treatment. Hopi Ear Candling would help people who suffer from migraines, headaches, hay fever, swimmer’s ear, asthma, vertigo, colds and flu, hearing loss, anxiety and stress, tinnitus and a number of sinus problems. It is important to remember that this treatment system could not be used on people who suffer with the following complaints: perforated ear drum, grommets in the ear, acute ear infection or any allergies to the components of the candles.
Please contact Tricia on 96 671 9115 or email: for further information. See her advert alongside for information on other services she offers.
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QF Focus Magazine
Do you really know the difference? By Sam Kelly, Managing Partner, Chorus Financial
Back in November last year Chorus Financial were very honoured to have been the invited Financial Advisory firm for ‘The Finance Tour’, Europe’s leading financial seminar. This bought Chorus advisors to your area for the first time, and it was certainly revealing! The Finance Tour was the first opportunity for Expats on the Costa Blanca to hear direct from the UK institutions who ultimately manage their pensions and investments. These includes Rathbone Brothers PLC, The Prudential and London & Colonial. Having met many of you during the tour, what was most revealing was the extent of financial mismanagement that sadly many Expats here in Spain have faced. As a result of the demand Chorus advisors have had on the Southern Costa Blanca since the tour, we are delighted to announce that we are now fully operating in your area, with an associated office in Quesada. You can now benefit from UK style advice here in Spain from a local trusted company. So, what’s the different with Chorus, and what are the warning signs of poor financial advice? Regulation. This is so important. Chorus have the highest level of regulation available to anyone here in Spain, with the full investment and insurance licenses. Via our website you can see our full list of permissions on the UK FCA’s website and the local regulators here in Spain. Many financial advisors in Spain have incredibly limited regulation, or even worse, do not display any details of their regulation on any of their paperwork, websites, newspaper articles etc. Without proper regulation you are entirely unprotected throughout the entire advice process. Transparency. For me this is the second most critical element to receiving appropriate financial advice here in Spain. In the UK, it is illegal for a financial advisor to receive hidden commissions when recommending an investment fund for your portfolio. Sadly, in Spain, that is not the case. If your financial advisor is choosing funds because they pay them commissions, then they are clearly not designing a portfolio with your long-term financial goals in mind. Clues that your financial advisor is taken hidden fees, and potentially recommending inappropriate investments are: 1) A fund entry charge. This is often as high as 5%, and 100% of this goes to your advisor for recommending that fund. 2) Unusually high annual fund fee. UK based FCA regulated funds generally charge between 0.2% and 0.95% per annum. Funds that pay hidden commissions will have much higher charges than this, often as much as 2-3% per annum. 3) A tie in. Liquidity in a portfolio is essential, but funds that pay a commission to the financial advisor may have a tie in of up to 5 years. This is detrimental to the client’s long term financial health. 4) Offshore funds. Is it illegal for UK based funds to pay commissions to financial advisors, so often advisors will make unnecessary use of offshore funds. Offshore funds can easily
be identified because the fund code (ISIN - International Securities Identification Number) will not start with the letters GB. You can see this on the dealing instruction your financial advisor will have asked you to sign to buy your investments. An example of a UK ISIN is GB00B41YBW71, it will always be a 12 character code. Chorus make a simple promise, and that is that our recommendations will always be 100% tailored to our client’s needs, and we will never take commissions for recommending your investment funds. Unless you specify otherwise, your funds will always be invested by UK based, FCA regulated fund managers, in a diverse portfolio of trusted household names like HSBC, Investec, Rathbone Brothers PLC, and The Prudential. Are you considering a new investment or pension transfer, or have concerns about an existing investment? To guarantee you are getting the best possible advice call today to book your free consultation with a Chorus advisor. We guarantee to better any proposal made by any advisory here in Spain, in both fees and quality, and promise to always put your needs first. You can call me direct on 664 398 702 or email for more information or to book a free 45-minute consultation.
Chorus Financial is a trading style of TOURBILLON LIMITED. Registered Address: Trinity House - Ocean Village Avenue - Gibraltar GX11 1AA. Tourbillon Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services
Commission (Gibraltar). Licence Number FSC1118B. Registered with the UK FCA. Reference number: 539348.
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Book Review by Ivor Kindle
Book Title: The Flame Bearer Author: Bernard Cornwell Publisher: Harper Book Number 10 in the Last Kingdom series ...from book one "The Last Kingdom" to book ten the "Flame Bearer" this series has been a master story told by the master storyteller that is Bernard Cornwell. Britain through the Viking invasion ...Alfred, King of Wessex is intent on bringing Britain's Kingdoms together under the English banner ...Pagans against Christians. This series has everything... Uhtred the hero is at one a victim and also a hero of British unity. This book series is also a magnificent TV series - The Last Kingdom. Enjoy both the books and the box set and get an understanding of the who, what, where and why of early British history.
...keep reading Ivor Kindle.
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A View From The Top
Welcome to my monthly column “A view from the top”. Hopefully you will find my rambling readable (maybe even enjoyable). You may agree or you may disagree with my views, I care not. These are my views long held and forged over a life time of work, travel and experience. Now that’s over let’s have a look at what is really winding me up. The beauty of childhood.
Another memory that came to me was my early years as a street kid living in the middle of London. School, when I went, did not hold many enchantments for me and as such I spent my early years wandering the corridors of the Natural History Museum in South Kensington, taking in the wonders of the natural world. Who could not be fascinated by the "Blue Whale Hall" or the magic of the Brontesaurus with all those bones and that magnificent long tail ...then it was up the stairs and into the world of creepy crawlies ...I don't like spiders and snakes are the words of a song that I can 100 percent agree with ...however there is no doubting the weird beauty of such creatures. When the world of natural history had been explored I used my preferred mode of transport, the London Underground, to make my way around the Capital City ...usually having The Tower of London as my point of call. Before you ask ...yes I was playing truant and yes I did not have any money to pay for my underground travel. In the early 1960s, museums were free and London Underground had yet to think of the Metal Crocodile Barrier the City of intrigue, that is London, was in effect open for perusal to a quick witted, skint, travel savvy truant playing street kid like me. All I had to avoid were the Police and an angry but overworked mother. All went well until both the police and my angry mother caught up with my little game ...aided I must add by the Catholic Church in the guise of Father (Cannon) Hadfield who decided that I would become his "lapsed Catholic child of interest". A plan was drawn up to enroll me into "Westminster Cathedral School" with its firm discipline, and the rest as they say is history. My childhood became one of concentration and study rather than one of light and liberty. Schooling definitely altered my life ...out went casualness in came thought and learning aided by my early life skill
Left the house the other day with the aim of paying a quick visit to my local for a Saturday afternoon pint. As I left the house I noticed that the road across from my house had been closed off by a couple of plastic barriers ...barriers that had been left by the local council after some official road closure. In this case the barriers had been purloined by several young children who had closed off the road at each end and were busy playing street football ...young boys and girls running about ...laughing and just enjoying life doing what growing children should do - namely learn by
social interaction and play. Watching the children reminded me of the old pre-school play groups slogan which said "Playing is learning for living".
QF Focus Magazine of being able to read from a very early age tuition, no parental effort, just a by product of hiding in local libraries to keep warm while playing truant from school. Watching the kids playing football in the street took me back through the years and confirmed that playing is definitely learning for living ...fresh air interaction and the flirtation with risk are pre-requesits for common sense adulthood. Long may youngsters enjoy their early years because for sure, life in todays world seems to be getting tougher by the day.
Just sitting and watching television.
Like many of you, in my retirement I like to watch television especially daytime television ...what however is driving me mad, is the proliferation of adverts that seek to ease my hard earned cash from my bank account. Along with these are the many charities who are championing the cases of clean water, food shortages, animal welfare, health care around the World, to name just a few. These pleas for help are genuine and should go someway to remind us all of the difficult life that some people live. What did catch my eye and caused me concern however, was an advert that sought to encourage women to seek Breast Augmentation. My concern is that - shouldn't this type of surgery be a matter for serious medical and psychological discussion between interested parties rather than a commercial shot at impressionable and maybe vulnerable people who may seek this type of medical intervention as a commercial lifestyle pathway. Listen, if you can afford it and you want bigger breasts then go for it concern is that this type of advert is aimed at young women and is for cosmetic, rather than medical professional reasons. Last shot at the television adverts is aimed at the company who offer "laser eye treatment". Whilst I accept that this treatment can be worthwhile, surely the company could have used a better slogan than "we can show you how to lose your glasses" to attract our attention. Let me tell you, I have a history of losing my glasses without help from anyone!
