For International Day of Charity (5th September) Specsavers Ópticas is explaining the importance of finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.
In Spain, there are over 1,000 people diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes every year, and most of those are under 15 years old. This is a growing problem, yet its cause is not known and there is no cure. The charity DiabetesCERO wants to change that by funding research projects in Spain to find the cure.
DiabetesCERO is the leading Spanish foundation investing in research into a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Thanks to the support of thousands of people and companies around the world, they support and finance biomedical research projects to find a cure for this serious, chronic, autoimmune disease, diagnosed mainly in children. They work tirelessly to ensure that the scientific community has the resources it needs to advance research, with a single purpose: to change the future for millions of families.
Michael Olsson, optical assistant at Specsavers Ópticas in Guardamar, explains, ‘Diabetes is not just a glucose or insulin issue, it can cause so many more problems and sadly we’ve seen that in our family. The more funding that can be put into research into finding a cure and improving treatment, the better. Spreading the word of the impact of diabetes on your health is also so important, as early diagnosis and treatment is crucial to reducing the long-term impact of the condition.’
Michael is taking on the challenge to bungee jump between two bridges in Mascarat to raise funds for the charity in September. His aim is to raise €1,000 on behalf of the Specsavers Ópticas stores in Guardamar, Torrevieja and La Zenia. To support him, please make a donation in a Specsavers Ópticas store or via their GoFundMe page “Puenting para recaudar fondos para DiabetesCERO”. Every donation made will help fund vital research into Type 1 Diabetes. For more information about DiabetesCERO visit www.diabetescero.org. To find your nearest Specsavers Ópticas store and make a donation visit www.specsavers.es.
Original Article July 2022
The on-going issue of the lack of reading and understanding of policy documents is still necessary for all your insurances. Very few seem to be aware of the importance of first checking your policy documents are totally correct with all the right information, especially the car policies that the number plate is correct. Also these documents must be kept in the car, but is far better to ensure you have copies, should the vehicle be stolen. For your home policies, ensuring that the address is correct and the same as the catastral will make life a lot easier, should you need to claim.
Without understanding your insurance documents, you will not be fully aware of your exact coverage, should anything happen. Many people under-insure, which is a very unwise decision. More so now, with climate change and the ever changing, unpredictable weather.
With the increases to both inflation and the cost of living, unfortunately burglaries are on the increase, especially with unoccupied properties. Ensure you understand what you need to do to not only protect your property but also ensure you are covered with your insurance.
It is well worth ensuring you know what to do when anything happens - know what telephone numbers to call, and what you will be required to provide.
Obviously the health insurance is a little more complicated. Ensure you know what information you need, have the contact details with you at all times and it helps to store the telephone numbers in your telephone, along with your policy number. If
you are unsure how to use your medical insurance, ask your agent or broker.
If you have an accident on the streets, people will automatically telephone for a state ambulance and you will then be taken to a seguridad social hospital, where you have the choice of either being transferred to a private hospital, or stay and pay the invoice if you do not have a SIP card.
It is always better to be prepared.
I know that insurance documents are not easy reading but it always pays to know and understand your policy. It will make your life easier, less stressful and in some cases, will prevent large unexpected bills.
To help you with your claims, I have a special Claims administrator to guide you through the process with Liberty Seguros, an ASSSA administrator to assist you with your health policy and a renewals department to help you with your renewals, and checking that your policy coverage is correct and up to date. Outside of my office hours, all the insurances have emergency contact information, which comes with your policy.
Mark, Jennifer’s son, will be taking on the company to continue with Jennifer’s ethos of customer service and information and this is one of the previous articles from Jennifer that is still relevant today. The only difference is Liberty Seguros has now merged with Generali, although the policies remain the same.
For further information or a quotation, please contact one of my offices, email info@jennifercunningham.net or visit the website www.jennifercunningham.net.
It's hard to believe the kids are back to school in the next week or so... the summer seems to have gone very quickly this year but let's hope the good weather continues for a while yet so we can still enjoy what we all came here for.
Unfortunately we were unable to get an actual holiday this year due to work and family commitments (and golf!), although we have managed to squeeze in a weekend to Mojacar in a few weeks time, when we intend to have a nice relaxing break and switch off from it all.
