MAY 13
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Bring out your inner gaymer and listen as music from one of the video game world’s greatest franchises comes to life through this engaging symphony at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre.
Grab your Goldilocks and get ready to party at Heretic, Jungle, Xion and Manifest just to name a few. A weekend guaranteed to satisfy any cub and put a smile on every otter’s face.
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GLITTER BALL: POETRY CONCERT LACE & LEATHER W/JASMINE MANS & ALYESIA HARRIS Get ready to sparkle in your Spoken-word star Jasmine Mans brings her critiques of life to Apache Café along with Alyesia Harris’ fresh perspective on subjects such as love, death and sex.
sexiest garments as Heretic hosts this event that’s one part art, one part music and all parts fabulous.
One of indie music’s greatest acts hits up the Fox Theater at 8pm for a night that’s sure to bring out the sound of settling in everyone.
CHARITY 05.03.15
SHOW 04.27.15
JOINING HEARTS: CHANGE OF SEASONS 2015 MAY 3 Joining Hearts is pleased to once again throw the smash, bash Change of Seasons Tea Dance. This year’s dance will take place at the Jungle 4pm 11pm.
Admission gets you in the door. Drink specials by Absolut, specialty shots and without a doubt great music will be flowing and bumping all night. Pre-sale general admission: $15.00 donation online until 5pm May 2, 2015. Tickets at the door will be $20.
12: April 24, 2015
14: April 24, 2015
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16: April 24, 2015
18: April 24, 2015
AMANDA GARCIA: Quiero iniciar con lo que es la conversacion clave porque tal vez mucha gente depronto verdad me gustaria recordar que tu iniciaste tu carrera como modelo y participaste en diferentes certamenes,tienes un sinfin de telenovelas y alrrededor de 56 peliculas ... La pregunta clave Lorena Herrera tiene planes para television o cine en puerta?
LORENA HERRERA: Pues mira ahorita no hay alguna propuesta asi aterrizada, ha habido cosas ha habido propuestas y todo, pero bueno no hemos llegado a ningun arreglo y para mi lo mas importante es lo que hay en concreto, no lo que esta ahi como flotando y que a lo mejor porque pues eso quien sabe ...Pues ahorita estamos realmente enfocados acabamos de grabar un tema mas acabamos de hacer un video de una cancion que se llama Masoquista y pues estoy basicamente ahorita enfocada en eso y yo creo que en un mes aprovecharemos las marchas gays y todo eso para hacer la presentacion de este tema. AG: Hablame un poquito de ese tema,porque Masoquista? LH: Pues mira, masoquista como que mucha gente lo ve con una connotacion ahora si que sexual y pues no realmente la plabra masoquista tiene conotaciones no solamente sexual, puede haber personas que les gusta el placer verdad,este la satisfaccion que al final de cuenta todos los seres humanos estamos en busqueda de la satisfaccion –de el placer- en todos los aspectos,no? Y el masoquismo, pues puede haber masoquismo sexual puede haber masoquismo fisico y puede haber personas que vivan una vida totalmente y normal dentro de lo sexual pero son totalmente masoquistas. Y no solamente en relacion a la pareja pueden ser masoquistas en relacion a la familia o en relacion al trabajo. Que encuentran algun placer o que soportan y aguantan un maltrato en el trabajo o que soportan y quizas hasta encuentran algun placer en el maltrato familiar, que tu madre o tu padre te traten mal o que un hermano o que un amigo, aguantan ese tipo de relaciones, eso es ser masoquista pero no masoquista tiene una connotacion nada mas sexual y el tema se hizo por eso –bueno-como que considero que en estas generaciones nuevas, escucho a las chicas jovencitas y todo eso y escucho que les atraen mas esas relaciones donde la relacion el hombre no esta interesado en ellas ... ellas son las que estan detras de los hombres y les gusta que no las traten bien que las traten mal entonces. Hay un tipo de masoquismo emocional, entonces consider como que es un tema como controvertido y que puedes llegar a muchos tipos de personas y no es nada mas como te digo una continua pasion, masoquismo sexual sino masoquismo emocional y masoquismo psiquico causa y efecto no. 20: April 24, 2015
