Buen Viaje (Padova, ingles)

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B.U.E.N. V.I.A.J.E.


 Introduction: Padua for the young…… pag: 2  Useful Information ……………………… pag: 3  How to get to Padua…….. .…………… pag: 5  Getting around ………………………. pag: 7  Where to sleep …………………………. pag: 8  Eating out in Padua ………………..… pag: 9  Going out in Padua ……..……….…... pag: 11  Markets ………………………….….… pag: 13  Events and Fairs...……………….…….. pag: 14  What to visit in Padua ….……………… pag: 15  Around and about Padua …………..… pag: 18  Other destinations easy to reach .……. pag: 21


INTRODUCTION Padua is a university city in which every year the number the young Italians and Europeans, who choose this city for exchange programs, to study in or simply to take holidays avoiding the tourist sites visited by the masses, increases. This is a concise guide which illustrates the various opportunities that a young person can have whilst staying in Padua for study or work. It proposes organizational solutions at low cost so that even young people with limited economic possibilities can live an experience abroad and share with their peers various commitments and moments of fun. B.u.e.n. V.i.a.j.e. is an acronym in Spanish that embodies the spirit of this work: „Buscando Una Europa Para Nosostros: Viajes, Informaciones Amistad para los Jòvenes Europeos‟ which means Finding a Europe for us: trips, information on friendship for young Europeans. SHORT STORY OF THE CITY An antic legend tells that the city was founded by Antenore, a Homeric hero, escaping from Troy in the X11 century B.C. Around 50 B.C it acquired the status of a Roman municipality. The most important Roman constructions are the theatre and amphitheatre inside which today is situated the Scovegni Chapel. After a long decline, which lasted for the whole of the high medieval ages, the revival was slow and difficult. Finally, when Padua became a free council it began to re-gain its supremacy. Around 1200, Padua re-found its economic richness and lived a period of great cultural fever: the first medieval wall was constructed; various buildings were constructed like the Basilica of San Antonio and the „Palazzo della Ragione‟, and a prestigious university was founded. The artistic scene was dominated by Giotto who painted the frescos of the Scrovegni Chapel. The year 1405 marks a lull because a people‟s revolt gave over the city into the hands of the Republic of Venice. However, Padua was able to maintain its supremacy in the field of art thanks to Andrea Mantegna and Donatello. The 5th century for the Venetian city is a century of great splendor. Padua erected a new fortification. Towards the end of the century the University lived a time illuminated by the genius Galileo Galilei and the famous Anatomical Theatre was built. The seven hundreds saw the systemization of the present Prato della Valle. The surrender of Venice, in 1796, following the first Napoleonic wars in Italy; lead Padua to the French domination and shortly after Austrian. This ruling ended in 1866 with the annexation of the Kingdom of Italy. INDICE


USEFUL INFORMATION DURING YOUR STAY: EMERGENCIES POLICE- „QUESTURA‟ Piazzetta Palatucci, 5 (on the corner of Riviera Ruzzante) - 35123 Padova Telephone 049 833111 site www.poliziadistato.it („Questura‟ Padova) -Street Police: Via Fabrici d'Acquapendente 23 35100 (PADOVA - PD) telefono: 0498044411 - Postal Police: Largo Europa 20 35100 (PADOVA - PD) telefono: 049656456 - Police Station “Arcella”: via Jacopo D'avanzo 17 35132 (PADOVA - PD) telefono: 049/8644248 -Town Police (Vigili Urbani -) via Gozzi, 32 - Padova (centrale operativa) emergenze 049 8205100 informazioni e segnalazioni 049 8205101 centralino telefonico 24 ore su 24 sito www.padovanet.it -CARABINEER POLICE Prato della Valle, 88 - Padova telefono 049 8521 sito www.carabinieri.it -FIRE via S. Fidenzio, 3 - 35100 Padova telefono 049 7921711 sito www.vigilfuoco.it -HOSPITAL AND FIRST AID via Giustiniani, 2 - 35128 Padova telefono 049 8211111 sito www.sanita.padova.it


-ITALIAN RED CROSS via Croce Rossa, 130 - 35129 Padova telefono 049 8077655 sito www.cri.it/ RADIO TAXI Centralino: 049.651333 Fax: 049.760369