August brought a nice surprise to the family with the proposal from our son to his girlfriend…. yes she did accept! It's nice to have something to look forward to and although the big day will probably happen in 2026 the time will no doubt fly by as usual. So now it's a lot of wedding talk, planning and saving up to be done ...exciting times ahead.
Until next time...
QFocus On Magazine covering the Alicante South region and Focus On Magazine covering the Alicante North region.
Discuss your advertising with your local representative:Sales Manager Michelle 663 178 228 michelle@femalefocusonline.com
QFocus Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055
Pick up your next issue on 1 October Deadline for advertising & editorial - 16 Sept
One of the most asked questions asked about our universe is 'how do they know that?' Often this will be said in a tone of disbelief, as though astronomers just make things up. One often asked example is how can we know what a star thousands of billions of kilometres away is made up of, or how old it is, even if it's likely to do something strange?
The answer to these questions starts a long time ago with someone we've all heard of, Isaac Newton, the chap who supposedly had an apple drop on his head, and discovered gravity. That may be just a myth, but what is fact is that he discovered that ordinary white light is made up of lots of different colours all mixed together, the spectrum. He used a prism to shine all these colours on to the wall of his room, rather like the colours of a rainbow. That was in 1660s, if we move on over 200 years, lots of other discoveries have been made about chemistry and the elements like iron and gold etc. This was also when Anders Angstrom found that an element when heated would show a very specific pattern of lines in its spectrum. He soon realised that every element gave a different set of lines so by looking at a set of these lines we can identify the element that produced them.
Astronomers were very quick to make use of this discovery, because around 50 years earlier, these lines had been noticed in sunlight, but the understanding of their significance had to wait for Angstroms work. Now able to identify the elements in sunlight these pioneers quickly began to look at the spectra of different stars and found that most were different to each other in the mix of elements they were burning.
All the above is a simplification of how stars are analysed, but the idea of how it all works is remarkably simple and was vital to our understanding of the universe. Other discoveries followed on, the speed of a star through the cosmos relative to our own could be measured because the absorption lines would move with the star's speed, that's what is called red shift. Science is all about observing and measuring, so as these techniques were developed new discoveries were made, and we keep learning and knowing more and more.
And that folks is an example of how we know things, no mystery to it, anyone can learn to do it, each discovery builds upon what has gone before.
Today many amateur astronomers take the spectra of stars, what was once cutting edge science can be done from home, some of our group do exactly that. Isaac Newton would be proud of us.
A last quick word, the star due to go nova in Corona Borealis still hasn't gone, but it must do in the next few weeks so keep an eye on the news.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
Rollaction is a new physio-active body massage system using a machine to target problem areas on the body, such as bum, thighs stomach and hips.
This state of the art technology reinvents manual massage to protect and enhance the hands of massage therapists and beauty professionals in general. The machine rollers are adapted to suit the level of treatment required by the individual and the particular area wanted to tackle.
Unlike manual massage, Rollaction penetrates deeper under the skin, breaking down fat cells under the surface and reduces the appearance of cellulite and dimply skin while encouraging lymphatic drainage. The system is also ideal for toning the skin, strengthening muscles and saggy areas as well as sports massage which is a shorter treatment but very intense.
Following a course of treatment, a volume reduction of up to two sizes is common with a notable decrease in the waist and hips although this depends on the individual person as no two people are the same.
To book your consultation or appointment call Absolute now on 966 731 336 or WhatsApp 631 352 458.
Widely accepted to be the oldest international sporting trophy - and certainly the wealthiest - the Louis Vuitton 37th America's Cup is being held in Barcelona until October.
This prestigious yacht race attracts the top sailers, designers and entrepreneurs in the world. It's not for the fainthearted as the race is a test of skill alongside boat and sail design. Teams spend hundreds of millions of dollars creating the perfect yacht and honing their sailing skills.
Spectators can watch the preliminary rounds and the Cup races for free from the America's Cup Race Village in Port Vell, Barcelona. The racing is in two parts. Firstly, the challenging teams compete against each other in the Louis Vuitton Cup Challenger Selection Series to decide the one team which wins the right to face the current defender of the Cup, namely Emirates Team New Zealand. These races are being held throughout September and the first week of October.
