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WORKING ON THE LOGO date: 03-03-2014

From Romanian Team:



Flash Energetic


Planning and creation logo


Logo Contest


” We are the Environment class and it proved to be a class of artists too.”

....Students from the 6th grade worked with their Computer Science teacher, Mrs Codruța Țenea – first they searched information and photos about Biodiversity using search engines, than they integrated it in Ms Word, Ms Power Point, Ms Publisher applications. It was a nice activity and students were rewarded with high marks.

Periodic project meetings – Students and teachers meet to discuss ideas, activities for the the Comenius project. We organized 2 meetings per week.


During the 20th of November and 30th of January, our project team of students worked

We realized 12 logos and we presented all our work in an exhibition in the hall of our high school, so everybody can admire our pictures. After a period in which each student promoted his/her logo, we organized a contest and students from different classes voted. All the logos are great, me and my colleagues worked hard and we hope that a Romanian logo will be the winner in Latvia.


WORKING ON THE date: 17-02-014

From Italy Team

..Planning and the creation of the logo

.�..we will be however happy to have shown and shared our ideas with foreign

We are nine students of the class 3A, who have partecipated to the planning and the creation of the logo for Comenius experience. For its creation, we have utilised predefined programmes found on the net and a lot of imagination. All of us have tried to pick up own ideas and after that, we wanted to represent them in the best way. First of all, we have chosen some photos which dealt

Then, we have combined them or parts of them in a single drawing or image. So we have obtained nine fantastic and original projects. Also the teachers have helped us a lot to focus the main theme and to organize all of our ideas. Even if it has been quite difficult, the records have been better than what we expected. We know that we haven't been the ones who were partecipating in the

fantastic experience, we will be however happy to have shown and shared our ideas with foreign students and teachers. Beatrice,Anna, Caterina,Francesca

Valka, 09 may 2014

Logo contest December 2013 – March 2014

..During the Latvia meeting, we voted the best logo for our project...

Daniel, Romania

The winner:

The others:

Murat, Turkey

Ozkan, Turkey


..But congratulations to all the contestants:



Caterina, Italu

Beatrice, italy

Antonio, Italy

Alisia, Italy

Cristina, Italy

Anna, Italy

Tommy, Italu


Anna Maria, Romania

Liene, Latvia

Alisia, italy

Denisa, Italy

Mattia, Italy

Toms, Latvia


Francesca, Italy



Flash Energetic


Science Club...


Reportage n. 1


Reportage n. 2


The river Muson


A scchool day outdoors


Can we endure the challenges of nature?


date: 03-03-2014 From: Romanian Team:

FLASH ENERGETIC During the first semester of the first year of our Comenius project, students from Colegiul Energetic involved in the project, but not only them, were very active and participated in all kind of activities.

On the 29 th of November, on the day called ”The Green Day”, a team of students coordinated by Mrs Mirela Uțã planted some plants and shrubs in the court yard of the high-school. During Biology and Computer Science classes, my colleagues realized posters, articles, logos about biodiversity, environment, nature.


were green and we had fun too!”

After a lesson about BIODIVERSITY, our Biology teacher, Mrs Carmen Vochițu, organized a contest of posters related to our lesson and the project. Drăgoi Beatrice, ,



FIELD TRIPS Five years ago, while our school was participating in a Comenius Project called "The International Math and Science Studios" a group of teachers had the idea of creating a Science Club with students interested in this area. Since them, students and teachers are working around Science and Maths. They normally have a meeting once a week and during the school year and the students participate in some school scientific events in our province and they try to research about different topics.

From: Spanish Team

SCIENCE CLUB... Our target is to measure the seasonal changes in the marshes around our town. There are a lot of them with a high level of salinity. It’s something very characteristic in our area. We want to differentiate the changes by season in the different zones of a marsh: Always flooded. Always dry. Half flooded half dry. Also we are going to take into account the levels of salinity in the ground. For this studio they will use the square meter method.

Firstly we have been practicing in our high school's garden, with a wooden square meter and we have tried to indentify in the lighten zones (TEST Nº1) and not so lighten ones(TEST Nº 2). These are the results of our first experience SPECIES Stenotaphrum secundatum Malva silvestris

...If we could catalogue the species and their development during the time of this research it would be





90 8

86 6

Poa pratensis


Lolium sp. Senecio vulgaris Cynodon dactylon

2 2 1

Trifolium so.




After that we have appreciated some mistakes and materials that they are also necessary to do the research in a correct way. We think that at the end of this course we are going to do a report with the different changes in each season in different areas of a marsh. Also we are going to take into account the levels of salinity in the ground. If we could catalogue the species and their development during the time of this research it would be fantastic, but we aren’t sure about this.


FIELD TRIPS date: 17-04-2014 From: Latvia Team:

Reportage n. 1

….I think it was really fun, a lot more fun than just sitting in school all day.

When we arrived to school, the teacher was already waiting for us, we were split into 5 groups and had to carry out different tasks. In the classroom we got the instructions about the procedure, after that we watched a movie about swamps and safety in them. We learned some new things, for instance, how to get peat samples. Then the bus had arrived and we took off. When we got to the forest we had to walk about 1.5 km until we got to the swamp. We changed our shoes for rubber boots and went straight into the swamp. It was all wet and soft. We measured how deep the swamp was until we could find peat; next, we had to find out how

cold it was in the swamp - both the air and the soil, in some places the ground was still frozen. The major task was to find out how many trees were around 25 m zone. We discovered some small spruces and pine trees. The task finished, we got back to school and made the presentations. Overall, I think it was really fun, a lot more fun than just sitting in school all day. Dāvis Valka Gymnasium,

date: 17-04-2014 From: Latvia Team:

Reportage n. 2 ...we

think we should visit the swamp next winter, because then we would see the beauty of swamp in winter and will get some new experience.

This day, April 17, was very beautiful. The sun was shining and students were happy. Our school is involved in the COMENIUS project ”Biodiversity”. All students from our school went to the swamp called ”Pukši”. There each class had to do several different tasks. Each class was divided into smaller groups. About 5 students in each group. Our group task was to measure difference between forest brightness and swamp

brightness. Then we had to provide all data from each group in our class and make a presentation. Now we know that next time when we go to swamp we should wear appropriate clothes. Despite the fact that it was difficult to walk, it was really funny and interesting to do the tasks. And we think we should visit the swamp next winter, because then we would see the beauty of swamp in winter and will get some new experience. Gusts and Toms Valka Gymnasium, Latvia

‘...a group of teachers


FIELD TRIPS date: 16-04-2014 From: Italian Team:

Our school trip: the river Muson On 16th April 2014, the class 2A of administration finance and marketing, went to river Muson to pick up different types of flowers and plants for the biodiversity project. We went there by walking (the place is very near our school) during the two first hours of lessons with two of our teachers: Mrs D’Isidoro, the PE teacher and Mrs Fantinato, the Enghish teacher. The class was divided into four teams and each one had the same job to perform.