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Studio 1 – Benijofar Salon owner and hairdresser Donna, along with in-house beautician and nail technician Sam, welcome Michele to their team. Michele has over 30 years' experience in barbering and all clipper work and therefore specialises in men's cuts as well as ladies short hair cuts and blow drys. So while the ladies have their beauty treatments attended to, the men can now also have their hair trimmed. Studio 1 is a well established salon and offers all types of hair and beauty treatments including massages and spray tans. As well as all the in-house treatments available, you can also book appointments with Jo-Anne for permanent make-up, Hollywood Lash extensions and Russian Extreme Volume Lashes, PHI-ION pen, Micro Needling and Dermaplaning. There are specialised facials available with Sam that can give an invigorating and uplifting effect on the skin. The Skin Boost Collagen Gel is infused with Mulberry and Collagen which helps to improve skin tone and promote elasticity. KOKEN Gold Mask 24K is a facial mask formulated with gold microparticles and provides the best results in terms of luminosity, smoothness and firmness in the skin. Its gold content gives it a great anti-aging, moisturising and nourishing power. A black peel off mask is also available which cleans pores and perfects the skin, helping get rid of those blackheads, blemishes and acne. Gift vouchers are available to purchase making an ideal present for any occasion and they often offer combined hair and beauty pamper packages. Studio 1 is located behind the town hall in Benijófar next to Bar Catorce on Plaza de la Inmaculada Concepcion. For more information or book your appointment call the team on 634 314 857. See the advert below left for their March offers.
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glamRus This salon embraces all that the name suggests! Having opened its doors in March 2017, the Owner and Managing Director, Sophie Morgan, can report a successful first year of trading and all comments thus far received from clients have been extremely encouraging. Sophie's professional, friendly and outgoing personality, combined with her dedicated enthusiasm for everything “beauty”, instils a sense of well being as soon as you enter Salon glamRus. Offering the most current beauty treatments, Sophie is trained and qualified to a high standard in her field of expertise, as can be testified by the numerous certificates proudly displayed on the walls of the salon. glamRus offers a “top to toe” service with the “crowning glory” provided by the Top Stylist/ Artistic Director Vicky. Vicky's friendly and advisory persona, together with her high level qualifications, provides clients with the assurance that they are in extremely competent hands. Her love of hairstyling and colouring most certainly shines through as is borne out by the number of satisfied clients regularly returning for appointments. For the benefit of existing and prospective new clients, a list of treatments/ products can be viewed on their website together with up-to-date price lists. Sophie and Vicky wish to thank all of their clients for the support given to them in their first operational year and look forward to continued success in the years to come and to welcoming all their regular and new clients to glamRus, which is located on El Raso Urbanisation in the Commercial Centre on the right-hand side as you enter El Raso. Telephone: 96 599 6622, visit or find them on Facebook.
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100 Not Out! On 16 February, a very special celebration took place at Ciudad Patricia to mark the 100th birthday of Peggy, their longest staying resident. We’ve featured Peggy in Female Focus numerous times and it always amazes me just how sprightly she is. The day was celebrated in style starting with a champagne reception where Peggy was joined by her daughter Shirley, family, friends, residents, and local dignitaries. Speeches were given with Gordon, the President of the Resident’s Association, remarking that Peggy had had us on the edge of our seats with various illnesses in the previous 4 years. But she had made it with her ethos of positivity and ‘there’s no such thing as can’t’! A highlight of the morning was the delivery of a card signed by Queen Elizabeth II. By this time the emotions were bubbling over and tears of joy and laughter were flowing. After the reception, everyone moved into the theatre for a wonderful show put on by the staff of Ciudad Patricia. Compered by Benny Davies, we had acts including Abba, the Weather Girls, Village People with YMCA and the Andrews Sisters. We wish Peggy a very happy 100th birthday with many more to come. As so many people said, she is a wonderful and remarkable lady, and it’s an absolute joy and honour to know her. The photos show Peggy with her card from the Queen and receiving flowers from Peter Jacobs (General manager Apartamentos Ciudad Patrica). See page 25 for more information about Ciudad Patricia.
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Rabbit in the headlights? Your finances shouldn't paralyse you, they should enable and enhance your life now, tomorrow and into the future
by Steve Iball
deVere Spain
Someone once asked me “What is the success of protecting your money?” My reply was, and remains 'to manage it and understand your options'. With the abundance of advice available in the press, on the radio, in the news and on TV, you’d think that everyone would be on top of their finances. In my experience on the Costa Blanca, there remains much confusion on “what to do”. So many people take no action which results in them being a bit like the proverbial rabbit in the headlights, not moving and waiting for the car to stop or swerve. It’s no way to manage your finances! But I’m not surprised. There are so many products, funds, jargon and new concepts such as Bitcoin. It’s a minefield and when you add in the tsunami of scary news – well it’s paralysing! In my 35 years of experience of managing clients’ money, the key action is to ensure you take advice and receive simple solutions that you can understand, thus building trust in your advisor. As a deVere advisor, I do what I say with clients, take time to understand their financial needs, and advise solutions which are correct, compliant and deliver results. Our services have satisfied many, many clients in the Costa Blanca. Worldwide we service over 80,000 clients. Why not contact me on 610 822 484 or email for a no cost, no commitment initial discussion, there’s a good chance you’ll either save money, or protect your wealth – or even both! Finally, we’ll be exhibiting at the forthcoming Homes Gardens and Lifestyle Show in Altea (see page 31 for more information) where you can win £100 on a deVere VAULT Card, our easy to use, multi-currency prepaid MasterCard Payment card. We’ll see you there!
· Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ; it is the oldest Christian holiday and one of the most important days of the year. · The term Easter gets its name from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess who symbolizes the hare and the egg. · The exchange or giving of Easter eggs actually dates back to before Easter and the giving of eggs is actually considered a symbol of rebirth in many cultures. · The tallest chocolate Easter egg was made in Italy in 2011. It stood at 10.39 metres and weighed an astounding 7,200 kg.
QF Focus Magazine
Darkness Into Light is an annual international walking event coordinated by Pieta House, a Charity which raises awareness internationally on the issues of suicide and provides support to families and friends of those who are depressed, experienced self-harm or have died through suicide. The event, almost entirely organised by Pieta’s amazing volunteers, continues to go from strength to strength. Each year the Darkness Into Light event touches the lives of many more people across the world. Darkness Into Light started as a small event with a handful of walkers in Ireland, however, nine years later in 2017, over 150,000 people took part in the walk across the globe. Now into its tenth year, over 180 venues around the world will take part in this year’s event. Darkness Into Light is very much about hope and hope is something we endeavour to give each person who comes to us in their time of need. We help people to feel more hopeful about the future as we continue to tackle the issue of suicide and self-harm. This is the first time that the walk will take place in the Costa Blanca. This emotional, yet inspiring walk will take place on Saturday 12th May, 2018, starting at 5.15am. Participants will meet at Gogarty’s Bar, at La Zenia (Paddy’s Point) and walk the 5km coastal walk. At the 4km mark, there will be a pause at La Zenia Beach to silently reflect together, while watching the sun rise - hence going from darkness into light. For more information about the event visit or our Facebook page - Darkness into Light 2018 - Costa Blanca. Alternatively contact Event Co-Ordinator Fionnula Fitzsimons ( or Executive Committee Manager, Beverley Duffin ( We will be hosting a series of events in the Costa Blanca throughout April.
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Velvetones change direction and times
The Velvetones love to sing and when Ena Fraser decided to retire from Directing to go back to singing with the choir, they had to think fast! Ena had previously sung for many years with them, before being elected as Musical Director 3 years ago. The chorus who sing 4 part Harmony, were delighted to come across Phil Molloy, who has been in choirs all her life and some on the Costa Blanca! After meeting up they agreed to alter times from Wednesday mornings to Thursday afternoons 17.15 to 19.45 at their usual venue, El Paraiso, near Carrefour, Torrevieja. This friendly bunch of ladies, love the fun, companionship and to learn to sing well together. They welcome ladies of all ages for this fabulous hobby. Make new friends, come and join them for a coffee and a chat, or just listen. They are in our 20th year of Harmony! They are always on the lookout for new members to join the 25 ladies who sing plus 3 Social members who help out behind the scenes! So why not join them? Find them on Facebook or their website or call Mary-Anne on 96 671 973.