The star event for the coveted America's Cup is held from October 12 to 27, with the defending Emirates Team New Zealand team and their challenger facing up to 13 races. The winner of each race scores one point while the losing team gets no points. The first team to score seven points is declared the winner and goes on to become the Defender of the 38th America's Cup.
Among the contenders looking to take the title are INEOS Britannia from the UK, Alinghi Red Bull Racing from Switzerland and NYYC American Magic from the USA. Leading the UK team is four-time Olympic gold medallist and former America's Cup winner (with Oracle Team USA in 2013) Sir Ben Ainslie and double Olympic gold medallist Giles Scott MBE.
Dating back to 1851 - the first race was held around the Isle of Wight - the trophy was held by the New York Yacht Club for 132 years before losing it to Australia in 1983. In its history the cup has only been won by four nations - the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
7 DVD predecessor (2,1)
8 Gratis (3,4)
9 Former (8)
10 Prepare for publication (4)
11 Offences (13)
14 Redesign an incinerator for an encore? (13)
17 Picket buster (4)
19 Operatic lyrics (8)
20 One end of the Brenner Pass (7)
21 Loan letters (1,1,1)
1 Past its best (8)
2 Could be G.W. or H.W. (9,4)
3 State to be true (6)
4 White wine grape variety (6)
5 Group agenda is about
The association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth.
If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
Hereford, today (5,2,3,3)
6 Abominable snowman (4)
12 Organ which can be bent or lent (3)
13 Avian alarm clocks (8)
15 Attraction (6)
16 North African goat (6)
18 Blue hue (4)
See back pages for answers
On December 6th 2022, five friends with a love of music got together and decided to start a singing group, they called it The Melody Makers, they wanted the group to be open to everyone, with the focus being on enjoying music and having fun and raising money for charity along the way.
At that time the original five members, Shirley, Dave, Val, Janine and Hazel had no idea if the idea would take off, but after much time and effort, their hard work paid off. In just over 18 months they could never have imagined what a success it would be, now with 40 plus members and still growing the singing group has gone from strength to strength and had amazing success along the way. Four of the original 5 members are still very active in the group, in fact Dave is now the musical director, with Shirley being chairperson and Val and Janine are valued members of the committee along with being volunteered for other roles too!!!
All members of the singing group are truly valued and many friendships have been forged in the last 18 months. Melody Makers Singing Group is now a mixed, international singing group, including members from Norway, France, Sweden, Ireland, Holland, England, to name but a few. In the past year they have performed at many events raising nearly €1000.00 for local charities. They even were privileged to sing at a Norwegian Confirmation event and to join the Costa Blanca International band on stage at a musical extravaganza focusing on music from the movies.
They already have lots of events booked for Christmas carol concerts, so December looks like it is going to be a busy month, there are also several charity events booked in the run up to December. If you are interested in joining this fun singing group, they rehearse every Tuesday, 2-4pm at Lakeview bar and restaurant, 16 Calle Toledo, Quesada, no audition necessary, just come along and have a chat and see what we do. They restart rehearsals after the summer break on Tuesday 3rd September, at 2pm, you will be made very welcome.
Dénia is all set to celebrate the seventh D*na festival featuring top chefs, restaurants and local produce. During the weekend of September 28 and 29, food lovers can get a taste of the wide range of produce during the gourmet festival held on the beautiful seafront location of Paseo de la Marineta Cassiana.
Organised by the Dénia Creative City of Gastronomy Foundation, alongside the three-star Michelin chef Quique Dacosta, this year's event will pay tribute to the region's people and products, the pillars of the region's celebrated gastronomy.
Gourmet lovers will have the chance to meet top chefs plus up-and-coming regional chefs as well as farmers. winemakers, artisans and restaurateurs from the Valencia region.
Among the outstanding chefs taking part are the Basque chef Eneko Atxa, who is one of the youngest chefs to win the coveted third Michelin star at his restaurant, Azurmendi, which is widely recognised as one of the most sustainable in the world, as well as Susi Díaz, chef of La Finca restaurant in Elche, which highlights seasonal and local produce.
During their one-kilometre stroll along the promenade, visitors can discover new tastes and culinary delights as well as watch show cooking events or take part in food workshops. It is also a chance to buy the best products from the Marina Alta region including wine, honey, sausages, oils and liqueurs.
