Flourish Plus Formulas

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Flourish Plus Formulas Expanding Body-Soul Wellness

AncesTree Compassionate Align Care Giver



Leading Light

lourish: To thrive and prosper; to achieve

success and fare well; to express with artistry and flare; to reach higher development and excellence Latin: florire, flor (flower)

To grow like a flower

The Flourish Plus Kit by Patricia Kaminski The FES Flourish line is a world-wide acclaimed set of formulas carefully calibrated to meet the most foundational issues of body-soul wellness. They are the result of decades of research and plant study involving reports from our international network of practitioners. Adding to the original Flourish line of 12 blends, four additional formulas have gained increasing recognition and use in many different settings and population groups throughout the world. These four formulas now comprise a second set, called the Flourish Plus Kit. Two of these formulas, Compassionate Care Giver and Leading Light, address the inner and outer aspects of leadership and service to others.

Compassionate Care Giver: Healing through the Heart’s Chalice Leading Light: to Embody, Embolden and Enlighten Leadership Ability The other two formulas, AncesTree Align and HOPE, target the soul’s relationship to the matrix of time, helping to recognize and transform past familial/cultural influences and addressing the ability to catalyze heart and will forces for positive movement into the future.

AncesTree Align: Reclaiming, Redeeming & Re-visioning Family & Cultural Connections HOPE: Heart Open in Positive Embrace To learn more about flower essence therapy visit our web sites, www.fesflowers.com and www.flowersociety.org. To submit your case report or feedback on any of these formulas call FES at 800-548-0075 or email research@flowersociety.org. -2-

Practical Directions Formulated for Direct Use — The FES Flourish Formulas™ are conveniently packaged with spray tops, ready for direct application. The standard oral dosage is one or two sprays in the mouth, four times daily in-between meals or before eating. For emergency or intense healing episodes, dose more frequently until the condition has stabilized. When to Use — The two most important times for application are when the body-soul matrix is shifting between wake and sleep: upon awakening, and just before sleeping. Many find it helpful to keep a bottle of the formula on the night stand for this purpose, along with another bottle that is carried in the purse or briefcase, or kept at the place of work, such as the office desk. (Flora-Sleep should be taken just prior to rest, please see the special indications for this formula.) Topical Application for Subtle Body Healing — The FES Flourish Formula™ spray tops allow topical applications to be effortless and sanitary. One of the most effective topical applications is on the pulse point inside the wrist. Spray and then lightly rub in the mixture; then apply gentle pressure for a minute or so while breathing deeply. Other receptor sites, meridians or chakra points respond very well to flower essences, depending on the knowledge and skill of the practitioner and the particular symptoms being treated. For example, it is very efficacious to apply the Sacred Heart™ Flourish formula on points along the heart meridian, in tandem with oral doses. Topical Application with Creme — The Flourish line is synergistically compatible with Self-Heal Creme™, or you can use any other carrier creme that is suitable. Apply one or two sprays per ounce of creme and then stir in both directions. General Misting – The Flourish formulas can also be very effective when lightly misted around the whole body, the head and surrounding body space. Be sure to close eyes and remove glasses before doing so. This method is a special favorite for many children. Herbal Supplement Status – These formulas are herbal supplements. The information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These products and the statements made in this brochure have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. -3-

The Compassionate Care Giver formula has been used for years in hospice care. Over time, a broader spectrum of clients have reported on its beneficial healing uses for many situations, including parenting, teaching, therapeutic and related service work. The core healing impulse of Compassionate Care Giver is that of calm receptivity, heartfelt listening for the needs of another in one’s care. By shifting to a consciousness that involves accepting, observing and mindful attending, one is often relieved of anxiety, over-concern or over-doing when attempting to care for another in acute need. In this way the heart is open to larger fields of energy and inspiration that can flow into the healing exchange, while many forms of personal stress, overwhelm and feelings of inadequacy are eased.

