Fenuxe Magazine - Atlanta Pride 2020

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10.09.20 V11-20



DONALD... AGAIN. REBEL WITHOUT A FLAW B R I A N G I B S O N S TA R S . . . Nick Shines This Pride

The Sexy Dallas DJ Headlines District’s AtlantaPride Kick-off Party





ON THE COVER Angel Cintron and Stephen Nava of CiNava Photography capture celebrities and highend models in images that are sexy, raw, and edgy. Their work has appeared in MOD, HUF, and L’Officiel AU. Visit cinavaphotography.com

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CONTRIBUTORS Phil Bessimer Doug Booth Chad Conroy Romeo San Vicente Jeff Dorta/Project Publicity GRAPHIC DESIGN Brian Sawyer - Graphic Designer ATLANTA MARKETING Jeff Anderson | 404.814-3014 jeff@peachatl.com Sales Manager NATIONAL ADVERTISING Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com

Fenuxe is proud to support: 2019 Donated Advertising: More Than $80,000


EDITORIAL Mikkel Hyldebrandt - Director mikkel@peachatl.com

*Not a complete list. Please email if you would like a complete list.


HAPPY ATLANTA PRIDE! As the 60th Mayor of Atlanta, I am thrilled to wish everyone a happy Atlanta Pride! As we commemorate 50 years of bravery, visibility, and progress, we must continue fighting to move LGBTQ equality forward. It is my hope that our continued commitment to Atlanta’s LGBTQ community, alongside our work to better our city for all people, will move us closer to truly becoming One Atlanta.


6: fenxue.com

Creep of the WEEK

by D’Anne Witkowski


When I learned that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died I wa That means little peanut butte s eating these ballot, fills in thsomeone gets a time — then r really like. I immed granola bites I Biden and Kam e circle next to Joe something poyou have time to do was going to be si iately felt like I leaves the rest ala Harris and then that Trump sitive to make sure I’ll ever want to ea ck. I don’t think because said of the ballot blank don’t win morand his supporters t them again. e elections. vo heard of these ot ter has never he r pe op le . The next morning Another good ar me a photo of my my sister sent It’s tragic. wo rking on a state gument for fo ur -m on race: should th -o ld niece reaching fo Trump manage to replace RBG a little woman wi r the image of Now in so wi th another me states yo head and wearin th a bun on her can u like abortio conservative, things vo te g n right “s a tra bl ac ig ht k robe. which It was a board bo has nothing to -ticket,” protections and marrias, LGBTQ ok ab ou ge equality t do RB wi G. That image, more th are all on th heteronormativi about what her lethan any op-eds to do with chty and everything those will all e line. If overturned, go back to the stat how Trump and M gacy meant or that means, “I ecking one box who can decid vo itc e what is illegal anes te h fo M r cC all of the what onnell Democra would shit on it, d is ts n’ ” t. — the Republican perspective for m put things in option also exists but, you future seems bleae. Every day the know, gross. Bu ke t, of course, not Here are some of the things yo r an d bl ea ke r. But there is still ev u er can do for ca yb od y does this. a future to fight mpaigns: make for. phone calls; knoc k on doors — See, here’s the thing with, say, some campaigns are doing this Some people ar a , so St ate House me aren’t. hopeless than eve feeling more someone to co race. If you get volunteering Any campaign worth stepping up and er. Others are your Democrammit to voting for strict protoc with should have a in ways they ne getting involved candidate, thattic State House and social di ol of mask-wearing stancing to keep before. If you fa ver dreamed of Democratic ca helps all of the and the peop yo ll nd le you’re talking u in id to at es th e on la te th r category, great. W e ba to sa llo fe t be — ca write po use th elcome. Thank you for coming. more likely to at voter is much yard signs, m st cards, deliver ake more phon Democrats, espe vote for other calls. e cially the ones If you fall in the wh I o ha ap ve pe do ar ne on fo al th rm l of e ba er category, your no judgment here State House race llot before and more, and I’ve livthese things . years have been . The last four ta le. It’s not always ed to tell the ps yc ho fun — there lo gi ca l warfare on every In fact, the m are some people who love to call person. So muchgood and decent voter feels in anore investment a voters, for ex time! It’s exhaustinpain in so little likely they are election, the more people are we ample, and those to ird but also golden But if you’re lookin g. the first place. If bother voting in wonders any g fo th campaign wo r e so on m ly et pe hi ng op to do with your an le love to have you know on th — but it’s necess uld highly recommen xious energy, I and Biden, it’s e ballot are Trump work. ary for a campaign. d volunteering your little vo easy to think that who is running whFind someone much of a diffe te doesn’t make Nobody said values. Someone o shares your be wrong, but rence — you would would be easy defeating fascism I understand th . Let’s go. who makes this current hells cape a little less thinking. But if you know that youre shitty. And then he State House cand lp them win. and she has be idate is a badass en knocking on And here’s the thin doors, safely, with g: th , say, a county e to p of the commissi ticket is important on ca have to choose , but you don’t more invested ndidate you will be in voting. Joe Biden. Here’s to volunteer for ballot races — anthe truth: down- If you’re thinki literally means d “down-ballot” the time to volu ng, “I don’t have down the ballot races further homeschool m nteer, I’m trying to presidential tickeunderneath the working from hoy child while also D’Anne Witkowski is a poet, writer and as important as t — are just to get COVID- me and trying not comedian living in Michigan with her wife 19 th ,” e I pr un es id de ency. Everybody’s rstand. Unfortunately, th and son. She has been writing about LGBT bu ey sy . ar But if you’re e also the doom races most likely politics for over a decade. Follow her on sc ro lli ng what is called “d to suffer from see when Trum through Twitter to Twitter @MamaDWitkowski p calls RBG a “hag rop-off” voting. ” — and, really, it’s only a matter of