ISTITUTIONS PADUA COUNCIL Via del Municipio, 1, 35122 Padova, Italy Tel. 0498205272


PROVINCE OF PADUA piazza Antenore, 3 - 35121 Padova telefono 049 8201111 - fax 049 8201235 sito www.provincia.padova.it PADUA PREFECTURE piazza Antenore, 3 - 35121 Padova telefono 049 833511 - fax. 049 833550 sito www.prefettura.padova.it ITALIAN POST OFFICE corso Garibaldi, 25 - Padova centralino 049 8772111 sito www.poste.it TRAVEL AGENCY : - CTS: 35121 Padova (PD) 2, v. del Portello tel: 049 8070972 - PATAVIUM VIAGGI: 35137 Padova (PD) 5, v. Petrarca tel: 049 8754811 Agency specializing in business ,Trips, congresses, study fax: 049 8754130 holidays, tourism and cruises, ship and airplane tickets. - ANTONIANA VIAGGI: 35121 Padova (PD) 34, v. Porciglia tel: 049 8760233 fax: 049 8763410


HOW TO GET TO PADOVA Padua is in the centre of Veneto, between Vicenza, Treviso, Venice e Rovigo.


Arriving from the West, from A4 Milan-Venice, take the exit Padova Ovest (Padua West). From there it is possible to get to the centre in a matter of minutes taking the bypass in direction Padua. For extra information on the traffic situation there is the website of the Motorway BresciaPadua: www.autobspd.it. Arriving from the East, from the A4 it is possible to take the exit Padova Est (Padua East) and follow the indications for Padua city centre. For extra information on the traffic situation there is the website of the Motorway Venice-Padua: www.autovepd.it. Arriving from the South, the A13 Bologna-Padua becomes the south bypass which will take you quickly in the direction of various areas of the city. It is possible to plan your trip on the Motorway associationâ€&#x;s website: www.autostrade.it. Train 5

Padua is easily accessible also in train. From: Milan or from Florence: in 2 hours Rome or from Turin: in 4 hours From Padua the following locations are easily accessible:  Venice and Vicenza: in about half an hour  Verona and Treviso: in an hour The timetables are available from the Trenitalia‟s site: www.trenitalia.it.


It is possible to get to Padua from APT Venice‟s Marco Polo–Tessèra (www.veniceairport.it) and from APT S. Angelo of Treviso (www.trevisoairport.it): For who can make a direct connection with the SITA buses that arrive at Padua station; from Treviso they run every 30 minutes on the weekdays, and every hour on Sundays. From Venice-Tessèra about every 30 minutes on weekdays and every hour on Saturdays and Sundays. The running timetables are available online (from the website www.sitabus.it). The journeys last a little more than an hour and the tickets are sold directly in the airport. Using the collective Air taxi service belonging to the association of Padovan taxi drivers(www.airservicepadova.it) which enables you to arrive directly at your final destination. To reach Padua from the airport Valerio Catullo Verona (www.aeroportoverona.it),train connections can be made (timetables on the website www.trenitalia.ithttp://www.trenitalia.it/). Or the taxi service can be used, Verona - Padua: € 160





APS Mobility – Azienda Padova Servizi (Padova Services Company)

Taxi: CO.RA.PA - Cooperativa RadioTaxi Padova has 150 cars available all connected to a central line and kitted with satellite systems. This service can be booked 24 hours a day by calling the automated system on 049.651333. Fax:049.8707847 E-mail: info@taxipadova.it





“Città di Padova” Via Aleardo Aleardi 30 35122 Padova – Italy Tel. e fax +39.049.8752219

Ca‟ Marcello Via XXVIII Aprile, 54 Monselice (PD) - Italy tel. 0429 767098

►Rooms from 4-6 pax € 19,00

►Double room € 60,00

B&B “Casa a Colori” Via Del Commissario 42 35124 Padova, Italy Tel. +39 049 680332 Fax +39 049 8826053

B&B “Al Santo” via Sanmicheli, 13 35020 Padova, Italy Tel.+ 39 049 875 0267

► Double room € 57,00

► Double room € 35,00

Hotel Piccolo Vienna * Via Beato Pellegrino ,133 35137 - PADOVA (PD) Tel.: +39 049 8716331 Fax: +39 049 8716331