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ARIES You will get more done at the beginning and the end of the month but try not to get too frustrated in between. Let others take the lead and you will see things you have overlooked before. From their view point you can pick up ideas you would have never thought of. TAURUS If you are really feeling that passionate about something then let them know how you feel. It doesn't mean you are right and they are wrong and if you approach it carefully then they will see that you just see things a different way. GEMINI This month will be a challenge but not due to being over worked and busy, in fact just the opposite. Things all seem to be going too smoothly and even getting a bit boring. It won't last so make the most of this quiet time. CANCER The weather, although not so bad, is getting you down and you are wishing the time away until you can get back to the beach. Planning a quick get away or even a proper holiday will help. LEO Changing something small in the home makes a massive difference to all. This starts you thinking of other small changes you could make to your wardrobe, diet and life in general. Go for it. VIRGO It is sometimes hard to work out exactly what you want from a situation and sometimes harder to explain to others. Don't give up but keep trying and things will get easier.
LIBRA You need to concentrate more on yourself and your loved ones and not get so caught up in other people's problems. You do not have to try and solve everything for everyone. By giving yourself some boundaries you will feel less overwhelmed by everything. SCORPIO Trust your instincts in a relationship, only you know when is the time to take things further. A new hobby will see you spending more time with a wider group of friends. SAGITTARIUS Home life is high priority this month and spending time with the family really is making you feel happy and more settled than you have in a long time. This of course will reflect in your work life, and you will enjoy that more too. CAPRICORN At first you wondered why you were attracted to a person, but soon realise that it is because you are on the same wavelength. It is good to find someone who you can really relate to. AQUARIUS Money matters come into focus this month and they need to be addressed and not just brushed aside. Deal with them now and they will not start growing out of control. PISCES You really have got your heart set on your next goal but your head is telling you to hold back. You need to stop and make that list of pros and cons and see whether you are being too cautious or alternatively if you are going to have to put it on the back burner for a while.
My name is Steve Woods and I am a solicitor specialising in claims for asbestos related diseases and I thought I would look at a number of questions that often arise and that make people worried about the possibility of making a claim. My message is, if in doubt ask! I NEVER MADE A CLAIM BEFORE. I understand that making a claim can seem daunting and this is why I always visit my clients and meet them face to face. I can explain the process and I find this reassures them. I come to Spain regularly and so personal visits are not a problem. I CANNOT REMEMBER WHERE I WORKED, OR THE COMPANY I WORKED FOR NO LONGER EXISTS. It is not unusual for companies that traded in the 1960s, for example, to have long since stopped trading. With investigations I can trace insurers who provided cover for these companies and they are obliged to deal with the claims. Even if you are hazy about the exact name of a company or your period of employment with them, I can obtain your work history from HM Revenue & Customs and this provides confirmation of who you worked for all those years ago. I HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH AN ASBESTOS CONDITION BUT I DID NOT WORK WITH ASBESTOS. It is surprising how often, when you start talking about a persons work history, what they remember. Often, it turns out that even if a person did not actually work with asbestos, they worked alongside people who did and therefore came into contact with dust. Another possibility, and a particularly sad one in my experience, is a wife who comes into contact with asbestos from her husband’s work clothes. MY BREATHING PROBLEMS ARE NOT TOO BAD. A lot of people I meet are dismissive of their breathing problems and underestimate how they affect their daily lives. Some people I have seen do not realise there is a time limit for bringing claims and so it is important that investigations are started as soon as possible. Claims for breathing problems caused by exposure to asbestos can be complex but the quicker the claim is started the quicker these issues can be dealt with. So, if you are concerned about your particular situation or have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. I am happy to talk to you free of charge.
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Quesada Fish & Chips Restaurant in Villamartin Plaza Following the complete refurbishment and success of the popular Quesada Fish & Chips Restaurant in Quesada, the family run business has recently undergone the same treatment at their sister restaurant Quesada Fish & Chips 2 in Villamartin Plaza, which is now open for business as usual. As with their first project, great detail and attention has been put into the refurbishment of the Villamartin restaurant making the dining area modern, brighter and elegant. There is a vast choice of meals available from their extensive menus, all at affordable prices (and all available for takeaway if preferred). Menu of the day, Pie Special, Combo Special and a Sunday Special are also on offer. A fabulous traditional Sunday Roast is available at the Quesada restaurant and will be served in the near future at the Villamartin restaurant – watch this space for more information. You can keep up to date with events on their Facebook pages and websites – see advert for more information. To book a table, or place an order at Villamartin call 96 676 4441 or Quesada call 96 671 9136.
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Recipes by Pushpa from the Spice Hut Spicy Meatballs 1 kg of minced meat (lamb) Small cup of breadcrumbs (3 oz) 5 onions, very finely chopped 225g of finely chopped cabbage Salt as required 2 tbspn of garlic paste 2 tspn of chilli 1 tspn of turmeric 1 tspn garam masala
1/2 tspn of ground black pepper 1 egg lightly beaten 1/2 pint of water Small cup of oil 4 peppers finely chopped 1/2 tin of pureed tomatoes 4 tbspn of yoghurt Chopped coriander
Meatballs: Mix the mince, breadcrumbs, 3 tspn of finely chopped onions, salt, chilli, garam masala, garlic, half of the black pepper, 4 tbspn of water and the egg. Make small balls and fry in the oil using a shallow pan on a low to medium heat until brown. Then add the water and simmer for 30 minutes. Curry: Put a little oil in a pan and stir fry the rest of the onions, when slightly brown add the peppers, cabbage, turmeric, salt, tinned tomates, black pepper and slowly cook on low heat until smooth, then add the meat ball mix and finish cooking. Add more water and spices as required. Serve with yoghurt on top and coriander. Enjoy...
The Spice Hut Quesada. Tel. 96 673 1063 or visit
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Journalist and broadcaster Jack Troughton plays ‘Johnny Foreigner’ and casts an eye over Spain and focuses on stories that serve as a gentle reminder he remains an Englishman abroad. Those of us lucky enough to have embarked on a new life in this part of the world generally rub along fairly well with our Spanish hosts and we even dare to dip a toe into the warm friendly waters of a lake called integration. Britain and Spain are both proud nations and share many common values. It is easy to slip into a Mediterranean lifestyle and on the whole a peaceful coexistence exists; there’s even room for a bit of friendly banter. However, an insult – even a throwaway line – can set temperatures rising; it is in fact, like waving a red rag at a bull. Jamie Oliver and his unusual recipe for ‘paella with chorizo’ triggered a certain level of mirth and raised eyebrows when the Spanish press seized on the chef’s list of ingredients – he was probably sent scores of more authentic ways of making the dish and all the regional variations; possibly invited to tour in his VW camper to find out for himself. Spare a thought for Chris Haslam, a travel writer for The Times, and a recent article published in said newspaper under the headline: ‘How to be Spanish’. It went viral on social media and was about as welcome as an epidemic of bird ‘flu in national newspapers in this part of the world. Haslam was obviously trying to be light-hearted and tongue in cheek, and has since apologised. He shared advice such as to “always be late – unless a bull’s charging at you”, to “kiss and hug complete strangers”, to “shout at waiters”, and to “forget Anglo-Saxon politeness, discretion and decorum”, and a dig at siestas. The journalist was forced to protect his Twitter account in the fallout. Irate Spaniards made sure he was in no doubt of what they thought of him – backed up with YouTube videos of British men and women behaving badly in some of the country’s more notorious holiday hotspots. Spanish daily ABC led a blistering attack in its own guide ‘How to be British’ and what it called a few “diplomatic recommendations”. Naturally, the paper’s essential guide prompted more tit-for-tat articles back in Blighty. And to be fair the Spanish story did target visitors to these shores. There were references to wearing white socks and sandals and the propensity for getting burnt in the sun – Mad Dogs and all that. There were also swipes about the notorious intake of alcohol by holidaymakers – “20 hours a day” – before suggesting a couple of street fights before a burst of ‘balconing’ from a hotel room. The British also took a couple of hits for a general lack of interest in culture and the modern scourge of making fake claims for gastric illness after an all-inclusive hotel stay. “When you get home, go to an office that focuses on giving you some advice about reporting Spanish hotels for food poisoning is not necessary to have suffered harm, they arrange all the papers.” The editor of El Pais’ English edition, Simon Hunter – a veteran of 20 years ‘in country’ – penned a much more conciliatory article and believes Haslam simply committed the British ‘sin’ of trying to be too funny. He believes the attempt to be humorous and ironic failed to score with Spanish people who were merely offended. Simon – married to a Spaniard and with a large extended family here – also set out some pointers of his own. His laid back guide includes: enjoying life in the street and in the sunshine; spend a lot of time with friends and family, over coffee, a drink, lunch or dinner; and to be confident and polite – and always tip, even if only leaving a few coins. It was sensible stuff. Having lived in Spain for a number of years, both sides in this series of ‘how to be’ actually made me giggle; rather a lot actually. The original article and the various indignant responses, coupled with the polarised and cartoon images of the people of two different nations. The Spanish are a welcoming, friendly and helpful bunch; they care for families are respectful of older folk. Embrace the differences come the summer siestas are quite the thing.