10: fenxue.com



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Nick Shines This Pride

The Sexy Dallas DJ Headlines District’s Atlanta’s Pride Kick-off Party

By Doug Booth

“Despite all the negativity going on in the country currently, I am proud of how our community has become closer during this pandemic,” says Dallas DJ Nick Stracener. He arrives to Atlanta this week to spin District’s kick-off to Pride “Shine” party on October 8th. “This will be my first gig back at a club,” he continues. “I’ve done a couple private socially distanced events, but nothing like what we have planned for Pride.” To describe his current mood as excited would be an understatement. He says he has been longing to feel the energy of a dance floor full of people enjoying his music for months.

Nick’s unique sound is best described as a combination of indigenous rhythms with lots of sultry uplifting, female vocals. He aims to take revelers on a journey with high energy beats mixed with slow moments so that they can fully experience different emotions. To him, circuit music is therapy. “It is powerful and liberating and the ultimate escapism,” he explains. “A lot of people are going through hard times right now, mentally, and Pride will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to reach out to one another.” His pride message to fans this year is to love your neighbor as you love yourself. “It’s hard enough being gay in this world, especially now

with how the economy is and all the other outside factors. You never know what someone is going through, and a small gesture like a “How are you?” and a “Are you alright?” shows you care and might be exactly what someone needs to hear.” Experience DJ Nick Stracener live when he spins District’s kickoff to Pride party on October 8th. Tickets: $20-$35. Face shields and hand sanitizer provided and strictly enforced. Portion of Proceeds Benefiting Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. Follow Nick on Instagram @ thenickstracener

22: fenuxe.com

Field of Dreams The Men of CiNava are Picture Perfect By Chad Conroy

“The perfect image should capture the attention of the viewer for at least three to five seconds,” says Angel Cintron. “That is when we know it has made an impact.” Cintron and his husband, Steve Nava, are the men behind CiNava, one of the leading teams in fashion model photography. The duo has become known for crafting highly produced editorial images that are creative, edgy, artistic, fresh, and often drawn from their own environment. “We notice everything around us,” Nava explains. “People, locations, lighting, colors, wardrobe… We combine them all to develop a story that is told within a single image.” CiNava’s work has appeared in many fashion and style books including MOD, HUF Magazine, L’Officiel AU, and Cool America Magazines. Their most recent celebrity shoots include WWE Superstar diva Lae Van Dale, influencer Mimi G Style, television actress Tia Carrera and movie actress Natalie Ganzhorn. We caught up with them on the set of their latest shoot with creative director and former judge on Rupaul’s Drag Race, Mike Ruiz. Shooting male models sounds like a tough job, but someone has got to do it. Angel: Yes, it’s exhausting! We love the high energy of fashion. How did you get started? Steve: Angel began in wedding photography and he would get a gig and need someone there to assist with lighting, holding bounce cards, or someone with a second camera. I was there to help. Essentially, I became free labor. However, it was such a great experience working together, we decided to create CiNava, a fusion of both our last names. What is the biggest lesson you have learned from working together? Angel: We have learned to celebrate our successes, no matter how small, and to give ourselves permission to fail. Listen, we’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way to becoming successful fashion photographers. We’ve learned to own the mistakes and to grow from them. We also learned to appreciate that we have one another to lean on. Do you go prepared into a shoot or do you let the mood and the energy of the day guide you?