Articles by Sarah Farrell - www.sarahswritestuff.com
Top chefs and gourmet products will be under one roof for the Alicante Gastronomy Fair from September 27 to 30 at the IFA exhibition centre in Alicante.
Visitors will be able to learn from the top professionals in their field as well as take part in cookery workshops, sample free tastings and buy from thousands of quality products. At the Terraza Marmarela, you can start the day with a tasty breakfast or end your day with live music and dancing.
A full programme of events has been organised throughout the four days including the III Congreso Tortilla de Patatas at various times over the weekend; a masterclass in croquettes and an artisanal bread workshop on the Saturday morning; and a Sushi masterclass on the Sunday at midday.
Although entry to the fair is free, you will need to buy a smart security bracelet for €2. The proceeds will be donated to the NGO Alicante Gastronómica Solidaria so that the #HéroesConDelantal can carry on providing meals for the most vulnerable people in the province of Alicante. This bracelet gives free access to the fair for the four days and will be the official means of payment at all stands. You can recharge the bracelet on the website alicantegastronomica.com and at special counters and cash machines set up at the fair.
Hi Folks. ACTS amateur dramatic group are busy plotting and planning our next event and spring production. First we are hoping to produce a scary Halloween supper extravaganza, giving you supporters and audience a chance to dress up, enjoy a meal plus an hour of spooky entertainment. So watch this space for details! Fancy dress not obligatory but if you can make a nod to the spirit of the evening (excuse the pun) it will add to the fun!
Andante International Choir is the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces. They meet in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7.15pm until 9pm. All are welcome to join them. They especially need tenors and basses. For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey by email at suelewey@gmail.com. Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain).
Celebrations are underway this month as The Costa Blanca Singers mark their second anniversary. Every Wednesday afternoon they gather to sing a variety of different genre songs and enjoy the fun and friendly banter that is always present. They have performed numerous times in public raising much needed money for local causes and always delight their audiences
with surprises along the way. Exciting times continue as invitations to perform remain ongoing. Would you like to join? You will be made most welcome. On the website, you will find out all about the team, frequently asked questions, member testimonies and much more. Please take a look and also watch a selection of their performances. www.costablancasingers.com, or pop along on any open rehearsal and see what people are talking about.
Crescendo International Choir: Do you like to sing? Every Thursday evening Crescendo International Choir rehearses and we welcome new members. No previous experience required. We rehearse at Rincon de Miguel restaurant in Los Montesinos between 17:30 to 19:45 every Thursday. For more details, see crescendo-choir.com. You can also follow the group on Facebook at Crescendo Choir. If you have other questions, email info@crescendo-choir.com.
Rojales Pantomime Group: Summer recess is over and it’s back to rehearsing twice a week for the Cast of Dick Whittington, starting with a read through at the beginning of September. If you are adept at (stage) makeup, can help dress the cast and check props are where they should be - WE NEED YOU! If you would like to join in the thrill and excitement, please do get in touch with us! You would be very welcome, and your help would be much appreciated. So don’t hesitate, email us on dw2024rojalespanto@gmail.com and let us know how you can help. The photo shows our lovely Jane Pritchard, Pearly Queen.
Studio32 have already been rehearsing for two months in readiness for The Broadway Christmas Cabaret. Why? Because great shows require excellent production skills and that's typical of the cast and crew of Studio32. This amazing production has been written by Director, Mark Feakins who is well known for his excellent talents. You will know many of the songs and possibly some of the jokes and once you're in your seat, you are in for a real treat. Take a look at the website www.studiothirtytwo.org which is regularly updated with new information, rehearsal clips and photos. Tickets go on sale this month so please book early as this show has so much interest, it could sell out fast.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
Calling all clubs & charities
Tell everyone about your forthcoming events in your favourite local magazine. Simply send your information to editor@femalefocusonline.com.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
See back pages for answers
This also includes our renowned Personal Weight Loss Coaching Programme – which is the secret to successful weight loss.
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Clients are finding that the benefit of the PERSONAL WEIGHT LOSS COACHING is THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS.
It is an unfortunate statistic that most people who lose weight – just put it back on again.