Costa Blanca Focus
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Did you know that life rewards action? Decide that YOU are worth the risk of taking action, like yourself enough to want better results. Know that putting yourself at risk may be scary, but it will be worth it. You must call upon yourself to leave behind the comfortable and familiar if you are to move onward and upward …any progress is at first uncomfortable! Realise that we all see things differently and try to identify the way in which you view the world. Acknowledge your past without being controlled by it …..yesterday has GONE! Just learn from it. You have the ability to choose how you see any event in your life, and you exercise this power of choice in every circumstance, every day of your life, no matter what the situation, you choose your reaction, and give value to any event in your life. Although we are all imperfect, we can learn to take charge of your life and hold on. This is a long ride, and you are the driver every single day! You are managing your own life, and your objective is to actively manage your life in a way that generates high-quality results. The key to managing your life is to have a system. If you have a clear-cut plan, and the courage, commitment and energy to execute that system, you can flourish .…don’t settle for anything less than the best! Many of us don’t realise that we teach people how to treat us. Admit rather than complain about, how people treat you. Learn to improve your relationships to have what you want. We cannot control others ….only ourselves, so perhaps be more tolerant about some things that are not harmful. If the people in your life treat you in an undesirable way, figure out what you are doing to allow that treatment. You are in control of what you allow in your life ….or your attitude towards it! For example, when people are aggressive, bossy or controlling - and then they get their way - you have allowed that. Think about this. Until the next time…Take Care! Violet King. My site:
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The Costa’s most popular event will be blooming into action very soon …… Spring is just around the corner and so is The Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show! We are cooking up some fantastic features for the 2 day show at the Villa Gadea Hotel in Altea on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 April between 10.00 and 17.00, when the Show will be springing into action to inspire, inform and entertain YOU! With FREE ENTRY and FREE PARKING put the dates in your diary and come along to be part of it! Our stunning new venue is on the N332 and just off the AP 7 motorway. Meet our line-up of Next month we Professional Show Chefs will update cooking it up in the Outdoor you on the morning Area. On Friday 20 and talks and demos in Saturday 21 April at 14.00, Salon Olivos, how 15.00 and 16.00, our ‘local’ to enter to win the Celeb Chefs are Danny Show’s star prize Bowler from the Vintage - A Spa weekend getaway, Café, Masterchef Semidetails on our new super raffle, and it finalist 2014, Daniel Seymor will be the last call to enter our pet photo from Restaurante Ca Pepe who competition……..Pet Idol 2018! worked under Michelin star and award winning Sous Chef Has your pet got Minesh Patel ‘A Great British the Aaahhhhhh Factor! Menu’, Abi Satari from Satari’s Restaurant our own Costa For Show updates see Cook Off Winner 2017, along, Facebook with Chef Miguel Andres from Homes Gardens and Lifestyle Show Fusion 8 Restaurant at Akinon Resort, a winner of Sabor@arte or call 695 399 841. who trained under Michelin star chef Martin Berasategui. Our Show chefs are looking forward to sharing their passion to cook with creative flare. Friday 20 April 14.00 Daniel - Restaurant Ca Pepe 15.00 Abi - Satari’s Restaurant 16.00 Miguel - Fusion 8 (Akinon Resort) Saturday 21 April MAIN MEDIA SPONSOR 14.00 – Daniel – Restaurant Ca Pepe 15.00 – Danny – Vintage Café 16.00 – Abi – Satari’s Restaurant (Photography by SandraZ Photography) The 2 day event will be brimming with products and services with over 80 exhibitors waiting to welcome you to the biggest event on the Costas for all your Homes, Gardens, Lifestyle and Leisure time needs. It will be jam packed with information, inspiration, products, services, fun and feature concepts. Your favourites are back, such as the Tapa Trail, Open the Vault and Pet Idol 2018! along with the Daily Talks and Demos. NEW editions are the gardening competition, Baskets in Bloom, Free Health Checks, the brand new stylish cooking demonstrations, wine tasting, new style craft workshop, and our brand new Super Raffle with some amazing prizes to be won… ……and as always lots, lots more including 250€ in CASH to be won courtesy of FEMALE FOCUS PUBLICATIONS (see below).
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Cruising by Michael Walter Smith With the 2018 cruise season for Cartagena just commencing, with P&O Cruise line’s “Oceana” visiting, I am commenting here on a previous cruise I was fortunate to take in November 2014, from Valencia and visiting a number of ports within the Adriatic which included VENICE, one city that must be seen to be believed. The pictures here give an indication of sites within the city that are well known but as seen by me Our cruise ship, “Grand Celebration” at the time was operated by Spanish Cruise Line IBERO, a company not now operating vessels. Still at sea it is currently operated by a company with the grand title, Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line, sailing from West Palm Beach and offering short sea cruises to the Bahamas. When with Ibero, “Grand Celebration” operated alongside twin sister, now renamed “Magellan”. Magellan is now one of 5 ships operated by UK based CMV Cruises. The company’s ships offer departures mainly from the UK with “Magellan” in particular offering boarding opportunities at Amsterdam, Newcastle upon Tyne, Dundee, Liverpool, Dublin, Bristol, Cobh and Rotterdam during the 2018 season. I will give more information on this Line at a later date as it is of interest due to the various departure ports offered by all 5 vessels and the fact they offer both short to much longer cruises.
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Don’t Miss Out, Book Your Space Now Call 96 587 5421
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A smoother road to retirement - The Colina Club To welcome in the New Year, the Colina Club has had the access roads to the apartments resurfaced with new asphalt. This has facilitated an easy smooth road to all the apartments by mobility scooter and car, as well as improving walking access. This has vastly improved the appearance and ease of entry to the 48 one and two bedroom Independent Living Apartments. Why not come and see for yourself, just give us a call on 96 583 5226 or visit our website - We are also going to be celebrating the 100th birthday of one of our residents, Marnie Mills (pictured throwing paper aeroplanes). In 1986 Marnie and her husband Alan relocated to Spain, in to the mountain village of Forna. Both were keen walkers and became founder members of the Costa Blanca Ramblers. In 1996 Marnie moved to Orba after her husband passed away and continued with her love of walking. In 2010 Marnie decided to move again, this time into an Independent Living Apartment at the Colina Club located in the tranquil hills above Calpe. This provided fresh territory for Marnie to explore. It was only last year, at the age of 99 that she decided to walk from her apartment to the Nursing and Rest Home. She is now being pampered and still enjoying life to the full and can often be seen striding around the Colina Club and surrounding area. What an amazing woman, we only wish we had half her energy. Her family are coming out for the 6th of March to celebrate her birthday and we are having cake and cava to commemorate the day! May we all wish Marnie a happy, healthy 100th Birthday. The Colina Club, Urb. Colina Del Sol 52B, 03710 Calpe. Telephone 96 583 5226, email or visit See our advert below for more information.
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QF Focus Magazine At this time, while filming a local showcase, Darren was asked to step up and sing a song. The night was a phenomenal success and the owner of the venue asked him to come back and sing a few songs at an upcoming charity event. In conversation with a local entertainment agent, Darren was encouraged to put more material together in order to get out there and start performing. He invested in a top quality sound and lighting system, and began performing locally to begin with.
Hi all!