AG: Y esperemos que ya pronto este en los primeros lugares de popularidad en la radio, estamos esperandolo con ansias Lorena Herrera este tema y ese video que estamos seguros va a ser un exito como todos los que tienes anteriormente. LH: Pues, si y ojala! Ahora que vayamos a Atlanta lo podamos estrenar por alli pero digo apenas lo acabamos de grabar antier el video -porque el tema ya esta terminado obiamente. AG: Que representa para ti convivir con la comundad gay Latina? LH: Ay, pues los amo! La verdad que los adoro, me han dado tantas satisfacciones tengo tantas grandes amistades ..seres tan bellos interiormente y a lo largo de mi carrera, el apoyo que he tenido departe de ellos, aunque aveces dejo lapsos muy largos sin sacar ningun tema. Y la comunidad gay siempre me ha apoyado y siempre estan cuando a veces digo – ay ya me voy a retirar y estoy cansada un poco – y ellos estan ahi picandome. No graba otro tema, entocesson de alguna forma pues el publicoque me ha apoyado y que me incita a seguir adelante y que por ellos de alguna forma pues sigo yo aqui y por eso me avente a grabar yo ese otro tema pensando en ellos, en que es lo que les gustaria ver, en que es lo queles gustaria cantar. Para mi, la comunidad gay me ha dado mucho en mi carrera tanto profesional y como serhumano. Te digo tengo grandes amistades, gente que esta dentro de mi club de fans que me adoran y que me han hecho pues sentir cosas muy bellas. La verdad que siempre estare agradecida con la comunidad y siempre estare yo para apoyarlos en lo que me pidan. Siempre estare ahi. AG: Gracias de antemano por parte de la comundad gay Latina y siempre estamos pendientes de Lorena Herrera. Que es lo Nuevo? En donde esta Lorena? Todos queremos seguir a Lorena - la foto el autografo - cantar sus canciones, imitarte en los shows, que sientes tu cuando una persona te imita en un show ?
LH: Incredible! Porque imaginate yo llevo 25 años en el medio y como toda artista tienes un momento que estas mas arriba y luego como todo en la vida la carrera o la vida misma de una persona o el mismo fisico tiende a decaer. Me llena de gracia que al frente de tantas artistas cada vez mas bellas mas jovenes mas preparadas sigan viendome sigan tomandome como referencia para imitarme para seguirme. Me llena de gran satisfaccion y sobre todo porque no tiene uno ahorita un tema en la radio ni nada y que se tomen el tiempo para verlo a uno y imitarlo. Siempre estare bien agradecida. AG: Como hace Lorena Herrera, cuales el secreto de Lorena Herrera para mantenerse no solamente con cuerpazo, belleza y saludable sino vigente ante la comunidad a
nivel social? LH: Llevo 25 años y que te puedo decir, en los ultimos 3 años no puedo negar que si como de alguna forma he descuidado mi parte profesional porque pues tambien me he dedicado mas a mi crecimiento interior a estudiar a disfrutar de la vida porque tambien este medio es muy absorbente y si te dedicas nada mas a seguir creciendo en lo profesional pues obviamente que vas a descuidar otras areas que quizas son mas importantes. En los ultimos 3 años yo si no puedo negar que he descuidado mi carrera y fue aproposito y no me arrepiento porque eh cultivado otras areas y estoy muy contenta y al final muy feliz, pero ahorita consideroque es un buen momento igual pues para retomarlo y se que el publico que me quiere y que me sigue ahi va a estar para apoyarme. AG: Claro que si aqui estamos. Lorena Herrera un tema muy serio yo me entere que tu vienes presisamenteaqui a Atlanta promoviendo el sexo seguro entre los latinos para que nos hagamos la prueba y saber nuestro estatus en lo que es el VIH cuentame sobre esto ? LH: Pues muy contenta de verdad que me hablaron para apoyar esta causa como se los he dicho siempre tendran mi apoyo la comunidad gay y pues si obviamente incitarlos a que se cuiden porque pues ora si que la carne es debil no y que por un momento de satisfaccion que al final de cuenta dura unos cuantos segundos o unos minutos ... poner en riesgo tu vida lo que es tu vida que te la dio dios para crear para dar para compartir y que digo dejarte llevar por la passion y por la carne todas las consecuencias que te puede traer entonces que no nos quita nada el crecer un poquito en consiencia yque en esos momentos cuidarnos y ponernos el condon por supuesto.