Indications for Use: • Opens the heart to another’s suffering, while providing heart forces of inner strength and composure • Assists in developing witness consciousness as a balance to the heroic consciousness of being able to cure or save another -4-

• Encourages balanced awareness of caring forces: compassionate focus for the one in need, while maintaining a healthy sense of one’s own needs • Acceptance of suffering and death as part of the human life process; while at the same time working to alleviate pain and provide comfort • Compassionate presence as a unique force of healing distinct from outer protocols or medical procedures • Helps to maintain a steady flow of energetic forces despite the intense psychic and physical demands of caregiving for another who is in acute pain, mental distress, or in the process of dying

The Compassionate Care Giver Formula : Angelica Angelica archangelica – Acknowledgment of and receptivity for higher realms beyond physical reality; facilitating the understanding of suffering, limitation or death as a spiritual opening Bleeding Heart Dicentra formosa – Ability of the heart to stay present to the suffering or dying process of another, despite personal anguish and attachment; ability to let go and allow love for another to transcend the current physical reality

Borage Borago officinalis – Assists with states of grief and despondency regarding the impending death of a loved one; helps lift and balance depressed states of sorrow and anguish so that one can be positively present to give care and to serve -5-

Calendula Calendula officinalis – The ability to hold a receptive space of compassionate listening and receiving; provides balance for the heroic tendency of needing to cure, fix or save another

Holly Ilex aquifolium – Core activation of the heart; compassionate presence for the suffering of another; counteracts compression of heart forces due to stress, anxiety or fear; ability to know when and how to help another Impatiens Impatiens glandulifera – Allowing the unfolding and flow of another’s life journey; patient attendance to the practical and spiritual needs of another in the dying process Love-Lies-Bleeding Amaranthus caudatus – The serenity of surrender, acceptance of the reality of suffering or dying of another; allowing the heart to feel grief and letting go, despite anguish and attachment P i n k Ya r ro w A c h i l l e a millefolium var. rubra – Addresses dysfunctional merging; sympathetic bonds that go beyond appropriate boundaries; ability to feel compassion and to serve another from a solid core of strength within one’s Self Rock Fringe Epilobium obcordatum – Depletion and burnout due to the intense needs of one who is dying; learning how to direct and consolidate one’s heart forces to allow replenishment despite overwhelming demands or emotional challenges -6-

Walnut Juglans regia – Strength to move forward and release dysfunctional bonds and former attachments as a loved one becomes disabled or otherwise changes; acceptance of another’s transition during the dying process Yellow Star Tulip Calochortus monophyllus – The ability to move fluidly and gracefully into the soul space of another; empathic attunement by developing an imaginal inner space for the reality of the other; compassionate presence through moving beyond the narrow bounds of one’s own identity and reality; ability to listen to and act with devotion for another’s genuine needs Angelica (root) essential oil Angelica archangelica – To lift and purify the consciousness, allowing for a higher light-filled awareness.

Helichrysum essential oil Helichrysum italicum – Immune strength and grounding despite giving deeply of one’s body and soul forces Lavender essential oil Lavandula angustifolia – To soothe frayed nerves during times of stress and anguish

Rose Attar essential oil Rosa damascena - To open portals of love and compassion in the heart, while also providing strength of will


Leading Light has been used as a key formula for decades in FES humanitarian and natural disaster rescue work. Its purpose is to help strengthen the resolve to serve others actively and selflessly in times of emergency and acute distress. Over time, it has emerged as a more foundational formula that can be of support in a wider way for so many who are called to bring initiative, courage, and wisdom in times of stress or crisis for their families, community, or in other capacities of service, organization, teaching, or leadership. Leading Light helps to inspire and energize the capacity for personal leadership that moves beyond self-concern or hesitation, toward compassionate insight and courageous action for the benefit of others.