Hotel Junior * Via Faggin, 2 35135 (PADOVA) - Italia Tel. +39 049 611756



EATING OUT IN PADUA Padua has a gastronomic tradition that expresses itself with the use of fresh locally found products that are used in many of typical and traditional dishes. We are talking about a cuisine that is really linked to its territory, that knows how to preserve the antic flavors whilst revisiting them according to modern gastronomic sensibilities. The Padouan table has humble farming origins, often using farm yard animals and products from the allotment without spices or exotic ingredients. It is a synthesis of the rich gastronomy from the nearby Venice and the Padouan cuisine, more poor and simple. The recipes therefore vary from fish dishes to the flavor of roasted beef. Not forgetting, that in the Berici and Euganean Hills there is a production of Parma Ham. It is used to flavor and characterize sauces, roasts, vegetables and antipasti. Everything is seasoned and flavored with, optimal grapes for excellent wines, olives for the unique flavor of olive oil, a great variety of fruits and vegetables and every herb in season and woodland fruits, all of which make the bases for extremely tasty and flavored dishes. TYPICAL PLATES

  Risi e bisi

"Risi e Bisi" is a traditional Venetian dish. It is a dish with a base of rice and peas. It is particularly indicated for the summertime as apart from using fresh and in season peas, the pods are used to obtain a stock for cooking the rice in.

Risotto with bruscandoli (Risotto with wild hop seeds) Risotto with 'bruscandoli' is a modern revision of a typically traditional dish from Veneto, which uses a herb that grows spontaneously as its main ingredient. Bruscandoli‟, in fact, are wild hop seeds which can be harvested from spring to the beginning of the summer. „Buscandoli‟ are an excellent vegetable used in the Padouan cuisine; ideal for firsts but also for the preparation of tasty omelets.  Zaletti Zaletti are biscuits typical from the Veneto area and are made from corn flour. „Zaletti‟ means „gialletti‟ (gaillo-yellow) in dialect, thanks to the yellow polenta that gives it this particular color. It is ideal taken with tea or for breakfast.



The most well known Pizza Houses in the centre of Padua are as follows: PIZZA & SNACK Via Zabarella, 27 – tel 049 8364445 PIZZA AL CUBO Via Tito Livio, 2, o Piazza dei Signori PIZZERIA EREMITANI Via Porciglia, 29 - tel 049.8754663



Via Breda, 3 tel 049 8756283 Via Vescovado, 12 tel 0498782160 Via Barbarigo tel 049 660044 Pzza Capitaniato, 8 tel 049 8750862 Via Roma. 162 tel 049 9915077 Corso del Popolo tel 049 654 930


o BIRRERIA ST. JONH‟S PUB Via Cristoforo Moro, 2 BIRRERIA GALLOWAY Via Bembo, 149 tel 049 691422 BIRRERIA 7TESTE Via C. Battisti, 44 tel 049 664753 CROCODILE PUB AUSRALIAN DA GIAMPY Via del Santo 93 tel 049 8760481 ICE-CREAM PARLOURS


Piazzale Mazzini, 61 tel 049 650446 Prato della Valle, 23 tel 049 8758178 Piazza dei Signori, 33 tel 0495782365 INDICE 10


The spritz for Padua has become an icon of the University City, of the young, of those without worries and the joy of sharing each other‟s company. The students have for a long time adopted this aperitif, becoming in some bars, a proper high class cocktail, making it a reason for meeting up. UNIVERSITY WEDNESDAY In Padua the University Wednesday is an appointment not to be for most of the students. The meeting place is Piazza delle Erbe, which fills up quickly with people after dinner time. During the beautiful spring days the number can reach literally hundreds of young people! There are all sorts of people, scattered between the squares and the alleys of the Ghetto, each faithful to their own bar, or even to their own bar person. In recent years, in the months of July to September the meeting place has moved to Via Colombo. ‘RUN FOR PADUA ‟ Many Padouans love to run. Padua has become a city ideal and seemingly made on purpose for those that love to run. It is enough just to think about the requalification of river banks, the cycle paths and many other dedicated initiatives (first of all the Marathon and „Stracittadine‟). From November 2010 a new initiative was experimented that from the beginning was an enormous success. „Run for Padua ‟: every Thursday starting at 20:30, you can run a citizen run, the departure point and the run varies each time. (See the website www.corriperpadova.it).