Before I introduce you to this month’s local artiste, I would like to say that I treated myself to a 4 day break in Benidorm last month. My reason for mentioning this are that, as we all know, Benidorm is Spain’s Mecca for both tourism and entertainment. Well, after doing the rounds while there, I have to say that for us living here on the South Costa Blanca, I am of the opinion that when it comes to quality and professionalism of some of our local acts based here, we can certainly give Benidorm a run for its money. One such act that I met up with recently is vocalist, Darren Jones. Darren, along with his young family, have settled into Spanish life very well, since moving from their home town of Nottingham, over a decade ago. Having been involved with several bands in his younger years, Darren thought he had well and truly hung up his microphone for good when he arrived in Spain. Upon arrival on the Costa Blanca, he worked initially as a T.V. presenter and voice over artiste on a local expat station, which led to further work later on with a local radio station.
Darren soon discovered that his vocals were perfectly suited to a wide range of music, covering the likes of Michael Buble, Robbie Williams, Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond, right up to the Kings of Leon, Ed Sheeran and The Killers. Darren was always prepared to travel to bring his music to any audience, and now finds himself extensively covering the coastal areas from Benidorm to Mazzaron, performing in bars, hotels, private parties as well as weddings, both here in Spain and the U.K. Music covering the 50s and 60s, Rock ‘N Roll, Swing, Soul and Motown, as well as some modern classics, and a few sing along songs thrown in for good measure. All the ingredients for a great night of entertainment. Add to that a very pleasant personality, and you have a winning formula. If you haven’t already had the pleasure of seeing Darren Jones perform then check out local press for up coming engagements or alternatively, visit Darren’s Facebook page for pictures, videos and further information. If you hit the “like” button, you will receive forthcoming gig details.
Bye for now, D.P.
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So, How’s the Property Market Doing?
By Alan Silverman
The Spanish Government publishes reasonably detailed statistics for a whole range of industries including the property market. It makes interesting reading though doesn’t always reflect the local situation, by which I mean town by town. But nonetheless it’s interesting to see what’s happening at a macro level. Of course any feature about government statistics needs at least a couple of caveats, and here they are. 1. Because transactions are reported up to 6 months after they’ve happened, and because the government needs time to ‘crunch’ the numbers, they are around 9 months old. 2. Despite its best intentions, house prices are still likely to be reported lower than actual due to the assumption that part of the sales value probably still includes undeclared cash – which is illegal and therefore not reported. So this month, we’re going to look at the stats for Alicante region for Q1 2017 and the numbers are quite encouraging.
Total properties sold was up by 17.4% year-on-year, with 9,410 properties sold in the period. Of those sold, 51.4% were purchased by international buyers – which explains why small estate agencies who only speak English can survive. But it also shows the importance of considering an estate agency who markets internally to Spain. It is said that more than 90% of property sales start with an internet search, so international portals are vital! The next interesting stat is that approximately half of those purchases were financed with a mortgage. This fact is good for 2 reasons: firstly capital is being released into the economy which is good for all businesses, and you still can’t discount the cash buyers – they do exist. If we look at sales, the last month reported was September 2017 which showed 2,814 sales in the Alicante Region. However, having spoken to local estate agencies, you start to understand that there are still challenges at the local level. The main issue is unrealistic expectations by some vendors who bought in the boom, and refuse to accept a realistic market offer. No amount of explaining that if you bought using sterling as your capital base, your selling price deficit in Euros is possibly offset by the lower current exchange rate. If you purchased in July 2015 at 250k€ and used Sterling, the headline price was 172k£. If you were moving back to the UK, even if you sold at a Euro loss of 12%/220k€, you’d still get your money back when you move it back to Sterling. Anyway, the property market is always interesting, whether you’re sitting opposite an estate agent or looking at Government statistics. Until next month. Sources: National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Development.
RBL immortalise Capilla de las Mil Palmeras in oil Ignacio Ramos, the mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, was the guest of honour at a recent meeting of the Royal British Legion held in Mil Palmeras. The Mayor was accompanied by Pilar Maria Samper, the Councillor for Tourism and Commerce in the town, where he was presented an oil painting of the local Catholic Church, La Capilla de las Mil Palmeras, by the President of the Orihuela Costa and District Branch, Pastor Keith Brown. A decision to make a suitable presentation to the town was made in appreciation of the outstanding support provided to the Branch in all of the ten years since it was first formed. In that time the one constant factor has been the use for its Remembrance Services of La Capilla de las Mil Palmeras, so it was thought that an oil painting of the church might be an appropriate gift. The project was discussed at a chance meeting with well-known local artist and RBL supporter Suzanne Stokes, and with the assistance of her photographer husband, David, a number of suitable images of the church were captured and the venture was underway. When Suzanne spoke to the Branch President after the presentation she admitted at just how nervous she had been on accepting the commission. “Being an artist who specialises on the human form I was extremely worried that I might not be able to do the building justice. It is a beautiful church and there were lots of elaborate shadows and reflected light that I had to consider, but on seeing the reaction of the Mayor and the Branch members to the painting I am absolutely delighted at how it turned out.” In thanking the branch members Mayor Ignacio Ramos was clearly delighted by the gesture. He spoke of his appreciation of the RBL, the good work that they do and the importance of the role that they play in the local community. He talked of the two World Wars, the awful losses that had been suffered across Europe, the Commonwealth and the rest of the world by all nations, and the importance in ensuring that it must not happen again. As he addressed the Branch the Mayor became quite emotional. He said how deeply moved he was by the presentation, the kind words from members and the genuine affection that he felt from within the room as the presentation was made. Following the departure of the Mayor, Pastor Keith welcomed Sheila Chinnock to the front of the room. He explained how, in recent years, Sheila had donated numerous paintings to local charities on the Costa Blanca, and last year how she had combine her two hobbies to create a poppy calendar in order to raise funds for the Royal British Legion. The calendar features some of Sheila’s most popular poppy paintings, including the one that was commissioned by Stevie Spit for his Royal British Legion and AECC fundraiser at Benidorm Palace. As a result of her endeavours Sheila was able to present the proceeds from the sales, almost 250€, to the RBL Poppy Appeal Organiser, Eddie Coleman. Sheila said: “If my paintings and this calendar can make someone happy by raising a smile and helping someone in need by raising a euro, then they will have done everything I hoped.” Photos by David Stokes
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KHEER INDIAN RICE PUDDING Ingredients 1 cup Basmati brown/white rice 3 cups coconut/almond milk 2 teaspoons cardamom seeds 2 teaspoons cinnamon
½ cup raisins 3 tablespoons brown sugar 3 tablespoons unsalted chopped nuts (almonds, cashews pistachios)
TIME: 50 mins Serves: 6 Indian rice pudding is the best – silky, creamy, crammed full of sweet plump raisins and nuts. There are so many flavours which can be added to kheer; cinnamon, pistachio, saffron, rose water etc. Indian rice pudding is nothing like the bland, gelatinous lumpy white stuff I remember being forced to eat at school! No, kheer is a thing of joy! This vegan recipe is a healthier version and tastes great. RECIPE • Rinse/wash the rice until the water runs clear. Place in a bowl, cover and soak in cold water for 15 minutes. • In a large pan bring the milk and sugar to a boil. • Drain and add the rice to the pan, lower the heat, add the raisins, stir and simmer for 25 minutes or until the rice is cooked and milk has reduced in half. • Stir in all the remaining ingredients. • Serve either warm or cold garnished with chopped nuts. TIP: The pudding tends to thicken with time. By adding milk, the consistency of the pudding can be adjusted. Try adding chopped dates or fresh fruit such as sliced mangos and strawberries for an extra sugar kick. Don’t forget to catch the Spice Sisters on Channel 5, Thursday 8 March “Bargain Loving Brits In The Sun”. If you would like to learn more about spices and how to cook Indian then why not join the Spice Sisters Nilam and Veena at their next Curry On Cooking Indian Cookery Course? Relax, unwind, feed and nurture your mind, body and soul in beautiful and tranquil surroundings of AKINON RESORT in La Nucia, with CURRY ON COOKING’s Spice Sisters from 12th to 17th April 2018. The retreat offers an excellent introduction to the colourful and inspiring cuisine of India. Learn about Indian spices and their healing properties; master staples such as bread, cheese, yogurt, ghee and curry making in a modern teaching kitchen. Plus experience the gifts of nature this beautiful resort has to offer paired with yoga, mindfulness, relaxing spa treatments and delicious food. For further information please email or
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QF Focus Magazine
Quesada Bowls Club Report Sponsored by Spanish Life Properties
We are now well into the second half of our league season and it is pleasing to note that our Swallows Southern League team are managing to maintain their top spot, and the Panthers are progressing well in the Federated 4s league. Quesada Bowls is very proud to have been hosts to the Scottish Disabled Commonwealth Games team who have spent a week here in Spain in preparation for their trip to Brisbane, Australia. Quesada players were involved in a number of matches with the squad and the players have said it was one of the most enjoyable experiences they have had in their bowling career. The Scottish squad players were absolutely incredible and although suffering such things as vision impairment, double amputations and other limb disabilities they proved they are top of the charts when it comes to bowling, and gave our players some very tough games. The Scottish team coach congratulated Quesada on the way they had been received here in Spain and said he was truly amazed at the high level of bowling of the Quesada players. Recently we have said goodbye to Carolyn Cavanaugh and John Muldoon, who have given up ownership of The Club, which is the social hub for the bowlers. Carolyn and John are heading back to the U.K. for their future marriage and life together with their families and we wish them well. It is pleasing to say that new owners will be taking over and we wish them well in this new venture. Our club championships are still progressing and these will go on through the winter, with the semis and finals taking place this month. Our Saturday morning ‘Chicken Drive’ is open to visitors. Players wishing to take part should report at 9.45am for a 10am start. For more information about our club please contact our membership secretary Joe Riley on 96 572 5787 or email New bowlers are welcome and introductory coaching is available.
