Fenuxe Magazine - Fall Fashion "more or less" photography by Richie Arpino

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Fall Fashion more or less









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CONTRIBUTORS John Stein Rob Anderson Jeff Dorta/Project Publicity GRAPHIC DESIGN Brian Sawyer - Graphic Designer ATLANTA MARKETING Jeff Anderson | 404.814-3014 jeff@peachatl.com Sales Manager NATIONAL ADVERTISING Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 sales@rivendellmedia.com

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THE JOURNEY TO FATHERHOOD By John Stein The world’s largest community of gay, bi, and trans parents and prospective parents, has launched its Fatherhood Partner program, a new initiative for men seeking to embark on their journeys to fatherhood. As part of the program, Gays with Kids has aligned with some of the world’s top gay-friendly IVF clinics and surrogacy agencies, as well as with key adoption/foster agencies at the forefront of LGBTQ+ family building. In addition to creating comprehensive instructional courses that outline each available option for creating a family, they are connecting prospective dads with the best LGBTQ+ affirming professionals who can help them fulfill their dreams based on their individual interests and budgets. “Our unique history as the largest online community of queer dads and dads to be has allowed us to work closely with a handful of the most proven and experienced LGBTQ+ family builders,” says David Dodge, GWK’s Executive Editor. “Our new Fatherhood Partners Program provides members of our community with free access to these experts to get everything they’ll need — resources, guides, educational courses, and more — to achieve their dream of fatherhood, regardless of their path.” In vetting its Fatherhood Partners, GWK considered each organization’s reputation among consumers and industry peers; as well as their longevity, track record and LGBTQ+ expertise as demonstrated through participation in Family Equality Open Door and/or HRC All Children-All Families. 6: fenxue.com

Each partner associated with the new educational platform is delivering their expertise as part of GWK’s completely free of charge curriculum. “We couldn’t be more excited to partner with GWK on this new educational series for gay, bi and trans men interested in fatherhood,” says Sam Hyde, President and CEO of Circle Surrogacy, one of the Fatherhood Partners. “This new platform is providing us with an unparalleled opportunity to connect queer men with the resources and education they need to build their families through IVF and surrogacy.” “There are so many professionals to choose from, but for queer men, they are not all created equal,” said Molly Rampe Thomas, founder of Choice Network, a Fatherhood Partner focusing on adoption. “We are thrilled to be working with GWK to help educate prospective adoptive dads on how best to navigate the often-confusing adoption process, and connect them with LGBTQ affirming professionals.” Additional surrogacy agencies in the Partners to Fatherhood program are Same Love Surrogacy, Simple Surrogacy and Worldwide Surrogacy. The IVF Clinics are California Fertility Partners, Fertility Centers of Illinois, Fertility Specialists of Texas and Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut. The adoption agencies include Amara, Extraordinary Families, Friends in Adoption and Spence Chapin. For more information on the Fatherhood Partner program, visit gayswithkids.com and @gayswithkids on all social platforms.


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Creep of the WEEK

by D’Anne Witkowski

Amy Coney Barrett

Ruth Bader nsburg. What a devastating loGi ss for the country, fo. For her family, r the rule of law. We didn’t let he moment of peacr have a single e in the last years of her to retire. She lifdie.dnShe didn’t get back on and celebr ’t get to look ate her hist ic and spectacula r legacy. Noor Because millions pe. voted for a wash of Americans ed -u p TV croo masquerading a businessmank, Ruth Bader Ginsas her dying day. burg worked until