These were all the duties of our teams:

 take photos of plants and flowers,  fill in a file with some data ,  pick up the flowers and plants, throw the square meter and pull the rope. At the end, each group, after three observations, classified all the plants and some animals and filled them in a grid to systematize all the data about the experience. II A, Italy

. date: 16-04-2014 From: Italian Team:

A SCHOOL DAY OUTDOORS On 16 th April, our class went to a field trip during the first hours of lesson, to do several scientific and statistic observations on the vegetation situated along the river "Muson dei Sassi" that flows near our school

We took advantage of the P.E. hours and, thanks to the help of our two teachers, we reached the area to do our work. We were well-equipped! In fact we had the square meter, a rope, some newspapers to pick up the plants, some jars and boxes to contain the ground and some sheets to fill in all the necessary information about our research. Some students brought also a camera to take some pictures of all the activities that we were doing. We were divided into 5 groups, each of which had its own leader who was one of the guys

that will be in May in Latvia for the meeting and,in turn, we started our observations. First of all, with the square meter, we highlighted the area where we collected some species of plants and land, then, we analyzed the types of trees and shrubs in a new piece of land. . Finally, for each analysis, we specified temperature, humidity and with the GPS in our phone

we measured the coordinates of the place. Certainly the most difficult job was to recognize and give the scientific name for all species which have collected but,with the help of our teachers who know very well this area too, we managed to complete the researchIt was a great experience especially because it involved each of us in a specific and concrete activity: research, data processing, written and p h o t o g r a p h i c documentation. With a little help from all you can do great things! Tommaso Raimondi


FIELD TRIPS date: September 2014 From: Latvia Team:

Can we endure the challenges of nature? Yes, the five students and two teachers from Valka Gymnasium can proudly voice their yes as they spent 7 days on Hiposari island in Ladoga lake in Karelia. There they could enjoy the nature, test themselves living in tents without mobiles, TVs, computers, electricity, showers and other daily things. There were young people from Latvia, Estonia and Russia, they learned sailing from experienced instructors. The greatest challenge was to get back to the island in the thunderstorm, then they had to row, change sails, pour out water and follow the captain’s commands. They did it. They learned not to give in, to support each other, and came home being more mature. DÄ rta Lozda, grade 11.b


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... date: 05-02-2014 From: Romanian Team:


Biodiversity in


Cozia Nationa Park


A little river a great resource


A traditional of Venetian cuisine


Activities in Turkey


The European


Flash Energetic 2


About Biodiversirity in Romania


Romania —A Wonderful Country


Biodiversity in Turkey and Botanic Garden


“Romania has the biggest population of wolves, bears and black goats in Europe”

Biodiversity in Romania Biodiversity is a huge variety of ecosystems, species and genes that surround us. It`s our life insurance providing food, water, fresh air treatment and shelter from natural disasters and diseases and which contributes to the balance of the climate. Romania is a country with a high biological biodiversity. The natural and semi-natural ecosystems represents 47% of the country`s area. Romania has the biggest population of wolves, bears and black goats in Europe. In Romania, there are around 973 natural ecosystems protected by humans, 3700 species of plants, 33792 species of animals of which 33085 invertebrate and 707 vertebrate. In lakes and sewers, we can find aquatic plants like lily. The willow forests are met on high land and gray willows forest are met on low land. The Danube Delta is "home"

for millions of birds most of them ducks, white storks and many other prey birds. There are a lot of kinds of birds, among which the most common: -the common pelican; -the little cormorant; -the duck with the red neck. The mammals are around 54 kinds like: otters, the European mink, the muskrat, the ermine and the fox. Around 313 species of birds, 22 mammals and 22 species of fish are protected by humans.

The fox:

The Black goat:

The Little Cormmorant:

Ducks with red neck:

Gray willow forest:


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... date: 05-02-2014 From: Romanian Team:


“Cozia National Park is a protected area, category II (mainly for ecosystem conservation and recreation)…”

Leontopodium alpinum

According to protected areas, natural habitats conservation, wild flora and fauna legislation, a national park aims are "protection and preservation of representative samples of national biogeographical area, which includes valuable natural elements - flora, fauna, hydrological, geological, paleontological, speleological aspects, allowing visits for scientific, educational, recreational and touristic purpose." According to the IUCN classification, Cozia National Park is a protected area, category II (mainly for ecosystem conservation and recreation). Cozia National Park territory is located in the centralsouthern part of Carpathians, in the north of Loviștei Depression, to the west, it is bounded by Căpățânii Mountains (through Frăsineiului Mountains and Stan's Valley), to the south, it is bounded by the Carpathian Hills (Jiblea – Berislăveşti Depression), to the east,

Cozia National Park represents a multitude of areas of natural ecosystems All this land, harmonized by special beauty of the landscape, the uniqueness and richness of life forms, consists of Cozia Massif, a part of Ca p ățân i i Mo u nt a in (called Narățul) and Doabra Massif from Lotru Mountains, they both constitute the vast ecological unit of Cozia Mountain. From the distance, Cozia Massif (1667 m maximum alt.) is appearing like a fortress, crossed by Olt River.

landscapes, hot springs, relief, hydrology, fauna, flora with great value, enabling scientific and anthropologic r e s e a r c h (monasteries, monuments), which offers the possibility of carrying out educational activities, recreation and tourism. ELENA PREOTEASA Geography Teacher

Crocus vernus Access at Cozia National Park is done mainly by DN 7 ( E 81 ), which is one road that links the capital,

Bucharest with the rest of Europe. The distance from Cozia National Park to Râmnicu Vâlcea is 25 km, to Sibiu is 45 km and Ursus arctos (Brown the distance on DN7 (E


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... Date: April 2014 From: Italian Team

A little river , a great resource ‘….different areas characterized by an environmental and landscape beauty, and villages of an important historical and cultural interest.’

The Muson dei Sassi is an artificial canal, built in the time of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, which, in 1612, started a series of hydraulic works to deviate the waters of the Muson river overcoming the problem of flooding.

Since some years, thanks to the realization of a pedestrian cycle nature trail, people have travelled along its banks.

During the travel, people pass through different areas characterized by an environmental and landscape beauty, but The Muson dei Sassi crosses the Veneto also they can admire villages of an plain for twenty six kilometres from the important historical and cultural interest. province of Treviso to the province of Padua and it flows into the Brenta river that is one of Mattia Bordignon 3 A the most important rivers in Veneto.

Date: April 2014 From: Italian Team


The bruscandolo (humulus lupulus) is a plant that grows in wild temperate zones, for example in the regions of Italy like Veneto and Lombardy; but also in Germany where it is grown to give a bitter taste to beer. The bruscandolo is collected from spring until late May and is located along the hedges, on the banks of ditches and rivers.It is also located on the hills, in the parts the moste exposed to the sun. In the cuisine, just 5-6 cm of the upper part of this plant are used. You use it to cook delicious risotto, soups and omelettes, that are widespread in the traditional Venetian cuisine. Francesca Carraro 3 A

RISOTTO WITH BRUSCANDOLI INGREDIENTS for 4 people: 320 g rice 300 g bruscandoli (40/50 shoots) 1/2 shallon 1 clove of garlic Salt Pepper Butter PREPARATION: To prepar the risotto with bruscandoli, sauté the shallow and the garlic with a knob of butter. Add the tops of the bruscandoli and remove the stems.Stew for a few minutes. Add and toast the rice.Continue cooking as you do with the normal rice.