Steve: We go into a shoot with a concept or story in mind. There is a definite game plan; but then the environment dictates the scene as we seldom have props on set. On shoot day, the excitement of the studio becomes electric as we engage with the stylists and talent. As photographers, it’s important we keep the energy going to bring out the best in everyone, especially the model. What keeps you engaged in a shoot? Angel: First and foremost, the mood and the vibe. Everyone on set needs to have a positive state of mind. They need to be ready to give their all. That is the only way we are assured a flawless, successful shoot. What if a guy that you are shooting is having a bad photo day or is emotionally vacant? Maybe his dog just died or his partner dumped him. Is there anything that you can do? Steve: That is a great question! We find that music is a fantastic ice-breaker in most any situation. A simple gesture of asking the model what they want to listen to can go a long way in changing the dynamic of a shoot. If his mood is impacted by the loss of his pet or being dumped by his boyfriend, we’ll throw on some survival music like “I will survive,” by Gloria Gaynor or “It’s not right, but it’s ok,” by Whitney Houston. Who shoots better still images, models or actors? Angel: It’s a tossup. We’ve come to realize that models have their stock poses for each situation. They can serve the fierce, mad, and sexy looks like no one’s business. Actors are expert in all emotions. They can change from one emotion to another with such ease.

Are male models as big of divas as their female counterparts? Angel: Female models have certainly cornered the diva market, but male models are quickly learning that tapping into their inner divo is effective as drama grabs attention on and off the set. Is dealing with demanding agents and pushy publicists a part of the job? Steve: You know, we really have not had too many experiences with pushy publicists. Obviously, we try to work collaboratively with the talent’s team, but they can’t dictate how we execute our vision for the shoot. I can think of one situation where the publicist did not allow for the talent to wear certain clothing. As a result, we cut the story way short and did not work with the publicist again for any future shoots. Tell us about shooting the cornfield images. Steve: The cornfield shoot was so much fun. We encouraged them to use the corn stalks as props, place some of the weeds in their mouth, and do whatever felt natural. The guys got really into it. What inspired the shoot? Angel: The inspiration came from our incredible Creative Director, Mike Ruiz. After shooting other projects in studio for two days, we needed to do something different and fun. Nothing says fun like hot men in a cornfield!

What’s next for CiNava? Steve: 2020 has been a roller coaster for us, just as it has for everyone else. We have no plans of slowing down. We’re super excited about shooting Ed Quinn in the extremely near future. Ed is an actor and musician who has appeared in several film and television roles, including One Day at a Time, Young Americans, and True Blood. Angel: In addition to more fashion shoots, we’re working to raise awareness for the Equality Federation, an organization that amplifies the power of the state-based LGBTQ movement. Visit https://www.cinavaphotography.com

Rebel Brian Gibson Stars as the Young Hollywood Bad Boy of Adult Film By Phil Bessimer

Since making his debut five months ago in a solo film on HelixStudios.net, 19-year old Brian Gibson has made a splash in the adult world, winning fans with his pouty lips, sly smile, floppy hair and innocent baby blues. Brian’s boy next door looks mixed with his seemingly disaffected attitude have been likened to hunky Hollywood pinups from River Phoenix to James Dean, but he says he’s not as rebellious as people assume that he is. “When I’m not filming you can catch me doodling or singing in the shower,” he laughs. He believes an eventual move to New York is in the cards, but for now, Wisconsin is his home and that is where we caught up with him. How do you feel about being called the James Dean of adult film? It’s flattering! A little embarrassing, too, as I’m not very familiar with his work. When my hair was longer, I would often be told that I look like Leonardo DiCaprio, but I never saw it. James Dean is best known for the film, Rebel without a Cause. Would you consider yourself rebellious? I think I feel a lot more rebellious than I actually am. Joining Helix Studios is pretty much the most rebellious thing I’ve done. How did you find your way into adult film? It was all very sudden. I started webcamming to pay rent, and the next thing I knew, I was flying out to Helix Studios in Las Vegas. Why Helix, specifically? I was familiar with their films. The guys are hot and I thought I would be a good fit. Before appearing in adult film, did you watch it? Yes! Brandon from SeanCody is one of my all-time crushes. Were you a cool kid growing up? No, growing up I was such an oddball. I attended private, religious schools my entire educational career. It was a strange environment for a queer kid to grow up in. I think people thought I might have a couple screws loose but I never cared. I was definitely a target for bullying, though. Would friends from home be shocked to know what you do today? Word spreads fast, so I’m sure many people know and are shocked, but I honestly don’t keep up with many of them. Today, I’m so grateful to have open minded people around me.