might result in th e death of GOP. But what e Could m the fuck do thth care? They have st ey undone? Warelriage equality be courts with Trum acked the lower just like Ro l, of course it could, e Wade. And if appointees, and now they’re takipng th happens, the vrig ht to marry wiat Court. They will ha the Supreme go back to th ve e states who wi ll power from once beyond the grave ll again decide wh an d wi ll ethe ha unt LGBTQ peop us for the rest of not our lives. le are fully hurmor an or not. That isn’t an exag ge ration. Cone Barret isn’t even 50 years old. Ay Brown writes, “You can be ce lifetime appoin rtain that LG extremists hella long for her.tment could be doing evBT erything in theirwill be And for us. powe to block this co nfirmation. It’sr “President Trump im pe ra tiv e that we be on the and his party lin She deserved bette and Judge Ba front es fig ing for co r. ntrol of the the Affordablerrett will overturn Supremeht Co Ca ur t re by demanding that Ac And now, ev and Republicans though it was they won’t stop there. t, Th literally her dyen have made clear ey Trump’s nom support President in g wi sh th not to be to ov inee.” replaced by hi er rn Roe v.atWthey want ad a clear majormityand even though restrict tu e, an d He ’s re right, of course. think the next ju of Americans freedoms,”productive rights and of eq Supporters stice should be uality will oppo Democratic appointed by wh Vi Pr se ce es id no en m t No in at oe m io ve in n ee r wins the said with everything this Kamala Harris ha 2020 election, Tr du we rin ve . g um a Un ca paign stop in p is getting No fortu tely, we to choose her rth Carolina. “Jum don’t have very muchna re pl ac em dg e en rig Ba t. ht now. man who lost rrett has A a long record e popular vote of posing abor by millions whth tion On top of and reproductivop o le ad e it all, we still ha s a party no ot rig that represen ve her issue that sohts. There is pandemic ragi ng through thea disrespects coun Americans willts a minority of and dishon try or ha s ve th th at e ap wo ha po rk s in of Justice three Suprem ted Ginsburg’s claimed lif urt justices by an undoing the 200,000 lives and a presidover the end of his efirCo seminal deciseioth wh ent o is st term. fa r n m history that made in the court’s rigging the elore concerned about it ec cle tio ar n : Trump has no a by wo lying about man absentee has a right to ballots and cla make decisions Coney Barrett, a minated Amy about her ow imin th at he wo n m m bo ig an dy ht wh .” no o has t give up powegr benefitted from th if he lo se e gl s. as s ceiling RBG has sh red, is poiseds Not for long. to follow RBGatte It is difficult not to an reinstall those gl d to not only But don’t wo t discouraged. Bu t for those whogede as rry s ce . I’m ili ng sure Coney high s but Barret wi make them strong pend on the ll be great for es t er. co ur t in the country LGBTQ our mos rights, right? for t basic civil rights: You might be re LGBTQ people, women ad in g a , lo Bl t ac “think pieces of Ha. people, immigrant k and brown might be able” toabout how we pr eexisting medicas, people with av oi d a Coney Brian Barrett confirmat na Br me a few. We arel conditions to ow n, io n. the co-founder of We only the need four Republ all in danger. Na tio na vote against her! ican Senators to Marriage, in l Organization for But we ar not dead. So we an email to an four with a conscieSurely there are marriage ti- defeated.eW are not eq lity supp nce! e must keep m orters, forward. writes that thua oving is Ha. Right. If you be nomination could Supreme Court lieve that then fo “p av e you have perhap the way r the storation of m during the entirs been in a coma to our larews arriage et y an of d scrapping the Trump’s illegitim presidency. And at e, fo r an that I envy impo ti- nstitutional you. sition of me-Co sex ‘marriage on the nation.saIt will mean that’ The Republicans re lig io us erty will be re the ultimate leve have unlocked its rightfulib ored to l place as a founst l of Grand Theft Democracy: stac dational co ns tit ut io ki na Court with cons ng the Supreme fake ‘rights l right, and that the D’Anne Witkowski is a poet, writer and ervative judges. ’ at are constantly They will stop at comedian living in Michigan with her wife demanded by th NO th TH e IN le G to see specia ft – including this through. They and son. She has been writing about LGBT l ru le s do fo r n’ homosexuals and t even care the if, as some pund politics for over a decade. Follow her on so -c al le d its that rushing throug have mused, no longer se transgendered – will Twitter @MamaDWitkowski e the light of day.” h a nomination

10: fenxue.com

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18: fenuxe.com

Fall Fashion

Rickie Arpino Photography by

more or less

BEAUTY Hisness Hisness:: WHY MORE MEN ARE WEARiNG MAKEUP By Rob Anderson

Photos by Jono Photography Makeup: Asmik Mamyan Hair: Jasmine Mamyan

Foundation, concealer, a little eyeliner… More and more men are applying makeup on a daily basis. The first time Anttoni Lopez tried painting his face was five years ago, as a way to coverup marks and bruises he had from an abusive relationship. He turned to over-thecounter products that were readily available in his pharmacy: brands like Revlon, Covergirl, and Fenty. What he found were they were heavy, cakey, and worst of all, noticeable.

people to know I was wearing makeup,” he says. Another byproduct of the coverup: his face became irritated and broke out. “I started to pay more attention to the contents listed on the labels and discovered that certain ingredients commonly used in all were suitable for women, but likely to cause blotches in men.” He looked for a line of cosmetics that were made specifically for men, but at the time, none existed, so he set out to make one himself.

His brand, Alpha Male Cosmetics, is more subtle and much lighter than make-up made for women. It is water-based so simple soap and water will work perfectly to “Like most guys at wipe it away. the time, I didn’t want

h a M a l e C o s m e t i c s

As the demand from men has grown, so has the line. The Alpha Male Cosmetics collection now includes foundations, primer, liquid concealers and setting spray. The


Since launching Alpha Male Cosmetics five years ago, the men’s beauty market has changed dramatically. Lopez points to social media as the driving force. “Everyone is looking to pull off that flawless look, and many guys are no longer trying to hide the make-up. They’re making a statement in make-up!”