With Slim4Life and the weekly weight loss coaching – we are proving that it is not only in the food replacements you take, but in changing your way of thinking.
Our program was devised by a Nutritionist in 2008 and has been constantly updated to remain the leading and proven way to lose weight, remain at the peak of health, – but more importantly, on this special programme, clients will be able to maintain the weight loss.
The transformations here in Torrevieja have been awesome. These clients have now found The Slim4Life secret to losing and maintaining their weight.
Phone or email Shirley for your free consultation – at 675 619 568 or slim4life.es@gmail.com.
Moving home whether locally or to another country can be a daunting task, but with our family-run removal company, we make it stress-free and seamless. At Home to Home Removals, we specialise in helping individuals and families relocate with ease. Whether you're moving your entire household or just a few key items, our experienced team ensures that every step of the process is handled with care and professionalism.
As a family-owned business, we pride ourselves on offering a personal touch that larger companies simply can’t match. We understand that moving isn’t just about transporting belongings – it’s about starting a new chapter in your life. That’s why we approach every move with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring your belongings are packed, transported, and delivered safely, on time, and in pristine condition. Our services are fully customisable to fit your needs. From full house moves to part-load deliveries, we offer flexible options to suit your schedule and budget. And with our sister company Costa Cargo we can also transport your cars or bikes to an international destination saving you the time and effort. We handle all logistics, from customs documentation to door-todoor delivery, making the entire process hassle-free.
With a fleet of modern, secure vehicles and a team of trained, dedicated staff, we guarantee a smooth, efficient move no matter the size of the job.
At Home to Home Removals, we’ve built our reputation on trust, reliability, and exceptional customer service. Our family values mean that we treat every move as if it were our own. Let us take the stress out of your move – contact us today to discuss how we can make your transition a smooth and successful one. With us, your local or international move is in safe hands. Home to Home Removals and Costa Cargo have depots based in Benijofar, Gatwick and Gloucester. For more information visit www.hthremovals.com and for any enquiries call Claire on 0034 711 022 816 or email info@hthremovals.com.
article supplied by Martinez de la Casa Architects
Undertaking an extension without the necessary permits brings several potential drawbacks.
-Firstly, the lack of legal compliance poses a significant risk. Homeowners can face penalties, fines, and even demolition orders if the unlicensed extension is discovered. Living in a property with an illegal extension can cause ongoing worry and anxiety.
-Addressing these hazards is vital. Obtaining a retrospective licence can provide relief from the anxiety and stress associated with an unapproved extension. It allows homeowners to rectify their non-compliant actions, restore legal compliance, and enjoy their property without fear of being reported or legal repercussions. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to adhering to local regulations and provides peace of mind.
-Obtaining the necessary documentation also enables homeowners to secure appropriate insurance coverage for the extension, offering financial security and peace of mind in case of unforeseen events.
-Additionally, obtaining a retrospective licence facilitates future property transactions. The comprehensive documentation provided satisfies buyer and lender requirements, ensuring a smooth and worry-free transfer of ownership. Homeowners can proceed with property transactions without concerns about the legality of the extension, streamlining the process and avoiding potential obstacles.
-To obtain a retrospective licence for an extension built without a proper building licence, certain conditions must be met:
·In Murcia, the building work must be at least 4 years old.
·In Almeria, the building work needs to be over 6 years old.
·Alicante, it must have been completed before August 2010.
-By demonstrating a commitment to following regulations and taking the necessary steps to obtain a retrospective licence, homeowners can transform their hidden extension dilemma into a path towards legal compliance, security, and peace of mind. Martinez de la Casa Architects, a trusted and reputable company, specialises in Building Certification. They offer services such as Energy Performance Certificates, Habitation Licences, and Retrospective Licences. Homeowners can rely on their expertise and experience to navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.
For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment, homeowners can contact Martinez de la Casa Architects at 665 810 411 (English) or visit their website www.martinezdelacasa.com to learn more and access over 300 testimonials from satisfied clients.
Sleep is one of the bedrock foundations upon which health is built. Getting more and better sleep improves your resilience, lowers your adrenal and stress hormones and thus improves your immunity.