Por alla nos veremos el 24 de Abril en Atlanta y Bueno convocando a la mayor gente que pueda ir para que apoyen a este movimiento y que se recaude muchos fondos para esto. Lorena Herrera sera la invitada de Honor de Miss Buford Highway Evento organizado en conjunto con Aid Atlanta y Fenuxe Magazine y Blow Fridays. A beneficio de Aid Atlanta para crear conciencia acerca de la importancia del VIH en nuestra comunidad Latina .. la prevencion y todo lo relacionado con el hazte la prueba DESNUDATE EL ALMA SIEMPRE CON PROTECCION... Esperamos contar con el apoyo de todos ustedes el Vienres 24 de abril en el Atlanta Peach. 3365 Buford Highway, Atlanta, GA. ENGLISH TRANSLATION AVAILABLE AT FENUXE.COM
Self-established comedian Peter Bisuito is everywhere these days. Booking dates all over the United States and even launching his very own YouTube series, Exposing Peter it doesn’t look like he will be slowing down anytime soon. In fact, he is just getting started. Peter will be performing at Jungle on April 25, collaborating with Joining Hearts as part of a fundraiser for the non-profit organization, which is dedicated to provide housing support for individuals living with AIDS and HIV in Atlanta. ago when I turned forty-three. I just said to myself, “You know what, I just” ... I mean, performing is something I always wanted to do. It wasn’t a question in my mind, but my life just didn’t go in that direction. When I turned fortythree, I said to myself, “I’m not getting any younger, so let me do this while I still can.” I quit my job, I quit ... I used to own a business. I quit that. I gave up my income. I put myself on food stamps. I put myself on Medicaid, and I’ve been pursuing comedy full time for about two years. FENUXE: Wow, that takes some guts! PETER: It does. It’s not easy, especially when you’re in your forties. I’m not twenty-two years old anymore. Again, I said to myself, “If I’m going to do this, I better do it now.” It was my decision, and I’ll tell you something, Justin. I have never been more broke in my life, but I have never been happier. I’m finally, at the age of forty-five, doing everything that I ever wanted to do in life. FENUXE: Well, it’s paying off for you.
FENUXE: Is this your first time to Atlanta? PETER BISUITO: This will be my first time. I drove through Atlanta once, many years ago but it was in route. I didn’t really stop and enjoy the city, but this will be my very first time in Atlanta. I’m staying with some friends of mine in Jonesboro. I have a lot of friends in Atlanta, so I’m pretty sure I’m going to be well taken care of as far as seeing the city and enjoying it 22: April 24, 2015
with all of my friends. Plus, I’m coming down during Bear Pride Weekend, which is really nice. FENUXE: Oh, that’s perfect timing! So, tell me, how did you get started in comedy? PETER: Oh, geez, well, I’m forty-five years old. I’ve been performing ever since I was a teenager, but it was always a part time thing. I always performed on a hobby basis. I didn’t really do it as a full time career until about two years
PETER: I’m doing really well. What I’ve accomplished over the past two years, takes most comics decades to accomplish. I actually get paid a lot of money for my comedy. I just don’t get paid often enough. It’s very sporadic, and that’s what I’m working towards. I’m working towards these bigger gigs. Getting one, 2 or 3 times a month. FENUXE: Now, do you coordinate everything yourself or do you have a team that works for you? PETER: Oh, (laughter) God, I wish. I’m my own team. I don’t have anybody helping me. I do everything myself. I do the bookings, I do the callings, I do the negotiating. I do all of the publicity, the promotions. I have a large background in graphic designing and video production. I used to own a company that did video Continued on Page 25
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for me to do that in other cities, especially in cities like Atlanta where I don’t really have a lot of contacts and fans or whatever. I partner with a charitable organization. I get them to help me promote the show, help sell tickets, help fill the seats, and in return I donate the percentage of my ticket sales to them. I have done that, over the past two years, I have done that at least eight times, and it always turns out to be very successful. I’ve done comedy shows for cancer research, for HIV/AIDS, children’s programs, animal shelters, the military, and now, with Joining Hearts. That’s basically my game plan as to how I’ve been pursuing my career. FENUXE: That’s very innovative and you get to help great organizations. PETER: Yeah, exactly. People are always asking me to donate, but I never really made enough money to truly donate any kind of substantial money to charitable organizations. But now through my comedy, I’m able to do so. It’s a win-win situation. It’s like, I’m pursuing my dream, my passion. In return, I get to donate a substantial amount of money back to the community.