& Theatres

Teatro Verdi

Via del livello (Padova) Tel. 0498777011 Granteatro PalaGeox Corso Australia 55 - Area Ex Foro Boario, 35136 Padova, Italy

info@granteatrogeox.com - Telefono 049 8078685 PalaFabris (ex Palasport san Lazzaro) Via S. Marco, 53 - Quartiere 3 Est - 35129 Padova


Padua Sports centres e-mail sport.impianti@comune.padova.it Stadium Euganeo Via N. Rocco, 6 Padova Tel. +39 049 8723555 Centro Universitario sportivo – Cus Via J. Corrado, 4 Tel. 0498076766 Pala Alì (ex Palazzetto dello sport Arcella) Pzza Azzurri d‟Italia Tel.049 8659500,) Pattinodromo comunale Via F. G. D'Acquapendente, 1 Padova Tel. 335 6315207 Complesso natatorio Paltana (Piscina e campi da tennis) Via Decorati al Valor Civile, 2 Padovanuoto Srl - telefono 049 681300,

Discos Disco „Banale‟ Padova Via Bronzetti 8 – Padova Banale Estivo – Via dell‟Ippodromo 3 – Ponte di Brenta (Padova) Tel: 392.4729417 E-mail: info@banale.org Sito web: www.banale.org o www.myspace.com/banale Disco „Block‟ Padova Via Volta, 1 – Limena (Padova) Tel: 333 9060434 333 9060434 E-mail: info@block.it Sito internet: www.block.it Disco „Extra Extra‟ Padova Via Ciamician 5 – Padova Tel: 049.620044 Sito web: www.myspace.com/extraextrapadova


DAILY AND WEEKLY MARKETS Prato della Valle WHEN: - Markets offering non food, plant and flower markets are Saturdays with a winter timetable of 8:00 to 19:00 and a summer timetable of 8:00 to 20:00 - Fruit and vegetable markets are Mondays from 7:30 to 13:30, Saturdays from 7:30 to 20:00

Piazza dei Signori Wednesday and Saturday flower and plant producer is available to sell his products directly. WHEN: from Tuesday to Friday from 8:00 to 14:00, Saturday from 8:00 to 20:00; the sellers are different according to the day of the week.


Piazza delle Erbe e piazza dei Frutti The markets include food stalls, non food stalls, clothes and do-it-yourself. WHEN: from Monday to Saturday


EVENTS AND TRADE FAIRS IN PADUA La Fiera Campionaria: International Trade Fair May Smau Business: Innovation becomes easy May ExpoBici: Fair-Event for bicycle lovers September Auto e Moto d‟Epoca: Vintage cars showroom October Exposcuola: School and young people November Arte Padova: Contemporary art exhibition and market November Job Meeting: where businesses meet graduates Fiera del Santo June 13th, St. Antony‟s day, in Prato della Valle . Mercatino dell'antiquariato Flea market, on the third Sunday every month, in Prato della Valle. Antiques, second-hand and collecting items. Maratona di Padova: St. Antony‟s Marathon April


WHAT TO SEE IN PADUA  St. Antony‟s Basilica, that Paduans simply call il Santo (the Saint), is the most important Church in the city and one of the most visited in the world.  St. Antony of Padua was born in Lisbon in 1195, he became a Franciscan friar, he preached in Northern Italy and died in the surroundings of Padua when he was only 36. The year following his death the building of the basilica was started. The Basilica still holds the saint‟s mortal remains and some relics, among which his chin and tongue.  The Basilica is visited by pilgrims from every part of the world, especially on the 13th of June when a traditional procession takes place.  In the square in front of the Basilica you can see the equestrian statue of Gattamelata, by Donatello. The University of Padua was founded in 1222 and is the second oldest university in Italy. It is called il „Bo‟ (the ox) because the building was originally a hotel that had an ox in its sign. Inside the building you can see an anatomical theatre of the XVI century. Besides, you can see the old chair of Galileo Galilei, who was a professor of the university for many years. The university attracts students from every part of Italy, but also foreign students, who often choose Padua for their Erasmus experience. If you are walking in the city centre you can often see young people, who have just got their degree, getting out the building and being mocked by their friends. The friends hang the so-called “Papiri” on the walls of the building, they are posters that contain ironic or funny episodes of the graduate life. The graduates have to read the “Papiri” aloud in front of their parents and relatives.