Without A Flaw Where do you call home these days? I’m still living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where I was born and raised, but I’m on my own, living with roommates. What is like to be a young, gay guy in the age of COVID? There isn’t too much going on at the moment. Pride was always something I looked forward to and this summer has felt a little empty without it, but I’m managing to have some fun. What do you do for fun? I’m pretty creative, so I’m kind of always doing something different. I like to always have little projects going on to keep me motivated. What would your fans be most surprised to learn about you? I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 18. I was a late bloomer. Which of your films are you most proud of? We just filmed a fun double penetration scene and I feel like a real badass now. Like I have earned a bit of a bragging rights (laughing). Do you have a bff at Helix? I don’t have a best friend, but I will say that Alex Riley is the most fun, energetic person you’ll ever meet. I don’t see the guys as much as I wish I did. It’s always really fun when I do and easy to pick up where we left off. Who would you like to have a scene with? My lips are sealed! But I will admit that I’d rather film with someone down to earth than someone mega-hot. Will you stay in adult film or is Helix a step to something else? I can definitely see porn leading me to other things. I’d love to have my own business in the future but for now, I like having the flexibility and freedom. Do you have a special message for your fans this Fall? Just be true to yourself and live authentically. It’s worked so far for me! Visit HelixStudios.net

Photos courtesy of HelixStudios.net

Star Trek’s first trans and nonbinary characters by Romeo San Vicente

Deep Inside Hollywood The CBS All Star Trek: live-action Discovery will Think back to thatAccess flash of series a moment in 2017’s remake continue toBeauty fulfi ll thethefranchise’s progressive ideals and of Disney’s and Beast Beast, , the one where it seemed for the upcoming third season include the show’s fithat rst Gaston’s (Luke Evans) sidekick LeFou (Josh Gad) was, in effect, transgender and non-binary characters. Queer characters coming as gay. it a flash because if youby blinked you already out existed inWe thecall ST:D universe, played Anthony Rapp and Wilson Cruz, socount the the addition of thread the two new missed it – that is, if you don’t constant of LeFou characters will be on a welcome expansion of thecomplaint ranks. Ian having a wild crush Gaston – but that’s another for Alexander, aIt’s trans actor most known for his role onup, Netfl ix’s another day. canon now: LeFou is gay (but keep Gad is The OA, will play a trans Trill named Gray (Non-Trekker? A heterosexual and Evans is the gay actor, for the record). Now Trill is a species of humanoid from thejust planet Trill. And now that haveand all that youBarrio, can know is you you know.) UK background actor Blu del whothat is Disney+ also nonbinary, willa six-part play theprequel non-binary character Adira. This will developing series about the two characters and be del Barrio’stofirst role, and It’ll they have the how they be major such a acting villainous team. also be told musical, press thatcame they realized that “non-binary” was the best way with songs from veteran Beauty composer Alan Menken. And to describe their gender nonconformity after seeing Chilling we’re just telling Disney now, because we’ll be watching from Adventures of Sabrina’s non-binary castallmember, Lachlan the social-distancing comfort our ourselves homes andin paying very close Watson. In other words, weofsee the media for the first that timeLeFou and itbetter sometimes things a there little will more attention stay very,makes very, very gay or be clear, a riot. gives us the words to describe ourselves, and, to adapt a Trek cliché, go boldly and get our life.

Good Joe Bell walks theQuibi walk Joel Kim Booster’s Trip to

The Baby-Sitters Club comes Netflix Dominique Jackson, Alec to Mapa, Fortune

Romeo San Vicente is regularly described as a sweet sensation.

a Chick Fight

Feimster get into

Kids’ literature is no stranger to independent-minded tomboy Kids’ The question ofbythe day and is, thoughtful “What iflesbian Fightauthors, Club, such but characters created talented comedy-plus-women?” AndFitzhugh the answer is Baby-Sitters – coming Nov. as Harriet The Spy by Louise and The Club 13 to theaters and streaming platforms – the indie feature by AnnFight.The M. Martin. But unlike adventures spanned Chick story of a Harriet, womanwhose who is introduced to an just two novels,all-female The Baby-Sitters Club became an then enduring series underground, fight club, and who discovers she has a personal connection history of the club, it throughout the ’80s and ’90s, withtoa the feature film version in 1995. starsnow Billions Akerman, Baldwin, And comesregular a series Malin from Netflix – sameAlec name, naturally Bella – that Thorne, Kevin Connollyfor(Entourage), andThe former pro will bring the girls Nash up to date new generation. four mains wrestler Kevin (Magica Mike). Meanwhile rounding are all relative newcomers: Sophie Grace as Kristy, Shay Rudolph out that cast are three queer champions that we’ll follow as Stacey, Malia Baker as Mary-Anne, and Momona anywhere: comedians Fortune Feimster and AlecTamada Mapa, as as well as with Pose’s Dominique Originally Claudia, Alicia SilverstoneJackson. and Mark Feuersteindeveloped providing by Ash Christian, the queer indiedate screenwriter and Netflix producer grown-up support. There’s no drop yet, but that’s for who And suddenly and tragically died last monthliterally at age 35, the you. while you’re waiting, there are quite a couple film is directed by Australian actor-turned-director Paul hundred books in World this series, waiting Leyden (As The Turns) fromtoa satisfy script your by fichildhood rst-timer nostalgia urge. Joseph Downey. We plan to channel any post-election rage