production and graphic designing, so I produce all of my own posters and flyers and promo videos. On top of that, I do all my own writing. I write all my own material & memorize and perform it. FENUXE: So, how did you get involved with Joining Hearts? Was that just something you reached out to or do you have certain reasons for wanting to be a part of? PETER: Yeah. When I decided to pursue this full time, I didn’t want to go ... How do I put this? I didn’t want to go the comedy club route. I just felt like I was too old for that. I didn’t want to spend the next fifteen years performing in comedy clubs in hopes to get recognized. It’s not very lucrative. You don’t make a lot of money when you perform in comedy clubs. I decided to launch my career in a completely different direction where I rent theaters, big reputable theaters, and I promote the shows myself and sell tickets at twenty-five, thirty-five bucks each. Okay? In order 25: April 24, 2015
FENUXE: Oh, for sure. What is your comedy routine like? I mean, I watched your first episode of “Exposing Peter,” and I really enjoyed it. Is that something similar to what you do on stage? PETER: No, “Exposing Peter” is a new adventure for me. I just decided to do that less than a year ago, because everything these days is all about the YouTube web series. Everyone’s got their own little web series, and I happen to be an actor myself. I’ve been acting for twentyfive years. That’s a ton of theater. I’ve done a TV commercials and radio commercials and voice overs. I also have all of the professional video gear just because of the business I used to own. That whole project is completely separate from my whole stand-up comedy career as well. I still travel the country and perform stand-up comedy. My comedy is ... It could be at all ends of the spectrum. I’ve entertained a children’s puppet shows, and I’ve entertained for all gay audiences. I just booked my very first all nude
comedy show at this nudist colony in the Pocono Mountains this August. There’s going to be over one thousand people at this event, and it’s basically a nudist colony. Again, all ends of the spectrum. My show could be PG-13, or it could be rated R. It could be raunchy. FENUXE: You will be performing nude, live, as well? PETER: I will not be performing nude. I was very clear on that (laughter) I told them that me on stage nude would really just take away from the humor. People would just not be able to concentrate on the humor when I’m flopping around on stage. (laughter) Plus, I was afraid that people would whip out their cameras and their video cameras and I would be all over the Internet. FENUXE: Well, good, I couldn’t imagine being in such a precarious situation performing nude live in front of thousands of people. PETER: Who wouldn’t want to do that? (laughter) Have you ever heard of Ross Matthews? FENUXE: Yes. I’m a huge fan of his. PETER: Yeah, he’s actually really funny. He’s going on tour. Well, he might be going on tour. Everything is still in the works. Well, his promoter called me personally, and they’re considering me as his opening act on the road. FENUXE: Oh, wow! That’s awesome. PETER: Yeah, yeah. That’s pretty exciting. That’s still in the works. We’re going to know more about it in May. We still got to ... Well, the promoters have to convince the William Morris Agency, who represents Ross. FENUXE: Yeah, hopefully. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Is there anything else you want our readers to know about? PETER: If you can just tell your readers that they could follow me on social media. That would be great. I got about twenty thousand followers right now. All they have to do is search “my big funny peter” on any social media, and I’m there. And of course, my website, which is
Joining Hearts’ Change Of Seasons Dating back to the mid 1990’s Change of Seasons was created by Mike Mazer, Glenn Kinnard and several other active members of Atlanta’s LGBT community who felt the need to welcome the spring season in the only way us gays know how—a fashionable and rocking party like no other! Change of Seasons brings in many people from all over the South East looking for a great time, as well as supporting a wonderful cause. After taking a brief hiatus, Joining Hearts reimagined Change of Seasons as a Sunday tea dance, giving the fundraiser a delightful theme which honors the kickoff of the spring and summer months. Change of Seasons is only one of Joining Hearts six annual fundraisers. All proceeds donated and raised through Change of Seasons further aid in the providing of housing support to people living with HIV and AIDS in Atlanta. This year’s Change of Seasons will be held May 3 from 4pm-11pm and is expected to be Joining Hearts biggest turnout yet. Taking place at Jungle Atlanta, the “Not Your Daddy’s Tea Dance” will feature insane beats by DJ Travis and DJ Eric, while Absolut drink specials and shots will be flowing all night long. To purchase pre-sale tickets visit to make a $15 donation. Online donations will be accepted up until 5pm on May 2. For door price admission the night of, tickets will be $20. 21+ Only
