8:30 am Bil 6 JUNE Wednesday FENCING COMPETITIONS 11:30 am Fie 15-17 JUNE 2022 Go 7 JUNE Come Thursday 8:15 am and see all theFENCING action!COMPETITION Ch 16 - 18 JUNE 2021 Fie 8 JUNE Friday 8:15 am Do 8 JUNE Friday 4 pm Pri Who will win the Fe 8 JUNE Friday From 5 pm Brought to you by NZFC
Brought to you by NZFC
15 June
8.30am 11:00am
Bill Schuler Final Fieldays Silver Staples
16 June
Golden Pliers™ Singles Championship by WIREMARK®
17 June
Fieldays® Silver Spades Doubles Championship
17 June
PRIZEGIVING in the WIREMARK® MARQUEE Fencing Competition Area
National Championship Sponsors
Golden Pliers™ by WIREMARK Will it be YOU?
Entry forms out m FENCING COMPETITIONS Brought to you by NZFC
16 - 18 JUNE 2021
14 JUNE Monday
8 am 8:30 am 16 JUNE Wednesday 11:30 am
Qualifying heats Bill Schuler Final Fieldays® Silver Staples Who will win the Golden Pliers™ Singles 17 JUNE Thursday 8:15 am Championship by WIREMARK® Golden Pliers™ by WIREMARK®? Fieldays® Silver Spades Will it be YOU? 18 JUNE Friday 8:15 am Doubles Championship MYSTERY CREEK HAMILTON Prize giving in the Village Gree 18 JUNE Friday 4 pm 14 JUNE Monday 8 am Qualifying heats 18 JUNE Friday From 5 pm Fencers/Sponsors Dinner 8:30 am Bill Schuler Final
nal Championship Sponsors -
16 JUNE Wednesday
11:30 am
Fieldays® Silver Staples Golden Pliers™ Singles 17 JUNE Thursday 8:15 am Championship by WIREMARK® Fieldays® Silver Spades 18 JUNE Friday 8:15 am - National Championship Sponsors -Doubles Championship 18 JUNE Friday 4 pm Prize giving in the Village Green 18 JUNE Friday From 5 pm Fencers/Sponsors Dinner
Entry forms out mid-March
Entry forms out mid-March - National Championship Sponsors -
New Zealand Fencing Competitions
New Zealand Fencing Competitions
Please check on FB for t Fencing Competitions entry for office@nzfencingcompet
Please check on FB for the Fieldays Fencing Competitions entry forms or email office@nzfencingcompetitions.co.nz