Indications for Use: • Ability to act with directed energy and inspiration to serve others during times of trauma and tribulation • When feeling depleted or lacking energetic motivation; need to tap into higher forces of inspired activity • Bringing renewed energy and commitment when one’s work or service is out of touch with a higher motivation, with drab and colorless fulfillment of tasks that doesn’t engage others • Need for connection to higher and purer sources of leadership when intense forces of the ego and lower personality distort one’s mission • To combine higher realms of inspiration and wisdom with sustained practical activity and active compassion for others • Ability to integrate one’s individuality and personal initiative with the larger needs of community and culture • For relief aid workers to maintain vision and energetic connection while working within a complex and challenging social terrain

The Leading Light Formula Larkspur Delphinium variegatum – To catalyze soul forces of inspired leadership; the ability to serve others with a sense of higher purpose and motivation; transforming an outer sense of duty or compulsion. Red Larkspur Delphinium nudicaule Allowing the metabolic-will forces of the body to receive spiritual forces of Light; replenishing energetic structures of the body so that Higher Will forces can activate and motivate one’s service; ability to radiate energy from the body as a force of charismatic leadership that nourishes others -9-

Tall Mountain Larkspur Delphinium glaucum – Spiritual alignment of one’s leadership and service to others; active meditation, prayer and visualization that allows one to hear, see and act out of higher moral forces of Good Will; reaching beyond the ego confines of one’s personality to lead and inspire others

Columbine Aquilegia formosa – Tapping into the spark of one’s creative forces; ability to instill warmth and soul radiance in leadership roles; bringing to Light one’s unique gifts and positive forces of individuality when leading and serving others; thinking outside the box in order to discover new and effective ways to catalyze social action Red Penstemon Penstemon rostriflorus – Bringing forces of courage and fearlessness to leadership tasks; determination and tenacity in the face of physical challenges; renewal of bodily-will forces in overwhelming or adversarial conditions

Iris Iris douglasiana - Amplification of soul forces through creative and inspired vision; transformation of passive or spectator consciousness by igniting higher soul activity; awake and vibrant forces of soul that bring renewed color and iridescence to service and leadership tasks -10-

Sage Salvia officinalis – Objective a b i l i t y to eva l u ate o n e ’s a c t i ve service; higher perspective gleaned from tangible experience; capacity to refine one’s purpose by gaining an encompassing view, capacity to assess and adjust the impact of one’s service, thereby continuing to evolve in higher consciousness and wisdom

Rose Attar essential oil Rosa damascena– Nourishes the metabolic will forces, especially their centering in the love forces of the heart

Sandalwood essential oil Santalum album – Provides calm containment, as a balance to the intense activity of leadership and service


AncesTree Align reflects decades of worldwide research from practitioners who are helping their clients reclaim, redeem and re-vision those aspects of soul identity that stem from familial, hereditary and cultural influences. This healing process is one of integration as well as separation; embrace as well as emergence. The therapeutic goal of AncesTree Align is that the unique individuality is honored and encouraged in the journey from past to present and future potential.


Indications for Use: • For acute trauma or conflict regarding one’s family or extended culture and community; to bring healing, compassionate insight, and forward momentum in dysfunctional, adversarial, or paralyzing situations • For understanding and guiding masculine and feminine principles in parenting; needing to find alchemical balance by healing wounds, trauma, false identification, or lack in integration in one’s own childhood and cultural background regarding the father and mother principles of soul identity • When needing to examine deeper patterns and causes regarding failures or stress issues within one’s relationships or career; shedding false aspects of the self that hinder potential and actualization in social arenas • When feeling alienated or aimless regarding one’s identity; needing to activate passion and purpose for one’s destiny and purpose, through a deeper examination of cultural factors that may be impeding it • For judgement, tension or resistance to other cultures, races or nationalities; needing to move beyond limiting beliefs or prejudices inherited from family and culture, developing a more expansive identity that embraces the human community • To accompany a deeper dive into one’s ancestral roots: to achieve greater compassion and insight for the complex and compelling forces that have shaped one’s originating identity; to accept, understand and ultimately move beyond negative aspects in one’s family or culture • To activate greater forces of destiny and purpose in one’s Higher Soul Self, taking hold, redeeming, and transforming karmic forces from the past, sewing positive seed forces for one’s future evolution


The AncesTree Align Formula AncesTree Align features several key healing themes that form a synergistic whole:

1. Alchemical Integration of the Masculine and Feminine: Recognizing their Imprint in early Soul identity Every incarnating soul is formed through the interaction of masculine and feminine forces. This is literally true on the biological level of conception and extends also to the balance of the masculine and feminine soul qualities. The masculine forces of the Sun instill qualities of Self-confidence, outgoing warmth and active engagement in the world. The Moon forces impart mothering qualities of nurturance, receptive embrace, interior warmth and unconditional acceptance. The alchemy of both of these forces is needed in order to develop the human soul identity no matter what our physical gender may be. Nearly every human being has excesses or deficiencies in these two polarities that stem from family and cultural beliefs and practices. Sunflower Helianthus annuus – Radiant solar forces that contribute to a healthy sense of individuality and self-assurance, balancing excesses of selfishness and egoity as wells as deficient qualities of low selfesteem and lack of confidence to meet the world. For an afflicted relationship to the father or other father-like figures who modeled the masculine soul identity. Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila menziesii – Deep soul qualities of trust and positive vulnerability. Violation of one’s innate innocence and emotional openness in early life, resulting in a false masculine hardening of the soul. Absent, erratic, traumatic or abusive relationship with the father or father-like figures during childhood, leading to cynicism, extreme defensiveness, reactiveness, and lack of emotional availability. -14-

Mariposa Lily Calochortus leichtlinii – Positive mothering forces that nurture and encourage the child at every stage of development; the primal human feeling of being honored, held, and loved unconditionally from the earliest moments of incarnation on earth. For abandonment, abuse, neglect, or related trauma that stems from the mother-child relationship, resulting in feelings of being unlovable or unwanted and related social anxiety. Lack of ability to provide connection, communion and care with one’s child as an adult mother, due to prior unredeemed trauma. Splendid Mariposa Lily Calochortus splendens – Further expansion and development of mothering qualities; extending the feminine matrix of nurturing impulses to all members of the human family: the capacity to recognize, encourage and protect the emerging human identity of all peoples . For those who have been orphaned, adopted, or have migrated to other cultures and lands on the earth, and feel unseen, unwanted, or un-recognized. To heal the feelings of deficiency or inadequacy when one is denied full membership in the human family due to cultural, religious, racial, national, or other external definitions of the human being.

2. Redeeming, Reclaiming and Re-visioning Past influences and Patterns in Family, Community and Wider Culture Each human being emerges from a wider matrix of family and cultural traditions, rituals, and beliefs. Countless rich gifts are bestowed upon us through this legacy, but also the soul can be fettered and enfeebled by limiting beliefs or toxic prejudices. Each person must learn to decipher and discern these influences, being able to integrate as well as separate within this encompassing cloud of forces. This process of consciousness awakens one’s true Light of Being with its unique individuality and creative life purpose. -15-

Joshua Tree Yucca brevifolia – Understanding how each individual in placed within and grows from a “tree” of hereditary and cultural rituals and beliefs. Learning to identify and transform negative patterns or dysfunctional traits such as alcoholism, depression, violence, abuse, class or racial prejudice Through the honest owning and recognition of what grows on the Family Tree, one gains compassionate insight and the ability to heal and transform the past. In this way, the individual moves toward great freedom, and Selfactualization, while also bringing positive redemptive forces to the whole of the Family Tree. Saguaro Carnegiea gigantea – Positive recognition and respect for the deep roots of one’s identity; learning to recognize ancient and sacred traditions in one’s lineage and community roots. Ability to discover and absorb the deeper wisdom teachings that stem from one’s past. Overcoming amnesia or alienation, especially when one has disowned one’s past, or feels actively rebellious and negative toward all past influences.

3. Freeing the Soul’s Outlook for Future Identity and Potential Holly Ilex aquifolium – Awakening the heart to core forces of compassion and insight regarding one’s family, extended community and culture. Ability to use the wider lens of the heart to understand and forgive the transgressions of others in our Circle of Origin. Centering the heart as it finds its balance of love and connection for members of the Family Tree without enmeshment or perpetuation of dysfunction or wrongdoing. -16-

Walnut Juglans regia – Inner forces of strength to move forward in a positive manner. Moving beyond feelings of anger, rejection, fear or betrayal, toward a healthy sense of SelfDirection. Identifying positive purpose and goals that focus forward, knowing that the greatest gift we can give to the world is our own joy and enactment of life purpose.