Shaky Knees & Boots Take Over Atlanta Shaky Knees Music Festival is back and is ready to… you guessed it: Shake. Your. Knees. The three-day music ride will kick off May 7, with James Blake at Terminal West. The following two nights include musicians like Milky Chance and Frank Turner and rock experts The Dead Milkmen and Built To Spill spread out among venues all around the city. Shaky Knees late night shows begin Friday May 8, with a mixture of artists from and not listed on the official roster. Such music slots include: Graveyard, The Dead Milkmen, …And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead, Portugal. the Man, The Shadowboxers, Snowden, and Ridewill keep the music going late into the night. Saturday, May 9, will be jam-packed with more than half a dozen Shaky Knees bands including Built to Spill, Frank Turner, Spiritualized, Milky Chance, Best Coast, and Steve Gunn, Diamond Rugs featuring members of Deer Tick, The Black Lips, Dead Confederate, Los Lobos, and Six Finger Satellite. According to the press release, “Consequence of Sound calls the 2015 Shaky Knees’ lineup a “tour de force from top to bottom” and awarded the event a silver placement in their “Top 10 Music Festivals In North America” round-up.” And for all the country fans out there, you are in luck for the wonderful gods who will be bringing you Shaky Knees will also be bestowing upon you the Shaky Boots Festival May 16-17. Big names will be coming to Atlanta for a boot-shaking good weekend. The lineup includes: Brad Paisley, Dierks Bentley, Blake Shelton and Rascal Flatts, The Band Perry, Justin Moore, Dwight Yoakam, Old Crow Medicine Show, Sara Evans and many more. All tickets to every Shaky Knees show are on sale now. For more information visit, http:// You can also visit for ticket purchases to the country festival. 26: April 24, 2015
MAY 5-10
A LOOK AT A MAN ON TOP OF THE WORLD Gay YouTube sensation Cazwell is a bonafide, megawatt star. With millions of views for his infectious, sexy videos, it is no wonder that this Massachusetts born rapper is everywhere. Quickly rising to the top after his iconic single, “Ice Cream Truck” went viral; the adorable and exuberant musician began churning out hit after hit, such as the insanely popular “Rice & Beans” and “I Seen Beyoncé At Burger King”. Now, after releasing his first album in over four years, Hard 2 Be Fresh, the bold and innovative DJ master is expanding his many talents into the world of fashion. Inspired by his most successful single, “Ice Cream Truck,” Cazwell decided to launch an underwear line of the same name, collaborating with designer Geoffrey Mac whom has worked with numerous LGBT stars and icons. Taking time out of his busy schedule, Cazwell opened up about his new album, his already sold-out undies line and his excitement for spinning a special DJ set at Jungle Nightclub’s Wacked Out Blacked Out party on May 16th. FENUXE: I interviewed Bill Coleman last fall and he raved about you. I know Hard 2 Be Fresh was a long time coming, what was the vision you two shared for this album? CAZWELL: Yeah, Bill Coleman he is my manager and the owner/president of Peace Bisquit. I’ve been with him about 10 years now. I feel like my album before that Watch My Mouth, was more of a conglomeration of sounds. Honestly, some of the songs are my favorites more than others. It was more about dropping something a full length. This album had more of a vision as far as a party album. I wanted all the songs to be songs that I could play in the club. Fun, party, hip hop. I wanted it to be very reminiscent of the 90’s. That was the kind of vision we had in mind, we were very specific as far as beats. And I wanted a visual component for as many of the songs as I could do. Like, I just shot two music videos for two of the singles this week. The one I just shot was for Downtown. I had an underwear party in my apartment. We’re all 28: April 24, 2015
wearing Ice Cream underwear. Then I’m about to shoot the video for The Biscuit this weekend. FENUXE: Speaking of Ice Cream Truck underwear, your line is doing very well. Where did the idea originate? CAZWELL: I started working with Geoffrey Mac. He’s a designer, who designed for Bjork and some of the girls on RuPaul’s Drag Race. He did a line with Sharon Needles, a sportswear line. A lot of the patterns Sharon chose were serial killers faces and cocaine bags and the rock ‘n’ roll things that she does. We originally started talking about doing something similar, muscle tees and tanks etc. And I was like, “You know, I have always wanted to do an underwear line.” I wanted to do boxer briefs. At first, I was thinking naming the brand “Cazwell” but I didn’t want to be too self-indulgent. I researched what gay men would like because that is my targeted demographic. I came up with “Ice Cream Truck” because I am most associated with that song when
it comes to gay men. And it allowed us to work with a theme. On the inside of the underwear band is a waffle-cone print. On the outside, you have the old school, classic 50’s ice cream parlor stripes. There are also elastic bands with sprinkles on them. With anything I do, I like to have a theme. Rather than go the chic, designer route I thought, “Let’s just do what I do and have fun.” I know it sounds corny when you hear it, but I think of it from a different point of view. It’s kinda like underroos for gay guys. FENUXE: Have you considered expanding the line beyond underwear? CAZWELL: Yeah! I’d really like to expand it to socks. You know cute socks and maybe some hats. It has done really well so far. It has already sold out the first order we made. We are getting ready to send out the second order now. To purchase, right now, it is mostly online. I’ve thought about stores but it’s not quite as easy to make a profit when it is sold in a store. I’ve been selling them on the road at shows too. We are
such a small company right now we are just focusing on the online aspect. The underwear is super comfortable and really good quality. It is super fun. If you buy a pair, post them online, I’ll retweet and share it. I love to know how everyone looks in them. FENUXE: Are you excited to perform in Atlanta next month? CAZWELL: Yeah, I am gonna be doing a hip-hop dj set. I’m going to be performing too. I’m more comfortable playing ratchet style, hip-hop. Hopefully, everyone will like it. FENUXE: Awesome! Will this be your first time here? CAZWELL: No, Ive been there before, I’ve also been in Macon. I typically play Jungle when I’m there in Atlanta.