His answer to that is Alpha Male’s Anti-aging BB Cream. Available in five shades and made with aloe and SPF, it is part make-up, part skin-care, working to calm the skin and protect it from the sun to avoid premature skin aging and darkening while providing sheer, radiant coverage.


It also addresses conditions that are unique to men’s tougher skin; often damaged from harsh soaps, shaving and the sun. “Applying a blade to our face, one or sometimes even two times a day, leaves many of us with razor bumps, ingrown hairs and dark spots,” Lopez explains.

liquid foundations and liquid concealers come in 24 shades, more than any other male brand in the market. “When I first launched Alpha Male five years ago, the morning grooming routine for most men was shampoo, shave and maybe a bit of hair gel. Guys are taking much better care of themselves these days. They want to feel and look good.” For men who want to give make-up a try but maintain a natural look, Lopez advises concealers should be no more than one shade lighter than true skin color. To find the shade that works best for you, he recommends trying the sample packs first. Alpha Male Cosmetics are available at http:// alphamalecosmetics. com/. Follow on Instagram and Facebook @ alphamalecosmetics.

Bradley Cooper and Carey Mulligan make music in Maestro by Romeo San Vicente

Deep Inside Hollywood Bradley Cooper andflash CareyofMulligan make music in Maestro remake Think back to that a moment in 2017’s live-action TheDisney’s late, legendary Leonard Bernstein of BeautyAmerican and the composer/conductor Beast, the one where Beast, it seemed that was gay. He was Evans) also married to a woman, FeliciaGad) Cohnwas, Montealegre, Gaston’s (Luke sidekick LeFou (Josh in effect, coming out as gay. We call it a flash if you you who understood his homosexuality, and because chose to be withblinked him. It was missed it –and that is, sort if you count constant for thread ofpeople, LeFou the 1950s, this of don’t thing was notthe uncommon queer having a wildforcrush on Gaston – but complaint for and it makes a fascinating entry pointthat’s for a another drama about the closet. another day. Cooper, It’s canon now:on LeFou gay (but keep up, Gad Enter Bradley moving to his is next directorial project after is A heterosexual andaEvans is the gay actor, just for the in record). Star Is Born, with new film for Netfl ix called Maestro, which Now he’ll that have allJoining that background you know that Disney+ is star asyou Bernstein. him on screen ascan Montealegre will be Carey developing a six-part prequel series the two family characters Mulligan. Cooper’s been working withabout the Bernstein for a and few how to be such a villainous team. also the be musical, yearsthey now,came developing the project, one that willIt’llcover couple’s with songs from veteran Beauty composer Alan Menken. Anda more than 30-year relationship. Keeping in mind that nobody likes we’re tellingmisery Disneyfor now, we’ll allentertainment, be watching we’ll from wallowjust in queer the because sake of prestige the social-distancing comfort of our homes and paying very close trust Cooper to do right by this important subject matter. Now that the attention that LeFou better stay very, very, very gay or there will be United States is, in general, somewhat less treacherous for many in a riot. the LGBTQ+ community, these complex stories from the past become even more vital to keep in our collective memory. The project shoots The Baby-Sitters Club comes to Netflix in spring 2021. Kids’ literature is no stranger to independent-minded tomboy Kids’ Run from horror-mom Sarah Paulson characters created by talented and thoughtful lesbian authors, such It’s always The the Smother Mother’s fault, isn’t That’s what the movas Harriet Spy by Louise Fitzhugh andit?The Baby-Sitters Club ies us, anyway. But asHarriet, long as whose the drama is high andspanned the susby like AnntoM.tell Martin. But unlike adventures pense suitably tense, seem to enjoy kids escape just two novels, The we Baby-Sitters Clubwatching became trapped an enduring series whatever hell Mommy has’90s, devised them. And elseinto1995. play throughout the ’80s and withfor a feature film who version such a woman Sarahfrom Paulson, of multiple American And now comesthan a series Netflixa –veteran same name, naturally – that Horror Story path madness? Well, she’ll be doing it will bring the trips girls down up to the date forof a new generation. The four mains again Run, from filmmakerSophie AneeshGrace Chaganty (Searching), co-writare allinrelative newcomers: as Kristy, Shay Rudolph as Stacey, Maliaand Baker as Mary-Anne, as ten by Chaganty Searching collaboratorand SevMomona Ohanian. Tamada Co-starring Claudia, with Markit’s Feuerstein newcomer KieraAlicia AllenSilverstone as Paulson’sand daughter, the story ofproviding a young grown-up support. There’s no drop yet, butcontrols that’s Netflix for woman raised in total isolation by a date mother who her every you. And while you’re begin waiting, there are literally a couple move. Then the cracks to develop in quite Mom’s narrative and it hundred books in the thisthing series, waiting to satisfy yourinchildhood becomes time to do in the title. It’s due to land select renostalgia urge. and Hulu in late November, so you don’t actually have opened theaters