If you are finding it difficult to get to sleep because you are lying awake worrying, try to limit your consumption of the news before bed, and avoid late night caffeine. It can also be helpful to reduce your exposure to screens in the evening, ideally banning them completely from the bedroom as the effect of the blue light on our retinas can disrupt our sleep quality.
A good diet is important because if you are malnourished your immune system will not work efficiently.
Try to avoid a high fat diet, and processed foods. Concentrate on consuming whole foods and particularly vegetables to boost immunity, especially those that grow above ground which are less starchy.
When you make freshly-cooked dishes from scratch, you control the ingredients and by using fresh produce you will consume more nutrients than you would get from packaged food.
Exercise is a key element in keeping your immune system high. Whilst it is a great de-stresser, the more you exercise, the more blood flow happens in your body and your immune system is spurred into action.
Focused exercise, such as targeted strength training or short episodes of high-intensity interval training, are very helpful in improving immunity.
As a minimum take walks in the fresh air which will give you a change of temperature and some exercise - both of which stimulate the body's defence systems.
Stress is a major factor in the deterioration of the immune system because a hormone called cortisol is made in your body and this represses some of your immune cells.
Conversely, having a positive attitude, laughing, smiling and joking, produces more energy and brings hope for a brighter future.
So share those funny memes, and try to watch some lighthearted films.
Although the sun sometimes gets a bad reputation for prematurely aging our skin and causing skin cancer, there are actually some big benefits to spending time (safely) in the sun.
Skin reacts to the sun’s ultraviolet-B radiation by creating vitamin D, which the immune system needs a good amount of, in order to function properly.
In moderation the sun also increases the oxygen content in our blood, does wonders for the complexion and has also been linked to improving certain skin conditions, like acne and eczema.
And catching some rays during the day helps to keep your circadian rhythm on schedule. Sun increases serotonin, which is responsible good mental health and helps towards the good quality of our sleep.
This year’s Benidorm Pride week is gearing up to be bigger and better than ever before, with hopes that more than 15,000 people will join in the parties and celebrations in this booming beach resort.
Revellers can enjoy a week of parties, DJs, live music, pool parties and the magnificent Pride parade from September 2 to 8. Events include the White Party which takes place at the Auditorio Julio Iglesias on Friday September 6 and the Sunset Party which brings the event to a close at the Mirador square on Sunday September 8.
Saturday September 7 is the colourful Pride parade starting from McDonald’s on Rincon de Loix at 5pm, and going along the Paseo del Levante and Avenida Mediterraneo before ending with a fabulous show at the Auditorio Julio Iglesias.
For further information visit www.benidormpride.com.
Autumn Gold Fiesta is on 15th & 16th October 2024 at Alannia 5-star resort in Guardamar – just off the N332. Two days filled with musical legends.
From the UK we have not only Dean Richardson performing his Freddie Mercury Tribute but we are thrilled to have Andrew Marcs who has thrilled the judges on both Britain’s Got Talent and The Voice. A cheeky chap, with incredible stage presence and vocal skills that transform into the rousing voices of Tina Turner, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Robbie Williams, Roy Orbison and Shirley Bassey and boy does he perform them so well with loads of fun. Highly entertaining. Andrew says his greatest moment was getting four ‘Yeses’’ on BGT and a turn from Will.i.am on the BBC Voice UK blind audition. He says he is “the little guy with the big voice”.
Andrew will be performing on both days of the fiesta, we will also have Lady Gaga, Shania Twain, Bon Jovi, Thin Lizzy and Fleetwood Mac tributes plus a few surprises.
Andrew says that he can impersonate various people such as Roy Orbison, Tom Jones, Elvis, Robbie Williams, Shirley Bassey, Norman Wisdom, Al Jolson, Neil Diamond, Axel Rose, David Bowie, Jon Bon Jovi and more so we really will be in for a treat. He has worked with many well-known names over the years but cites his dad as one of his biggest influences. His father –Danny Lee was a well-known celeb in Hereford.
Alannia are offering an accommodation package that includes tickets – link on Costa Blanca Events website – for cabins and pitches. Parking is free, five-star food and beautiful surroundings, what could be more fun on an October afternoon.
Aries: Ambitious and assertive Mars, your planetary leader, is in the fourth house of Cancer until November. Keep your temper even if those around you are losing theirs!