“I have always loved singing. I grew up in a musical family. They would do the church musicals, where ironically everyone got loaded, but that was my first exposure to singing“ FENUXE: So I heard Bianca Del Rio helped inspire your single, Dance Like You Got Good Credit. You two worked together in the past? CAZWELL: We did. Worked together at G Lounge in New York. She would emcee and get people up on stage to dance and take their clothes. She would shout at them and say, “Dance like you got good credit!” And I thought, “Oh, that is a song title! So I decided to write it and called her and she said, “Well you better put me in the video for this!” She’s a true talent. FENUXE: Cool! Anymore future collaborations with her or anyone else on the horizon?
CAZWELL: I have some things coming up. I’m writing some songs for some people but trying to keep it on the low for right now. FENUXE: I understand. Are you FENUXE.COM : 29
you’re the first person to do it. CAZWELL: I think I am. I’ve never heard of TransCrush before. I just thought it would be a good way to give trans-people some recognition, keep trans in people’s faces. You know to let them know that they get crushed on too and are desirable people. I think it’s the right thing to do. Trace is a friend of mine. I love her; she is a sweet person. I hope that it will pick up and we can keep it going. FENUXE: Do you have any thoughts about Hillary running for president? CAZWELL: Oh, God, I hope she wins! It is silly that as soon as she announced, the media immediately started hating on her! Maybe, it is just New York because many Republicans work for The Post. The front page the other day was bashing her. But I really hope she wins! People always give women a really hard time. I would love to see the Clintons back in the White House. FENUXE: Are you very political?
already thinking about the next album? CAZWELL: I feel like this album still deserves a lot of pushing. Dance Like You Got Good Credit was such a strong song with a good dance vibe. And I feel like with the gay following that I have, they want to see me with hot guys, so I’m planning on giving them more of that with these next two videos I am working on now. It takes time to make videos and to get them right. FENUXE: What does the rest of 2015 look like for you? CAZWELL: For the rest of the year, I have a couple more videos to make. And I really want to push the underwear line. I really want to 30: April 24, 2015
see how far I can take it. And give it everything that I have. I won’t tell you everything, but I am starting a record label. I’m going to be putting together a compilation, with that comes writing songs for people and pitching songs for the label. FENUXE: Any artists in mind you are thinking of signing? CAZWELL: Um, I do. But I don’t want to jinx myself. I am looking at a variety of guys and girls, really good singers and rappers. I definitely want to use it as an opportunity to work with people I have wanted to work with for a long time. FENUXE: I saw on Facebook your post about Trace Lysette for #TransCrushTuesdays. Seems like
CAZWELL: I’m not so much into the political scene. So much of what I do, in a way, can be political. I try to stay away from politics. I just speak through my music. FENUXE: Anything you would like to shout out to your Atlanta fans? CAZWELL: I am really looking forward to everyone coming to see me perform and dj at Jungle. I’m going to be doing a ratchet-ass set. So, if you’re in town that night and want to shake your booty and get down on the floor, then come out and see me.
Cazwell’s latest album Hard 2 Be Fresh and all his other works can be purchased on iTunes. In addition, you can view all of his music videos on his YouTube channel, as well as purchase a pair of his delicious “Ice Cream Truck” underwear at http://icecreamtruck.
HOLLER POODLES! I’m excited for the upcoming underwear issue of Fenuxe. While I’m more of a commando type of person, I have to admit I think certain underwear on certain people is very, very hot! I guess you could technically call it a fetish of mine because certain underwear really gets my crank going. That’s why I was so happy when Fenuxe magazine asked me to inspect all the jockstraps, briefs, manties and thongs in the metro area to compile a report. It was so much work having to meet with the neurotic exotic strippers dancers at BJ Roosters for song after song after song to inspect the latest styles but alas we reached a happy ending when my research concluded. I really took it in the eye one for the team this time but a drag queens work is never done. It was suggested to me that the outlet mall in Commerce, GA was a craptacular spectacular place to find unique (cheap) underwear. I took along my twinkie (full of creamy delicious filling) friend to try the different brands and styles on. To glance at them, you’d think they were the real deal but upon further inspection, something just wasn’t right! For instance, I picked up what looked like a pair of 2(x)ist underwear. However, upon closer inspection, it said 2e(x)its but both were in the back. Huhhhhh???? Ewwwww! There were other obvious knock offs like Calvin Clein, Engorgio Army, Andrew Christmas, and instead of Diesel there were a pair called Leaded which I kinda liked. Then instead of Cn2 there was a version for my redneck friends called LookOHere! Clever was renamed Ph.D. and PPU was renamed PNMe. All of these were so awful I bought two pair of each. And while I know most of you frown at the thought of a guy in a thong, it remains one of my favorites because it frames the gluteus maximus so perfectly!