The Palazzo della Ragione, also called „Salone‟ is 82 metres long and 27 meresr wide and was built on a lobby of the XIV century that has a wooden ceiling shaped as a ship bottom. It used to be the old seat of the city court of justice and it is one of the widest hanging halls in Europe. The building, whose construction works started in in 1218, is one of the most famous civilian monuments of the age of the Italian

city-states. Inside you can see a huge wooden horse, a Renaissance copy of the horse of Donatello‟s equestrian statue of Gattamelata. A corner of the Salone houses now a pendulum of Foucault, to remark the inseparable link between Padua and science. The Salone lies between the two big squares called Piazze delle Erbe e delle Frutta, that host markets. Under the Salone, along two parallel arcades, there are numerous typical shops selling foodstuffs.  The Cappella degli Scrovegni is situated in the centre of Padua and hosts the most famous frescoes by Giotto (1303-1305), considered one of the Western art masterpieces.  The chapel was built by Enrico Scrovegni, a wealthy Paduan banker, who called Florentine artist Giotto to paint the interior. At that time Giotto, after working for the Franciscan friars in Assisi and Rimini, was in Padua working in St. Antony‟s Basilica. The works were finished very quickly, in 1305, after two years only, the Chapel was fully decorated.  The theme of the frescoes is salvation. Giotto divides the narration into 40 scenes, situated in the 3 belts of the walls. He used the technique of painting in fresco, that is the most common technique of mural painting.  From the outside the chapel shows a very simple structure, it is built in red brick and has no decorations. In 2001 the frescoes were completely restored as they were in bad condition. Now they can be admired in their full magnificence. 16

 Prato della Valle is a huge triangular square surrounded by a long of buildings, the largest and most prominent of which being the Church of Santa Giustina.  The square was planned in 1775 by Domenico Cerato, who designed the vast, oval-shaped garden surrounded by a canal adorned by a double line of statues of famous personalities.  The square is crossed by four straight boulevards lined with trees, that meet at the centre of the small island at the centre of the garden.  The design of the square was inspired by the venetian tradition of patrician gardens. For the first time the patrician garden was adopted not as a private facility but in the city planning to improve the environment, according to neoclassical ideas.  Prato della Valle is the example of a town planning characterised by a great aesthetic awareness, mixing nature and architecture in a fine balance that reminds us of the great venetian tradition.  The Caffè Pedrocchi was built in a triangular area in the very centre of the city.  In 1816 Antonio Pedrocchi had given the famous Venetian architect Giuseppe Jappelli the task to enlarge the small cafè he had inherited from his father.  The ground floor, the cafè, consists of a series of rooms, each one called according to the colour of its walls (white, red, yellow, green hall). The upper floor, once the seat of a city club, consists of a series of function rooms decorated in various styles of the past; today it hosts the Museum of the Risorgimento and Contemporary Age.

IN 17

THE SURROUNDINGS OF PADUA From Padua you can easily reach, by public transport, some important tourist destinations: the walled cities Cittadella, Este, Montagnana, the Euganean Hills (including Abano Terme and Arquà Petrarca), Castelfranco Veneto, Bassano del Grappa and the river Brenta. Walled Cities - Cittadella, Este and Montagnana are important medieval cities still surrounded by walls, located North and South-East of Padua.  Cittadella was founded in 1220 by the will of the Commune of Padua. The most typical aspects of the town are its extraordinary walls and the strategic location it had in the territory controlled by Padua. The town walls (1220 A.D.) have an irregular elliptical shape. Inside the walls, two straight roads connect the four gates of the town to the centre. The walls have four openings to the outside, with four bridges at the gates, towards the towns of Padua, Vicenza, Bassano del Grappa e Treviso.  Este owes its name to the river Adige, called Athesis by the Romans, that flowed in this territory. The Lords of Este, after obtaining the title of marquises, moved their capital city to Ferrara (1239). In the XIV century Este was the object of the contrasting interests of the families of Scaligeri, Carraresi and Visconti. Today the town is an agricultural and industrial centre of some importance. The town walls, dating back to XIV century and well preserved, are about 1 km long and 1.5 m wide, with Guelph battlement, 14 rectangular towers, 12 of which are open on the inside, a donjon 21 m high and the “Porta del Soccorso” (emergengy gate) looking to the North-East and with a courtyard.  Montagnana lies in the fertile countryside across three provinces (Padua, Verona and Rovigo) that used to be the Adige riverbed and is universally known for its splendid and well-preserved medieval city walls. After the siege of Ezzelino, the town was returned to the Commune of Padua: in 1275 a garrison was installed, the castle was enlarged and a curtain 18