Dance Yourself Dizzy
The AGM of the Sailing Association Mar Menor was held at Las Claras Social Center on 14 February , the 11th year of the organisations existence. 2017 was recorded as a fairly stable year with membership close to the 2016 figure. The Treasurer Peter Ewers confirmed he was stepping down after 7 years in the position and his replacement Martin Beenham was unanimously elected as were the other Committee members who were re-standing unopposed. As a thank you for all his hard work, Commodore Paul Shard presented Peter with a fabulous Aviator Chronograph watch, 50€ to spend as he wished and, to Peter’s great relief because he had forgotten it was Valentine’s Day, a large bouquet for his long suffering wife Lyn, all purchased with the generous donations made by club members. If you are interested in sailing you can reach SAMM through their website
Come along and enjoy a great evening of entertainment with a variety of dance produced by Sue Gibson and performed by her and some of her Suzi4fitz ladies from her fitness and dance classes. The show is compered by the fantastic Graeme Mykal who will also be performing some of his excellent magic tricks on stage. The ladies are performing on the two nights 14 and 15 March at Los Montesinos Music School Auditorium. Show starts at 7pm and doors open from 6.30pm. Tickets are 8€ and 10€. Tickets can be ordered by phoning 634 343 873 or by email or Facebook page Suzi4fitz Show “Dance Yourself Dizzy”. Tickets can be collected from Las Ramblas Golf Club (Ring to arrange a time) or collected on the door of the theatre on the night. The proceeds from the show are going to be given to Social Services to hand out much needed food vouchers to deprived families in Los Montesinos to help them enjoy a better Christmas in 2018.
Crescendo International Choir Back to Rehearsals for Spring Concerts
By Nancy Klein Do you like to sing and like to help needy groups in the wider community? Well, I have the perfect activity for you. That is Crescendo International Choir. We are a friendly group of people made up of Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses. We sing a wide variety of songs ranging from musicals to spiritual, from pop to classical and all types in between. The choir practices Fridays from 9.30am to noon at Restaurante El Paraiso, Urb. Jardin del Mar (close to Carrefour), in Torrevieja. Last year, we gave 6,623€ to different charities in the Torrevieja and surrounding communities. Now if you are not a singer please support us by coming along to one of our concerts later in the year. Don’t really enjoy concerts either, but want to find a way to raise money for a worthy cause, why don’t you contact us? Maybe we can give a concert and raise money for your worthy cause? The website includes a contact page with the names of the choir’s leadership team and it includes their roles and email addresses. For this information or any other details, see the website
QF Focus Magazine
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Cyclogical Ladies Cycling Groups While cycling is becoming increasingly popular with women there are still plenty whose experience of cycling ended at childhood. It’s also a fact that 4 times as many men ride bikes as women. Whether you are a total beginner, looking to ride more regularly or just want to enjoy social cycling we have loads of ways to help you get on that bike. Riding on your own can be great fun, you can go where you want, when you want and stop whenever you want and it also gives you time to think etc, However riding in or with a group can be even more enjoyable. You can make new friends, learn some cracking new routes, learn new skills and techniques, work harder, cycle further, improve your stamina and generally have more fun and post ride socialising. Our aim is to promote health and well-being through cycling and help women to recapture the thrill of cycling or discover it for the first time.
How to get started. All you need is a bike and a safety helmet, if you don’t have one we can advise you or hire you one to try and see if you are going to enjoy it. We try and set up, adjust and customise everyone’s bike to suit their size and shape to make your ride more comfortable. We also stock a vast range of ladies clothing and have also designed our own ladies specific clothing range. Our ladies rides all start and finish at the shop and are organised to go at a distance and speed that suits everyone, we also have a couple of breaks on route for a drink, coffee and tapas allowing everyone time to mix and get to know each other. After a few weeks your aerobic fitness will have improved and you will be able to ride for miles without feeling any more than a little puffed out. The more active you are, the healthier you are. But whatever exercise you decide to do remember to have fun whilst you are doing it. We teach the necessary skills to ride safely and confidently on the roads and improve bike handling. We mostly cycle on local, ‘camino’ and canal roads as far as possible. We have cycled most of the roads in the local area and have also cycled as far as Fortuna, Aspe, Monovar, La Manga, Sierra Espuna and Los Alcazares. Safety in numbers. When we ride in a group and where the road conditions allow, we aim to cycle two abreast, ideally alongside a partner you can match the pace with comfortably. We are all responsible for our own safety and the safety of others. If you are at the front take care not to ride too close to the gutter, you’re the eyes and ears for the group, it’s up to you to see the potholes, parked cars, joggers, other cyclists etc, and to tell the rest of the members by use of hand signals. No matter where you are in the group you must pass on all information to the person behind you without making any unpredictable movements. If you fancy taking up cycling or joining us just give me a call to arrange a chat, call into our shop or just turn up to one of our rides. Contact Lynn: 634 050 225 / 637 487 377. Lynn’s Ladies Hybrid group: (Beginners and Improvers) Meet every Monday at 1pm until 5pm. Cover approx: 30- 40kms. Ladies Hybrid Group: (Improvers and Advanced) Meet every Wednesday at 11am until 5pm. Covering approx: 60-80kms Mixed Hybrid Group: Meet every Saturday at 2pm until 6pm. Covering approx: 60-80kms Gary and Lynn are available at Cyclogical in Quesada , Monday to Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm and Saturdays from 10am - 2pm to assist and advise you on all your cycling requirements.
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Forthcoming Events By Keith Nicol There are three dates in March that are impossible to ignore in Spain, no matter how we try: St. Patrick’s Day, San Jose or Father’s Day and Easter: the Semana Santa. Around the Southern Costa Blanca there are also a few gastronomic events that allow you to enjoy a different taste of Spain. Starting in the first week of March we have Tapas Routes in Albatera (along with Gin), Novelda, Santa Pola and Crevillent, plus Orihuela Lent Menus, Pilar de la Horadada Tastes of Lent, and the Pinoso Culinary Week. On Saturday 17 March, Cabo Roig is turning green for St. Patrick’s Day and hosting a fabulous parade and party to celebrate Ireland’s national saint. Last year’s parade was the largest in Spain and this year it looks like being even bigger. The strip will turn into a sea of green for the day, with all the bars and restaurants offering all things Irish including food, drink, music and hospitality together with face painting, street magicians, bouncy castles, dancers and a display of classic and specialist cars and bikes, along with St. Patrick himself. This will be a fun day with something for all the family and loads of prizes and giveaways. The parade will commence between Slievenamon and Bog Road at the earlier time of 2pm and proceed past the Trinity and Rianxeria onto Calle Cielo passing Bar Liquid and Flanagans ending at Cabo Roig roundabout around 3.30pm. For more information or to take part contact Richie: 637 490 937. The earlier start is due to a 4pm kick off in the final game of the Six Nation’s Rugby Tournament, between England and Ireland.