Love and lashes,
Mary Edith Pitts Mary Edith Pitts PS. If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please email me at or on twitter @maryedithpitts
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Gay News At A Glance by dustin shrader
The three defendants who allegedly attacked a gay couple in Philadelphia have just received some not so hot news. A judge recently denied their motion to have their charges reduced. The trio will now face the original charges brought against them after the alleged attack. According to a statement made to CBS Philly: “A Philadelphia judge today rejected defense motions to reduce aggravated assault charges and eliminate conspiracy charges against three Bucks County defendants accused of attacking a gay couple last September in center city. Judge Frank Palumbo ruled after reading more than 100 pages of testimony from the preliminary hearing stage, during which Kevin Harrigan, Philip Williams, and Kathryn Knott were ordered to stand trial.” The defendants’ attorneys tried to argue that the incident was a “mutual fight” instead of a “bully attack” in order to get the charges reduced to minor offenses. Apparently Judge Palumbo was not having it.
An LGBT rights organization was attacked with toxic gas at its home offices in northwest Russia last week. The organization Maximum, located in Murmansk, was attacked by unknown assailants. Activist Violetta Grudina, was one of the victims of the gas’s effects, which induced choking and vomiting. Local Police did not arrive until 40 minutes after the attack. Once there, the authorities declined to investigate the heinous crime, instead opting to file a simple report. It was not until the next day that Grudina was invited to police headquarters and was then informed a criminal investigation would commence. This event may sound like news to us; yet, violence against the LGBT community in Russia is a daily occurrence. In 2013, Moscow’s largest gay nightclub was rampaged by nearly 100 hoodlums. The delinquents terrorized patrons, destroyed the club’s interior and damaged the roof. A bomb threat made that same year, deferred the opening of St. Petersburg’s gay film festival. Unfortunately, as long as homosexuality remains illegal in Russia, these attacks will remain prevalent.
In an effort to highlight trans beauty, the breakout star from Orange is the New Black stripped off for Allure Magazine, unveiling all her natural beauty and more. In her interview with Allure, the star gets honest about her struggles as a transgender woman. “Going through life, you try to cover and hide, but it doesn’t really work,” she says. Cox turned down Allure’s original proposal twice. “I said no initially, thought about it, and said no again,” she says. “But I’m a black transgender woman. I felt this could be really powerful for the communities that I represent. Black women are not often told that we’re beautiful unless we align with certain standards. Trans women certainly are not told we’re beautiful. Seeing a black transgender woman embracing and loving everything about herself might be inspiring to some other folks. There’s beauty in the things we think are imperfect. That sounds very cliché, but it’s true.” Cox wanted these pictures for herself, too: “I honestly just want to make myself happy most, and if other people like it, then that’s great. If they don’t, then I’m still happy.” Here, here! You keep doing you girl! Flawless!
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SERIOUSLY, PEOPLE!? When will the bullying and homophobia end? A Texas gay man recently awoke one morning to discover that an ignorant hater marked his front door with an anti-gay slur and a spray-painted phallic symbol. Eric Arthur of McKinney, professed he has never had any issues with homophobia throughout the five years he has lived at his residence. A kind neighbor was the one who informed him of the word, “fag” disgustingly sprayed in bright white paint on his door. “I opened the door and immediately feel my stomach in my chest,” Arthur, who came out when he was 18, told local Texas news station WFAA ABC 8. “[I’m] vulnerable, scared, confused…
CRY ME A RIVER A Christian car repair shop owner in Michigan has declared he will deny service to any customer he recognizes as gay. Brian Klawiter, owner of Dieseltec car shop in Grandville, Michigan, made the declaration via Facebook, claiming that it is difficult for men like him to be on the wrong side of the popular view, “aka it is difficult for him to be anti-gay.” Now, it has come to the media’s attention that Brian does not even have a proper license to operate his business. According to Grandville administrators, Brian does not possess the proper city business license required by all local business owners.
