Duke Chronicle
Duke Chronicle| Periódico| Inglés| Noticias| Duke Chronicle| Diario| NE|NE|NE|United States| <p>The Chronicle, the independent daily newspaper at Duke University, is actually older than the University itself. The first issue of The Trinity Chronicle was published Dec. 19, 1905. Trinity College became Duke University in 1924, and the newspaper continued to cover campus news and the world around it, evolving from a weekly newspaper to a bi-weekly and then a tri-weekly in the middle of a century and finally to a weekday daily in 1968.</p> <p>With a circulation of about 15,000 and distribution throughout the University, Health System and parts of Durham, The Chronicle has a print readership of about 30,000. The Chronicle Online, established in 1995, gets an average of more than 70,000 hits every day.</p>