QF Focus Magazine Torrevieja is just one of the local cities that celebrate the Easter Processions with style. The event is classified as one of National Interest and is supported by the Costa Blanca Tourism Board. The main parades take place on Monday 26 starting at 10pm and on Good Friday, 30 March, starting at 8pm, although there are parades and activities every day. There are also major parades in Pilar de La Horadada, Orihuela, Alicante and Elche, to name but a few. In Torrevieja, members of the International Cofradia Of Jesus In The Garden Of Olives will be taking part. This prestigious group has been followed by the media across the Spanish speaking world and has been much admired and respected by most of its Spanish counterparts since its inception in 2005. With thousands of Spanish and many other Nationalities filling the streets of Torrevieja for these splendid processions the atmosphere is something to behold for those who are lucky enough to be a part of this moving Spanish Tradition. For more details or if you’d like to volunteer your husband to take part, email:; Tel: 654 634 575. During the winter the The Rojales Craft Market at the Cuevas del Rodeo is open on the 1st Sunday of each month in the morning from 11am to 2pm. It’s is a fun place to visit if you are looking for a small gift, piece of art or decoration. Local artists put their work on display along with other craft works to browse and enjoy. Also on the 1st Sunday of each month is the Ace Cafe Classic Car event, on the street outside La Torre Hotel in Los Montesinos from 11am to 1pm with this year’s April Event happening on April Fools Day, which also happens to be Easter Sunday. Admission is free. Kids of all ages are invited to attend the Torrellano Miniature Steam Train. It is run by the Friends of the Railways Association and so is normally only open on Saturdays between 4pm and 8pm with Miniature Train Rides during February and March on the 2nd Sunday from 10.30am to 1.30pm. Every month the Friends of the Railways Association host a miniature train event at the railway museum in Torrellano. Donations of 1.50€ per visit are requested.
San Jose, Spanish Father’s Day falls on Monday 19 March this year, which means that this middle week of the month becomes a natural long weekend. This is a national Red Day in Spain so expect busy roads, beaches, town centres and Zenia Blvd, with thousands of tourists arriving from Madrid and around Spain.
New on the March Calendar is Expo Torrevieja III, this region’s premier International Lifestyle event. It takes place over the weekend of 10 and 11 March, with doors open from 10am until 3pm on both days. 2018 sees the event moving to a new and fabulous location in the Foyer of Torrevieja’s International Auditorium, beside Hospital QuironSalud. Admission and parking are free and inside you’ll find more than 70 local and regional business and service suppliers offering a smorgasbord of exhibitors all there to help enhance your quality of life, living here on the Costa Blanca. More details from:
We try to ensure that all information on forthcoming events is correct. We advise you to check any information as there are sometimes last minute changes or cancellations which are out of our control.
QF Focus Magazine
The Association Of Retired Police Officers (known as ARPO). Retired police officers from any national or international force are very welcome to join our group. We meet every 2nd Wednesday at Sacko’s Bar, El Limonar at 10:30 We are a social and self help group and look forward to meeting new members and their partners. For information and forthcoming events, Torrevieja Christian Fellowship is a lively English speaking church located at Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68,Torrevieja 03183. Residents and holiday makers are welcome to attend our services every Sunday at 10:30 with communion and “kids church”. Wednesday Fellowship meetings (Bible Study) starting at 18:00. For further information see our website or tel: 96 670 0391. Crime Watch Spain (Vecinos Colaborando) Reg. VG – 08261/2002 advise the community citizens about security matters and help them to report any incidents in their communities to the authorities to try to keep out any intruders. For more information please email: F.A.B. or Friends After Bereavement meet on a Saturday at the La Laguna hotel, Quesada at 13:45. We are a friendly group who meet up, chat, and spend days out together helping people to re-start their lives after the death of a partner. We are not in the least morbid, just a cheerful bunch who support each other through difficult times. Royal British Legion, Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch meets on the first Monday of the month at 18:00 at La Taberna - next to the Monte Mar Bowls Club & Restaurant, Plaza Mayor (Masa Square), Gran Alacant. New members are always welcome, and remember, You do NOT have to be Ex-Services to join us. Further details and/or directions from Robin 96 669 5423 or Brian 639 917 971. Email:
Costa Blanca Focus
Calling all groups and charities Send your forthcoming events and information to See page 4 for deadlines.
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We are Torrevieja Maritime Association and our aim is to “Stimulate and maintain interest in maritime activities in the Torrevieja area among people of all nationalities”. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at Casa de Galicia in El Chaparral, Torrevieja and can be contacted at or via our Facebook site, Torrevieja Maritime Association. The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meet on the first Wednesday of every month at Bar/Restaurante El Paraiso near Carrefour, Torrevieja at 17:00 and remember you don’t have to have served in the Royal Navy to become a member. We look forward to seeing you soon! If you would like to join the ship mates or just find out more please phone Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 96 671 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 96 692 1996. Almoradi scrabble club. The club meets at Cafe Almoradi, Calle Major 91 on the last Tuesday of the month from 15:30. We really want to extend our membership. If you are interested please come and join us, or for more information call 694 437 698 or email The Aircrew Association Costa Blanca. Former and serving aircrew of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are very welcome to join this convivial and friendly organisation, founded here in 1988. Details from the Secretary on: 96 640 4123. Bettas Torrevieja RFC new rugby club, based on traditional ethics, respect, training by the Nelson Mandela Stadium on Wednesdays and Sundays 20.30-22.00 contact Javi on 603 727 179 for more information. Catral’s writers / cultural group. If you like to write, talk or read about cultural issues you are coming to the right starting group every Wednesday in Catral, Vega Baja. Interested? Please email J. Rivero on
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QF Focus Magazine Animales - Animals There are 31 Spanish words (listed in blue). Remember words can go up, down, across, diagonally and even backwards and to make it harder, some letters will have been used more than once. Answers to puzzles in the classified pages
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QF Focus Magazine
Spot the difference -
See if you can spot all 12 differences
SUDOKU Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. Answers to puzzles in the classified pages
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QF Focus Magazine
Classified Adverts
GLOBAL DISCOUNT FURNITURE Wanted – Quality used household and garden furniture. Top prices paid. Cash Waiting. Collection available. Call 96 671 3457 or 604 239 149 or email or
Services BUILDING WORK All types of small or large building work undertaken including bathroom and kitchen refits, patios & terraces, painting, pool repairs, extensions and underbuilds, plumbing and electrics. Call 96 671 2832 or 662 455 960 for a free no obligation quote or email TRANSLATOR AND INTERPRETER English/Spanish. All legal, medical and business matters. Covering the Costa Blanca. Contact: 658 957 404 or
Entertainment LADY JAZZ performing at the Costa Blanca! Perfect for your Lounge Area, Private Party’s, Weddings, Fine Dining & Cocktail Bar! High quality vocals & chillout tunes. 677 233 879 Facebook: LadyJazzAnita or visit
Misc Sales 8x4 TOP QUALITY winter pool cover, cost 700€ - 150€ ono - mbl 652 534 813.
FOLDING Z BED perfect condition 25€ - mbl 652 534 813. SLIP CASTING MOULDS for making hobby ceramics, around 200. 1€ each. Good condition, home, garden, & Christmas. Please 3 PIECE RATTAN Patio Set with matching glass top table, 150€ Ono - mbl 652 534 813. PORTABLE CAMPING FRIDGE or coolbox. Car and mains leads. Used once only. 35€. 690 772 178 (San Fulgencio). PET CAGE LARGE Galvanised, collapsible, detachable tray, 50€ 690 772 178 (San Fulgencio). (s) SENIOR PHONE DORO Easy 611,any SIM, large keys, text, camera, Bluetooth, fold-up, 25€. 690 772 178 (San Fulgencio) SAMSUNG TABLET T520 10inch. Ready to use, complete with carry case and charger. 55€. 690 772 178 (San Fulgencio) WAX JACKET M/L with detachable hood, as new, ideal for fishing 20€. Torrevieja area, near hospital mobile 617 946 295. HOSTESS TROLLEY IN excellent condition with 4 heatproof dishes with stainless steel lids in top section and heated cabinet below. 100€. Torrevieja area near hospital, mobile 617 946 295. KINGSIZE SLEEPING BAG from blanket factory lambswool lined never used fits double bed opened 20€. Torrevieja area near hospital mob 617 946 295. EUROHIKE TENT 2 person with porch inc groundsheet 265TS never used 30€. Torrevieja area, near hospital, mobile 617 946 295. GASTRONORMS 5 WITH lids 3 shallow 2 deep as new, ideal for hostess trolley. Length 32 cm x 17 cm wide 50€. Torrevieja area near hospital, mobile 617 946 295. 12 BEATRIX POTTER Original ornaments including Mrs Tittlemouse etc. 15€ each. Tel 96 574 5658 (Moraira area).