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... Date: Febbrary 2014 From Turkish Team

Activities in Turkey CHRISTMAS CARDS Our students wrote Christmas cards for our partner schools.They wished their friends happiness, health, success, beauty,freshness,prosperity and many best things for the new year. ‘Students were really excited and when they discovered that....’

They said that they are happy to write postcards INTERVIEW WITH STUDENTS CHOSEN FOR LATVIA

Our teachers Sevil Aşkın and Fatma Karagözlü had interviews with students who are willing to join the trips It was very thrilling for students trying to understand the names chosen for Latvia.Students were really excited and when they discovered that their names were written ,they were so happy.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF STUDENTS CHOSEN FOR LATVIA Our Eglish teacher Fatma Karagözlü wrote the names of the students in a different alphabet .(Gokturk alphabet). OUR LOGO COMPETITION Most of our students joined in the logo competition.The best one are chosen by the teachers at our school and our student Murat Can Cayhan showed great perseverance for creating logo.So he became one of the students joining the Latvia trip. MEETING ORGANISED FOR SURVEY Our English teacher Emine Uludağ organized a meeting for the students in order to show them how to conduct the surveys.Nearly 60 students completed the survey.

Date: 07 June 2014 From: Romanian Team

The European Beaver is back! GREAT NEWS FOR YOU !....

We have great news for all of you! The European Beaver is back again in the Danube after 200 years of absence. Why? It said to the other animals that it came back because it missed them, but sincerely, I think it came back because it didn’t like its new home... Our friend is a beautiful creature but at first I thought it is a little arrogant because it told me: „I am a special animal, I am endangered and all of you have to be nice with me!”.

It also said that it is called „The Ecosystem Engineer” because it is important in conservation and it can improve our biodiversity. Now I don’t think that it is arrogant anymore because we have asked some specialists and it is right. Our job is to take care of these kind of speaces and please, don’t hunt it! I’m glad it is again in Romania and I hope it will remain here forever … e need it! Ioana Țăndărescu


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... Date: October 2014 From: Romanian Team

Flash Enercgetic 2 Each month, students from the College Energetic meet to discuss the project and to continue the work begun in the previous school year. The second year of the project : New events at Colegiul Energetic from Râmnicu Vâlcea

Our Comenius project – ”A Statistic and Scientific Research on Biodiversity” was presented in a National Symposium called ”Quality and Performance in Education” and in a local TV show. Performance in Education” and in a local TV show.


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... Data: December 2014 From: Romanian Team:


Danube Delta, Romania

Danube Delta is the only delta in the world, declared a biosphere reserve. The Danube Delta grows annually by about 40 square meters. The sunniest city in Romania is Sulina. This village is situated at the lowest altitude in the country. In the Danube Delta, it is the lowest population density in Romania, a resident at 30 hectares . In Delta, it is the most compact area of reed in the world. In Delta, two carnivorous plants, Utricularia vulgaris and Aldrovanda live. These traps have developed and supplied body and catch prey they feed. Sand forests are found only in Romania, Letea and Caraorman forest, growing vines here whose length can reach up to 25 meters. The largest predatory birds in the Danube Delta is eagle ( Haliaetus albicilla ), its wingspan reaching 2.5 meters. The largest birds in the Danube Delta is Dalmatian Pelican ( Pelecanus crispus ), its wingspan reaching 3.2 meters. The oldest animals in the Danube Delta are tortoise (Testudo graeca ibera ) and water turtle ( Emy obicularis ) , which can reach 120 years of age . In the Danube Delta, we can find the Snake River ( Dolichophis caspius ) which reaches a length of 1.8 m . Popina Island, in the Danube Delta, is the only place in the country where we find lacustrine Isophya dobrogensis . COSMIN, IX A, COLEGIUL ENERGETIC


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... Date: December 2014 From: Romanian Team

Romania – A Wonderful Country -

. In Romania about 3,700 plant species have been identified, out of which 23 are declared natural monuments, 74 are extinct species, 39 are endangered species, 171 are vulnerable species and 1253 rare species. 33.792 animal species have been identified, out of which 33.085 invertebrates and 707 vertebrates. As a consequence of its geographical location and evolution of the human society in the region, Romania has a unique biodiversity and intact ecological systems. There are three major well-differentiated relief levels: the highest is represented by the Carpathian Mountains (the highest peak is Moldoveanu at 2544 m) the middle by Sub-Carpathians, hills and plateaus and the lowest are the plains, river meadows and the Danube Delta (the youngest relief unit under permanent formation with an average height of 0.52 m). The main feature of Romania's relief components is their proportional distribution in the form of an amphitheater. The mountains stretch in the shape of an arch in central Romania and cover 31% of the country's area. The hills and plateaus which descend from them occupy 36%, and the plains and meadows, which extend towards the borders, make up the remaining 33%. Between the Carpathians and the Danube lies the Romanian Plain, the principal granary of the country. To the west stretches the Western Plain, which is crossed by many of Romania's rivers. Visit Romania! We have a wonderful country! TEODOR NEDELUȘ , IX A, COLEGIUL ENERGETIC, RÂMNICU VÂLCEA, ROMANIA


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... Data: Febbrary 2015 From: Turkish Team

Biodiversity in Turkey Turkey is located in three biogeographical regions: Anatolian, Mediterranean, the Black Sea region, and their transition zones. Its climatic and geographical features change within short intervals of space due to the country’s position – a bridge between two continents. Thanks to its location, Turkey’s biological diversity can be compared to that of a small continent: the country’s territory consists of forests, mountains, steppe, wetlands, coastal and marine ecosystems and different forms and combinations of these systems. This extraordinary ecosystem and habitat diversity has produced considerable species diversity. Turkish fauna biodiversity is quite high compared with the biodiversity of other countries in the temperate zone. Despite the lack of data, invertebrates constitute the largest group among the identified living species. The total number of invertebrate species in Turkey is about 19,000, of which about 4,000 species/subspecies are endemic. The total number of vertebrate species identified to date is nearly 1,500. Of the vertebrates, over 100 species are endemic, including 70 species of fish. Anatolia is home to the Fallow Deer and the Pheasant. The fact that Turkey is located on two major bird migration routes in the world makes it an important feeding and breeding area for birds. Turkey has a wealth of flora species. A comparison with the continent of Europe is sufficient to illustrate such wealth: while there are 12,500 gymnospermous and angiospermous plant species in the entire continent of Europe,

it is known that about 11,000 such species are present in Anatolia alone, with some one third of them endemic to Turkey. Eastern Anatolia and Southern Anatolia among the geographical regions, and the Irano-Turanian and Mediterranean regions among the phytogeograhical regions, are rich in endemic plant species. Turkey’s genetic diversity becomes important with plant genetic resources in particular because Turkey is located at the intersection of the Mediterranean and Near Eastern gene centres. These two regions have a key role in the emergence of cereals and horticultural crops. There are 5 micro-gene centres in the country in which more than 100 species display wide variation and which are the origin or centre of a large number of important crop plants and other economically important plant species, such as medical plants. These centres offer very important genetic resources for the future sustainability of many plant species cultivated around the world. In terms of animal genetic resources, many domestic animal species have been originally bred in Anatolia as a result of its location and spread from here to other regions of the world. Turkey’s wealth of biological diversity needs to be studied and conserved taking into consideration ecosystems, species, genes and biological functions, and their significance for agriculture, forestry and industry.