Taurus: The New Moon in the fifth house of Virgo shines a light on your creative side. Romance is just a flutter away, but Saturn blocks any rapid actions you may regret.
Gemini: Mars in the second house motivates cash flow and you could very well have a flutter on your hands. Get your money to work for you and not you for it and be lucky!
Cancer: Mars is in your sign and in the first house of self. This is new beginnings, new ventures, getting that green light that you have long awaited, and the success you deserve.
Leo: It’s all about learning and getting new skills right now. The Sun shines on your third house and this will help bring you to where you should be. You are moving on, not running away!
Virgo: The New Moon in 11 degrees of Virgo puts responsibility on you to accept a major challenge. Cross wires weren’t your fault; and someone is being economical with the truth.
Libra: Venus, bringer of love, joy and passion, and your planetary ruler, is in your sign for the first three weeks this month. Someone is back in your life, and it seems so right!
Scorpio: The Lunar Eclipse in 25 degrees of Pisces is influenced by Neptune. You are highly intuitive at this point, and there could be something just now that doesn’t seem right.
Sagittarius: The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reveals something unexpected. It will open your heart and challenge you too. Travel is on the cards for a short trip and a much needed change of air.
Capricorn: Venus in the tenth house of Libra sees an invitation that may take you by surprise. Beware what is really behind a recent request and accept that your version is spot on!
Aquarius: The New Moon in the eighth house of Virgo is a time of transformation for you. Be inspiring and take control of a situation that’s veering out of control.
Pisces: As the Sun leaves Virgo this month, be strong by knowing what you want and exactly how to get it. Ask for what you deserve and this will awaken energies from within.
As an Astrologer, Kenny has worked tirelessly for over forty years to produce quality Horoscopes Worldwide. He has received a major Award for his contribution to the Astrological Arts by being voted into the Top Twenty World’s Best Astrologers by the American Federation of Certified Psychics. He is awarded five stars as a Lightworker, and Psychic Medium. For personal readings/castings please call Kenny on: 686 361 594. kennycorris@hotmail.com www.kennycorris.com. Confidential and Personal Reply Guaranteed! Online Readings: by Zoom, Skype,WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime.
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week in the lounge/bar of the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Sheila 966 719 149, Brenda 966 718 403 or Jackie 645 928 242 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.
We all do. Humans are social animals. We subconsciously crave companionship. What we can't get from our fellow humans, we garner from our "pets". But, in reality, our "pets" are defined in terms of cats and dogs. It's hard to cuddle up to an iguana, a spider, or a snake. To create a successful partnership, obtain a pet as a successful companion, there are some inflexible rules that most of us are oblivious of.
To successfully obtain a companion, in most cases, we do it all wrong. We go into a pet store and we pick what we thinks is the cutest, or cuddliest, or friskiest, or some other criterion that we think will make the animal a suitable companion.
I will give you an uncomfortable rule: Don't select the animal. Let the animal select you!
A number of years ago, I was talking to a good friend of ours that had just returned from an animal rescue shelter with her newly acquired dog. It was a "reclaimed" greyhound. Sad to say, it looked pretty ratty. Its mottled coat of many colours and shades, its loping gait, its fear of stairs, all made it seem to be an unlikely companion candidate. Boy, I'd never chosen THAT dog!
But my friend explained. When she went to the animal rescue centre, she was advised to "just walk through the facility and look at all the dogs. The ones that would be successful companions will select you!" And so it was. As she walked amongst the dogs, most of them either ignored her, or politely stepped aside without looking at her. Only this one dog began to follow her around. It became obvious after a while that this dog "fancied" her and wanted to join with her as her companion. So, she took the shelter's advice and the two immediately bonded. As she said, it didn't matter how the dog looked, or what quirks the dog had. It was obvious from the start that the dog wanted to be her companion and wanted her to be his.