4. Active Alignment within the Soul: Ability to weave past, present and future toward ever-expanding human potential Angelica Angelica archangelica – acts as a fulcrum in the whole of the AncesTree Align formula weaving its core themes into new patterns of insight and activity. For example, we may recognize later why a particular person or event was present in our earlier life. Originally it may have been viewed through the unpleasant lens of trauma, then one discovers later, it ’s hidden meaning or necessity for our destiny. Angelica opens the portal to a Higher sense of the Self, so that we feel guided and illumined with increasing consciousness and direction for one’s Soul Path. This applies not only for the past and future, as we understand them on earth, but also for more profound spans of time that emerge from the deep past and create seeds for an ever-evolving future. Pine Essential Oil Pinus sylvestris – p ro v i d e s c l e a n s i n g a n d warming qualities, especially forces of light and resiliency that carry memory of the past, but move upward to future heights of expression -17-

The HOPE Formula addresses a core condition in presenttime humanity – the need for the soul to sustain a positive and engaged outlook for the future despite personal and/or planetary adversity. Drawing on the alchemy of powerful forces within the Rose and Legume plant families, HOPE addresses feelings of numbness, lack of grounding, disorientation and depression that paralyze the forward-moving impulses of the human will. The forces of pessimism, cynicism, opposition, and apathy that weigh down the buoyancy and inclusivity of the human heart are also addressed. In this way, external challenges can be met with the strong inner light of confidence and courage and a renewed heart flame of caring and commitment.


Indications for Use: • To strengthen the soul’s commitment for the future, when weighed down by uncertainty or anxiety • To find positive meaning, value and “forward hope” even when outer conditions seem dire • When feeling numb, paralyzed, or alienated regarding one’s feelings of self-worth and ability to make a positive impact in the world • When lacking direction or feeling apathic about one’s place on earth or service to larger community; to gain meaning and momentum in one's life actions • To counteract negative forces of pessimism, cynicism, or overly critical stances toward social and community endeavors; engagement of the heart in positive thinking and doing • When feeling isolated, overly self-concerned or otherwise retreating, rather than acting and serving in one’s community, family or other social structure

The HOPE Formula: HOPE is composed of two sets of five flowers each, belonging to the Legume (also called Papilionaceae or Fabaceae) and Rose (Rosaceae) botanical families of plants. The dynamic alchemy of these two families is complimentary: working from above to below and from below to above.

The Legumes work from the cosmic heights into earthly matter.

Their flowers resemble winged butterflies who have established homes on earth. They bring the air or astral substance of higher worlds into communion with denser earth substance, thus enabling their leavening force to work as a beneficent cosmic influence. This is particularly true regarding their nitrogen-fixing capacities, which in turn create more fertile soil. Many of these flowers form enclosed pods—air filled inner spaces, wherein the astral air element is ensouled, creating a home for future seed propagation. In the soul terrain, the legume flower essences help higher ideals to connect and anchor earthly affairs. This pertains especially to the capacity -19-

to inform social and community values, and the sense of home and commitment to one’s place on earth beyond purely personal or egoic needs. Scotch Broom Cytisus scoparius - Guiding the personal soul to connect positively with the Collective Soul of Humanity, especially when political and social events, natural disasters, or other environmental concerns, stymie one’s sense of hope and positive belief in the future. The transformation of pessimism, cynicism or despair that acts as a paralyzing influence, especially regarding one’s larger social connections to community. The Scotch Broom imparting forces of tenacity and strength, ability to see the “big picture” in cultural evolution and move beyond one’s personal fear or limited temporal understanding. Lupine Lupinus latifolius – Overcoming qualities of selfishness or personal concern for one’s welfare or needs, ability to shift one’s identity toward higher community goals and ideals; capacity for sacrifice and transpersonal transcendence; ability to transcend the limited need for personal gratification or fleeting happiness, towards an increasing awareness of a Self, connected to and defined by the needs of a larger Human identity. Redbud Cercis occidentalis – Ability to move beyond attachment to material forms that harden, encase, and isolate the “I-consciousness; intense identification with one’s physical possessions and material identity; the need to preserve one's physical body or other extensions of one’s physical identity or belongings; selfish isolation, preservation, or retention of one’s personal material identity at the expense of a larger, transcendent humanity and community. -20-