Joel Kim Booster’s Trip to Quibi

But I’m An American Island Cheerleader It’s time for the trans POC rom-com. It’s been time, really, but now one’s on up thecomic horizon. the beautiful mindsTwo, of Filipinx Actor actually and stand Joel From Kim Booster (The Other (The Two , which queer creators Rain Valdez his (thenew Emmy-nominated web series Razor he co-produces) is taking project to Quibi, the streaming Tongue) Leyco (Batman Beyond) A Tale of platformand forRachel short-form series. It’s calledcomes Trip,, Re-Live: Trip and he’ll write, An American Cheerleader. The story revolves a 10-year produce andIsland star in it, a mini-sitcom about two around gay friends on class reunion where the theme is the “do-over,” the, chance to fix that vacation in Fire Island. The twist here is that Trip Trip, while ostensibly one thing high school didn’t provide. willplace, star as successful about gays doing typical gay thingsValdez in a gay is ainspired by movie star who Pride goes home for the event to fulfi ll the unrealized dream Jane Austen’s and Prejudice (can’t wait to see who the Mr. of being a high What she encounters is Darcy turns out school to be). cheerleader. This will mark Booster’s debut asinstead a series her mother’s cancer diagnosis, a sister how (Leyco) in need of creator, and worsening we’re looking forward to seeing much of his some sibling support, and then a little as-yet-undefi ned romance.ofStill stand-up material – which sometimes involves discussions his religious upbringing always details ofstory his life as aqueer gay, in development, this and is the kind includes of non-traumatic about Asian man – will make it into final ix product. matter it’s people of color that needs Huluthe or Netfl to giveNo it the pushwhat, and proa trip we’re to take. duction cashready it deserves to get in front of audiences. We’ll be waiting and watching. Romeo San Vicente Vicente rejects spice latte, but dives face-first Romeo San is a fullpumpkin round trip all by himself. into pumpkin pancakes.

to run anywhere to see it.

American Gigolo calling for Showtime

The Extinction of Fireflies the next step in streaming theater Feeling sense of deja-vu? Well, it’s because Gigolo, the Gigolo, Want to asee a new play? You can’t, we know,American all the theaters are stylish 1980 male escort drama starring Richard Gere and Lauren closed. But what if, in the manner of Hamilton on Disney+, you could Hutton, keeps promising to become a TV series and then just… not. stream a new play at home? It’s not the ideal situation, obviously, but In its day, the film was obsessed over for its fashionable details, as is anything ideal right now? The answer to that would be a supersize well as for its strange straddling of queer panic and queer pleasure, no, so you’ll want to dig into the opportunity to watch The Extinction all while objectifying its occasionally nude star. But now comes of Firefl ies. It stars Drew Droege (Bob’s Burgers, all those amazing another chance of resurrection at Showtime, where Jon Bernthal “Good Chloe Sevigny” on YouTube) as (Ford vevening, Ferrari) America, Ferrari) will star I’m as the sex worker videos who was framed for a would-be playwright who(Ray invites his friends over – played by Tracie murder. David Hollander (Ray Donovan Donovan) ) is penning the script that Bennett andday Buyer andyet Cellar’s Michael Urieafter – to updates(Coronation the story toStreet) present (and set only 18 years readoriginal his latest work. is fromyour James Andrew Walsh, and the story, so The goodcomedy luck keeping mind wrapped around it’s now production in Walsh’s RhodetoIsland home, it that), as in the older, wiser Gigolo own struggles find his waywhere in the will be shot delivered to an as-yet-unspecifi streaming modern sexand industry of Los Angeles, all while ed trying to sortplatform out the (ticketing and dates also to be so announced). Weago. loveWe’re this idea, naturaltruth about who framed him many years not holding ly, because inventive use we of space designed for theater. our breath it formakes this one because were not promised it before, but And that now Showtime’s we’ve also got fantasiestrashy of Urie and playwright Jonathan now delightfully reality series Gigolos is no Tolins there’s revivinga Buyer Barbra basement. more, vacantinspace inStreisand’s our hearts actual waiting for a hero.

photo credit Starfrenzy




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