VARIOUS & EVENTUALLY... Data: Febbrary 2015 From: Turkish Team

Botanic Garden in Istanbul

History of Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden To commemorate his late wife, Nezahat Gökyiğit, in 1995 Ali Nihat Gökyiğit started a planting and reforestation plan on a 46 hectare area of land at the motorway intersection which was leased from the Roads Directorate. First, the area was cleared of debris created by the motorway construction and the soil improved prior to approximately 50,000 trees and shrubs were planted.It was officially opened to the public as a Park in 2002, but as its

Mission and Aims of Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden

The mission of the Botanic Garden is to create a beautiful educational garden, a green lung for the city. Established in the name of the deceased Mrs. Nezahat Gökyiğit with the aim of protecting the environment, the Botanic Garden also provides benefits for the people of İstanbul. NGBB aims to: * Increase public knowledge related to the importance and value of plants which are the only guarantee for sustaining life on earth. * Promote scientific research and education relating to plant life worldwide and the rich flora of Turkey by establishing well documented collections and providing a plant information centre. * Protect and support the biological diversity of the world, and in particular endemic, rare and threatened species. * Investigate and demonstrate the connections and relationships between economic and/or useful plants for mankind and to preserve and spread the accumulated knowledge about Turkey’s cultural heritage.

We aim, To increase the visual attractiveness of NGBB by creating an amenity garden. Education and Interpretation:To increase the knowledge, interest and awareness of the public about plant diversity and environment. Science and research:To undertake research projects on plant systematics, botany, agriculture, ecology, environment, landscaping and horticulture. Plant Collections:To establish and exhibit living plant collections mainly from Turkey but also from other parts of the world. Conservation:To protect the threatened endemic, wild or cultivated plants of Turkey.

* By exhibiting xerophytic and halophytic plants that are drought tolerant and resistant to global warming, thereby contributing towards the struggle against soil

Consultation:To develop a reference library and herbarium and to establish a plant database for identification, classification and labeling.



date: 07-06-2014

Insect hotel 1


A real dream...


Fairy forest


A talk of the speechless creatures


Insect hotel 2


My new home


My noisy neighbours


Inserti Holtel 3


The coulors of the Raimbow


Hotels of Inseccts


My name is Tom


A particolar Hotel


Insect hotel story


From: Romanian Team

Insect hotel 1

Alexander, a boy who loved all creatures, had heard thousands and thousands of stories about insects from his grandfather. His favourite was the one with the brave beetle which decided to explore the world, so one day it said: "I want to see the world!". It flew and slowly with each flap of wings reached further and further. What beautiful things it could see from above, lush forests, flowering meadows painted in amazing colours, but it

soon started to feel homesick. As far as it could reach, its longing was getting greater and greater. Eventually it decided to return, but it no longer knew the way! It tried and tried … but it got even more confused about the place where it was. Tired and hungry, it decided to stop flying and rest. What a miracle, in front of its eyes there was a very strange building where all kinds of insects, termites, lady bugs, butterflies stood and hummed happily! It slowly approached another beetle and told him: ”Excuse me, what is all about this place?” ”Oh, my God! Don’t you know? ”No...I don”t!” ” Ha, ha, ha, this is the insect hotel dear

” I really am, I haven’t eaten for days! Thank you!” The day passed slowly, it got used to the place, to the noisy tenants which were merry all the time, so it forgot about everyone and everything and stayed there forever. Munteanu Gabriela, Vâlcea, Romania


CREATIVE WRITING Date: 25-06-2014 From: Italian Team

A real dream... During the month of July, in Latvia, a group of five friends, three girls and two boys, had to go to the school summer courses for retaking in Valka Gymnasium.

…..The doors disappeared again!! She was

….Maybe it was the reality......

Their names were: Karen, Dzera, Darta, Tom and Robert. As every day, they arrived very late at school, and the teacher was very angry with them. In this group, Dzera and Darta were fallen in love with Robert and Tom. After 20 minutes of lesson, the teacher went to the toilet, and the two couples went away together, leaving Karen alone in the school. She was very sad to be alone there, and after other ten minutes, she went to look for the teacher, who had not returned yet. Suddenly, the lights turned off; she shouted for help, but nobody answered her. Karen approched to the doors to return home, but when she was near them, they disappeared. So she started runnig towards the gym, to try to go out by the doors in the back. The doors disappeared again!! She was panicky! She ran into the female locker rooms and she closed herself in the toilet. After some minutes, she heard a ticking; she became curious and she went out to see what there was. Karen walked all along the corridor, and when she turned the last corner before the stairs, she found a box with a crank that was turning. Suddenly, the crank stopped, and the ticking finished too. After a few seconds, and from the box went out an appalling clown, with just one arm that grabbed Karen’s ankle. She fell to the ground while the clown was blocking the another arm, with a big knife. The clown wanted to kill the girl. She started kicking the clown,and so she succeeded in freeing herself from the taking. She decided to go to the class, hoping to find the teacher. When she arrived there, she found the door closed, and when she opened it, she immediately saw four people in front of the window that were looking out. They wore a black cape with a hood on the head, and a bag on their shoulders. Karen was safe! They were the bags of her friends! When she called their names, they turned all together. A moment of silence and after, a scream got up breaking that silence. Karen exploded in a desperate weeping: they weren’t her friends. They were only some skeletons dressed as her friends; or maybe, were they really her friends? .