was erected. The building of the walls was completed by the Carraresi in 1362. The walls are irregular in shape, about 2 km in length, between 6.5 and 8 m in height and 1 m in width, with huge archivolts that support the walkway. There are 24 towers of various shapes, over 8 m high over the battlement, the towers at the corners are 19 m high. Euganean Hills – The Euganean Hills are a group of hils of volcanic origin that stretch, like a group of islands, across 19,000 hectares South-East of Padua. They are the first regional park of Veneto, founded in 1989. In this area there are 15 municipalities, among which Abano Terme and Arquà Petrarca.  Abano is a well-known spa, enjoying mild weather at almost all times of the year. Its origins date back to prehistoric times, and paleovenetian populations knew the therapeutical properties of its thermal waters. The water, from the Pre-Alpine basins, flows underground and is enriched with precious beneficial minerals, and comes up to the surface in the Euganean Spas area at a temperature of 87° C. This water, unique in the world, is at the basis of the process of maturation, conservation and regeneration of the thermal mud, which contains sodium chloride, bromide and iodide and has therapeutical properties.  Arquà Petrarca, inhabited since the Roman times, acquired more importance after the famous Italian poet Francesco Petrarca expressed the wish to spend his last years in the peace and quiet of the place. The town hosts the poet‟s house and the tomb with his mortal remains. Apart from the historic and naturalistic aspects, investments have been made for the promotion of local products, especially olive oil, leading the town to become a member of the Associazione Nazionale Città dell'Olio (national association of oil-producing towns).


Castelfranco Veneto (Casteo in venetian language) is an Italian municipality in the province of Treviso. Situated in a mid position between the chief Venetian towns of Padova, Treviso and Vicenza, it is a walled city with a very well-preserved medieval castle. Hometown of Giorgione, it hosts the painterâ€&#x;s house and, in a chapel of the cathedral, the famous Pala di Castelfranco. Castelfranco is charcterised by its castle, that encloses the old town centre with high, redbrick walls, and six towers. Bassano del Grappa and river Brenta - Bassano del Grappa is situated on the border of the provinces of Vicenza, Padua and Treviso. The town lies at the foot of Venetian Pre-Alps (Altopiano di Asiago and Monte Grappa). The archaeological findings give evidence of a Pre-Roman settlement; the Romans then conquered this land in the II century B.C. and made it suitable for cultivation. In medieval times the river Brenta became an important source of income, in fact the lords of the town collected toll money from the use of the bridge and the transit of goods. The bridge has therefore become a symbol of the town. Today Bassano reminds more of the two world wars of the XX century: it was at the front line during the First World War and its name, in 1928, was associated to Monte Grappa in honour of the resistance of the Italian soldiers positioned on the Grappa massif after the defeat at Caporetto. The bridge (ponte degli Alpini) on the river Brenta owes its present structure to the 1570 design by Palladio.



OTHER EASY-TO-REACH DESTINATIONS Padua lies at a short distance from some of the most popular world-famous Italian tourist destinations, that can be easily reached by public transport.

First of all Venice, the chief town of Veneto; an ancient maritime republic, Venice is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world and has been included, with its surrounding lagoon, in the world heritage sites by UNESCO.

Verona is not so far from Padua as well. Every year it is visited by about 3 million tourists, many of which from abroad, thanks to its many works of art and architecture (among the most famous monuments are the Arena and the house of Juliet), and to various cultural events, the most important of which are the opera and the theatre summer seasons.

Verona has been included in the world heritage sites by UNESCO due to its urban structure and architecture.


Lastly, we cannot forget the Dolomites, the mountain range characterised by dolomitic limestone. Among the best known holiday resorts is Cortina dâ€&#x;Ampezzo, in the Cadore area. The Dolomites were included in the world heritage sites by UNESCO in 2001.


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