Heart Open in Positive Embrace
by Patricia Kaminski
HOPE is composed of two sets of five flowers each, belonging to the Legume (also called Papilionaceae or Fabaceae) and Rose (Rosaceae) botanical families of plants. As a whole, the directional forces of these two families are complimentary: working from above to below and from below to above.
The Legumes work from the cosmic heights into earthly matter. Their flowers resemble winged butterflies that have established homes on earth. They bring the air or astral substance of higher worlds into communion with denser earth substance, thus enabling their leavening force to work as a beneficent cosmic influence. This is particularly true regarding their nitrogen-fixing capacities, which in turn create more fertile soil. Many of these flowers form enclosed pods—air-filled inner spaces wherein the astral air element is ensouled, creating a home for future seed propagation. In the soul terrain, the legume flower essences help higher ideals to connect and anchor to earthly affairs. This pertains especially to the capacity to inform social and community values and the sense of home and commitment to one’s place on earth beyond purely personal or egoic needs.
Papilionaceae is another name for the Legume family, named for papilio, the Latin word for Butterfly. This name refers to the winged butterflylike forms of the bilateral flowers of this family.
On the other hand, the Roses represent a fierce aspect of will that is ignited from deep within the terrain of the earth. The roots of most members of the Rose family delve powerfully into the soil and many members also bear sharp, penetrating thorns; yet the ascended colors and aromas of Rose family plants are ethereally sublime and sweet. As a whole, the Rose family awakens and activates the heart as it strives to rise beyond personal pain, anger, or other lower desires and challenges. The typical five-pointed star blossoms of the Rose Family suggest the form of the whole human body centered in the heart, as it strives upward. Within the human soul, the Rose family flower essences work to cleanse the desire forces within the personal will. These impulses are guided toward higher ideals—including those of love, sublimation, and service. As whole, the Rose flower essences are rising, radiant flames, shaping Earth-Will-Fire into luminous, heavenly Stars of Heart-Love.
The Roses speak to the deepest mysteries of Love forces within the human heart and purification of personal will and desire.
These upward and downward streams of the Legumes and Roses are further moderated and guided through the alchemical balance point of the extraordinary Bird’s Eye Gilia, a flower still in the research status but indicating unique and intriguing healing qualities for today’s soul challenges.
Scotch Broom Cytisus scoparius—Guiding the personal soul to connect positively with the Collective Soul of Humanity, especially when political and social events, natural disasters, or other environmental concerns, stymie one’s sense of hope and positive belief in the future; the transformation of pessimism, cynicism, or despair that act as a paralyzing influence, especially regarding one’s larger social connections to community. The Scotch Broom imparts forces of tenacity and strength and the ability to see the “big picture” in cultural evolution and move beyond one’s personal fear or limited temporal understanding.
Lupine Lupinus latifolius—Overcoming qualities of selfishness or personal concern for one’s welfare or needs; ability to shift one’s identity toward higher community goals and ideals; capacity for sacrifice and transpersonal transcendence; ability to transcend the limited need for personal gratification or fleeting happiness, towards an increasing awareness of Self, connected to and defined by the needs of a larger human identity
Redbud Cercis occidentalis—Ability to move beyond attachment to material forms that harden, encase, and isolate the “I-consciousness;” intense identification with one’s physical possessions and material identity; the need to preserve the physical body or other extensions of physical identity or belongings; selfish isolation, preservation, or retention of personal material identity at the expense of a larger, transcendent humanity and community
Red Clover Trifolium pratense—Calming and cleansing for various states of fear, paranoia and rash judgement or hysteria arising from cultural, political, familial or other social influences; purification of physical and psychic forces—especially those residing in the blood and/or ancestral/genetic forces; ability to anchor a calm and clear consciousness that encompasses higher ideals belonging to the whole of humanity and world evolution
Sweet Pea Lathyrus latifolius—Ability to embrace one’s place on earth, to commit to and honor home and community while at the same time realizing its place within and connection to the whole of Earth and Humanity; community consciousness and social devotion, which is simultaneously in alignment with larger values of human welfare and planetary well-being
Bird’s Eye Gilia (Gilia tricolor) is accorded a special place within the HOPE formula—it acts like a gyroscope upon which the alchemical activity of the entire communion of flowers is dynamically activated. The Bird’s Eye Gilia is a member of the Polemoniaceae family, featuring such plants as the Phlox, Jacob’s Ladder, and Sky Pilot. These flowers feature deep interior tubular spaces that unify and orientate the flower’s structure. The five-fold flowers of the Bird’s Eye Gilia shine with luminously evanescent lavender-magenta petals and intriguing blue anthers, dancing inward around a center axis.
Our early research indicates that Bird’s Eye Gilia flower essence facilitates a profound interior state of strength and spiritual sensitivity. One is able to hold a greater awareness for divine intention and meaning even when the outer reality of worldly affairs may seem uncertain, destructive, or chaotic. The soul is fortified through this inner knowing and alignment. As a result, one can act with greater assurance and intention, overcoming feelings of insecurity, anxiety, or isolation that can paralyze, be-numb, or otherwise stymie one’s forces for active willing on earth.
Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna—Fierce capacity for love and service in the world; ability to harness Mars forces of valor that can degenerate into anger, dominance, revenge, or violence; the transcendent fire of Heart-Love that serves the higher good of all humanity and moves beyond the need for personal power and gratification
California Wild Rose Rosa californica—Heart-impelled ideals that can remain real and rooted in the soul despite rejection, defeat, or lack of understanding; all-embracing love forces that work beyond personal boundaries or social conventions; the ability for the heart to experience pain or heartbreak and yet grow stronger and more capable of loving others
Downy Avens Geum triflorum—Ability to tame and guide overly impulsive will forces so that they can mature into informed and illumined creative service; manifestation of the will through incremental stages of development; tempering the heart’s flame so that it can become strong, capable, and creative
Green Rose Rosa chinensis viridiflora—
Dispelling forces that paralyze or intimidate the heart’s courage; overcoming fear — especially fear that originates from what one perceives as the “other;” ability of the heart to embrace and activate a larger sense of Love and I-consciousness, beyond narrow or rigidly constricting personal boundaries
Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla vulgaris—Heart consciousness that integrates the “I-Self” with the Nature-Self; development of the “Green Heart” that unites respect and recognition for the Earth-Being with the Human Being; alchemical integration of water-like sensitivity with the personal fire forces of the heart
The Hope Formula is further infused with the following pure medical grade essential oils:
Orange Citrus sinensis— Providing uplifting, radiant and joyous sun-like qualities
Rose Rosa damascena—Stimulating the love impulses and ideals of the heart; harmonizing and purifying for emotions
Cistus Cistus ladaniferus—Penetrating solar forces of grounding and calming; especially beneficial during times of stress and trauma
Heart Open in Positive Embrace
✰ To strengthen the soul’s commitment for the future when weighed down by uncertainty or anxiety
✰ To find positive meaning, value, and “forward hope” even when outer conditions seem dire
✰ When feeling numb, paralyzed, or alienated regarding one’s feelings of self-worth and ability to make a positive impact in the world
✰ When lacking direction or feeling apathic about one’s place on earth or service to larger community; to gain meaning and momentum in one’s life actions
✰ To counteract negative forces of pessimism, cynicism, or overly critical stances toward social and community endeavors; engagement of the heart in positive thinking and doing
✰ When feeling isolated, overly self-concerned, or otherwise retreating rather than acting and serving in one’s community, family, or other social structure