She ran out slamming the door; the tears started pouring down her face. She closed her eyes keeping on running, and she arrived at the canteen. From the interior of the room, a sweet melody of violins was going out. Without thinking, she entered, and, magically, she wore a beautiful evening dress A gentleman brought her hand and started dancing with her. They were very good to dancing. When she looked at the boy, she couldn't believe that he was a skeleton too Suddenly, he kissed the girl, and she started feeling very tired. While her eyes were closing, a last tear poured down. It was the month of July, in Latvia, when Karen opened her eyes she was lying in her bed, and it was 10.00 a.m. It was only a nightmare. So, she got up, she had her breakfast, and she went to the school summer courses with her four friends. They arrived at school very late, so the teacher was very angry. After 20 minutes, the teacher went to the toilet, and so the two couples went away together, leaving Karen alone in the school. She was very sad to be alone there, and after other ten minutes, she went to look for the teacher, who had not returned yet. Suddenly, the lights turned off; she shouted for help, but nobody answer her. Karen was in a panic. Maybe it wasn’t only a nightmare. Maybe it was the reality...... Anna, Italy


CREATIVE WRITING Date: 25-06-2014 From: Italian Team

The fairy forest One upon time,there were three girls: Carol that was eight years old, Sofia that was seven years old and I who was eight years old. We were friends because we lived in the same neighborhood. One day, we were in my house but it was a beautiful day so we went to a forest, in the National Park in Latvia, to play hide and seek that was our favourite game. But, we were just a few to play so we went to call our other friends:Martina and Marco. At this point, we were happily walking to the forest. Once there, we decided who had to count and it was Sophia's turn. We started to run to hide ourselves, each far from the other. But, I couldn’t find a hidden place, until I saw a butterfly blue and white that said to me “follow me”. I followed her, from one tree to another, jumping, walking, singing and then running but then I tripped over a root of a tree and I fell into a hole. It was more or less an endless pit but very enlightened. After a while, I was in a fairy forest. I was really worried because I couldn’t find the butterfly that she had brought me up here. Afeter a while, my butterfly appeared again... Everything here was different: there were fairies and they had long shiny hair and but they were all short. Instead, the magicians were in their labs to do experiments. There were also a lot of animals, especially snakes. They were all happy. The butterfly had a small house on the tree, so small that I couldn’t enter. So, I took a potion made by a magician and I became smaller. My clothes were big so the butterfly went to bring me smaller clothes.

When I entered in the house of the butterfly, I noticed that her house shone; the floor was made of diamonds. In that world I felt very well, all the people were happy, it was all colored. It was a very magical forest. But, I couldn’t stay in that place, I was sure that my friends were looking for me desperately. I had to drunk the potion again so I could become as before. I didn’t want to leave so the butterfly told me that she would put me the keys, near the hole, where I fell. I greeted everyone and I plunged into the tunnel to get back to my forest, in Latvia. In the world of reality, it was already evening and all they were searching for me, they were desperate as I thought. As soon as they saw me, they asked me where I was... then I explained to them all but they were amazed. To show them what I had experimented, once a month we went, all five, to find our new friends in the enchanted forest. Cristina, Italy


CREATIVE WRITING Date: 30-06-2014 From: Romania Team

Once upon a time… it a big event happened which turned the world upside down. After years, humans, these intelligent creatures transformed the entire world in their playground, a lot of animals seeing what it had happened and also seeing the consequence of these actions, they took a decision. First, it must be said that animals don’t communicate like humans. They don`t need words, they can speak from soul to soul. One day, chamois and the aurochs turned inside their hearts and they made a call to all the animals in the world, because the situation had become really disastrous – pollution, deforestation, drought or flood… So, the animals said: Come in the “Forest of the speechless creatures“ all of you!!!!Don`t be shy or fearful, we need to do something! After three days all of animals were in the “Forest of the speechless creatures”. In the center, chamois and aurochs said with a brave voice: We need to do a rebellion! Humans must understand that it is also our planet, my brothers! We won`t do what they want for a month and after that we`ll see… After a time humans realized the planet is a disaster. Their hearts understood that animals, forests, nature, biodiversity are very important for the planet and the people can`t live without them. By Beatrice Drăgoi, , Roman


CREATIVE WRITING Date: October 2014 From: Latvia Team

Insect hotel 2 My home is my castle, My bugs-my guards, My soldiers-my army And me-mantis- the god to others. We live like one We do as all for one But never We never leave our king behind. Fight for our children, For lives and choices we make, Fight for our nation, future And all we have. Bee queen will come, Ant queen and her personal guards Will march To see the holy king And be blessed. Enemy will come But we`re ready Because the ants will hold the line The black butterfly army will be eyes in the sky And the king, our leader, Will lead us till the end. Agnis Adienis, grade 9, Valka Gymnasium


CREATIVE WRITING Date: October 2014 From: LatviaTeam

My New Home My name is Sandy and I`m an ant. Yes, I know what you`re thinking- how can an ant talk?! Well, it`s just one of the perks of being a super-ant. My whole family is like this-we can talk, write, fly, and do other things that other ants can`t.

But once I found a phone on the ground, and it was turned on. So I decided to have a look at the picture on the screen. It showed a small house like a building. The sign on the house said INSECT HOTEL. I rushed to my family as quickly as I could. `I found it! I found the perfect home for us...!` I said as I stumbled into the kitchen. `What? What are you talking about?` My dad came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. Then I told them about the phone, the picture and the hotel. They were a bit confused at first but we had no choice. Our house was falling apart and we had to move.

But as cool and awesome it may seem, it`s not always great to be a super-ant. It`s really hard for us to find a home, a permanent home because we need to eat special foods, live in a special environment, but everywhere we go something always goes wrong. It`s usually noisy neighbours, no food or even We packed our belongings worse- someone eats our house. I`m only a year old, but we`ve and got out the next day.The hotel gladly accepted us and moved more than I can count. now we`ve been living here for a So, because of this, I`ve week already. That`s a new committed myself to finding the record. perfect home. I`ve already done so much research, but none of Beト》e Buナセa, grade 9, Valka G.


CREATIVE WRITING Date: October 2014 From Latvia Team

My noisy neighbours A complaint To the hotel administration From Ina I am an ant, and I am writing to complain about the current situation. I live in the log section with my family. On the top floor there are these bees, they are always buzzing around and coming to me very day and they say ` Hi, neighbour, do you have any pollen? Thanks, I`ll take it anyway.` Then next to me live grasshoppers, they are always jumping and making noise and they do it all day and all night. The last time I was in the hallway a wild grasshopper appeared

and he jumped on one of my legs, I could not walk for an hour And what is more, there are termites. They are always trying to to get a bite of my room, I have a lot of holes in my wall because of them. I am just making my room look better with some leaves and branches. Will you please consider my application and provide a a new safe room where I can get some peace and quiet? Date: October 2014 From: LatviaTeam

Insect Hotel 3 I`m a little ant who lives in a forest hotel where I have alot of neighbours like other ants, butterflies and all kinds of bugs. I really love this hotel as it`s comfortable, nice and here I absolutely feel I`m at home. Even thoughthis hotel is human made, it`s very cosy. It`s in the middle of a forest, so there are different kinds of food all around this hotel. The best thing about this hotel is that it`s for free, I don`t have to pay the rent, but I need to look for my own food, but that`s not a big problem. I am fond of my neighbours, they are nice and friendly. My favourite neighbours are Chuck and Lerry- they are also ants. They are great fun. My least favourite neighbours are lady

bugs, they live one floor higher than me. They are so loud, they always stay up late, so I can`t sleep. I have complained about this to them but they don`t care, they are even getting louder. I can`t stand this! I`m thinking of moving to the top floor-away from the noise, there`s a fine room upstairs. Three weeks later... Yes!! I finallylive on the top floor, and I`m away from all the noise. I have a really spectacular view from here. The only bad thing is that I have to climb very high to get here. Janis Maksurovs,