Red Clover Trifolium pratense – Susceptibility to destructive forms of fear, paranoia and hysteria that distort and harden one’s cultural and collective identity; purification of physical and psychic forces – especially those residing in the blood and/or ancestral/ genetic forces; ability to anchor a calm and clear consciousness that encompasses higher ideals belonging to the whole of humanity and world evolution Sweet Pea Lathyrus latifolius – embracing one’s place on earth, ability to commit to and honor one’s home and community while at the same time realizing its place within and connection to the whole of Earth and Humanity; community consciousness and social devotion, which is simultaneously in alignment with larger values of human welfare and planetary well-being.

The Roses represent a fierce aspect of will that is ignited from deep

within the terrain of the earth. The roots of most members of the Rose family delve powerfully into the soil and many members also bear sharp, penetrating thorns; yet the ascended colors and aromas of Rose family plants are ethereally sublime and sweet. As a whole, the Rose family awakens and activates the heart as it strives to rise beyond personal pain, anger or other lower desires and challenges. The typical five-pointed star blossoms of the Rose Family suggest the form of the whole human body centered in the heart, as it strives upward. Within the human soul, the Rose family flower essences work to cleanse the desire forces within the personal will. These impulses are guided toward higher ideals—including those of love, sublimation, and service. The Rose flower essences are rising, radiant flames, shaping Earth-Will-Fire into luminous, heavenly Stars of Heart-Love. -21-

California Wild Rose Rosa californica – Heart-impelled ideals that can remain real and rooted in the soul despite rejection, defeat, or lack of understanding. All-embracing love forces that work beyond personal boundaries or social conventions; the ability for the heart to experience pain or heartbreak and grow stronger and more capable of loving others. Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna – Fierce capacity for love and service in the world. Ability to harness Mars forces of valor that can degenerate into anger, dominance, revenge, or violence. The transcendent fire of Heart-Love that serves the higher good of all humanity and moves beyond the need for personal power and gratification. Downy Avens Geum triflorum – Ability to tame and guide overly impulsive will forces so that they can mature into informed and illumined creative service. Manifestation of the will through incremental stages of development; tempering the heart’s flame so that it can become strong, capable, and creative. Green Rose Rosa chinensis viridiflora – Dispelling forces that paralyze or intimidate the heart’s courage; overcoming fear – especially fear that originates from what one perceives as the “other;” ability of the heart to embrace and activate a larger sense of Love and I-consciousness, beyond narrow or rigidly constricting personal boundaries.


Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla vulgaris – Heart consciousness that integrates the “I-Self ” with the Nature-Self; development of the “Green Heart” that unites respect and recognition for the Earth-Being with the Human Being. Alchemical integration of water-like sensitivity with the personal fire forces of the heart. Bird’s Eye Gilia Gilia tricolor – acts as a gyroscope for alchemical communion of the rose and legume family flowers. The flower of the Bird’s Eye Gilia has luminous, evanescent lavendermagenta petals and striking blue anthers, dancing inward around a deep tubular axis. Bird’s Eye Gilia flower essence imparts a strong interior state of orientation and centering. This flower instills greater awareness for divine purpose and meaning even when the outer reality of worldly affairs may seem uncertain, destructive, or chaotic. The soul is fortified through this inner knowing and central alignment. One can act with greater assurance and intention, overcoming feelings of insecurity, anxiety or isolation that can paralyze, benumb or otherwise stymie one’s forces for active willing on earth. Orange essential oil Citrus sinensis – Providing uplifting, radiant and joyous sun-like qualities Rose Attar essential oil Rosa damascena – Stimulating the love impulses and ideals of the heart; harmonizing and purifying for emotions Cistus essential oil Cistus ladaniferus – Penetrating solar forces of grounding and calming. Especially beneficial during times of stress and trauma. -23-

Joshua Tree Yucca brevifolia

one of the key flower essences in the AncesTree Align formula

Flower Essence Services www.fesflowers.com


©�lower Essence Services. Text by Patricia Kaminski.

Made with organic and wild-harvested flower essences and essential oils

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