We ran into each other a few years later. My friend admitted that this "rescue" dog was the best companion that she ever had. It was obedient, and went out of its way to please her. She was very pleased with "her" choice. I've found that the same technique works for mature cats (I'm partial to cats - they are more independent than dogs, and are easier for me to take care of). After our cat of twenty-two years finally succumbed, we went to a well-renowned cattery, and I merely walked through the facility. Most of cats ignored me. Some politely deferred to me, but weren't really interested. One, however, began following me around. When I sat down, the cat jumped up on the seat beside me. I tentatively reached out my hand to pet her. As I reached out, she sniffed my hand, then immediately got up and rubbed vigorously on my hand and arm. Then it jumped into my lap! I knew right then and there that this was the companion for me.
AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For families and friends of problem drinkers. There are meetings in Torrevieja. Phone 634 349 961.
Across: 7 VC R, 8 For free, 9 Pristine, 10 Edit, 11 Misdemeanours, 14 Reincarnation, 17 Scab, 19 Libretto, 20 Austria, 21 A P R.
Down: 1 Overripe, 2 President Bush, 3 Affirm, 4 Ortega, 5 Order of the day, 6 Yeti, 12 Ear, 13 Roosters, 15 Allure, 16 Nubian, 18 Cyan.
Leo is 1 of 5 kittens in need of a home. They are around 7 weeks old and have been in foster since born so are very affectionate and litter trained. For more information please call Pets In Spain on: 645 469 253 or email: info@petsinspain.com
You’re invited to come and meet the Easy Horse Care Centre rescued horses, ponies and donkeys. Call 652 021 980 or email rescue@easyhorsecare.net
For more information visit our website www.easyhorsecare.net
This is the gorgeous Cookie, who is a 6 year old Mastin x. She loves her walks and is good on the lead, likes being made a fuss of, lots of cuddles and is very playful. Can anyone give Cookie her forever home. Contact us at the Shelter to come and meet her. Call / WhatsApp 711 075 305 or k9clubinfo@gmail.com.
Many of today's over-the-counter, store-bought cleaning agents contain high amounts of harmful chemicals and toxic solutions. Not only can these be dangerous to humans, pets, and wildlife, they can also damage your home's plumbing systems, septic tanks, appliances, and more. Various products on the market today fail to specify their dangerous chemicals on the ingredients label. So, the best way to avoid contact with these types of dangerous products is to simply replace them with safer alternatives. There are several environmentally friendly cleaning products on the market that can be purchased at your local department store; however, many homeowners suggest creating your very own cleaning solutions! Making your own chemical-free household cleaning products is extremely rewarding. Best of all, it is a lot less expensive and easy to do!
How to Make Homemade Cleaners: Purchase quality spray bottles. Choose bottles measured on the outside as this will help you measure and mix solutions quicker and easier. Also, always label each bottle with the type of cleaning agents inside. For example, if the solution is for your kitchen, label it, "Kitchen Cleaner", or something similar.
Here is a list of possible ingredients that can be used to create your own homemade cleaning solution:
Distilled White Vinegar - Baking Soda - Borax or Washing Soda (Stronger than Standard Baking Soda-Optional) - Olive Oil-Based Soap - Coconut Oil-Based Soap - Castile Soap - Water
Safety Note: Although you are making eco-friendly and safe cleaning products, keep these solutions locked up and out-of-reach from children, pets, and wildlife. No one wants to be responsible for a sick animal or child. If these solutions are ever ingested in large quantities, immediately seek medical attention.
Cleaning Your Home: When cleaning your kitchen with eco-friendly solutions, use a mixture of baking soda, Borax, or washing soda with a little bit of vegetable soap and warm water. This solution can be applied on counters, floors, appliances, and other surfaces. For ovens and appliances, mix baking soda and washing soda with a little bit of water to make a paste. Generously apply the paste and allow it to sit overnight. Then wash away in the morning for best results. For countertop cleaning, gently scrub an even mixture of these same ingredients, and then rinse with clean water.
For cutting boards, use a mixture of vinegar and 3% hydrogenperoxide. Bottle each solution separately, spraying first with the vinegar and second with the hydrogen peroxide. Repeat these steps until you achieve a clean surface.
Drains, Sinks, Tubs, and More: Use the same solutions and recipes for bathroom tiles, bathtubs, bathroom countertops, toilets, and sinks. For drains, use a combination of baking soda and vinegar. First poor half cup of baking soda down the drain, and then pour 1 cup of vinegar down the drain. Allow the drain to rest for a few minutes and then run hot water through the drain until it is unclogged.