December 2014 From: RomaniaTeam

The Colours of the Rainbow If red is a hot pepper Then orange is the sun. If yellow is the sunshine Then green is in your backyard. If blue the restless ocean Then purple is the plum. If violet the anger, Then rainbow must be fun. Teacher Iuliana Simeanu Romania Date: December 2014 From: SpainTeam

HOTEL OF INSECTS Adolfo was a lobster who liked travelling. When he had the opportunity to go out, Adolfo got its luggage and it went out to see the world. One morning at work he heard about some lost ants in South Africa, so when he got home the computer turned on and he began to look for an affordable hotel in this country. After a long time he found out one, it was perfect for him, so he booked a room. After an hour journey he came to the city where the hotel was, once there, Adolfo was stunned to see the facilities. It had pool, common room and a large variety of insects that were staying in different parts of the hotel depending on its habitat. He went to the desk where he responded to a cockroach and gave him the key of the room and some indications of where he was.He went to the room, and slept. Next morning he got up early and went to the lost ants. He spent all day there, taking a lot of pictures, in this way he could see them again and to know how they lived.At the end of the day he came back to

the hotel, he was very tired and needed to rest. When he arrived, he had a shower and went to bed to rest; he had planned to sleep but in the next room there was a family of moths. They were speaking very loud and drinking a lot, so it was impossible to sleep. He got up and went to the breakfast room. He observed how a couple of beetles were sitting on the next table, eating manure. Suddenly a beetle throw a piece of manure on Adolfo's face. This outraged and disgusted him and he left the room, went to the desk, paid his room and went out of the hotel. When he arrived at home, he was on the one hand tired and disgusted but on the other hand he had known how other animal lived. Marta Gomez, Spain


CREATIVE WRITING Date: December 2014 From: Spain Team

My name is Tom... Hello, I’m the insect Tom and I’m going to tell you my history. I was born in a forest where there were a lots of trees, I liked jumping from a tree to another one with my friends. One day, we found a structure that we hadn’t seen before. It measures almost half tree, it scared us but the curiosity was harder than that. When we were nearer, we thought that the structure could fall down and then we saw other insects inside. There were different types and many groups throughout the strange place that it was less strange than before. We spent a long time deciding if we would go into the structure or not, until we stepped forward and one of the insect, that lived there, showed us its house. He explained us that place was where they took refuge and one of them

had a site where they were comfortable. The space where this insect lived was full of thin trunks situated in order, it was so nice to be there with the wood smell, and however, something didn’t work properly. Then, he told us that we would be better in another space where there were bricks. When we arrived, we saw that this place wasn’t hot, so we went to investigate the rest of the sites. From the bricks to the leaves and from the leaves to the little branch without any order. We felt so good there so we decided that this place was our place, our new house. Since then, we are there, having fun with mates and with the fabulous shelter that this structure, which doesn’t scare us at all, gives us. Paula Aniceto, Spain

Date: December 2014 From: SpainTeam

A PARTICULAR HOTEL It was a sunny morning in autumn when, after a week of intense rain, I went for a walk around a near forest. After thirty minutes more or less walking I saw something strange and I couldn't resist going after that: it was a flock of insects flying at a very high speed. While I was getting into the forest I saw more insects going to one place in the forest, probably, very important for them. It was like that, more or less in the centre of the forest there was a hut without walls and without door. This hut was divided in sections with different types of materials, in the roof there was a poster where there was written: “Insects’ Hotel” and it was because of that insects were arriving and they were getting in the different sections. Some of them discussed about where they had to get into. Obviously, the highest sections were for flying insects and the lowest sections were for insects of land like worms and beetles. So, after looking at the hotel for a long time I decided to came back home. THE END Jesús Carrillo Puyana, Spain


CREATIVE WRITING Date: February 2015 From: Turkish Team

INSECT HOTEL STORY She was a stranger to the forest.Strange plants and frozen lakes were It was 5 a.m. The sun was starting to shine and




creepy for her.It all seemed weird.Maybe the reason she felt like this was the people near her.Just because she isn’t blond was enough reason for her to be left out .She had all kinds of troubles on her mind.It was the first time in this part of forest.She


saw something even stranger than the forest itself.She was standing in front of a

had started the day

weird construction.She looked around carefully and tried to understand what that

early -like always- and

huge thing made of wood was.She couldn’t help thinking why those different plants

went into the forest for

were in this huge construction .And when she looked more carefully , she realized

a walk.....

that there were insects moving slowly in every section of this construction.In general


,those insects live on the ground , so she couldn’t understand what they were doing there.Moreover what was interesting

about it was

how insects

which live in

different places and have different appearances can live together in harmony while people cannot. She started wandering in the forest thinking whether there was anyone who could help her understand that scene.Soon after she came across with a woodcutter and introduced herself shyly.Then she demanded him to tell her about that scene.They together went next to the construction.The man told her all the story about the construction.According to his speech,that construction was built a few years ago by

a nature specialist.The specialist who loved nature

more than

anything and supported the idea that the insects could live together with different insects in a different place named his artificial nature ‘’insect hotel’’.She listened to him carefully and in a grateful way she said:’’Thank you for your help ‘’ to the woodcutter. All day she stared at the insect hotel thinking her life and the hotel ,she said to herself :’’ Different bugs can live in the same place like the people coming from different countries stay at the same hotel.Altough they face some difficulties ,it is possible to live in the same place peacefully.’’ İlayda Hazal Selimoğlu



DURING THE MEETING date: 08-11-2013


1st meeting in


2nd meeting in


3rh meeting in Campopiero


4th Meeting R. Valcea


Photo Contest


4th meeting in Istanbul


1st PROJECT MEETING REPORT 5-10 November – Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain

The first meeting of the project took place in Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain between the 6th of November and the 10th of November, 2013 at IES Manuel de Falla. The 6th of November The project partners from Turkey, Italy, Latvia and Romania have been welcomed by the school headmaster. The host country chose the best way to open the meeting by doing some ice breaking activities. Brief presentation of each partner school and region There was a brief presentation of each partner school and region. All partners delivered presentations about there countries, counties and institutions.

The 7th of November 2013 The work session started with defining the cooperation and communication methods and strategies for the research. All information was put into practice during the visits at LOS TORUNOS NATIONAL PARK.

The 8th of November 2013 The work session dealt with examples of different methods of practical activities of species identification according to the type of ecosystem. The participants have updated the plan for the next stage of the next meeting, have agreed on the framework of each meeting and worked on the context of all partner schools strategies and methodology of the research (samples of the survey on students motivation in studying sciences).

date: 09-05-2014

2nd PROJECT MEETING REPORT 6-09 May 2014 – Valka, Latvia May 6, 2014

The second meeting of the project took place in Valka Gymnasium, Valka, Latvia between the 6th of May and the 9 th of May, 2014. The participants of the meeting- 15 teachers and 27 students from Spain, Latvia, Italy, Romania, Turkey.

The project partners from Spain, Italy, Romania, and Turkey arrived to Valka, they were welcomed by the Latvian team and an ice breaking activity combined with a use of English was organized to discover the expectations from the meeting.