I think every emotion I could possibly feel at the time it was happening.” Eric’s main concern now is just how targeted the incident could be or if it was some ill-advised prank. “If they knew me well enough, why would they do this to me?” His neighbor has a son who happens to be gay, declared that this type of idiocy is completely uncalled for and he couldn’t be more right. Police have begun to investigate. As of now, it is believed to be an isolated incident; however, I detective has been assigned in case any future action is needed. Sadly, Eric is still on edge and felt the need to invest in a security system. “If they feel it’s okay to do that to your property, what’s keeping them from taking it a step further?” he asked.
Earlier this year, Brian flat out refused to comply with the city’s ordinance telling the city council, “This is a blatant and intentioned violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. I dispute your lawful ability to do what you claim. I will not sign the application. I cannot and will not give up my civil rights, especially when requested by a government entity for which the Constitution was designed to limit the power of.” Due to the media firestorm surrounding Brian and his refusal to service gay patrons, the city has decided to let him off the hook for fear of an even more controversial media frenzy. So, he gets be above the law just because he was a national news story? Psshh, as if.
Forever a Golden God
Country Crossover
Copyright Getty Images
Jason Aldean isn’t just an ordinary country singer. The “Burnin’ It Down” singer’s list of dream collaborations is a long one and not only limited to his fellow country music stars. “I love Beyoncé,” Aldean told E! News at the 2015 iHeartRadio Music Awards when asked who he’d like to work with. “Justin Timberlake and Rihanna, too.” His new wife, Brittany Kerr, chimed in, adding, “Adele would be cool.” As Aldean looked down the red carpet at the throng of the industry’s biggest names he said, “I think you can pick anyone here. I think you respect people for what they do, what they bring to the table. I think that’s what makes shows like this one really cool. We are all different,” he said. They may be different but I do know a Queen Bey/ Jason Aldean collaboration would be diabolical. How can we make this happen people!?
My childhood crush Ryan Phillippe is apparently ageless. Although the hunky actor just turned 40 last September, he has nothing to worry about in the age department. According to him, he is mistaken for his daughter’s brother all the time! “It’s crazy. And still, I get carded constantly,” he said. “My daughter hates it, because sometimes people have thought I’m her brother, and she’s freaked out by that.” The Secrets and Lies star shares daughter Ava, 15, and son Deacon with my other childhood crush, Oscar-winner Reese Witherspoon. Despite the former lovers getting divorced in 2008, they both remain friends and fully devoted to parenting their children together. Ryan admits getting married so young and the Hollywood scene was the final domino to fall in their highly-publicized marriage. “I think more of the problem was age, you know, when we got together so young. I think it can create issues—two people in this industry—because there’s so much noise that goes around with it.”
Julianne Moore’s Oscar win for her performance in Still Alice might not be enough to convince everyone that the star has undeniable talent. The 54-year-old actress was allegedly the face of Turkey’s tourism campaign, but according to a local report in the Hürriyet Daily, Turkish officials reportedly fired Moore due to what they claimed was “poor acting.” According to the report, Moore shot a promotional film in L.A. titled “Home Of” in which she “was seen revisiting her childhood journeys to Turkey while traveling on an airplane.” The Tourism Ministry apparently disliked the performance in the ad and asked for a reshoot. Allegedly, Moore declined the reshoot offer, thus the ad campaign was scrapped altogether. Um, who in their right mind asks Julianne Moore to do a reshoot because of “poor acting?” The owner of Iconisus & I Mean It, the advertising agency who founded the campaign, claims it lost $1.5 million due to the cancellation of the $4 million project.
42: April 25, 2015
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Turkey Be Cray
Daddy Day Care
David Beckham is a protective daddy and apparently, a mindful husband. David stopped by James Corden’s Late Late Show to discuss his daddy duties and embarrass his eldest, 16-yearold Brooklyn. Corden acknowledged that Brooklyn is a “goodlooking boy” and “must be getting quite into the dating circle.” “He’s gonna hate me for this” David said as the camera panned to Brooklyn in the audience. Brooklyn, who was rumored to be dating Chloe Moretz last year, is quite a heartthrob. “On his first date, when he was 14, Victoria was in London. It was Valentine’s Day and he said, ‘I’d love to take this girl to dinner.’ I said, ‘OK, great.’ I spoke to Victoria and she was like, ‘Really?’ I said, ‘Yeah, he’s going to do it.’ She said, ‘OK. Make sure you take him and make sure you sit in the restaurant.’ I was like, ‘Really? You’re gonna make me do that? She said, ‘Yep. That’s the only way I’m going to let him go.’ So we took him to a sushi restaurant and he sat at the sushi bar and I sat about five tables back.” LOL!