A pro-queer film starring Mark Wahlberg? Well, we were a little surprised ourselves to be honest, but there’s a first time for (being Calvin Klein underwear Actor andeverything stand up comic JoelaKim (The Other Two, ,model which doesn’t count). And that’s whyBooster we’re (The pleased toTwo see that he co-produces) is taking his new project to Quibi, the streaming Wahlberg will be giving a world some good vibrations in platform for short-form series. It’s called Trip, Trip , and he’ll write, Good Joe Bell. Based on a true story and also co-produced by Wahlberg, thein plot Oregon produce and star it, a follows mini-sitcom aboutdad two Joe gay Bell, friendswho on walks across United withis his Jadin (Play vacation in Firethe Island. The States twist here thatgay Trip,,son Trip while ostensibly by Play) theytypical try togay raise awareness theinspired bullying about gaysasdoing in a gay about place, is by and abuse of LGBTQ kids. things Co-starring Connie Britton, and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (can’t wait to see who the Mr. directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green (Monsters and Men), it Darcy turns aout to be). This will markAward-winning Booster’s debut Brokeback as a series also boasts script from Academy Mountain McMurtry Diana creator, andteam we’reLarry looking forward toand seeing howOssana much of(and his that’s about the –gold standard of screenwriting cred when stand-up material which sometimes involves discussions of his it comesupbringing to straight The film hasofits at religious andwriters). always includes details hispremiere life as a gay, the Toronto International Film Festival, no doubt with some Asian man – will make it into the final product. No matter what, it’s award season hope on its mind. Look for it to pop up on a trip we’re ready to take.later this year. screens (big or small) Romeo San Vicente is a full round trip all by himself.

into watching this cast commit acts of comedy-violence.

Should work. American Gigolo calling for Showtime

Trans musician Billy Tipton’s story told right in No Ordinary

Feeling Gigolo, the Man a sense of deja-vu? Well, it’s because American Gigolo, stylish 1980 male escort drama starring Richard Gere and Lauren Billy Tipton was a successful jazzand musician Hutton, keeps promising to becometouring a TV series then just…from not. theits1930s the obsessed 1970s. Billy Tipton was alsodetails, a trans In day, theuntil film was over for its fashionable as man.asHis story is remarkable for many reasons, but in the well for its strange straddling of queer panic and queer pleasure, hands of non-queer, cisgender-dominated media, his story all whilealmost objectifying occasionally nude But now comes is also never its told with respect or star. understanding. The another chanceisofroutinely resurrection at Showtime,treated where as Jona Bernthal late musician misgendered, kind of and in terms ofwas deception (gender Ford v double Ferrari) agent, Ferrari) will star asdiscussed the sex worker who framedand for secrecy,David as “aHollander woman pretending to )be man.” the No script Ordinary murder. (Ray Donovan) (Ray Donovan is apenning that Man, co-directed by Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt, a updates story to present day (and yetToronto set only International 18 years after film thatthe premiered this week at the the original story, so good luck keeping your mind wrapped around Film Festival, seeks to change all that. It’s a documentary that), as the older, wiser GigoloMac struggles to find his the of sorts, written by Amos (co-founder of way the intrans magazine Plumbing), telling thetrying storytoof Tipton’s modern sexOriginal industry of Los Angeles, all while sort out the life, about elements of which recreated by actors andholding trans truth who framed him are many years ago. We’re not artists because there wassono traditional archival material our breath for this one because we were promised it before, but available. Picked up for distribution by Radiant Films, now delightfully trashy reality series Gigolos no keepthat an Showtime’s eye out for a streaming/theatrical release of isthis more, there’sstory, a vacant in our hearts waiting a hero. fascinating onespace finally properly told byfor queer people.

photo credit Starfrenzy

We’re surely going to miss you this year for the Atlanta Pride Kickoff. The time to gather, unite, and celebrate will return. In the meantime, keep your sparkle, stay safe and dream big.


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