The participants of the project were welcomed by the principal of Valka Gymnasium. The host country had prepared an activity for a successful introduction of the teams emphasizing the theme of the project.. There was a video giving an overview of the Latvian cultural traditions, nature, famous people and monuments. The participants were divided into teams and were taken around the school by guides in Valka Gymnasium which was followed by a possibility to visit a lesson in the school. All guest teachers delivered presentations about their country, town and school; they had even prepared worksheets for the feedback which was pedagogical.The student groups shared presentations about their schools, discussed educational issues.

In the afternoon the participants shared the experience after they had carried out field trips in their area, showed presentations and introduced the results of the experiments. The participants/ teachers were invited to Valka Town hall to meet the mayor Vents Armands Krauklis;

whose information about the socio-economic situation in Valka municipality gave answers to some questions the guests had wondered about. The students could discuss youth problems in different countries at Valka Youth council. As Valka is a border town – all participants had an activity enabling to see also the Estonian town Valga. May 7 evening proved that Latvian folk dances are so lively and enjoyable that can easily make even southerners breathless, everybody had a chance to get a new cultural experience under the guidance of the local folklore group “Sudmaliņas”.The students had a gettogether where they relaxed, improved their language skills, learned more about the culture of the different countries.

May 8, 2014The work session opened with an instructive reminder about the field trip tasks which the groups had to carry out, everybody watched a short film about wetlands in Latvia.

The bus trip took the participants to Kārki marshland where they were met by the forest specialists Rūta Zepa and Uldis who were in charge of the station- learn the age of the bog with the help of a special probe. With rubber boots on the participants started the investigation using the methods they had learned at their schools. Latvian marshland was a new experience for the participants from other countries, the international teams worked enthusiastically. May 9, 2014 The students worked on statistics analysing the results of the field trip, prepared their nature trail photos for the presentation, produced essays describing what they had learned or discovered. The teachers worked on the mid-term report, put forward ideas for the next meeting in Italy. The participants got a chance to visit Valmiera, Vidzeme regional centre, where they visited a nature path- feel your senses, enjoyed the Gauja river tram, they got an insight how people are brought closer to nature in their free time. In the evening the participants saw their presentation about the work done during the meeting, participated in discussions, listened to the concert by Valka Gymnasium hobby groups. Lettornia Team

Date 17-10-2014

3rh PROJECT MEETING REPORT 14-17 Oct 2014 – Camposampiero, Padova-Italy I talia n s tud e nt s were welcomed with an initial greeting in the guests' languages made by the Italian students, a welcome speech of Pertini School headmistress and a presentation of the towns (Camposampiero and Padua) with their monuments and 15th October 2014 The 3rd meeting of the surrondings introduced by the Comenius project took students of the 5th year of the place at IIS S.Pertin in tourist course. . Camposampiero (Padua, Italy) from 15th October to 17th October.The participants were in total 47, 21 teachers and 26 students from the 5 Besides, the students of the other courses (Fashion and Tourism) were given the chance to take part in the project even if they hadn't followed it from the b e g i n n i n g . T he n , t h e participants were divide into two groups:teachers and students. The teachers met all together and analyzed the common elements that each team has to respect in the project: the classification, the common codification, the method, the rules for the photos and the field trip. Also, the new activities that each team must carry on from now to the next meeting. were presented. Concerning the students, .They also formed 5 mixed groups to work together on the activities about biodiversity agreed in the project. In the afternoon, during the visit of the town, both students and teachers were received by the mayor of Camposampiero

know by the citiziens because the local newspapers would have published the news about the meeting. In the evening, the students and the teachers enjoyed the cultural and social atmophere of the town centre of Padua. The teachers with some Italian parents went to see Scrovegni's Chapel.

After the walk, the students worked on the activities established by the project following the common rules, presented the day before. Besides, they visited Arqua Petrarca, a little village not far from the place of the observation and famous for its history and beauty.

17th October

instead, the students had the opportunity to visit some landmarks in the town: the squares, the university and the "ghetto".They also experienced a typical event that characterises the social life in Padua: the U n i v e rs i t y s t u d e n t s ' Wednesday where students from the university (especially Erasmus students) meet in the




October All the group composed of teachers and students went to the field trip to Valle San Giorgio, at Villa Beatrice d'Este in the Euganean Hills. In the morning, they met a naturalistic guide and, with him, they had one hour walk in the Valle San Giorgio by which they knew the natural and geological features of the environment in the Euganean Hills.

In the morning, the visit to the Botanical Garden and the Biodiversity Garden in Padua, accompanied by a botanical guide, gave the chance to all the participants to know more about all the species of the boroughts of the region but also of the whole world. In the afternoon, at school, the st ud e nts wo r ked o n statistics analysing the results of the fields trip and describing their experience.The teachers worked together to see how the activities in this meeting have been carrried on following the common elements and they planned also other tasks in vue of the Romanian meeting. They decided the dates of the other 2 meetings in Romania and Turkey. In the late afternoon and evening, the participants saw the presentation about what they did during the Italian meeting and took part in the musical activities organized by the Filarmonica Association f Camposampiero.

Date: March 7-2015

4th Meeting Report Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania


The 4th meeting of the project took place in Râmnicu Vâlcea, at Colegiul Energtic, between the 3rd of March and the 6th of March, 2015. The participants of the meeting were 26 teachers and 35 students from Spain, Romania, Italy, Latvia and Turkey. March 3, 2015 The project partners from Spain, Italy, Turkey and Latvia arrived at Râmnicu Vâlcea and they were welcomed by the Romanian team. The students and teachers participated to an informal dinner, where they had the chance to meet again or make new friends. The participants of the project were welcomed by the Headmaster of Colegiul Energetic. In the introduction, the Romanian students made a presentation about Romania, Râmnicu Vâlcea Town, Cozia National Park, the Tradition of Mărțișor and informed the participants on the meeting program.

the photo contest took place. Each team from each country exposed 5 photos and one teacher and one student from each country voted for the best photo. It was a difficult choice, because all the photos were very good and expressive. n the afternoon, the participants visited the Town Hall, where they met Mr. Cocoș, the Deputy Mayor of Râmnicu Vâlcea. He offered information about the projects in our town, about the economic situation and he answered to some of the guests’ questions.

After that, students and teachers participated to a cultural event at the County Library ”Antim Ivireanu”. A group of students doing volunteering for the County Library presented their activities, pointing on the importance of projects, of studying English and sharing volunteer work. In the end, a group of Romanian students presented some facts about the tradition of Mărțișor – the meaning and symbol of Mărțișor. Continue...

Date: March 7-2015

4th Meeting Report Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania March 5, 2015 The day started in Călimănești- Căciulata, in a conference room, where the participants watched a movie about Cozia National Park Administration, Mr. Prundurel, who presented interesting facts about different species of plants and animals from the National Park, activities on park administration, environment protection, biodiversity research, tourism and educational partnerships. The next activity was the field trip to Arutela – The Roman Castrum, where the more applied part of the project focused on studying biodiversity with the first method. Here students found out about the plants from this area, but also learned historical facts about Romania.