S A L E S A G E N T S WA N T E D , preferably with several languages (minimum English). One for North Costa Blanca region and other for South Costa Blanca region. We offer employment contract, an allowance for fuel plus commission. For more information please PART OR FULL time flexi hours, Catalogue Distributors, Online Marketers. Team Leaders. Must be 18+ Visit
Personal AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For families and friends of problem drinkers. There are meetings in Torrevieja and Quesada. Phone 692 799 318.
QF Focus Magazine
Page 45
Classified Adverts
Puzzle Solutions
Autos And Boats
Very easy
Animal Adoption or Re-homing
Easy Horse Care.
All adverts must be sent with your Name and NIE or Passport Nº (not published). ADVERTS SHOULD BE sent with correct spacing and spelling, the first three words (only) in capitals. Email addresses will not be published on the website or in the magazine unless requested or supplied as part of the main text. FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTS. Sell your unwanted items for FREE! Free adverts cannot be faxed, phoned or posted they must be emailed to Photos can be sent with your free advert, both will be published online but text only in print. Classifieds that are supplied incorrectly, all in capitals or with missing information may well be deleted. ‘Misc sales’ are for example one-off sales of second hand items to the value of 500€ or less. Maximum twenty words per advert/ item & maximum five adverts per person*, (email & web addresses count as three words). Property rental or any type of service, business opportunities, wanted, etc are not free and will be charged at the commercial advert rate. Free Property adverts: Property sale adverts should also be emailed to by the property owner. They will be published free for a 3 month period and can include Property Agent contact details (and photo to be included online only). Commercial adverts: Minimum advert length ten words. 35 cents per word plus 21% IVA per month. Payment can be made by credit card or paypal. *Free adverts will be published in print on a space permitting basis. If you want to ensure your advert appears, normal commercial rates should be applied. By using this service you agree to receive the Female Focus publication newsletters to your email address unless you state otherwise.
Bronte was once a competition horse in the UK and came to live in our centre not because she was neglected or abused, but because she had owners who cared very much for her. She may be suitable for very light riding but requires an experienced rider. Call 652 021 980 or email
K9 Club.
Carlo is a small to medium sized dog who is very easy going and loves to be near people of all ages and mixes well with other dogs. He has been castrated, vaccinated and micro chipped. Carlo has Leish but has no health problems from this. We would also consider a foster home for him with K9 responsible for vet fees. For more information please call 600 845 420.
Pets in Spain.
Lucy is 1 of 4 Chihuahuas recently rescued from a puppy farm. She is around 4 years old, chipped, vaccinated and is good with other dogs. Lucy will preferably be suited to an older couple who have the time to help her overcome her ordeal. Call: 645 469 253. To view more animals for adoption go to
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QF Focus Magazine
Classified Adverts
HomeEspaña inaugurates their new real estate office in Valencia HomeEspaña is a leading real estate company specialising in the sale of property throughout the Costa Blanca, Murcia and Valencia, in the European market. At the end of January, after operating in Valencia city for over a year, and seeing more and more people interested in buying in Valencia, they decided to move to a bigger office located on Gran Vía Marqués del Turia nº69. The opening was attended by more than a hundred guests, including the company’s founder, Kieran Byrne and its CEO, Jamie Percival. Kerry Byrne, Marketing Executive told us “We are responding to the growing demand of our international customers looking to buy homes in Valencia and its surrounding areas. After 16 years of successfully helping clients buy and sell property across the Costa Blanca and Murcia we are excited to continue growing HomeEspaña in a new region.” Clare Johnston, coordinator of International Fairs, reviewed in her speech the achievements of the company in these 16 years of history. “Last year we helped more than 500 owners to sell their house, or in other words, more than 500 buyers to find their ideal home. Spain is a market that is very popular based not only on the climate, but also and mainly in the security and stability of the country and the market.” she said. HomeEspaña was founded in 2002 by Kieran Byrne and Noel Bryne with its first office in Orihuela Costa. Now, with a team of about 60 people it has seven offices in La Zenia, Los Dolses, Playa Flamenca, Benidoleig and Dénia, a sales office in London and the newly inaugurated headquarters in Valencia. Since the beginning it has been working to offer its clients the best advice and service in the purchase and sale of properties, based on transparency, integrity and good customer service. HomeEspaña offers personalised treatment tailored to the needs and interests of each buyer and seller, and is able to make its clients’ properties visible on an international level, attract qualified buyers and assist both parties in the entire sales process, by establishing a direct, simple and reliable relationship.
For more information on HomeEspaña and to find directions to your nearest office visit their website:, email –, Facebook - or call them: South Costa Blanca: (+34) 96 676 15 45, North Costa Blanca: (+34) 96 574 31 86, Valencia City: (+34) 96 059 00 50.
Built 2001. 225m2/ 800m2. West facing. Lovely sea and hillside views. Benissa Coast. 4 bedrooms / 3 baths. Spa bath. 2 sitting rooms, 2 kitchens, utility. Large naya. All upgraded. Excellent decorative order. Gas CH, Double glazing. Auto. gates leading to large driveway. Nice gardens. 9x4m pool with lights. Quiet area. Garage/ workshop/ pump room/ storage. REDUCED from €425,000 to €375,000 for private sale. Tel: 96 649 7841. Mobile: 647 008 223. Email: for photos. APARTMENT, JAVEA, 110 Sq Mt. 3 Bed 2 Bath Apartment, close to the port and walking distance to shops, restaurants, services. reduced to from 179,000€ to 169,950€, large terrace, underground parking space, communal pool and secured gated entrances. Contact 619 504 963. CAMPO HOUSE BENISSA in Benissa, 2 bedrooms, 400m² plot with new private pool. 150.000€ Inmobiliaria Plaza Mayor, Tel: 629 991 543 or visit
MORAIRA TWO STOREY house in Paichi. Ground floor self-contained flat. 1st floor lounge, kitchen bathroom two bedrooms. Large garden Pool , terrace. Lovely views. tel. 96 574 5658 owner. 350,000€. THE COSTA BLANCA’S Fastest Growing Business Directory...... If you are not on there you are losing out! VILLAGE HOUSE, BENIDOLEIG 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 110m2 build. Aircon. Double glazing throughout with persianas and mozzy nets. Fully renovated structure, electrics and water. Private South facing roof terrace. Direct sale by owner. €129,000. Tel: 96 640 4472. LUXURY REFORMED FINCA, Benimarraig, between Benissa and Calpe. Rural not remote. All mains services. Bulk gas tank. 4Beds/ 4baths. Underfloor and central heating. Pool. Electric gates. 285M2 on 5000m2. 595,000€. Tel. 659 561 027. COSY FRONTLINE APARTMENT in Altea! 2 bedrooms, balcony that faces the sea, linens, towels, kitchen appliances, internet, everything you need. Have a look at for info and photos. Available from March 2018. I rent by the week from June until September, and per month the rest of the year. No long term, sorry (max. 6 months in winter). DENIA DETACHED HOUSE in idyllic position on Montgó. Spectacular views of town, coast and mountain. 720m2 plot. 100m2 build. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, pool (unfinished) & independent garage /studio. Super property but needs reform. €189,000. Contact 657 537 237 for photos. ATICO IN CALPE Atico in Edificio Toix, Plaza La Flores, 69m². 98,000€. Inmobiliaria Plaza Mayor, Tel: 629 991 543 or visit REFORMED CHALET CALPE Reformed chalet 400m from the centre of Calpe in the Benicolada area. 350m² plot, 145m² built. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace, parking, pool. 200,000€. Inmobiliaria Plaza Mayor, Tel: 629 991 543 or visit
To get your free 3 month property for sale advert send your advert content (up to 40 words) to - Please include your name, NIE or passport number and address, this is not for publishing but we must have these details on file. And remember you can also send a photo to go with your advert that will be published with your wording on the website. (Wording only in the QF Focus Magazine.)