The 2nd and the 3rd methods were applied at Păușa, in the forest. The guests could admire the beautiful landscape. After lunch, another visit took place at Cozia Monastery , In the afternoon, the participants continued the workshops.

Teachers analyzed the work they had done until then. The Spanish team had

worked on the project website, the Romanian team presented a guide for studying biodiversity,the Turkish team presented the last version of the dictionary, the Italian team presented the magazine of the project. In the end, the coordinating team made a list with deadlines for completing the tasks remained and established the period of the next meeting. The Turkish team gave all the teachers clear and complete information about the reunion in Istanbul

,. Meanwhile, the students, coordinated by Romanian teachers had a workshop on Mărțișor, ending with an exhibition.

March 6, 2015 The participants visited Sibiu, a cultural city from Romania. The purpose of this visit was to acknowledge the participants with information and observation on biodiversity, at The Museum of Natural Sciences.

After getting back to school, all participants had to fill in an evaluation form, regarding the activities performed during this reunion. In the evening, the students and teachers from Colegiul Energetic organized a concert with traditional songs and dances. In conclusion, the meeting met its goals; the activities were held in a relaxing atmosphere, where everybody enjoyed the time spent together, learning and sharing precious information.


Date: March 2015 From: Italian Team

PHOTO CONTEST On 4th March the school of five European countries, Italy, Spain, Romania, Latvia and Turkey went to the Romanian school Colegium Energetic of Ramnicu Valcea. There, after the presentations of all schools about their own countries, the photo contest took place. Every country presented just five photos about biodiversity.The jury was composed by a teacher and a student of each country.Every state voted only one photo and not for a photo of his country. The Italian photo “A natural painting” had two votes, another Italian photo had just one, like a Romanian photo and a photo of another country. “A natural painting” was the winner of the photo contest and the teachers and the students received a certificate as a prize. Giada Callegaro

ITALY THE WINNER A natural painting It's spring

Green on the inside green

Larches & larches

Biodiversity, the culture of the differences


Beautiful autumn

Pink pearls

Purple nature

Higher and higher

Happy spring


Date: March 2015 From: Italian Team






After the hike

Charming Italy

Performing the task in the field trip

We are in the field trip Beauty of Italy

SPAIN The green river

The way inside pines

Olive trees on blue

Junip erus phoe nica

Green needles

date: 09-05-2015

5th PROJECT MEETING REPORT 04-07 May 2015– Istanbul—Turkish The fifth meeting of the Project took place in İstanbul, at H.Ö.V.Alemdağ Tunç Çapa Anatolian High School, between 4th of May and the 7 th of May 2015.

May 4, 2015 The project partners from Spain, Latvia, Romania and Italy arrived at Istanbul and they were welcomed by the Turkish team. The students were matched and they were taken by the Turkish students to their home. The teachers participated to an informal dinner. May 5, 2015 The participants of the project were welcomed by the Headmaster of HÖV Alemdağ Tunç Çapa Anatolian high school and the teachers. First of all, participants were informed about the meeting programme. In the introduction , the Turkish students made a presentation about Turkey and Istanbul, and participants were showed a video about how to make paper marbling art which the students will experience in the afternoon. All the teams had a short visit at the school. Then the participants are divided into two groups teachers and students. The teachers met all together and they started to complete the shared parts of the final report debating on each item. Thanks to Spanish team , it was easier to finish the report since they have completed most parts of the report. After having lunch in a local restaurant, the meeting continued with analyzing the great jobs they have done. First of all, Spanish team showed the website of the project and the reports of field trips. Then Turkish team showed the last version of the biodictionary mostly consisting of the names of plants and trees. Following this, Romanian team shared the guide for studying biodiversity both the printed and the online version.

Italian team showed us the magazine about the student activities and everything about biod ivers ity project.Concerning the students , they started their meeting introducing themselves and they had classroom observation in which they have a chance to recognize the Turkish education . After that, they had a welcome party all together ending it up with delicious Turkish meals ordered to the school. In the afternoon, students presented their biodiversity activities and field trip presentations to each group. Following the presentations , students had a cultural art activity called paper marbling which is a method of aqueous surface design that can produce patterns similar to smooth marble or other stone. In the afternoon, all the participants including teachers and students visited the Town Hall, where they met Şenol Çetin, the Mayor of Çekmeköy which is one of the provinces in Istanbul. He welcomed and gave information about their works. He also offered information about the projects in our town, about the economic situation and he answered to some of the questions. There were also photographers and reporters of the municipality for publishing this event in the magazine and on the website which is important for our project’s dissemination.

In the evening, the teachers had a dinner in which they had a chance to listen to live Turkish music at the hotel, where the participants also improved their English skills and found out more about the cultural aspects from all the countries. Continue….

date: 07-05-2015

5th PROJECT MEETING REPORT 04-07 May 2015– Istanbul—Turkish May 6 , 2015 In the morning , all teachers and students gathered to go to the Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanic Garden to see the biodiversity of Turkey. Since we did not have time to the collect data and analyze them, we had a different biodiversity activities in botanic garden. The guides of the botanic garden divided the group into two teams as teachers and students. In different rooms, students and teachers watched a presentation about the foundation and history of the botanic garden as well as the biodiversity in İstanbul and Turkey. After the presentation,while the teachers were wandering around ,sightseeing the biodiversity in the botanic garden with a guide, the students first saw the collection of plants and trees and recognized the scientific researches happening in the botanic garden then they had an activity called ‘’know your tree’’. By this activity , first they learned how to measure the height of a tree. Then they recognized all the aspects of a tree, the body and the leaves etc.

May 7 , 2015 All the teams met at the school to set off in order to see the Sultanahmet mosque and Hagia Sophia that is one of t he mos t imp or tant h is to ri ca l monuments in the world. First of all, they visited Hagia Sophia and then Sultanahmet mosque. Then all the teams had lunch from the Ottoman kitchen. After lunch, they visited the grand bazaar and had free time there. In the afternoon, all the participants got back to school and filled in the evaluation form ,regarding the activities performed during this last union.

In the evening, Turkish students and teachers organized a cultural programme with traditional songs, plays, activities, presentations and dances. All the participants wrote on the memory notebook for our project. For the dissemination of the project , Çekmeköy education manager ,many In the afternoon, all the teachers and h e a d m a s t e r s f r o m o t h e r students had lunch with great schools ,mayor, reporters and Bosphorus view in Eminönü ,in photographers attended this evening. European part of Istanbul. After lunch, everybody discovered the excitement of shopping in the historical spice bazaar. Then, all the groups had an amazing Bosphorus tour on a boat in which they had full sightseeing of the beautiful city with its historical and natural sides listening to each attractions ,singing songs all together and dancing. After the tour, students In conclusion, the meeting met its w e n t t o t h e i r h o m e s . I n t h e goals; the activities were held evening ,teachers walked along the in a relaxing atmosphere, where seaside and enjoyed the view of sunset everybody enjoyed the time spent on the Bosphorus.They had dinner together, learning and sharing precious with the beautiful view of Maiden’s information. tower in Bosphorus. Turkush Team

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